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WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Art"':!" Grande has initiated
annexation proceedings for the hereinafter described territory designated
"Corbett Canyon Annexation No, 2" pursuant to provisio"~ of Govermnent Code
Section 35310 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, the proposed annexation including the legal description of the
territory to be annexed has been approved by the San Luis Obispo County Local
Agency Formation Commission on June 27, 1974 by Resolution No. 74-8; and
WHEREAS, on the 13th day of August, 1974, the City Council of the City
of Arroyo Grande did pass and adopt Resolution No, 1113 giving notice of the
proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Arroyo Grande,
said territory being therein designated as "Corbett Canyon Annexation No.2",
and said resolution describing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be
annexed; and
WHEREAS, said Resolution No, 1113 did contain a notice of the day, hour
and place when and where the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande would hear
protests made by any person not owning real property within the territory proposed
to be annexed, the time of said hearing being within thirty days from adoption of
said resolution; and
WHEREAS, on the 27th day of August, 1974, at the hour of 8:00 P,M. in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of
San Luis Obispo, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour
and place fixed in said Resolution No. 1113 for hearing protests to the said
annexation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon all protests made to
the proposed annexation and did determine that protests had not been made by
the owners of one-half of the value of the privately owned territory proposed to
be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, nor by public owners
of one~half of the value of the publicly owned territory proposed to be annexed
as determined by said legislative body; and
WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, and
is uninhabited territory in the County of San Luis Obispo;
NOW, THEREFORE, the said Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby
approve the annexation of the territory hereinafter described to the City of
Arroyo Grande, and does further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby
annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande,
That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Arroyo Grande
is herein approved, is all that territory situate in the County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, more particularly described as follows, to wit:
Lot 1 of the resubdivision of a part of the Rancho Corral de Piedra, Pismo
and Bolsa de Chemisal, together with the roads lying adjacent to and westerly of
said Parcel 1, presently known as Highway 227, being 50 feet wide, and Corbett
Canyon Road, being 40 feet wide, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California,
as per map filed in Book A at page 63 of Maps and Parcel Map CO-73-219 in the
Office of the County Recorder of said county.
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Lot 7, thence South 15028'
West along the easterly line of said lot, 1253,59 feet to the southeasterly
corner thereof; thence North 74030'18" West along the southerly boundary of said
lot, 1768.87 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Highway 227; thence North
74030'18" West, 50,66 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of said highway;
thence along the westerly right-of-way of Highway 221 to its intersection with
Corbett Canyon Road and continuing along the westerly right-of-way of Corbett
Canyon Road the following courses and distances: North 24044'42" East, 236,86
feet; thence North 2038'08" West, 257,21 feet; thence North 27053'02" East,
516.57 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the east having a central
angle of 10037'41", a radius of 3019,29 ft, & an arc length of 560.06 feet;
thence along the curve, 560,06 feet; thence North 38030'43" East, 151,89 feet;
thence leaving the westerly right-of-way of Corbett Canyon Road South 59028'27"
East, 40,39 feet to its easterly right-of-way, said point lies on the northerly
line of said Lot 1; thence South 59028'27" East, 1538,63 feet to the point of
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This Ordinance shall be in full forc8'snd effect thirty (30) days after
its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be published
once, together with the names of the Councilmen voting thereon, in the Five
Cities Times-Press-Recorder.
On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Ccuncilman Schlegel and on
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, ScbJc",gel, Millis and Mayor Talley
NOES: Non"
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 10tp day of September, 1974,
ATTEST~ ,']I , Arlf'~
l, lnes A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 103 C,S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed
and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 10th day of Septe~er, 1974.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this
llt~ day of September, 1974.
City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande