PC R 68-87�1� RESOLUTION N0. 68-87 WHEREAS, an the 2nd day af January, 1968, the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission considered renaming af that road commonly known as Huasna Road, originating at the intersection of San Luis Obispo Road, Crown Street and Branch Street, and extending generally easterly to the Lopez Dam and �Recreation Area, and WNEREAS, the name Huasna Road is no longer valid for identification, and WHER�AS, this road in its entirety is known commonly and formally under several names, and WHEREAS, The Arroyo Grande Planning Cammission feels the necessity of RESOLUTION RECOMMENQING A CHANGE OF NAME OF A CERTAIN ROAD WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STAT� OF CqLIFORNIA clarifica�ion oF ro.ad n�me;.arid identification of access to the Lopez Dam and F.ecreation Are� is a necessity, NO'�I, THEREFORE, BE iT R,ESO�.UEu, that the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that they consider and approve that the above mentioned road be changed to Lopez Road and recommend th.is cl�ange to the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission and County Supervisors, and that they do all things necessary to formally change the name of this road in its entirety to Lopez Road, On motion of Commissioner Strother, seconded by Cornmissioner,Smith, and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES NOES� Commissioners Moss, Porter, Sawyer, Smith, Strother and Chairman McMillen Commissioner Schultz ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of January, 1g68 � ATTEST; � ; , . �� ��� ������ S�cr�etary Chairma