PC R 83-960, `r _ RESOLUTION NO. 83--960: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO�IMISSION OF fiFiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDICATING ITS INTENTION TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF AMENDING SECTIONS 9-4. Z404 (c) , 9-4. 1405 I-1NT� 9-4.1403(i) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission believes that certain changes to the above referenced Sections of the Zoning Ordinance are necessary to correct inconsistencies in said Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a draft of the proposed changes are attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pl.anning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande directs the staff to set for public hearing the attached amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. On motion by Commissioner. Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Carr,�.and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Benhardt, Carr, Fischer, Moore, Moots, Olsen. and Chairman Gerrish None ABSENT: None � - - � s :-�: c:: . . 1.:�: �� . the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15thday of November 1983. f ATTEST- � --- " .. . � . . Secretary hairman ....___.____.--..__...._,._____.-- --..__.......,.__..,..__ 1 A .. . _ ;:•�•- _ � •. - - l,' - - . .. . � : - • � ,� �` . - - �z ,� - . .. ' �_x ; `: �- : . _ _ �� � � �� L -. . . .. , , .. - '� Y,� > . , - _:. ; . , ��: ,� : .. . _ . . - _ '�� �� . � - - -. � . ���� , .; t .- r . ��� ��, a - � _ , �>�� � j_ � � '� 1 a � . � � . t �s .�"f- ,i..,, �5 '. . l � ` hY T i � n. � , � �"�.���r` v� � � J�r � } r f } Y " . rZT � � � t a h � .r�i. 5� tf ; . �i�; 1 ,� r -N. T Y L . ..... ... .. .. .. .7 .,. . . . . , . ... .. ` .. . , . . . . � � . ^ ' . . .. �' .. v . _ . . . . , . - . _ . . . . . _. . .'3�.