HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 0453 ..-. t.- M4 vel. ,,- .-.., "'Ii' ......) " - --. ' . - - "" ".,.. .-J t^''1() .; I;) '/", .. .' ~ .t",r I -,..'- RESOLUfION NO. 453 A RESOLUfION AUfHORIZING 'mE MAYOR TO ACCJIPT AND CONSENT TO RECORDATION OP DEJIDS OR GRANTS TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDB WHEREAS, Section 27281 of the Government COde of California aa a.ended in 1957, permits the City Council, by ,eneral reaolution, to auth..ize an agent to accept and conaent to the r.cordation of deeda and grant. conveying any intereat in or ...-..at upon real property to the City of Arr"o Grande for public par,...., by .uch a,ent executing the certificates a. provided therein, which certifi- cate .ha11 be attached to or printed on the deed or Irant; and WHEREAS, it appears deairab1e to appoint the Mayor aa auch alent and to authorize him to accept and con.ent to auch recording. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Co1U1Cil of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California: 1. That the Mayor of the City of Arr~o Graade, i. hereby designated as the agent to accept.. nulf of laid city and to conaent to the recor'.tt.~,of aey deed or grant conveying an inter.at in ot ......at upon real property to the City of Arroyo Gra.4e. 2. That the City Clerk ia hereby directed to record thia resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED thia23rd day of AU~lIst , 1960, by - the following roll call vote: AYES: BERT, LEE, PENCE NOES: None ~r-4~: JACOBS, HARTWIG ~~Jt CZ~~ A'lTJIST : := 5 h:) C) <.0 en . ,-,-. = ,t'". ~,-~;f;,,;:..,.,..:.;~q~~~r ... ''''$':f~ ' , , ($'- " . I 'ij-~"'':_j;..~-:::'' '..,~;,;~<:\~ .;;.:"\\;'.: ct. ""h."" ",\\tiJ R f '^ ',o.'. :;.0". ' 1ttl'-- 'li~~''l~,~~:;~:::,!.< '';'.1 i---~;\~i\r :~~ "W'''';:4$~~~'~ '-_ ,l/J'i.....". i.B~trl/iJit.;;~f:"{:}~ g:; , ,.",!.,,,. 'Y"I' \ 9\\': ,,.,.. \,~~1;\~~~;tttQ~-~~;:~1.~~~1t1lI ", "4 '1_/,,~,~~_~,~~'....~~f;}};'^"1 '. ' 1.:t!I':"~\~"~'.'"':"~'$7:~~"- , 'l~ . .,~" ,,' ".'iEO,t\ ;<' ".,.;..:-s;;:;;,,~~;,~. ,....;'<~ _---"-"--c. . j,:.";,, '.-':"~"';.:" ....:_---~,--,---,---,--- . '::.;, ,:.~ ;~'~--'.='-_.~-- .--._-- -.,--- -~ .-.------ . .,..,. '1'081 -, ....345.,., -"....- ~ -Jf r - """\ .,.....' PAil- "" ... ."- ,_~", VU1.. . ~ I, Margaret L. Wilaon, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, do hereby certify that the foregoing i. a full, true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 453 , paned and adopted on the ~ day of August , 1960, by the Arroyo Grande City Council. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of &rroyo Grande, thi. ~diay of August , 1960. "~".,." ,~";.~i<.., ~ ~...- j-,e; ~',:~~ .-" ~~, ''rr~~...,. ' ,_ "?C/ -' . ,~ J ~iAtili'c': , ~~k .! "~~"__-\_.o"'Y,,,, 0 h'>'.'....:.. ,/~~.~~f~~~; . i /.1f1J\\'C Ii f'/)...,~[.,'~t':I.:% '.,. v'. .1<..' ~"..",., :~.. ~-~'j ~''''..,\,' .!_~:.i.,:;v~/< _ ,'4,,::,;;, ~i'> \!:t'J~;~~!' ", '~'-!~r lij~'i-7.~~~~;;;" --~';-~.cZ~ ::'w': ~'",,'>y_. . ..,.......-.,.- " '.!i~!J-::t- . '" 191'\~i:'P.i. .>\-~~.~'....;-.. ~.~. ",;..~~~~~:,'c' ~. \-...'~.;'.'--...~k.- .,~;\I<'...o,__,~,~.__". "':'."'!.'~'-I-'~l'.'- ",' ,...-:i:......f.,-:;;~ \i:~.r,..AI~,"HUU,,\\'~~~- _'" . .'",-,: '" "', '^',"'.-'~..r~. ~ "_-' . ...,..,..,iD.II,1.."" - ," ." ",,~I,';'~~~~,"-~';>:' "'~:'f~~~~';~~". . .. ~a.~ t-; Ooc-..t .... ..... <J'1..! ~~- i~~.t..J.. .'. OIl: YATO""'!!'4.;.;:'.... . - L...I'4*........O/R. p' . SAN LUll 0"."0 C,'iv.- ~ '" CA'" AUG 2 6 1960 :~. F.. . '~1 'II IIJI, .,. COMPARED .~ _ _~,'_.n_ . _ _ _ _..