R 1752
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo
County, State of California, that:
WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable for the City of Arroyo Grande to
acquire that certain real property more particularly described in Exhibit "A",
attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of
constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and repairing storm drain and sanitary
sewer and appurtenances; and
WHEREAS, notice has been properly given as required by and according to
the provisions of Section 1245.235 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State
of California and now comes the hearing at which all persons whose property
is to be acquired by eminent domain and whose name and address appear on the
last equalized county assessment roll have heretofore before the City Council
of the City of Arroyo Grande been given a reasonable opportunity to appear and
be heard on the following matters:
(a) The public interest and necessity require the acquisitions,
(b) The acquisitions are planned and located in the manner that will
be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury,
(c) The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the aforesaid
(d) That the offer required by Section 7267.2 of the Government Code
has been made to the owner or owners of record, and
WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is vested with the power to acquire
real or personal property of every kind by grant, purchase, 'gift, devise, lease
or eminent domain by virtue of and under the authority of Division 1, Title 4,
Section 37350.5 of the Government Code of the State of California;
I. The public interest and necessity require the construction, reconstruc-
tion, maintenance and repair of storm drain and sanitary sewer and appurtenances
in and upon the parcels of land more particularly described in said Exhibit "A",
and the taking of easements for such purposes in, over, under, across and upon
said parcels of land is necessary for said improvements.
2. Said proposed acquisitions and improvements are planned and located in
the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the
least private injury.
3. An order for prejudgment possession be obtained in said action, and
that a warrant be issued to the County Clerk, San Luis Obispo County, California,
in the amount determined by the Court to be so deposited, as a condition to the
right of immediate possession.
4. That the offer required by Section 7267.2 of the Government Code has
been made to the owner or owners of record..
A motion was made by Council Member Vandevee~ seconded by Council Member
Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis and Mayor Smith
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Hogan
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of March 1984.
---_..~~-------_.- --,
I, Virginia L. .Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Resolution No. 1752 is a true, full and correct copy of said
Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said CounciJ on the
27th day of March 1984.
WITNESS and the Sea) of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this
29th day of 1984.
'Sl"ce.+ I c:>~ S'
Project Parcel No. 4 ~ 4 h crt
J )
- . .. rl;,
. . " ~CJ
An casement over acros's and under the below' described propel-ty for: the ,
- . purpose of building and/or constructing as .necessary a drainage f;cil ity
.. and appurtcnal;ces, Including but not ,I imrted to thi3' right to maintain,... h
. repair and'replace any and all 'drainage structure~ ~rtd as'otherWise be' " .
necessar~.to maintain said eas~n~. .
.:;:..- .- " ........ ',.-..._-:-~_._... ---...-.........
-'r _.-:::
. ~ --
S\"eQ.+ G o-t- s-
Project Parcel No. 4
"" Aporiio~ of Lot 8 of:' the Folsom Tract, in the' County of . 'd:.
0' San Luis Obispo, 'State of California, accoxd.ing'to Map of -
said Folsom.Tract made py A~F. Parsons, August i89l, Filed. .
for record September 26, 1891'in BookB" Page 75.of'Naps, in
- ,the office of 'the County.Recorder of said county, described
as follows':.. 0 .' . , ~ ' .' . _ .
Begi"nning',at a point Qn the'northerlyline of said Lot, which
bears ~orth 680 54' 05" \'lest, 159.31 feet from the Northeast .
'corner of said'Lot 8;a150' said Northeast corne'!,' being G-36, .:..
. e. " . ". . "
thence, South 21" ll'll"1'le'st, 14l.95.feet,
. ~;. "
, "
thence, Souih 68"'48' 49" East, 5.31 feet to the easterly 2ine
of Pa'rcel:'l'of Parcel Map AG-70-34 iI). the City. of Arroyo'
Grande, State of .Californi-a, recorded April 15" 1970 in Book
4 at Page 66 of Parcel Maps'in'the office of the County Recorder
of said county and being a portion of Lot 8 of said Folsom
. Tract, -' ,
- .
thence, South 21" 09' 30" West-.a1ong,the westerly line of
:.said Parcell, a distance of '20:00' .feet, .
- . .
thence, North 680 48' 49"'West, 25;31 feet,
. .
thence, North 210 II' II" East, 161. 91. feet to' the nO'r:t:J1crly
line of ~aid.Lot 8; .
- ..
thence, South'68" 54' 05" East' along the northerly line of
sai~ Lot 8, a distance of 20.0'0 feet to the point of begin'ning~ -'
. .
. . '-
. ....
"" .
r . .
~ - . .
. ,
. .-
Project Parcel No. S'
A porL~on OX Yarcel 1, of Parcel Map AG-70-34 in't~e City of
Arroyo Grande, County o~ San Luis Obispo, State .of Ca1if~rnia, .-
recorded.April-lS, 1970' in, Book 4 at Page 66 of Parcel Maps . .
- . in the office of ,the County Reco'rder of. sai!i county and being
'a portlonof Lot 8 ~f 'the' Folsom 'Tr~ct, 'des'crib'ed as '[0110\...5:' .
- . ", .
Beginning 'at a point on' the southerly line' of said p'arcel 1, ."
. . which bears South'680 50' 30" East, 6.00 fe,et irorothe North-
west corner of Parcel 3,of said Parcel Map, said corner also
bei~g the Northeast corner of Parcel Z.of sa~d Parc~lMap;
'. .
thence, North 210 OS'. 30" East, 80.61 feet', .
thence, ,North 680 48' 4~~ West,13~~97 feet to the westerly .
line of.-said_Parcel I, '. , = .' -...
, .
thence, South 210 0.9' 30", ''Test alOng the westerly line of said
Parcel I, a distance of 20.00 feet,
thence, South 680 48' 49" ~~st;112.01 feet, --_. .
. .
thence, South 210 OS' 30"'\'lest 60.61 feet to the southerly
, ,
line of said Parcel I,
. thence South 680 50' 30" East along the southerly liJH~ of
said Parce'l 1. a dist.ance of 20.00 feet to the point of ,
beginning." .
. .
. .
. .
."- - .::::
'5"'-~-r 4- c>. I:>
Project Parcel No. b
. . .
A po,rt,ion of .Parcel Z'of Parcel Map AG-70~34 in tne City of
, Arroyo :Grande, Co~.mty of San Luis Obisp.o, . Sta.te of California,
recorded April 15, 1970. in' Book 4 at Page 66 'ofParccl Maps
- in the office .of. the County Recorder of said county and being
a portion of Lot 8 of the Folsom Tract, described as follows:
. .. ).. .'... .
Beginning at: the Southeast, corner of said Parcel' 2, thence
, North 210 OS' 3D" East along 1=he' easterly, line .of .said Parcel .2, .
a distance of 96.00 feet 'to the Northeast corner of said 'Parcel 2,
~ ~ .
-- . . .... . " . ~ ~. ". .
thence, North 680 50' 3D" West"along: the northerly 1i!1C of said
Parcel 2, a distance of 14..00 feet, . .
thence, South 210 '05"30" West and parallel to the easterly
line of said Parcel 2, a distance of 96.00'feet to the
southerly line' of said P<:rc.el 2, .'
thence, South 680 50; '30" East along the southerly line of
said Partel 2, a distance.of 14.00 feet to the Southe~st_.
corner of sai~ ~arcel 2, being the point of beginnirig.
. .
..~ -
. ,-
. .
. .
. .
, .
- .
.J;; ~ ..
..~ --.....
S l..e."'+ I; ~ ~
Project Parcel No. a
\ An easpment ~,:,er,across and under the below described propc,-tYj'fo, ~h~.
1 purpose of building and/or con.structing as ,:ecessary a sewer, filcd/ty
and appurtenances, IhCIl/ding but not I imitcd to the right to noair;taln,.
-- . repai rand repl ace any and all sewerage structures and as otherw, s~ .be
, neces'sary to maintain said easeJ:t1ent. ' . ,.
... .. ." ".. ';-' .. .
....- ".. -.
- A portio~ of Parcell of Parcel Map AG-70-34 in. the City of ~-
- Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis 9bispo', 'State of California, . ::_
.. ...' . :.. -
. recorded Apr~l 15, 1970 ~n Book 4 at Page 66- of Parcel Maps ,_-
,- in the offi'ce of ,the County ~ecorder of said County' and being' - ~~_.
a poriion of Lot 8'of the Fo~som Tract, oescribed as' follows; . :~.
