O 199 C.S.
SECTION. 1: Chapter 4 of Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is
amended by adding Article 38 thereto, which includes the following sections:
Section 9-4.3800. Purpose (I1R-SC").
The purpose of the Multiple-Senior Citizens ("R-SC") District is to stabilize
and maintain the residential character of the district for high density. apartment i ivillg,
with substantial space for cooperatively used facilities and open spaces, and to provide
for the needs, protection convenience and I ife style of Arroyo Grande. Senior Citizens.
Senior Citizens are considered to be sixty (60) years and older.
1 "-
Section 9-4.3801. Uses Permitted (I1R-SC").
The following uses shall be permitted in th" Multiple-Senior Citizens ("R-SC")
(a) Duplexes, triplexes, multiple-family dwellings, and apartment complexes.
Section 9~4.3802. Uses Permitted Subject to Obtaining a Use Permit ("R-SC").
The following uses shall be permitted in the Multiple-Senior Citizens ("R-SC")
District subject to obtaining a use permit In each case:
(a) Townhouse or condominium type retirement developments;
(b) Rest homes.
Section 9-4.3803. Accessory Bui ldings and Uses Permitted ("R-SC").
~ccessory buildings and uses shall be permitted In the Multiple-Senior Citizens
(I1R-SC") District as follows:
(a) Accessory buildings only if constructed simultaneously with, or subsequent
to, the main building on the same lot;
(b) Accessory uses normally incidental to the uses permitted in this district.
This is not to be construed as permitting any commercial use; and
(c) One sign, not over fifteen (15) square feet in area, pertaining only to the
project's name, address of the property upon which the sign is located.
Section 9-4.3804. Maximum Allowable Height ("R-SC").
The maximum allowable height in the Multiple-Senior Citizel],s (I1R-SC") District
shall be as follows:
(a) Main bui ldings. The maximum building or structural height shall be two (2)
stories and not to exceed thirty feet (30'); and
(b) Accessory buildings. Fourteen feet (14'). Storage garages of one-half (t)
story or less, or completely below the ground level, shall not be considered a story.
Section 9-4.3805. Minimum Building Site and Lot Width Required ("R-SC"),
The minimum building site and 'lot width required in the Multiple-Senior Citizens
("R-SC") District, unless the Optional Design and Improvement Standards are used as set
forth in Section. 9-4.38100f this article, shall be as follows:
(a) Minimum building site. (1) Twenty Thousand (20,000) square feet of lot area
for corner or interior lots; and (2) Five (5) acres for townhouse or condominium projects.
(b) Minimum lot width. (I) One Hundred feet (100') for corner and interior lots.
(c) Minimum lot depth. One hundred and fifty feet (150').
Section 9-4.3806. Maximum Bui Iding Site Coverage by Buildings or Structures ("R-SC").
The maximum coverage of lot by all structures permitted in the "R-SC" Distr.;ct,
shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the lot area, which shall include main and
accessory buildings, parking areas, driveways, covered patios. The remaining forty
percent (40%) of the total lot area shall be devoted to landscaping, lawn, outdoor
recreation facilities incidental to residential development such as outdoor recreation
games, putting greens, patios, walkways and fences.
Section 9-4.3807. Minimum Yards Required ("R-SC").
Mlnim\M!l yards required in the IIR-SC" District, unless otherwise required in
Article 25 o~ this chapter, establishing building lines, or unless Optional Design
Standards have been used as set out In Section 9-4.3810, shall be as follows:
(a) Front yard. Each lot in the "R-SC" District shal1 have a front yard
extending (except for access drives and walks) across the full width of the subject
property of a depth of not less than one and one-half feet (It') per each foot of total
building height (Including roof design); provided, however, that. the Planning Commission
may allow staggering of setbacks, with a variation of five feet (5') between structures.
In no case shall a front yard setback of less than twenty feet (20') be allowed, and such
variation of setbacks shall be a part of a total development plan.
Except for access driveways and walks, there shall be no structures located in
the required front yards, or in the required side yards abutting the street.
(b) Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot, extending
from the front yard to the rear yard, of not less than twenty five feet (25') on an
interior lot line. A corner lot shall have a side yard abutting the street of not less
than thirty-five feet (35'). .
(c) Rear yard. Each lot shall have a rear yard extending across the full width
of the lot of not less than thirty feet (3D').
Section 9-4.3808. Fences and Wa II s (IIR-SC").
