PC R 67-68 G97 RESOLUTION NOa 67-68 G A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE PUBLIC BUILD- INGS PLAN 0� THE GENERA'L PLAN, �� WHEREAS, the P1ann�ng Commission of $he City of Arroyo Grande has prepnred'a general plan report together with general plam m�ps entitled the "Public Buildings Pl.an" and d�d all things legally and technically required by law to develop a report and maps adequate in scope and nuth- ority to serve the purposes of n general p1an; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code 65501 et seqe'the City Planning Commiss,ion gave required notice and did hold a public hearing on June 6th, 1967, for the purpose of considering the adoption of the Public Buildings Plan of the General Plan repor� and maps, and at which public hearing the Publzc Bui.ldings P�an and report and maps were dis- played, explained and reported upox�; and WHEREAS, snid �ublic Buildings Plan of the General Plan report and maps thereof are necessary for sound fu�ure community developmen�t, the preservation of community values, and the promo#ion of the general health, safety, convenien�e and �relfare of the`ei#izens of the Czty of Arroyo Grande; and , WHEREAS, the P�.anning Commiss.��n of the City of Arroyo Grande has a respansibzlity �o plan for �he des�.rable �f�.�ure growth and developm;ent of the C,�ty of Arroyo Grande; , NOW THEREF°ORE, THE PLANNII�G COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO CxRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:. ' • �. Sec�tion 1 . The P'lanning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby f ind and determine that.the public in�te�est, convenience and necessity require thnt the Public Buildings Plan of the General Plan ns nmended report and mnps be adopted, Section 2, The Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande. does hereby adopt t�he Public Buildings Plan of the General Plan ds amended tog'sther wi�h the maps and descr�.pt�:ve �materiale Section 3 , The Planning Commiss�on Chnirman is authorized and directed to certify this approval upon the Public Buildings Plan of the General Plan as amended and forward to the C,�ty Council for consideration. On mot�on of Commiss�.oner McMill.en, seconded by Commissioner Duvall, and by the following roll call vote, to wite AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Gomm�ssioners Duvall, McMillen, Schultz, Smith and Chairman Stro�ther o Nox�e Commissioners Moss and Portero the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6th day of June, 1967, ATTEST: � �� • ecre�ary -.>�' _.✓ Chairman . , ,.