PC R 67-69 Uo• RESOLUTION N0. 57 U RESOLUTION OF �HE PLA�NV�G CO�MOSSION OF THE CGTY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTON� A USE PERMGT, CASE N0, 67-110. The Planning Commission finds Lhat the Use Permit applied for by the First Baptist Church at 310 North Halcyon R�ad meets the r��uirements of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to allow for a Free Standin5 Sign as shown on submitted plot plan in a R-1 Zone, said sign being of concrete block canstruction, �' long, �6�� wide and 5'8" nigh.on the following described property: In the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, - In Western.Addi:tion�- Lor 15 Block 11 and grants said Use Permit for the following reasons: l. Necessary to the use of the property, 2. Will r�ot create any problem to abutting property or traffic. On motion of Commissioner Moss, seconded by Commissioner Porter, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYE$: �ommissioners McMillen, Moss, PortEr, Schultz, 'Smith and Chairman Strother, NOES: None ABS�NT: Commissioner.Duvall. The foregair�g Resolution was adopted this 20th day of June, 1967 ATTE�T:! . ecretary � a i rm n