Agenda Packet 2005-03-08 CITY OF - . City Council � ' � � � ' Agenda Tony Ferrera Mayor Steven Adams Ciry Manager Joe Costello Mayor Pro Tem p�► Timothy J.Carmel Ciry Attaney Jim Dickens Coundl Member �� � Kelly Wetmae Ciry Clerk CALIFORNIA � Jim Guthrie Councll Msmber �._ � � Ed Arnold Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2005 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: 3. FLAG SALUTE: CAMP FIRE USA, RAINBOW FOREST 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR RICHARD SCHARN 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Honorarv Proclamation Declarin9 March 17. 2005 as "Absolutelv Mcndib� Kid Dav„ 5.b. Honorarv Proclamation Declarina the Month of March es "Amerfcan Red Cross Month" 5.c. Mavor's Commendation Presented to Rvan Foster 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY—MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY�OMMENTS AND SUGGE TIONS: This public comment period is art invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters � scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the CounciL• i ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Councll m�nbers. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. �ONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each kem are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the ConseM Agenda to permit discussion or change the reoommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remai►�der of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disburs�n nt Ratificetlon (PILLOW) Recommendad AcUon: Ratffy the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16, 2005 through February 28, 2005. 8.b. Consideration of Aoorov 1 of Minutes (WETMORE) R�omms�ded Act�on: Approve the minutes of the Regular City CounciURedevelopment Agency Meetings of February 8, 2005 and February 22, 2005, as submitted. 8.c. Consideration of pythoriz�tion to Use Citv Prooertv an Close Ciri � +� +_I,a Annwl Arrovo Granda a±�W!±•�•y Festival on Mav 28-29 20�5� T� ��.e Permit No. 05-004 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the use of City property and dosure of City streets for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival on May 2&29, 2005. 8.d. �nsideretion of an Amendmant t� *t+. cE+e�c ��t�ve A�roemsnt w the San Lu�s Obfsoo Councll of Govemmar�ts (SPAGNOLO) Recommsnded AcUon: 1) Authwize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 6 to the SHA/STP Cooperative Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01; and 2) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to submk Amendment No. 6 to the SHA/STP Cooperative � Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. � I II AGENDA SUMMARY- MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA(continuedl: 8.e. Consideration of a Resolutlon Aaorovin4 the Pavement Cut PolicY (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolupon approving the Pavement Cut Policy. g.f. ��nsideration of Reaolutlons Accectina the Pavement Man Adootin� the Fecleral av Administration (FHWAI Fun�l Str�t c�e�Hicetion Svstam for the Sfreet Nst�►or�c(SPAGNOLO) pecommended Actlon: 1) Adopt Resolution accepting the PavemeM Managerr►ent Program; and 2) Adopt a Resolution adopting the FNWA Functional Strest Classification System for the Street Network. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: g,8, � ���tition of Renaminfl'Courtland Streat to North Courtland � �d �uth Co�rtland Str�t (STRONG) Recommended Act�on: Adopt Resolution renaming Courtland Street "North Courtland Street" for the portion noRh of East Grand Avenue and °South Courtland StreeY' for the portion south of East Grand Avenue. g,b. Gontinuea Public Fi�rina Gonside�-atlon af Generel Plan Amsndmant Caos No. 04-003• Housina E (STRONG) Recommsnd�d l�ctlon: Consider P�'oposed amendments to the Housin� Element and adopt Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 04-003. 9.c. Cantin�e� P�blic Haarina Consideration of Mo�nded CondMior�l Uss Permit �,�� u„ ..__ �_� �..�!!!..±�.,., te, Mr��nv B��dfera J of tlN Flve �-�1 to Allow a Fl --�- �::ies Sho�oina C!+!!t!+�s A11 Ra__ho Parkwav: WeNs Ferao Benk(3TRONG) 1 Recomm�nd�d AcUon: The Plenning Commissi� recommerxis the Cou�l adoPt a � Resdution approving Amended Co�ditionel Use Pertnit 04-001. il � 10. GONTINUED BUSINF�: , None. 1 � ; 11. NEW B_ESS: i None. i i i � ; i � i , AGENDA SUMMARY— MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 4 12. rITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, andlor request a forrnel agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) Request for staff to research altematives on formula business restrictions in the Village commercial area and place on a future agenda for review and consideration. (FERRARA) 13. rlTY MANAGER ITEMS: The following ftem(s) are placed on the agenda by the Ciry Manager in order to receive feedback and7or request direction from the Council. No forrnal action can be takeri• a) Request for feedback regarding planning for Joint Meeting with Planning and Traffic Commissions. (ADAMS) 14. .^�OUNGIL GOMMUNIGATIONS: � Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. � � 15. STAFF COMMUNICATION�: � Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. � 1 a �g, ^^"s,�;,'�Y COMMENT�AND SUGGESTIONS: j This public comment period is an invttation to members of the community to present ; issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those metters that are j within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking ; formal action on matters not published on the agenda. � a i17, sqJOURNMENT to a Special Joint Meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission, and ; T�ific Com�nission on March 14, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. Location of the Special Meeting will be ; posted at CRy Hell and on the City's website at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. All statf repoete or otl�er w�itten documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the ayenda are i on file in the AdminiaVative Serv�es Department and are available fw public inspectio� snd reP►oductl°^ at c�st. If re4uested� ihe agenda ahall be made available in aPP�oP��te aftemative fortnats to P� � a i disability� as requued bY ihe Americans with Disabiliti� Act. To make a request for dbebi�itY-related ` modificatfon or axommodation. c��� ��a� �� �ent at 805-473-5414 as soon as ' possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeUny date. Note: This agenda was prepered and posted pursuant to Govemment Code Section 549`rt•2• www.anoyoynnde•o►q 5.a. � CITY OF ► . . • • � • � � �� CALIFORNIA � � 9 1 � `� ��� �onora�+ 'P�la�na$ion'R��nizin8 °�b�9�lY � ible 8�1� ��" (�arch 179 � WEIEgEAS, March 17, 2005 has been declare,d 1ry CamF F'�� USA, a national Y�� development organization,as"Ab�so/ufe/ylncredible Kid Da,yT';a� WHEREAS,CamP Fire USA commemorates its Ninth annual"Absolutely Incredible Rid Day"on this date;and � W�gEAg,as part of the celebration of children on this day,adults are encouraged to send letters of love and appreoiation to youttg P�Ple in their lives;and i �IEggAS, Camp Fire USA mission Pledgeg a firm commitment to bwldu�S can��8+ , ! confident youth and future leaders, an extension of that commitment is handed to � caruig adults ttu�ough�event to express their feeli�tgs in a letber or note which has the pmfound ability to malce a lestin8 and Fwsitive impact on the ckrildren in our country;and � �amp Fire USA is commended for the valuable � WHEREAS, le in the City of ArroYo Grande I prograrns offered to young PaoF yervices these yow�8 and throu8hout the nafion,and for the xnany �p fire. • *' - * ' people perform for their communities thron8h ' NOW,THEREFORE,BE TC RESOLVED,that I,Tony Ferrara,Mayor of the City of ArroYo ' Grande, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby F�� Merch I7, 2005, as "ABSOLU7�Y JNCRF.DIBLE KID DA}�'in the City of ArroYo Grande and urge sll adults to pattioipate in "ASSOLUT6LY INCREDIBLE KlIJ DA}m by sanciut8 letters to exp�eys geeiings and appreciation W youn8 People in their lives, and ma1dx48 a difference in the]ife of a child. , IN �� WIIEgEOF,I kiave hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Armyo Grande W be affixed this 8w day of March 2005. . Paaoro p� �9 a MCORMRITlD''f. ' F O p m � * �u�r m.nn fi TONY FERRARA,MAYOR °'9<�FOa`'�� 5.b. � CITY OF . . , ► . - • • � 'y CALIFORNIA y � � 9 1 � !� ��� 3�fml.arary Procf��tian Recagnizing t� �larch zoo5 as .�merican RecfCross �lon WHEREAS,America has been a place of humanitarian action and comyassion-a ptace where PeOPIe take care af each other,and me ahvays�+n'lling to reach out and talce care of���in need,whether they are down the bbck or aro�.md the gbbe. TMat Ar^e^�A^ desire to yut our compassion irrto action is deepN rooted in the.charaaer of�Luis Obispo CountY:and WHEREAS,for more than 88 years,the Red Cross in San�ssion of he�Ame^�an p�°Pk� where citizens join toqecher,and the 9enerositY and comPn will sti0 9^re Y�their tlme� pur�wse. lYs been the place where someone who mM not imow You with sheher. Never has � . monev, and life-savi^9 sb'lis, scrve Y�u 1*om drowning or Provide Yau lae wreaked this been more evident than these pas[f�+'Ye���e^the San Simeon Earthquu havoc on our communitY�a deadA't��^���usN ��hoverwhehning m�mAbers cFase Luis Obispo CountY respondeA swiT�N �o action;and their Red Cross as the pk+ce to tur^them ca^^9 � yy�{EREqS,the San Luis Obispo CountY American Red Cross resVonds w o�'So����h year. Some are large disasters�such as the San Simeon Eart���n to events thac don't 1 threaten commu^ities in the North Counb• �� t� ��s��s our wuntY. make headfines,such as the numeT°us home{'ires that have dis�'uPt the scene.Pt"��^9 f�, . � pur Red Cross and its coTPs of Soo volunteers is among the Frs[ { sheher,9nef c°���g�more;and � WFIEKEqS, recograzing tlwt sufferin9 lmows no borders, the Red Cross prwides assiscance during international emergencies. such as the tsunami. TheY have ako spea►1+caded a camPai9^to immunrze�nm�otlAie�r Prn't o�th��world;andeasles,a disease nemiY fm'9�e^ ' in America�but a deadN � WHEREAS, in America, we maY^°L Q�� �ss, or sound the snrrie, but � pm�rlun �� we share a common sp'n'it that binds us together when times are tou9h ar�d RW Goss ' unites us in action when someone is suffe�9. L� a mirror on America, . . the Red Cross shows us the best P��bk *��On °f .°��s. ln ���ai� � celebratin9 American Red Crosh��5an Luis Obispo �ou^�'A^d all r� . �p�g�icm pnd volunteer spirit across America. � NOW,THEREFORE, BE R RESOLVED,that I,TonY FerTarQ� M°Y°T°f the City of A�'�'W�G*anck� on behal�of the CitY Counal, do herebY PT«laim March zoo5 as American Red Cross Nbnth� ' and urge all Americans to continue to volunteer their time, and give gmerwslY W the . Ameri[Grl Red Cross. � PPROYp O � ixcronron�reo'Z IN WITNESS WHEREOF.1 have hereuMO set mY hand and caused the Seal o� . � of the City of Anoyo Grande to be affMed this 8"`day of��h zoo5. � o o m �. # .IUIX 10.U1� f °�uFOe+�P TONY FER1tARA,NWYOR ; S.C. • CITY OF • - � . . • • • . ' CALIFORNIA � 9 1 � � �Vld or's Commend�ation � y j �resented to: � 1 �� 12yan Foster : On this 8tk c�ay of�VlarcFc 2005 '; In l�,ecognition of`Your �em6ership in tFie <1'Catinum Ser�vice CCu6 for SerUice A6ove ancC ' �eyond�tFie CaCCof lnuty PpROYp ', F�KCO�roe•rto99= � o m ir au�r +o,»,� * , '1Q1Z'1 �e1�C�1�Q� 9l�tayor C'�G/FOp��P � pRROYO O 6',A � ��a� � INCOqPORATEO � �j O * ,,,�� ,o. ,,,, * MEMORANDUM c4�/FORN�P . ro: cinr couNCi� FROM: ANGELA PILLOW, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERV ES � BYc FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFiCATION ' DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16 through February 28, 2005. FUNDING: There is an $645,966.73 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff's recommendation; • Do not approve staff's recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 —Cash Disbursement Listing � Attachment 2 — February 18, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 — February 18, 2005, Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks Register Attachment 4 — February 25, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register � � � i � , ATTACHMENTI CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS � r� P�od qy�e�g� �6 7�wa���28 2�5 March 8, 2005 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period February 16 to February 28, 2005. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPE OF PAYMENT ATTACHMENT AMOUNT February 18,2005 Accounts Payable Cks 119641-119766 2 $ 214,450.76 Payroll Cliecks and Benefit C1lecks 3 395,91224 S 610,363.00 February 25,2005 Accoimts Payable Cks 114767-119823 4 $ 3,�r�03,� TwawE��m�rai, s 6as,�.� � f f � , � � � E � f U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc �; 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND lO10� SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Citu Government(Fund O10) Pazk Development Fee Fund(Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Pazk Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund(Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager TransportaHon Fund(Fund 225) 4102 - Printing�Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund(Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building(CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant(Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring(Fd 274) Public Safefij(Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt(FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency(Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Adminish�ation 4212 - Building&Safety ENTERPRISE F[JNDS Public Works(Fund O10) Sewer Fund(Fund 612) � 4301 - Public Works-Admin&Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund(Fund 640) 4304 - Street Lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks&Recreation(Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration(Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS fFund 35�� 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Pazk Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Waber/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance � U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\CASH DLSBURSEMENTSC}�D wEXCEL WKS.doc � ATTACHMENT 2 vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: 1 OZI18I2005 1:58:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : bpa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptioNAccount Amount 119641 2/14/2005 004775 ARROYO MEDICAL GROUP, INC 1 FIREFIGHTERS PHYS.EXAMS(19) FIREFIGHTERS PHYS.EXAMS(19) 260.4211.6201 23,275.00 Total : 23,275.00 119642 2/15/2005 000303 HENDRICKS, CRAIG 021405 MEALS EXPENSE-EVOC CONFERE MEALS EXPENSE-EVOC CONFERE 010.4201.5501 160.00 Total : 160.00 119643 2/15/2005 000297 HANCOCK COLLEGE,ALLAN 021405 REG.FEES-ARREST/CONTROL CO REG.FEES-ARREST/CONTROL CO 010.4201.5501 1,316.00 Total : 1,316.00 119644 2/15/2005 000088 BRIDGE, F BARRY 021005 REIMBURSE EXPENSES-MGMT CO REIMBURSE EXPENSES-MGMT CO 010.4201.5501 523.60 Total : 523.60 119645 2/16/2005 000403 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENTS 021505 MEETING FEE:ROBERTO CRUZ MEETING FEE:ROBERTO CRUZ 220.4303.5501 15.00 Total : 15.00 119646 2/16/2005 004776 JEWELL, MICHAEL 021605 REFUND 2005 BUS.LICENSE FEE REFUND 2005 BUS.LICENSE FEE 010.0000.4050 30.00 REFUND PARKING FEES 751.0000.4024 132.00 Total : 162.00 119647 2/17/2005 000553 SLO COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER 027505 NOTARY BOND FILING FEE NOTARY BOND FILING FEE 010.4002.5503 35.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 02N8/2005 7:59:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invo(ce PO# Description/Account Amount 119647 2/17/2005 000553 000553 SLO COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER (Continued) ToWI : 35.00 119663 2/18/2005 000008 ADAMSON INDUSTRIES, INC 70127 OC SPRAY OC SPR,4Y 010.4201.5272 127.76 ToWI : 127.76 119664 2/18/2005 000029 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN INC 2000401828 AWWA DUES:SPAGNOLO AVWVA DUES: SPAGNOLO 010.4301.5503 750.00 Total : 150.00 119666 2/18/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS B085583 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:FIRE D UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:FIRE D 010.4211.5272 27.72 6085590 COVERALL-TONY COVERALL-TONY 220.4303.5143 0.55 B693112 UNIFORMS/iOWELS/MATS:PD U N I F O R M S/TO W E LS/MATS:P D 010.4213.5303 10.38 8693174 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:REC C UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:REC C 010.4213.5303 20.48 8693115 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:SEWE U N I FO R M S!f O W E LS/MATS:S E W E 612.4610.5143 5.60 B693116 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:STREE U N I F O RM S/TO W E LS/MATS:ST R E E 220.4303.5143 19.60 B693117 UNIFORMS/TOWELSlMATS:WATE UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:WATE 640.4712.5143 14.00 UNIFORMS/TOWEIS/MATS:ENG D 010.4301.5143 1.40 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 02H8I2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119666 2/18/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) 6693118 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:PARKS UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:PARKS 010.4420.5143 27,qg 8693179 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS U N I F 0 RM S!f O W E LS/MATS 010.4213.5143 2.80 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:CORP 1 010.4273.5303 11.03 B693120 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:AUTO U N I FORM S!f O W E LS/MATS:AU TO 010.43Q5.5t43 10.41 g69632� UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:FIRE D UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:FIRE D 010.4213.5303 �g.gg B696324 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATSBLDG UN I FORMS/TOWELS/MATSB LDG 010.4213.5303 6.31 B696325 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:CITY H UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:CITY H 070.4213.5303 8.40 66963z6 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D UNIFORMS/fOWELS/MATS:ENG D 010.4213.5303 5.00 8696327 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:COM.0 U N I FORMS/TOW ELS/MATS:COM.0 010.4213.5303 9.45 B696331 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:SEWE UN I FORMS/TOWELS/MATS:S E W E 612.4610.5143 5.60 6696332 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:STREE U N I FO R M Sf f O W E LS/MATS:STR E E 220.4303.5143 19.60 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List 02/18I2005 1:58:SOPM Page: 4 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Descriptlon/Account Amount 119666 2/18/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) B696333 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D 010.4301.5143 1.40 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:WATE 640.4712.5143 14.00 B6�3� UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:PARKS UN I FORMSlf OWELS/MATS:PARKS 010.4420.5143 19.60 ��3� UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:BLDG UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:BLDG 010.4213.5143 5.00 B696337 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:AUTO UNIFORMS/TO W E LS/MATS:AUTO 010.4305.5143 5� 6899525 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:PD UN I FORMS/TO WELS/MATS:PD 010.4213.5303 10.38 8699527 UNIFORMSl1'OWELS/MATS:REC C UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:REC C 010.4213.5303 20.48 66995z8 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:SEWE UNI FORMS/TOW ELS/MATS:SE W E 612.4610.5143 5.60 6699529 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:STREE UN IFORMSlfO W E LS/MATS:STREE 220.4303.5743 19.60 B699530 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:ENG D 010.4301.5143 1.40 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:WATE 640.4712.5143 14.00 6699531 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:PARKS U N I FORMSlTO WELS/MATS:PARKS 010.4420.5143 2�48 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List 02N8I2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Pa9e� 5 Bank code : ppa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119666 2/18/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) 8699532 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:BLDG U N I FORM S/TO W E LS/MATS:B L DG 010:4213.5143 Z g� UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:CORP 1 010.4213.5303 11.03 6699533 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:AUTO UN I FORMSlfO W E LS/MATS:AUTO 010.4305.5143 10.41 B702712 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:FIRE D UNIFORMSlTOWELS/MATS:FIRE D 070.4213.5303 20.25 6702715 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:BLpG UNIFORMS/fOWELS/MATS:BLDG 010.4213.5303 6.31 6702716 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:BLDG UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:BLDG 010.4213.5303 8.40 B7027� UNIFORMS/TOWEIS/MATS:ENG D UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D 010.4213.5303 5.00 B702718 UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:COM C UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:COM C 010.4213.5303 9.45 8��2�zz UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:SEWE UNI FORMS/TOWELS/MATS:S E W E 612.4610.5143 5.60 8702723 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:STREE UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:STRE E 220.4303.5143 19.60 B702724 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:ENG D 010.4301.5143 1.40 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:WATE 640.4712.5143 �q� Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List 02118/2005 1:59:SOPM Page: 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119666 2/18/2005 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) B702725 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:PARKS UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS:PARKS 010.4420.5143 21.00 B702726 ' UNIFORMS/fOWELS/MATS:BLDG U NI FORMS/TOW ELS/MATS:BLDG 010.4213.5143 5.00 B��Z�Z� UNIFORMSlfOWELS/MATS:AUTO UNI FORMS/TOW ELS/MATS:AUTO 010.4305.5143 5.00 Total : 513.68 119667 ?J18/2005 002180 AVAYA, INC 2720504912 MAINT.AGREEMENT MAINT.AGREEMENT 010.4145.5403 13.74 Total : 13.74 119668 2/18/2005 000072 BEATTIE,ALBERT 013005 REIMBURSE EXP:NTF INVESTIGA REIMBURSE EXP:NTF INVESTIGA 010.4201.5501 34.53 Total : 34.53 119669 2/18/2005 001917 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH JAN 05 CAR WASH(8 IN JAN'05) CAR WASH(8 IN JAN'05) 010.4201.5601 56.00 Total : 56.00 119670 2/18/2005 000087 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, INC 27458 ANTS-SPRAYED BUILDING ANTS-SPRAYED BUILDING 010.4213.6401 74.00 Tofal : 74.00 119671 2/18/2005 000094 BRUMIT DIESEL, INC 76275 CART 8 SUPPLIES CART 8 SUPPLIES 010.4211.5601 99.62 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List 02I78I2005 1:58:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Pa9e� � Bankcode: b0a Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119671 2/18/2005 000094 BRUMIT DIESEL, INC (Continued) �BZ�6 10 TON PULLER 10 TON PULLER 010.4211.5603 105.38 �62�� BLOWER FAN&LIGHT BLOWER FAN 8 LIGHT 070.4211.5603 100.69 76280 HEATER ELEMENT HEATER ELEMENT 010.4211.5601 41.57 Tofal : 347.26 119672 2/18/2005 000095 BURKE AND PACE OF AG, INC 2277446 LUMBER&HARDWARE/MTR BOX F LUMBER&HARDWARE/MTR BOX F 640.4712.5610 4328 2277708 2 X 4'S 2X4'S 220.4303.5613 35.18 2278030 2 X 4'S 2X4'S 220.4303.5613 3.17 2278135 PLYWOOD PLYWOOD 220.4303.5613 57 y� 2z�828� LUMBER AND FASTENERS LUMBER AND FASTENERS 010.4420.5605 �Z�88 2278903 4 X 8 4X8 220.4303.5613 135.19 2279398 2 X 4'S 2 X 4'S 220.4303.5613 9.52 2279448 2 X 12 2X12 220.4303.5613 26.33 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List 02I18I2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: g Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119672 2/18/2005 000095 BURKE AND PACE OF AG, INC (Continued) 2279473 2 X 8 2X8 220.4303.5613 22.07 2280354 2X6 8 4X8 2X6&4X8 220.4303.5613 33.78 ToTal : 493.78 119673 2/18/2005 000156 C COAST TAXI-CAB SVCS, LLC 021505 TAXI SVC:02/07/-02/14/05 TAXI SVC:02/01/-02/14/05 225.4553.5507 687.75 Total : 687.75 119674 2/18/2005 003766 CA EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN'ARROYO E6300007625401 PHYSICAL-ALEX ASPER-NELSON PHYSICAL-ALEX ASPER-NELSON 010.4211.5315 180.00 Total : 780.00 119675 2/18/2005 000114 CA PEACE OFFICERS ASSN LSP47933 LEG.SERV.PREMIUM:CHIEF TERBC LEG.SERV.PREMIUM:CHIEF TERBC 010.4201.5303 450� Total : 450.00 119676 2/18/2005 000129 CA ST EMPLOYMENT DEVEL DEPT 021005 U/INS-DISAL U/INS-DISAL 010.4211.5142 145.00 U/INS-BOREHA 010.4211.5742 318.00 U/INS-STUMPH 010.4211.5142 _�2� ToUI : 451.00 119677 2/18/2005 004137 CALIFORNIA USA WRESTLING, INC 020705 PARTIC.REGISTRATION30 X$30 Page: $ vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: e 02N8I2005 7:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Descriptlon/Account Amount 119677 2/182005 004137 CALIFORNIA USA WRESTLING, INC (Contlnued) PARTIC.REGISTR,4TION30 X$30 010.4424.5257 900.00 COACHES REGISTRATION: 1 010.4424.5257 25.00 CLUB REGISTR,4TION 010.4424.5257 50.00 ADDITIONAL INSUR,4NCE 010.4424.5257 40.00 ToWI : 7,015.00 119678 2/18/2005 00p603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 095268 HYDROLIC HOSE 8 FITTINGS:PW HYDROLIC HOSE 8 FITTINGS:PW 220.4303.5601 47.53 148-079031 BATTERY FOR GENERATOR BATTERY FOR GENERATOR 640.4712.5603 89.51 748-079032 TORCH HOSE REPAIR TORCH HOSE REPAIR 640.4712.5603 10.00 148-080385 TRAILER CABLE TRAILER CABLE 220.4303.5603 �8 �� 148-082012 MISC. PARTS MISC. PARTS 220.4303.5603 �� �3 148-092053 993 WIPER 993 WIPER 010.4201.5601 10.47 148-092924 032 BATTERY 032 BATTERY 010.4201.5601 149.39 148-40298 STOCK-TIRE SHINE/CENT/WAX STOCK-TIRE SHINE/CENTM/AX 010.4201.5601 59.14 Page: y vchlist Voucher List 02118/2005 1:59:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 10 Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119678 2/18/2005 000603 000603 CARpUEST AUTO PARTS (Continued) Total : 395.28 119679 2/18/2005 001990 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 020505 MIS CABLE MODEM MIS CABLE MODEM 010.4140.5303 189.85 Total : 189.85 119680 2/18/2005 002509 CHIEF SUPPLY 354148 BATTERY-RECHARGEABLE BATTERY-RECHARGEABLE 010.4211.5272 ���y ToWI : 104.34 719681 2/18/2005 0p4440 CHOICEPOINT BUSINESS 8 AB0001133038 AUTO TRACK XP JAN 2005 AUTO TRACK XP JAN 2005 010.4201.5303 150.00 Total : 750.00 119682 2/18/2005 000171 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 738729 WATER SAMPLES:JAN 2005 WATER SAMPLES:JAN 2005 640.4710:5310 345.00 Total : 345.00 119683 2/18/2005 003042 COLLEGE TOWING SOUTH 81137 TOWING SERVICE: P-7 TOWING TOWING SERVICE: P-7 TOWING 010.4420.5601 $s� Total: 86.00 119684 2/18/2005 002842 COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE SVC 20405-0205 AG WOMAN'S CLUB FLOOR AG WOMAN'S CLUB FLOOR 010.4213.6401 525.00 206-0205 CARPET CLEANING-AG CH CARPET CLEANING-AG CH 010.4213.6401 375.00 Total : 900.00 119685 2/18/2005 OOOt85 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST 7605-445804 FAN 6 LIGHT REPAIR: ELM ST Page: 10 vchlist 02118/2005 7:59:SOPM Voucher List CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Pe9e' �� Bankcode: boa i Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account �1�85 2/18/2005 000185 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST --'4m���� (Continued) FAN&LIGHT REPAIR: ELM ST 010.4213.6401 281 � 119686 2/18/2005 004777 COX,ANDREW Total : 281.00 021605 COMM.CENTER DEPOSIT 2/1y05 COMM.CENTER DEPOSIT 2/12/05 010.0000.2206 250.00 SUPERVISION 925 HRS�$9 010.0000.4354 -8325 »�8� 2/18/2005 0p0190 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB M0725 TO�� ' 166.75 WATER SAMPLES:RES#1 WATER SAMPLES: RES#1 350.5905.7001 75.00 ���88 2/182005 004778 CROWN Rq�N GUTTERS INC. Total : 75.00 �8282 PARTS 8 LAgpR-RAIN GUTTER P PARTS 8 LABpR-RAIN GUTTER P 010.4213.5303 185� 119689 2/18/2005 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO ToWI : 185.00 299501 PARTS FOR PW PUMP ENGINE RP PARTS FOR PW PUMP ENGINE RP 010.4430.5603 112.47 119690 2/18/20p5 00p201 D G REPAIR ToWI : 172.47 9510 CONTROL COIL ON DUMP BED P- CONTROL COIL ON DUMP BED P- 9511 010.4430.5601 285.75 982 MASS AIR FLOW SCAN 982 MASS AIR FLOW SCAN 010.4201.5601 22927 119691 2/18/2005 001840 DELL MARKETING LP TO�� � 515.02 D05626307 COMPUTER Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 02N8/2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Ve�dor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119691 2/18/2005 001840 DELL MARKETING LP (Continued) COMPUTER 010.4212.5303 891.63 D05935040 19 INCH MONITOR 19 INCH MONITOR 010.4212.5303 373.79 Total : 1,265.42 119692 2/18/2005 000217 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO 443089 2005 ID CHECKING GUIDE 2005 ID CHECKING GUIDE 010.4201.5255 28 9� Total : 28.90 119693 2/18/2005 000262 FRANK'S LOCK&KEY, INC 21563 KEYS 8 LOCK MAINT. KEYS 8 LOCK MAINT. 010.4211.5603 206.81 21745 REPAIR FRONT DOOR REPAIR FRONT DOOR 010.4201.5604 120.77 Tofal : 327.58 119694 2/78/2005 000267 GALLS, INC 5753160500012 BIKE PANTS(3) (BROMBY ORD) BIKE PANTS(3)(BROMBY ORD) 010.4201.5255 328.01 5753160500020 BIKE JACKET(4)(BROMBY ORD) BIKE JACKET(4)(BROMBY ORD) 010.4201.5255 728.92 ToWI : 1,056.93 119695 2/18/2005 000605 GAS COMPANY,THE 2/4-200E GAS SERVICES: 200 E BRANCH S GAS SERVICES: 200 E BRANCH S 010.4145.5401 108.00 2/4208E GAS SERVICES:208 E BRANCH S GAS SERVICES:208 E BRANCH S 010.4145.5401 32.83 Page: 12 _ ____ vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 02N812005 1:58:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptioNAccount Amount 119695 2/18/2005 000605 GAS COMPANY,THE (Continued) 2/4214E GAS SERVICES:214 E BRANCH S GAS SERVICES:214 E BRANCH S 010.4145.5401 74�13 2/4-215E GAS SERVICES:215 E BRANCH S GAS SERVICES:215 E BRANCH S 010.4145.5401 Z8.�6 2/8-1500W GAS SERVICES:1500 W BRANCH S GAS SERVICES:1500 W BRANCH S 010.4745.5401 10.52 y�g_g�p GAS SERVICES:910 RANCHO PK GAS SERVICES:910 RANCHO PK 010.4145.5401 66.60 yg_Zpp ry GAS SERVICES:200 N HALCYON R GAS SERVICES:200 N HALCYON R 010.4145.5401 288��� Total : 608.95 119696 2/18/2005 003859 GOMEZ,ANDREA 02-0017676 PUBLIC SAFETY WELFARE PERMI PUBLIC SAFETY WELFARE PERMI 010.0000.4125 115.00 ToWI : 115.00 119697 2/18/2005 004005 GROVER BEACH FIREFIGHTERS 021605 REG.FEE COMMAND 1A:MCLEAN REG.FEE COMMAND 1A:MCLEAN 010.4211.5501 135.00 REG.FEE COMMAND 16:MCLEAN 010.4211.5501 135.00 Tofal : 270.00 119698 2/18/2005 000297 HANCOCK COLLEGE,ALLAN 021605 REG.FEES:QUINLAN&STEFFAN REG.FEES:�UINLAN 8 STEFFAN 010.4211.5501 62.00 ToWI : 62.00 119699 2/1 S/2005 001237 HANSON AGGREGATES 468431 COBBLE ROCK Page: 13 vchlist Voucher List Page: 14 0211812005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 179699 2/18/2005 001237 HANSON AGGREGATES (Continued) COBBLE ROCK 220.4303.5613 30027 Total : 300.27 119700 2/18/2005 001877 HARVEST BAG, INC 092204 ST PAUL TRAVELERS INS. ST PAUL TRAVELERS INS. 250.4800.8061 1,355.90 110104 PG&E PGBE 250.4800.8061 1,024.35 ��02� DEWAR DEWAR 250.4800.8061 40878 Total : 2,789.03 119701 2/18/2005 004779 HICKS,MICHAEL 021405 REFUND FOR MINOR EXCEPTION REFUND FOR MINOR EXCEPTION 010.0000.4514 z�5•00 Total : 275.00 719702 2/18/2005 004780 HOFSTEE,JIM 021405 REFUND:OVERPAYMENT REFUND:OVERPAYMENT 640.0000.1110 136.32 Total : 136.32 119703 2/18/2005 004761 HUNTER-GIMPEL,JEANNIE 020905 REPLACE CELLULAR PHONE REPLACE CEILULAR PHONE 010.4201.5255 10720 Total : 107.20 11g7p4 2/18Y2005 000325 IANNEO,JOSEPH 021105 MILEAGE:376 MI. (c� .34/POST TRN MILEAGE:376 MI.� .34/POST TRN 010.4201.5501 �Z�� Total : 127.64 119705 2/18/2005 000329 IMPULSE MFG $�Z�p REPAIR&RETROFIT TO BBQ PIT Page: 14 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 02H812005 7:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119705 2/18/2005 000329 IMPULSE MFG (Continued) REPAIR 8 RETROFIT TO BBQ PIT 010.4420.5303 600.83 Total : 600.83 11g7pfi 2/18/2005 004788 INTEGRITY DATA 8 FIBER, INC. 1703 RELOCATE TELECOM CABLES RELOCATE TELECOM CABLES 350.5410.7001 ������ Total : 1,700.00 119707 2/18/2005 000342 IRA'S BIKE SHOP 020505 BICYCLE HELMETS,GLOVES,HOSE BICYCLE HELMETS, GLOVES,HOSE 010.4201.5255 215.90 Tofal : 215.90 119708 2/18/2005 000344 J C LANDSCAPWG DECEMBER LANDSCAPE MAINT._DEC LANDSCAPE MAINT._DEC 010.4420.5303 460.00 LANDSCAPE MAINT:DEC 217.4460.5355 165.00 LANDSCAPE MAINT:DEC 217.4480.5356 125.00 JANUARY LANDSCAPE MAINT:JAN LANDSCAPE MAINT:JAN 010.4420.5303 460.00 LANDSCAPE MAINT.JAN 217.4460.5355 165.00 LANDSCAPE MAINT:JAN 217.4460.5356 125.00 Total : 1,500.00 119709 2/1 S/2005 000348 J W ENTERPRISES 163220 RENTAL OF PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL OF PORTABLE TOILET 220.4303.5552 95.73 Total : 95.73 119710 2/18/2005 003547 JACKMAN, MICHELE 20041201 PROF.SERVICES:TEAMBUILDING Page: 15 vchlist Voucher List Page: 16 0211812005 1:59:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Voucher Date Veodor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 179710 2/18/2005 003547 JACKMAN, MICHELE (Continued) pROF.SERVICES:TEAMBUILDING 010.4211.5501 1,000.00 Total : 7,000.00 119711 2/18/2005 000367 KEYLOCK SECURITY SPECIALISTS 72630 KEYS(3) KEYS(3) 010.4201.5604 s�`� Total : 6.44 11g712 2/18/2005 003818 LITERACY COUNCII 123104 LITERACY COUNCIL:CDBG PO4AGC LITERACY COUNCIL:CDBG PO4AGC 250.4800.8059 450.00 ToWI : 450.00 119713 2/18/2005 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 050404 CUSTODIAL CHARGES JUDKINS CUSTODIAI CHARGES JUDKINS 010.4426.5553 1,206.92 050405 CUSTODIAL CHARGES PAULDING CUSTODIAL CHARGES PAULDING 010.4426.5553 1,218.53 Total : 2,425.45 119714 2/18/2005 001120 MAXIMUS, INC 1025273002 . 2ND OF 4 INSTALLMENTS 2ND OF 4 INSTALLMENTS 010.4145.5303 1,250.00 Tofal : 1,250.00 119715 2/18/2005 000399 MC CARTHY STEEL, INC 45818 GALV.GRATE-MASON ST DRAIN GALV.GRATE-MASON ST DRAIN 010.4420.5605 111.00 Total : 171.00 119716 2/18/2005 000400 MC GRAW-HILL COMPANIES 1526335 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL ENR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL_ENR 010.4301.5503 82.00 -- ,,,.� Page: 16 vchlist Voucher List Page: 77 02N812005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptionlAccount Amount 119716 2/182005 000400 000400 MC GRAW-HILL COMPANIES (Continued) Tofal : 82.00 119717 2/18/2005 004782 MCALISTER, KERI 020905 WATER DEPOSIT WATER DEPOSIT 640.00002302 180.00 Total : 180.00 119718 2/18/2005 004279 MID STATE PLUMBING& 021005 WATER CONS.PROGRAM PHASE I WATER CONS.PROGRAM PHASE I 350.5409.7001 14,405.85 9290 JET RODDED CLOGGED SEWER L JETRODDED CLOGGED SEWER L 010.4430.5605 450.00 Total : 74,855.85 11g71g 2/18/2005 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER&BRAKE 9399 021 UO/F WIPERS 021 L/O/F WIPERS 010.4201.5601 46.67 ��q 993 UO/F CLEAN BAT CABLES 993 UO/F CLEAN BAT CABLES 010.4201.5B01 50.11 943y 032 REMOVE 8 REPLACE ALTERN/ 032 REMOVE&REPLACE ALTERN/ 010.4201.5601 304.87 �g 022 UO/F 022 UO1F 010.4201.5601 25.32 �75 011 UO/F FRT BRAKE PADS 011 UO/F FRT BRAKE PADS 010.4201.5601 18�� 9506 021 REAR BRAKE PADS/FLAT 021 REAR BRAKE PADS/FLAT 010.4201.5601 214.68 Total : 819.69 119720 2/18/2005 000426 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS 092897 CONCRETE Page: 17 vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: 78 0217812005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 719720 2/78/2005 000426 MIER BROS LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS (Cantinued) CONCRETE 350.5632.7002 ���� 093059 CONCRETE CONCRETE 350.5632.7002 101.35 92928 7 YD GORIALLA HAIR/KINGO PARK 1 YD GORIALLA HAIR/KINGO PARK 010.4420.5605 38.61 93607 24 YDS"TEE MIX"PORTER FIELD 24 YDS"TEE MIX"PORTER FIELD 010.4430.5605 823.68 93674 8 YDS"TEE MIX"PORTER FIELD 8 YDS'TEE MIX"PORTER FIELD 010.4430.5605 Z�4•`.