PC R 72-271 Z� �,1� RESO�,��'O�N NOo 72m2'�71�,Z RESOLUT G ON OF �HE C B�fY OF ARR�Ya �RANDE PLANN 0 NG COA1M @ SS �ON RECOMMEND � NG AN AMENDM�N�° `�0 �fHE MUN 9 C 0 PAL CODE OF T�iE � � u Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROU V D�D Bl" CHAP�°ER 4, AR`� � CLE 21 D OF' SA9D CODE, WHEREAS, the Planno�g Cocnmissuo�v of the Coty of A� Gr�e�de Cal ofoc��ua has held a publlc hearing on the a�plu�atuoc� of Husako Meyake Akeko Sawada and G. A. Miyake to amend the Mur�ocipal Code of the Ca�y of Arroyo �rao�de as prom voded by Chapter 4, Artecle 21 of s�od cod�, to rezoc�e all that property dem scribed as follows from RAm63 Resudentaal Agruculta�ral D°cstruct to RmG Gardeca` Apartmee�t Residenteal Destrect. '" That portion of Lot 108 of t9�e Sa�bd°ovusuoeo of the Ranchos Correl de Poedra Pismo and Bolsa de Chemusal, en the Cuty c�f Arroyo Grande according to map subdoveded by J�s. °fo Strattora, C.E. 1873 and f81ed for record in Book A at Page 65 of m�{�s descrebed as follows: Beglroning at a�roint on ttae N�r�E�er�y 1 a�e of the ryroperty foua°thly descrobed °on the deed to Fred A. Grseb et ux., recorded September 29 1927 an Book 38 at Page 85 of Offacual Recc�rds, beuo�g also the Soeathe�st corner of Tract No. 260, as showra on m�p recorded March 7 1963 ° sn Book �' 6 at Page 93 of Maps; thero�e East along saod Northerly lene, 1527.97 feet more or less to the Soa��heast �or�veu �f tFoe property descrebed °on the cleed to Towery�Norman Development Co., a p�rtnershop� recorded Jan�ary 8 1962 an Book 1164 at Page 357 of ��€ecaal Records; thence Nor�h 1 �ast along the Easterly line of said land described °on the deed to Towery�Norman Development Co., 660.4 feet to the Northerly lene of said Lot 108; theroce - West along sai�d Northerly lane to the most Easterly corner of the property described en the deed to the Caty of Arroyo Grande recorded November 29, 1g69 in 800k 1543 at Page 440 of Offocaal Records being a poerat on the non-tangent curve, concave Northwesterly having a radius of 640 feet and a rad i a 1 1 i ne of sa i d cu rve 9 t8� ro�ugh sa u d po u n t 9 bea rs South 20 47 ° 51 East; thence Westerly along saad curve through a central angle of 20 21' S1" an arc destance of 227,47 feet to a poent that is destant Soutfi 0 26° 00" East 40 feet from poee�t "BoC. 26 + 92,52" as shown on map feled for record May 22 1g6g en Book l6 at Page 98 of Record of Surveys; thence South 89 34° 00" West �long the Southerly lene o€ said larod descrobed to the City of Arroyo Grande to the Easterly lene of sa3d ' Tract No, 260; thence South 26 West, along said Easterly line 702.27 feet to the point of beg8nning. WHEREAS the Planning Commission feels that the public iraterest and ger�eral welfare does require such an amendment and es en keepeng with the fl.and Use Plan, and WHEREAS, the Commission miroutes oncludeng list of �ersons who testifoed"at the public hearing summary of fact and findings and copies of any maps perts� nent to the proposal are attached and hereby declared to be part of said Resoluteon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE B7' RESOLVED that said Planning Commesslon hereby recommends approval of the amendment as apptied for weth the followeng cohditoons: 1. Rezoning from RAmB3 Dastrict to R°�GmD Distrect. 1°he "p" designateon to indec�te maximum densaty not to exceed seven (7) dwelling units per gross a�cre, For the following reasor�s; 1, Zone change to RmG Destri�t would be co�npateble to the general area. On motion by Commissior�er St, Denes secoe�ded by �ommsssioner Pope and on the following roll call vt�te to wit: AYES: Commissioners Gull�ckson Pope and St:'Denis NOES: Commissioners Berryhill and Cha¢rman Nunes ABSENT: Commissioners Joe�es arad Porter the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8t6� day of Nove�nber 19720 31� � � i ar�rE : � � ; . Pla ning Derector � aorma R�POR�' TO THE C 0`�Y C�UN� � L Subject: Petitio�a to rezone all that �roperty as noted °an P�r�agrapE� 1 above from RA-63 Des�ra�.t "ta RmG Dastract Name of Petetionerse Hdsako Miyake Akelco Sawada acod G. A. Mayake Public Hearings Held; 1 Number of Persons Appear ocag fora � Aga e cust; 9 PlannBng Commission Recommeradation; �l�nneng Commissuon recommends ap�roval of zo�ae change reqa�est by a majoraty vote. �