R 0558 . ,-.. , I :J ~ RESOLUTION NO. 558 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES. WHEREAS, a Master Agreement for the Budgeting and Expenditure of funds Allocated from the State Highway Fund to Cities has been entered into by the City of Arroyo Grande, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, hereinafter refer- red to as the Department; and WHEREAS, the City Council has prepared a project statement showing estimated and expenditures of such funds recommended to be made during the 1962-63 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heard read said project statement and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, that said project statement dated May 12, 1961, be and is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the gas tax allocation to cities, said project statement be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor is directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, and said project statement to be submitted to the Department of Public works, State of California, in accordance with the provisions of Secti~n 197 of the Streets and Highways Code. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Burt, McNeil, Jacobs, Lee, Woods NOES: None I ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted the 13th day of November, 1962. "Md;~c1 or ~"Y~rande Attest: ~ ~~ C1ty 0 e lty or Arroyo Grande I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meet- ing thereof held November 13, 1962. ~ ~~' , Cler ~e lty O~Grande I (' Project State.)t !IIa, __!.._____ . ., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 ---6';J~" 62 Date '....__..,.., ,19 STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Sacramento, California (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER) _~_' R!...~~!~f____ ____'..________,__ District Entincc..,.,. calif. Address _ 50 Higuera .at~,_ San Luis ()))i8po. The City of _-An'Dyg,_.GrAn.4.._~,__,_,____,__.._,..__..,__._______,__ hereby submits this budget proposal for expenditure of funds allocated from the State Highway fund to cities during the 1',.6.2. -62. fiscal YNI'. All work accomplished by this budget shall be doneM'ider :f.'!f teN6t the master agree- .... coverlag the budgeting and expenditure of these funds as e~ecuted on Y , . (date) SUMMARY OF FUNDS BUDGETED FOR EXPENDITURE .. Source of Fund. Maintenance Oth.r Right of Woy Construction * .. Stot. allocat.d (5/~) fund. 3,948.00 Stat. Highway Budget Fund. -,,--,-,--- ------_._- -------- -- City Fund. ---~. .,-._..~._-_.._-_. ...-..--.-----....- Oth.r Fund. -'---"'-----"==1---------'- - .._-,- ,..."..----,.-..".. --,--- ---.~_. -------- Totar 3.948.00 (See following pages for details) · Includes preliminary and construction engineering. SUMMARY OF STA TE ALLOCA TED (5/8~) FUNDS AVAILABLE ** Uduageted. to June 30. 1962 $ 580.04 Estimated apportionment to June 30, 1963 9,870.00 Total funds available $ 10,450.04 Pions, speciUcatlDns ancl .stimates of coat lor each con. ..buetion or improvement protect wUl be submitted In accordance with Section 199 of the Str.ets and Highways J~_d.....I2.fYtf Cod. pt'iOf to od"'erti.inv or commencing work by day 1abor. , .;gnatU1'c authorized official .... Aftac:h oJdltlonol page if . more space Is n.~cd lor --~----~-- MAYOR '..' this summary. Official Tille FORM MC-I8(12.60) -,- ~' - - ----,----'-- --',-_0',- --'--- -- - C MAINTENANCE J . , ~ . . (Permissive maintenance defined in Sectiaa 27 (a), (b) ami (c) af Streets and Highways Cade, as amended 1959) , By City An.unt General maintenance' 3,948.00 BY S..... (,. ...11It....1Ce ...._t) A 'IU..t (Signals) (LI.......- (51..8) (Strfplng) (Other) (Strlk. out lnapproptt_ ItwIa) , T., """'-c. , OeIc:rIptten of worIc alld locatlans: OTHER AM.....t Affencfcmce at I. T. T. E. t:,ferabI{i budgeted with Ian 2 07.5 funds) REMARKS City will :budget construction funds after the first of year and after adoption of revised Major city strict system. ,2. I . -----~-_.... '-~---_._'-~---'- '-- --- J