O 094 C.S. \ '.'." ,-~'''~ ---. ., '> -- . '" . " '"'''~''''',,, ) <-." ", ORDINANCE m. -~J<.J!.....;.. AN ORBINANCE OF THE CITY OF A:~I!) EmA-ID>E ~~ND+!:>0 $w.GJ1\I"0~ .,1}4 fir ('JNAPT,BR i', TITLE I\i €IF :EnE ARM1WJ 1JRA.!:\\j)E Mmi1fc:!(rfAJ, , GODE n$VIBIm FOR 'i)ItE ELIM1tNAn>eM, 0F THIt.~]I P$GIJJN[ C t1~~iJ PENALTY CHARGE €IN LATE WATER PAY.ME~"\F$. , , THE CITY COUIiCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OOES 0RnAI!.\: AS FelWWfJ: SECTION 1: Scetien .:,. C'f 1i~ iE', 6, C~apu'.r , cf tlit! AI'ro:>1o G.t'S,na':;:: Mi.m.1ctfo'.9.',:. ~ :J Cod", i.s aruended to read "" follows: Section 6"l.04~ ~~iemt iil1/!.: DI,1IIconli,.t;&nce (1f Servic.f',~ l;Mrn~off an4 ;J.\rn::2n C1:utrgl:!~.. , An meters shall b", r""d by "aa Wat'"r Do!!I'-.1rjllment as I'ro\'.c<il"d H~ Se,ct1"Q 6-7.07 of this c>'aptICr, a.nd ",1: b:H1.s fer :ili'j.it:ti!r ('<r sLerv1.c~, sha:\ i b;_~ dt.:~ clnd payab lc~ at. the C1..r:i' HaLl 'Gp'J'G prt,"-":",:J:~n(~ji'J;;i'J\',n'. A 1. J '~'a ~E~r b i i: '3 ',:; ~':nH, ~'. rL "x 6 ~J.J1paid for a p~!.r.tod. cf thi It:)' (':5 0) d~:YB 8 }<14~<. ~ t:-~,!'!:::r8'f~F~~n. b'~CO'!.ll~ d,:;:,linqc':'-'c'<'lt:.. W<~"';':'>:;: water bi11s become se de1.1nq'1.':;t,nr~, b.1,~'r,r:lX:.I;::' ::.t',a~::r }:ef;. ''!If::u!,t ';,..'ff at. an) .. '- c),me 8. l ,:-':~2'r .... five (5) d,:i.}' \.i"rJ.tt(~~n n;.:.tic-e. Tb~, Di T;;;,C tt r ,A Fu'~.' :.Jc W 18',( 1',.s ma.~'/ c' in ~"':Ls '.;1".;":1 d.:i.scr;e::tl'1n.. cause a tnf:..t"~:r read.:!.ng to hf.~ :Il,a.d~ ..a l; Qn;.l ,r::lm~', ~ and th'::"r';-J~~p~ro l':,:'~,;;: t'; '_ ~ '~ !<>r ",:;,a.tc:l ~'ls(-~d: 8i.nc~; th~ previ,,:;,tdl r.:;-;:.a.d'j n~ shall 6",~':C"~',..~n~ jJiJm~dia ',~~i:>; l'j' d.'~'~.~ ,i!.od p,,:;:,, . a.bl.e ar~d. lS:ba,f 1 b(~Cf.J~j)E: de~ li.nq';_~enr. DC. ::,1\':,; 30t:b. d\~/~::/ f01 ii.q;;,d,flg t};{e :.nat:)::'~_;_:tg ~:) :p:r-~s{S-otatitw. of St{c1:~;, bill and aJ,a'll bot rHJ;bjl:':.4J.t L(!'i' t','t~-,2 '~;,(;a_~~:f,' , i3f-f 8,~1ci. 'L,.rJ;'''' .]In c'harge-a p-r'ovided for. 1,:2r'el!!o 'rH~~ laD.ount fix8d fEI!" '';O,~'te:t' t':'lrn= .aft' and. tr,i,rn.~ '.'2;;11 (J~a,rg~~~d ~:t:~" $;":': f(3) l\')'W~i : (,,) After 4 ~.4.5 p.m.! ~~'n ~F,::,,~ki~:ncl5:J . 1 cl F ' ( ( (n: .~:,-:: ,;_,,;~,:;,"b;~, "I:v<:::: and: n,}'! ; ;(",'f:i ,$~.OO) DI),L:ars, arid (0) At an:,? ort;,..;: r' ti:m." ~I\.;~',: and .-)0/ HWtbs ($:1.