PC R 73-324 Uy ,.. 38 .� RESO�.�IT B ON N0, 73°�� U RESOLUTEON OF THE P�ANN�NG COMMVSS�ON OF THE CV�Y OF ARROYO CRANDE GRAN`�' V NG A USE PERP10 T, CASE N0, 73��2 � o �he Planning Commissoon finds tha� the Use Permut applied fao by Glenveew Construct ion Co, , 775 Va 1� ey Road, meets t�e reqoa u remer�ts of the Ao G o .:-t�ti�n:��-ipal Code to allow for a free st��od°o�g sogn on t�Oe followu�g descrBbed pro�erty: ''All that portion of Lot 101 of the S�nbdavisooros af the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemosal, °s� the Cour�ty of San �.uos Obispo, State of Californoa, accordong to map feDed for recard 'on th� offoce of the County Recorder of said County, described as fol➢c�ws; Beginning at a point on the Easter➢y lune of County Road No. 28, (Valley Road), distant thereon Sauth 1 00' West, 697,54 feet from the North line of said Lot, said poont beong the Southwesterly corner of the property conveyed to John W Dougherty, by deed dated February 24, 18g3 and recorded February 28, 1893 in Book 19, at Page 105 of Deeds; thence continuing South 1 00' West, alo�g satd Easterly line 179,37 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing So�ath 1 00' West along said Easterly line, 179�37 feet to the most Nor�hwesterly corner of the property conveyed to B. W. Coqb�r.�a et ux, by deed dated September T, 1957 and recorded October 3Q,� 1957 in Baok 914 at Page 125 of Officoal Records; thence South 89 00' 00" East 290066 feet; thence North 1 00' East 184.44 feet; thence West 290.71 feet to the true point of be�inning " and grants said Use Permit subject to the following canditions: 1, Sign to be installed in accor�ance with plans on file. For the following reasons; l. Permissive use within the District subject to Use Permit procedure. 2o Would not adversely effect abutting properties, On motoon by Commissioner Calhoon, seconded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roll call vate, to wlt: AYES; Commissioners Calhoon, Jones and Porter NOESe Commissioners Goulart, Gullickson and Chairman Pope ABSENT: Commossooner Spier�ing ;. ,� The foregoong resolutian was defeated this 18th day of December 1973 ATTEST: � _ � �_ < Secretary hairma �