PC R 85-1044�. 9 2 RFSOLUTION NO. 85-1U44 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ThE CITY OF AR,ROYO GRANDE DENI'ING GENERAL PLAN ANiENDMENT NO. 85-3 AT 750 SO. TR.AFFIC �VAY, A�PLIED FOR BY SAN LUIS ENGINEERING, AGENTS FOR JOHN MILLER. WHEIZEAS, the Planning Coir�mission of the C�ty of �rroyo Grande has he2d the required ixi�lic hearing at their regul�r rr�eeting of June 18, 1985 to consider an am�endrr�nt to the General Plan on the fcllowing described property. In the (�.ty of Arroyo Grnnde, County of San Lws Obispo, State of C�lifornia, Portion of Lot 91 of the R.anchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de ChamisaL Property ident,ified by County Assessor's PArcel Nos. 7-631-21, 7-631-02 and 7-631-03. Also known as 750 So. �affic Way. S�tHEREAS, the P4anning C.orrrrrissian feels that the public interest and general welfare doe.s not require such an amenc�nent; and WHEREAS, the C��sion minutes including a Iist of persons wfio testified at the public hearing, surrar�ary of fact and f%ndings, and copi� of any maps pertinent to the proposal are on file and hereby declared to be part of said Resolutiono Id03V, THERF�ORE, BE IT IZESOLVED that said Planning Comrrr�isssion hereby reco�t�nds der�ial of requested amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan from Low Density Residential to Medium Low Density Residentia). for the following reasons: 1. Existing dt�inage, soil, slope and sew�er problerrs� 2. Potential conflicts with proposed realignrnents for State Highway 227. 3. Pntenti�l noise and air pollution imp�acts associated with the proximity of the freew�y. 4. Zhe inadequacy of So. �affic Way for access in its present condition. 5. Incompatibility of the proposed derBity with the v��th the surrounding neighborhood. On motion by Commissioner �scher, seconded by Corrarissioner Olsen, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Corrr�rrrrissioners Moore, Fischer, Olsen, Boggess and Vice C�iairm,an Ctzrr NOES: None AF,�SF_,NT: Corrnnssioner Soto and Chairman Gerrish th� foregoing Resolution was edopted this 1Sth day of June 1985. r � � AT I�S�I': � Secretary Vice Ch�irm,an r