PC R 75-396 URESOLUTB�N ��� �� ��96 �. RESOLUTION OF TH� PLANN��G �OM�D���ON OF �HE CV�Y �F ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A�5� �ERM�d CASE N0, 7�=238 The Planning Commissfion fe�ds ��at �he Use P���mot a�p�oed f�� by Veck Pace Construction at 280 Sout� ��� �e�ts th� �e��o�e�ents �� �he ���oya Grande Municipal Code to allow for const�uctaon of m��to��e apa�����t ����ct�res and accessory buildings, and for add°otuo� to the exa�to�g st���t��� �hoch os to be converted to a duplex on the following desc�abed prope�ty; In the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Calefornia Lot 44 , Tract Noa 10 and grants said Use Permit subJect to the following conditlons: 1. All utilities to be placed underground, 2� Curb, gutter, and sidewa�k on the th�ee p�blac street f�o�tages be installed� 3� Paving from new c��b �ightmof=way to exostang pavong o� Ash and Aspen, as requered by the Public Works Department. 4. Landscape plan for the complex to be served by automatic irrigation system and plans approved by the Planning Director prior to occu- pancy of the development� for the following reasons: l. Would not adversely affect abutting propertiesa 2o Permissive use wlthin the distroct subject to Use Permit procedure, On motion by Commissooner Mathe�s, seconded by Commessioner Ries, and by the following roll call vote, to wlt: AYES: - • NOES: ABSENT: Commossioners C��e Gerrash, Mathews, Moots, Ries Sandoval and Chaa�man Calhoon None None The foregoing Resolution was adopted this �th day of August 1975e arT � sT : ����--�� �� Secretary i�����%�2� _. Chairman � 457