PC R 86-1090243 RF�OLU'1qON NO. 86-1090 A RE90LUTION OF 'lI3E _ PLANNING OQMNIISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE R,ECJ�MAIII:NDING �0 THE CITY � (70DNCIL �APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE APP'LICATION NO. 86-194, FILED FOft BY � E. AND 3. H. JURGENS�EN. WHEREAS, the Planning Cbrrrr�ssion of the C�ty of Arroyo Grande, California has held a public hearing on the application of J. E. and S. H. Jorgensen to amend the Municipal Code of the C�ty of Arroyo Grande as p�ovided by Cliapter °Article 32 of said Code to rezone all that property described es follows to enlarge the "I'�C" Professional Comnercial District and reduce the "R.-1" Single Family ftesidential District. _ In the Caty of -Arroyo Grande, County of San Lws Obispo, State of (�lifornia, Parcels 1 and 2 of Parcel Map 73-163. Also identi�ed as Cbunty Assessor's Parcel No. 6-391-42 and 6-391-43. ' WHEREAS, the Planning (7�rrrrnssion feels that the public interest and gener�l ww�ellfare does require such an amenchnent; and ° � WHEREAS, the Cbrrarri�ssion minutes including a list of persons who testified at the public hearing, svrrmaty of fact and fmdings, and copies of any maps pertinent to the proposal are on �el and hereby declared to be part of said R.esolution. NOW, Z�iEREFORE, BB IT RFSOLVED that said Planning Cbrrmossion hereby recorrpnends approval of the amendment as applied for, with the following findings: 0 1. Proposed zone change is deemed cor�istent with the General Plan; and 2. Proposed zone change is deemed cor�sistent with the Goals and Objectives of the General Plan; and 3. 'Ihat ��the environmental assessment has been made; and 4. Proposed zone change is deemed consistent with the envirorunental findirigs of the � recorrn�ended rrntigated negative declaration i.mder the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). On motion by Conmris.sioner Gerrish, seconded by Cbmr�s��ioner Soto, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: ' AYFS:� Corr�rrissioners Moore, Olsen, Soto, Gerrish and U�airn�an Chrr . ° NOFS: None . ABSENT: Corrar�5sioners Boggess and ° Flores . ' the foregoing Resolution was adopted this� lst day of July 1986. � , ATIFST: � / � . ��� Secretary - - �airman m �