PC R 86-1077��...�ozx;�?ox i�o, s.s-:t�'rr " r y - s .�. �.0 �� - -: :;:. A 1:' C��' T'riE P��A2��i��G COiV!i,�tISSlOiY OF T��E �� CI�'`_' O.r E`i���?01� L;zT'..t'ilvi�E F�x''i`Oi`A?;tEi�IDIiTG ��'=P�a�lr1'L OF Ai�l���`D!ilL�a i' '1'i� �I�.:��Ir�f�,�iCL i`?O, 1f36 G fi, {p4.<�;tiC'�-IO G�;..�\i�DE) �'t7 ��;GDIT'Y SFt��T�)iV 1�i�lD E��_+iBIT rr�n� ���-�^� , . �,�.;��AS, �.ne ��l�nn.irg Cc;r?r��:=o.i of �L�:.� C��;_� of �'�:°rafo Gr�r�e C.�ifo�i � ` �. �t �: n . �i.. L f � � • �. � , � a h:�s held i r is��:c h..�ui..� on u�:. �,pL;i.cauon �i �'�'T�i:, i��C,, �to ��:�;�:rd O?uir_�.ce rao. 13�i � S T•�� I'c'?CP.C-fl t�;� G�L'�I�Ji.31";�71t �i�� �'710T�a?i � rr �c.CC,^,() �i,'a�Garc t� t� P_Ltr i;c"lIt[;� Pc'y (Or n�r � J r_s L ��. �, , r,.a �.:r:;en� :`�ii�s� Fl;.�, �th° �=';.�nr!,�g C;�r;rra��sicn c;i:i cor,sider sa�el prepcs� ,zr�er_cment io mc�,cilY tir;.^.�.:7?l j. r)�l li:t�i °c �li>� t�tt�. CLYIt; P.?'L'i31 cll':.'3 1C�.,'�1 r 7�:C.i �'S i0 Tt `ci��I`OXL'i?:L�1�/ nx9 ACt2S' EL'7Ci t0 mc��u�� Fxhii�i�t '� �,,, - t��L Cor 1�r"sster Flan. t; r��:;��,�;r,a �, ; � ' ,,, � J ;, b th� Co�ee�cr �t��t !�.-r,o�.vn 2.s rr� i��"e.'C�do''; �.r�d . �����:�r'#� ti:e F7�,nnir� Ccr?� h: s held �r�e requisec] p�Iic h�arir�g on F�o��sed �.n and �'i����� ti�? ;'',�rtruurj CArar6..csiar, finc�s no su�tantive in���A� and, th2r2fcre, fir�c's t;,� �.r::erc�nen# to b? eat bori�ally ex�r:pt urJer t�'�e Frovisicr�s of u;a Galii�r�ig Env�ronn:�.nt�1 �,+.�uity �1.et (CE4�A); ar;d �1'rL��Etl� the croYC�--�3 �r,,,�nc�r:ent ���, ��u�?d �Lo �� cor�k��ni �,,i�`�h ti:e �ener� Pla1:, ��'ila a�,u Go�is �=� Objec�v�s of tne C�y of fi,�ra�o Grar.dz; ar:d J-��I���, af t2� c��e stuci�� � delii�ration, the Plans_ir;g Can�ra��sion f�.ricis that the pt,bl�c i:terest �.nd g�ne� a?. c�ielf�re tio� re-��ire si:ch an �r:�nc�nenY. I��'�9 �� ?���•Yn B� �'�' ��'� that ti�� Fla.nnu?a Ccnrri.,�ian of tne C;ty oi �',�z•o.,-o Gran�:e her��y rec�r;r,�en�s �pprov�l of tt�e pro��d � 4s u��zl� in Par��x�pn 2 above, On r.:oto:i by Ca�rntissiener Ficr� s�conded by Corar:��icner Soiof and by ihe io�o�.vir� 1'n�l CL�� VC)L�� t0 L�1�L: . � . �.�: Cc;r:�ci�sioners Flores, coto aTd C�iairm.an Gerrish -- �---�fl�:- rvi,i'1° - . �,r�'t�� Ccr�n�..�ior_nrs Olse?� €:r.d 1?cere � �.�,�T; Cc,m��:ssioners Carr F�oress t'r�� for�oirg R�cl�.r`.icn ti�r�s defeaf� this 18th day of Febr��ary i98o du� io iGek of four a..Ffl votx. A'� I �.:;i: