HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 69-121 U15`7 RESOLU�'O�N N0, 59�121 U RESOLUT I ON OF �HE PCANN V NG COMhl9 SS E ON . OF' 1°HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRAN`�VNG A USE PERM@T, CASE ►vo, 69m 138 The P.lanning Commission finds that the Use Permit ap��led for by S�a�a Luis Obispo Savings � Loan Association at 1119 Grand Ave�ue meets the req�irement� of �he Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to.operate a mobole office facali�y on the following described property; B n the C i ty of A�°royo G rar�de, County �f ���o Luis Obispo Stat�e ci� C�liforraia a�ortion of Lot 10 of the Folsom Tract and grants said use permit subject to the following condit�oc�se 1< That the wall and planter be developed as indic�ted ire the plans on file, and both w�ll planter and area betweee� sedewalk and wall be landscaped and maintaeraed. 2. Ut i 1 s ty serv i ces to the mob i 1 e un i t be �oraderg r'oaarad . 3o That the parking area be improved to the requirements of the City Ordinance, 4, Tha.t the permit be for no longer than three yearso For the following reasons: la Would not be depreciating to abutting property, 2. Would not create additional traffic problemse 3e Determined by the Planning Cbmmission to be an appropriate use subject to Use Permit procedure, On motion of Commissioner St< Denis seconded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roll call vote, to�wit; AYES; Cocnmessioners Por�er°, Ste Denis, Sawyer and Chairman McMillen NOESD Commisssoner hloss ABSTAINe Commissio�er Strother , ; , � �. ABSENT; None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this lst day of April 1969 ATTEST: �� ,O �����` �"� � os Secretary Chairma ,