PC R 77-516 EIR1 � 0 RESOLUTION N0. 77-516 EIR RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OE AR.ROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING NEGATIUE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION. WI-IEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande did consider � �iR:. ��i.n' .. 3 Nega'tive Declaration of Environmental Impact submitted by Hal S'evern.for Siegfried Baden on the proposed lot split at.1385 Btightc�n Avenue, in the City of Arroyo Grande, California; and. WI�REAS, at the regular meeting ���royo Grande Planning Co�ission held on April 19, 1977 said request was considered and public input permitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE.IT RESOLVED by the Planning Co�ission of the City of Arroyo Grande that the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact is hereby approved and accepted.., On motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Chairman Pope, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: r •. AYES: Ca�nissioner Cole and Ghairman Pope NOES: Commiss3.oners Moots and Ries ABSENT: Commissioners Gerrish and Hitchen Due to the tie vote, no action was taken. ATTEST• Secretary 0