PC R 66-13 S25 RESOLUTION NO. 66�13 S RESOLUTION OF THE PLANN.ING �OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP OF TRAC� 349 The Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande having duly re- viewed Tentative Subdivision Map for Tract 349, as presented by the South County Recreation development Coo, Inco and t�e City of Arroyo Gr�nde Sub� division Review Board, does hereby resolve and accept s��d Tentative Map subject to the following conditions and req�irements, to-wit: A. Streets: 1. Street Signs: All street signs as determined necessary by the City, shall be paid for by the developer and install.ed by the City. 2. Street Sections: dimensions �o be to face of curbs, 3. Street Intersections: shall not exceed 5% an ench leg and provide a mi+_�imum sight dzs����e �f 200 f��t, qr n,�d.i���d t� the sat�s� �'�.e��nn of the Di�tctca�� �f �'�ab.l..�n,� k�'ra�"��o 4. C?�e .toot R.�serv� S�rips- on c�:�...�. �3.�d e�d a� pc����.1�1 s��ee�s deeded to �he Cfty and lettex•ed, 5, Cul-de-Sacs: Tempsxary c�3�..�e--sac c�t ea�i� ea:ci c�f £s�,���n� �`ree. Re- �uire improvement monies degeas��ed t,�ri.�� �i.�•�r ��r riost�h-sot�th street at east end of Burning 7'reeo b, Street Naiaes: to be determir*ed by Gity pr3.or to F°i.nal Map and in keeping with subdivision char�c�t��, �o C�I-�cle-So�cs: Curb radi to be nat les� thnn 4D feelt on a 45 feo�t ri.ght of way, 8e 5treet Trees- B�sed on total ��.zxecxY. �oot of stre�ts paid fos by developer and installed by Ci��yo P�':a.nni�.g Comm�ssion mintr.tes ,of Februar.y 1, i966 - Page 2, requests t7�e developers nnci the Planning Director to recommend an alternafie �e��,�:x��ic.enr't which mi�.ght be :in- cluded in the C, C, & R' s a to �cchieue �he �clme resul ts,o "9, Street Lights: Based on total l.i.n:eal f'aot of streets not to �exceed 400 foot centers, to be arranged far�and installed by developer, on �a�pproxi�ma�fiely �3'0 �'�oot �metnl �st�aa���x�d�s �a�n�d 17�5 ��watt �m.er�cury �vapo.r lampso - 1'0, �6 inch standard concrete cu��a ���.� �g,utter section throu,�hout„ �except va�here 8 inch would be neces�sr��,y for vaafier control. 11, 'Street grades not to exceed 1.'S9'a, Pl,anning �Commi�ssi.on �minutes �af �Febr�v.ar,y 1,, 1966 - Page "2, , a.l�.a�irs ''�':sub ject to �aappr�oval of t�he :�P�ii�blic Wor.�ks iDepartment and City iEngin�eer''., 1;�.. „ A11 r�.;ght :of way�s to :be grad.�ed �',zi11 width. �B.. �D.r�a.i�na:ge�: �'1�. 'T�o .be �un�d�ergr.ound :or in :syval:�,o i2, iA:greemen�t 'to acce,pt saa�ter �ov�r. � �CoY.f 'C�ur;se �ar,ea, , 3,o A;11. draina:ge �ea�sements �a�ce,pt .by �Ci , sha1l�:�be \ un3ergr.�und �exce,pt 'Golf �Gov.rse,;. ' . �. • _, ���:� ���- ,� -. . �� �4, 'To � :�n�luaea sn �C.. 'C:, & ^�R'o �s � i�,1:1 :dralna:ge ;swal�es :must ;be �ke,pt �c1.�ear �of ;;perma�rrent :str�uct:ixr�es �or .,pr�ov.eal t.o �sa�i�s�a�ct3�on :of �C:3�t ��t�ha�t ra��.t�ural �drai�na;ge �has �not ibEen i�nt�er.f�e� �w�.th.a •'S,e iAl�. �2�o�t �dra�:na�ge •fio 7be �car:ri,ed sn ,pl,pes �thr,ough -c.ur.�b �o,penin.gs �o,r �a:s �a�p,proVecl by �C:3t:y„ �6„ �A1� ��.rai�na�ge �easement�s •t�� :be �a1�on.g :1ot :li�n�es �a�s >near �a�s .,practi�ca�b�l�e„ `Ga �Wat •anid `S�Ewer o 1, /Pxr�v:2�:� �m �ag,proved �acleq���te �si.te �azial ca tarik suffi�cient to _�prov3cle :f'3:�e :�T.�cit�irs ��•n� �3�omestia �servi�ce fi.A �stabd�vi•slon `S,vb�ect to -nego- 'ti�at�.•ons �wit�h �Ci�ty :for laxger :stora�ge:, %2:, ,ShGw �a11 lines and �sixes:o ;3„ �De°s�.