PC R 67-70 S•� RESO�UTBON N0. 67�7Q S RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNGNG C��MGSS:EON.OF.THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND� APPROVING T�NTATIVE MAP OF TRACT..NO 364 GRE�NWOOD ACRES. The Planning Commission of .the City of Arroyo Grande having duly reviewed Tentative Subdivision Map for Tract No 364 Greenwood Acres, as presented by Mr. Addison B._Wood and the City of Arroyo Grande Subdivision Review Board, does hereby resolve and accept said Tentative Map subject to the following conditions and requir..ements, to wit: 1. That a Public Utility Easement of 10' bE provided on the rear of Lots 41, 42, 43, ar.d on the rear and side of Lots 6 and 7, and that a 5' �.:: �:Ut•j�l �ty .Easement;:be�.�provided'_on the-rear.: end:-or,.side'.of. �Lbts.:2�::through 39. .� Also that the 15' horse trail easement around the perimeter be shown as a 15 horse trail and P.U.E., and,also on interior lots. 2. That deeds ar easements be secured to flood control areas for flood control and green belt purposes adjacent to�the creek 6ed, the delineation to be mutually agreed upon after submission of final engineering and grading plans. . 3, All lot draina.ge and grading to conform to the Arroyo Grande grading and excavation ordinance. 4, �he subdivider has agreed to the elimir�ation of Lot 15 which is to be spli�c taetween Lots 14 and 16 and the 30' a road shall become a part of Lot 14 and that Lot 14 will be dedicated to the City for Park and Recreation purposes. 5. Lot 42 is to be reserved for future road and ut.ility purposes. 6. Lc�ts �9, 32., and 33 , to"remain und�veloped until Branch Road is improved to City specificatir�ns. � 7. Access to Lots 30 and 31 to be denied access to Branch Road since they _ are adjacent to Rancho CircJ 8. That a.10' walkway, surfaced.and fenced be provided between-Lots 34 and 35 and also to be,ind,icated-as a_P.U.E..between Greenwood Drive and Branch Road. 9. That a 6 inch water line be looped between Greenwood Drive and Branch Road thru easement mentioned above, and extended easterly to connect to 10" line. 10. That a 10 inch water line be exterided from Flora Road southerly on Rancho Circle to Branch Road and a 6 inch line to be extended northerly and easterly and southerly around Ranch.oCircle connected to the 10" wa�ter lir.e extension. 11. Six fire hydrants be installed to the requirements of the Fire Dept. 12. All utilities to be placed underground, except for electrical distri- bution which will be streamlined and 6 street lights to be provided to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. 13. The paved widtli,area of street section improvements to be 32' with concrete cu,rb and gutte�r_ w'ith an oyerall r-o-w width of�;60!�, a�,d. City specificat�ions and standards and sidewalks be required on Flora Road ... extension to Rancho Circle, on Greenwood Drive cul-de-sac and Branch Mill R�ad. 14. The Subdivider has been informed that a zone change will be necessary �n Lots 29 through 41 and a petition should be filed with the final map. 15. Street trees required to the City requirements unless otherwise pro- vided for by convenents. �o� On motion of Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner McMillen, and by the following roll. call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners McMillen, Moss, Porter, Schultz and Chairman Strother. Commissioner Smith Commissioner Duvall The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 20th day of June, 1967 ATTEST: ecretary C i rma n