PC R 70-176 Z2 �1:`4 RES�LC��' B ON N0. 70 176 z WHER�AS, the Plannirag Commi�seon of the City af Arroyo Grande, California, has held public hearings an the appli�aGi�r� of Yosemite Contractors to amend the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande as �rovided by Chapter 4, Article 21 of said Code, to rezone all that praperty desct as follows from RA-63 to R-3 District: All that portion of Lot 101 of the Subdivisions of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and f3olsa de Chemisal, en the County of San �uis Obispo, State of California, according to map filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder of said Counky, described as follows: Begiraning at a point on the Easterly line of County Road No, 28, (Valley Road), distant thereon South 1 00' Wsst, C�97.54 feet From the North line of said lot, said point being the Southwester1y corner of the property conveyed to John W. Dougherty, by deed daze� February 24, i893 and recorded February 28, 1893 in Book lg, at Page 105 of Deeds; thence continuing South 1 00' West, along said Easterly line, 358.74 feet tQ the most Northwes�kerly corner of the property canveyed to S. Wo Cc�lbtarn, et �x., by deed dated September l, 1957 and recorded October �0 1957 sn Boak �14 at Page 125 of Official Records; thence S�uth 8g 00' East� �90,66 feet; the�c.e So�at�O 1 QO° Ml�sfi �76.OQ feet; thence South 89 00' East 312.57 feet; khence North 2 00° East 221.00 feet; thence South 89 00' East 274.11 feet; thence South 42 18 East 469 .33 feet; thence North 56 22° 15" West 76a69 fe.et; i:he�ce Nca� 32 42' 15 East ?37eS9 feet; thence South 67 21° 15'' East E�17.03 feet to the Sautheasterly line of said Lot 101; thence along said Southeasterly lene of said Lat 101 North 56 22° 15 East 1758.0� feet; thence �eavsng saEd Sc,uthe�stea��y line Nc�rth 35 ��' West 869.22 ft;. then.ce South 58 40° 02" West: 1644.Q7 feet; thence So�utl, 35 31° 43" East 109.21 feet; thence South 87 35e West 15��o9Q fee� to the East lene of Valley Road and the poir�t r�f beginraing, excepting t_herefr�om the �Iesterly 290.66 feet Easterly of and adjacent to said Va�ley Road WHEREAS the Planr�irog Gammission feels that the public interest and general welfare does require such a� amendmer�t, and is in kee�in� with the Land Use Plan, and WHER�AS, the Commissic�n minu�es inc��adeng lest of persons who testified at the Public He�ring, summac�y of fact and f6rad'ac�gs and copies of any maps pertenent to the proposal are attached a�ad hereby declared tc� be part af said Resolution, NOW, THEREFQRE, B� 9�' RESOLU�p tha� s�id Plannir�g Commissson hereby recommends approval of the amendmerat with the fo�loworag conc��tiar�s; 1. The p roperty be � t r I cted ta de�re 1 Qpcnea�t of a Mob i 1 e Home Pa rk. 2. Zoning rever� t� R.Am63 one year from the effertive date of the zone chanr�e if a valid C�lefornsa pavas�on of HQUSeng corastructiora permit has not beer� i ssued, A RESOLU�90N OF 7'H� CI�'Y OF' ARKOY� �RANDE PLANNENG COMM9SSION RECOMMEND 8 NG TO `�HE. C@`GY COUNG B� AN AMENDM�NT °GO THE MUN G C B PAL CODE OF 'TH� C6TY OF A.RROYO �RANDE �,S PROUIIDED BY CHAPTER 4 ZONING AR3BCLE 21, QF SAED CODE, On motion of Ccar�missioner �1cMelle�t seconded by Commissioner Bowles, and by the following rall call vate to wit: AYES< NOES: ABSENT: - ` Com�nis�sane�°s Srawles and �Cha i t ,Moss Nane None McMillen, Porter Nunes, St. Denis, Strother the foregoing Resoluti�n was adopted ttaas 15kh day of September, 1970. A TT E S T; p� .�.�-e-r� �� `�n,�—�� SeGretary �Cf�a s rQnan ftEF4R TQ Thl� r I°I'Y COUNC 0 L Subject: Petition to rezone �1 ] th�t property as n,oted irt Para, 1 above frGm RA-63 tQ R�� L�estrict. Name of App 1 i can* � Yosern i te �on .r.c•�aLk�rs ar�d G rea 1� Westerr� Sav i ngs Public Hearic��s Held: 1 Num�er of Pet appeariny for 2 Against 2 Planning Commissiora R.ecomm�radat;or�: Planning �c�manisssar� recommends approval by a �acaan smous vote.