�6 Total : 1,372.26 119721 2/18/2005 004783 MILLER,JANINE 027405 REFUND BASKETBALL:JAKE MILL REFUND BASKETBALL:JAKE MILL 010.0000.4613 50.00 Total : 50.00 11g722 2/18Y2005 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC 10204 CUTTOFF DISK MASONARY CUTTOFF DISK MASONARY 010.4420.5603 77.14 ���ZZ BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS 010.4213.5604 6.22 10849 ELBOW, CLAMP ELBOW,CLAMP 612.4610.5803 17.28 11031 QUICK CRETE QUICK CRETE 010.4430.5605 �228 Page: 1 S vchlist Voucher List Page: 19 02/7872005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptioNAccount Amount 119722 2/182005 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC (Continued) 11043 FASTENERS FASTENERS 010.4420.5605 2.6� 11059 NIPPLE NIPPLE 010.4420.5605 9.19 11798 HAMMER ROCK PICK,TAPE HAMMER ROCK PICK,TAPE 640.4712.5273 �•� �23yq COUPL.,ADAPTER COUPL.,ADAPTER 010.4430.5605 14.80 13108 RAIN BUDDY RAIN BUDDY 640.4712.5255 5.89 13334 BLEACH BLEACH 640.4712.5274 1.92 qsqg HOOK OVER DOOR HOOK OVER DOOR 010.4213.5604 1.92 Total : 143.89 119723 2/18/2005 000441 MULLAHEY FORD FOCS151574 054 BYPASS SEAT BELT CHIME/CY 054 BYPASS SEAT BELT CHIME/CY 010.4201.5601 199.91 Total : 199.97 119724 2/18/2005 00046G NOBLE SAW, INC 124876 CHAINSAW CHAINS&BAR CHAINSAW CHAINS 8 BAR � 010.4420.5603 110.36 �Zgpg2 CHAIN AND 4 SHARPENINGS CHAIN AND 4 SHARPENINGS 010.4420.5605 ��82 Page: 19 vchlist Voucher List pase: Z� 02118/2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : b0a Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119724 2/18/2005 000466 NOBLE SAW, INC (Continued) 126033 CHAINSAW BAR CHAINSAW BAR 010.4420.5605 . 56.50 126035 EDGER BLADE EDGER BLADE 010.4420.5603 8.03 126313 BAR/CHAIN/FOR CHAIN SAWS BAR/CHAIN/FOR CHAIN SAWS 220.4303.5603 401.98 126773 BAR/CLEANER/PLUGS BAR/CLEANER/PLUGS 220.4303.5603 85.06 Total : 706.75 119725 2/18/2005 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 272955973-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4002.5201 11.99 272963362-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 104.03 273164081-001 SELF INKING STAMP FOR RECORC SELF INKING STAMP FOR RECORC 010.4201.5201 �7,�5 274204575 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 53.81 274318818 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 gy,qg 2�45934�6 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 52.55 274826619-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4002.5201 21.66 Page: 20 vchlist VoUChe�LiSt Page: 21 02H8I2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Deacription/Account Amount 119725 2/18/2005 000468 OFFICE DEPOT (Continued) 275009705-001 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 150.83 Total : 504.48 119726 2/18/2005 0p1886 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 11584200176300 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 180.71 2���� OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 gq.pq Total : 264.75 119727 2/18/2005 004085 OMNI MEANS 23371 TRAFFIC IMPACT:PAD I-5 CIT.CEN TRAFFIC IMPACT:PAD I-5 GT.CEN 010.00002528 1,601.66 Total : 7,601.66 119728 2/18/2005 000478 PACIFIC APPAREL 8 SPORTS 5656 YOUTH BASKETBALL REF.SHIRTS YOUTH BASKETBALL REF.SHIRTS 010.4426.6201 �gg.gg Total : 186.96 119729 2/18/2005 004158 PHOENIX GROUP 12005157 CITATIONS PROCESSED:JAN 2005 CITATIONS PROCESSED:JAN 2005 010.4201.5303 107.00 Total : 107.00 119730 2/18/2005 002792 PULITZER C COAST NEWSPAPERS 09518487-001 POIICE OFFICER(LATERAL)AD POLICE OFFICER(LATERAL)AD 010.4201.5301 48920 Total : 489.20 119731 2/18/2005 000523 R&T EMBROIDERY, INC 26229 PATCHES&NAMES ON VOL.SHIR PATCHES&NAMES ON VOL.SHIR 010.4201.5255 �g Zg Page: 21 vchlist Voucher List Page: 22 02I18/2005 7:58:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119731 2/1 . 8/2005 00052 3 000523 R&T EMBROIDERY, INC (Continued) Total : 18.23 119732 2/18/2005 002751 RANGE MASTER 102769 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 010.4201.5255 ZZg.75 Total : 228.75 119733 2/18/2005 004784 RILEY,JOEL 021405 PARTIAL REFUND-MIN.EXCEPT.05 PARTIAL REFUND-MIN.EXCEPT.05 010.0000.4514 137.50 ToWI : 137.50 119734 2/18/2005 003363 RIPPY, NINA 021405 BALLET-JAZZ FOR KIDS(FEB'05) � BALLET-JAZZ FOR KIDS(FEB'OS) 010.4424.5351 y22,p5 Total : 222.25 119735 2/18/2005 000538 S&L SAFETY PRODUCTS 295380 BLOODBORNE SPILL KITS BLOODBORNE SPILL KITS 010.4213.5604 139.43 295381 SHOP TOWELS SHOPTOWELS 220.4303.5255 61.67 SHOPTOWELS 612.4610.5255 67.67 SHOPTOWELS 640.4772.5255 61.67 Total : 324.44 119736 2/18/2005 000569 SAN LUIS PAINTS 418888 PAINT FOR TRASH CANS/SOTO C PAINT FOR TRASH CANS/SOTO C 070.4430.5605 120.39 419421 CONCRETE FLOOR CLEANER/ASH CONCRETE FLOOR CLEANER/ASH 010.4430.5605 40.65 ToWI : 161.04 Page: 22 vchiist Voucher List 02I18I2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 23 Bankcode: bpa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptioNAccount Amount 119737 2/18/2005 004785 SANCHEZ, CELINA 021405 REFUND PARK DEPOSIT REFUND PARK DEPOSIT 010.0000.4354 29.00 Tofal : 29.00 119738 2/18/2005 003108 SBC/MCI T3291973 021-2713:1/1 TO 1/31 021-2713:1/1 TO 1/31 010.4145.5403 290.32 T3318152 267-8633:1/1 TO 2/6 267-8633:1/1 T02/6 010.4145.5403 89� T3332939 489-2174:1/1 TO 2/7 489-2174:1/1 TO 2/7 010.4201.5403 Zg gg T3332941 PC PHONE LINE PC PHONE LINE 010.4145.5403 qq �� T3341213 4730379 473-0379 010.4145.5403 16.93 T3341217 473-1935:ALARM 4731935:ALARM 640.4710.5403 28.66 T3341219 4732198:1/1 TO 2/10 473-2198:1/1 TO 2/10 010.4145.5403 41.79 T3341224 4735100:DEC&JAN 473-5100:DEC 8 JAN 010.4145.5403 1,476.41 T3341226 47&540p 473-5400 010.4145.5403 � 6� �z T3341235 481-6944:1/1 TO 2/10 481-6944:1/1 TO 2/10 010.4201.5403 �� �� Page: 23 vcnlist � VOUChe�LISt Page: 24 02N8/2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119738 2/18/2005 003108 003108 SBC/MCI (Continued) Total : 3,729.03 119739 2/18/2005 000587 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIBUTOR CFN80752 GAS GAS 010.4211.5608 9.15 CFN81080 GASOLINE 1/16 TO 1/31 GASOLINE 1/16 TO 1/31 010.4201.5608 �5� Tofal : 43.72 119740 2/18/2005 004786 SEGOVIA, RICHARD 021405 W/C-COMM CNTER-REFUND OVRP W/C-COMM CNTER-REFUND OVRP 010.0000.2206 100.00 Total: 100.00 119741 2/18/2005 001876 SISKO, KAREN 020205 PARKING FOR HR MEETING IN SL PARKING FOR HR MEETING IN SL 010.4101.5501 1.50 020905 MILEAGE TO PARMA:450 MILES MILEAGE TO PARMA:450 MILES 010.4101.5501 168.75 021505 MILEAGE TO CAWPIA-40 MILES MILEAGE TO CAWPIA-40 MILES 010.4101.5501 15.00 Tofal : 185.25 119742 2/18/2005 001189 SLO COUNTY FIRE DEPT 021605 MATERIALS FEES: QUINLAN&ST MATERIALS FEES:QUINLAN&ST 010.4211.5501 30.00 Total : 30.00 119743 2/18/2005 000564 SLO COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 6114654 LATERAL PO AD IN TT LATERAL PO AD IN TT 010.4201.5301 432.84 Total : 432.84 119744 2/1g/2pp5 000731 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT 020205 BOOKING FEES OCT-DEC'04 Page: 24 - vchlist Voucher List 02178/2005 1:59:SOPM Page: 25 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank cade : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119744 2/18/2005 000731 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT (Continued) BOOKING FEES OCT-DEC'04 010.4201.5323 6,382.50 Total : 6,382.50 119745 2/18/2005 000547 SLOCAPRA �Z�005 COMMISSIONERS WRKSHP:022 COMMISSIONERS WRKSHP: 022 010.4421.5503 75� Total : 75.00 119746 2/18/2005 002327 SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION 669311 ADOBE MEDIA KIT ADOBE MEDIA KIT 010.4212.5303 28.85 Total : 28.95 119747 2/18/2005 000602 SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANIT DIST 13105 SEWER SVC COLL-1/05 SEWER SVC COLL-1/05 760.0000.2304 46,655.94 SEWER HOOKUPS-1/05 760.0000.2305 5,000.00 SAN.DIST-203 N RENA 1/OS 010.4145.5401 13.47 SAN.DIST-ASH R/RM-7/05 010.4145.5401 13.47 Total : 51,682.88 119748 2/18/2005 001696 SOUZACONSTRUCTION, INC p�/yZpp,q_p� BRIDGE RAIL REPLACEMENT PRO BRIDGE RAIL REPLACEMENT PRO 350.5644.70p1 47,160.00 Total : 47,760.00 119749 2/18/2005 000615 STEINER, LYNN 020505 OBJECTIVE&ESSAY TEST-STOHL OBJECTIVE&ESSAY TEST-STOHL 010.4201.5303 75� Total : 75.00 119750 2/18/2005 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 20152 1998 RANGER:REMOVED EQUIP Page: 25 vchlist Voucher Li � 02I18/2005 1:59:SOPM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Pa9e: 26 Bank code: bpa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119750 2/18/2005 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) 1998 RANGER:REMOVED EQUIP 010.4201.5601 240.00 20153 054 INSTALL EQUIP:NTF VEHICLE 054 INSTALL EQUIP:NTF VEHICLE 010.4201.6301 1,737.51 20165 SERVICE AGREEMENT:MARCH 20 SERVICE AGREEMENT:MARCH 20 010.4201.5606 974.00 Total : 2,951.51 119751 2/18/2005 000620 STREATOR PIPE 8 SUPPLY 4p8693 PARTS FOR DRINKING FOUNTAIN PARTS FOR DRINKING FOUNTAIN 010.4213.5604 0.90 409155 2"CONDUIT PIPE-SOTO COMPLEX 2"CONDUIT PIPE-SOTO COMPLEX 010.4430.5605 15.92 Tatal : 76.82 119752 2/18/2005 004045 TALLANT,STEVE 020205 REIMBURSE ICS REG.FEE REIMBURSE ICS REG.FEE 010.4211.5501 33.00 Total : 33.00 119753 2/18/2005 000637 TEXAS REFINERY CORP 738458 OIL OIL 010.4211.5608 116.60 Total : 116.60 119754 2/18/2005 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1002134 ALL PURPOSE WIPES ALL PURPOSE WIPES 010.4201.5272 77.16 Total : 77.76 119755 2/18/2005 004476 TRAINING NETWORK,THE 1525 TRAINING VIDEOS TRAINING VIDEOS 220.4303.5303 458$$ Page: 26 vchlist Voucher List 02118/2005 1:59:SOPM Page: 27 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ' Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119755 2/18/2005 004476 004476 TRAINING NETWORK,THE (Continued) Total : 258.88 119756 2/18/2005 00246g TRIBUNE,THE 6117014 PUBLICATION: ORDINANCE NO.56 PUBLICATION:ORDINANCE N0.56 010.4002.5301 Zg�38 6120029 VTTM 04004&PUD 04-001 VTTM 04-004&PUD 04001 010.4130.5301 106.45 6120034 APUD 04-pp1 APUD 04001 010.4130.5301 97.00 612�� CUP 04008 CUP 04008 010.4130.5301 9�8� 6�23�28 NOTICE OF PH:ACUP 04001-WEL NOTICE OF PH:ACUP 04-001-WEL 010.4002.5301 77.26 6�23�Z� NOTICE OF PH-PARKING INLIEU F NOTICE OF PH-PARKING INLIEU F 010.4002.5301 ��Z6 6123728 NOTICE OF PH-TOBACCO RET.OR NOTICE OF PH-TOBACCO RET.OR 010.4002.5301 77.26 6123735 NOTICE OF PH-MAND.RETROFIT P NOTICE OF PH-MAND.RETROFIT P 010.4002.5301 84.13 6123738 NOTICE OF PH-CUP 04-005 NOTICE OF PH-CUP 04005 010.4002.5301 �� 6127082 PPR 05-001 PPR OS001 010.4130.5301 94.43 6�2�084 DCA 04007 DCA 04-0p7 010.4130.5301 113.32 Page: 27 vchlist Voucher List 02I18/2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 28 Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoiee PO# Description/Account Amount 119756 2/182005 002468 TRIBUNE,THE (Continued) 6131022 NOTICE OF PH-DCA 04006,ZONI NOTICE OF PH-DCA 04-pO6,ZONl 010.4002.5301 ppg 04 Total : 1,379.36 119757 2/18/2005 000669 UNION ASPHALT, INC 178799 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 201.41 PW 20�'� VALLEY GARDEN PAVING PROJEC VALLEY GARDEN PAVING PROJEC 350.5660.7001 23,564.10 Total : 23,765.57 119758 2/18/2005 000671 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC 3807670-00 SPRINKLER-HUNTER 140 SPRINKLER-HUNTER 140 010.4420.5605 qZ g� 3807720-00 SPRINKLER AND VALVE FOR RG SPRINKLER AND VALVE FOR RG 010.4420.5605 23.83 3808551-00 FEBCO 825Y BACKFI.OW FEBCO 825Y BACKFLOW 010.4420.5605 Zg2 g2 380889400 LANDSCAPE FABRIC LANDSCAPE FABRIC 010.4420.5605 36.38 380894800 VALVE BOX LID VALVE BOX LID 010.4420.5605 2.52 Total : 388.42 119759 2/18/2005 000666 UNITED RENTALS 45983667-001 SKID STEER,TRAILER/PLAYGROUI SKID STEER,TRAILER/PLAYGROUI 010.4420.5552 20529 ToWI : 205.29 119760 2N8/2005 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 1923513735 748-2371-PATROL CELL PH:1/5 TO . Page: 28 I vchlist Voucher List 02N8/2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 29 Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119760 2/18/2005 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS (Continued) 74&2371-PATROL CELL PH:1/5 TO 010.4201.5403 32529 1924059296 440-6299-HOPKINS CELL:2/7 TO 3 440-6299-HOPKINS CELL:2!7 TO 3 010.4201.5403 44.01 1924399416 748-4974:CELL PHONE CHAVEZ 748-4974:CELL PHONE CHAVEZ ' 010.4430.5805 102.65 Total : 477.95 119761 2/18/2005 002000 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAGING SVC L5245715F8 PAGERS-FIRE PAGERS-FIRE 010.4211.5403 17.09 BLDG 010.4212.5403 11.38 L5252720FB MIS PAGER MONTHLY SERVICE MIS PAGER MONTHLY SERVICE 010.4140.5303 11.35 Total : 39.82 119762 2/18/2005 002609 WATERBOYS PLUMBING 10432 URINAL,VALVE FITTINGS URINAL,VALVE FITTINGS 010.4430.5605 659.00 10433 DRAIN WORK ON URINAL DR,41N WORK ON URINAL 010.4273.5303 85 pp Total : 744.00 119763 2/18/2005 004787 WELDFAB 1324 TOOL BOXES/SANDBLASTED TOOL BOXES/SANDBLASTED 010.4201.5601 300.00 Tofal : 300.00 119764 2/18/2005 000688 WEST COVINA NURSERIES 66921 PLANTS FOR JOB AT WELL#9 PLANTS FOR JOB AT WELL#9 220.4303.5613 296.01 Page: 29 vchlist Voucher List 02118/2005 1:59:50PM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 30 Bankcode: bpa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119764 2/18/2005 000688 WEST COVINA NURSERIES (Continued) 66�� LIQUIDAMBER TREE LIQUIDAMBER TREE 010.4420.5308 48.26 67046 REPLACEMENT TREE FOR RODE REPLACEMENT TREE FOR RODE 72765 010.4420.5308 4826 15 GAL. PLUM FOR TIGERTAIL PAF 15 GAL. PLUM FOR TIGERTAIL PAF 72869 010.4420.5308 4826 15 GAL.LIQUIDAMBER 15 GAL.LIQUIDAMBER 010.4420.5308 48.26 119765 2/18/2005 000697 WILLIAMS,JAMES Ta�� � 489.05 Z20 REIMBURSE GASOLINE REIMBURSE GASOLINE 010.4201.56p8 30.01 �19766 2/182005 000704 WITMER-TYSONIMPORTS Total : 30.07 T4288 MONTHLY K-9 MAINT.JAN 05 MONTHLY K-9 MAINT.JAN 05 010.4201.5322 160.00 Total : 760.00 7 70 Vouchers for bank code: boa Bank total : 214,450.76 110 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 214,450.76 Page: 30 ATTACHMENT 3 Zao�_ v�{ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION 1 PAY PERIOD � � 01/28/04-02NQ/04 i i 02/78/05 � FUND 010 358,200.17 FUND 220 16,908.85 Salaries Full time 196,714.60 FUND 284 1,630.32 Salaries Part-Time- PPT 19,569.28 FUND 612 4,820.40 Salaries Part-Time-TPT 7,2g2 gg FUND 640 14;352.50 Salaries OverTime 21,353.16 395 912 24 Salaries Standby 383.28 Holiday Pay 1,020.65 Sick Pay 854.53 AnnualLeave Buyback _ Vacation Buyback _ Sick Leave Buyback _ Vacation Pay 7,609.74 Comp Pay 3,192.53 Annual Leave Pay 20,717.25 PERS Retirement 53,132.12 Social Security 19,973.21 PARS Retirement g2Z 92 State Disability Ins. 1,020.44 Deferred Compensation 750.00 Health Insurance 34,496.85 Dentallnsurance 4,094.89 Vision Insurance 899.55 Life Insurance 735.53 Long Term Disability 1,071.82 Uniform Allowance Car Allowance 500 00 Council Expense _ Employee qssistance 162.00 Boot Allowance Motor Pay 75 00 395,912 24 � € 6 � 1 � � R r� ATTACHMENT4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0212512005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Desc�iption/Account Amount 119767 2/25/2005 001043 ADVANCE MARKING SYSTEMS I-26716-1 NAME TAGS SALES AND USE TAX 010.00002014 3.16 NAME TAGS 010.4211.5272 54.18 Total : 51.02 119768 2/25/2005 004791 AFSS-ATTN: LINDA HARLOW 021605 REG.FOR AFSS CONF.: N.HAGLUN REG.FOR AFSS CONF.: N.HAGLUN 010.4211.5501 250.00 Total : 250.00 119769 2/25/2005 000034 APEX SHARPENING WORKS 25171 MOTOR MOUNT F501 MOTOR MOUNT F501 010.4211.5601 137.82 Total : 737.82 119770 2/25Y2005 002632 API WASTE SERVICES 52A00029 R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.5303 415.52 ToWI : 415.52 119771 2/25/2005 003175 AQUA-METRIC SALES CO 0008824 METERS(PURCHASE ORDER 860) METERS(PURCHASE ORDER 860) 640.4712.5207 3,946.15 ��2� 2"TURBO TR/PL REGISTER 2"TURBO TR/PL REGISTER 640.4712.5207 17425 Total : 4,720.40 119772 2/25/2005 004252 ARROYO GRANDE COMM HOSPITAL 013105 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 010.4211.5315 g7�.pg Total : 871.08 119773 2/25/2005 000069 BAUER COMPRESSORS, INC 63928 O-RINGS Page: 1 VCFIIISt Voucher List page; 2 02I25/2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptionlAccount Amount 119773 2/25/2005 000069 BAUER COMPRESSORS, INC (Continued) O-RINGS " 010.4211.5603 27.75 Total : 27.75 119774 2/25/2005 004792 BLACKBURN MFG.CO. C037458-P 1,000 CAUTION FLAGS FOR SPRAl 1,000 CAUTION FLAGS FOR SPRAl 010.4420.5255 83.33 Total : 83.33 119775 2/25/2005 000090 BRISCO MILL&LUMBER YARD 121778 SPRAY PAINT-P74C MOWER SPRAY PAINT-P74C MOWER 010.4420.5603 7.06 121880 DRILL BIT SET DRILL BIT SET 010.4420.5273 10.80 121987 ROUTER BITS FOR SHOP ROUTER BITS FOR SHOP 010.4420.5273 32.16 122040 SLEDGE HAMMER SLEDGE HAMMER 612.4610.5273 12.32 122107 BRACKETT AND BATTERY FOR PA BRACKETT AND BATTERY FOR PA 010.4420.5605 27.51 122131 CDX AND SCREWS CDX AND SCREWS 010.4430.5605 29.79 122155 CEDAR FENCE BOARD-BLDG MAI CEDAR FENCE BOARD-BLDG MAI 010.4213.5804 2.56 122291 "CLOSED"SIGNS,TAPE "CLOSED"SIGNS,TAPE 010.4213.5604 7.05 Page: 2 I vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 02125I2005 9:44:44AM CITY OP ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptloNAccount Amount 119775 2/25/2005 000090 BRISCO MILL&LUMBER YARD (Continued) 122319 HARDWARE AND BIT HARDWARE AND BIT 010.4420.5605 7.56 122376 BLADES;STAMP LETTERS&NUME BLADES;STAMP LETTERS&NUME 220.4303.5613 157.65 122383 SHOVEL HANDLE SHOVEL HANDLE 010.4420.5273 16.08 122422 PIPE AND CAPS FOR DRAIN REPAI PIPE AND CAPS FOR DRAIN REPAI 010.4420.5605 18.41 Total : 328.95 119776 2/25/2005 000094 BRUMIT DIESEL, INC 77033 SMALL TOOLS SMALLTOOLS 010.4211.5601 352.71 Total : 352.71 I 119777 7J25/2005 000096 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. 21401 RING SEAL&INDICATOR , RING SEAL&INDICATOR 010.4211.5607 96.77 ToWI : 96.77 119778 2/25/2005 000134 CA ST DEPT OF JUSTICE 507411 FNGRPRNTS-PD-CAMERON/WOO FNGRPRNTSPD-CAMERONNVOO 010.4201.5324 88.00 CITY-N ELSONBI RD/KI NG/W EST 010.4211.5324 128.00 IN/OUT LIST 010.4201.5329 1,417.00 Toql : 1,633.00 119779 2/25/2005 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 148-095313 WIPER BLADES WIPER BLADES 010.4211.5601 14.84 Page: 3 i vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 02I25/2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptioNAccount Amount 119779 2/252005 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS (Continued) 148-096127 SPARK PLUGS SPARK PLUGS 010.4211.5601 7.72 148-097305 WIPER BLADES F317 WIPER BLADES F317 010.4211.5601 17.78 Tofal : 40.34 119780 2/25/2005 004793 CFPI 021705 REG.JUV.FIRESETTER CLASS-STE REG.JUV.FIRESETTER CLASS-STE ' 010.4211.5501 140.00 Total : 140.00 119781 2/25/2005 000164 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET 16036 SMOG TEST F314 SMOG TEST F314 010.4211.5601 35.00 Total : 35.00 119782 2Y25/2005 003411 CLEAN SWEEP JANITORIAL 1011 JANITORIAL SERVICES:FEB 2005 JANITORIAL SERVICES:FEB 2005 070.4213.5303 4,587.15 Total : 4,587.75 119783 2/25/2005 000174 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT 4908766 REPAIRS TO PW9 REPAIRS TO PW9 220.4303.5603 348.52 Total : 348.52 � 119784 2/25/2005 002389 CONAWAY, MARCUS 022205 BBALL LGE.SCORER-CONAWAY BBALL LGE.SCORER-CONAWAY 010.4424.5352 zz.5p Total : 22.50 119785 2/25/2005 003652 CONDE,VINCE 022205 BBALL LEAGUE OFFICIAU6 GAME BBALL LEAGUE OFFICIAU6 GAME 010.4424.5352 108.00 , Page: 4 �� vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0212512005 9:44:44AM CITY OP ARROYO GRANDE Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescHpfion/Account Amount 119785 2Y25/2005 003652 003652 CONDE,VINCE (Continued) Total : 108.00 119786 2/25/2005 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO 1/31-48519 BOTTLED WATER BOTTLED WATER 010.4212.5303 1725 14273 BOTTLED WATER BOTTLED WATER 010.4421.5201 33.00 63949 BOTTLED WATER-SOTO OFFICE BOTTLED WATER-SOTO OFFICE 010.4430.5605 25.25 70931 BOTTLED WATER-CORP YARD BOTTLED WATER-CORP YARD 010.4430.5605 11.50 Total : 87.00 119787 2/25/2005 000198 CURTIS 8 SONS, L N 1070177 GAS DETECTOR GAS DETECTOR 010.4211.5325 128.49 1070990-00 MISC DEPT SUPPLIES MISC DEPT SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 554.13 1071928-00 FREIGHT COSTS-RESCUE ROPES FREIGHT COSTS-RESCUE ROPES b10.4211.5255 52.05 Total : 734.67 119788 2/25/2005 004164 FEDEX 7-991-80374 OVERNIGHT MAIL TO DAVE PINT OVERNIGHT MAIL TO DAVE PINT 010.4130.5201 36.62 Total : 36.62 119789 2/25/2005 000250 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE 5711061-R2 1 YR RENEWAL(FIBICH) 1 YR RENEWAL(FIBICH) 010.4211.5503 30.00 Total : 30.00 Page: 5 �_a vchiist Voucher List Page: 6 02I25/2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b0a Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DascripdoNAccount Amount ' 119790 2/25/2005 001397 FLOYD, DAVID 022205 REIMBURSE BASKETBALLS REIMBURSE BASKETBALLS 010.4426.6201 108.11 To�l : 108.77 119791 2/25/2005 004790 FLOYD, DEANNA 022205 BASKETBALL LEAG.SCORER/3 GA BASKETBALL LEAG.SCORER/3 GA 010.4424.5352 22.50 Total : 22.50 119792 2/25/2005 003590 FLOYD, SERENA 022205 BBALL LGE.SCORER-FLOYD BBALL LGE.SCORER-FLOYD 010.4424.5352 45.00 i Total : 45.00 119793 2/25/2005 000262 FR,4NK'S LOCK 8 KEY, INC 21755 REKEY CAMPER SHELUPW39 REKEY CAMPER SHELL/PW39 010.4301.5601 81.09 Total : 81.09 119794 2/25Y2005 004372 GARING TAYLOR&ASSOCIATES 4895 WELL NO 10/DESIGN 8 CONSTRUC Ii WELL NO 10/DESIGN&CONSTRUC ' 350.5934.7501 4,675.48 Total : 4,675.48 119795 2/25/2005 004142 GAXIOLA, STAN 022205 B.BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAU6 GAME B.BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL/6 GAME 010.4424.5352 108.00 Total : 108.00 119796 2/25/2005 004789 HALE, KRAIG 022205 B.BALL LEAGUE REFEREE/3 GAME B.BALL LEAGUE REFEREE/3 GAME 010.4424.5352 54.Op , Total : 54.00 119797 2/25/2005 002405 HARE, CHUCK 022205 BBALL LGE.OFFICIAL-HARE Page: 6 � vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 02I25/2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescripUon/Account Amount 119797 2/25/2005 002405 HARE,CHUCK (Continued) B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-HARE 010.4424.5352 54.00 Total : 54.00 119798 2/25/2005 000301 HEACOCK TRAILERS&TRUCK 17514 TOOL BOXES-PW 2 TOOL BOXES-PW 2 640.4712.6301 922.35 Tofal : 922.35 119799 2/25/2005 003609 HRACC 022205 MEMBERSHIP TO HRACC/K.SISKO MEMBERSHIP TO HRACC/K.SISKO 010.4101.5503 50.00 Total : 50.00 119800 2/25/2005 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC 152428 DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 010.4212.5255 9.07 152546 COFFEE SUPPLIES COFFEE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 31.86 Total : 40.93 119801 2/25/2005 001793 KELLER 8 ASSOCIATES, INC,J J 005667722 NEWSLETTERS/POSTERS NEWSLETTERS/POSTERS 220.4303.5255 206.38 Tofal : 206.38 119802 2/25/2005 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 021605 BUS TRANSP./KNDRGARTEN-JAN: BUS TRANSP./KNDRGARTEN-JAN: 010.4425.5303 400.00 Total : 400.00 119803 2/25/2005 000417 MELLO&SON'S PUMPS&MOTORS 1483 BOOSTER PUMP REPAIR BOOSTER PUMP REPAIR 010.4430.5303 616.65 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 02I25I2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: b08 Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119803 2/25/2005 000417 000417 MELLO&SON'S PUMPS&MOTOR (Continued) Total : 676.65 119804 2/25/2005 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC 11645 SPLY/WASHERS SPLYNNASHERS 010.4213.5604 13.91 11743 TAPE;WIRE CONNECT.;EIECT.SU TAPE;WIRE CONNECT.;ELECT.SU 010.4213.5604 27.08 11815 SCREWFINDBULBSBIT INSERT SCREWFINDBULBSBIT INSERT 010.4213.5804 43.90 17861 HARDWARE-DISHWASHER REPA HARDWARE-DISHWASHER REPA 010.4211.5803 6.97 11919 FLUOR.TUBE FLUOR.TUBE 010.4213.5G04 32.15 11935 TAPE;PAINT;SANDSPONG TAP E;PAI NT;SAN DS P ON G 010.4213.5604 81.98 11984 TOOLS TOOLS 010.4211.5255 24.10 12027 CLIP/ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CLIP/ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 010.4420.5605 5.86 12071 TOOLS TOOLS 010.4211.5255 12.83 12084 BATTERIES BATTERIES 812.4810.5255 46.04 4719 GENERATOR MILLIVOLT GENERATOR MILLIVOLT 010.4213.5273 27.87 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List pege: g 02I25I2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119804 2/25/2005 000429 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC (Continued) Total : 322.69 119805 2l25/2005 000444 MUSTANG TREE CARE SERVICES 180 SAFETY PRUNING SAFETY PRUNING 010.4420.5303 1,400.00 182 TIP THINNING 8 SAFETY PRUNING TIP THINNING 8 SAFETY PRUNING 010.4420.5303 125.00 185 SAFETY PRUNING-POST ROOT RE SAFETY PRUNING-POST ROOT RE 010.4420.5303 225.00 186 SAFETY TRIMMING-BLACK ACACI SAFETY TRIMMING-BLACK ACACI 010.4420.5303 475.00 Total : 2,225.00 119806 2/25/2005 004794 NATIONAL HOSE TESTING SPECIALT 102804 HOSE TESTING SERVICES HOSE TESTING SERVICES 010.4211.5255 5,335.05 Tofal : 5,335.05 119807 2/25/2005 000454 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSN 15362348 MEMB.RENEW:L.REARDON-SMIT MEMB.RENEW:L.REARDON-SMIT 010.4130.5503 79.00 Tofal : 79.00 119808 2/25/2005 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 275872716 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 5.14 2758811976-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 122.90 275998726 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 116.90 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 , OZI25/2005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: bOa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptioNAccount Amount 119808 2/25/2005 000468 OFFICE DEPOT (Continued) 276065999 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 41.64 Total : 286.58 119809 2/25/2005 000481 PACIFIC GAS&ELECTRIC CO 2/14-654774 ELECTRIC-FLASHING LIGHT,JAME ELECTRIGFLASHING LIGHT,JAME 010.4304.5402 51.34 2/16-235044 ELECTRIC-RES.#4 ELECTRIC-RES.#4 I 640.4712.5402 19.14 Tofal : 70.48 119810 2/25/2005 000526 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 528403 ANSWER MACHINE ANSWER MACHINE 220.4303.5255 42.89 Total : 42.89 119811 2/25/2005 000536 ROSE,GREG 022205 B.BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL/6 GAME B.BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAU6 GAME 010.4424.5352 108.00 Total : 108.00 ' 119812 2/25/2005 004365 RUIZ, DANIEL 022205 B.BAIL LEAGUE SCORER/9 GAME B.BALL LEAGUE SCORER/9 GAME 010.4424.5352 67.50 ToWI : 67.50 119813 2/25l2005 003649 RUIZ, DON 022205 B.BALL LEAGUE SCORER-9 GAME B.BALL LEAGUE SCORER-9 GAME 010.4424.5352 67.50 Total : 67.50 119814 2/25/2005 000539 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 359141 TANK REFILL SERVICE TANK REFILL SERVICE 010.4305.5303 144.15 Page: 10 '—_ _ _ vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 02I25/2005 8:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119814 2/25/2005 000539 000539 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC (Continued) ToWI : 144.15 119815 2/25/2005 000479 SBC 451-0183 451A183RADI0 451-018&RADIO 010.4145.5403 187.03 48&9816 489-9816-PAY PHONE ' 489-9816PAY PHONE 010.4145.5403 52.15 841-3953 841-3953 841-3953 010.4211.5403 32.03 841-3956 841-3956-ALARM 841-3956-ALARM 220.4303.5303 32.03 841-3959 841-3959-ALARM 841395&ALARM 640.4710.5403 32.03 841-3960 841-3960-FD SIGNAL CONTROL 841-3964FD SIGNAL CONTROL 010.4211.5403 32.03 Total : 367.30 119816 2/25/2005 003108 SBC/MCI T3341218 47&2041/ALARM 47&2041/ALARM 010.4145.5403 14.18 Total : 14.78 119817 2/25/2005 000609 SPEAR, BOB 022205 B.BALL LEAGUE REF/3 GAMES B.BALL LEAGUE REF/3 GAMES 010.4424.5352 54.00 Total : 54.00 ' 119818 2/25/2005 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS 20180 CORP YARD RADIO FAILURE CORP YARD RADIO FAILURE , 640.4712.5603 64.50 CORP YARD RADIO FAILURE 220.4303.5603 64.50 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 0212512005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Descriptlon/Account Amount 119818 2/25/2005 000616 000616 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) Total : 129.00 119819 2/25/2005 002904 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS 20373 UNIFORM UNIFORM 010.4211.5272 1,663.72 Tofal : 7,663.72 119820 2/25/2005 004609 TROESH RECYCLING, INC 700 RECYCLED MATERIAL RECYCLED MATERIAL 220.4303.5307 208.09 CIASS S2 BASE 220.4303.5613 638.43 Total : 846.52 119821 2/25/2005 000669 UNION ASPHALT, INC 179145 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 200.08 179305 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 199.75 179674 CONCRETE FOR WHEEL CHAIR R CONCRETE FOR WHEEL CHAIR R 350.5632.7002 557.88 Total : 951.77 119822 2/25/2005 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 1924554971 4447811-P 8 R DIRECTOR CELL P 440-7811-P&R DIRECTOR CELL P 010.4421.5602 48.04 1924764939 CELL PHONE PARKS SUP. CELL PHONE PARKS SUP. 010.4421.5602 35.97 Tofal : 84.01 119823 2/25/2005 000687 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC 747460 FRONT TIRES 8 SERV:P59 FRONT TIRES&SERV:P59 010.4420.5601 338.63 Page: 12 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 0212512005 9:44:44AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bankcode: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 119823 2/25/2005 000687 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC (Continued) 747481 REAR TIRES, BALANCE P59 REAR TIRES, BALANCE P59 010.4420.5601 483.18 Total : 827•87 57 Vouchers for bank code: boa Bank total : 35,603.73 57 Vouchers in this repoR Total vouchers: 35,603.73 Page: 13 � 8.b. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS,215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CAUFORNIA 1 CALL TO ORDER MayodChair Ferrare called the Regular City CounciURedevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City CounaURDA: CounciUBoard Members Dickens, Guthrie, Arnold, Meyor Pro TertdVice Chair Costelb and MayodChair Fe�rara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attomey Cartnel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Wetmore, Director of Public WakslCily Engineer Spagnolo, Director of Financial Senrices Pillow, Director of Building and Fire Fibich, Community Development Director Strony, Interim Neighborhood Services Coa'd'inetor Mso�behere, Associete Planner Heffernon, Assocfate Plenner McClish, and Assiefant Plenner Foster' 3 FLAG SALUTE Vem Frederidc, representing Arroyo Grande Lions Club; led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor George Lepper, Peace Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation• � SPECIA6 PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Recognitlon of Outgoiny Commissioners, Comm�ttee,and Boud M�nb�s• � Mayor Ferrara rec�gnized the folbwing outgoing Commissioners, Commiltee and Board { Members and presented those that were present with City plaques acknowledpinp tl�eir service 1 to the community: Planning Commissioners Nan Fowler (2001-2005). Jim Ciulhris (2000-2004), � and Ed Amold (2002-2004); Traffic Commissioners Scott Me�lf (2003'20�). � PUkington (1997-2005), Heather Jensen (2001-2003), and Kirk Scott (1999-2005). Mr. � ��ry � re�gnized for serving as Citlzen Representative to the Gtizens' Trensporta Committee (2000-2005). Senior Advisory Commissio�e� Hem�an Olave (1997-2005); Parks and j Recreatlon Commissioners Harlan Silva (2001-2005), and RobeR"Bob" BroMm (2001'2005); and I Architectural Review Committee Members Melanie Hodyes (2001-2005), Jartue Ohler (1999- ; 2005), and Chudc Fellows (2000-2005.) Former Cit�r Counal Members Tom Runels and Sandy ; Lubin also thanked all the outgoing Commissioners, Committee� end Boerd �Aert�ers, w�° �ey j had appointed,for their commiUneM and dedication to the va►ious advfsory bodies• � 5.b. Mayor's Commendation Racoynizinp Kirk Scott tor Coordinatiny. Con���n� and Overseeinp the South County Historical SocistY's "Bam° P�c� ; Sqwre. i ; Mayor Ferrara presented a Mayors Commendation recognizing Kirk Scoft for his efforts in coordinetinp, overseeing and construding the South CouMy Historicel Satiety's"Bem' Pr°lect at Heritaye Square. Mr. Soott axe�pt oonuibuted to the suxess of the project. of the p►cJect and recognized all the peraons CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 2 5.c. Proclamation Recognizing February 22, 2005 as "Spay Day USA 2005". Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Proclamation recognizing February 22, 2005 as Spay Day USA. Cheryl Penkal, a volunteer with Feline Network of San Luis Obispo, explained the purpose of Spay Day USA and encouraged people to observe the day by having their own dogs or cats spayed or neutered or by sponsoring the spaying or neutering of another person's dog or cat. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only. Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved, Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tem Costello requested that Item 8.e. be pulled for comment. CounciVBoard Member Dickens moved, and CounciUBoard Member Guthrie seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.i., with the exception of Item 8.e., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the title of the Orclinance in Item 8.g. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Guthrie, Arnold, Costeilo, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None S.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (PILLOW) Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period January i 6, 2005 through January 31, 2005. 8.b. Consideration of Acceptance of Audited Annual Financfal Reports. [COUNCIURDA] Action: Received and filed the Audited Annual Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2004. S.a Consideratton of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 25, 2005, as submitted. 8.d. ConsideraUon of Rejection of Claim Against City—C. Barnes/K. Goodlow Action: Rejected claim. 8.f. ConsideraUon of Authorization to Purchase Replacement Police Utiliry Patrol VehiCle. Action: Authorized staff to purchase one (1) replacement Police utility patrol vehicle from Christianson Ghevrolet for$29,654.80. 8.g. Consideration of Adoption of Ordlnance Adding Chapter 18.06 to TiUe 13 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Regardtng Implementation of a Msndatory Retrofit Program and Procedure Upon the Change oi Ownership of Real Property. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 3 Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 563, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Adding Chapter 13.06 to Title 13 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Regarding Impiementation of a Mandatory Retrofit Program and Procedure Upon the Change of Ownership of Real Property". 8.h. Consideration to Approve Final Tract Map 2506; Subdivlding a .80 Acre Parcel into Seven (7) Residential Parcels Located at 325 Alder Street. Action: Approved Final Tract Map 2506, subdividing .80 acres into seven (7) residential parcels. 8.i. Consideration of Annual Adjustment of Drainage Fees for Arroyo Grande Drainage Area No. 1 and Drainage Impact and Utility Fee Study. Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3811, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Adjusting Drainage Fees for Arroyo Grande Drainage Area No. 1 by the Change in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index"; and 2) Directed staff to solicit proposals from qualified consultants to evaluate a storm water utility and drainage impact fee for the entire City. 8.e. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance and Resolution Regarding the Licensing of Tobacco Retailers. Recommended Actfo�: 1) Adopt Ordinance adding Chapter 8.38 to Title 8 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code providing for the licensing and regulation of retailers of tobacco products; and 2) Adopt Resolution establishing fees and administrative penalties. Mayor Pro Tem Costello noted that he was absent from the previous meeting where the proposed Ordinance had been introduced. He expressed his support for the Ordinance, which wouid enable the Police Department to better regulate the sale of tobacco products as well as enforce laws and ordinances prohibiting sales of tobacco products to minors. Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to approve staff's recommendation as follows: 1) Adopt Ordinance as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 8.38 TO TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND REGULATION OF RETAILERS OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS"; and 2) Adopt Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING FEES AND ADMINISTRATiVE PENALTIES FOR LICENSING AND REGULATION OF TOBACCO F�TAILERS AS AUTHORI2ED BY ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 8.38.070 AND 8.88.130". Council Member Didcens seconded the motion, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Costello, Dickens, Guthrie, Arnold, Ferrara ' ; NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS : In response to a request from staff, Mayor Ferrara requested and the Council concurred, to hear item 9.b. prior to 9.a. , CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 4 9.b. Consideration of Development Code Amendment 04-006 — Proposed Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone Certain Properties for Consistency with the General Plan. Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an ordinance amending the Zoning Map to rezone certain properties for consistency with the General Plan. She explained that the proposed ordinance would result in the revising of zoning designations on parcels that are located in the vicinity of E. Grand Avenue, E. Branch Street and Traffic Way from Senior Residential (SR), General Commerciai (GC), Highway Commercial (HC), and Village Commercial (VC) to current'zoning designations of Public Facilities (PF), Fair Oaks Mixed Use (FOMU), Single Family (SF), and Highway Mixed Use (HMU). Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and when no one came forward, he closed the public hearing. Following comments in support of the proposed ordinance, Mayor Pro Tem Costeilo moved to introduce an ordinance as follows, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A�tROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 04-006)". Council Member Arnold seconded the motion, and on the following roll- call vote: AYES: Costello, Arnold, Guthrie, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9.a. Continued Public Hearing: Constderation of Amended Conditlonal Use Permit Case No. 04-001 to Allow a Financial institution to Occupy Building J of the Five Clties Shopping Center; 911 Rancho Parkway; Welis Fargo Bank. Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Councii adopt a Resolution approving Amended Conditional Use Pertriit 04-001 subject to condiUons of approval. Marty Inouye, representing Omni-Means, gave an overview of the traffic study including traffic counts taken at AM peak hour, mid-day peak Mour, and PM peak hour; traffic count locations, and recommended mitigation for roadway improvements. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented additional traffic mitigation alternatives for the CounciPs review. Council Member Arnold proposed several additional traffic mitigation altematives which would involve a "right tum in" and "right turn ouY'from the driveway on the Trader Joe's (Phase 2) side; adding a right tum only lane on Rancho Parkway going into Phase 1 and widening the driveway entrance to accommodate additional turning lanes; and the potential addition of a driveway = entering the rear of the center from Camino Mercado. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 5 Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the original traffic study for the Five Cities Center and acknowledgment of the City's policy changes with regard to the use of spec'rfic traffic study data. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Carol Florence, Principal Planner with Oasis Associates and representative for the applicant, acknowledged the existing deficiencies with regard to traffic. She commented that the applicant is committed to constructing the appropriate improvements and is willing to anelyze the proposed alternatives presented this evening and come back at a future meeting with the most appropriate alternative. Nathan Alvarado, Branch Manager for A.G. Edwards (Building L in Phase 2), suggested that ingress from Rancho Parkway into Phase 2 of the Five Cities Center be a one-way configuration so that traffic exits out of the northern driveway. He also expressed concems about early moming truck deliveries to Trader Joe's. - Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council Member Dickens said that it was important to apply appropriate mitigation to this particular application for the bank to address the cumulative effects on Phase 2 as it interacts with Phase 1. He stated he was unable to move forward with the altemative proposed in the staff report and favored a continuance for the opportunity to review and study the other proposed alternatives presented this evening. Council Member Guthrie commented there was the consideration of the difference between a retail use and a financial use. He,felt the financiai use generates more trips than the retail use and some consideration should also be given to the sales tax loss issue. He acknowledged short and long-term traffic generation issues on all of the intersections in the area and commented that he did not think this part of the development of Phase 2 should be responsible for all of those intersections. He said for the short term, he concurred that the proposed mitigation would not have been functional and expressed concerns about whether there is a mitigation that is functional that will make cross traffic possible between Phase 1 and Phase 2. He stated that the suggestion for one way in and one way out of Phase 2 could work. He stated he could not support approving the change in use at this time without a solution for traffic problems. He supported continuing the item for further study. Council Member Arnold stated it was important to solve the traffic issue before moving forward. He did not support any of the proposed alternatives as functional, with the exception of the alternative he had proposed, and possibly the placement of a stop sign near the northern Phase 2 exit or at Via Vaquero. He concluded by stating that he did not feei comfortable evaluating a project for this building or for Pad I until the traffic issue is solved first. He supported continuance of the item. . Mayor Pro Tem Costello stated he could not support the proposed aiternative or any mitigation that impedes traffic from Phase 1 to Phase 2. He commented that one of the issues that was brought up in terms of bringing in Welis Fargo was that it would service the entire Center. He stated there needed to be a smooth transition for circulation between Phases 1 and II. He commented on some of the altematives presented and stressed the need for a solution to address short and long term traffic issues. He supported continuing the item for further study. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY S, 2005 PAGE 6 Mayor Ferrara supported a 30-day continuance to review additional alternatives. He recalled that when the traffic study was first done, it was determined that a signal or.stop sign would not be appropriate because of its proximity to the W. Branch Street intersection. He referred to the � suggestion for a stop sign at the upper driveway on Rancho Parkway and commented that the line of sight issue on Rancho Parkway is crucial and Rancho Parkway continues to be a very busy collector street. He did not support closing off access or instatling a raised median from Phase 1 to 2, nor did he support channeling traffic back through the shopping center as an option. He supported a portion of Council Member Arnold's recommendation that he would like to look at further is another access at the back of the Center; however, he stated that this would have to include feedback from the surrounding neighborhood. He referred to Camino Mercado and expressed concern about a circulation fix that would impose any more traffic on Camino Mercado. He also commented about being careful about the traffic fiow between the driveways in Phase 2 and the potential for backing up of traffic if restricting ingress and egress to one-way. He suggested re-examining the potential for continued reduction of intensity of use in Phase 2 by looking at existing vacant areas in Phase 1. As far as the proposed financial use, he commented that although the building has been vacant for a while, retail sales tax generation was a condition of approvai for the Center, and is also reinforced by the City's General Plan Economic Element. Council Member Guthrie commented that a soiution that includes making use of the main entrance on W. Branch Street into the Five Cities Center should be encouraged. Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to continue the item to the regular City Council meeting of March 8, 2005. Council Member Arnold seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Arnold, Guthrie, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Ferrara called a break at 9:05 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:17 p.m. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideratlon of Pre-Application Case No. 04-017: Revision to Pad "I" in the Five Cities Center; 811 Rancho Parkway. Assistant Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the Council review and comment on the proposed project. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning accommodations tor truck deliveries, proposed public access at the rear of the buildings; intent , for monument signs and signage on the rear of the buildings as it reiates to the Planned Sign Program; and clarification regarding the design of the tower element. Paul Poirier, project architect, gave an overview of the proposed site plan, reviewed site ; circulation for traffic and pedestrians, and presented elevation and Iandscape designs. Mr. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 7 Poirier responded to questions from Council concerning the proposed layout of the buildings and issues related to truck circulation and delivery. Mayor Ferrara invited public comments on this item, and when no one came forward, he closed the public comment period. Council Member Dickens commented that the issue of traffic and circulation, as previously discussed, must be dealt with, especially as the potential use in Phase 2 is increased. He = suggested reducing the square footage of the buildings as much as possible. As far as truck loading, he encouraged obtaining input from the surrounding residents, and favored the Mayor's idea for creating an area between the buildings that would still allow for access around the back of the buildings. Me did not feel the amount of parking provided behind the building would be utiiized effectively. He did not feel there was a need for more signs and did not favor placing a monument sign at W. Branch Street. He suggested utilizing and expanding the existing monument sign at the entrance to Phase 2; and commented that the proposed sign on the tower facing the freeway is appropriate. He commented that the architectural detail is consistent with the area and he appreciated the architecYs design element to deter swallows and other birds from nesting there and suggested providing more trees to mitigate that particular impact. He emphasized that the major issues regarding traffic and circulation would need to be addressed before moving fonvard. Council Member Guthrie referred to the parking in the back of the building and stated that historically it is underutilized. He expressed concerns about truck access and suggested leaving the proposed PETCO building as it is and moving the multi-tenant retail building back into the corner and eliminating the second truck access completely. As far as signage, he supported the proposed signage on the tower element and stated there would be a need for additional signage at the front of the property to identify other tenants. Council Member Arnold stated the timing of this project is not good, as the traffic issue needs to be resolved first. He stated that two buildings as proposed is appropriate; however, he would like to see the project built in phases. He expressed concern that the Center will be under parked and that the parking in the back would not be used. He suggested angling the buildings in such a way that there is more frontage; and adding tree screening on the backside of the property. He opposed to the freeway sign and expressed concern about the angle of the tower element as far as its visibility from the surrounding neighborhood. He said two major anchors for Phase 2 have major traffic impacts and would not approve a project until traffic impacts are mitigated. Mayor Pro Tem Costelio agreed that traffic impacts must be addressed first. He stated that in terms of the design of the buildings and the parking in the rear,he felt it would be wasted space. He supported the design of two buildings instead of one, and supported the idea for moving one of the buildings back at an angle to allow a wider space for truck access, deliveries, and unloading; opposed signs on the back of the building which would be visible from the freeway; liked the way the building design incorporates measures to counteract the birds from nesting; emphasized that circulation wouid be a significant issue to solve; opposed the placement of a monument on the corner of W. Branch and Rancho Parkway, and favored incorporating additional signage on the existing monument sign. f CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 8 Mayor Ferrara agreed that parking at the rear of the buildings is wasted space. He favored the concept of breaking one larger building into two smailer buildings; favored the position of the anchor building and suggested sliding the position of the smaller building farther back to create more distance between the buildings to allow for a safety lane for circuiation of service trucks. He suggested reversing the placement of small tenants with the larger tenant to maximize the use of the truck aisle. He did not feel there was a need for a "loading dock" and suggested creating a "loading area" located on the side instead of the rear of the building. As far as traffic impacts, he agreed that an environmental review would be necessary prior to any approvais for Pad I, and he emphasized the need for using actual traffic counts and current data. With regard to architecture, he commented that it was consistent with existing architecture and he supported design elements that would discourage nesting birds. He concluded by stating he opposed a freeway visible sign. Mayor Pro Tem Costello also suggested that if the buiiding could be positioned in such a way so that the truck delivery traffic could flow in a clockwise direction and never have to back up. Council Member Dickens also suggested to the applicant that perhaps Trader Joe's may be interested in moving into the bigger building to give them increased space. Upon conclusion of Council comments, Mayor Ferrara ensured that the applicant had received sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. There was no formal action on this item. 11.b. Consideration of Approval for Code Enforcement Citation Program. Director of Building and Fire Fibich introduced Interim Neighborhood Services Coordinator Jon Ansolabehere, who presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the proposed Code Enforcement citation program. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning the number of existing cases, whether there would be an increase of the City Attorney's time on enforcement cases, and clarification that the citation authority currently exists and that the proposed process is being established to put guidelines in place for issuing citations for non-compliance of code enforcement cases. Mayor Ferrara invited public comments on this item, and when no one came forward, he closed the public comment period. Council Member Guthrie spoke in support of the proposed citation program. Council Member Dickens supported the program as proposed. He stated it was prudent for the City to have a process in place that is fair and stressed the importance of eduEating the public about compliance. He suggested that a component be included to provide feedbadc to the reporting party as to the status of code enforcement cases. Council Member Arnold supported the citation program and commented that the process includes generous noticing efforts by the City to request compliance. He suggested that spec'rfic fines/dollar amounts be incorporated in the Notice to Appear. I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 9 Mayor Pro Tem Costello supported the citation program, which has an emphasis on voluntary compliance. He stated that there would be a small percentage of non-compliance cases where the citation program would be usefiul. He supported the suggestion for incorporating specific fine amounts in the Notice to Appear. Mayor Ferrara supported the proposed citation program. He supported including language regarding specific fines on the Notice to Appear and also suggested that the same language be included in the two preceding Notice to Abate letters. He commended staff for putting together the citation program and stated that the Interdepartmentai Task Force component was a very good aspect of the program. Council Member Arnold moved to approve the proposed Code Enforcement citation program with the stipulation that fine amounts and information are added to the Notice to Appear citation form and to the Notice and Order to Abate letters. Councii Member Guthrie seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Arnold, Guthrie, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. . 11.c. Consideration of Request from the City of Pismo Beach to ParNcipate in Study on Joint Fire Services. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve participating in a study of joint fire services with the City of Pismo Beach, City of Grover Beach and the Oceano Community Services District. Mayor Ferrara invited public comments on this item, and when no one came forward, he closed the public comment period. Council comments included support for participating in the study to gather information regarding potential joint fire services; however, Council members expressed a desire to ensure that the City of Arroyo Grande's staff time and high level of service is not negatively impacted. Council Member Dickens moved to approve participating in a study of joint fire services with the City of Pismo Beach, City of Grover Beach and the Oceano Community Services District. Mayor Pro Tem Costello seconded the motion, and on the foliowing roli-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Costello, Guthrie, Amold, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES,the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS Mayor Ferrara referred to the concems expressed earlier relating to truck deliveries to shopping centers and requested that steff follow up on current laws and conditions of approval regarding time restrictions on truck deliveries to shopping centers. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 10 Mayor Pro Tem Costello referred to vacancies on several of the City's commissions, committees, and boards and encouraged citizens to apply for these opportunities. Director of Administrative Services/City Cierk Wetmore confirmed that there were currently two vacancies on the Senior Advisory Commission, one vacancy on the Traffic Commission, and one vacancy on the Citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC). 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS None. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams announced that a Specia� City Council Meeting to consider the preliminary bi-annual budget was being scheduled for Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. He also reported that staff had tentatively scheduled April 181 as the date to meet with Assembly Member Blakeslee. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS 8teve Ross, Arroyo Grande, referred to traffic going through the Village and the potential hazards for pedestrian crossing and inquired about the status for obtaining lighted crosswalks. City Manager Adams gave an update on the status of the grant fund application for this project. 17. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Arnold seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:59 p.m. in memory of Mike Titus. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City CIerWAgency Secretery (Approved at CC Mtg_� I MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City CounciVRDA: Council/Board Members Dickens, Guthrie, Arnold, Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Costello and Mayor/Chair Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk Wetmore, Chief of Police TerBorch, Director of Financial Services Pillow, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Spagnolo, Associate Planner Heffernon, Assistant Planner Foster, and Planning Intern Andrew Bursan. 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of Boy Scout Troop 26 led the Flag $alute. 4. INVOCATION Jean Bowser, Bahai Faith, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Mayor's Commendation RecogNzing Larry Schmidt for Outstanding Service and Contributions to the City of Arroyo Grande Organization and Community as Buildtng Official with the City of Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara presented a Mayor's Commendation to Larry Schmidt for his outstanding service and contributions to the City of Arroyo Grande as Building Official with the City of Arroyo Grande. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. ResoluUons and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Arnold moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Jerrv Bunin, Government Affairs Direc[or, Home Builders Association of the Central Coast, � submitted a letter for the record (on file in the Administrative Services Department) requesting extra not'rfication beyond what is required by State law to review any documentation concerning proposed increases to the City's development impact fees. Garv Andreini, Cafe Andreini, said that word is out that a large well-known coffee retailer was interested in opening a coffee business ln the Village Center. He requested to be notffied of any hearings regarding a request for establishment of a new coffee business in the Village. , f CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 2 8. CONSENT AGENDA Director of Public Works Spagnolo responded to questions from Mayor Ferrara and Council Member Dickens regarding Item 8.c. relating to acceptance of easements for Tract 2207, Vista Del Mar. Council Member Guthrie moved, and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.f., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the title of the Ordinance in Item 8.d. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Dickens, Arnold, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listings of cash disbursements for the period February 1, 2005 — February 15, 2005. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of January 31, 2005. 8.a Consideration of Acceptance of Easements, Right of Way and Public Improvements for Tract 2207—Vista Del Mar—JH Land Partnership. Action: 1) Accepted the public improvements, as constructed, that were conditioned for Tract 2207; 2) Adopted Resolution No. 3812, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Accepting Certain Easements, Rights of Way and Related Improvements within Tract 220T'; 3) Adopted Resolution No. 3813, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Accepting Certain Easements, Rights of Way and Related Improvements Off-site of Tract 2207"; 4) Continue to reject, without prejudice as to future acceptance, the offer of dedication for road purposes over Lot No. 40; and 4) Accepted the 10% warranty security in the amount of$350,320.40. S.d. ConsideraUon of Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Zoninp Map to Rezone Certain Properties for Consistency with, the General Plan (Development Code Amendment 04-006). � Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 564, "An Ordinance of the Ciry Council of the City of € Arroyo Grande Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone Certain Properties for Consistency with the General Plan (Development Code Amendment 04-006)". S.e. ConsideraUon of Adoption of a Resolution Approving a One-Year Time Extension for Conditional Use Permit 89-013 and Variance 01-001; Camino Mercado and West Branch Street; Applied for by Stephen CooL Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3814, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Approving a One-Year Time EMension for Conditional Use Permit 99-013 and Variance 01-001; Camino Mercado and West Branch Street; Applied for by Stephen CooP'. 8.f. Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Approving a One-Year Time Extension for Amended Conditional Use Permit 03-004; 1220 Farroll Avenue; Applied for by Coastal Christlan $chool. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3815, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Approving a One-Year Time EMension for Amended Conditional Use Permit 03-004; 1220 Farroll Avenue; Applied for by Coastel Christian School". ! I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 3 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideratlon of Appeal of Planning Commission Interpretatlon that Auto Parts Sales Without Installation Services is not an Allowed Use ln the Gateway Mixed- Use(GMU)Zoning District. Assistant Planner Foster presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Planning Commission's interpretation that auto parts sales without installation services is not an allowed use in the Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) zoning district. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Johan Scharin, appellant, commented that since purchasing the property approximately two years ago, he has been able to fill most of the vacant spaces; however, it has been difficuit to fill the remaining spaces. He stated the building in question has been vacant for five years and there have been extensive marketing efforts to find a tenanf. He commented that as a site for an auto parts retailer, this site sits about 200-300 feet back from Grand Avenue and is an in-line shopping center space, therefore he felt the use was appropriate. He referred to previous discussions and concerns expressed about customers changing oil in the parking lot and commented that other retailers in the center sell motor oil and felt that should not be a factor to deny the use. He also commented on the time and money spent to look for an appropriate way to fill in the retention basin without success; however, they are still willing to work with staff on this issue to improve the site. He stated that due to the problems with the location and layout of the center, it was difficult to attract tenants, and tax revenues and rent was being lost. He commented that constructing another building in the location of the retention basin with the existing building still vacant would become a burden. He requested the Council consider an auto parts sales retailer without installation as an acceptable use. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Mayor Ferrara referred back to an earlier appiication through which AutoZone wanted to locate across the street. He recalled that when the Council denied that request, there was a focus on the issue of service uses adjacent to a retail outiet. He stated that he thought the language regarding allowable uses along the Gateway segment of Grand Avenue had been updated, and that auto parts Stores would not be allowed in the Gateway section of the City. He said that in iooking at other auto parts stores, working on vehicles after purchasing parts is common behavior and if it was prohibited, it would be difficult to regulate. He commented that within a linear mile, there is a line of auto parts stores along Grand Avenue and adding another store in the middle would not generate additional sales tax, but would divert sales from other stores. He t emphasized the intent for the Gateway segment was to create an environment that welcomes pedestrian traffic. He acknowledged the appellanYs difficulty in attracting tenants; however, he referred to a recent demographic and marketing study undertaken by the City and said he would endorse an aggressive campaign to use the study results to assist in attracting more desirable tenants to this Center. He supported the Planning Commission's interpretation that auto parts sales without installation services is not an aliowed use in the Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) Zoning District. � CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 4 Council Member Arnold acknowledged the appellanYs difficulties in securing a tenant for this vacancy; however, he had looked at the center and the specific location and the City's desire to upgrade this area. He said that allowing an auto parts store into this Center would not achieve that goal and supported the Planning Commission's interpretation and decision. Council Member Dickens asked for a status update on the Buxton Company retail study which was referred to earlier and when the Council would receive the results of the study. City Manager Adams responded that the study had been completed, a draft list had been prepared, and staff had engaged in ongoing discussions with the appellant to provide retail contacts from that list. He stated that staff had received a final list and The Buxton Company is preparing final information packets to send out to retailers with letters. Additionally, staff was working independently with prospective retailers to direct them to this center. In response to concerns expressed by Council Member Dickens conceming economic impacts, City Manager Adams stated he would have to analyze the City's Economic Development Strategy to determine potential economic impacts. Council Member Dickens stated that he had been opposed to approving an auto parts store when it was proposed across the street in a new development facing Grand Avenue. He acknowledged that this situation was different, with a vacancy within an existing shopping center set back from Grand Avenue, and that there may be an obligation to move forward. He said he could not support the Planning Commission's interpretation and would uphoid the appellanYs appeal. Council Member Guthrie commented that when this issue was discussed at the Planning Commission level, the concerns expressed were related to the installation component. He stated he looked at auto parts sales as any other retail activity; however, he did not see this use as appropriate on the street frontage where the City was trying to develop a specific pedestrian oriented streetscape. He commented on mixed use zoning where pedestrian orientation is encouraged; however, it also encourages providing certain services adjacent to residential uses. He supported locating an auto parts store in this area of the City as long as it wasn't located directly on the street frontage. Mayor Pro Tem Costello clarffied that the issue was whether auto parts sales wkhout instailation services is or is not an allowed use in the Gateway Mixed Use District. He stated that at the specific location proposed, it was not in the direct line of sight, was not intrusive, end may be a good location for the proposed use. However, he stated if this use was allowed at this location, it would aliowed in other Gateway Mixed Use areas which was not desired. He supported the Pianning Commission's interpretation that auto parts stores without installation is not an ailowed use in the Gateway District; however, he would support making it an allowed use subject to a Conditional Use Permit. He aiso asked staff 'rf there were any mechanisms that could be utilized to enforce the prohibition of installation activities. City Manager Adams responded that the Council could adopt an Ordinance prohibiting repair and maintenance of vehicles in commercial parking lots, which could then be enforced by the Police Department. In response to a question by Council Member Guthrie, steff clarified that there was also a "PED" zoning designation in the Development Code, which does not permit certain uses in pedestrian orie�ted storefront locations on ground floors facing E. Grand Avenue. Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to i) Adopt a Resolution Denying Appeal 05-002 and Upholding � the Planning Commission's Interpretation that Auto Parts Sales Wkhout Installetion Services is CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2U05 PAGE 5 not an Allowed Use in the Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU) Zoning District; 2) To direct staff to return to Council with a Development Code Amendment that allows auto parts sales without installation as an allowable use in the Gateway and Fair Oaks Mixed Use Districts subject to a Minor Use Permit (MUP/PED), but not within 200 feet of E. Grand Avenue; and 3) To direct staff to return to Council with an Ordinance prohibiting repair and maintenance of vehicles in commercial parking lots within the City. Council Member Guthrie asked for clar'rfication that Mayor Pro Tem Costello meant Minor Use Permit instead of Conditional Use Permit. Mayor Pro Tem Costello said he did say Minor Use Permit, as that was the designation for other pedestrian oriented uses. Council Member Guthrie seconded the motion, and following further discussion and ciar'rfications, the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Guthrie, Dickens, Arnold NOES: Ferrara ABSENT: None 9.b. Consideration of Establishing a Historic Resources Commfttee and a Hlstoric Designation Process for the City of Arroyo Grande. Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council consider the recommendations of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Planning Commission regarding formation of a Historic Resources Committee (HRC) and establishing a process for local historic designation of eligible resources in the City of Arroyo Grande. Director Strong responded to questions from Council conceming State versus local historic designations; clarification regarding the appointment process for the HRC; and clarification concerning proposed tax relief incentives. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. The following members of the public spoke in support of the formation of a Historic Resources Committee and the establishment of a process for designating local historic resources: Chuck Fellows, Arroyo Grande resident, ARC member for four years, current Planning Commissioner, and Chairman of Preserve the Village. Jan Scott, Arroyo Grande resident and Curator of the South County Historical Society. Gordon Bennett, Arroyo Grande resident. Susan Flores, Arroyo Grande resident Upon hearing no further pubiic comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council comments included support for creating a Historic Resources Committee (HRC) with defined roles and responsibilities; acknowledgement that there are many qualified people in the community available to serve on the HRC; support for the development of criteria for designation of local historic resources; support for creating financial incentives for historic restoration; a suggestion that the HRC be expanded and not limited to five (5) people; another suggestion that the HRC should have structure as a core group with the ability to create an ad-hoc element; and a suggestion for an amendment in the policy language as follows: "Owners of resources recommended or nominated by the HRC for inclusion on a local historic register sheuld must be not'rfied°. r i i CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 6 Mayor Pro Tem Costello moved to direct staff to develop the appropriate documents for consideration by the Council at a future meeting for the establishment of a Historic Resources Committee (HRC) and the establishment of a historic resource designation process including the development of criteria for locai designation of historic resources; establishment of a review process for designating historic resources for listing on a local register; the expansion and update of the 1991 Historic Resource Survey; and the creation of incentives for historic preservation, restoration and reuse. Council Member Arnold seconded the motion, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Dickens, Guthrie, Costeilo,Arnold, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Ferrara called a break at 8:47 p.m. The Council reconvened at 8:57 p.m. 9.c. Consideration of General Plan Amendment Case No. 04-003 - Housing Element Amendment. Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 04-003. Staff responded to questions from Council concerning SB 1818, which made significant changes to the State's density bonus law, effective January 1, 2005. Mayor Ferrara suggested that staff check with the League of Calffornia Cities Housing Task Force regarding the status of SB 1818. He referred to the most recent general government report from the Legislative AnalysYs office, which declared the original housing legislation to be an unfunded State mandate, and recommended it be eliminated or changed. He-stated he saw similar characteristics with regard to an unfunded State mandate in SB 181 S. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Jerrv Rioux, representing the Housing Trust Fund, encouraged adoption of the Housing Element Amendments in order to have a certified Housing Element which will allow the City to qualify for certain State housing program funds and also to protect the City from potential lawsufts for not having an adequate General Plan. Jerrv Bunin, representing Home Builders Association, stated that although he agreed that SB 1818 is complicated, he has had extensive discussions with the State Depertment of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and gave an overview of his understanding of their interpretations of SB 1818. He suggested coming back with altemative inclusionary housing requirements that has a different incentive that appeals to builders. Jane Sedek, stated she is purchasing property at 1136 E. Grand Avenue. She referred to SB 1818 which raises many questions about inclusionary housing requirements and results in more restrictive requirements for developers. She requested the Council take more time to review SB 1818 before approving the Housing Element. Pam Dennev, attorney representing S8S Homes, referred to Jasmine Piace, which includes seventeen (17) affordable housing units, of which only four(4) units have been sold to date. She � CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 7 spoke about how difficult it is to qualify for these units and that the affordability restrictions are onerous. Bill Sedek, 1136 E. Grand Avenue, said he was a small developer trying to build quality units. He expressed concerns about the changes in the affordable housing requirements. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council Members Guthrie, Dickens, Arnold, and Mayor Pro Tem Costello supported the Housing Element Amendments as proposed; and acknowledged that there were unknowns with regard to SB 1818; however, the City's goal is to adopt a Housing Element to be in compliance with State law. Mayor Ferrara requested the Council consider postponing the approval of this item for a short time in order to conduct further research on the potential impacts of SB 1818 and noted that the League of California Cities is in the process of drafting substitute housing legislation and looking for a sponsor for the bill. He stated that he would like to defer this item until staff could receive clarification on the League's position concerning SB 1818. Council Member Arnold moved to continue this item to the next regular City Council meeting of March 8, 2005. Council Member Guthrie seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Arnold, Guthrie, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. $ 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. � E 11. NEW BUSINESS f 11.a. ConsideraUon of a Resolution Establishing Speed Limits on Huasna Road. � ; Director of Public Works Spagnoio presented the staff report and recommended the Council i adopt a Resolution establishing the posted speed limits at 40 mph on Huasna Road from Highway 227 to Stagecoach Road and 45 mph on Huasna Road from Stagecoach Road to the ' easterly City limit. Director Spagnolo and Police Chief TerBorch responded to questions from i CounciL i Mayor Ferrara invited public comments on this item. I Dean Clark, Arroyo Grande, asked questions about the results of the speed survey, expressed � concerns about raising the speed limit, and commented that the City should stick with the 40 mph speed limit and enforce it. Pattv Walsh, Arroyo Grande, spoke about public safety issues and stated that the speed limits � should be enforced as posted. , CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTE3 FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 8 Brian Tallv, emphasized the public safety issues and stated he would like to see lighted crosswalks on Huasna Road. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period. Council comments included support for adjusting the speed limits so that they can be effectively enforced; suggested finding ways to encourage reduction of speed on Huasna Road, such as installing lighted crosswalks, additional botts dots, and increased speed limit and enforcement signage. There was a�so a suggestion to direct staff, as well as the citizens, to send a letter to the Court's Traffic Commissioner explaining the unique road conditions as related to public safety. Council Member Arnold moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: °A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON HUASNA ROAD", and directed staff to study the potential for additional traffic calming devices near Strother Park including, but not Iimited to a lighted crosswalk, addftional botts dots, increased signage, and drafting a letter to the Court's Traffic Commissioner relaying the concerns of the neighborhood. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Amold, Dickens, Guthrie, Costello, Ferrara � NOES: None i ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, � 11.b. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2004-05 Mtd-Year Budget Status Report. � [COUNCIURDA] � Director of Financiai Services Pillow presented the staff report and recommended the f CounciVRDA Board of Directors: 1)Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations; � 2) Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund as detailed; and 3) � Approve Schedules A through E included in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report. I MayodChair Ferrara invited public comments on this item. No public comments were received. � i Following Council/Board comments, Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Costello moved to 1) Approve ` detaifed budget adjustments and recommendations; 2) Approve requests for additional � appropriations in the General Fund as detailed; and 3) Approve Schedules A through E inciuded G in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report. CounciVBoard Member Dickens seconded the motion, � and on the following roll call vote: i i AYES: Costello, Dickens, Guthrie, Arnold, Ferrara p NOES: None 4 ABSENT: None ` i There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. ; CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 9 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY M. FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Councii of Governments/San Luis Obispo Reylonal Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). Reported on impacts to transportation and transit funding for San Luis Obispo County, which include the Brisco/HalcyoN101 Intersection and the EI Campo/101 Intersection project. Processing of these projects has ceased until funding is restored, possibly in 2008 or beyond. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitatfon District (SSLOCSD). Discussed administrative and maintenance issues; reported that there is an upcoming meeting relating to the status of the Sanitation District in the Zone 1/1A assessments for Arroyo Graniie Creek flood control area. • (3) Other. 1) Attended Mayor's meeting in Morro Bay where Assembly Member Blakeslee presented information on legislation he is going to sponsor. 2) Attended League of California Cities Channel Counties meeting. Will distribute information shared at that meeting relating to upcoming meetings and events. b. MAYOR PRO TEM JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. No report. Next meeting is Marchr�l7�'"�. 9oals for (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). App upcoming year. � (3) Air Pollution Control District(APCD). No repot. Next meeting is March 23rd. i (4) Other. Attended Fire Department Oversight Committee; cooperative efforts with j the City of Grover Beach continue to go well; training is continuing to improve, with participation from Oceano Community Services District Fire Department. � Discussed Ciry of Pismo Beach request for joint study to examine cooperative ! efforts with that City. i i c. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: j (1) South County Area Transit (SCA�. Reviewed budget assumptions; reviewed ! item presented by City of Grover Beach for transportation improvements relating to their Ramona Gardens Community and Cukural Specific Plan. Reported that SCAT will now be conducting their meetings on a quarterly basis. (2) South County Youth Coalition. Presentation received on the First Five Funding Program for Pre-School in Oceana (3) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). No report. Next meeting is February 23"'. (2) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: ' (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). No report. ' (2) California Joint Powers insurance Authority(CJPIA). No report. (3) Other. None. ' 13 CiTY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. g I I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2005 PAGE 10 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS• None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS• � Mayor Ferrara reported that he attended the Zone 1/1A meeting today to discuss the DWR Work Plan on the Arroyo Grande Creek. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS• City Manager Adams announced that a groundbreaking ceremony for the Rotary Bandstand project would be held Wednesday, February 23rtl at noon; and a dedication ceremony would be held at the Arroyo Grande Police DepartmenYs Community Resource Center at 2:00 p.m. He also announced that a date and time had been confirmed for April 1, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. to meet with Assembly Member Blakeslee. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. Tony Ferrara, MayoNChair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City CIerWAgency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg_� � � R F I t i 1 � 8��� � � pitROy� o`� �,� MEMORANDUM � INCORPORATE TZ � � t1 T # Ju�r m. n�1 * c���FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECT�S BY; AARON BROWNWOOD, PLANNING INTERN SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORI2AT�ON TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE ANNUAL ARROYO QRANDE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ON MAY 28-29, 2005; TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 05-004 DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council consider the request from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association and adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of City property and closure of City streets for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival on May 28-29, 2005 (Attachment 1►. FUNDING: There is no direct funding impact as a result of this event. Event organizers are required to reimburse the City for the costs of police, fire, public works and other City services used to conduct this event. DISCUSSION: I The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association has requested the following items for the Annual Arroyo Gra�nde Strawberry Festival on May 28-29, 2005: 1 . The closure of Branch Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. (This will iequiie the Police Department to apply to CalTisns for street c%sure authorization). 2. The closure of Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan Alley from 6:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 3. The closure of Bridge Street from Branch Street to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 28, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. i i CITY COUNCIL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 2 � 4. The closure of Bridge Street from McLintock's driveway to Nelson Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. 5. The closure of Bridge Street from Nelson Street to Tratfic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 28, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 6. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. 7. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason Street to Bridge Street from 6:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 8, The use of the Car Corral from 10:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 9. The use of the parking area from the Car Corral to and including the Brisco parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 28, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 10. The use of the lawn on Nelson Street between Mason and Short Streets from 6:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 11 . The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge Street and Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 28, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. 12. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club on � West Branch Street for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. Upon City Council authorization to use City property, the Community Development � Department will issue a Temporary Use Permit for the event. There are no proposed changes in scale or use from the 2004 event. � j ALTERNATIVES: � The following alternatives are provided for the Council's c onsideration: � - Adopt the attached resolution; Modify as appropriate and adopt the attached resolution; i - Do not adopt the attached resolution; ; - Provide direction to staff. i � Attachments: Letter from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association, dated December 10, 2004. � 't ! 1 1 1 � � RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS AND USE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR THE ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, MAY 28-29, 2005 WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association (AGVIA), organizers of the Strawberry Festival, have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of craft exhibits, displays, food booths and entertainment, and similar activities; and WHEREAS, members of the AGVIA will be responsible for traffic control, cleanup, and payment of all related fees and costs for use of City property and City employee time related to the event. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1 . That the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association is hereby granted the use of certain City streets and property as follows: Strawberry Festival — Saturday & Sunday, May 28 & 29, 2005 A. "No Parking/Tow Away Zone" in the following areas in the City of Arroyo Grande for the period of 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29, 2005: both sides of Branch Street (Highway 227) from Traffic Way to Mason Street; Bridge Street from Branch Street to Traffic Way; Nelson Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street; Mason Street from Poole Street to Le Point Street; and Poole Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street. B. "No Parking/Tow Away Zone" for fire/emergency access in the following areas in the City of Arroyo Grande for the period of 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29, 2005: both sides of Nevada Street from Branch Street to Le Point Street; Le Point Street from Nevada Street easterly through the Tally Ho curve; Crown Terrace from Crown Hill Road to Le Point Street; and East Branch Street from Garden Street to Huasna Road. C. The closure of Branch Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. (This wi/l require the Police Department to apply to CalTrans fo�street c%sure authorization). D. The closure of Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan Alley from 6:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. R�SOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 E. The closure of Bridge Street from Branch Street to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 28; 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. F. The closure of Bridge Street from McLintock's driveway to Nelson Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. G. The closure of Bridge Street from Nelson Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 28, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. H. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. I. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason Street to Bridge Street from 6:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. J. The use of the Car Corral parking lot from 10:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. K. The use of the grass area on Nelson Street between Mason and Short Streets from 6:00 pm Friday, May 27, 2005 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2005. L. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge Street and Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. M. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club on West Branch Street for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 28, 2005 and Sunday, May 29, 2005. 2. That the AGVIA will adhere to all requirements and conditions of approval as set forth in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 8`" day of March, 2005. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT " A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 05-004 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL (May 28-29, 2005) General Conditions 1 . The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall comply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on March 8, 2005. (Reference attachment.) 4. The applicant shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless, at his/her/its sole expense from any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of said approvai, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks Recreation and Facilities Deaartment Conditions 5. The event organizers shall notify the Parks and Recreation Department of the number and placement of waste containers prior to May 23, 2005. � 6. AGVIA is responsible for providing trash bags and restroom supplies for the festival. Any supplies the Parks and Recreation Department may need to provide � will need to be reimbursed by AGVIA. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the restrooms and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That � individual shall be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of these areas and � gathering and disposing of ati debris. 8. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for electrical costs associated with � special events. Specificaliy, costs for the outlets by the gazebo, Bridge St., � Olohan Alley, and behind City Hall shall be reimbursed. 9. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of any Parks and Recreation City services required for this event, including, but not limited to, restroom maintenance, trash, etc. � 10. The event organizers shall remove any tape placed on streets and parking areas I after the event. 1 i : a RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 Public Works Deaartment Conditions 11 . Restroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shall be provided by the applicant as required. 12. The event organizers shall place an advertisement in the Five Cities Times-Press Recorder just prior to the event to advise residents of street closures. 13. The event organizers shall provide a 51 ,000,000.00 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 14. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of Public Works services and any other City services required for this event. 15. The event organizers shall contact the Public Works Department 72 hours prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance/construction activities. The Public Works Department may require the event organizers to provide ' temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. Buildina and Fire Department Conditions 16. All food,booths (cooking) must comply with the Fire Department guidelines, and must have County Health Department approval. AGVIA will inform booth applicants of Fire Department guidelines, and will ensure total compliance of booth operators. AGVIA will not allow non-compliant booths to operate. 17. The project shall comply with the most recent edition of the California State Fire 're Codes as ado ted b the and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fi P Y City of Arroyo Grande. Specifically, all temporary-wiring provisions of the N.E.C. must be met. 18. The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths, generators and temporary electrical service prior to the opening of the event. In lieu of requiring a building permit for temporary electrical service, AGVIA will collect a fee of S 15 per every booth utilizing an electrical connection. This fee will be itemized by � booth number and submitted to the Department of Building and Fire within 15 ; days of the end of the Festival. i 19. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of the � Building and Fire Department. A detailed chart or map will be provided to the � Department of Building and Fire for approval prior to the event, showing 1 placement of all booths, to include actual dimensions of access pathways for fire Iapparatus and emergency vehicles. i 20. Per the approval of the Fire Chief, there will be ambulance service dedicated to � the event. 9 21 . The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of the 3 Buiiding and Fire Department. 22. Ali fire lanes must be pos'ted and enforced in accordance with Police and Fire Department guidelines. Fire lanes and access must be approved by the Fire Chief. �; 23. The applicant shall identify an individual to act as liaison with the Fire Department for the purpose of maintaining life artd safety. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 24. Prior to opening the event, the fire access road shall be posted. The applicant shall provide continuous enforcement of the fire access road during the event. 25. AGVIA will coordinate with and be responsible for costs associated with San Luis Ambulance to provide standby personnel and equipment for Bike Medic and golf cart transport for entire duration of FestivaL 26. AGVIA shall pay Department of Building and Fire costs for members and equipment assigned to the event. Police Deaartment Conditions 27. The event organizers shall pay Police Department costs for officers assigned to the event. 28. All temporary "No Parking" signs shall be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to event setup (by 6:00 am, Friday, May 27, 2005). 29, A minimum of four (4) private "licensed" security personnel wili be provided by AGVIA. AGVIA will present to the Arroyo Grande Police Department two (2) weeks prior to the evenL• a. The name of the security agency b. A schedule of security coverage c. Location and hours of security assignments Minimum required security is one (1) officer stationed at Nelson & Bridge Street, two (2) officers assigned to the Swinging Bridge, and one (1 ) officer for patrol throughout the evening hours on Saturday, May 28, 2005. 30. Failure to provide private licensed security will result in AGPD Officers being assigned with expenses billed to the AGVIA. Special Conditions ; 31 . Notification of all streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to closure, stating the dates and times of closures. � 32. The AGVIA shall distribute State Board of Equalization forms to all vendors to report the sales tax collected during the Festival, and shall notify them that a list � of vendors wili be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. � 33. The AGVIA shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a list of all � vendors participating in the festivai. The list will be used to verify that sales tax ; was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. 1 � , i j i � � 1 1 I C � ATTACHMENT1 � , � Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association � l�� • � •. ?_'�!f�� P.O. Box 1526 • A[royo Grande. CA 93421 � � � � h � i :�'.^''�`.� PhOI10: (805) 473-2250 • FH7C: (805) 473-0345 ' cx ARRown Gr�nnn� o _ December 10, 2004 � n� � ' � �. eti�r� o tb ,� , ; Steve Adams,Ciry Manager � ; City of Arroyo Grande �D�J+����' -: P.O. Box 550 �"" �� �/��� � Arroyo Grande,CA 93421 /-�i s-�a.�f-1'IG,n.�� Ck�p���) N Dear Steve: f�-�i�t I� I am submitting the items below for deparpnental scrutiny. Please send me the necessary forms to apply for the use permits and have the meetings scheduled that are necessary with the involved departments. Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival- Saturday and Sunday,May 28&29,2005 Item #1 will require a resolution from the City Council. Also, the Police Department will have to apply to Cal Trans for authorization. 1. The closure of Branch St. from Traffic Way to Mason St. from 6 am to 6 pm on Saturday, May 28 and Sunday,May 29. 2. The closure of Short St. from Branch St.to Olohan Alley from 6 pm Friday,May 27,to 6 pm, Sunday,May 29. 3. The closure of Bridge St. from Branch St.to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6 am on Saturday,May 28 unH16 pm on Sunday,May 29. 4. The closure of Bridge St. from McLintock's driveway to Nelson St. from 6 am to 6 pm, Saturday and Sunday,May 28 and 29. 5. The closwe of Bridge St. from Nelson St.to Traffic Way from 6 am Saturday,May 28 to 6 pm on Sunday,May 29. 6. The closure of Nelson St.from Mason St.to Traffic Way on Saturday and Sunday,May 28 and 29, from 6 am to 6 pm. 7. The use of the pazking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason St.to Bridge St. from 6 pm Friday,May 27 through 6 pm Sunday,May 29. 8. The use of the Caz Corral from 10 pm Friday,May 27 to 6 pm, Sunday May 29. I , _ �: _ � � 9. The use of the parking area from the Car Corral to and including the Brisco parking lot from 6 am Saturday to 6 pm Sunday. 10. The use of the lawns between ShoR St. and Mason St. on Nelson St. from 6 pm Friday, May 27 until 6 pm Sunday,May 29. 11. The use ofthe Collette Park between Bridge St. and Traffic Way from 6 am Saturday, May 28 ito 6 pm on Sunday, May 29. � 12. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Woman's Club on West Branch St. for shuttle bus 1 parking on Saturday,May 28 and Sunday,May 29. � The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association will provide the proper insurance policy to � the City by April l, as our current policy is good through then. The A.G.V.I.A. will compensate the City for any extra expenses incurred as agreed upon. The A.CLV.I.A. will provide private police for all areas that need monitoring. The A.G.V.I.A.will abide by all rules and regulations that will be discussed and agreed upon. The A.G.V.I.A.will provide all barricades and signs,an arrow board,as we have done in the past. � The A.G.V.I.A.will provide all "No Parking"delineators and the proper"No Parking" signs. � The A.G.V.I.A. will install all delineators with "tow away,no parking" signs, as we have done in the past. They will be installed on Thursday,May 26 on all streets as outlined by the Police Dept. I on Branch St., Bridge St.,Nelson St. between Traffic Way and Mason St.;Mason St. from LePoint � St.to Poole St.;Poole St. from Mason St.to Traffic Way;Nevada St.;a portion of LePoint St.as 1 outlined by the Police Dept.;Crown Terrace between LePoint St.and Crown Hill; a portion of ; Highway 227 as outlined by the Police Department;the comer of Allen St.and Mason St,two i pazking spaces in from the corner in all directions. Short St. from the Swinging Bridge to Nelson St. Also,the off ramp exit to North HWY. 101 from Branch Street should have four delineators. We will also install delineators in all parking areas we have authority to use. The A.G.V.I.A. will maintain a private pairol to replace delineators that are stolen,misplaced, or vandalized. i i � The A.CxV.I.A.will provide Swinging Bridge security as needed. 1 ; The A.G.V.I.A. will provide and place all barricades. � � ' Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. � a Sincerely, ������__1------� Bob Lund,Executive D'vector Arroyo Grande V'illage Improvement Association S.d. � pRROYp � CA � NJCOflPORATED y2 MEMORANDUM u m # ,u�r ,o. �e„ * c9�/FOR��P . To: cinr couNCi� FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER � j SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHAISTP COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN LUIS OBISPO I COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SLOCOG) DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the CounciL• 1. authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 6 to the SHA/STP Cooperative Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 with SLOCOG; and, 2. direct the Director of Administrative Services to submit Amendment No. 6 to SLOCOG. � FUNDING: ', Amendment No. 6 includes $165,000 of Regional SHA funds for the Brisco Road- i Halcyon Road/Route 101 PA&ED and $176,000 of Urban SHA funds, which represents the first two years of the City's six-year allocation from TEA-3. Fifty-thousand of these Urban SHA funds are to be used on the recently completed Vatley Ga[dens pavement improvement project. Future amendments will include the remaining four years allocation of Urban SHA funds when the funds become available. DISCUSSION: On August 28, 1999, the City and SLOCOG entered into SHA/STP Cooperative Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01. Since this time, there have been five amendments as outlined on Exhibit "A" of the agreement. Amendment No. 6 includes funding for the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 PA&ED and the first two years of the City's six- year allocation of Urban SHA funds from TEA-3. The Cooperative Agreement is a general agreement between SLOCOG and the City regarding the responsibility of each agency. The specific projects are referenced and attached to allow for future actions such as the transfer of funds between the various projects or the addition of replacement projects. A resolution must be adopted by the City that clearly identifies the official authorized to execute the SHA/STP Cooperative Agreement. On June 2, 1999, the City Council adopted Resolution. No. 3375 which authorized the Mayor to execute SLOCOG's SHA/STP Cooperative Agreement. _ � CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHA/STP COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMEIVTS MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: • Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; • Do not authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; • Modify as appropriate and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; • Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. SHA/STP Cooperative Agreement, Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. AG-TEA21- 01. � 3 ; � � jep:M:�232-Arroyo Grande�232-0405-General ConsultingN9-Administration\SHA.STP Cooperative Agreement 3.S.OS.doc � San Luis Obispo Council of Governments Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 SHAISTP COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No: AG-TEA21-01 THIS AGREEMENT, is between the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, referred to herein as "SLOCOG", and the CITY OF Arrovo Grande a political subdivision of the State of California, referred to herein as the "CITY". WHEREAS, The CITY and SLOCOG entered into Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 on 6-28-99, and WHEREAS, Said agreement is now being modified to reflect SLOCOG Board actions on 2-4-04 (agenda item B-2) and on 4-7-2004 (agenda item B-3), and WHEREAS, An advance of$23,185 of TEA-3 funds was provided to backfill a 6% reduction of the Federal High Prioriry Award for the completed Grand Avenue Reconstruction Phase II project in June of 2003, and WHEREAS, A reserve of$22,600 of local choice STIP funds was created from the 2002 STIP. WHEREAS, This agreement is hereby revised from the prior list of projects as Exhibit A as attached hereto, effective 1-4-2005, and � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED i SLOCOG hereby amends Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 per the attached Exhibit A �� amended on 1-4-2005, for the projects specified in Exhibits A-9, A-14, A-15, and A-16. The TEA-3 advance and the STIP reserve, which are generally equivalent, negate each other and neither shall be carried forward henceforth. Use of$234,000 RSHA funds for Grand Avenue identified in Exhibit A-14 -originally considered a short-term loan- is now considered repaid through the deprogramming of STIP funds. Page 1 of 2 � SHA/STP COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 BE IT FURTHER AGREED The remaining Terms and Conditions of the original agreement (AG-TEA21-01) shall remain in full force and effect. I SIGNATURES: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS By: By: Tony Ferrara, Mayor Ronald L. De Carli, xecutive Director Date: Date: I/ oS i ATTEST i � By. Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services � APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: By: By: C Timothy J. Carmel, City Attomey Ja Crawford,SL OG Counsel Date: Date: 'L )� •� Page 2 of 2 ` HA71ie ubray32eplanal Ranners�CoopereUVe Apree�ronbWroyo 6rende�2-coop amenO/orAG 1i-0S.tloc i � EXHIBIT A APPLICABLE PROJECTS for Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01 EXHIBIT PROJECT NAME PROJECT#(s) . Funding Balance Exhibit A-1 2 g 5 Pavement Maintenance-Selected City PUAG01 $225,174 $50,000 Streets Exhibit A-2 Pavement Management Program Plan PUAG02 $28,000 $0 Exhibit A-3 Bridge Street Bridge Rehabilitation PUAG03 $49,500 $44,593 Exhibit A-4 Creekside Pedestrian Path Phase I PUA004 $2,000 $0 Exhibit A-5 ' Brisco Rd.-Halcyon Rd/Rte 101 Project PRAG01 $52,626 $O Study Report Exhibit A-6 Grand Avenue/East Branch St./Rt. 227 PRAG02 $10,000 $O Corridor Study Exhibit A-7 3 EI Campo Rd/Rte 101 Project Study Report PRAG03 $56,933 $O /Project Development Support y Exhibit A-8 5 Paulding Middle School Bike Lanes PRAG04 $111,113 $0 I � e Grand Avenue Reconstruction Project � ExhibitA-9 PRAG05 $148,185 $0 Phase II � Exhibit A-10 5 Creekside Pedestrian Path Phase II PUAG05 $50,257 $0 � ExhibitA-17 285 Rodeo Drive Repairs PUAG06 $20,613 $0 I Exhibit A-12285 Creekside Pedestrian Path Phase III PUAG07 $46,879 $0 I ; Exhibit A-13° South County Park and Ride Upgrade PRAGO6 $15,000 $0 � Exhibit A-14 6 Grand Ave. Rehab& Enhancements PRAG07 $234,000 $0 �t Exhibit A-15' Brisco Road/Grand Ave/Route 101 Project pR-AG-08 $165,000 $165,000 Development � Exhibit A-16' Valley Gardens Improvements PU-AG-09 $50,000 $50,000 � Exhibit A-17� Various FAU Eligible StreeURoad Rehabs PU-AG-10 $126,000 $126,000 ' TEA-21 1,050.280 $94,593 ' TEA3 USHA(first 2-years only) $176,000 $176,000 � TEA-3(USHA unprogrammed balance) $351,000 $351,000 � 1 Amended 4-11-01 to reflect$2626 in added funding to original funding amount of$50,000 2 Administratively amended 6/20/01 (AG correspondence June 5,2001) 3 Amended 11-15-01 to reFlect$31,933 in added fundi�g to original funding amount of$25,000 4 Administratively amended 11/15/01 (AG correspondence Oct. 25, 2001) � 5 Administratively amended 8/7/02 (AG correspondence Aug. S;2002) 6 Administratively amended 4/2/03 and 6/4/03 (AG corcespondence June 12, 2003) �� 7 SAFETEA projects amended 1/4/2005 as per Board Actions 2/4l04&4/7/04 (AG correspondence 1/5/05) � H:\TMLMrarylRaplorialPlanron�COOpwaGwApn�nbWnyoOnnE�U•AOeoop�zhlbll•modHIW7-WSAx Exhibit A-9 (to Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01) Project Number: PRAG05 Grantee: Citv of Arrovo Grande Project Title: Grand Ave. Reconstruction Proiect Funding Type: Reqional SHA ($148,1851 Work Implementation Period: Oct 6, 1998 to Jun 30, 2003 Approved: October 6, 1998 Amended: June 4, 2003 Project Schedule and Funding Summary: January 4, 2004 Grand Avenue ReconsUuction P 'ect Phase II 4'�!�#�.'�. tvh}...�� .Y Z. t;i �,�_ � .,. FUNDING � Fiscal Year RSHA USHA Local(1) Local(2) Other(1) Other(2) TOTAL ��� Milestones Fed oemo- (date canpete) 7E/121 i FY98/99 $ 113�300 $ 113�300 Design-4/99 AHard Bid-&89 Cmst Sqrt-759 � FY99/OOro $ 125,000 $ 1,397,200 $ 351.815 $ 1,874,015 Const.End-01roo r FY03/04 $ 23,185 $ 23,185 ! Total $ 148,185 $ - $ t,51o,500 $ - $ 351,815 $ - $ 2,010,500 I � ���e 7.4% 0.0% 75.1% 0.0% 17.5% 0.0% 100.0% � ❖ June 2003 - $23,185 advance of future TEA-3 funds to backfill reduction of Fed Demo funds. ! :• Jan. 2005 —Advance negated with $22,600 local choice 2002 STIP funds reserve. � Project Description: The project will consist of pavement reconstruction and spot repair of curb, � gutter, sidewalks, and cross gutters where needed along Grand Avenue between Halcyon Road and j Elm Street. The existing water main wiil be replaced with a 12-inch water main, new fire hydrants will be installed in areas that are currently deficient, and all services will be replaced as well as most i meters boxes. The existing sewer main will be replaced with a 8-inch sewer main and laterals i servicing each property will be replaced or a new lateral installed. Storm drain inlets and an existing � CMP drainage culvert will be replaced. The project provides conduit and other facilities necessary to underground existing overhead utilities and possibly additional conduits to accommodate future fiber � optic cable. � Billing Period: Reimbursement of this project may begin upon the San Luis Obispo Council of i GovernmenYs (SLOCOG) receipt of the signed cooperative agreement. The CITY may submit � invoices on a monthly basis during the Work Implementation Period, and must submit certification of � project completion and a final invoice within 2 months after the Work Implementation Period. Costs ' incurred outside the Work Implementation Period are ineligible for reimbursement. ! ', Special Provisions: i j 1. Equipment purchases not identified herein, must have written approval prior to purchase. � 2. Reimbursement of costs from funding sources administered by SLOCOG shall be provided on a pro rata basis determined by the percentage share each source is of the totai project cost. The total funding contribution from SLOCOG for this project is not to exceed the amounts identified in i the table above under RSHA and USHA totals. 3. Opportunities for enhancing bicycle and pedestrian travel in the project area should be considered and implemented, where appropriate and feasible, as part of the project. Exhibit A-14 (to Agreement No. AG-TEA21-01) Project Number: PUAG08 Grantee: Citv of Arrovo Grande Project Title: Grand Ave. Rehab & Enhancements Funding Type: Urban SHA ($234,000) Work Implementation Period: May 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004 Approved: April 2, 2003 Amended: February 4, 2004 Project Schedule and Funding Summary: Grand Ave Enhancements-Short-term loan--Re aid. . vF� �. �� ry�. F����}, �+� �'.0 .y .i��. uF�f, „���`:�, FUNDI�NG Fiscal Year RSHA USHA Local (7) Local(2) Other(1) Other(2) TOTAL Expected Mileatones (dale complete) FY 02/03 5 234,000 5 234,000 Consiruct 09/03 � FY 03/04 $ z34,o00 5 (234,OOO) S - � Total S 234,000 $ - 5 - $ - $ - $ - $ 234,000 � Reimburse- 100.0% 1 ment Rate i ❖ Apri12003—Loan of$234,000 to be repaid by STIP Authorization,Urban TEA-3,or other Federal or State funds. .• Feb.2004—Cog Board deprogrammed$234,000 STIP thereby negating need for repayment. Project Description: There are two projects with the same project limits; one for enhancements programmed in the 2002 STIP and one for an overlay programmed in the 2000 STIP. Engineering plans were developed to construct both projects at the same time, for economy of scale and financial responsibility. The City must award a contract by May 2003 for the Grand Avenue Overlay. The City j requested an early allocation for the Enhancement funds, but was denied. The City requested an � A6872 to begin reimbursable work - using local funds - and was approved. The City has authorized the solicitation of construction bids to construct both pieces. The City had concerns of allocation � delays continuing into the 03/04 fiscal year and requested an interim use of SHA funds to close the ; City's gap in the event that allocations are delayed for an extended amount of time. j Billing Period: Reimbursement of this project may begin upon the San Luis Obispo Council of i GovernmenYs (SLOCOG) receipt of the signed cooperative agreement. The CITY shall submit no � more than two invoices and a certification of project completion. Costs incurred outside the Work � Implementation Period are ineligible for reimbursement. ' Special Provisions: 1. Equipment purchases not identified herein, must have written approval prior to purchase. 2. The total funding contribution from SLOCOG for this project is not to exceed the amounts i identified in the table above under RSHA and USHA totals. ! � 3. This use of SHA funds would be temporary and repaid immediately after receiving STIP allocation � reimbursement. If necessary, due to unforeseen circumstances conceming STIP allocation delays, $234,000 of Arroyo Grande's TEA 3 USHA allocation may be held until the loan payment ! is received by SLOCOG. All borrowed funds shall be repaid without interest on or before December 31, 2004. Submission of documentation for STIP reimbursement is the responsibility of the City. 4. As per Board action, 2/4/04, which deprogrammed $234,000 of STIP funds, the loan is considered repaid. Exhibit A-15 (to Agreement No. AGTEA21-01) , Project Number: PR-AG-08 Grantee: Citv of Arrovo Grande Project Title: Brisco Rd/Grand Ave/Rt 101 Funding Type: Reaional SHA ($165,000) Proiect Development Work Implementation Period: May 1, 2004—Aug. 31, 2008 Approved: April 7, 2004 Project Schedule and Funding Summary: Brisco Road/Grand Ave/Route 101 Pro'ect Develo ment i � , M, '' ' FUNDING ` �' ;, Fiscal Year RSHA USHA Local (1) Local(2) Other(1) Other(2) TOTAL Expected Milestones (date complete) FY 04/05 $ 165,000 $ 150,000 $ 315,000 PDT Meetings . 2005-2008 FY 05/06 $ Completion of ED FY O6/07 $ Total $ 165,000 3 - $ 150,000 $ - S - S - $ 315,000 Reimburse- 52.4% 0.0°/a 47.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% ment Rate SLOCOG reimbursement as indiwted above;not to exceed 3765,000. Project Description: Project development and environmental analysis for the interchanges at Grand Avenue and Brisco Road and for two NB auxiliary lane improvements between Grand and Brisco and � between Brisco and Oak Park. Biiling Period: Reimbursement of this project may begin upon the San Luis Obispo Council of � GovemmenYs (SLOCOG) receipt of the signed cooperative agreement. The CITY may submit invoices on a monthly basis during the Work Implementation Period, and must submit certification of , project completion and a final invoice within 2 months after the Work Implementation Period. Costs 1 incurred outside the Work Implementation Period are ineligible for reimbursement. Special Provisions: i � 1. Equipment purchases not identified herein, must have written approval prior to purchase. 2. Reimbursement of costs from funding sources administered by SLOCOG shall be provided on a pro rata basis determined by the percentage share each source is of the total project cost. The total funding contribution from SLOCOG for this project is not to exceed the amounts identified in i the table above under RSHA and USHA totals. 3. Opportunities for enhancing bicycle and pedestrian travel in the project area should be considered � and implemented, where appropriate and feasible, as part of the project. '; ; 1 s Exhibit A-16 (to Agreement No. AG -TEA21-01) Project Number: PU-AG-09 Grantee: Citv of Arrovo Grande Project Title: Vallev Gardens Improvements Funding Type: Urban SHA ($50.000) Work Implementation Period: Jul 1, 2004 to Jun 30, 2006. Approved: April 7, 2004 Project Schedule and Funding Summary: Valle Gardens Im rovements � F rr p ��� FUNDING Fiscal Year RSHA USHA Local (1) Local(2) Other(1) Other(2) TOTAL Expected Milestones (date complete) r � FY04/OS $ 50,000 $ 190,000 . . $ 240,000 Repairandoveday as identified by PMP FY OS/06 $ Total 3 - $ 50,000 3 190,000 a - a - a - s 240.000 � Reimburse- 0.0% 20.8% 79.2% 0.0°k 0.0% 0.0% ' j ment Rate a ' Project Description: An annual apportionment of USHA funds for the maintenance of City streets as I presented in the City of Arroyo Grande's Pavement Management Program Plan. PSSR identified �. need of USHA as no FAR projects are available. iBilling Period: Reimbursement of this project may begin upon the San Luis Obispo Council of � GovernmenYs (SLOCOG) receipt of the signed cooperative agreement. The CITY may submit invoices on a monthly basis during the Work Implementation Period, and must submit certification of project completion and a final invoice within 2 months after the Work Implementation Period. Costs incurred outside the Work implementation Period are ineligible for reimbursement. Special Provisions: 1. Equipment purchases not identified herein, must have written approval prior to purchase. 2. Reimbursement of costs from funding sources administered by SLOCOG shail be provided on a pro rata basis determined by the percentage share each source is of the total project cost. The total funding contribution from SLOCOG for this project is not to exceed the amounts identified in the table above under RSHA and USHA totals. 3. Opportunities for enhancing bicycle and pedestrian travel in the project area should be considered and implemented, where appropriate and feasible, as paR of the project. Exhibit A•17 (to Agreement No. AG -TEA21-01) Project Number: PU-AG-10 Grantee: Citv of Arrovo Grande Project Title: Various FAU Eliqible Street/ Road Rehabs Funding Type: Urban SHA ($126,0001 Work Implementation Period: Jul 1, 2004 to Jun 30, 2010. Approved: April 7, 2004 Project Schedule and Funding Summary: Various FAU Eli ible StreeURoad Rehabs x tt.' � ,� .,� �FUNDING Expected Fiscai Year RSHA ,USHA Local (7) Local(2) Other(1) Other(2) TOTAL Milestones . (date complete) FY 04/05 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 ouinua�Maintenance CAfISfNC110f1 $ _ Projecls 1 FY 05/06 $ i i ; FY O6/07 $ � � FY 07/08 $ - � Tatal 5 - 5 t26,00o S - S - E - S - S t26,000 Reimburee- 0.0% 100.0% 0.0°k 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% ' ment Rate ProJect Description: An annual apportionment of USHA funds for the maintenance of City streets as presented in the City of Arroyo Grande's Pavement Management Program Plan. Specific streets and , roads include: James Way, Oak Park Bivd., EI Camino Real, and Brisco Road Billing Period: Reimbursement of this project may begin upon the San Luis Obispo Council of GovernmenYs (SLOCOG) receipt of the signed cooperative agreement. The CITY may submit s invoices on a moMhly basis during the Work Implementation Period, and must submit certification of project completion and a final invoice within 2 months after the Work Implementation Period. Costs incurred outside the Work Implementation Period are ineligible for reimbursement. Special Provisions 1. Equipment purchases not identified herein, must have written approval prior to purchase. ' 2. Reimbursement of costs from funding sources administered by SLOCOG shall be provided on a ' pro rata basis determined by the percentage share each source is of the total project cost. The total funding contribution from SLOCOG for this project is not to exceed the amounts identified in ' the table above under RSHA and USHA totals. 3. Opportunities for enhancing bicycle and pedestrian travel in the project area should be considered and implemented, where appropriate and feasible, as part of the project. 8.e. o� pRROYpC � INCORPOAATEO z O J m �l JULV 10, 1911 * MEMORANDUM P 4�/FORN� TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DOM SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER � SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PAVEMENT CUT POLICY DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a resolution approving the Pavement Cut Policy. FUNDING: There are no initial fiscal impacts. However, there could potentially be long-term cost savings due to a decrease in pavement maintenance costs. DISCUSSION: In response to previous City Council concerns regarding pavement cuts to new asphalt , overlays, staff has developed a pavement cut policy to address future pavement cut requests. Concerns were raised in the past regarding the timing of pavement cuts in streets that have just b�een overlayed. During the preparation of the Pavement Management Program,staff noted that streets with pavement cuts degraded more rapidly than streets that did not receive pavement cuts. Studies performed around the nation on streets in the cities of Austin, Kansas City, I Burlington, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Phoenix, and San Francisco, all ; concluded that excavations in paved streets degrade and shorten the service life of the � street surface. Furthermore, studies performed on streets in the cities of Los Angeles, San ' Francisco, and Sacramento concluded that this degradation occurs no matter how well the excavation is restored. Local agencies were also contacted regarding pavement cut policies. The City of Atascadero was the only agency with a formal policy. Atascadero has a two-year moratorium on all pavement cuts following roadway construction or overlay operations. , � . i i a � i � CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PAVEMENT CUT POLICY ; MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 2 The proposed policy will prohibit all types of pavement cuts within the roadway surface for i a period of five years following road construction or placement of asphalt-concrete overlay. As part of the policy,the Public Works Department will develop and publish annually a five (5)year paving history to specifically list the street segments where asphalt pavement work has really been completed. Concurrently, the Public Works Department will also issue a five (5) year schedule for projected roadway maintenance. Annually, a capital improvement project schedule will be distributed to utility companies and to help schedule their operations and to developers planning specific projects. Staff meets quarterly with representatives of the utility companies to mutually plan future work schedules. At the discretion of the Public Works Director/City Engineer,this restriction may be lifted for emergency, safety and utility repairs or work mandated by the State of California. Copies of the Pavement Cut Policy,the five-year paving history and the five-year projected paving schedules will be made available to the public at the Public Works Department and can also be accessed from the City's intemet website. ALTERNATIVES: iThe following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: �' . Approve by resolution the Pavement Cut Policy; . Do not approve the Pavement Cut Policy as presented; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or . Provide direction to staff. � , , � i i RESOLUTION NO. _ { A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A PAVEMENT CUT POLICY WHEREAS, Section 13.20.010 of the City of Arroyo.Grande Municipal Code enables the City Council to establish, by resolution, the rules, regulations, and specifications for construction within the City; and, WHEREAS, the Council has had concerns regarding the deleterious effects of allowing pavement cuts in streets that have been recently overlayed. WHEREAS, the City has developed a Pavement Cut Policy to prohibit pavement cuts in recently paved streets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the City of Arroyo Grande Pavement Cut Policy, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , , and by khe following roll call vote, to wit: , i AYES: NOES: ABSENT: j 2005. ; the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 1 I E RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 TONYFERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK I APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: � � STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: � i i � TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ; City of Arroyo Grande Pavement Cut Policy All pavement cuts, defined as any activity that penetrates through the asphalt- concrete pavement surface, shall be prohibited in the roadway surface for a period of five (5) years following the placement of a new asphalt concrete surFace. The Public Works Department will annually publish a five (5) year paving history of streets where the proMibition is in force, and a projected five (5) I' ' t utilit com anies, developers and contractors to � year paving schedule to assis y p � schedule their projects. � At the discretion of the Public Works Director/Gity Engineer, this restriction may 1 � be lifted for emergency, safety and utility repairs or work mandated by the ta e i ; of California. In the event the pavement cut is allowed, the roadway shall be ', repaired to the condition prior to the cut, in accordance with City of Arroyo � Grande Standard Plans, and all pavement markings and markers shall be replaced in kind. i a.i. � PRROy� o �,p hINCOPPORATE ZL ° " MEMORANDUM • �,�. ,o. ,o„ * c,��FOaN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER � SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) STREET CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE STREET NETWORK DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. adopt a resolution accepting the Pavement Management Program; and, 2. adopt a resolution adopting the Federal HighwayAdministration (FHWA)Functional Street Classification System for the Street Nefinrork. FUNDING: Two budget projections were performed during the preparation of the Pavement Management Program. The first projection sought to maintain the current overall condition of the street network and the second projection sought to improve the street network above the existing condition. I As indicated in the Pavement Management Program, the average pavement condition ' index(PCI)for all the streets within the City's street network is 68. In order to maintain the � street network at the current condition,the City will have to allocate$200,000 to$250,000 each fiscal year. To improve the street.network to the recommended PCI of 75, the City will have to allocate $300,000 to $350,000 each fiscal year. The curcent capital ' improvement program (CIP) budget allocates roughly$180,000 per year forpreventative maintenance resulting in a shortfall of $75,000 needed per year to maintain the current ! condition of the street network. Additional funding may be necessary for corrective maintenance projects, particularly if projected State and Federal funds is not available. The breakdown of the budget can be found in the Section IV — Pavement Management I Plan and Budget of the Pavement Management Program. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) STREET CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE STREET NETWORK MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION: In 1998 the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) required each local agency to submit evidence that the agency is using a computer based Paveme�t Management Program as a condition of receiving funds for local roadway projects. This requirement was made to objectively evaluate the current conditions of local roads. Similar requirements exist at the State and Federal level. In February 1999, the first Pavement Management Program was prepared and accepted by the Council. SLOCOG requires regular updates to each agency's Pavement Management Programs to demonstrate progress in pavement maintenance. This is the second update to the Pavement Management Program; it was updated once before in June 2001. The 2005 Pavement Management Program, prepared by the Public Works Department, establishes criteria for evaluating the current condition of City streets. It is also utilized as a financial planning tool to highlight funding needs for present and future conditions, as well as in determining a schedule for pavement maintenance based on need and economic feasibility. The Pavement Management Program simultaneously offers the potential for improved road conditions and reduced pavement maintenance costs, as well as an efflcient way to organize and evaluate the current condition and make predictions regarding the usefui service of a roadway network. The program is used by the Public Works Department to oversee the maintenance and repair of City streets that provides for comfortable driving conditions at the lowest possible cost. The Pavement Management Program uses proprietary computer software to catalogue the physical characteristics, construction history, and cuRent condition for each segment of roadway in the City. Every street is individually inspected for pavement defects including; rutting, cracking and weathering. The information is entered onto an inspection form with numerical ratings assigned for each condition. Upon entering the data, the computer software calculates a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) for each roadway segment. The PCI number is the primary basis for determining the appropriate maintenance procedure and the relative timing for its application. Results of the updated Pavement Management Program indicated that the condition of the city's streets have improved significantly since the programs inception. When the program was first developed in February 1999,the average PCI of the street network was 60. Upon completion of the second update in June 2001,the average PCI was 65. This most recent update indicated that the current PCI is 68. The Asphalt Instftute recommends that a street network be maintained at a minimum PCI of 75. I --- _ —- _ _- - _ � cinr couNCi� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) STREET CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE STREET NETWORK MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 3 Also included in the Pavement Management Program is a Pavement Management Plan, which is a plan that identifies and outlines a preventative and corrective strategies for each section of street in the street network. Preventative strategies usually include the use of surface treatments which are categorized as non-aggregate seals and aggregate seals. The non-aggregate seals are usually either a fog seal, or a rejuvenator seal, while the aggregate seals take on names such as chip seals, slurry seal, mirco-paving, seal coat, armor coats, and oil mats (other names vary depending on which part of the country you are located). CoRective strategies include asphalt overlays, extensive recycling, and/or reconstruction, which involves the complete removal and replacement of a failed pavement. The Pavement Management Plan produced from this update can be found in Section IV— Pavement Management Plan and Budget. Currently there is a five-year slurry seal preventative maintenance program. Overthe next two years, the program focuses maintenance efforts on completing the slurry seal prevention program. During this time the program will also provide for micro surfacing several of the collector streets that are not scheduled for an asphalt overlay. The first two years of the maintenance programs are as follows: Year 1 Street From To SF Treatment Estimated $ James Wa Colina Street Tall Ho Road 39,990 Micro-Surfacin $8,797.80 James Wa Oak Park Blvd E uestrian Wa 67,500 Micro-Surfacin $14,850.00 James Wa Rodeo Drive Colina Street 70,200 Micro-Surfacin $15 444.00 Total $39 091.80 Year 2 Street From To SF Treatment Estimated$ Branch Street(W) Oak Park Blvd Camino 84,500 Micro-Surfacing $23,590.00 Mercado Brench Street Camino Mercado Brisco Road 144,000 Micro-Surtacin $34,680.00 Grand Avenue E Halc on Road Bamett Street 134,400 Micro-Surtacin $37,128.00 James Wa Jenn Place Rancho Parkwa 102,600 Micro-Surtacin $24,572.00 James Wa E uesUian Wa Jenn Place 91,500 Micro-Surfacin 320 130.00 James Wa Rancho Parkwa Rodeo Drive 72,500 Micro-Surfacin $20,450.00 Oak Park Blvd West Branch James Way 65,000 Micro-SurFacing $14,300.00 Street Total 5174 850.00 The first identified corrective maintenance projects to be performed are Brisco Road, EI iCamino Real and FaROII Avenue. Timing of these projects are identified in the Capital � Improvement Program, but may be adjusted based upon funding availability. 1 I � _ _ _ __ - -- __ -- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) STREET CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE STREET NETWORK MARCH 8, 2005 PAGE 4 A new component of the Pavement Management Program update is the addition of a cross reference to correlate the FHWA standardized functional classification system to the Citys standard street classifications. FHWA developed the standardized functional classification system for use in planning highway systems, determining the jurisdictional responsibility, developing fiscal planning,and determining the eligibility forfederal-aid funding. Therefore, in order to be eligible for grant funding and able to receive Federal emergency aid, it is recommended the corresponding FHWA street classifications be assigned to the existing City street network. The City's current street network contains six(6) street classifications, as outlined on the City's Standard Plan 166-AG and the City's General Plan. The street network is based on the roadway design width and the zoning districts when the street was originally built. The FHWA functional classification system of streets categorizes the individual street sections according to the character of senrice they provide and defines the natu re and role that each street section plays in serving the flow of individual trips. By adopting the FHWA classification system,each street section in the street nefinrork will receive a corresponding FHWA Classification, in addition to its City classification. The FHWA considers the Ciry of Arroyo Grande as an Urbanized Area, which consists of the following functional classifications: principal arterials, minor arterial streets, collector streets, and local streets. The appropriate FHWA Street Class�cation is assigned to each street section using the guidelines prescribed by the FHWA Functional Classification System published in the FHWA HighwayFunctional Class�cation—Concepts, Criteria,and Procedures manual. The Pavement Management Program has also been coordinated with the City's Traffic Model and the General Plan. Copies of the Pavement Management Program will be made available to the public through the Public Works Department. The information can also be accessed from the City's internet website. ALTERNATIVES: The following altematives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1 . Adopt the resolution for the Pavement Management Program; � . Do not adopt the Pavement Management Program as presented; I . Adopt the resolution for the FHWA Functional Street Classification System; , . Do not adopt the resolution for the FHWA Functional Street Classification System; � . Modify as appropriate and approve stafPs recommendation; or j . Provide direction to staff. iAttachment: 1. Pavement Management Program (on file in the Public Works Department) l — _ _ — — ___ _ � � RESOLUTION NO. _ a J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY � OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) FUNCTIONAL ; STREET CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE STREET NETWORK WHEREAS, Section 13.20.010 of the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code enables the City Council to establish, by resolution, the rules, regulations, and specifications for construction within the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has updated the Street Network to reflect changes based on the updated Traffic Model and Pavement Managemenf Program. WHEREAS, the City has assigned a corresponding FHWA Functional Street Classification for each street in the Street Neiwork. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the attached FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grande Street Network. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2005. , ; -- _ _ � RESOLUTION NO. � PAGE 2 � TONYFERRARA, MAYOR � ATTEST: � i i � KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK � APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: { STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: I TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. _ � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PAVEMENT MAI�AGEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, Section 13.20.010 of the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code enables the City Council to establish, by resolution, the rules, regulations, and specifications for construction within the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is required by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) to update the Pavement Management Program on a regular � basis; and, { WHEREAS, the City has updated the Pavement Management Program to reflect recent � Capital Improvement Program projects and additions to the street network which have occurred due to development projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the updated City of Arroyo Grande Pubiic Works Pavement � Management Program, a copy of which is on file in the Public Works Department. � On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member i , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: j AYES: I NOES: � ABSENT: ' 4he foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2005. � ; , RESOLUTION N0. PAGE 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grende Street Network Resolutlon No. � March 8,2005 FHWA FHWA FC Street Name From To Zone Funetlonal Number SVest Acom Drive E uestrian Wa E uestrian Wa Rancho Grende Local 19 � Alder SVeet Cameron Court Fartoll Ave Sunset Local 19 Alder Street Fair Oaks Ave East Grend Ave Sunset Local 19 Alder Street Farcoll Ave Fair Oaks Ave Sunset Local 19 Allen Street Traffic Wa Garden Street Westem Additlon Local 19 AI ine Street North East Grend Ave Faeh Ave Westem Addition Local ig PJ ine Street SouM Cerro�sta CIrGe East G2nd Ave Woodland Lacal 1 g Mdre Drive Jenn Place � Matthew Wa � Rancho Grande Local 19 Mdre Drive Matthew Wa End of Cul-de-Sac Rancho Grande Locel 1g Arablan CirGe � Visq Drive End of CultlaSac Rancho G2nde Local 1g Arro o Ave PII dm Wa West Che Ave Hi h Schaol Local 19 - Ash Street Cf Limit South Elm Street Psh Sfreet CdlecWr 17 Ash Street South Elm Street PJder Street Ash Street Local 1 g Asilo Street La Canada La Canada Rancho Grande Local 1g � Asilo S7eet �sta Drive . La Canada Rancho Grande Local tg As n Street Ash Sfreet P lar Stre9t Be Gsrdens Local 1 g Avenida de Diamante Via Bandolero Vla 8anddero Five Citles Lacal 19 � Bakeman Lane Fartdl Ave Farroll Ave Parkside Lacal 1 g Bambi Court TI Tail�Drive End of Cul-de-Sac Valle Gardens Local 19 Bamett Street East Grand Ave EI Camirro Real Westem Additlon Mina Arterial 19 Bedloe Lane West Che Lane Fair Oaks Ave Vllla Local 19 9eechStreet FartdlAve FairOaks�Ave � Sunset Local tg Bell Street East Grand Ave EI Camino Real Westem Additlon � Loca1 1 g Bennett Ave Hal n North EI.Camino Real Westem Addition Loal 19 BennettAve LlndaDrive Hal North OceanView Loca1 1g Befa Court � Bri hton Ave End of Cul-de-Sac Ocean�ew Local 1 g Bladcbe Avenue Bo nbe Street CouNand Street Be Gardens Lacal 1g Blackbe Avenue Courtland Street Cranbe Street Gardens � Local 1g , Bluebe Avenue Bo senbe Street Courtland Street Be Gardens Local 79 Bo enbe Street Ras be qve Cedar SVeet Be Gardens� Local 1 g Bo senbe Sheet CedarStreet Strawbe Ave B Gardens Lacal 1g � Branch Mill Road East Che Ave G Lim(t Branch Mill Cdlecbr 17 Brench Street est Brlaco Road Vemon S6eet Brench Mill Minor Ar�rlal 76 Branch Street est Camino Merpdo Brfsco Road ' Brench MIII Mirror Arterlal 16 Branch Street est Oak Park Blvd Camino Mercado Branch MIII Minor Arlerial 16 Brench Street est Vemon Street East Grand Ave U r Vllla Minor Arterlal 16 � Brid Street Branch SVeet East Trafflc Wa � Villa Local 19 Bri htan Ave CouNand Street Elm Street Norfh Ooean View Local 19 Bri hton Ave Oak Park BNd Courtland Street � Ooean View Local 19 Brisco Road - East Grand Ave Linda Drive Ocean View Mirwr Merial 16 � Brisco Road EI Camino Real West Brech Street Ocean Vlew Minor Arterial 16 Brisco Road Linda Drive EI Camino Real � Ocean View Minwlulerial 16 BhNan Avenue . Elm Street South Carrin ton Place Sunset Loca1 1 g Cartin ton Place Bhdan Avenue� End of Cul-deSac Sunset � Lxa1 tg Ham ton Place BriMan Avenue End of Culde-Sac Sunset Local 19 � Califomia Street West Ch Lane Fair Oaks Ave H h School Local 19 Calle Cartnan Vfa Banddero � End of Cul-de-Sac Flve Citles Local 19 Calle Cuerva Via Las uilas End of Cul�de-Sac Rancho Grende Local 1 g Callie Court Huasna Road � End of Cul-0eSac s coach Local 19 Cameron Court Alder Street Hal Sauth Sunset L.oca� qg Camino Mercado West Branch Street Rancho Parkwa Five Citles Cdlector 17 Cam ana Place � Gularte Road End of CuldeSac S ch Local 1 g Can on Wa Tall Ho End of Cul-de-Sac Rancho Grande Local 1 g � Cardinal Court Robin Cirde End of Cul-de-Sac Rancho Grande� La;al tg Cartnella Drive Carol Place Fartdl Ave Parkaide Lacal 1 g Carol Place Cartnella Drive Fartdl Ave parkside Lpp� 1g Castillo Court �sfa Drive End of CuWeSac Rancho Grande Local 19 CastiAo del Mar Orchard Ave End of Street HI h Schod Lwai 1 g Castlllo del Mar Orchard Ave A.G.H h School H School� Locsl 1 g CedarSVeet Bo senb S4'eet S ce Street Be Gardens Laal 1g Cedar Street Caurtland Street � Bo nbe SVeet Be Gardens Local 19 Paqe 1 Of 7 FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the Cily of Arroyo Grande Street Nehvork Resalution No. March 8,2005 F�p' FHWA FC . Street Name From � To Zone Fundiooal Number SW�t Cedar Street S ruce Street As n Street Be Gardens Local 19 � Certo�sha Cirde PJ ine Street South Certo Vista Lane Woodland Local 19 Cerro VisTa Lane AI ine Street South Cerro Vista Circle Woodland Local 19 Cha artal Lane End of Cul-de-Sac Grece Lane Miller Wa Local 19 Cha arral Lane Grace Lane S niah Moss Lane Miller Wa Locel 19 Chelsea Lane End of Cul-de-Sac � B hton Ave Ocean Vlew Local 79 � Che Avenue East Brench MIII Road End of Cul�de-Sac Villa e � Cdledor 17 Che Avenue East End of Cul�e-Sac Coach Road Vllla e Cdleda 77 Che Avenue East Tratfic Wa PC Railwa Place Villa Colleda 17 Che Avenue est Bedloe Lane Tratfic Wa vlla Lad 19 Che Avenue est CaliTOmia Street o Ave Vllla e Lotal 19 Chilton Ave Oak Park Blvd Robles Road � Ocean View Local 19 Clarence Ave End of Cul-de-Sac Huasna Road Villa Loca� 19 Clinton Court James Wa End ot Culde-Sac Rancho Grande Cdlector 17 � Coach Road Branch Mill Road Flara Road 82nch Mill CdbcOw 17 � Coach Road Flore Road End of Cu4de-Sac Branch Mill Cdledw 17 Cobre Place Gularte Road End of Cul-0e-Sac S ch Cdbcbr 17 Colina Street Vla La Barranca James W Miller Wa Cdbdor 17 bCOD Collado Corte - Avenida de Dlamante EM of Cul-deSac Flve Cities Cdbclw 17 Corbett Can Road Route 227 � CI Limit Carbett Can Raad ArMrial 16 Comwall Ave Hal n NorM Bamett Streel Weatem Additlon Local 19 Corona del Tierta B htan Ave End of CuldeSac Ocean Vlew Local 19 Cortal Place Co�bett Can Road End of Culde-Sac S ch La�l 19 CouNand SVeet � Ash Street Ras be Ave Be Garclens Cdleclor 17 Courtland Streel Bri hron Ave N rt Ave Ocean View Calbclor 17 Courtland Street Grand Ave � Bri ton Ave Be Gardens Cdbcla 1� Courtland Street Ras be Ave Stra Ave Be Gardens Cdl�ta 17 Courtland Street Strawbe Ave East Grand Ave Be Gardens Cdkda 17 Cranbe Street Ras Ave Bladc Ave Gardens Wcal 19 Creekside Drive Erb of Cul<leSac Woodland Drive Woodland La�l 19 Cross Street Allen Street � Ide Street Villa Lonl 19 Crown Hill Easl Bianch Street End W Cul-0e-Sac ' U Vfll Local 19 Crown Temace Crown Hill Le Pdnt Street U r Vllla Local 19 Crown Terrace Le Pdnt Street Ma Street U r VII e Locel 19 Cuerda Corte Avenida de Diamante End M Cul-de-Sac Five Citles Local 19 � Cuesta Place Via La Barranca End of Cul-de-Sac MIIIer Wa L.acal 19 Deer T211 Cirde End of Cul-0eSac E uestrlan Wa Rancho Grande. Local 19 Del Sd Street The Pike End of Cul�de-Sac Parkside Locel 19 - Diamond Cirde End of Cukie-Sac Leanna Drive Valle Gardens Lacal � 19 Diana Place End of Cul-deSac Farroll Ave Sunset Local 19 Dixson Street Oak Park 91vd End of Cul-de.Sac PaAcsMe Loca� 19 p���Wa Alder Street Hal Road Sunset Loa� 19 ppdson Wa Hal AI ne Street SouM Woodland Laal 19 pos Cerroa � Vla Las uilas End of Cultle-Sac Flve CiBes L.ocel 79 EI Camina Real Brisco Road Hal Road EI Camirw Real Mina Arterial 16 EI Camino-Real CI Limit Oak Park Blvd � EI Camirw Real MNwr Artetial 16 EI Camino Real Hal Road � Bame@ Street EI Camino Real Mina Arledal 16 EI Camino Real Hillcrest Drive Brisco Roed EI Camino Real Minor ArteMal 16 EI Camino Real Oak Park Blvd Hillcrest Drive EI Camino Real Minor Arterfal 16 Elm Street NoAh Brl hWn Ave � End of Cul-de-Sac Ocean View Cdbdor 17 � Elm Street Natl� East Grand Ave Bri ton Ave Elm Street CoNedor 17 Elm Street South Agh Street Grand Ave Elm Street AMna Nbrial 16 Elm Street South CI Limit The Pike Elm Street Mlna Artmial 16 Elm Street Soufh Farroll Ave Ash Streel Elm Street Mina ArEerial 16 Elm S7eet South The Pike � Fartdl Ave Elm Street Minor Arteiial 16 Eman Court AI ine Street South End of Cul�laSac Woodland Local 19 Emerald Ba East � Radeo Drive End of Cul-0e-Sac Miller Wa Lonl 19 Emereld Ba est End of Cul-deSac Rodeo Drive Miller Wa Local 19 E uestrian Wa James Wa Vista Cirde Rancho Grande Cdlecta 17 E uestrian Wa Vista GrGe No Roed Rancho Grande Cdlecta 17 Faeh Ave Hal Road North EI Camino Real Westem Additlan Local 19 � �. � Pege 2 of 7 i �— ... .. . . —______._--___.. _____ ._._ .