-)(<' PdJ.i<r., SECTION 2, ~ Tid,~ (i~rdinam,c~, s Q~ 11 9€. Lfjl th:' I L f~~~~:-~,; -"l1'~tV'.ff;.f;~(:~:c,;t- J7ip~:-,r:!i~~~ , (JO> days atter i t.s passage., and withln fi.fr,":,ef! (If) days afl.<,r its:: ~"s'$",g,\; tr s'".,,; ,!ire pubUshed once, t~'gether ..,)t.h the nam"B <!If ,h",.t"iJnc:i,lm"'c..V:'1tl!l~,/iJ,;,\I"'''''''o.,; '" "'<, .'"... t' > F" 'Cft T~ '. "'Pr.' 's-Ree ')rd '1' .. " ':' .,. A ,'. ' .. ' '"~1#""" ~_..J!;;: lVti, : ..l.GIJ :-unf;~" "S. .' .~, 0 . '.-,_,,;;_~~'j;' ",-~_.'\ f' ,:;;~t'",,;:(,:.;.\,~j.~..;'. <.,~ _,.,"':"S: _:".{A", '-: _, _.- _, __ _ ;; ~(~:'L,,:~_,f:"~ "\"'-,:-~;; Go ffi,'1!iun of C01.mc,ib!!an d,', I""'rI, s,?c{'nded by 'C"'o,M;l1:~~n T,(l~\.,: .....4' 'Ii'\!':' ~t':i;' ' ;. ': '::;:/' L1llawing rqll caU vet." tq wi:: . ,.' ,', ,.'. ~.:i.~~;;:~i'J;~~i;~:t~i.r,~~)',<;:..:~5.~~:j~.;,'.: AYES, ' C"'jnci Im(,n T.. )l,q, MU Us., W ffl,"., d", ~~!\I'~' ""'4\\*~ "~!1i;~;~1\i\>ft:, . > ' .,. '7' "",,'J :.:~" :: . ...~~. " . . ~:~~-~: .' ~ '. , ';:_~"". ~ '>.'-,L ~' f~"",,, ,,,"~.o, =. ,~.o< OM O~"":~ ; .'1 ~ G...,..-,~4.~" -; . ",.;-""c4 ..,..~" " .." '. .'......,~. . k :&.ACL~' . . "r '~i":" . , , .' ),:tTEST:_:' ,'. " criy C~RR ' --. " .. ..,... .. ."...'.' '.' " .. :,"', " ""', ,j " ' , ""', ' . ':; . '!, 1r1~:;! A. d.d Ci!.JI!1P"', City cl<'!.rk 9ft.!>i!! '();j,~'F :~;.A,t:f,I;)'!~~'~<i>:<., C\1<cFit:~ ijif, <.." '1,S;j.i('uds Obj~p". State of' CaIiforn1.<i, d" t<I'L>!b;1 ~"rd,1!:1" tt;~4,.~~,~:t~~.!A:IIr 0';".,,:~,r.di.r\;!Inc.'" N0. 91, 9.S. 16 a t.nE~, ftlll an:.J,cori"i'c1jc\.J!':!"~ !'Idit"~~!\;I(Il""j-{P.~ci<',"", . .::, . ~F\d, ad,opt.ed b~r t;\1'" City CC>',md J "f tho' Cl.t:;i 0f' ~I:'''i'?;j w'J'r..nd,;, 11:'1: ... tr'jg.~l~; jM'I'\-I:&I'1~ , , .f' d C 11' l' 11 30n d f 0 t h . ~)","I . .. ">':-kJ.,-;~~.-;,,~,, __ ,f ' )UitJ~ - ~~.nc'" t~~.:...d on t <.l'~ " . f :~.- . .4}' i),: "C ,:.0 ,;:::,:r_" ,+:' .:!:' ,~' '. ,~~;+~::f;:~l~:;.'~:: '.:' "'_ _'. '.:.- ::' _' ,''::- ' ,.<:, ,= ,/i .' WI:j.W!IiS m:f h<'ind and 1;;1:\'11, "Ml (;If d~ C1.1;;:. tir A!'~!/1:,,,, G:.t:'M~ <If..(:iffl:".j " <, hiS ~ d d f b 197'3 .',<<,:,}-.I' 411. -'~1" p.' N0y~m_er:J .;'. .,~ ,'" ot""'\~" -., ,-- (,t~~r~~<,: . " ,.~~~"'~~~~~~;_~~ '~i'~1~1~(~".,.->-t""-_:"j;"- .~" "C;f..d'?F' ",~at:: ',>'d='\tt~~ C1:,ftfy: 'l3:t -- -',t't'(ott'.rt G-r'-d'fi,d-:ie ~~t\~~i~~;1rC, (SEAl" , " . , ,;,f> "'..;'-T .',. .. .......... ~". ------------------ - ~ --~------- ----- -- ----.. --,-- - '-- --------