PC R 70-181 Z,. . R'ESOLUTION NO ]0-1a1 Z A RESOLUTION OF THE ClTY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING 7j COMM FSS I ON RECOMMENO I NG�. DEN IAL OF AN�. AMEtyDMENT T0 � THE MUN I C 1 PAL COA� OF •THE C I TX OF ARROYO GRANDE` AS ,,,�J PROV I D�D_ BY CHAPTfR•, 4: 20N'•{-NG,. ARTI.GL� 21, OF. SA I.D v � CODE. . WHEREASQ the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande, Cali.forni;a has held a public hearing on the application of Betty Prather to amend the Code of the City of Arroyo Grande as provided by Chapter 4,. Article 21 c;i.pa:l 219 7� said ��de� to rezone a.11 that property described as follows from R-1 to R=G Distri'ct;, PARCEL 1: That portion of Lot 106 of the subdiv.isions of the Ran�cho Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal, in the County of San Lui�s Obispo, State of California, as per map :reco r.ded in Book A Page 65 of Ma�ps in the " office of the county recorder of said county, and those portions of Lots 16 and 17 of the Folsom Tract, in the County of San Luis Obispo /State of California, as per-map recorded in Book B Page 75 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said Courity, described as a whole as�follows: Beginning at a stake set in the present North line of Grand,,.Avenue as the same is.located, d.istant._thereon North 86 West, 348.,1 feet from stake G,17 on the East line of- Lot 15 of said Folsom Tract, and�/being also the southwest corner of a tract.of land'conveyed to W.illiam�Hock by deed re- corded in book 45 page 34.of Official Records; thence�Nortfi :86 West along the north lfne of Grand Avenue;. 336 feet; thence North 3 East 700 feet to the true point of beginning; thence conti uing North 3 East, 653.6 feet; thence South 86 East 336 feet o the northwest corner of the land conveyed to William Hock as afor sa,id; thence South `� West along the West line of the land descri� d in said deed, ='6�3.6 feet to the northeast corner of the land d scribed as Parcel 1 ' i�i the deed to Walter L. McOsker et ux. recorde�August 8, 1950 in Book 574 Page ll of Official Records;`thence Nprth 86 °45' West along the north line of the-land described in said deed and.its westerly proTongation, 336 feet to the trus point of �eginning. WHEREAS. the Planning: Commission feels th �t the public interest and general welfare does not requ-i=re such an am�ndment, �d WHEREAS. the Commission report includ' g list of perso�s who testified at the Public Hearing, surtmary of fact and indings and copies of any maps pertf- nent to the proposal are attached and reby declared to be part of said - Resolution. £:> �-_ NOW, TWEREFORE� BE�I:T RESOLVED hat said Planning Commission hereby recommends deniat of the amendment as applie5l for. On motion of Commissioner Bowl�es`, `ssconded by Commissioner St. Denis, and by � the following roll call vote� o wit: AYES: Commissioner Bowl`es, Nunes, St. Denis, Strother and Cha�rman Moss NOES: None ABSENT: CommissLoners McMi.11en and Porter The foregotng Resoluti�on was dopted this �lst day of December, 1970. ATTEST:.- ` ., . .. _ �:: . . .. ' ' ..��--�-a-e�/ �j� �2 �--¢�-' - � -��e ary a rman REPORT 0 THE CITY COUNCtL Subject: Pe tion to rezone ail that property as noted in Paragraph 1 above f om R-1 to R-G District. � Name of Applicant: Betty Prather Public �iearings Held; 1 Numbe�of Persons appearing for 2 Against 8 Planning Commission Recommendatlon; Planning Connni'ssion recommends denial �y a~ maJority vote, � +,}.: ,,-� ,' 22�2 RESOLUTION N0. 70-181 Z -- A RESOLUTI-0N OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF AN.AMENDMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER_4 ZONING,. ARTICLE 21, OF SAID CODE. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande, California has held a public hearing on the application of Betty Prather to amend.the Municdpal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande as provided by Chapter 4, Article 21 of said code, to rezone all that property described as follows from R-1 to R-G District: ' PARCEL 1: That portion of Lot 106 of the subdivisions of the Rancho Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisa.l, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California,_as per map recorded in Book A Page 65 of Maps in the office of the county recorder of said county, ar�d those portions of Lots 16 and 17 of the Folsom Tract, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map recorded in Book B Page 75 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County,.described.as a whole as follows: Beginning at a stake set in the present North line of Grand Avenue as tFie same Is located, distant thereon North 86 °45' West, 348.1 feet f rom stake G.17 on the East line of Lot 15 of said.Folsom Tract, and being also the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to William Hock by deed.re- corded.in book 45 page 34 of Official Records; thence North 86 West along ... `:thenorth 1 ine of Grand Avenue; 336 feet; thence North 3 East 700;,.feet� to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 3 ° 15' East, 653 .6 feet; thence South 86 East 336 feet to the northwest corner of the.land con-' veyed to William Hock as aforesaid; thence South 3°15 West along the West line of the land described in said deed 653 .6 feet to the northwest corner of the land described as Parcel 1 in the deed to Walter L. McOsker et ux. recorded�August 8, 1950 in Book 574 Page.11 of Official Records; th�ence North 86 West along the north line of the land described in said deed-'` and its westerly prolongation, 336 feet to the true point of beginning:'� " WHEREAS, the Planning Commission feels that the public Interest and general welfare does not require such an amendment, and �� WHEREAS, the Commission minutes including list of persons who testified at _' the Public Hearing,. summary of fact and findings and copies of any maps pertinent to the proposal are attached and hereby declared to be part of said Resolution. NOW, .THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Planning Commission hereby recommends denial of the amendment as applied for, for the following.reasons; 1) Property would be more advantageously developed as R-l:rather than multiple famiTy; and 2) sufficient R�G zoning existing in the City. On motion of Commissioner. Bowles, seconded by Commissioner St. Denis, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Bowles, Nunes,.St. Uenis, Strother and Chairman Moss NOES: None ABSENT: Comm.issioners McMillen and Porter The foregoin Resolution was adopted this .lst day of December, 1970. � - ATTE ST • ye �7� Li� ��j , ` �,—�. � ecretary �a i rman ' REPORT.TO THE CITY COUNCIL Subject: Pet.ition to rezone all that property as noted.in Paragraph 1 above from R-1 to R-G District. � ,�.. Name of Applicant; Betty Prather Public Hearings Held;, 1 Number of Persons appearing for 2. Against 8 Planning Commission Recommendation: Planning Commission recommends denial by a majority vote.