PC R 07-2026RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 07-001 AND PLANNED UNIT D[:VELOPMENT 07-001 LOCATED AT 183 BRISCO ROAD APPLIED FOR BY GAYLEN LITTLE WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Tentative Tract Map 07-001 to subdivide a 0.55-acre parcel located at 183 Brisco Road; and WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Planned Unit Development 07-001 in conjunction with the above Tentative Tract Map; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Tentative Tract ;v1ap 07-001 and Planned Unit Development 07-001 at a public hearing on March 6, 2007 in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Enviranmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has adopted a Negative Declaration for tne project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: -. ►�_. .. .. The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as well as ar�y applicable specific plan, and the requirements of this title. The proposed tentative tract map would allow the site to be developed with an allowed use and at a density that is consistent with the City's General Plan. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. The project site is 23,800 square feet in area, and is located within an urbanized area with major infrastructure a/ready in place. The property is zoned Multi-Family Apartment within a Redevelopment Area, fhe zones primary purpose is to provide a broadened range of housing types for those not desiring detached dwellings on individua; parcels. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE20F16 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The project property is developed with E units and the City's General Plan and Municipa/ Code allows a maximum of 7.7 dwelling units for a parcel of fhis size. 4. The ciesign of the tentative parcel map or the proposed improvements are not likely to r,ause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The design of the parcel map will not cause substantial environmental damage nor will it injure either fish or wildlife or their habitat, since the site has been prev�ously deve/oped with a six unit apartment building and is located in an urbanized area. 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. The desiyn of the subdivision will not cause any serious public health problems, as it provide.s adequate vehicular and pedestrian access to each proposed lot and the project is similar to existing adjacenf developments. 6. The design of the tentative tract map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative parcel map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that these alternative easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. The design of the tentative tract map has been reviewed by City staff and will not conflict with any public easements. Access to the project will be from Brisco Road, which is a public right of way. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed in Division 7(commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code. Conditions of approval ensure that the subdivision will abide by all City and South County Sanitation District standards relating to sewer system design. 8. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative parcel map to support project development. The project is located adjacenf to all necessary public facilities and will not negatively affect the adequacy of those facilities. Planned Unit Development Findings The proposed development is consistent with the goals, objectives and programs of the general plan and any applicable specific plan; RESOLUTION tVO. 07-2026 PAGE 3 OF 16 � The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan policies, specifically Tab/e LU-1. 2. The site for the proposed development is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use and all yards, open spaces, setbacks, walls and fences, parking area, loading areas, landscaping, and other features required; The proNosed project provides for usable and functional private open space, parking and /andscaping consistent with the Municipa/ Code. 3. The site for the proposed development has adequate access, meaning that the site design and development plan conditions consider the limitations of existing streets and highways; The project will take access from Brisco Road and will not generate a substantial number of daily or peak-hour vehicle trips. 4. AdequatE� public services exist, or will be provided in accordance with the conditiona of development plan approval, to serve the proposed development; and that the approval of the proposed development will not result in a reduction of such public services to properties in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare; The proposed development is located adjacent to or in close proximity to all necessary public services. The proposed development will not cause a reduction in these services to other properties in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public hea/th, safety or welfare. 5. The proposed development, as conditioned, will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding property, or the permitted use there�f, and will be compatible with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area; The proposed deve/opment is consistent with the use and density as described in the City's Genera/ Plan and is consistent with development on adjacent properties. 6. The improvements required, and the manner of development, adequately address all natural and manmade hazards� associated with the proposed development and the project site, including, but not limited to, flood, seismic, fire and slope hazards; There is minimal hazard risk on the project site, limited only to possible seismic events. 7. The proposed development carries out the intent of the planned unit development provisions by providing a more efficient use of the land and an excellence of design greater than that which could be achieved through the application of conventional development standards; The proposed deve/opmenf provides a more efficient use of the land than could be achieved through the strict application of Multi-Family Apartment zoning district development standards. RESOLUTION IVO. 07-2026 PAGE 4 OF 16 8. The proposed development complies with all applicable performance standards listed in Section 16.32.050(E). The proposed development complies with the City's performance standards for planned unit developments. For a clustered residential development the following additional findings of fact shall be made by the pl�nning commission: The clustering of dwelling units is approved pursuant to a specific plan, planned unit development, or similar mechanism 1. The overall permitted density of the project area is not exceeded; 2. The resulting project will not require a greater level of public services and facilities than would an equivalent nonclustered project; 3. The resu?t of clustering residential units is a more desirable and environmentally sensitive development plan which creates usable open space areas for the enjoyment of project residents and which preserves significant environmental features; 4. The project development pattern, including the net density of developed area and proposed lot sizes which result from clustering are compatible with surrounding areas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Tentative Tract Map 07-001 and Planned Unit Development 07-001, as shown in Exhibit "B" with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner Ba�[, seconded by Commissioner I1d�r�.h�11, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Chair Ray, Marshall and Keen NOES: Corrimissioners Barneich and Tait ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 6 day of March, 2007. