PC R 86-1073� \. � � . � 5.9` V. " .. - .if K . . _ \ . 7 - � t y x ��'�.v ; 4 ... L�Y � 1. . � .. .. . . , a� H K h � � �� • y�� C .uC rG F .� � � � �� .. . . . � _ � a s r ,,,y �,E - { s .ti r � ^ .' . � ?-�2J ,�:� ++�W.L� 1�1/• a{T'��/�'J . . � ' �'�`, � 3.,. A RFSOLUTION Or 'TF�� PLATINING COM"JIISSION OF T�iE ' CITY' OF �R.ROYrJ GU FLNDE ��'r'Pr�O ViNG TE,T'i'ATI VE T`R,ACT r,l�r r�� 1??8, Ald� �'�I;I'rRRAL f0 7�-iE CITY COITNGZL FO�t. IT3FOR;�IATIO�TAL PURPO�LS' ONLY. ���-7rR�AS, the Planning Comni�sicn of the C��ty of Arroyo Grarde has con�idered Tenta�ive Tract 1�Tap No. 1378, filed b;� B�s'] A�N�alt ar_d C�:arles Jeffri�, for 5-Unit �of�ssional Offic� Ccndornini;.un Gor;,ple� at 717 G���,�d Avenue, ;n accordance �+rith t;'t�apter 3 of the Su�irrsion Ordinance of ih� City of C'�rrofo Cra����; and �9�i3EAS, the Plannir;g C„'�sion has found �`�hat t;us project is consi.�#ent yvith the GeneraJ. Plan tuid the Envirorur�ental �ocuments �aciated there��n`�.h, ard a Ne��atave Declaration has �een declared urz�er the provisions of the Califorr.za Environmentai �}uatity Act {GE.�?.A.); and ��i"cREAS, the Planning Co, has further found that this prmject is consis�ent t ��i �h �he 7,onir,g C� dinnnce of the G�ty of Arroyo Gra��.de; and ��I��E�.S said tentativp ma� �y�� referred to various gublic i�tility conpani�s, CSty D�p�rtr,;�nts and the Staff Adv�,sary Con�ttee for r�cc,�ndat�on. I'�O ��', Y'� B� I'�' ��O�,�D that the P:�nning ('..ca;�r�ssion of tiie C�ty of �u royo G: �nde her�bY aFpcoves said ier.ta:ivQ n?ap oi Iract 230. 1�78 sucject to #he ToLowing conc�.�to.�: 1. Zhe appropriate siandard conditio� �.ssociated FV�ith tentative tracis, use per, and archi�ectural re�rLew of the Cfty of Arr�yo Grande. 2. All grade separation on the r�rimeter of the property line shall irzcorporate struct�ral tivall tivith ac��ropriate railings and fenc�s. (P�a significant 2*0 1 slopes). �. On :,ite drainage sha1l not be allo�N�d to ioTN cver the drive approach or sidewalk (�se uni er TYvalk drains). 4• �?�1 par'+ci.�g spaees s�all be 1C� x 20' clear, exeept co;:��act spa.ces. 5. Open space cover shall be recaicu;�ted .•er'lecting, rev�sed �ar?�r� Plar.. Resubirnttai of �ite Flan may �e ��quirec] prior to Flanning Ccrr,�,a.�si,on a�praval. 6, 'IY�aet �,Iap sh�11 be a one lot suF�ivi,sion. 7. Pri<,r �o acceptar�e of final �act P,�ap, e:astir� strucha.^es shall � re:�ved. 8. _T?.�cnsu�z?ction oi curb, gutter nnd s:de���alk as r�ci:iz�ed by the Public �r�ark.s Director along Grand Avenue frontage sh�lt be cc,r;:pl�ted prior to final �uilc��g ap�roval. 9. L'r�de b �und utilifi� serv�,ces shall be irr�tal�et] vviih �he rer;�oval of p�Ies ii ��propr�ate. ? t�. .Gradin� �nd dr�unage plans shall � subr, to tY:e sat;sfac�ion of the I=ublic 5+7orks Director. �ior to i;st.ance of gra�ing perr�t, aprroval frem tre Parl;s t�nd Recreation Depar�r:ent shall be requirerl to rer;,c}ve stre�t and on- site ��E:�. ? 1. ��i,�;er plan sha;.l be provided to the satisfrzetion of the F�blie t"Jor;s Director, 1I3C�UG'�Il'la a sewer acc�,s on Gcai�d Avenue if foisid to be r�uirecl ��g the R:blzc �Vorl� Director. On r�o�ion by Cor�ssioner �l�o�re, seconded by Corrr,vssioner Soto, and by the iollntiving ro31 cal� vot?, to wit: . AY�.�: Cc��sioners P.�aere, Bagbess, Plores, Olsen, Soto and �za�r�r;an Gerris� 11�. 1'! L7.i:P AT?�SEi`1T: Cc,,� ��rr 7�e f�r��c;in� R�elut:on :vns adopt� t;�is 7th day af Jar;t� 1936. �.� r"�'I'TI=; T: �:,F er� �aty � �/ `� �� .