ARC Minutes 2022-02-07 1 ACTION MINUTES MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITEE February 7, 2022, 2:30 p.m. ARC Zoom Virtual Meeting Webinar ID: 846 7547 5013 By Telephone: +1 699-900-6833 Committee Members Present: Jon Couch, Lori Mainini Hall, Kristin Juette, Warren Hoag, Bruce Berlin Staff Present: Community Development Director Brian Pedrotti, Associate Planner Andrew Perez, Assistant Planner Patrick Holub Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. _____________________________________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hoag called the Regular Architectural Review Committee meeting to order at 2:30 pm. 2. ROLL CALL Chair Hoag performed the roll call. 3. FLAG SALUTE Vice Chair Berlin led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Chair Hoag invited public comment. No public comment was received. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Hoag recognized that two supplement memorandums containing public comment for Agenda Item 8.b were received by the Committee prior to the meeting. 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a Approval of Minutes 2 Approve the Minutes of the December 20, 2021 Regular Meeting with the modification to clarify that the Committee was "generally supportive" of the design concepts proposed for the pre- approved ADU program. Moved by Bruce Berlin Seconded by Lori Mainini Hall Approve the Minutes of the December 20, 2021 Regular Meeting. AYES (3): Lori Mainini Hall, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin ABSTAINED (2): Jon Couch, and Kristin Juette Passed (3 to 0) 8. PROJECTS 8.a Viewshed Review 22-001; Location - 305 Short St. Acting Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report, providing information about the project site and applicable Village Design Guidelines. He also explained the project details including siding materials, colors, and compliance with the Design Guidelines. Brianna Stelfox, representing the project, spoke in support of the project. Ms. Stelfox clarified that the structure with the ADU and garage matches the proposed addition with regards to color, materials, and aesthetic. She also answered questions from the Committee. Chair Hoag opened public comment. No public comment was received. The Committee spoke in support of the project and appreciated the material and color choices. The Committee found the siting of the second story addition appropriate and compatible with the neighborhood. Committee Member Couch suggested modifying the ridge of the front gable to the same level as the existing roofline to be retained. In conclusion, the Committee found the project to be in compliance with the Design Guidelines. Moved by Kristin Juette Seconded by Bruce Berlin Recommend approval to the Community Development Director of the project, as submitted. AYES (5): Jon Couch, Lori Mainini Hall, Kristin Juette, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin Passed (5 to 0) 8.b Review of Architectural Details Associated with Conditional Use Permit 21-005; Location - 211 E. Branch St. Acting Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report, providing the history and project timeline. His presentation also included an overview of revisions to the project since the ARC last reviewed the project. He also presented the applicable Design Guidelines, presented staff's recommendations, and explained the responsibility of the ARC as it pertains to this project. 3 Jennifer Martin, project architect, explained the process that the project has endured, and the revisions to the project since its approval by City Council. She specifically responded to each of staff's recommendations and provided justification for the design decisions. Jill and Eric Von Berg, project applicants, summarized the project history, and explained their design preferences. Chair Hoag opened public comment. Camilla Karamanlis spoke in support of the project, stating that the project would be a positive addition to the Village. Caren Russom spoke in opposition to the project details citing inconsistencies with the Design Guidelines. Ms. Russom was delegated three minutes to read a letter from Randy Russom in opposition to the project details. Shirley Gibson spoke in opposition to the project details, siting a misinterpretation of the Design Guidelines resulting in inappropriate detailing. Kristen Barneich spoke in opposition to the project details stating that the design is incompatible with the Village character. John Karamanlis spoke in support of the project. The Committee provided abbreviated, preliminary comments to the applicant due to a shortage in time. The Committee was generally not supportive of the project details as proposed, stating incompatibility with the existing structure on site and the character of the Village. The Committee proposed holding a special meeting on February 14, 2022 to give the Committee an opportunity to provide comprehensive comments and provide specific direction to the applicant. Moved by Bruce Berlin Seconded by Kristin Juette Continue the meeting past 5:00pm, but not to extend beyond 5:30 pm. AYES (5): Jon Couch, Lori Mainini Hall, Kristin Juette, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin Passed (5 to 0) Moved by Bruce Berlin Seconded by Lori Mainini Hall Continue the item to a Special Meeting on February 14, 2021 at 2:30 pm. AYES (5): Jon Couch, Lori Mainini Hall, Kristin Juette, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin Passed (5 to 0) 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4 None. 10. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS Committee Member Hall inquired about the date when the Community Service Grant Panel is expected to convene. 11. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm. /s/Warren Hoag, Chair /s/Andrew Perez, Acting Planning Manager