'. . f ~
... ::::0-
" Beginning at, a point on the southerly line of said Parcel 1, ~;.
. which bears South 680 50' 30" Ea.st, 6.0.0 feet from the Nortn,- -
. . . ~
west corner. of Parcel 3 of. saJ.d Parcel ~ap,. said corner a'lsc> .
.' .being the N,?;r~east corner of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map; , ._
thence, North 210 05',30" East" 10.40 feet, to the Poil-it"of .
Beginning, said point also lying on the westerly line of a
sanitary sewer easement granted to the County of San Luis
Obispo;on Marc~ 21,. ~9~3; said ease~ent being recorded.in
Volumel?31, Page 396 of official records in the Office of
the County Re:corder; '. " '.
thence, North 210 OS' .30'; East, 22.42 feet;
. ,.
. co ,-- .... ,- _. ~
thence, "south 6ao 54' 3D": East.;' 8.26=feet to'a point lying on "
the westerly line of a sanitary sewer easement granted to the
County of San Luis Obispo on March '21, 1973, said easement being
recorded in Volume 1731, Page 396 of official records. in the
Office of the County Recor~er; " .
thenc!'!, South' 210. Q5 I 3D" West, 17.65 feet along th~ '~esterly'
line of said easement; .
-thence, South B:Lo 05' 30" West, 9.54 'feet along the westerly line
~. of said easement, to the Point of Beginning.
'. .
''''0 -;::: ..~
-: (!,ty of r&
. . .c:/f'(,'to}jo q)"andc; Phone 805-489-1303
214 East Branch Street
P. O. Box 550
^"oyo Grande, CA 93420
January 27, 1984
Frank P. and Hazel B. Landini
530 San Luis Avenue
pismo Beach, CA 93449
Re. City of Arroyo Grande Notice of
Intent to Adopt Resolution of
Necessity to Acquire Certain Real
-- Property or Interest in Real Property
by Eminent Domain (Code of civil Pro-
cedure, Section 1245.235)
Dear f.lr.. and Mrs. Landini:
--...-.....-.. . ,;:. -- .. ...-.
,. ,
California Code of civil Procedure, section 1240.030 provides that the
power of eminent domain may be exercised to acquire property for a proposed
project 'if the followi~g conditions are established:
PH 8363528 'nterest and necessity require the project.
RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL is planned or located in the manner that will be
NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED- ble with the greatest public good and the least
(See Reverse)
SENTTO Land' ' sought to be acquired is necessary for the project.
FrChf:,." f',--<i-~,.I 6.. ~11
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r::~V' '!~X~i'~"'~~:;~;"~-:';";t"'.;;,g~~~,<, ~,,~,'-1it;;;'+,;;!Eri_~tt,";f,,~;:il,f s meeting to be
" 'iJ.,..', ,:- ,- -, ,- '" -'!: ~'"..":'l~! t.iI"... ..:.-..}).,.: ,-:, ,,'" '" '-' -~ '. .:~ :'''''''''' ~4: .,;..,...,: < ' j,".,;....~, "",.:,,,,,,. \".' .:' ";:-, :.,; 'f" _l.A 4" . ~ l::'f",.,~i ,.", . .,<", ,J ~.,~, .
:i~;;':'fYW 031':1tun:) aN" 01HnsNI ~a3\t3.1.SID3H .,L":J:)i.y N'YrU3;t.:'~",. r,: ",o'.' :"'>;:B"~"~'r";~18' :~o~ , " . ,'~',<;/? nC11 Chambers,
.~!!o .. "." ... ..... Sd, d t d 'd 'f th
fi~. ,0 ,pi '...}" fI'I _ .;)~;,:;,~ ~~:1jt' ",",:/,~;,;'~"i~;,~,....,-:., 0 eC1 e ). e
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~'ii\, "'.. _',;-:'~"'-"u;~." "'5:"""""'t'~ to adopt a Reso-
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'::t: (II ,'", ,~;.::.}',_1'""",,,,,,,,,J.:"',,/, ;r ',. 6:""",;~'" ,...'. a
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'c' " .' ""i~/'~~_'.""~"._""",\,,;,> .......__..___._..... ,,_........