__..___ FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grande Street Network Resolution No. March 8,2005 FHWA FHWA FC Street Name From To Zone Funetional Number Stnst Fair Oaks Ave Elm Street South Pepn Street Fair Oaks Ave Cdledor 17 Fair Oaks Ave � Hal on Road South Woodland Drive Fair Oaka Ave Mina Arterial 16 Falr Oaks Ave Orchard Ave Trefilc Wa Fair Oaks Ave Mina Arterial 16 Fair Oaks Ave Pecan Street Ha on Road South Fair Oaks Ave Cdledw 17 Fair Oaks Ave Valle Road OrchaM Ave Fair Oaks Ave Mirror Arterial 16 � Fair Oaks Ave � Woodland Drive Valle Road Falr Oaks Ave Mirwr Arterial 16 Fair Vlew Drive Bri h�n Ave End W CuFde-Sac Ocean View Loce� 19 Fair Vlew Drive East Grand Ave � Bri hton Ave Ocean Vlew Local 19 Farmhouse Place Grove Court Hillside CouA Vill Lacal 19 ' Fartdl Avenue CI Limlt Elm Street South Fartdl Avenue Caqedor 17 Farroll Avenue Elm Street South Pecan Street � Fartdl Avenue CdbcWr 17 Farroll Avenue Hal on Roa South End of Cul-deSac Farroll Avenue local 17 Farroll Avenue � Pecen Street Hal on Roed SouN Partdl Avenue Cdlecbr �7 Fieldview Poace Grove Court Hillside Court Ville Lacal . 19 Flara Road . Coach Road End of CuWe-Sac Branch Mfll Road Local 19 Forest Glen Drive End of Cul-deSac Woodland Drive Woodland Laal 19 Fortuna Court End M Cul-de-Sac PlaBno Lane 6 ch Lacal 19 Garden Street East Che �Ave Grove Court Vllla Loca� 19 Garden Street - East Che Ave Ide Street Vil L.oa� 19 Garden Street End of Streel Creek East Branch Street VII Local 79 Gafield Place The Pike End of Cul-de-Sac Sunset Lo�l 19 � Ga fair Tertace The Pike Farroll Ave Su�set Lonl 19 . Golden West Place Farroll Ave � End of Cul�Sac Parkside Locel 19 _ Grace Lane Radeo Drive � Cha rtal Larre Miller We Lonl 19 G2nd Avenue East CI Limit � Elm Street Grand Avenue er Prind I A 14 Grdnd Avenue East Elm Street Hal Road Grand Avenue Pri I Arte 14 Grand Avenue East � Hal on Road Bamett Streel Grand Avenue r ' I 14 Greenwood Drive Flora Road End W Cul-deSac Branch MIII Road Loal� 79 Grove Court Fartnhouse Place Fieldvlew Place Villa Lacal 19 Gularte Road Corbett Can Road S ch Road S ch ►.oca� 19 Gularte Road Sta coach Road End of Cul�e-Sac S ch Laca� 19 Hal on Road NaAh Grand Ave EI Camino Real Hal Road er P' I Arte 14 Hal Road South Fair Oaks Ave Eaat Grend Ave Hal on Road Pri I Arts 14 Hal Road Soufh The Pike Fair Oaks Ave Hal Rosd her Pri I Arte 14 Harden Street Masan Street NoAh East Brandi Street U Vllla Local 19 Hartison Street McKinle Street End of CuldaSac U Villa Loral 19 Hart Wne End of Street Nevada�Street U VIII Local 19 Hawkins Court End of Cultle-Sac Croas Street � Vill Loca� 19 Hillcrest Drive Mon o Street EI Camino Real� Ocean Vlew . Locel 19 ' Hillcrest Drive � Sierra Drive Mon Street n View Locel 19 Hillside Court Fieldview Place Los Oliwa Lane Villa Locel 19 H es Road E uestrian Wa Slevenson Drive Rancho Grarnle � Local - 19 Hod Road Stevenaon Drive End of Cul�leSac Randio Grande Local 19 Huasna Road Crest Drlve CI Llmit Huaena Road AAlnor NOerial 16 Huasna Road Raute 227 � Sfa ch Road Huasna Road Minor Arte�ial 16 Huasna Road Sta ch Road Crest Drive Huasna Road Minor Mte�ial 16 Hucklebe Avenue Cren Street �Courtland Streel Gerdens Wca� 19 Ide Street Whitele Streel Garden S4eet S ch Loce� 19 Ikeda Wa Huasna Road VaN Loomis Lane S ch Loca� �9 James Wa Colina Street Tal Ho Road Jamee Wa CoNecda 17 James Wa E uestrlan Wa Jenn Place Jamea Wa � Cdlector 17 James Wa Jenn Place Rancho Parkwa Jamea Wa Cdbctor 17 James Wa Oak Park Blvd E u�trlan Wa Jamea Wa CdbcWr 17 � James Wa Rancho Parkwa Rodeo Ddve James Wa Cdleclor 17 � James Wa Radeo Drlve Cdina Street James Wa Calbda 17 Jenn Pla� Mdre Drive End W Cu4de-Sac Rancho Grande Local 19 Jenn Pla� James Wa Mdre D�1ve Rancho Grande Lxal 19 Juni r Street P lar Street Grand Ave CaaMens Local 19 La Canada James Wa Roseme Court Randw Grande Local 19 La Canada Rosema Court Vista Drtve Rancho Grande Local 19 La Cresfa Drive Platino Wne Platlno Lane Sta ch Loca� 19 i � Pege 3 of 7 FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grende Street Network � Resolution No. . . March 8,2005 � FNWA FHWA PC Street Name � From To Zone Punctlonal Number Stre�t La Cresta Drive Platlno Wne Huasna Road Sta ecoach L.oce� �9 La Paz Cirde PlaUno Lane End of Cu4de-Sac Sta ecoach Loca� �9 La Vista Court The Pike End of Cul-de-Sac Parkside ��a� �9 Ladera Place Vla La Bartanca End of Cul-de-Sac Miller Wa Local 19 Lancaster Place The Pike Elm Street South Parkside Local 19 Larchmont Drive Vemon Street Wesle Street U r Villa Loca� 19 Launa Lane End of Street Los Olivos Lane Vllla e �� �9 ' Le Point Street Crown Tertace Route Y27 U r VIII e le�r 17 Le Point Street Mason Street North Tall Ho Road U r Vill e Cd�edor �7 Le Pant Street Nevada Street Mason Street U r Vllla Local �9 � Le Pdnt Tertace Crown Hill End of Street U r Villa �ocal �9 Le Pant Tertace East Branch Street Crown Hill U Villa Local 19 Leanna Drive CI Limit Valle Road Valle Gardens Loca� 19 Ledo Place Bri hton Ave ErW oT Cul-de-Sac Ocean Vlew Lxe� 19 Linda Drive Brisco Road � Bennett Ave Ocean View Lacal . 19 Linda Drive , Elm Street North Brisco Road Ocean View Laca� �9 L anbe Avenue Cranb Street Courtland Street Be Gardens Local 19 ���N� Puesta del Sd End of Cul-0e-Sac Rancho Grande Local 19 Los Cenos � Puesta del Sol Vista Drive Rancho Grande Local 19 L���,� Ysta�Drive End W CultleSac Rancho Grande Local 19 Los Olivos Lane End of Street Launa Lane Vllla �e� �9 Los Olivos Lane Launa Lane East Che Ave Vill e �� �9 Ma nolia Drive S camore Drive End W Cul-de-Sac Sunset Laca� �9 Ma le Street � Elm Street South Walnut Street Sunset Loca� 19 M le Street ' Walnut Street Alder Street Sunset Laca� 19 Mari Cirde Platlno Lane End W Cul-0�Sac Sta coach Loal 19 Masan Street North East B�anch Street Le Pdnt S4eet U r VIII e Cdleclor 17 Mason Streel South Allen Street Nelsan Street VII �Local 19 Mason Street South Nelson Street Branch Street est U r Vllla Colleda 17 Madhew Wa Andre DAve � LaCanda Rancho�Grande Lacal 19 Ma Street Crown Terrace McKinle Street U VIII Loca� 19 McKinle Street Crown Hill Ma Street U r VIII �e� �9 Meadowlark SVeet � Oak Park Blvd Robin.Grde Rancho Grende Local 19 Mercedes Lane Old Ranch Road End of Culde-Sac Mlller Wa Local 19 Mercedes Lane Rodeo Drive Old Ranch Raad Miller Wa Loce� 19 Mesa Drive TI er Tail DAve End of Cul-0e-Sac Val Gardens loca� 19 Mes uite�Lane Cha arral Lane James Wa Mlller Wa �e� �9 Miller Cirde Mlller Wa End of Cul-de-Sac Miller Wa Loca� 19 Miller Wa Le Point Street End of Street Mlller Wa Lacal 19 Mon Streel Hlllcrest DAve End of Cul-0e-Sac Ocean View Lacal 19 I Momin Rise Lane End of Street Fartoll Ave � Sunset Local 19 � Mulbe Lane Ma dia Drive S camae Drive Sunset Local 19 Musfan CirGe E uesMan Wa End of Cul-de-Sac Rancho Grende Loce� 19 M e SUeet � Garden Steet End of SUeet Vlla � L I 19 Nelson Street � Brid Street Masan Street South VIN e �� � �9 Nelson Street Mason Street South End of Cul-de-Sac Vllla Lxal 19 Nevada Street East Brench Street Le Point Street U r Vllla � �9 Newman Drive AI ine Street South End of Street Woodland Loce� 19 N ' Avenue Courtland Street Mon Street Ocean Vlew La�l 19 Noel Ave End of Cultle-Sac Oak Park BNd Parkside �� �9 N uera Place End of Cul�de-Sac � M e Street Vflla �� �9 � No es Road � Oak Park Blvd Ci Limtt Rancho Grande Lace� �9 Oak Hill Road Peanvood Ave End of Street S eooach Locel 19 . Oak Park Bauleward � End of Street Peanvood Ave Oak PaMc Boulevard Minw Arte�ial 14 Oak Park Boulevard Fartoll Ave CI Limit Oak Park Boulevard Mirror Ar4erial 14 Oak Paiic Baulevard James Wa N Road �Oak Park Boulevard Minor Nteria� 14 Oak Park Boulevard Sierra Drive EI Camino Real Oak Park Boulevard Mfnor NteAal 14 Oak Park Boulevard West Branch Street � Jamea Wa Oak PaAc Boulevard Minor Arterial 14 Oak Street � East Grand Ave EI Camino Real Wesfem Addltion Local 19 Oakleaf Cirde E uesMan Wa End W Culde-Sac Rancho Grande Locel 19 f Old Ranch Road Wesl Bwnch Street Mercedes Lane Miller Wa Lacal 19 's Pege 4 Of 7 FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grande Street Network Resolution No._ March 8,2005 . FHWA FHWA FC � Street Name From To Zone Funetlonal Number Strs�t. Olive Street Hal on Road Suite Woodland Drive Woodland Local �9 Olohan PJIe Brid Street Mason Street South Vllla Lax� 19 �G� End of Cul-0e-Sac Leanna Drive Valle Gardens Local 19 Orchard Ave PII rim Wa Castlllo del Mar HI h Schod Local 19- Orchard Ave Pil rim Wa West Che Ave HI h School Local 19 Or6hard Ave West Che Lane Falr Oaks Ave H' h Schaol Local 19 Oro Road Huasna Road Platlno Lane S ch �oca� �9 Oro Road . Platino Lane Gularte Raad Sta coach � Loca� �9 Outland Drive End of Culde-Sac Gularte Road Sfa ch Loca� �9 Padfic Pointe Wa Elm SVeet South Elm Street South Sunset Local 19 Palm Court � EndoTCul-de-Sac WalnutStreet Sunset �oal �9 Palos Secos Rancho PaAcwa End of Cul-de-Sac Five Cities Local 19 � Paraiso Asilo End of CW-0e-Sac Rancho Grende Local - 19 Park Wa Hal on Road South Rena Street South Woodland �� �9 Paseo Street Ma Street Route 227 U Vllla Lxal 19 Paul Street The Pike Elm Street South Parkside ��� �9 PC Railwa Place Allen Street End of Street VIII .Lxal 19 PC Railwa Place East Che Ave Allen Street Villa ��� 19 p��p��e Leanna Drive Leanna Drive Valle Gardens Laca� 19 Pearwood Ave Huasna Road Oak hlll Road Sfa ch �aca� �9 Peqn Street farroll Ave Fair Oaka Ave Sunaet Loca� 19 Pil rim Wa Orchard Ave Arto o Ave H h School Local 19 Pine Street Ma le Street End of CulEe-Sac Sunset Local 19 Plafa Street � End of Cul-0e-Sac Oro Drive Sfa ch Loca� �9 Platino Lane Sta coach Road Le Cresta Drive S eooach Lacal 19 �� Platino Lane Tem Cirde Sta ewach Road � S ch Loce� �9 Plomo CouR End W CulEe-Sac S coach Road S coach � Loca� �9 Paole Street Mason Street South YVhiEele Street W �e� �9 Poole Street Treflic Wa Mason Street South Vil �� 19 Po lar Street Juni r Street Elm Street Swlh B � Gardens Loca� 19 P2dere CouA la Cresta Drive End oT Culde-Sac S� coach Local 19 Priscilla Lane Ruth Mn Wa End of Cul-0e-Sac Ocean Vlew Loce� 19 � Puesta del Sd Los Cervos Visfa Drive Rancho Grande Local 19 Quail Court End of Cul-0eSac Robin Cirde Rancho G2nde Wcal 19 � Rancho Parkwa Camino Mercado Via Poca Rancho Parkwa CaNedor �. 17 Rancho Parkwa Via Poca Jamea Wa Rancho Parkwa Cdbcbr 17 � Rancho Parkwa West Branch Street Camino Mercado Rancho Parkwa Cdledor 17 � Ras be Avenue CouNand Street B Street Gardena Loca� 19 j Ras Avenue Crenb Street CouNand Street B Gardens - I 19 � Refu b Place End of Culde-Sac Rancho Parkwa FNe Gtles Local 19 Rena Street NoM ' East Grand Ave Bennett Ave Weatem Additlon Loce� 19 � Rena Street South Dodson Wa Grand Ave Waodland Local �9 V Rice Court End of Cul�e-Sac Bakeman Lane Parkside �� �9 ; Wd eview Wa White Court Tall Fb Road Rancho Grande Lonl 19 i Robi�Grde Meadowlark Drive Oak PaAc Blvd Rancho Grande Locel 19 � Robles Road Slerra Drive EI Camino Real Ocean View Loca� 19 Rodeo Drive Emerald Ba Drive James Wa � Rodeo Drive Cdbcbr �7 Radeo Drive James Wa � End of Cultle-Sac Rodeo Drive � Cdledw 17 � Rodeo Drive Merc�des Lane Eme2W Ba DAve Rodeo Orive � Colbcbr 17 Rodeo Drive Weat Branch Street Mercedes Lane Rodeo Drive Collecto� �� R ers Court End of Cul�eSac Victaia Wa Sunset Local 19 Rasema CouA La Canada End of Culde-Sac Randro Grande Locel 19 Rosema Lane Sombrlib Salida del Sd Rancho Grande Local 19 Rosewaad Lane Huasna Road End W Cul-de-Sac Rancho Grende Local 19 Russ CouA Paul Place End of Culde-Sac Parkside � La�l 19 RuM Mn Wa North Bri hton Ave End of Cul-deSac Ocean Vlew Locel 19 Ruth Mn Wa South End of Cul{le-Sac B�i hton Ave Ocean Vlew �oca� �9 Sa e Street S ruce Street n Street Gardens La�l 19 I Salida del Sd James Wa End of Cul-0e-Sac Randw Grarnle Locel 19 � Sandahvood Ave Alder Street Hal on Road South Sunset Loca� �9 Scenic CIrGe E uestrian Wa End W Culdo-Sac Rancho Grande Locel 19 Page 5 of 7 FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grande Street Nelwork Resolutlon No._ � March 8,2005 FHWA FHWA FC Street Name From To Zone Fundional Number Strest Seabri ht Avenue Oak Park Blvd Cranbe Street Be Gardens La;al 19 Short Slreet � Allen Streel Nelson Street Ylla e �� �9 Short Street East Branch Street Le Point Street Villa e ��� �9 Short Street End of Street East Bronch Sheet Villa e Local 19 Short Street Nelson Street End of Street �Ila e ` �� �9 Sferta Drive Oak Park Blvd Hfllcrest Drive Ocean Vfew Loca� �9 Sombrillo Rosema Court Salida del Sol Rancho Grande Local 19 S nish Moss Lane Cha rtal Lane M ulte Lane Miller Wa � Local 19 S nice Street Ash Street � Cedar Streel Be Gardens Local 19 S ruce Street Cedar Street P lar Street Be Gardens Loca� 19 SNa ecoach Road Huasna Road Platino Lane Sta ch Road Lacal 19 Sfa ecoach Road Platlno Lane End W Street Sfa ch Road Lad 19 Sfanle Ave End of Street Creek Huasna Road Villa Local 19 � Stanle Ave M e SVeet End of Street creek � Vllla e Lxal 19 Station Wa Fa Ir Oaks Ave Traffic Wa Villa � I 19 Sfarf ht Lane Farroll Ave End-ofStreet Sunset L.axl 19 Stevenson Drive James Wa H es Roed Rancho Grende Locel 19 Strawbe Avenue CouNand Street be STreet Be Gardens Local 19 Sunset Ddve Elm Street SouM Alder Street Sunset Local 19 S camore Court End of Cul-0aSac more Drive Sunset Local 19 S camoreDrive Ga nfalrTerrace Ha onRaad South Sunset ��e� �9 S camae Drive Ma nolla Drive Ga nfair Tertace Sunset Local 19 � Tall Ho Road Le Pant SVeel Route Y17 Tall Ho Road �Lxal 19 Tall Ho Road Le Point Street James Wa Tall Ho Road Local 19 Tanner Lane Branch MIII Road . Fbra Road B2nch Mill Road Local 19 Ta a Place fU ine Sheet South End of Street Woodland � Local 19 - The Pike CI Limk � Elm Streel South The Pike Local 19 The Pike Elm Street South Hal on Roed South The Pike Loca� 19 Tlena Street The Pike End of Street Parkside Loca� 19 TI r Tail Drive Valle Raad End of Cul-0eSac Valle Garclens Local 19 Tadd Lane Hal �n Road South Fair Oaks Ave Woodland Local 19� To on Place - End of CuWe-Sac S eooach Road S ecoach Lacel 19 TraiRc Wa Falr Oaks Ave Route 101 Villa e Minor Arterial 16 7rafic Wa West Branch SUeet Fair Oaks Ave VIII Minor Arterlal 16 Traffic Wa Extension 7ratfic Wa Trini Ave Villa �e� �9 Trinl Ave T2flic Wa End W Street Vflla L.6ca� 19 Tu uoise Drive Leanna DrNe Leanna Drive Valle Gardens Local 19 Valle Road CI Limit Fair Oaks Ave Valle Road Minor Arterial 16 Valle Road C' Limit Near Los.Be C' Limk Near Sun Valb Road Minor Ar�lal 18 � Vard Loomis Court Vard Loomis Lane End of CuWe-Sac � Sfa coach Locel 79 � Vard Loomis Lane Huasna Road End of Culde-Sac Sta ch Loca� �9 Verde Place The Pike End M Culde-Sac Sunset Loca� 19 Vemon Street Larchmont Drive End of Street U r Vllla Lacal 19 Vemon Street West Bianch Street Larchmont Drive U r Vllla e Loca� 19 � Via Avante Castllb del Mar End oT Cul-de-Sac HI h Schod Locs� 19 I Via Bandolero Vla Va uero AvenWa de Diamente FWe CIUes Loca� 19 ] Via Belmonte Court North Castillo del Mar End of Cul-0e-Sac H h Sdiool Lacal 19 i Vla Belmonte Court South Castlllo del Mar End of Cul-0e-Sac HI h School Local 19 � Via gerros Valle Road G Limit Valle GaMens Local 19 � wa Firenze Caurt North Castllb del Mar End of Cul�de.Sac HI h�Schod� Local 19 Via Firenze Court Sauth Cas81b del Mar End of Cul-de-Sac H h Schod L.oce� 19 Via la Bartanca Tall Ho Road End of Street� Mlller Wa � Loql 19 � Via las uilas Camino Mercado Palos Seoos Flve Cltles Local 19 � Via las ullas Palos Secas End of Street Five Citles Loca� 19 1 �a Paca Rancho Parkwa Via Banddero FNe Gtles Local 19 iVia Va uero Avenida de Dlamante Via Banddero Five Citles Local 19 � Va Va uero Rancho Parkwa Avenida de Diamante Five Gtles Lacal 19 j Victoria Wa rs Court Garfleld Place Sunset Local 19 � Villa e Court Trini Ave End of Cul-de-Sac � YII Locel 19 VI ina Ddve Hal on Raad Soulli WoodlarM Drive �Woodland � Local 19 i �sta Cirde End of Cu4deSac E uestrian Wa Rancho Grande Local 19 I � � . � Page 8 ot 7 J 1 FHWA Functional Street Classifications for the City of Arroyo Grande Street Network Resolutlon Na._ March 8,2005 F��' FHWA FC Street Name From To Zone F�S��� Number E uestrian Wa La Canada Rancho Grande ��� 19 Vista Drive Local 19 Vistorfan Court End of Cul-deSac Fartoll Ave �Sunset �I 19 Walnut Street Ash Street End of Street Sunset �' 19 Walnut Street Farroll Ave Ash Street Sunset .19 Wesle Street East B2nch Street Wrchmont Drive U Villa e �� ����rt End ot Culde-Sac Rid vlew Wa Ra�cho Grande �i ;9 Whitel Street Pode Street Nelson Stret Villa L�1 19 Whitle SVeet End W Street � Poole Street �I� �� 19 Whitle Street Nelson Street End of Streat aeek Villa �� t9 Willow Lane Hal on Road South Woodlend Drive Waodland �I 19 Wllson Court End of Cul-de-Sac Bakeman Lane Parkside L�' t9 Wilton Place Vemon Street End of Street U r Villa �I �9 Wood Place Dodso�Wa End of Cul-0e-Sac Sunset L�I 19 Woodland CouR End of Cul-0e-Sac Woodland Drive Woodland �� 19 Woodland Drive Certo Vista Cirde End oT Street W��^d �I �9 1 Woodland Drive Creekside Drive Fair Oaks Ave Woodland � 19 ; Woodland Drive End of Cul-0e-Sac Creekside Orive � Woodland �I 19 I. Z ata Wa Gularte Road Sm ��R� P��� �� � N/A !�h SVeet Bathrooms Parkin Lot YII e Parki Lot NA Car Conal Parkin Lot Lower Villa PaMci Lot � � Car Corral Parkin Lot U r Vllla e Partcl Lot NA � CI Hall Parkin Lot py�q�de_ � parki Lot � { tion Yard Parkin Lot p� � NIA �I Elm Street Communl Center Drivewa Ash Street Rec Parkin Lot P�ae perk� Lot N/A Elm Street Communi Center Parkin Lot� ��� p� �p� NA Olohan Alle Parkin Lot paAci Lot WA Soto Com lex Parkin Lot North East Gate � Soto Com lex Offices��� P� �� N/A Soto Com lex Parkin Lot Soufh Soto Oifices End MIIIer Wa PaAci Lot N/A Women's Club Parkin Lot Lower Miller Wa Parkin l.ot N/A Women's Club Parkin Lot U r i � i I i Page 7 of 7 �CITY OF ► . - • ' ` , , ,� �; ;� CALIFORNIA �� ' s � + � Pavement Management Program Public Works De�partment March 2005 , Table of Contents Listof Tables .............................................................................................................................i Listof Figures............................................................................................................................i Introductlon...............................................................................................................................ii Section 1 —Overview of Pavement Management Program....................................................1 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT DEFINED............................................................................................1 Pavement Management Program.........................................................................................1 Pavement Management System...........................................................................................2 PavementManagement P/an...............................................................................................2 PRESENT CONDITION OF ARROYO GRANDE STREET NETWORK....................................................2 Tra�c Indices.......................................................................................................................5 InspectionPlan...................................................................:.................................................6 Development Projects Construction Practices......................................................................6 Public Works Maintenance Strategies..................................................................................7 SECTION 11— Development of Pavement Condition Ratings.................................................8 PAVEMENTCONDITION (NDEX ....................................................................................................8 PAVEMENT DETERIORATION THEORY..........................................................................................8 DEFINITIONS OF PAVEMENT DISTRESSES..................................................................................14 AlligatorCracking...............................................................................................................14 Bleeding/Flushing...............................................................................................................14 BlockCracking...................................................................................................................14 Bumpsand Sags................................................................................................................15 Corrugation........................................................................................................................15 Depression.........................................................................................................................15 EdgeCracking....................................................................................................................15 Joint Reflection Cracking....................................................................................................16 Lane/Shoulder Drop-off......................................................................................................16 Longitudinal and Transverse Cracking...............................................................................16 Patching and Utility Cut Patching.......................................................................................16 PolishedAggregate............................................................................................................17 Potholes............................................................................................................................. 17 RailroadCrossing............................................................................................................... 17 Rutting................................................................................................................................ 17 Shoving.............................................................................................................................. 17 SlippageCracking.............................................................................................................. 17 Swell...................................................................................:.............................................. 17 Weathering/Raveling.......................................................................................................... 18 FIELDINVENTORY....................................................................................................................18 PAVEMENT CONDITION RATINGS COMPUTATIONS USING MICROPAVERTM..................................19 Section III— Pavement Maintenance Strategies....................................................................20 OVERVIEW AND CLASSIFICATIONS............................................................................................20 CrackFilling.......................................................................................................................20 FogSea1.............................................................................................................................21 SealCoat...........................................................................................................................21 S/urry seal..........................................................................................................................22 ChipSeaL...........................................................................................................................23 Cape Sea/(Chip Seal and S/urry Seal Combined)..............................................................23 MicroSurfacing............................................................:......................................................24 Thinoverlay...................................................................................................................:....24 Thickover/ay......................................................................................................................25 Reconstruction...................................:...............................................................................25 SELECTING PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES...................................................................25 Section IV— Pavement Management Plan and Budget........................................................28 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN USING THE EXISTING CIP BUDGET............................................28 Year1 —FY 2004/2005......................................................................................................29 Year2—FY 2005�2006......................................................................................................29 Year3—FY 200C✓2007......................................................................................................30 Year4—FY 2007/2008......................................................................................................31 Year5—FY 2008i2009......................................................................................................32 Corrective Maintenance Projects........................................................................................32 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................33 Section V— Funding Strategies and Alternatives.................................................................35 GENERALOBLIGATION BONDS.................................................................................................35 CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION.............................................................................................35 PAYAS YoU GO ............................................:........................................................................36 GeneralFund Contribution.................................................................................................36 ParcelTax..........................................................................................................................36 ASSESSMENTDISTRICT...........................................................................................................37 STATE AND FEDERAL SOURCES OF FUNDING............................................................................38 APPENDIX ` APPENDIX A-STREET INDEX APPENDIX B-SECTION CONDITION REPORT APPENDIX C- BRANCH LISTING REPORT APPENDIX D-WORK HISTORY REPORT , APPENDIX E- STREET NETWORK ZONE MAP APPENDIX F- PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT INSPECTION FORM APPENDIX G- FHWA STREET CLASSIFICATION MAP APPENDIX H - BUS AND TRUCK ROUTE MAP Appendix I — Pavement Management Plan Year-to-Year Maps � List of Tables Table 1 — Street Classifications...................................................................................................3 Table 2— Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Ratings....................................................................3 Table 3— Pavement Condition Index(PCI) ratings of streets grouped by Street age..................3 Table 4— Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Ratings grouped by Surface Area (SF)....................4 Table 5—Average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ratings grouped by FHWA Functional Street Classification........................................................................................................................4 Table 6 - Proposed Traffic Indices for Design.............................................................................6 Table 7— Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Ratings....................................................................8 Table 8—Traffic Index versus ESAL's......................................................................................11 Table 9 - Rehabilitation Strategy associated with PCR's...........................................................26 Table 10—Typical cost associated with Typical Pavement Management Strategies ................27 Table11 - Budget Summary.....................................................................................................28 Table 12—Source Funding Breakdown....................................................................................28 Table 13—Year 1 of Pavement Management Plan...................................................................29 Table 14—Year 2 of Pavement Management Plan...................................................................29 Table 15—Year 3 of Pavement Management Plan...................................................................30 Table 16—Year 4 of Pavement Management Plan...................................................................31 Table 17—Year 5 of Pavement Management Plan...................................................................32 Table 18— Recommended Corrective Maintenance Projects....................................................33 Table 19- Budget Requirements and Recommendations.........................................................34 List of Figures Figure 1 - Present Pavement Condition Ratings (PCR's) of Arroyo Grande................................4 Figure 2—Typical road cross-sections........................................................................................9 Figure3—Wheel load...............................................................................................................11 Figure 4—Comparative Vehicle Pavement Stress....................................................................12 Figure 5—Structural Section based on Native Soil R-value......................................................12 Figure 6—Typical Deterioration Curves....................................................................................13 Figure 7— Impact of Truck Axle Weight................:...................................................................13 � i j Introduction Through community partnerships, local leadership, supportive citizenry and committed staff, the City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department - Engineering Division, under the direction of the Public Works DirectodCity Engineer, has developed the Pavement Management Program to maintain and address the needs of our roadway infrastructure. Approved by the Arroyo Grande City Council by Resolution No. on March S, 2005, this Pavement Management Program contains an aggressive Pavement Management Plan (PMP) and provides recommendations pavement maintenance strategies for the upcoming five (5) Fiscal Years beginning on July 1, 2005 and ending on June 30, 2009 as well as recommendations for specific capital improvement projects. City staff is dedicated to this strategy and committed to improve the quality of roads within the network over time. Current price for additional copies of this book may be obtained by contacting the City of Arroyo Grande, Public Works Department- Engineering Division. City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Engineering Department P.O. Box 550 208 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Phone: (805)473-5440 Fax: (805)473-5443 Website: www.arroyogrande.org i� i Section 1 — Overview of Pavement Management Program Pavement Management De�ned , Pavement management is the process of overseeing the maintenance and repair of a nerivork of roadways and offers the potential for improved road conditions and reduced pavement maintenance costs, simultaneously. The goal is to maintain streets and roads in good condition, rather than allowing roadway sections to deteriorate to the point where extensive rehabilitation or reconstruction becomes necessary. Pavement Management Programs offer an efficient way to organize and evaluate the current condition and make predictions regarding the useful service of a roadway network. Pavement Management Program Under a pavement management program, local highway or public works departments regularly surveyed for distresses, such as cracking, potholes, and settlement. Information coBected from the road condition survey is entered into a computer-based pavement management system and the results are then used for planning and scheduling preventative maintenance operations and capital improvement projects. This process enables the City to provide well maintained roads and comfortable driving conditions at the lowest possible cost and maintain the street network at a desired level within a given budget. Pavement Management Programs can also be used as a financial planning tool by providing the ability to define funding needs for the present and future, as well as to schedule maintenance work. Using this approach helps to avoid the "squeaking wheel" or "reactionary" maintenance approach in which the streets that receive the most complaints receive the greatest attention. In summary the major benefits of a Pavement Management Programs include, but are not limited to the following: • Inventory the pavement network • Plan and schedule present and future roadway maintenance • Forecast major reconstruction projects • Determine funding needs • Archive work history of roadway sections implementing a pavement management program requires the following steps: • Inventory of all the streets within a jurisdiction • Create a pavement network index, also known as a Street Index • Perform field investigations to identify distresses on each street • Enter all infortnation into the Pavement Management System (PMS) • Calculate a Pavement Condition Index (PCI)for each street section using Yhe PMS • Create a Pavement Management Plan (PMP) and budget As mentioned above in the steps for implementing a Pavement Management Program, two major components are: 1. Pavement Management System (PMS) 2. Pavement Management Plan (PMP) Page 1 i Pavement Management System Pavement management systems are most commonly a computer-based soflware package that provides a framework for storing information regarding the street network. The PMS stores a historical record of pavement conditions and work history on each roadway section with a specific pavement network. This data facilitates the identification and development of a preventative maintenance schedule and identification of major roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. The computer-based software packages commonly utilize a structured method that makes decisions about pavement management. Use of these systems requires a long-term commitment to make it a part of the routine management process and affect the decisions being made. In 1999, when the Pavement Management Program was originally developed for the City, MicroPAVERTM was selected primarily due to its ability to integrated with a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and for its capabilities for viewing and presenting pavement inspection and work plan information. MicroPAVERT"'was used during this most recent update of the Pavement Management Program. Pavement Management Plan The Pavement Management Plan (PMP) is specific plan, produced from the PMS, which outlines a maintenance schedule for a specific time frame. The PMP is usually produced for a five (5) year period. In addition to creating a maintenance schedule, specific capital improvement projects are identified. The PMP can also used during budget preparation and used as a planning guide during the establishment of an overall governing agencies budget. The PMP produced from this update can be found in Section IV— Pavement Management Plan and Proposed Budget. Present Condition of Arroyo Grande Street Network The City of Arroyo Grande's street network consists of approximately 70 centerline miles. The present value of the entire street network is estimated at$36 million. This figure is based on the present day replacement value of the entire street network. The current street network contains six (6) street classifications, as outlined on City of Arroyo Grande Standard Plan 166-AG and the City's General Plan, and is based on design width and zoning districts when the street was originally built. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a standardized functional classification system to be used in planning highway systems, determining the jurisdictional responsibility, and developing flscal planning. According to the FHWA, Arroyo Grande is considered to be an Urbanized Area. For urbanized areas, the FHWA recognizes the following functional classifications: other principal arterials, minor arterial streets, collector streets, and local streets. Therefore using the recently updated Traffic Model, Pavement Management Program, General Plan, and using the guidelines prescribed by the FHWA Functional Classification System published in the FHWA Highway Functional Classification — Concepts, Criteria, and Procedures manual, the Public Works Department has assigned a corresponding FHWA Street Classifiption to each street section in the street network. Refer to the Appendix A — Street Index, for individual street section classifications. Table 1 lists the respective percentage (by square feet) of each of the FHWA Functional Street Classifications in the City of Arroyo Grande street network. Page 2 , � — i Table 1 — Street Classifcations Other Princi al Arterial 6% Minor Arterial 2p�/a Collector 16% LoCal 58% Calculations performed by the Pavement Management System (PMS) establish a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) for each roadway section within the street network. Ratings range from "0" to "100", "0" indicating a street in need major reconstruction and "100" indicating a newly constructed or well-maintained street section. A detailed explanation of how PCI's are calculated can be found in Section II — Development of Pavement Condition Ratings. Table 2 list typical qualities if a roadway section based on the PCI value. Table 2— Pavement Condition Index PCI Ratin s Excellent 86-100 No Si nificant distress Very Good 71-85 Little distress, slight cracking, or atchin Good 56-70 Moderate weathering, slight to moderate distress, or atchin Fair 41-55 Server weathering, slight to moderate or load-related distortions P�� 26-40 Moderate to severe or load-related distortions Very Poor 11-25 Severe distress, heavy or severe alli ator crackin Failed 0-10 Total failure, be ond rehabilitation The average PCI for all of the street section within the City of Arroyo Grande's street network is currently at 68. Table 3 lists the average PCI's by ages of streets. Tables 4 and 5 further summarize the findings. Table 3— Pavement Condition Index PCI ratin s of streets grouped by Street age 0-2 g5 3-5 86 6- 10 7g 11 — 15 87 16- 20 68 21 —25 g2 26 —30 56 31 —35 65 36—40 5g Over 40 60 ALL 68 Page 3 � As demonstrated in Table 3, younger street sections tend to have higher the PCI, conversely older street sections tend to have lower PCI's unless they have been reconstructed. Pavement conditions will deteriorate significantly over time if inadequate or no maintenance is performed. An in-depth description of Pavement Deterioration Theory explained in Section II – Development of Pavement Condition Ratings. Table 4— Pavement Condition Index PCI Ratin s rou ed b Surface Area SF Excellent 86-100 4,756,535 Ve Good 71-85 3,280,177 Good 56-70 2,229,324 Fair 41-55 1,740,850 Poor 26-40 904,021 Ve Poor 11-25 1,045,818 Failed 0-10 443,342 At the present time, 33% of the streets with the City of Arroyo Grande's pavement network are in excellent condition; however, 16% are in need major reconstruction. Figure 1 illustrates the present rating of the street areas in the City of Arroyo Grande by surFace area. ■Exceuenc ■Very Good � ����-� OGood . �Fair ■Pow ■Very Poor ■Falled Figure 1 - Present Pavement Condition Ratings (PCR's) of Arroyo Grande Table 5 lists the average PCI's by Street Classification. As demonstrated in the table, streets which experience higher average daily volumes of traffic, such as Frontage, Arterials, and Collectors tend to have lower PCI's, conversely streets which experience lower average daily volumes of traffic, such as local streets and rural streets tend to have higher PCI's. Table 5 — Average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ratings grouped by FHWA Functional Street Classification Other Princi al Arterial 69.8 Minor Arterial 57.1 Collector 70.9 Local 60.6 Page 4 , � —__ � Future Conditions and Recommendations Analysis of the previously pertormed maintenance and repair suggests that the overall condition of the network has improved greatly over the past years. This increase in street quality is a direct result of the preventative street maintenance that has been perFormed during the past several years as well as a number of capital improvement projects. However, the City can expect the overall network condition to decline over the next five years if maintenance in deferred and a Pavement Management Plan is not adopted. The City is approaching build-out and during the next five years several housing tracts will be completed and their streets will need to be added to the pavement network: • Tract 2310 - Parkside Homes (on Farroll.Avenue, between Golden West Place and Oak Park Boulevard) • Tract 1998—Rancho Grande, Phase IV Addition (off La Canada) • Tract 2653 - Cherry Creek Estates (off East Cherry Avenue, near Liery Lane) • Tract 2470—Strawberry Fields (extension Strawberty Avenue) • Tract 2236—Grace Lane (off Grace Lane) With the addition of the above listed residential developments, the street nehnrork will increase by 633,600 SF and 3 centerline miles. Following the completion these residential housing tracts the remainder of the deve�opment projects will be infill housing projects. Infill housing projects do not increase the square footage of the street network significantly, however they do impact the pavement network due to the increased traffic. During the next five years the City is expected to increase commercial development along East Grand Avenue. Commercial projects, just as housing infill project, rarely increase the size of street network; however, they impact the street network significantly due to the increased tr�c volume on adjacent streets. Therefore, in addition to adopting the Pavement Management Plan, the following are recommendations to maintain the existing pavement network: • implementation of a Pavement Cut Policy • increased traffic indices for design • increased to current inspection plan • revision to development projects construction practices • adoption of the FHWA functianal street classification system Traffic Indices As described in Section II — Development of Pavement Condition Ratings, Tra�c Indices are used to design street pavement sections. The Tra�c Indices used during design directly affects the strength and service life of the roadway section. The current Traffic Indices used during design are found at City of Arroyo Grande Standard Plan 136-AG. It is recommended that the City revise the tra�c indices used for street pavement design thereby increasing the useful life of the new or rehabilitated streets. The recommend traffic indices are found in Table 6 below. Page 5 Table 6 - Pro osed Traffic Indices for Desi n Rural 5.5 6.0 Local/Residential Street 6.5 7.0 Collector 7.0 7.5 Minor Arterial 7.5 8.0 Ma'or Arterial/ Fronta e 8.0 g,p Inspection Plan It is recommended that the City increase its commitment to its yearly inspection schedule. This requires periodic examinations of each street section vuithin the street network and corresponding database management. A more consistent and accurate inspection schedule would dramatically increase the reliability of the data produced by the PMS software. Data entry should be pertortned on a quarterly basis and updated for crack sealing and pothole repair. In conjunction with the re-inspection, the network should be periodically (every 2-3 years) re- inventoried. As the City grows, the street network increases and it becomes necessary to verify the completeness of the database. That commitment entails regular inspections every year of the entire street network as well as a dedicated effort to maintain the database. Entering maintenance and repair information as it is completed and updating budget figures ff and when they change are critical to maximizing results. Theoretically, as the City performs accurate field surveys and makes a concerted effort to update the PMS software will help to highlight problem areas and circumstances to help prolong pavement life. Furthermore, it can produce detailed information that will be invaluable in establishing future budget necessities and communicating with the public. Development Projects Construction Practices It is also recommended that the City alter a number of practices that are common in the construction industry for the road construction. These are: • Require developers to design and construct streets to bear construction equipment loadings • Require developers to slurry seal new streets upon completion of housing construction and prior to city acceptance of the public right-of-way improvements. • Require the reconstruction or asphalt concrete overlay from developers on streets adjacent to new developments whenever possible • Require design engineers to evaluate the use of pavement fabrics of new streets Requiring developers to design and construct streets to bear construction equipment loadings is ' recommended because construction equipment damages the asphalt concrete, aggregate base, and sub base sections. The theory behind this further explained in Section II. Essentially, the about half the ESAL's of the service life have been consumed, therefore the service life has been cut in half Requiring developers to apply a Type II slurry seal surface treatment upon completion of residential housing tracts and prior to city acceptance of the public right-of-way improvements. Page 6 � . � The primary reason for this is that many residential tracts take five (5) years to complete. Five years after the original construction of the road, the Asphalt Institute (AI) recommends applying a slurry seal application on the surface to subdue the aging process by adding a wearing surtace. Requiring the contractor to perform the slurry seal application removes that street from the pavement management plan for another five years, which allows the city to spend money on other streets. Requiring reconstruction or asphalt concrete overlay from developers on streets adjacent to new developments whenever possible is justified because new developments add tra�c to adjacent � streets which have already have a reduced service life. In addition, during construction, construction equipment and trucks are constantly using the adjacent roads during the delivery of construction materials. This extra traffic reduces the service life of the adjacent streets prematurely. For new residential developments, it is recommended that the city require homeowners associations to maintain the new streets whenever possible. Essentially, these new street would be added to the street network, and therefore the city would not need to spend funds on these new roads and would not add work to the Public Worics Streets Maintenance Division. The alternative is to increase the annual streets maintenance budget and to add personnel to the Streets Maintenance Division. Require design engineers to evaluate the use of pavement fabrics of new streets can extend the service life of the roads. Pavement fabrics are installed between the asphalt concrete pavement and the aggregate base. Pavement fabrics protect the aggregate base from water intrusion, which as documented is the leading factor in sub grade failures. Public Works Maintenance Strategies Pavement maintenance is the routine work performed to keep a pavement, under normal conditions of tra�c and normal forces of nature, as close as possible to its as-constructed condition. Pavement maintenance includes effective crack filling, surtace sealing, patching of broken areas and potholes, surtace recycling, and surtace leveling (smoothing). Maintenance work requires proper supervision, skilled workers, and good workmanship. Unless all three are employed, some repair work will be poorly done and will have to be redone. Asphalt concrete is used in most pavement repairs, maintenance personnel, especially supervisors and managers-need a thorough knowledge of this material. They must know which asphalts are available and how to use them most effectively. The Arroyo Grande Public Works Street Maintenance Division pertorms most of this routine preventative maintenance. Finally, the maintenance budget should be increased to provide routine maintenance crack filling and pothole repair when required and leave the streets in the worst condition to fix later. Following these strategies and recommendations will result in more preventative work and less reactionary repairs. Page 7 I � SECTION II — Development of Pavement Condition Ratings The following section provides an outline of the processes utilized in creating the Pavement Management System (PMS) and developing the Pavement Management Plan (PMP). Pavement Condition /ndex Identification and development of a preventative maintenance schedule and identification of major roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction projects is achieved through the implementation of a rating system, known as the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Field investigations of each roadway section in the pavement network helps to establishes a pavement condition rating ranging from "0" to "100", with "0" being a street in need of major reconstruction, and "100" being a new or well-maintained street. Each type and amount of pavemeM distress observed in the roadway sections results with a deduction from "100". Pavement conditions will deteriorate over time if no maintenance is performed. Table 7— Pavement Condition Index PCI Ratin s Excellent 86-100 No Si nificant distress Very Good 71-85 Little distress, slight cracking, or atchin Good 56-70 Moderate weathering, slight to moderate distress, or atchin Fair 41-55 Server weathering, slight to moderate or load-related distoRions Poor 26-40 Moderate to severe or load-related distortions Very Poor 11-25 Severe distress, heavy or severe alli ator cradcin Failed 0-10 Total failure, be ond rehabilitation Pavement Deterioration Theory As a pavement progresses through its service life, it changes along the way. A pavemenYs appearance and functionality decrease with time. This aging process begins immediately after construction, though these first changes are impossible to see. After awhile we begin to notice that the asphalt is not staying black, but is tuming grayer. This is a chemical oxidation process _ and is often called "aging" or "age hardening." The chemical changes, in the asphalt binder, make the pavement more brittle and subject to wear, along with susceptibility to cracking. The following information provides infortnation about the how street roadway sections are designed and how pavement deteriorates over time. Page 8 �i --- i The pavement of a road or parking area for all-weather use by vehicles should have the following: (1) a suitable subgrade or foundation, (2) proper drainage, (3) a top surtace that is smooth, skid resistant, and resistant to wear, distortion, and deterioration by weather and deicing chemicals, (4) be able to prevent the penetration or internal accumulation of moisture, and (5) a total thick-ness and internal strength sufficient to carry expected traffic loads. Figure 2 illustrates typical roadway cross-sections for the following Flexible Pavements, Full- depth Asphalt Concrete, and Rigid Pavement. The figure illustrates the different components imolved in a pavement section. Asphalt Concrete Surface o Op�p�O�popO�p�0 0.� �j�� Aggegate Base Aggregate Sub-Base Native Sub-Grade FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS . Asphalt Concrete Surface Narive Sub-Base FULL DEPTH ASPHAI.T CONCRETE Portland Cement Surface Cement Treated Base Native Sub-Grade RIGID PAVEMENTS Figure 2 —Typical road cross-sections Pavement is usually described by the type of surtacing used, such as: (1) asphalt, including asphalt surtace treatments, penetration macadam, cold plant-mixes, and hot plant-mixes (asphalt concrete); (2) portland cement concrete (PCC); and (3) brick or stone block. An asphalt pavement structure consists of all courses above a prepared sub-grade or foundation. It may consist of a relatively thin asphalt-wearing surface (from less than one inch Page 9 -- , to several inches thick) placed over an aggregate base or sub-base layer. Or, it may be a Full- Depth asphalt pavement in which the entire pavement structure consists of asphalt-aggregate mixtur.es Full-Depth is generally considered the most modem and dependable type of asphalt pavement for present-day traffic. A variety of bases and sub-bases are used in asphalt pavement structures. Usually bases and sub-bases consist of compacted granular materials (such as crushed rock, slag, gravel, sand, or a combination of these) or stabilized soil. One of the major advantages of asphalt pavements is the economy achieved by using locally available materials. Sometimes materials other than asphalt are used to treat or stabilize granular base and sub-base materials or selected soils. These are portland cement, lime, calcium chloride, or salt (sodium chloride). Portland cement concrete pavements are usually placed over a prepared subgrade. Such subgrades are frequently treated with cement, lime, or asphalt to enhance load resistance capability and reduce the danger from pumping (erosion of soil from under the individual slabs). Brick and stone block are embedded in a sand, sand-asphalt, or portland cement slurry bedding on aggregate bases or subbases. Such pavements, used extensively near the beginning of the twentieth century and sometimes today for aesthetic reasons, are noted for the rough ride they give and for their high maintenance requirements. The asphalt condition is result of the following circumstances: • Strength of Underling Soil (R-Value) • Quality of Original Construction (Material, Quality of Construction Technique) • Weather and Environmental effects (Temperature, Precipitation, Heat, Moisture, Freeze- Thaw conditions) • Traffic (Axle Loads and Repetitions, Load related fatigue) • Age • Maintenance Figure 3 illustrates a diagram of the transmission of the wheel load to the pavement structure. The wheel load, W, is transmitted to the pavement surtace through the tire at an approximately uniform verticai pressure. The pavement then spreads the wheel load to the sub�rade so that the maximum pressure on the sub�rade is only. When proper pavement materials are used and pavement thickness is adequate, it will be small enough to be easily supported by the sub- grade. Page 10 ' Loading (ESAL=Traffic Index or Tn Pavement Structure � Soils (R-Value) Figure 3 —Wheel load Figure 3 demonstrates how pavement distress starts - the wheel load is transmitted through the tire into the asphalt concrete pavement. The pavement spreads the wheel load down to the sub-grade material. If either the pavement or sub-grade material is inadequate or faulty, a distress occurs. The subgrade ultimately carries all traffic loads. Therefore, the structural function of a pavement is to support a wheel load on the pavement surface and transfer and spread that load to the subgrade without overtaxing either the strength of the subgrade or the internal strength of the pavement. Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL). ESAL's are an indication of the life of the roadway section. ESAL can be thought of as a bank. Mathematically ESAL is calculated as the Axle WeighU18,0001bs)°Z. The higher the Traffic Index (TI)the longer the I'rfe can be expected. TI is calculated as 9.0(Total EAL)°19/(108). Table 8 lists corresponding ESAL's for common TI's. Every time a vehicle travels over a street section ESAL are deducted. Figure 4 depicts comparative vehicle pavement stress. Table 8—Tra�c Index versus ESAL's Traffic Index ESAL 4.5 2,954 5.0 7,160 5.5 15,950 6.0 33,136 6.5 649,24 7.0 121,020 7.5 216,092 8.0 371,676 8.5 618,596 9.0 1,000,000 Page 11 ' 2.Aade Truck 442 3 Axle Truck 1526 4 Axle Truck 2606 5 Axles Truck 4526 B� 7774 Gazbage Truck 9343 5 Axles Truck 14708 (I.oaded) Equivalent Single Axle I,oad Figure 4— Comparative Vehicle Pavement Stress The R-Value indicates the resistance value of the soil. With a higher the R-value the shallower the aggregate base section thickness required to obtain the same Tra�c Index(TI). Aspnak Concrete=3" Asphalt Concrete=3" Asphalt Concrete=3" R-Value=5 R-Value=25 R-Va1ue=50 Figure 5— Structural Section based on Native Soil R-value Curves developed by the PMS reflect the deterioration and associated PCI rating accordingly thorough time. Figure 6 illustrates how the PCI will decrease over time for Arterials, Collectors, and Local/Residential Streets and how the future condition of a street may be projected at any Page 12 ; i —_._ I time interval. The future condition of a street may be projected at any time interval, which is useful in establishing funding demands. 100 i 80 60 C) a 40 20 0 Time (Years) Arterial ----- Collector — Local/Residential Figure 6—Typical Deterioration Curves 2.5 2 � 1.5 � w � 0.5 0 Single Axles Weight (Ibs) Figure 7— Impact of Truck Axle Weight Page 13 I — __._ I I. Definitions of Pavement Distresses Distortions, disintegration, and cracking are general classifications of pavement distress. Each form of distress must be identified in order to determine the correct rehabilitation. There is no maintenance procedure that will fix all types of pavement distress, unless one considers complete reconstruction. Therefore, it is important to recognize the different types of distress and know the correct remedy for each. Only then can the proper maintenance for a street section be established. Several types of pavement distress were evaluated. There are: • Alligator Cracking (Fatigue) • Longitudinal/Transverse Cracking ■ Bleeding/Flushing ■ Patching and Utility Cut Patching • Block Cracking ■ Polished Aggregate • Bumps/Sags • Potholes • Corrugation • Rutting • Depression ■ Shoving • Edge Cracking ■ Slippage Cracking • Joint Reflection Cracking • Swell • Lane/Shoulder Drop-Off ■ Weathering Raveling Alligator Cracking Alligator cracking is associated with loads and is usually limited to areas of repeated traffic loading. Most load related cracking of this type begins as a single longitudinal, discontinuous crack within the wheel path that progresses with time and loads to a more branched pattem that ' begins to interconnect. The stage at which several discontinuous �ongitudinal cradcs bagin to inter-connect is defined as alligator cracking. Eventually the cracks interconnect sufficiently to form many pieces, resembling the pattern of alligator hide. On narrow, two-lane roads, alligator cracking may fortn along the centerline rather than in the customary wheel paths. Almost always, the pattem of the cradcing (the longer dimension of the connected cracks) is parallel to the roadway or direction of vehicle travel. However, alligator cracking occasionally occurs in a pattem transverse to the roadway because of poor trench compaction, sett�ement, or frost action. Bieeding/Flushing Bleeding (or Flushing) is indicated by an excess of bituminous material on the pavement surface, which presents a shiny, glass-like reflective surtace that may become sticky in hot temperatures. Bleeding should always be recorded when it is severe enough to reduce skid resistance. At the lower severity levels, the extents "localized" and "wheel path" may be difficult to differentiate; however, as the severity increases, "wheel path" becomes more well defined. Wheel path refers to the tire tracking area and may be used to represent the condition of only one wheel track if it js heavily involved. Block Cracking Block cracks divide the pavement surtace into nearly rectangular pieces with cracks that intersect at about 90 degrees. This type of distress differs from alligator cracking in that alligator cracks form smaller, irregular shaped pieces with sharp angles. Also, alligator cracks are caused by repeated traffic loadings and are, therefore, generally located in traffic areas (i.e., the wheel paths). Page 14 _ � i � � IBlock cracking is caused principally by shrinkage of the asphalt concrete and daily temperature cycling. It is not load-associated, although load can increase the severity of individual cracks. The occurrence of block cracking usually indicates that the asphalt has hardened significantly through aging. Block cracking normally occurs over a large portion of the pavement area, including non-traffic areas. However, various fatigue related defects may occur in the same segment. Bumps and Sags This distress category also covers forms of surtace distress that are not limited to the wheel path, although they generally include the wheel paths. The distress usually occurs in isolated areas of the roadway surface. Bump are small, localized, upward displacements of the pavement surtace. They are different from shoves in that shoves are caused by unstable pavement. Bumps, on the other hannd, can be caused by several factors including: (1) Bluckling of bulging of underlying PCC slabs in AC overlay over PCC pavement. (2) Frost heave (ice, lens growth). (3) Infi�tration and buildup of material in a crack in combination with traffic loading (sometimes called "tenting"). Sags are small, downward displacements of the pavement surtace. If bumps appear in a pattem perpendicular to traffic flow and are spaced at less than 10 ft, the distress is called corrugation. Distortion and displacement that occur over large areas of the pavement surface, causing large and/or long dips in the pavement should be recorded as "swelling." ' Corrugation This distress category covers a general form of surface distress that is not limited to the wheel path, although they may occur in the wheel path. The distress may occur in isolated areas, such as at intersections, or it may occur over a large part of the roadway surtace. Corrugations and waves are regularly occurring transverse undulations in the pavement surFace. Corrugations oxur as closely spaced ripples, while waves are undulations whose distance from peak to valley is more than 3 feet. Depression Depressions are localized pavement surface areas with elevations slightly lower than those of the surrounding pavement. In many instances, light depressions are not noticeable until after a rain, when ponding water created a "birdbath" area; on dry pavement, depression can be stored by settlement of the foundation soil or are a result of improper construction. Depressions cause some roughness, and when deep enough or filled with water, can cause hydroplaning. Edge Cracking Edge cracks are pallel to and usually within 12" to 18" of the outer edge of the pavement. This distress is accelerated by tra�c loading and can be caused 4y frost- weakened base or sub-grade near the edge of the pavement. The area between the crack and pavement edge is classified as raveled if it is broken up (sometimes to the extent that pieces are removed). Page 15 � � � � 1 Joint Reflection Cracking This distress occurs only on asphalt-surfaced pavements that have been laid over a PCC slab. It does not include reflection cracks from any other type of base (i.e. cement- of lime-stabilized); these cracks are caused mainly by thermal- of moisture-induced movement of the PCC slab beneath the AC surface. This distress is not load-related; however, traffic loading may cause a breakdown of the AC surface near the crack. If the pavement is fragmented along a crack, the crack is said to be "spalled." Knowledge of the slab dimension beneath the AC surface will heips to identify distresses. Lane/Shoulder Drop-off Lane/shoulder drop-off is a difference in elevation between the pavement edge and the shoulder. This distress is caused by shoulder erosion, shoulder settlement, or by building up the roadway without adjusting the shoulder level. Longitudinal and Transverse Cracking Longitudinal cracks run roughly parallel to the roadway center line. Longitudinal cracks associated with the beginning of alligator cracking are generally discontinuous, broken, and occur in the wheel path. However, any longitudinal crack that is clearly within the travefed lane should be rated. Joint reflective cracking from overlaid PCCP slabs and other rigid pavements I within the lane is rated. Transverse cracks run roughly perpendicular to the roadway center line. They may be due to I surtace shrinkage caused by low temperatures, hardening of the asphalt, or cracks in the underlying pavement layers such as PCCP slabs. They may extend partially or fully across the roadway. Count only the transverse cracks that cut across most of at least one full wheel path in the rated lane (2 feet minimum crack length). Patching and Utility Cut Patching In general, patches are smaller than typical rehabilitation in size and scope. They are less than full roadway width and/or are less than project length. Some agencies may have patches as long as the work defined by another agency as rehabilitation. Caltrans defines a lane with new surtacing as a patch if it is less than about half a mile in length. Definition of minimum rehabilitation versus maximum patch length is a matter of agency policy. Temporary patches, as well as localized permanent repairs (dig-out repair) are included in this distress category. The patches or repairs that are obviously the result of utility work is the exception and is not included as part of the patching values. While appropriately done repairs are an asset rather than a liability to the life of a segment of pavement, the fact that they were required (other than for utility work) generally indicates some failure in the pavement structure. If any patch (including a utility patch) shows surface defects, such as alligator cracking, accumulate those defects also and include them in the overall segment rating. Page 16 , —___ i � , � � � Polished Aggregate This distress is caused by repeated traffic applications. Polished aggregate is present when close examination of a pavement reveals that the portion of aggregate extending above the asphalt is either very small, or there are no rough or angular aggregate particles to provide good skid resistance. When the aggregate in the surface becomes smooth to the touch, adhesion with vehicle tires is considerably reduced. When the portion of aggregate extending above the surface is small, the pavement texture does not significantly contribute to reducing vehicle speed. Polished aggregate should be counted when close examination reveals that the aggregate extending above the asphalt is negligible, and the surtace aggregate is smooth to the tough. This type of distress is indicated when the number on a skid resistance test is low of has dropped significantly from a previous rating. Potholes Potholes are small — usually less than 30 in. in diameter — bowl-shaped depressions in the pavement surface. They generally have sharp edges and vertical sides near the top of the hole. When holes are created by high-severity alligator cracking, they should be ' identified as potholes, not as weathering. Railroad Crossing Railroad crossing defects are depressions or bumps and/or between tracks. Rutting A rut is a surtace depression in the wheel paths. Pavement uplift may occur along the sides of the rut, but, in many instances, ruts are noticeable only after a rainfall when the paths are filled with water. Rutting stems from a permanent deformation in any of the pavement layers or sub- grades, usually caused by consolidated or lateral movement of the materials due to traffic load. Shoving � Shoving is a permanent, longitudinal displacement of a localized area of the pavement