PC R 68-93 U��..2�4 RESOLUTION N0. 68-93 U RESOLUTION OF 1"HE PLANN9NG COMMISSOON OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A USE Pf RMIY, CASE N0. 68-123 0 The Planning Commission finds that the Use Permit applied for by Mercedes Hamilton at 204 Soo Halcyon Road meets the requirements of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to allow for a beauty salon on the following described prope•rty: !n the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, a portion of Lot 3 of the Folsom Tract and grants said Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1. A limit of one operator. 2. Within one year after issuance of permit, a concrete sidewalk is to be installed along the entire property frontage between the property line and curb, approximately 8' wide.. 3. No burning of hair on the premises 4. SubJ ect to rev i ew i n one yea r. For the following reasons: l. Permissive use through Use Permit procedure.. 2. Will not adve.rsely effect abutting properties.. On motion of Commissioner Strother, second�d by Commissioner Smith, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Commissioners Porter, Sawyer, Smith, Strother and McMillen N4ES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Moss and_Schultz The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of April 1968. ATTE ST : � �-� o� ���„� � � � � • � - '�— .. �Secretary ha i rman