O 158 C.S. ORDINANCE NO. IS8 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING ARTICLES 36 AND 37 TO CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 9 TO PROVIDE FOR A PRIMARY FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT AND A COMBINING SECONDARY FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Chapter 4 of Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande MunIcIpal Code .Is amended by adding ArtIcle 36 thereto whIch shall Include the following sectIons: ARTICLE 36: PRIMARY FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT OR "P-F" DISTRICT SectIon 9-4.3601. Purpose. The Primary Flood Plain District, or "P-F" District, Is Intended to be applied to property whIch lIes wIthIn a designated fl00dway, which for the purposes of this OrdInance shall be construed to be a stream, channel and such portions of the adjacent flood plaIn as are reasonably required to effIcIently carry the flood of the stream; and on which properties' specIal regulations are necesary for mInImum protection of the public health, safety and of property and Improvements from hazards and damage resulting from flood waters. The following regulations shall apply In all "P-F" Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Article 240f this Ordinance. SectIon 9-4.3602. Uses Permitted. 1. Crop and tree farmIng, truck gardenIng, viticulture, lIvestock grazIng, and other agrIcultural uses which are of the Slme or a closely simIlar nature. 2. PublIc utIlIty wIre and pipelines for transmission and local distribution purposes. Section 9-4.3603. Uses Permitted Subject to First Obtaining a Use Permit In Each Case. I. Buildings and structures accessory to agricultural uses for the storage of goods and equipment and the shelter of anl.als and fowl, but not Including dwellings or bulldrngs for hum,n occup,ncy. 2. Public parks and recreatIon areas and facIlitIes Including boat ramps, docks, parking ,rea., and recreation facilIties; private and commercial recreation developments, campgrounds and trailer parks, provIded that re.t reom facIlities shall be located and constructed In accordance with Health Department requirements. 3. Commercial excavation of natural ..terlal., fllllnl of land areas, constructIon of levIes, dIke. or other structure. desIgned to dIvert or obstruct the flow of waters. Section '-4.3604. Accessory Uses Permrtted. 1. Accassory uses normally Incldantal to uses permitted Including signs. Section '-4.3605. MInimum Building Slta and Lot Width Required. Building height, minimum buIldIng site and lot width mInimum yard. required shall be set out as a condition of any Use PermIt. Section 9-4.3606. Development Standards. BuIldings and structures shall not be permitted unless con- structed or placed, or will be so protected that they will not be appreciably damaged by flooding, will offer a minimum obstruction to flood flow and will resIst flotation. (6/77) i - ----- --.- -.--- ----- . - .... I I \ I i I , Ordinance No. 158 C.S. Page Two Section 9-4.3607. Minimum Off-Street Parking Required. Provisions of SectIon 9-4.2602 shall apply in determIning the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use. The parking space shall be improved as set forth in Section 9-4.2601. SECTION 2: Chapter 4 of Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended by adding Article 37 thereto, which shall include the following sections: ARTICLE 37: COMBINING SECONDARY FLOOD PLAIN DISTR'ICT OR "-SF" DISTRICT Section 9-4.3701. Scope. In any primary district which is combined with the Combining Secondary Flood Plain (-SF) District, the provisions of this article shall apply in addition to those uses and regulations specified for such Primary Districts. Boundaries of the Combining Secondary F10lild Plain (-SF) District are those defined and establ ished by the U.S. Army Corps Cilf Engineers' study. Section 9-4.3702. Purpose. This Combining Secondary Flood Plain (-SF) District is intended to be applied to properties which lie within that portion of the natural floodway between the limits of the designated floodway and the limits of the flood plain, or where inundation may occur from natural flOlildlng, but where depths and velocities will not cause appreciable damage and which properties require special regulations for the protection of such properties and their Improvements from hazards and damage which may result from flood waters. Section 9-4.3703. Regulations. The folla./ing regulations shall apply In the Combining Secondary Flood Plain (-SF) District In addition to those of the Primary District. (a) All structures constructed on or after the effective date of this Ordinance shall have a ground floor elevation of a minimum of three feet (3') above the level of the water surface of thefloGd flow expected at least once In one hundred years as established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' study. (b) All building plans or development plans must be approved by the City Engineer prior to Issuance of any bulldfng permits. SECTI ON 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after Its passage, and within fifteen (IS) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, In the Five Cities Tlmes-Press-Recorder. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Splerling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 2 day of June, 1977. ATTEST:~ A.dd(?o~ CITY CLERK -