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 5 OF 16 ATTEST: n. '�=��' ` LYN REARDON-SMITH CAREN RAY, INTERIM CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION �J NT DIRECTOR AS TO CONTENT: RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 6 OF 16 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 07-001 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 07-001 183 BRISCO ROAD This approval authorizes the subdivision of one residential parcel into eight parcels of various sizes. •►�►� ► � •'�i ► � '_: ►i ► •►� •► The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 07-001 a�d Planned Unit Development 07-001. 3. Developr�ent shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting of March 6, 2007 4. This tentative map approval shall automatically expire on March 6, 2009 unless the final map is recorded or an extension is granted pursuant to Section 16.12.140 of the Development Code. 5. Development shall conform to the Multi-Family Apartment (MFA) zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. 6. The app!icant shall, as a condition of approval of this tentative or final map application, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Arroyo Grande, its present or former agents, officers and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its past or present agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul City's approval of this subdivision, which action is brought within the time period provided for by law. This condition is subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 66474.9, which are incorporated by reference herein as though set forth in full. � : •►� •► 7. One resi��ence shall be reserved for low-income ownership through a housing development agreement approved by the City and entered into befinreen the City and the applicant prior to final approval of a subdivision map. This agreement shall set forth the provision to require a designated residence be sold to a qualified low- income household as certified by the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo or such other authority approved by the City Council and shall remain affordable for a period of not less than 30-years. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE7OF16 8. The garbage enclosure shall be relocated from the top of the property driveway to the parking area between units D& E, on approval from the South County Waist Removal. The usurped parking area shall then be moved to the previous location of the garbage enclosure. 9. Final landscape plan to be approved by the Director of Park Recreation and Facilities as well as the Community Development Department and referred to ARC for final approval. , G: . :G : 1 •►�►� •►� �7�F.'3I 10. The applicant shall revise plans to include: . Change plant from Melaleuca Armillarus to Melaleuca dela. . Clarify that the Magnolia is Grandiflora, and if not, then change it to � Grandiflora. . Change the London Plane tree to the Bloodgood variety. ► :: •►� •► 11. During construction, non-potable water should be used in water trucks or sprinkler systems that shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this shall include wetting down such areas in the later morning and after work is completed for the day and whenever winds exceed 15 mile� per hour. 12. Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil hinders to prevent dust generation. 13. All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials shall be covered or maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. 14. Wheel washers shall be installed where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or all trucks and equipment shall be washed off before leaving the project site. 15. Streets shall be swept at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjc�cent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. 16. The following note shall be placed on the construction plans for the project: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and cultural resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significance. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner shall be contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide archaeological sti�dies and/or mitigation measures." RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE80F16 17. The proj�ct shall comply with the most recent Uniform Building Code (UBC) guidelines. Specifically the applicant must meet building code requirement to assure a 2-story building with basement garages. 18. Utilities shall be designed with as much flexibility as practical to tolerate potential differential movement without becoming disconnected or broken. 19. In accordance with the City Drainage Master Plan, may require measures for storm water runoff acceptable to the Director of Public Works. 20. All construction equipment shall be provided with well-maintained, functional mufflers to limit noise and air pollution. Emission standards will be approved by APCD. I�T11��11►CrT1�1�7�1:7��7��_1:��►��1�►�� ► :� •►� •► C � ► • 21. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Building and Fire Codes, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. DISABLED ACCESS 22. Provide complete compliance with State and Federal disabled access requirements. ' �► - 23. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. : • � : . �::► 24. Project shall have a fire flow based on the California Fire Code appendix III-A. 25. Prior �o cornbustible materials being placed on site, 2 fire hydrants may be required to installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standard�. FIRE SPRINKLERS 26. Prior to Occupancy, all buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 9 OF 16 � �___, 27. Provide Fire Department approved access or sprinkler-system per National Fire Protection Association Standards. :::►��►►� ► ►•► •► •:►� ► 28. Prior to map recordation, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichev�r occurs first, applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. � ►�• •► ' :►� 29. