PC R 08-2061RESOLUTION NO. 08-2061 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO. 08-001 c, AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 16.04 DEFINITIONS AND 16.32 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: TO ALLOW FOR THE CLUSTERING OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS WITH PERMANENT OPEN SPACE PROVISIONS WITHIN THE RESIDENTIAL RURAL, RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN AND RESIDENTIAL HILLSIDE DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the updated General Plan which became effective November 10, 2001 and requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and Zoning Map for consistency, in accordance with Government Code Section 65860; and WHEREAS, the General Plan includes the Land Use, Housing and Open Space and Conservation Elements that include objectives and policies including LU2-2 "Accommodate the development of Residential Hillside cluster development and large lot conventional subdivisions in appropriate areas, classified as Single Family Residential Low Density"; Housing Element A.1 "The City shall adopt policies, programs and procedures to attempt to meet the present and future needs of residents of the City, and to aim at providing the fair share regional housing need allocated for each income classification, within identified governmental, market, economic and natural constraints" and "C/OS 1-1.4 "Locate structures, roads and grading on portions of a site so as to minimize visual impact. Locate developments below prominent ridgelines and hilltops such that they are not silhouetted against the sky," C/OS2 "Safeguard important environmental and sensitive biological resources contributing to health, functioning ecosystem," C/OS3 "Plan for a well-maintained system of footpaths and non-vehicular trails that provide access to areas of non-urban environment"; and WHEREAS, after consideration of all testimony and all relevant evidence, the City Planning Commission has determined that the following Development Code Amendment findings can be made in an affirmative manner: A. The proposed revision to the Municipal Code is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the general plan land use, housing, and conservation and open space elements and is necessary and desirable to implement to provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed revision to the Municipal Code will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern since the proposed changes allows the city to provide housing and protect open space and sensitive habitats. C. The proposed revision to the Municipal Code is consistent with the purpose and RESOLUTION NO. 08-2061 PAGE 2 intent of the Introductory Provisions and Definitions Section 16.04, and Residential Districts 16.32. D. The City has conducted an environmental review and has found that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed Ordinance will have an effect on the environment and is categorically exempt per Section 15061 of the CEQA Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande approve Development Code Case No. 08-001c, amending Municipal Code Chapters 16.04 and 16.32 as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Barneich, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Marshall, Barneich, Keen and Chair Ray NOES: None ABSENT: Tait the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of April 2008. ATTEST: � KATHY DOZA FO YN REARDON-SMITH SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION aOg STRONG; COMMUNITY DEVEL PMENT DIRECTOR EXHIBIT "A" 16.04.070 "Continuous Open Space" means a network of connected common open spaces and/or other conservation land that typically extends along or around a natural feature such as a creek, oak woodland or wildlife travel corridor, or includes an area with significant scenic, historic, archeological, or cultural value, or provides for public passive or active recreation such as trails or similar linear facilities. "Sensitive Habitat" means a wetland, riparian area, oak woodland or any area in which plan or animal life or their habitats are either rare or especially valuable because of their special nature or role in an ecosystem and which could be easily disturbed or degraded by human activities and developments. Table 16.32.040-A Uses Permitted Within Residential Districts Legend P Permitted MUP Minor Use Permit PUD Permitted Subject to Issuance of a Planned Unit Development Permit C Permitted Subject to Issuance of a Conditional Use Permit NP Not Permitted _ _. , __ .. , . � . i . .. VR i ! I � , D- 'j i USE RE � RH E RR RS SF 2.4 'I MF MFA MFVH MHP A. Residential Uses �^�---� �I�� �: (�� I_�_�� _ _ __� _�_ .__ _ _ � ._. . .. _ _ .. _ . .......... . ....._ ......_ _. ..__ __._ T _ __ _ . _ _ _. _ ._ _ ... _ _ . �. .... _ . _... 1. Single-family detached � P� P � P� P P( MUP ' P : P � NP � NP (standard lot sizes) j j ; j . _ _. _.._._. _ .... . _ _ .... . : 2. Small lot single-family detached NP PUD ��� �R :PUD � PUD (PUD NP � NP � NP �PU PU ! � 3. Single-family attached (twin NP PUD ! NP NP ,; PUD NP (PU ; PUD � NP NP ;home, triplex, fourplex) ��� �; j : � � ;. ...._ ......................... ........................................._......_..__......---._...._......�..._................_.._.... _ . _ _ .._.. _ ;4. Condominium air s ace NP NP j NP NP ` NP ;! NP � C; C� C NP ( P ) �------� � � � _--- ........................ .............................�. ........_....... _. _..... __......... �..........__........... ........................ ,..........._......-- r .._.._................._ ...................._... ;......._.................,............................ � . ._._... ......... �5. Multiple-family attached (2 - 4 NP NP � NP NP NP " NP IMUP ; MUP P { NP un � � � � '6. Multiple-family attached (5 or NP NP � NP NP ; NP , N �; C � MUP NP more units) ��� � � � � � 7. Mobilehome subdivisions C C C C C C r C�: C� C� C ����: �) � � .............................................._..__....._...................._............_........_................_................................,.... ....................... ........................ ......................._ F ........... .. . . , ;....,.,... ............. r ............. ........_ ._............................_._..........,....�._............................_ .,.,......._.,........._ 8. Mobileho parks C C C� C' C j C C C; C C 9. Boar houses NPM NP NP NP ; NP � NP ; C C C NP 10. Senior independent living uses NP ;� NP j NP � NP ; NP � NP � C C' C NP , _ . _. _. . , _ .. . .._.... . . s _...._.. 11 Congregate care, assisted � NP � NP � NP � NP ' NP � NP � C� C j C NP living �_ I �_ � � �. n12. Convalescent care � � NP NP NP NP : NP j NP C; C C � NP ���� _...___�:.___.,.,,,,�,__�._...,,.�__ ....................._�_,,�,...,.,.._.._ �..__��_._...__ �. __:.�.�� 13. Residential care facility (6 or P P[ P P P� P j P P I P P fewer p ersons) � �� j � I ; � � �14.�Bed and breakfast inns NP C I C C C� C�� C�C j NP �NP � � �__ _ � I � 15. Second residential dwelling P P P P P P� P�P �^ P ;unit ���� : � � _ _ _.____. — .----- 16. Small family day care (6 or � P� P� P P� P��P �i P�� P P P� ; fewer children) ��� �' � i , � �_ 16.32.050 Residential site development standards. The following property development standards shall apply to all land and permitted, or conditionally permitted buildings located within their respective residentiat districts. The standards stated herein shall not be construed to supersede more restrictive site development standards contained in the conditions, covenants and restrictions of any property or dwelling unit. However, in no case shall private deed restrictions permit a lesser standard in the case of a minimum standard of this section or permit a greater standard in the case of a maximum standard of this section. A. General Requirements. Tables 16.32.050-A and B set forth minimum site development standards for residential development projects. Table 16.32.050-A Residential Site Development Standards-- Sing le-Family Z ones ; RE RH RR � RS � SF VR densit DU's e�, �.� __.,.._ � �.,. ._ �..___...__ __:,,.,�. __,._ __..__.. �._.__ __....._ ;1. Maximum i 0.4 0.67 1.0 � 2.5 4.5 4.5 Y� P � i ` ;gross acre) ' ' ; .. _ _ _. ....... . _ .. ,_ _..,.. _ ._... ._. _ __._ _.. ........_______ _.: . � � __ ...... ..............._ _..........._.. . ... 2. Minimum 92,500 49,000 40,000 ; 12 000 7,200 6,750 ;building site � ;{��se�e� ;(Net area in sq. ft.) ; ;s�e ;new subdivisions � aAe� � ( e�.. ��`- �;�veyaa�se � , ; e�-epea ; � � � r� .�� ( I ' ...��� ��.�.......� � ;_..._��_..�._....._. __, ,__._.__.. _._ ��. �. �.. __-__ :3. Minimum lot I 200' 130' 120' ; 80' 70' 50' ;width new i � ;subdivisions ; i4. Minimum lot 250' 200' 200' �� 100'� 100' 100' idepth new � ���� � jsubdiv �� � �-----.. ;5. Minimum front ( 50' 35' 35' � 25' 20' � 15' `yard` � � �New subdivisions � i �of 5+ lots ( � � Infill and additions � Setbacks listed above or the average setback of structures to the I� , , j �� street on either side and directly across block front for properties in ! the same district. � � m �_. � �.�______ , � ._._.�,.. _ _ ___ �-------- i6. Minimum interior i 30' 10% of lot � 10% of lot � 5' one side, Infill = 5; 5' 3side yard setback* � width width ' 10' other New � �side (for lots subdivision ' � � < 12,000 sq. = 5' one I. i � ft. use SF) side, 10' ' � ( ; ; other side __....._.... . ;_ _....-----.........._.._........._..:. ............:................_...:._.........._................:..............................._.............::..............:.:.................. (7. Minimum street � 30' ;15% of lot 15% of lot' 15' 15' 10' �si yard setbac � ` width width �8. Minimum rear 50' 40' 25' � 20' � 10' (1- � 10' (1- �yard setback` (For lots < story) 15' story) 15' � 12,000 sq. (2-story) (2-story) � �� ! ft. use SF) �9. Maximum lot � 35% 35% �35%�( 30% (For 40% 40% icoverage ; lots <10,000 � i � sq. ft. use ` ; SF) �� . _._.....__.. ..� . . � �_.:: _ . ..... ....... .... �....... . .��.... _..,... _. �.. ..____... 10. Maximum ! 30' or 2 stories, whichever is less, 14' for accessory buildings. �height for buildings ; �and structures �11. Minimum � 20' jdistance between 'building (including ; 'main dwellings and ; iaccessory i ;structures) ; ��t� 10' 1 � _10�..... ..... � Notes to Tables 16.32.050-A and B: Residential Site Development Standards " Infill development on a parcel within a previously approved project. Where the city has established specific setback requirements for single-family or multifamily residential parcels through the approval of a specific plan, subdivision map, planned unit development or other entitlement, those setbacks shall apply to infill development and additions within the approved