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Project Parcel No. .3
~- ... .
- . . .. -
t . "cr across and under the below de~cr1bed property foc;'.the'. .
An eascmen 0., . . ..' ". d I . f 11 ft -
rose of bui Idlng and/or :con,s~ructlngBs f')BceSSF.l1 Y a ra nage ac Y _'__..
. pu P t .,ce' S Indudlng. but not limited to the right to maintain,., ....
, nnd appur enal , , d . h '" b'
. c I nd replace 'any and all draInage structu.res 811 as ot. e,rw SI!, e ~
repa r a , . '. ~
necessary to molntaln -said ease(J1ent. . ,. . .: ". -
. A port~on o'~' Lot "S' ~f the FOl:GJIIT:;~~~~ .in the CotJ.~ty of. ~
San Lu~s Ob~spo, S,t.ate of ,Ca11fornJ.a.~ according to map .
of said Folsom Tract made by A.F. Pars"ons r 1\Ugust 1891 ,
filed ~or record. S,eptembe'r 26, 1891 .in" BooJi'13, Page 75' of
Maps, 1n the.off1ce of the County ~ecorder of said county~
described as follows:.. -- . ".
. .
. Beginning at the Southwest c~rner of Lot B in'fiaid Fols~m
Tract, said corner being G-25';" - . .
.. ".,.: ~
i' ." _ ..
'thence, North 200 56' 43" .Eas-e- along. the \>165tc"r1y line of .
"said Lot 8ia distance of 11~93 feeti; . . .
thence, South 840 09' 57n Ea~t, 2.9~ fe~i;
" .
thence, North 210 00' 44" East, 137:30 feet to the southerly
line of the right of way conveyed to the,Coun'ty of Sa)). .
Luis Obispo by deed recorded March 11,19S4.in ~ook 7~W,
Page 454 of official n~cords:of said county;. ".
thence, $outh 680 .59' 17" East along the southerly line of
sa-id righ~"of 1-ray, a.distance of 20.0 fe~t; . .".
thence. South,210 (j'O' f\4" \t~st. 150.00 feet to the soutJ1erly
1 i.ne of said Lot B;' . i __
. '. .' r
thence. North 68" 59',31" \'Iest;. along the southerly line ! _
of said Lot B, a distance of 22.81 feet to the point of i
beginning. i -
. ,
. - .1
. .' I .-
. I
. \
---.-.----. ..
. .....--.---
__'h_"_'~_""'_'_ .~... ...... . .U
- ._~----_._.-
~{!ity of
c:/f't'l.o!Jo g'l.andc. . Phone 805-489-1303
214 East Branch S'ree'
P. O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande. CA 93420
January 27, 1984
Howard A. and Mie Burke
1085 Sunset Drive
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Re. City of Arroyo Grande Notice of
Intent to Adopt Resolution of
,. Necessity to Acquire Certain Real
.. Property or Interest in Real Property
by Eminent Domain (Code of civil Pro-
cedure, Section 1245.235)
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burke:
California Code of civil Procedure, section 1240.030 provides that the
I)OWPY" nF ~-~--_.. . -'in may be exercised to acquire property for a proposed
f>~[""?r?C lng conditions are established: .. .'
Pll Q;)D.:)~~t,; I .
RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL interest and necessity require the project.
~o INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEO- t is planned or located in the manner that will be
NO, fOR \tliERN~1\ON~L M~IL tible with the greatest public good and the least
(See Reverse)
SENi70 . jury.
.~., ,4 .t01r~ ?ur~_,
ST~^"~;'~'.R....J-:JY.';'i1,q",ry--;. y SO,~g.2t to,\.~~\ ~c~\!~~~dJr"",yecessary for the project.
','ciA" ..,,,,.,~...,,,, '.. "'~.r':",''.'.-, 'N':/~'~~1"if;~~
,- ,~:" ". '- -- : ".; !": . ',.r.:;,,' :.. '-:" ., " ..... ? ~~ ' . , ." .', f ,.
