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R 0586
-' ~ C) RESOLUTION Nv. 586 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY Of;' ,~OYO GJL\lU)E AI:U?TING ANT:: SUBNITTING A BUJ:GE'l' FUR EX?tNDITURF OF ,FUNr:SALLOCATED mOM THE STATE 'IlGHWA Y FUNJ: 'l'C CITIES WHEREAS, a Mastel' Atz:reement for the Budgeting and Expenditure ,., of funds Allocated f%,om the State'Highway Fund to Cities bas . been entered into by t~ City of Arroyo GrUde , ' , hereinafter referred to as the city, and the State Department o~ Pub1ic Works, Division of H1~hways. hereinafter referred to as tile department; and, ' WHEREAS, the city, council has prepared a project statement showing estimated.expenditures of sUCh funds recommended to be made d~ing the 1962 -.ll fiscal year; and. WH~EAS, the city council has heard read said pl'oject , . stAtement and is familiar with tha contents thereof. ,,' , 'rHERE:FORE, be it resolved by the city council of the .ctty'Of" ',' Arroyo Gr..nde' ", that said project statement ",ciated ,.' ~v 14~ ,19i3..' be and is hereby adopted as, .."" the 'bud~e ,', of proPQsedexpencii tures of the gas tax allocation ' :to, citIes. 'said project stetement be and the SaIlle is ht;reby ,approved and the Iiirector of Public Worb is directed to sign " ',' , ( Title of authorized of1'1cj A.l) the same on behalf of said City, and said project statement to" be aubm1 tted to ,the Department of Public, Works, S'tato of California,' ,in accordance wltpthe provisions of Section 197 of the Streets : , , and Hi!lhways Code. . ' . APPROVED AND SUENIT'I'ED this 14th day of Nay ,1963. ~"~~ "'Mayor 0 e y of .an. I.) *__ Attest: 9~;./ ~~~, , City (; er of the y 0 Grode -, - I hez'eby certify that' the fore,.oirtp; resolution was duly and re~u18rly passed by the city council of the CIty of at a regular meetine: thereof held Nay 14th, , 1963 . '~' '~" , <- .' " , -/.&; , -' . '. .... '_'_. .' J', C eX' .O'~e~,' 0 .u..~...~ __a ,. ' ~ (A:'~'IX :~ITY SEAL) Form ~C-q (2-62) , I >. ; , 4 r ~ 'f-. glGl," Sh....., 110. 1 - Amended , , ~ UI\I JI~"lr' etidI", JI"I" 10, 1'1 . ':';,'-'. .. Date May 14th. jlt~ STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER SacrallM!nto, CalifornIa ,- ........ . .. _.. 4"' c (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUCH DlSTRtCT EHClMEER) , . , . , E. R. Foley Address San L~s" Obispo tJiilfricl EIIj/;neer T~ City of Arroyo Grande IIerebr s~ ,,:~ budget praposal far expelldllllre of ...~.... """,\IIII~" "~~ulI.["d :t'!"'" lie I _, ~ _ fisea' yeIr. AI' ... 