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PC R 86-1076
;� ?28 ".. ; _ � t . . : A �� � � j , .�, _ �3.�LU'i�ON NO, 8S-It37'6 . A RES(3L(Ti70N O�E TNE PLAI`I�TIl�G CC)'t`�3"SZ{3N O T�E .. . - _ il lr. ,, �' _ � � CIi"t_' t�:�' iL.R:C30�1O �_RA�TDE �Rr'�`�TI�TG ?i �'���' PERMIT CA,S� �fl. 8S-=?�38, ��'PLI�D �'DR B�' RflBI,� DE �O�T! ��, i 1�s-A �� �D����H STRELT Iv rI� C-B-I� G�i�TTR�.i, BLSINES,S D�S'�.i(;To '��I����, `i�e �=��?nir:_� Car�rnissicn of fi�e �ty �f >rrayo Gr�e �:a� c�r�sider� �n �zpp�ic�?�cm tn allo�v for i;i�,.��e �ir�c] ��� �.Qdi:c�cn i?:erapv a�t �'�e �'�nreciy �T�util� �'i#�� Cert�:• � paxt of a full sez�vic� �xai;se pra���rn, i;3ed �;�, R�i�in �e �onglSt��ss �i.�vc�icn Ccn �er. ����5, 'il:e �'3,�..r � Cc�r�aon �nds aff�°r �ue stc�dy, dQliberation and public hea:�..n-g', t'r�e follow�g cir�t;rr�tarees e:x�s�: lo 'TY;e Pl,anning C:�rr�rr�Gsion nad pre�rici�ly c�tez�rr,ined that m�assa ar�d stre5s r�uct�on are cnr,s�stent uses as a part of a full serv�ce ex�xcise program. 2. P�rrrattec� �s� ��di�:in the Dist�i.et su�ject ta Us� P�rmit �rcec�fi.me. 3. V�culd not ad>>ersely affect a�uttirg �rorerties. .�L3s�, ���.:�, i E��` �:ESOZ�I�I3, `�.}:at t:ne Flannirg C�r�ssion oi tY;e C'.at�y oF r��oyo Grar:de hereby aDFro�l� said Use F�t subjec# to apprapriate standar� condit;ons of tt:e C�ty af �lrroyo Gr,��e, anc[ the following s�eial ecx�di#ic�n: 1. To tae reviewed b�T the C.rnr�m..�ion�in six �6) month.s. Gn r,��:�z by Cbrr�rn.�oner Flor�s, s�ca�c��d by Corr3nis.�sioner Carr, and by t.t:e Pollowu�g r��ll call vot�, to wit: �Y�S: C�.ssioners �rr, �to, P�ess, �' Moore and -_ - • Q181i.'?:'8Il v2P*1S�i, i��'�$: CGI13Td.SS10P.fS' U�SL'fl ;E��E�'(T: None t�ie fcx�{;oing �Zesoiu±ion T,r�P.s ac:epted this 4th day of Feb�^iary 1985. A'��'.i : � ' � �.� 1 1.1QL}.�.-(��yy 3 �a/(.V1�1S�J.l J ,,�,�.,,,, . C�;:'. ��'�: � - ;��2:� ; ,,'.:'