�gn of �a11 �water and sewer °systems �and ap,purtenances :s1ib ject to �appr�oval of ��Direcfior �o� iPublic Works,o �4,0 :P:umpin,g }plants be kept to minimum o `5„ -A11 �d�ead-end streets �to have �a11 utilities �stubbed in to �subdivi�si�on devel:opment limi�ts, 2b D. Special Requirements; 1. Al1 cul-de-sac lots to have a minimum of 35 foot frontage. � 2. No parking on Oakmont Drive and cul-de=sac bulba. 3. Access�restricted to Country_Club Drive for Loirs 103 and �04, 4. Accees restricted to St, Andrews for�Lote 137 and 1.38. 5. Acceas restricted to Burning Tree for Lots 165 nnd 166. 6. Connections t.o frontage road to be designed cnd improved by sub� divider to meet City approval. E. Zoning: 1. Require rezoning application. Plannfng Commisaion minutee o� Feb=uary 1, 196� - Page 2 provides for wit}iholding t}ae rezoning requirement eubject to the approval and�adoption of a near Planaed Residential Dietrict asnendmant to the zoning ordinance, F. Fire: l. Approximately 40 }iydrants are tentatively propoaed ae followes A. 2 Greanberg No, 76, or equal, adjacent to Go1f.:Club Houae aren. H, 34 Greenberg Noe 74 or 75,��or equal, in residential cren, nnd C, 4 Wharf hydrants at end of long cul-de-sac, 2, A minimum fire f.7.ow of 500 G.P�,M, is.required, at 20 lba. residual preseure. Definite locations of hydrants will be establiahed ct a later date. G. Street Sections: See attached ''Exhibit A", On motion of Commissioner Mize, se�con�ed:by Commissioner Tnlley, aad by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES; Commissioners Dexter Evdns, Mize, Schultz, Talley and Chairman Strother, � ° NOES: None ABSENT: Commisaioner McMillen the foregoing Resolution wae adopted and effective thie lst dny of February, 1966. :ATTEST • �� C�✓J Secretary Chairman ��. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 66-13 S"Exhibit A" REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 349 12/23/65 STREETS (1) Local Collector /o S� /zJ � � ` � ' •-� n _.w.4YY.^.K..:: .�.::iiiSLu_: � `�i:b tV x, ..:,w� ,�. ^1 .fi.:......� f �. �..�._._V ...a...___ — — —..—_____._ 6 0 , Y�� , `Z..�.�� (a) Burning Tree: Connects two arterials and intersects a projected local collector. Construct temporary cul-de-sac or turn-around at north property line. (b) Armour Street: Relocate on Easterly property line, Can be developed on 40' R/W with additional 20' from adjacent development at a later date. Would consider 30' R/W with deposit in lieu of construction, this would require a temporary turn around on easterly end of Burning Tree. (2) Local Street - tnodified / ,� � � � � f _..�.-;r.�?�:w.,>,.,.�--r.�1,e,._ � ` ''� , �,._...�.T �...�._...�.�.......� �' ' - - -- � `� (a) St. Andrews: from Westerly Property Line to Burning Tree and from Burning Tree to north property line. Offset Northerly stub of St. Andrews beyond Burning Tree 200' either side of intersection. (b) Country Club Drive: from Easterly School property easterly and southerly to south property line. (c) Thunderbird: from Country Club Drive easterly to east property line. Redesign intersection of Thunderbird and Country Club Drive. (3) Special Section d � /! ,,� ! � A ,� f !�. � � '� v9 � � /�3 „'2 • i �' � Oakmont - Country Club Drive to St. Andrews � Special Section �� � 3 � 1 fi,c: r,?�.�,�;...� �� �� � ,-�-----.'°"""""• ,...,�-�. .�..__ ........ ......... ...... ,..�'�" .� �.__.,._..,...r...._..�..__,.e�..r� c�C� � ._.._...._........_.._.......�_.. _—� Country Club Road - from Frontage Road to easterly School Property line. (5) Local Hillside �� � j,2 1 /Z� ._ �.+�-��',,. _..�--. �� � �'� "t 3 ... ----- ,�- � o All other streets. �, �.r 27