8CCGIIIIIIlshId '" .'s ...... shaI' ..... .... tile' ....... ..... II\I!nt coverl", the budgetJ",... expendllln of __ ......,...., r : lit,' " t, , . ';' .: ',;!,,;;:: ~'~ SUn.,RY OF. FUNDS BUDGETED FOlIo........." ----- Source 0' F...... Maint4"nonc:e ' OIl"" "', ..:ltfijhtiif..oY ., ifnil1tI1",.... · 5'0'. "nocat.d (5/81) fund. 6,823.91 ,-, St",. HlghwGy BuoIgot F..... - Clt, F....... I Other F....... , , - _. u-:-; " ..c,..,___..,._. Total 6,823.91 , < - i~- '.;, , (See roIlowlng pages for details) · Includes preliminary and CGIIsbucUon englneeflll!l. SUMMARY OF SoTATE ALLOCATED (511.,) FUMDS Avl,&).aUl'"' .:., , i ~.~ 'j1;.L....<' Unexpeaded under Project32,j, ,;J "'>.',...,' 910.08 Accrued 4Uld unbuclgetledtoJune 30' 1962 580.04 Actual apportio.uil.ut. -to' JuDe"3&;-:tK!' U.Oi9.78 ~18,~ 9.911 ..: ~"t3 " " - ,'-c::c:c,;:' :' ",: ' -. _. ',"'. ,'. 3...-,":;' ;-- " '.': . :.: ~ t ~ .'~ .. _. _,~ n .. '" .. -" ... ,~. .~. ~'. . .... -- . " ' . . - '.' ~ , ~~- ._:. ..~~ -">:~.- .'. ......-.'_c_'::: .~..J.J.~ ~.._ 0-- --,~. .. .. v-' .:~._~" "....-- ' .. -- ' -- , . --, " ~PPROVAl RECOMMENDED Total funcIs~""",~..s... DI5.JR. CT EIOtiR. DISTR'CT V . '" .~..',,,'- .~I ........ .'. 1------------ "Ii....'. "r..r,fi..ntion'l on" .....i.......,... ., cost 'or .ach c~ , , , .:._ '-icon ..., i..p"ow....n.. p,aie.d _will J."sub.rni!'ed._ in ". ..."',,....~itl. 5.ct;0" '99 .1 ,h. S".." .nd H;.hw.y. (' ~".'., .f' in. ~n. ~d_w..~'i~~~~~~:~~~r.~.g.:~~_"~.! ~~y .~~~;: _ '4/_"...1. ...q,'ji'n',ir,..,ij'or ;1" . , , - , DXUCfO'il. f1II PUBLIC v.u ",,,,-. ",/"jl '" j~ no',.,'...' lor ",.< . '1.... ..,,,..,,...... Of I,d III Till.' ._,---_. f' ~ ..!~ ',~ ~ MAiNTENANCE ~-_.- . ,~ ~ '(P.,.....IIid'ilflftClnc. d.flned 1ft Section 27 (.), (II) .... (e) , ", >Of Sf,.... .1Id HI.....y. Code, .. .....d.4 1959) . City , . & ,J" .1, :'-/ '. i: ~ .. _{: ' ", c.n-I ....Intononc. ". " 6.823~91 v '_. ..~... . ,'... '. . .,,, r', ~'..., '"'". -".... '-, v.. 1.-. 1....'. .:.~ ,_~ S._jL-~'_,.::~ .. c....\o:;~:-c ,~" 'BySta..<(,. ..lat.llleil.....JJu "lit)' " r 0\"'\ [(., 1v~"':'1 ""::.'_J~I' I:SI.;....jt,r~J'.i[(!fj;t) .(s......,'~ . ", ..,.(- ,0.,.'- ;,;,,, :. ~ ,"4. .1',' l' '\ 1 ..' ;~' \_ -..' .., ...i !: " ':;: ,/', ,"'j),,' >,.', , :;1) ,,:- -~-!j... ': Serf"_... 1111""-......'-.) , T.'lfIJItItu.."'.f ' ., 11'~1'" 01 wrIr "location.: r) ;:' ("> .'. :. ._.,-" t ',; 'h,,, ' ' ",' ',';"'.; ,.. I' '. , 01111. " . " '.. . . ,:.~\ <..' t --.' .&'1 U~I r-"i:,,:';- i Ait~ 1It'",J'., T. E~;" ~ 'j t-~ ; ; .~ ~. t._, . ".t., P~'_. (t:~erobIIv ........d wtt. Oft 2 7.5 '-Is) , , . ~ . '. ~.'::,.,.s ~C:.._ ....::::..:..J....i..J .;. .0,"';'i~-;) ,,;i.:S~...} "/"', /' , ' " I: .' '-"." .~ .. (.',:,:", !:)x:,~'... c~ ':, ,;: :J:-~'..::J ~J . " " . " , .z_~-rr:i;:) ~'--._-:..~t..-'y'__.~ .....\."'_.. c .-' '- . ~';.' ,1- J '--' - . _'.' - ~ -...0.... ',' let..' This statement amends first amended 'buqat f'PProva,. of :r.b~ry. 19... 1963, to enable the City to expend the additional ma1ateUDCe . allocation. :: "'.~,' '," :" ". . - ~Li" ;:jJ,--~:{1F:.. '1:) . '\,' c" . 2. ) ~-~-- ---.. -.- - ~- .~..- ~~.