Fences and walls are permitted but not required in .the "R-SC" District. Such
fences and walls shal1 not exceed six feet (6') in. height, and where the same are
located In the required front or side yard abutting the street, the same shall not
exceed three feet (3') in height.
Section 9-4.3809. Access(IR-SC") .
Access in the "R-SC" District shall be as follows:
Where a Jot abuts upon an alley, garages or accessory buildings having access
from the alley shall be located not less than thirty feet (3D') from the opposite side of !
such abutting alley. The ingress and egress to any such garage or accessory building, ,
housing or intended to house any motor vehicles, shall be from such abutting alley only
and not from the street.
Section 9-4.3810. Optional Design and Improvement Standards ("R-SC").
When a development has been approved by the Planning Commission under the Optional
Design and Improvement Standards of the Subdivision Provisions in the "R-SC" District,
then such approved building sites, coverage and yards under such plan shall be considered
as the requirements of this chapter.
Section 9-4.3811. Minimum Off-Street Parking Required ("R-SC"). If
The provisions of Article 26 of this chapter shall apply in determining the amount
of parking space to be provided for each use in the Multiple-Senior Citizens ("R-SC")
District. The parking spaces shall be improved as set forth in Article 26 of this chapter.
Section 9-4.3812. Open Area Requ i red and Max imum Dens i ty A 11 owed (IIR-SC").
The open area and density per family unit in the Multiple-Senior Citizens (IIR-SC")
District shall be as follows:
(a) Not less than Two Hundred (200) square feet of open area per family unit shall
be provided on the site, which may include landscaped areas and recreation areas, but not
structures driveways, or parking areas. The maximum density shall be a minimum of Twelve
Hundred Se~enty-Five (1275) square feet of gross land area per dwelling unit.
Section 9-4.3813. Development Plans ("R-SC").
Architectural drawings and plot plans for the development of property In the
Multiple-Senior Citizens (IIR-SC") District shall be submitted for approval as set forth
in Section 9-4.814 of Article 8 of thii chapter.
Section 9-4.3814. Development Standards ("R-SC").
Any development in the Multiple-Senior Citizens ("R-SC'~) District shall comply
with the following minimum standards:
(a) The required open areas shall be landscaped and maintained in accordance
with a detailed landscaping plan.
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(b) The landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation system.
(c) All trash and garba9p. collection areas shall be surrounded on at least
three(3) sides by a five foot (S ') adequately screened wall and shall have adequate
access for collection vehicles.
(d) .,
All points of vehicular access to and from off-street parking areas and
driveways on to publ ic rights of way shall be approved by the Department of Publ ic Works.
(e) Fire protection requirements (i.e. stairways, emergency access, sprinkler
systems) shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief.
(f) For all two story developments, elevators shall be provided which shall have
an alternate (back-up) power source, and shall meet or exceed minimum State require-
ments subject to review by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
(g) A minimum of thirty (30) square feet of multi-purpose indoor recreation
space shall be provided per dwellIng unit.
(h) Provisions for laundry facilities shall be provided within each dwelling
unit, or within a common, conveniently located laundry room.
(r) An internal and/or external security system shall be provided, to be
reviewed and approved by the Police Chief.
Section 9-4.3815. Architectural Committee ("R-SC"). I"
The Architectural Committee shall approve the development plans required by the
provisions of Section 9-4.3814 of this article if all the provisions of the Multiple-
Senior Citizen (IIR-SC") District are campi ied with and if the development is within the
spir.it and intent of the district. All development shall be in accordance with the
approved plans prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit by the'Building Department.
SECT! ON 2: Section 2602 of Chapter 4 of Ti.tle 9 is hereby amended by adding
the following Off-Street requirement thereto:
Section 9-4.2602. Minimum Requirements.
Senior Citizens' Project One (1) garage, carport or open space
per each four (4) units, plus one
space for each administrative or
management personnel.
SECT! ON 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect t~irty (30) days
after its passage, and within fifteen (IS) days after its passage, it'shall be published
once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in the Five Cities
On motion of Council Member de Leon, seconded by Council Member Smith
and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis
NOES: None
ABSENT: None ~
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 26th day of September, 1979.
( .~ j,~~
ATTEST: --.....L '1.dt#r'~t:iV .
I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 199 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed
and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular adjourned
meeting of said Council held on the 26th day of September, 1979.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this
27th day of September, 1979. ,
tity Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande
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