"';k~':~~;::?,,""'''/,:,-s~':~~)~~':,-:...::,:_-/;, ,. '. '~~''''~~''~':;''I' .: .'f,.J:,~PJ .f.~, '. e at its meetin to be
'IYWO~'-::I"11:A::JON..,a:nmSf'JI.a3"3.1SID3"'J.dJ;J::I3I:1NHnJ.aH'~.;' ;~'" Bl t'U" tt8 tWO:fSd ::1. g
....'",. "- "'}' t'" .;i:.;';>'. .",'" .'h...,J ~ty Council Chambers,
.;H' > ~.~.:. ~> ;, ."~'i[;5';(OOO@;' t!'~'~1 ~e asked to decide if the -
,.;i" , > o!: ~:: <i\ .~ ;;;""rn ~ g1 ~ rn rn ~,~<~ ~f so, to adopt a Reso-
"'~~ g '~CI~"'n "~"n8""=' :r':r'g"_,":O"i,.,':"
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;H~ ~'O!f!. '~~ ~!il1.;,,~~~~~~1Ii':-~ obepaid are not part of
,,~,,~ i 0;; fa; ~ n ~ ~ 1-;{ R ~,_~ ~ .u Ja such in determining
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---. - .-...-" .. ... ,. .
... Project Parcel No. 7
- -.
. -
An easement over across and under the below descrIbed property for the. '--
purpose of building and/or constructing as necessary a dr'a.lnage facll.lty .~-
and appurtenances, . Including but not limIted to the .rlght: to maintaIn, .. .
. repaIr and replace any ~nd a~l drainage structures and as otherwise be . >0#
..- -,-
necessary'tD maintain said easement. . . "" -
. --'
A portlqn 'Of Parcel 3 -of Parcel Map AG-70-34 In,the'Clty .of A~royo Grande,.' . ~> .
County of ~an luls Obispo, State of Callfornla;.-reeorded April 15,' 1970 'In.. '-.' .
Book 4 at Page 66 'Of .Parcel Map$ In the offfce of tHe County Recorder of ..;:- -:. .
said county and being a portlen.o.f let 8 'Of the 'FolsOOI Tract, described as.... -, ",
. '. . , t'l
follows: .' ~. . .-
, ..
Beglnnlng.at the Southwest corner of' sald'Pa~cel '~1' then~e North'21o 05' - .-
30" East along the weste'rly.Tlne of said Parcel 3; a 'distance of 9'6.00 feet'
to the N9rtrn-/est corner of said Parcel 3~ . ." _: ". .' .' .
. . .
thence, South 680 50" 30" east a.long the northerly IIJ18 of 5,ald'Parcel 3, a .
distance 'Of 6.00 feet,' '. . . .' '.
thence. South 210 05' 30"West and paral1ei.'i:.o the.westel-ly line of saId
Parcel'3, a distance of 96.00 'feet to th~ s~uthe~ly line 'Of said Parc~1 3~ .
, . '. . .
.thence, North 680 50' 30......lest 'along the sQutherly,.lIne of said Parcel '3, a .
distance of 6.00 feet to the Sout~est corner. of sal.d Parcel.3, being .the
point of beginning. :- .. ,. . _."- ".- .
--' ~ -- . .- .. "h_ .. ,
. .
.. .
. .
. -, -
. .
____..u_.____._. - ". -"~-_._--'- ."."". "--'--- . - ---, -,-''''-'.'" '..-._-~---~
J ,
I c?f't'toyo g'Landc;
{.' Phone 805-489-1303
. 214 East Branch Street
P. O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
January 27, 1984
Ernest and Margaret Quandt
1050 Sunset Drive
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Re. City of Arroyo Grande Notice of
Intent to Adopt Resolution of
-- Necessity to Acquire Certain Real
Property or Interest in Real Property
by Eminent Domain (COde of Civi1 Pro-
cedure, Section 1245.235)
Dear Mr. and }~s. Ernest Quandt:
ealiforniaCode of Civil Procedure, section 1240.030 provides that the
power of eminent domain may be exercised to acquire property for a proposed
~y~4,,"F-'rr the f01lowirig copditions are established': ..
P1l8363531 nterest and necessity require the project.
RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL is planned or located in the manner that wi1l be
NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- ble with the greatest public good and the least
(See Reverse)
&Iv,,';-. 'l:.011-L~ f- ~f'd,; sought to be acquired is necessary for the project.
STREET AND NO. -- - -- -- -.
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