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a demolition permit must be applied for, approved and issued, pending APCD approval. Development fees resulting from demolition will be appropriately credited to the property. • . : _ . . ; •im�y 30 31 Project must comply with Federal and local flood management policies. Any review costs generated by outside consultants, shall be paid by the applicant. •: -:�-:•: • _► • :: �► ' :►� 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Water Meter, service main, distribution, and availability fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Water Neutralization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Traffic Impact fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Traffic Signalization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Sewer hook-up & facility Permit fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Drainage fee, as required by the area drainage plan for the area being developed. Building Permit fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 10 OF 16 39. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with State mandate 40. Park Development fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. (Residential Development only) 41. Park Improvements fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. (Residential Development only) 42. Street Tree fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. (Residential Development only) 43. Commur�ity Centers fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. (Residential Development only) 44. Fire Protection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 45. Police Facilities fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 46. Affordatrle Housing in lieu fee, as conditioned for this project. ' 1 •:. � '': �� ► •� � �► PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SPECIAL CONDITIONS 47. Extend a sewer main into the site and provide a 6' easement across the front d riveway. 48. Pay the proportionate share of the following sanitary sewer projects: � EI Camino Real, � Walnut Street. 49. Obtain a"will serve" letter from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. The project wastewater flows to the "Bakeman Bottleneck". 50. Install individual booster stations for any units having a finished floor elevation of 200' or higher. 51. Provide water service to the projecfi by either: a. Manifold system in a vault with a touch read panel; OR b. Individual connections to a water main if the Fire Chief requires a fire hydrant at the rear of the property. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 11 OF 16 52. All storm water runoff shall be filtered prior to discharging to Brisco Road. 53. Perform a drainage study for the site. Retain any increase in runoff on-site. 54. Install new curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project frontage with Brisco Road to existing or newly damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk. 55. Pay an in-lieu fee for overlaying half of Brisco Road across the project frontage. Please n�te that the City is planning to overlay Brisco Road in fiscal year 2006- 2007. Unce overlaid, City pavement management policy prohibits cutting the asphalt for a period of five years. Public Works current schedule is to issue a notice to proceed mid May 2007. 56. Street tree planting and maintenance easements shall be dedicated adjacent to all street right of ways. Street tree easements shall be a minimum of 10 feet beyond the right of way, except that street tree easements shall exclude the area covered by public utility easements. 57. A blanke`. Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated over the project site. A public 58. Easements shall be dedicated to the public on the map for the following: a. Sewer easements where shown on the tentative map. The easements � shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. b. Water easements where shown on the tentative map. The easements shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. 59. Private easements shall be reserved on the map for the following: a. Drainage easements where shown on the tentative map. The easements shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide. 60. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for maintenance of all commonly owned facilities. The CC&R's shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney and the Director of Public Works. PLIBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENERAL CONDITIONS 61. Clean all streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks at the end of the day's operations or as directed by the Director of Community Development or the Director of Public Works. 62. All construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday for noise and inspection purposes. The developer or contractor shall refrain from performing any work other than site maintenance outside of these hours, unless an RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 12 OF 16 emergency arises or approved by the Director of Public Works. The City may hold the developer or contractor responsible for any expenses incurred by the City due to work outside of these hours. IMPROVEMEN � PLANS 63. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Drawings and Specifications. 64. Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) full-size mylar copy of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 65. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Director of Public Works. One (1) set of mylar prints and an electronir, version on CD in AutoCAD format shall be required. 66. The following Improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Public Works Department: a. Grading, drainage and erosion control, b. Street paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk, c. Public utilities, d. Water and sewer, e. Landscaping and irrigation, f. Any other improvements as required by the Director of Public Works 67. The site alan shall include the following: a. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. b. The location, quantity and size of all existing and proposed sewer laterals. c. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. d. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. e. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. f. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. 68. Improvernent plans shall include plan and profile of existing and proposed streets, utilities and retaining walls. 69. Landscape and irrigation plans are required for landscaping within the public right of way, and shall be approved by the Community Development and Parks and f�ecreation Departments. In addition, The Director of Public Works shall approve any landscaping or irrigation within a public right of way or otherwise to be maintained by the City. WATER 70. Construction water is available at the corporate yard. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 13 OF 16 71. Each parcel shall have separate water meters. Duplex service lines shall be used if fEasible. 72. Lots using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections. If the units are to be fire sprinkled, a fire sprinkler engineer shall determine the size of the water meters. 