O 157 C.S. ) -~ ORDINANCE N0. 157 C.S. AN GIRl) I NANCE GlF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENIHNG THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 4, TITLE 9 TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY AND BY ADDING AND DELETING CERTAIN SECTIONS THEREOF. THE CITY COUNC 1 L OF THE C I TV OF ARROYO GRANDE DilES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Chapter 4, TItle ~ of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Is amended by adding Section 9-4.3105(aa) and a second paragraph to Section 9-4.2405, as fal1_s: Section 9-4.3105(aa) "Time Limit - Revocation". A use permIt or variance may be deemed to have been exercised If the recipient has committed compliance by actual cammence- ment of the allowed use, the existance of a bonaflde cQntract, or other action acceptable ta the Planning Commission. Section 9-4.2405 (second paragraph) "Accessory Buildings". Accessory buildings may be placed on property line by use permit procedure providing all water Is contained en subject praperty and does not adverseJy affect abutting property, otherwise three feet (3') clearance fram side and rear yard must be maintained. SECTION 2: Chapter 4, Title 9 of the Arraya Grande Municipal Code Is amended by amending the following sections, to read as set forth bel0W: Section 9-4.405(b) Accessory buildings. Thirty feet (3D'). Section ~-4.802(b) Uses permitted (R-G). Duplexes, trl~lexes, multiple-family uses,'and apartments. Sect ran ~-4.902(b) Uses permitted CR-3). Duplexes, triplexes, multiple-family dwellings, and apartments. Section 9-4.903(a) Uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit (R-~. Candemlnlum type developments; Section 9-4.1108(a) Front yard. Each lot shall have a front yard, extending, except for access drives and walks, across the full width of the subject property, of a depth not less than three feet (3'). Na boat or trailer shall be kept In the front or sIde yard, nor shall the dismantling, repairing, or keeping of any disabled vehicle b~ permitted; nor shall the sterage of any material In the front or side yard or driveway be permItted. Section 9-4.1408(a) Front yard. Each lot shall have a front yard, extending across the full width of the subject property, of not less than three feet (3'). SectIon 9-4.1603(g) Uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit (P-M). Bu.lk petroleum distrllDution plants where all tanks are completely underground and LP gas and similar tank fuel starage. Section 9-4.2521 (a-I) Curbs. gutters, and sidewalks re~ulred In certain districts. In any district ether than A, A-P, R-A-B-3. or R-A-B-2; and Section 9-4.2421 (b) Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks re~ulred. Except as otherwise provided In this section, upen an applicatIon for a building permit, the Installation of concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along the full frontage of the parcel to which ( 6177) -~.-_. ---- ___m_ __ u___. ....~_.___.__ ,.---"- ,) Ordinance No. 157 C.S. Page Two such building permit applies, to the grades and locations approved by the 91rector of Public Works, shall be required. Section 9-4.2421(c} Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks required: Exceptions. Where, In the opinion of the Director of publrc Works, such Installation of concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks Is not desirable at the time the building permit Is applied for due to extreme drainage conditions, location, grading, or where no grades have been established, he may grant an exception to the requirements set forth in subsection (b) of this section provided a cash deposIt Is made to the City Clerk to guarantee Installation when directed to do so by the City. Section 9-4.2421(d} Lots exceeding 109 feet In width. In the case of property having frontages exceeding one hundred feet (100'), the amount of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks required shall be based on a normal lot frontage, as determined by the Director of Public Works. Section 9-4.2605(a) Additional parking requirements. Any parcel of land hereafter used for eff-street parking or car or trailer sales shall be developed with paving according to City specifications, with bumper guards If specified by the CfIII'IImlsslon and sha 11 be enc losed by a fence of sC!lI I d concrete block or s 1m I I ar material where such areas are adjacent tC!l an R District. Such fence shall be constructed six feet (6') In height behind the front setback area and three feet (3') In height In any front setback area. Section 9-4.2601 (last paragraph) Location of parking spaces: Common facilities Improvements for driveways, parking '(private, multiple, commercial and Industrial} shall be surfaced In concrete or A-C paving to City requ i rements. SECTION 3: Chapter 4, Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande MunIcipal CQde Is amended by repealing Sections 9-4.403(n}, 9-4.803(a} , 9-4.2421 (a-2), and the last sentence of Section 9-4.404(a). SECTION 4: Th i s 0rd I nance sha II be fh' fu 11 force. and effect th I rty (3E>) days after Its passage, and wrthln fifteen (l5) days after Its passage, It shall be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, In the Five Cities Tlmes-Press-Recorder. On motion of Councilman Splerllng, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following rol1 call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierllng, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None .., "'"'''''' .",.,,,, w..,...... ,,' "",.":? ~:7g _ '~" MAYO ATTEST: . ~. d7./~ I, Ines A. del Campo, CIty Clerk of the City of Arrayo Grande, CGunty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 157 C.S. Is a true, full and correct copy of said OrdInance passed and adopted by the City Council af the City ef Arroyo Gran4e at a regular meeting ef said Council hehl <!In the 14th IILay <!If June, 1977. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arr0Yo Grande affixed this 15th day of June, 1977. ~~ ~O&/~.~ CI ty C erk 0 the C ty Arreyo Grande (SEAL) -------. -, ---- - - -----------------~ -----~ -----