PC R 66-39 V• �• RESOLU3'IOI� NOo 66m�9 V" RESOLidTION 0� �'HE PLANNIN� GOMMISSIOI� OF °�HE GIT'Y O� ARROYO GRANDE GRAN�'ING A VARIANGE CASE NO. 41-66 I'he P�,c�xaning �ommiss�on �inds �t�acs�r �?�� V��iance applied fo� by Union 0�1. Company �f Ca�,i£ornia a� 525 '�'�.���'3c �1�,y mee�s the require- men�s of Section 7e3 of t}�e Arroyo G�ande Z�n�ng O�dinance No, 157 as amended, �o a�low a F`ree S°�arnd�ng S:bgn �t� b�e xrns�alled a� s�xty �'oot ( 60' ) maximum hes.ght on �h� f��.lo�a�.a�g d�escri'bed pr�per°ty o A go��ion o£ Lo°� 91 of �he Ra,n���s ��ss�a,;1 de P�edra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chem�sal (a) in �hat �.t d�es no� cons°�.�.$t��te a�.r.ar�� m� s��cial grivilege in- consistent uri�h limita°�ions capQ� othe� gr�pe��f�e� 3.n the vicinity and same zon�.ng irn �nrlFx,ich t�is �Sa-ope�r�y a.s fla�u�.�ed� ��d (b) that because there are special �i.��um.s�ar�ces c�Fp��cnb�a �� eh.e g�operty (size-shape- topography-location-surroundings) ��e �����t �,xpplYCation of the 2oning Ordinarnce does dep�,�ue cxppl�caxa�° s�wc��er�y c�fi p��v��eges enjoyed by other prope��ies in the vic,ini�y o,�d im °�he ��,m� zon3ng classa.fication, and grants sa�d Variar�e s�abjeci� t� °�h� ,€'�:�:r��a�.��ng c�nditions: 1; See Reso�.ution No, 66�33 L� 2, S�gn n�it �to exceed six�y f�o°� �50°�} m�ximum height from grade. For �khe follo�ving �easc�n�o 1, Due to �he Freew�y sh.ould�e: ��,pc,��a.p}iy wh3�h obstructs the vzsion o�' north boenxnd �raffa,� �f �'he p�caperty involved, full v�s,�on of th� p�oper�ty �r�aa�3.d bP c�bs�r.a�cted; and 2. �ecause of d.�.ffe�sntial z.xn e�.evc�����xa k����nr�e�i subject property and �'xeeway gz�sde and the �£�x�c�r i�na�t ;�� mper�ty mn the east side of Traffi� Way �.as more v,is.ian r. esi�r•�.�c�,Y.on than that property on �he �es� side of' �'raffgc H1a�, On mo�io�n r�f' Cmmm,ission�r Du,va,�.l,� ��e�oraded by Cammissioner McMil�.en, and by the f�:�:�mtiv�ng r.ol.l ca11. va��, ����+;i.�a AYES e Commissione�s D�a�a.l'1� McMY.:I l.e�, Po�•t�er o and Chairman St�ro�khe� e NOESe Cmmm�.ssi�neTM Sclh��xl.�z ABSEN7';; Commiss�.oner Dext�e� ABSTAIN: Gommis�.�one� Visse•r� the foregoing Res�Tut�on was adop�ed �h:i� 4�'h. day ot' October, 1966e ATTEST; � j S cretary ✓ I � :7 � . C'ha � � man