73. Existing water services to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 74. The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water dernand created by the project by either: a. Implement an individual water program consisting of retrofitting existing off- site high-flow plumbing fixtures with low flow devices. The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City Council for approval prior to implementation; OR, b. The applicant may pay an in lieu fee of $2,200 for each new residential unit. 75. The on-site water systems that supply water to fire hydrants shall be a public facility. This will require public improvement plans and dedication of a 10 feet wide easement. SFWFR 76. Each parcel shall be provided a separate sewer lateral. 77. All new sewer mains must be a minimum diameter of 8". 78. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with California State Health Agency standards. 79. Existing sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Director of Public Works. PUBLIG UTILITIES 80. Underground all new public utilities in accordance with Section 16.68.050 of the Development Code. s�. Under ground all existing overhead public utilities on-site and in the street in accordar�ce with Section 16.68.050 of the Development Code. 82. Underground improvements shall be installed prior to street paving. 83. Submit all improvement plans to the public utility companies for approval and comment. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 14 OF 16 84. Submit the Final Map shall to the public utility companies for review and comment. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. STREETS 85. Obtain approval from the Director of Public Works prior to excavating in any street rerently over-laid or slurry sealed. The Director of Public Works shall approve the method of repair of any such trenches, but shall not be limited to an overlay, slurry seal, or fog seal. 86. All trenching in City streets shall utilize saw cutting. Any over cuts shall be cleaned and filled with epoxy. 87. All street repairs shall be constructed to City standards. 88. Street structural sections shall be determined by an R-Value soil test, but shall not be le�s than 3" of asphalt and 6" of Class II AB. 89. Overlay, slurry seal, or fog seal any roads dedicated to the City prior to acceptance by the City may be required as directed by the Director of Public Works. CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK 90. Utilize saw cuts for all repairs made in curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 91. Install trF�e wells for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent aamage due to root growth. (; ADING 92. PerForm all grading in conformance with the City Grading Ordinance. 93. Submit a preliminary soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. 94. Submit zll retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Director of Public Works for walls not constructed per City standards. DRAINAGE 95. All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate a 100-year storm flow, 96. All drainage facilities shall be in accordance with the Drainage Master Plan. DEDI .ATIONS AND AS M NTS 97. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded shall be RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 15 OF 16 prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additionGl required City processing. 98. Abandonment of public streets and public easements shall be listed on the final map, in accordance with Section 66499.20 of the Subdivision Map Act. PERMITS 99. Obtain an encroachment permit prior to performing any of the following: a. Performing work in the City right of way, b. Staging work in the City right of way, c. St,�ckpiling material in the City right of way, d. Storing equipment in the City right of way. 100. Obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any grading operations on site. FFFS 101. Pay all required City fees at the time they are due. 102. Fees to be paid prior to plan approval: a. M;�p check fee b. Plan check for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. c. Plan check for improvement plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. d. Permit Fee for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. e. Inspection fee of subdivision or public works construction plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. AGREEMENTS 103. Inspectian Agreement: Prior to approval of an improvement plan, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. 104. Subdivision Improvement Agreement: The subdivider shall enter into a subdivision agreement for the completion and guarantee of improvements required. The subdivision agreement shall be on a form acceptable to the City. IMPROVEMENT SEG�IRITIES 105. All improvement securities shall be of a form as set forth in Development Code Section �6.68.090, Improvement Securities. 106. Submit an engineer's estimate of quantities for public improvements for review by the Director of Public Works. RESOLUTION NO. 07-2026 PAGE 16 OF 1(i 107. Provide financial security for the following, to be based upon a construction cost estimate approved by the Director of Public Works: a. Faithful Performance: 100% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. b. Labor and Materials: 50% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. c. One Year Guarantee: 10% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. This bond is required prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements. d. Monumentation: 100% of the estimated cost of setting survey monuments. This financial security may be waived if the developer's surveyor submits to the Director of Public Works a letter assuring that all monumentation has been set. OTHER DOCUMENTATION 108. Tax Certificate: The applicant shall furnish a certificate from the tax collector's office in�icating that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the prop��rty. The applicant may be required to bond for any unpaid taxes or liens agGinst the property. This shall be submitted prior to placing the map on the City Council Agenda for approval. 109. Preliminary Title Report: A current preliminary title report shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works prior to checking the map. 110. Subdivision Guarantee: A current subdivision guarantee shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works with the final submittal of the Map. PRIOR TO ISSUING A BUILDING PERMIT 111. The Final Map shall be recorded with all pertinent conditions of approval satisfied. ': •: • ► � : • • • - � � ' •- •�- • 113. All essential project improvements shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Non- essential improvements, guaranteed by an agreement and financial securities, may be constructed after occupancy as directed by the Director of Public Works. 114. Prior to the final 10% of occupancies for the project are issued, all improvements shall be fully constructed and accepted by the City.