PC R 65-2 P3
WHEREAS: The Plnnning Commission is authorized to establish Rules and
Regulations, Ordinance No. 207, for it's operation and c�nduct of bus-
iness; now, therefore, the Commission does hereby ndopt the following
rules and regulations for the operation and conduct of its business, to
su pe�e5 �cie eb
-� � ��ae all prior regulations on the subject.
1.. Attendance of Members: Absence from three (3) consecutive regular
meetings, or 25% of the regular meetings during any
one year period, without formal consent of the City
Council shall be deemed to constitute the retirement
of such member and the position declared vacant.
2. Officers
Sec. 1:
Sec. 2:
At its first regular meeting following the annual
appointments, the members of the Commission shall
elect a chairman and a vice-chairman, who shall hold
office for one year. Their duties shall be such as
are usually carried by such officers. One member
shall not serve as chairman more than two consecutive
years. The Secretary of the Commission, who shall
not necessarily be a Commission Member, shnll be
appointed by the Chairman of the Commission and ap-
proved by the Commission by minute motion.
The duties of such officers shall be as follows:
Chairman: The chairman shall preside at all meetings;
shall call all special meetings; shall appoint all
committees which the Commission shall deem necessary;
shall join with the secretary in executing all instru-
ments of writing requiring formal execution on the
part of the Commission; shall see that all business is
conducted in accordance with law and shall perform
such other duties as are assigned to him by the Plan-
ning Commission.
Vice-Chairman: The vice-chairman shall preside in the
absence of the chairman, nnd shall perform such other
d�.zties as are assigned to him by the Chairman or Plnn-
ning Commission.
Sec.3: Secretary: The Secretary shall keep permanent and com-
plete records of the proceedings of the Commission�;.
shall join with the chairman in executing all instru-
ments of writing requiring formal execution on the
part of the Commission.
Sec.4: Commission Clerk: A commission clerk may be appo:inted
by the Secretary to fulfill such duties as necessary
3. Meetings
Sec. 1:
Sec. 2:
Sec. 3:
Sec. 4:
to maintain Commission records.
The regular meetings of the Commission shall be held
on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30
o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Arroyo
Grande, California.
S�ecial meetings may be called by the Chairman or by the
Secretary at the written request of at least three '
members; provided that written notice of such special
meeting so called shnll be given each member of the
commission �at least 48 hours in advance of the time fixed
for the meeting, and which notice shall contain the time,
the place, and shall set out the business to be trans-
acted. Notice may be dispersed with by written waiver
of each member.
The Secretary shall notify the public and the press of
all special meetings of the Commission, pursuant to
the Brown Act.
The Commission may at any meeting adjourn over to the
next regular meeting by a majority vote, or, may recess
to a stated time, date and place for continuance of
the meeting.
The Commission may designate a different dny, time or
place on which to hold regular meetings by a majority
vote of its total membership; notice of such change of
regular meetings must be posted on the door of the
present hearing place and given to the Press at least
5 days prior to next meeting.
4. Quorum:
Sec. 1:
Sec. 2:
5. Committees •
Sec. 1:
Public Works Director
Chief of Fire Department
Chief of Police Department
Building Official
and such other Department Heads ns required.
Sec. 2:
When Quorum Missinq: Should there not be a quorum
present,�the�members present may adjourn to a later date.
Quorum: Officers� Missinq: - In case of the absence of
both Chairman and Vice-Chairman at any meeting, but a
quorum existing, a chairman shall be selected pro-tem
from the Commissioners present and the business trans-
acted as though the regular officers were present.
An Advisory Committee composed of the following city
department heads is hereby created. Al1 matters on the
agenda shall be referred to this committee for its nd-
vice by the secretary of the Commission prior to Com-
mission meetings. Its members shall be:
This committee shall act individually or�as a committee
of the whole as required and render its advice to the
Commission in writing. Such advice shall consist only
of findings of facts concerning the matters on said
agenda, made by each member of the committee on the basis
of his specialized knowledge.
Special committees for particular purposes may be
appointed by the presiding officer with consent of
tlie Commission.
�. , .
6. Time Limit on Speakers: The presiding officer of the Commission
7. Voting:
Sec. 1:
may limit the time during which persons appearing
before the Commission may speak and may refuse to allow
presentations which are merely a repetition of what
has been prev�iously stated.
The Chairman of the Commission, or presiding officer
if another commissioner presides, shall vote with the
other commissioners in the transaction of any business
and on all matters coming before the Commission.
Sec. 2:
Sec. 3:
Sec. 4:
Sec. 5:
Sec. 6:
Adoption or amendment to the Master Plan, Precise Plans
and Zoning Ordinance at..least four�members. For any
such adoption or�amendment to be approved, there must
be at least four affirmative votes.
All other commission business, at least four members.
The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum shall
be required for the approval of such business.
A member, when a question is taken, shall vote
unless a majority of the commissioners present, for
specific reasons, shall excuse him provided, however,
that any member interested personally in any question
shall abstain from voting thereon, or discussing said
question with other members.
One member may demand the ayes and noes on any question.
The majority vote of all the members shall decide all
decisions on petitions or other matters officially
before it; on matters of procedure, a majority of
those present shall rule.
8. Reconsideration: When a question has been put once and decided,
and before the action becomes effective or before the
Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has taken juris-
diction, it shall be in order for any member who voted
with the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof,
and such motion shall take precedence of all other
questions, except a motion to adjourn.
Sec. l: No��motion shall be reconsidered more thnn once.
9. Reading of Papers: The presiding officer shall direct the
Commission Clerk to read a paper or a document in
its entirety of the substance thereof, provided that
if any member calls for the reading of any paper in
its entirety the question shall be determined by a
vote of the Commission.
10. Minutes: All:motions, orders, and resolutions, and such other
matters as the Commission orders shall be entered in
the minutes.
11. Conduct of Meetin s: All business of the Commission shall be con-
ducted according to !'Robert's Rules of Order."
12. Resolutions: All action oF the;Commission on matters officially
before it shall be by resolution. Resolutions shall
be numbered consecutively and;znust be signed by the
Chairman and Secretary and shall be kept in a resolution
file, and may be referred to by number.
On motion of Commissioner Mize, seconded by Commissioner Talley, and
on the following roll call vote, to-wit:
AYES: Commissioners Dexter, Mize, Schultz and Talley
NOES: Commissioners McMillen and Chairman Strother
ABSENT: Commissioner Evans
. .,� . . ,
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 29th day of December, 1965.
Orville Schultz, Secreta y New 11 Strothe , Chairman