HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC R 67-54� s RESOLUTION NOe 67-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLAN�TING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING I'�S OPPOSITION TO SECTION 131(g) OF PUBLIC LAW 89-285, THE HIGH- WAY BEAUTIFICATION ACT OF 1965, WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has heretofore enacted the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 for the purpose of providing for scenic development and road beautification of �he federal-state highway systems and that such act contemplates and requires action by the sev- �ral States; and WHEREAS, Section 131(g) of the Act requ�res payment of compensa- tion upon the removal of certain outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices, such compensntion to be shared by the federal government and the States; and WHEREAS, with respect to the State of California, payment of compen- sation for such removal is unnecessary and wasteful because such removal and the consequent securing of "effective control", as defined in the Act, can better be accomplished under the police power of this State; and WHEREAS, over a period of many years the Qolice power of the States has become and now is the well established and judicially recognized means of enforcing zoning and similar land use controls, and accordingly, the compensation provision in the Act is likely to confuse and undermine established practices and procedures, NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that this body hereby declares its opposition to Sec- tion 131(g) of Public Law 89-285, the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, and urges the Congress to delete sa.id provision by appropriate amendment to the Act; AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be and she hereby, � • ; c .r �. � - -•-,'. f_ • • . . directed to prepare signed copies of this r�solution and forward them tc United States Senators Thomas H. Kuchel and Georg� Murphy and to Honorable Burt L. Talcott, Representative in Congress. On motion of Commissioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Duvall, and by the following roll call vote, to wi.t: AYES: Commissioners Duvall, McMillen, Moss, Porter, Schultz, Smith and Chairman S�krothex. NOES: Nane ABSENT: None the foregoing Reso�.ution was adopted this �4th day of April, 1967. ATTEST: `� �� , ecre�:ary Chairman r'