PC R 66-43 U'7�2 RBSOLUTION NOe 66-43 U RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A IdSE PERMIT,CASE N0.66-96 The Planning Commission finds that the Use Permit applied for by Warren Sanders at 1542 Grand Ave, meets�the requirements of the Arroyo Grande Zoning Ordinance Noe 157 as amended, to allow for Motorcycle Rental on the following described propertye A portion of Block 84, in the Town of Grover, in the City of Arroyo Grdnde: and grants said Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1, Display of Motcrcycles be limited to adjacent arec of build- ing on the upper level from Grand Ave. 2. A review in six months. 3, Operation be restricted to daylight hours. 4, Area be cleaned up and maintained in an orderly fashion. for the following reason: Will not adversely affect abut�ing properties and �►AUld be a reasonable use of the property. � On motion of Commiesioner Schultz, seconded by Commissioner Viseer, and by the foll.owing roll call vote, to w3t: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commiseioners Dexter, Duvall, Porter, Schultz, Vieser and Chairman Strother, None Commiseioner McMillen, the foregoing Resolution was adopted this lst day of November, 1966. ATTEST: ��' ecretary � _ . d_�L(�i1����