PC R 09-2089RESOLUTION NO. 09-2089 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DENY GPA/DCA CASE NO. 09-001 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 3015 REGARDING SUBAREA 2, LOCATED ADJOINING HILLCREST RESERVOIR #2, NEAR HILLCREST AND STONECREST DRIVES, INITIATED BY THE CITY AND APPLIED FOR BY HILLCREST LAND COMPANY. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande initiated GPA/DCA Case No. 09-001 including proposals for land use designation and zoning changes for Subarea 2, including a one acre eastern portion of the Hillcrest Reservoir #2 Public Facility (PF) district to Multiple Family (MF) Residential district; and WHEREAS, the Hillcrest Land Company and Howard Mankins submitted an offer to purchase 1.0 acre more or less of potential surplus City property and to combine it with adjoining, existing Multiple Family Residential zoned vacant land south of Stonecrest Tract No. 2328 and included approximately one (1.0) acre of adjoining undeveloped hillside Industrial Mixed Use zoned property to the east, added to GPA/DCA 09-001 in July, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Hillcrest Land Company and Howard Mankins applied for Tentative Tract Map No. 3015 consisting of thirteen Planned Unit Development single family residential lots and approximately 1.0 acre Lot 14 for Multiple Family development, with access to a new public cul-de-sac street extending southeast from Hillcrest Drive; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held public hearings on GPA/DCA 09-001 regarding Subarea 2 as Amended and on TTM No. 3015 as proposed including CEQA initial studies and draft Mitigated Negative Declaration considered at regular meeting of April 7, July 7, July 21, August 18 and September 1, 2009; and � WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberations and public hearings conducted on April 7, July 7, July 21, August 18 and September 1, 2009 that the following circumstances exist: Tentative Tract Map Findings: 1. The proposed GPA and DCA for Tentative Tract Map No. 3015 is not consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the 2001 Arroyo Grande General Plan and the Development Code as amended, due primarily to inadequate circulation. The Planning Commission considers proposed access from narrow and steep segments of Hillcrest Drive via the adjoining Residential Suburban low density district inappropriate and inadequate for proposed Multiple Family (MF) Residential PUD subdivision and development. 2. The site is not physically suitable for the type of development proposed, due to the inappropriate and inadequate circulation described above. RESOLUTION NQ. 2089 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 3015 PAGE 2 Access from Hillcrest Drive lacks sufficient street width and sidewalks and proposes excessive and incompatible traffic impacts on a low density Residential Suburban neighborhood. The Planning Commission suggested that alternative subdivision access to EI Camino Real via improvements to Stonecrest Drive be considered subject to revised tentative tract map application public hearings. 3. The site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development due to the unacceptable circulation provided by access to and from deficient and unsafe Hillcrest Drive as currently configured. The City should consider fire lane and no parking signs and enforcement to prevent blockage of deficient segments of Hillcrest Drive which is also an essential, unavoidable pedestrian route to and from Ocean View Elementary School. 4. The design of the tentative tract map and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, widening and improving Hillcrest Drive to eliminate street and sidewalk constraints and improve circulation and provide access to City Standards would require removal of numerous mature oak trees and contribute to increased storm water runoff that may not be mitigated to less than significant impacts. 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvement is not likely to cause serious public health problems, however, traffic safety concerns caused by circulation and access constraints and off-site street and sidewalk deficiencies are unacceptable. 6. The design of the tentative tract map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at-large but will not provide for access through or use of property or improvements needed for adequate access and appropriate vehicular and/or pedestrian/bike routes to school. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed in Division 7(commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code. However the subdivision, if developed, would need to obtain "will serve" letter from South SLO County Sanitation District and participate in correction of several City sewer collection system deficiencies as mitigation measures and/or conditions of approval. 8. Adequate public services and facilities do not exist nor would be provided as a result of the proposed tentative tract map to support project development. � � Unless or until off-site improvement to either or both Hillcrest Drive and/or Stonecrest Drive are achieved, equivalent to minimum City access and circulation standards for street and sidewalk improvements, neither acceptable access or adequate fire response can be assured. � � RESOLUTION NO. 2089 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 3015 PAGE 3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande finds potential adverse access impacts and inadequate and inappropriate circulation proposals and recommends to the City Council that GPA/DCA 09-001 for Subarea 2 as initiated by the City and Tentative Tract Map No. 3015 as applied for by Hillcrest Land Company be denied. On motion by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Brown, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: Commissioners Ray, NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Keen Brown, Barneich and Ruth the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1 st day of September 2009. ATTEST: 1��C�� �� DEBBIE WEICHINGER, CAREN RAY, A SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION . � � . � � _� %���/ .,�.�..li%,I . � : r . �.�+° • � •- � - •-