PC R 68-100 U�.�'� RE50LJTION Na. 689100 U RESO,LUTION,OF THE PLANN��'� COMMISSiON OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTIVG N USE PERMIT, CA5E N0. 68-12� The Planning Commission finds that th� Use Permit applied for Ro�ert B. Crockett at 931 Grand A��enue meets the requireme�ts of the Arroyo Grande M��icipal Code, to allow for a Body and Paint Shop in a C-1 Zone on the following described property: In the City of Arrcyo Grande� County of San Luis Obispo, Sta*_e of California, a Po��tior� of Lot 2 of the Folsom Tract. and grants said Use Permit sub;e::t to �he following conditions: l. All body and pai;�t :,pe;ations to be co��ucted wholly within the building. 2. Hours of operation ii�nited fram 8;00 a.m, to E:00 p.m. 3. No exteri��r st«rage perm�tted except scrap bady parts, which must be conta i ned �; �h i;, ar� er,: �osure ar,d d i sposed of on a regul ar bas i s, 4. To be rev i e�ed i;; s i x m�l,*;;s . For the fall:��ir;g reaso:�s; 1. Permissive use s:!aject to a Use Permit. 2. Similar ir� rature to bu�siness presently being conducted on the premises. 3. Would not adversely affe::t abutti��g properties. On motion of Cammissioner Mass, seconded b�,� Commissioner Skelton, and by the following roll cr311 vote, to�wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Comrnissior�ers Moss, Porter, St. Denis, Skelton and Strother No�e Coi�nmiss�oner Sawyer and Chairman McMillen 7he foregoing Resolutio� was adopted this 6th day of A�gust; 1968 ATTEST; � � � Secretary � ' ice Chairman �