surtace caused by traffic loading. When tra�c pushes against the pavement, it produces a short, abrupt wave in the pavement surtace. This distress normally occurs only in unstable liquid asphalt mix (cutback or emulsion) pavements. Slippage Cracking Slippage cracks are crescent of half-moon shaped cracks, usually transverse to the direction of travel. They are produced when braking or tuming wheels cause the pavement surface to slide or deform. The distress usually occurs in overlaps when there is a poor bond between the surFace and the next layer of the pavement structure. Swell Swell is characterized by an upward bulge in the pavemenYs in the pavemenY surtace-a long, gradual wave more than 10 ft long. Swelling can be accomplished by surtace cracking. The distress is usually caused by frost action in the sub-grade or by swelling soil. Page 17 _. II I i � Weathering/Raveling Weathering and raveling are the wearing away of the pavement surface due to a loss of asphalt or tar binder and dislodged aggregate particles. These distresses indicate that either the asphalt binder has hardened appreciably or that a poor-quality mixture is present. In addition, raveling may be caused by certain types of tra�c, e.g. tracked vehicles. Softening of the surface and dislodging of the aggregates due to oil spillage are also included under raveling. Fie/d/nventory Before pavement management can be properly implemented, the paved areas within any given Jurisdiction must be divided into components and the components numericalfy identified These components are: (1) network, (2) branch, (3) section, and (4) sample unit. The "network" is all the paved areas used by ground and air traffic with an agencies jurisdiction. This includes alls roads, streets, parking areas, hardstands, and airport facilities. A"branch" is an identifiable part of the network a single entity that has a distinct function. For example, numbered roads, named streets, and individual parking areas are separate branches of a pavement network. Similarly, ai�eld runways, taxiways, and aprons are distinct branches. A "section" is a division of a branch. The paved area throughout its area or length will have similar characteristics. These characteristics are pavement structural section (materials and thickness), construction history, and traffic. A "sample unit" is a portion of section that is used for evaluation purposes when pertorming field inventories. During June, July, and August of 2004, every street, maintained by the City of Arroyo Grande in the street network, was inventoried to establish the pavement management system's database. The street network was divided into several zones. Each zone was given a spe�c name. Major streets were designated their own zone. The zones can be found on the map in Appendix E–Street Network Zone Map. Several housing tracts were completed since the PMP was last completed in June 2001, these included: • Tract 2260–Berry Gardens (Courtland/Grande Ave) • Tract 2207–Vista del Mar(Orchard Ave behind A.G High school) • Tract 1834–Rancho Grande (off James Way) • Tract 2217–CockeNEllsworth (off East Cherry Avenue) The streets in these tracts where added to the street network prior to completing the field inventory. Using a pavement field inventory inspection form the quantity, type, and severity of distresses were recorded for each roadway section in the pavement network. A sample of the form can be found in Appendix F. ; Page 18 —__ _ . I � I 1 , � � Pavement Condition Ratings Computations using MicroPAVERr"' Using the pavement field inventory inspection forms, the data was input into the MicroPAVERT"" pavement management system soHware. The type, extent, and severity of each distresses found on the roadway sections are entered into the PMS database and used for calculating the PCI. MicroPAVERT^" computes the PCI by using the follows factors age of pavement, work history, type, quantity and severity of distresses found during the field inspection. The PCI calculation is based on the deduct values —weighing factors from "0" to "100" that indicate the impact each distress has on pavement condition. A deduct value of"0" indicates that a distress has no effect on pavement performance, whereas a value of"100" indicates an extremely serious distress. The calculation procedures is as follows: Totals for each distress type at each severity are totaled and then divided by the quantity of each distress type at each severity level by the total area of the sample unit: This value of multiplied by 100 to obtain the percentage of density per sample unit for each distress type and severity. A deduct value is then assigned for each distress and severity level combination. The summation of all deduct values is deducted from "100", which determines the PCI. Results of the computations can be found in Appendix B — Section Condition Report. Page 19 i , _ ; � Section III — Pavement Maintenance Strategies Overview and C/assifications Pavement Management Strategies can be classified as either"preventative" or "corrective." As highway funds become depleted or deficient to meet our needs, local agencies are forced to become more aggressive in adopting and utilizing more economical "preventive" maintenance strategies and addressing pavement needs earlier rather than ignoring roadway sections until more expensive "corrective" strategies become necessary. Preventative strategies usually include the use of surface treatments which are categorized as non-aggregate seals and aggregate seals. The non-aggregate seals are usually either a fog seal, or a rejuvenator seal, while the aggregate seals take on flames such as chip seals, slurry seal, mirco-paving, seal coat, armor coats, and oil mats (other names vary depending on which part of the country you are located). Corrective strategies usually include asphalt overlays, extensive recycling, and/or reconstruction, which involves the complete removal and replacement of a failed pavement. MicroPAVERT"" has the capability to assign repair strategies to particular roadway section based on the field inspection information and computer pavement condition ratings. Formed on information entered into the PMS and suggestions from the program, a list of maintenance activities has been compiled to be associated with different levels of distress. There are several preventative maintenance and rehabilitation strategies that are commonly used throughout the nation. Eight of the most common strategies are as follows: • Crack Filling • Cape Seal • Fog Seal • Micro Surtacing • Seal Coat . Thin Overlay • Slurry Sealing • Thick Overlay • Chip Seal . Reconstruction Crack Filling Joint and crack sealing is done for several reasons. It prevents surface water seepage, protects joint fillers, and keeps out foreign matter. At one time, asphaft cement with or without mineral filler was the most commonly used sealing material. Rubber-asphalt compounds have gained favor because they have fewer tendencies to become brittle in winter or to soften under traffic in summer. Equipment used for sealing joints and cracks varies. Truck-mounted or trailer- mounted pressure applicators with hand wands are preferred. Before any sealer is used, joints and cracks must be cleaned out. Air compressors, sand blasters, and power routers make this job much easier. Just enough sealing material is placed in the joint or crack to fill it. Hot sealer may shrink somewhat on cooling. When that happens, enough additional sealer should be added to fill the opening flush with the surface. If the pavement is to receive traffic immediately after sealing, the material must be protected against pickup by tires. Dusting the filled joints and cracks with fine sand, mineral filler, or similar material does this. Service Life and Pertormance Limitations Crack sealing does not in affect extend the expected service life of roadway section. By sealing the cracks in the roadway section, water is prevented from falling between the asphalt concrete Page 20 I - I � � � I section and into the sub-grade section. Water in the sub-grade is the primarily reason for cracking on the asphaft concrete surface. Fog Seal A fog seal is an application of diluted asphalt emulsion without a cover aggregate, used to seal and enrich the asphalt pavement surface, seal minor cracks, prevent raveling, and provide shoulder delineation. An asphalt distributor is normally used to apply the fog seal. Fog seals are used on both low-volume and moderate-volume roads. Its primary use on high- volume roads has been to prevent raveling of open-graded friction courses and to delineate between the mainline and the shoulder. Its wider use on heavily tra�cked roads is restricted because the pavement friction may be reduced until traffic wears some of the asphalt from the surface. Service Life and Pertormance Limitations Expected life depends on the properties of the underlying pavement and its exposure to sunlight. The pertormance life of this type of treatment is fairly short, ranging from one to two years. Under adverse weather conditions it may be several hours before the road can be opened to traffic. For these reasons, fog seals are most often used on shoulders and in parking lots where the potential for reduced pavement friction is not a concem. Fog seals should only by used where the existing pavement is sufficiently porous to absorb a substantial amount of the emulsion and is best applied when temperatures are warm or hot. Cool temperatures require longer curing times prior to opening the roadway to traffic. Do not use in areas with cracks larger than hairline. It should also be noted that fog seals should used with caution on high- volume roadways. Seal Coat A seal coat is an application of asphalt followed immediately with an aggregate cover. Applications with two layers are referred to as a double chip seal. Rapid-setting asphalt emulsions are normally used when placing a seal coat. Seal coats can waterproof the surtace, provide low-severity crack sealing, and restore surtace friction. You can seal coat at any time in a pavemenYs life. The primary reason to seal coat an asphalt pavement is to protect the pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and water. When an asphalt pavement is exposed to sun, wind, and water, the asphalt hardens, or oxidizes. This causes the pavement to become brittle, cracking the pavement. A seal coat provides a waterproof inembrane that not only slows down the oxidation process but also helps the pavement shed water, preventing it from entering the base material. A secondary benefit is an increase in the surface friction, which happens when the cover aggregate adds additional texture to the pavement. A seal coat can increase surface texture on a raveled pavement. Pavements that are dry and raveled are good candidates for seal coating. Some agencies also choose to seal coat pavements in good condition as a preventive maintenance technique. Seal coating should be performed between May 15th and August 31st, and only during daylight hours, when the pavement and air temperature are 600F or greater. In addition, relative humidity should be less than 75 percent. In addition, do not conduct seal coat operations in Page 21 � ' fog y or rain weather. Traffic shoul 9 Y d not be permitted on the sealed road surtace until after all rolling has been completed and the bituminous material has set and will not pick up on tires. Service Life and Pertormance Limitations The expected service life of a seal coat is approximately three (3) to six (6) years. The primary limitations of seal cost are loose chips not embedded in the asphalt membrane will become airborne and possibly damage vehicle windshields. Excessive binders or wet aggregates could cause flushing. Traffic noise will also increase after application of a chip seal. Although seal coats provide effective sealing and friction, the possibility of loose chips and broken windshields along with excessive noise has prompted some states to restrict use of chip seals to low-volume roads. Seal coats are affected greatly by weather conditions, especially during construction. A warm, sunny day with low humidity is the ideal condition. Humidity and cool weather will delay the curing time and keep the seal cow tender for a longer period of time, making it more susceptible to damage traffic. Rain can cause major problems when seal coating. If the asphalt has not cured, it can become diluted and rise above the top of the cover aggregate. After the water evaporates, asphalt may cover the entire surtace causing tires to pick up aggregate or tradc the binder across the surface. Siurry seal A Slurry Seal is a cold mixed asphalt. It consists of a graded aggregate, a binder , fines and additives. It is a hard wearing surtacing for pavement preservation. Slurry Seals are for sealing aged and raveled pavements, filfing minor cracks, restoring skid resistance and restoring aesthetic appeal. It may be used on freeways, residential streets, parking lots, driveways and any area that needs the pavement to be preserved. � Slurry Seals come in many different types. Different stone sizes give different surface textures. Type I is fine and is for parking lots and runways. Type II is coarser and general purpose it is used for all applications including arterial roads, residential areas and highways. Type III is the coarsest and is used on freeways and high speed roads and industrial estates. Different types of aggregate will give lighter or darker results. Slurry seals may be polymer modified for longer wear and better resistance to tra�c and cradcing. This mod�cation includes latex rubber, crumb rubber and other polymers. Service Life and Pertormance Limitations The expected life of a slurry seal is three (3) to five (5) years. Factors affecting pertormance include tra�c loading, environmental conditions, existing pavement condition, material quality and mix design, and construction quality. Slurry seal should not be used on high-volume roads since friction initially may be reduced until traffic wears some of the asphalt from the surface. Slurry seal will not perform we�l if the underlying pavement is cradced. Use only where the existing surtace is stable with low-severity cracking. A curing period is necessary before allowing traffic on the treated surtace. Therefore, use of a slurry seal may not be appropriate where traffic must be allowed very soon after application. In warm weather, slurry seals require at least two hours to cure, depending on the ambient air temperature, humidity, and type of emulsion. Adjusting the mineral filler will help reduce the set time of the slurry mixture but may hamper workability. 1 � � i Page 22 � i ' Chip Seal Chip seals are a relatively inexpensive preventative maintenance techni ue desi ned to seal 9 9 small surface imperFections, water roof the avement and r t P P es ore skid resistance. Conventional chip seals are usually placed on relatively low volume roads. Chip seals are economical surtace treatments designed to protect and prolong the lives of pavements. In a single chip seal, an asphalt binder is sprayed on the pavement, then immediately covered by a single layer of uniformly sized chips. The new surFace treatment is then rolled to seat the aggregate, and broomed to remove any loose chips: There are also variations of the technique, used for special needs. Chip seals can be used to protect new pavements, to increase macro-texture, and to prolong the life of a pavement that is structurally sound but is beginning to age and may have some surtace distress. Traditionally, chip sealing is most common on low-volume roads, but with the development of improved materials and technologies, chip sealing on high-volume roads is becoming more popular. Chip seals improve surtace texture, waterproof the surface, protect the underlying pavement from oxidation, aging and traffic wear, give new life to dry, weathered surtaces, seal small cracks and impertections, improve surtace texture, and are a relatively fast resurtacing method. The smooth, chip sealed road surtace improves riding comfort and decreases road user costs by decreasing vehicle maintenance costs, fuel costs, and traveling time. Service Life and Pertormance Limitations Chip seal should be pertormed in cool or damp weather and should not be used on a rutted surface or over a bleeding asphalt pavement. Chip Sealing requires knowledge and experience. Many consider it more of an "art" rather than a science. Cape Seal (Chip Seal and Slurry Seal Combined) A Cape Seal Surtace is an Asphalt surface that has been Chip Sealed, fol�owed by a Slurry Seal. Cape seal uses the advantages of two sealing and rehabilitation methods combined. It is the application of a chip seal followed within a few weeks by a slurry seal. A cape seal is applied when the pavement deterioration is greater than what a siurry seal is designed to correct, yet has not deteriorated to the point of requiring an expensive asphalt overlay. A cape seal prevents water penetration reducing subsequent damage to the roadway section, along with providing a new wearing surtace. Cape seals are used on residential streets due to its ability to provide the strength of a chip seal with the smoothness of a slurry seal. Typically, these are streets that a slurry seal alone would no longer be effective. Each street is then researched for other pending utility projects (water, sewer lines, etc.). Finally, each potential street is field-ver�ed for condition and community value and added to the annual contract as budgeted funds allow. Service Llfe and Pertormance Limitations Used with crack sealing and surface patching, a cape seal significantly extends the life of a neighborhood street. Loose chips not embedded in the asphalt membrane will become airborne and possibly damage vehicle windshields. Excessive binders or wet aggregates cause flushing. Traffic noise will also increase after application of a chip. Other Iimitations include a limited life or premature failure if the chips are not properly designed or constructed, and prolonged tra�c disruption (-construction and curing. Page 23 ' I _ I � , 3 � i MicroSurtacing Micro-surfacing is a mix of polymer-modified emulsion, well-graded crushed mineral aggregate, mineral filler (normally Portland cement), water, and chemical additives that control the break time. The aggregate, mineral filler emulsion, and water are mixed in a truck-mounted traveling plant, which is deposited into a spreader box. Micro-surfacing is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a polymer-modified slurry seal. The major difference is that the curing process for micro-surFacing is chemically controlled, whereas slurry seals and chip seals use the thermal process. Micro-surFacing was designed for use as a rut-filling material in Europe in the 1970's and introduced to the United States in the 1980's. Since then, many states have used this treatment for both surtacing and rut filting on roads with moderate to heavy-volume traffic. Micro-surFacing is most effective when ruts exceed 3�4� or friction drops to unacceptable levels. No compaction is needed and, under normal environmental conditions, traffic may be allowed over the application with 1 hour after placement. It can be used as preventive maintenance technique to prolong pavement life when oxidation becomes moderate to severe on pavements with minor cradcing. As a preventive maintenance or surFace treatment for an existing AC pavement, micro-surtacing provides a skid-resistant surtace and reduces the amount of water that enters the pavement layers through the pavement surtace. Micrasurtacing restores the transverse cross-section profile and may also be used to fill ruts. Service Life and Pertormance Limitatlons The expected service life is approximately seven or more years for when used on roadway sections with high-volume and considerably longer for low to moderate-volume roadway sections. It shouid be noted that the expected service life is dependent on the condition of the pavement at the time of micro-surtacing placement. Factors affecting pertortnance include the following: traffic loading, environmental conditions, existing pavement condition, material quality, mix design, and construction quality. Micro surtacing should not be applied on roadway section pavements with moderate to heavy cracking. Thin overlay Thin hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlays are blends of aggregate and asphalt cement. Generally they are a single course of asphalt concrete applied to an existing roadway section. This type of work is typically considered to be major maintenance. Thin overlay consists of placement less than 1" of less asphalt concrete and may be accompanied with a leve�ing course to correct € contour and profile problems in the roadway section. Pavement Fabric may be used in areas with severe alligator cracking. A thin overlay should be pertormed prior to the onset of fatigue- related pavement distress. Thin asphalt overlays are used on all types of roadways for functional improvements. Functional improvements are those improvements that enhance the smoothness, friction, and/or profile of the roadway while adding little or no additional load-carrying capacity. These are particularly suitable for high-volume roads in urban areas where longer life and relatively low- noise surFaces are desired. These applications are used in all climatic conditions. � Page 24 � � Service L1fe and Limitations � The expected service life of a "thin" overlay is varied, but is expected to last an average five (5) � to eight (8) years. Some states report as low as 2 to 4 years; others report as many as 10 years. Thin overlays add little structure capacity to the existing roadway sections and are � generally not considered to be acceptable maintenance strategy on roadway sections showing structural distress or deterioration, unless the distresses are Corrected first. Deteriorated cracks �I and localized pavement failures will quickly reflect through the new surtace. { Thick overlay ; On overlay is generally considered to be "thick" when an asphalt layer greater then 1" is placed � on the roadway section. Thick overlay are usually designed as a structural improvements to the � roadway section. In preparation of pertortning a thick overlay, a taper grind is pertormed on the I outer 6' edge of the roadway section, a leveling course is placed to correct profile problems, and � dig-outs are pertormed to correct any failed roadways sections. Often this rehabilitation strategy � is often accompanied by a secondary treatment such as pavement reinforcing fabric. Service Life and Limltations Asphalt concrete overlays with proper preventive maintenance strategies will provide approximately twenty(20) years to the service life of the roadway. Reconstruction Reconstruction is chosen for the roadway sections with the lowest pavement condition ratings in the pavement network. Reconstruction implies removal of the pavement and the sub-base to a predetermined depth and replacing both the base and the surface asphalt. These projects can quickly account for an entire pavement management budget. These strategies must remain general in nature in order to evaluate the entire pavement network. Service Life and Limitations Since the nature of reconstruction project is to remove all existing elements of the roadway section, the expected service life is considered to be equal to the design service life, which is usually 30 years. Se/ecting Pavement Management Strategies ' Once a pavement section has been rated it is possible to project the time-rating curve to the future and predict when the pavement condition is likely to pass below some limiting value. As described in Section II, this is calculated by assuming the PCI rating to be "100" when a roadway section is newly construction or rehabilitated. Then, plotting the present condition rating on the time sca►e, and projecting along an idealized curve to the future date when the condition rating is determined to have reached the limiting value established, a rehabilitation strategy can be determined. After a pavement section has been rated two or three times, it is possible to make a better prediction. As mentioned above, future weather severity and traffic variations will affect the accuracy of these projections. Other information that can be assembled from the pavement condition rating data is the average weighted condition ratings for all roadway sections within a street classification category or specific area within the pavement network. This information is useful for making decisions during the preparation of future budgets. For example, a steadily declining pavement condition rating for certain roadway sections would suggest that not enough funding is being allocated for preventive maintenance measures. Page 25 The pavement condition rating data can be used to prepare a list of projects that range from those with the lowest ratings to those with the highest ratings. This list helps the engineering staff identify major reconstruction and rehabilitation projects for inclusion the capital improvement project lists. The road or street with the lowest rating would be considered first, the next lowest rated road or street would be considered second, and so forth. Using the pavement distress information collected during the field inventory phase and pavement condition ratings calculated by the PMS are used as the basis for determiriing the appropriate pavement management strategy. Perhaps nothing needs to be done. If work is needed, the type and extent of maintenance will be indicated or the need for rehabilitation or reconstruction is indicated. Sometimes a street with the lowest pavement condition rating may be bypassed for immediate action because the PCI rating has been low for several years without serious detriment. Furthermore, such a roadway section might be delayed in PMP because funds are restricted and would be better spent prevent rapid deterioration of other portions of the system. Using the PMP, budget preparation is easily developed in advance, prior to making financial commitments. Table 9 lists a guide for planning pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Table 9 - Rehabilitation Strate associated with PCR's all Cradc fillin and Pothole re air as uired 95 to 100 Fo Seal 90 to 100 Seal Coat 81 to 95 Slur Sealin 71 to 90 Chi Seal 55 to 80 Ca e Seal 51 to 70 Micro Surfacin 41 to 60 Thin Overla 1" of less 21 to 40 Thick Overla reater than 1" 0 to 20 Com lete Reconstruction The Asphalt Institute (AI) suggests that pavements with ratings above 80 would usually receive "preventative" strategies. Those roadway sections with ratings between 20 and 60 should receive "corrective" strategies. When the pavement condition is below 20, reconstruction may be the best option. When the condition rating drops below 50, engineering analysis is usually required. Strategies selected for individual roadway sections will vary based on the type and severity of distresses existing in individual roadway sections. Other factors affecting the treatment selection may include traffic volume, environmental conditions, and desired surface texture of the completed product. Page 26 Table 10 —T ical cost associated with T ical Pavement Mana ement Strategies ; Crack fillin and Pothole re air as r uired $0.50 LF Slur Sealin $0.15 SF Micro Surfacin $0.35 SF Ca e Seal $0.45 SF Di -Outs $5.00 SF Pavement Fabric $.95 SF As halt Pre-Level Levelin Course ' $0.23 SF As haltOverla 1.0" ' $0.36 SF As halt Overla 1.5" ' $0.54 SF As halt Overla 2.0" " $0.72 SF As halt Overla 2.5" ' $0.90 SF As halt Overla 3.0" " $1.08 SF Com lete Reconstruction $4.00 SF ' Calculated using a cost of$55/ton of asphalt. Page 27 ; Section IV — Pavement Management Plan and Budget The following section presents the Pavement Management Plan using the budget allocated in ' the current capital improvement program (CIP). In addition, recommendations are made regarding budget requirements to maintain the street network and the current condition as well as improving the street network to a desired level. : Pavement Management P/an using the existing CIP Budget The current CIP - Pavement Management Program has specific budgets allocated for the next four years. Funding data for FY 2008/2009, was created based on projected estimate of revenue sources, in order to be able to produce a five-year plan. Table 11 - Bud et Summa Fiscal Year Bud et Year 1 FY 2004/2005 $45,472 Year 2 FY 2005/2006 $180,000 Year 3 FY 2006/2007 $185,000 Year 4 FY 2007/2008 $265,000 Year 5 FY 2008/2009 $225,000 It is extremely impoitant to recognize that these budget figures do not constitute the total amount of money being used on the street network in a given year. Minor street repair such as crack sealing and pothole patching falls under the Street Division's operating budget. Furthermore, corrective maintenance projects in which strategies such as asphalt concrete overlays and roadway reconstruction is employed on principal arterial and minor arterials streets are listed as separate capital improvement projects in the CIP budget. Whenever possible, they are funded by Federal and State monies. Recommendations for corrective maintenance projects are listed below separately in Table 1 S. A breakdown of revenue sources for each Fiscal Year is listed in Table 12. Table 12 — Source Fundin Breakdown Source Fund FY 2004/ FY 2005/ FY 2006/ FY 2007/ FY 20081 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 USHA $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Traffic $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $75,000 Congestion Relief General Fund $15,472 $75,000 $75,000 $100,000 $100,000 Traffic Circulation Transportatio $30,000 n Fund $50,000 LTF Total t45,472 $180,000 5185,000 ;265,000 5225,000 � The budget fi�ures allocated in the CIP projects budget for each year are entered into the � MicroPAVERT pavement management system software. The PCI's generated using the i Page 28 MicroPAVERT"' are matched with an appropriate maintenance strategy and using the historical cost data listed in Section III, and a plan is prepared to fit within the yearly budget. Tables 13 i through 17 list the proposed preventative maintenance schedules and budget for the City for the next five years. It should be noted that these schedules were produced using the MicroPAVERn"' pavement management system software that utilizes the Best-FirsttWorst-Last theory. The Best-First/Worst-Last theory states that the best roadway sections should be maintained first before addressing the roadways sections is worst condition. This process prioritizes preventative maintenance of the network's higher quality roads over the rehabilitation and reconstrudion of its poorer quality sections. This is not necessarily the most intuitive approach in that the poorest quality roads need the most attention and one would assume they should take top priority. Roadways sections the worst condition should be set aside and reconstruction should be addressed as capital improvement projects. The dramatic benefit on a few devastated roads ultimately leads to the preventable deterioration on a greater number of higher quality roads. Conversely, preventative maintenance, with the occasional reconstruct, will sustain the higher quality roads and slowly bring the poorer roads up to acceptable standards. Year 1 — FY 2004/2005 Table 13 —Year 1 of Pavement Mana ement Plan Street From To SurFace Treatment Estimated Area Cost SF James Wa Colina Street Tall Ho Road 39,990 Micro-SurFacin $8,797.80 James Wa Oak Park Blvd E uesVian Wa 67,500 Micro-Surfacin $14,850.00 James Wa Rodeo Drive Colina Street 70,200 Micro-Surfacin $15 444.00 Total 539,091.80 Year 2 — FY 2005/2006 Table 14—Year 2 of Pavement Mana ement Plan Street From To Surtace Treatment Esdmated Area Cost SF Branch Street Oak Park Blvd Camino Mercado 84,500 Micro-Surfacin $23,590.00 Branch Street Camino Mercado Brisco Road 144,000 Micro-Surfacin $34,680.00 Grand Avenue E Halc on Road Barnett Street 734,400 Micro-Surfacin $37,128.00 James Wa Jenn Place Rancho Parkwa 102,600 MicraSurfacin $24,572.00 James Wa E uestrian Wa Jenn Place 91,500 Micro-Surfacin $20,130.00 James Wa Rancho Parkwa Rodeo Drive 72,500 Micro-Surfacin $20,450.00 Oak Park Bivd West Branch Street James Wa 65,000 Micro-Surfacin $14,300.00 Total :174,850.00 In order to achieve economies of scale it recommended that Year 1 — FY 2004-2005 and Year 2 FY 2005-2006 be combined. Page 29 I — _ _ _—� Year 3 - FY 2006/2007 I Table 15-Year 3 of Pavement Mana ement Plan Straet From To Surface Treatment Estimated Area SF Cost Allen Street Treffic Wa Garden Street 76,248 Slu Seal $9,149.76 Bennett Ave Hal on NoRh EI Camino Real 44 000 Slu Seal $5 280.00 Bennett Ave Linda Drive Hal on North 40,000 Slu Seal $4,800.00 Bri hton Ave Courtland Street Elm Street North 76,000 Slu Seal $9,120.00 Bri hton Ave Oak Park Blvd Courtland Street 27,120 Slu Seal $3,254.40 Che Avenue E Traffic Wa PC Rallwa Place 38 135 Slu Seal $4 576.20 Che Ave Califomia Street Arto o Ave 29,900 Slu Seal $3,588.00 Che Ave Bedbe Lane Traffic Wa 14 280 Slu Seal $1,713.60 Clarence Ave End of Cul-de-Sac Huasna Road 20 672 Slu Seal $2,480.64 Crown Hill East Brench Street End of Cul-daSac 56 700 Slu Seal $6 804.00 Dodson Wa Alder Street Halc on Road 24,276 Slu Seal $2,913.12 Elm Street Norlh Bri hton Ave End of Cul-deSac 9 600 Slu Seal $1 152.00 Farmhouse Place Grove Court Hillside Court 15 200 Slu Seal $1,824.00 Fieldview Place Grove Court Hillside Court 10 624 Slu Seal 1 274.88 Garden Street East Che Ave Ide Street 49,760 Slu Seal $5 971.20 Garden SUeet End of Street EastBranch Street 4 800 Slu Seal $1576.00 Garden Street East Che Ave Grove Court 3,808 Slu Seal $1456.96 Grove Court Fartnhouse Place Fieldview Place 10 624 Slu Seal $1 274.88 Harden Street Mason Street N EastBranch Street 18 000 Slu Seal $2,180.00 Harrison Street McKinle Street End of Cul-de-Sac 9 100 Slu Seal $1 092.00 Hart Lane End of Street Nevada Street 6,010 Slu Seal $172120 Hiliside Court Fieldview Place Las Olivos Lane 19 328 Slu Seal $2 319.36 Le Paint SUeet Crown Terrace Route 227 41 536 Slu Seal $4 984.32 Le Point Street Mason Street N Tall Ho Road 8,400 Slu Seal $1,008.00 Le Point Terrace Crown Hill End of Street 5,865 Slu Seal $1703.80 Le Point Terrace East Branch Street Crown Hill 3 750 Slu Seal $1450.00 Ma Street Crown Tertace McKinle Street 27 792 Slu Seal $3 335.04 McKinle Street Crown Hill Ma Street 22 080 Slu Seal $2 649.60 Mont o Street Hillcrest Drive End of Cul-de-Sac 37,692 Slu Seal $4 523.04 Momin Rise Lane Starli ht Lane Farroll Ave 32 000 Slu Seal $3 840.00 N rt Avenue Courtland Street Mont o Street 43 780 Slu Seal $5 253.60 Pearwood Ave Huasna Road Oak hill Road 41 760 Slu Seal $5 011.20 Rid eview Wa White Court Tall Ho Road 25,840 Slu Seal $3100.80 Robles Place Sierra Drive EI Camino Real 6,700 Slu Seal $1804.00 Sta ecoach Road Huasna Raad Platirw Lane 41 040 Slu Seal $6 670.00 Stanle Ave End of Street Huasna Road 19 200 Slu Seal $2 304.00 Starli ht Lane Farroll Avenue Momin Rise Ln. 26 000 Slu Seal $4 200.00 Sunset Drive Elm Street Sauth Alder Street 86,960 Slu Seal $10 43520 Trini Ave Traffic Wa End of Street 34 450 Slu Seal $4 134.00 Vemon Street Larchmont Drive End of Street 5 760 Slu Seal $289120 Vemon Street West Branch Street Larchmont Drive 17 640 Slu Seal $2116.80 Victorian Court End of Cul-de-Sac Farroll Ave 29,200 Slu Seal $3 504.00 Vill e Court Trini Ave End of Cul-da-Sac 5 850 Slu Seal $1678.00 White Court End of Cul-de-Sac Ri eview Wa 9,390 Slu Seal $1 426.80 Whitel Street Poole Street Nelson SVeet 23 300 Slu Seal $2 742.00 WhiUe Street End of Street Poole Street 14,400 Slu Seal $2 720.00 Whitle Street Nelson SVeet End of Street 15 120 Slu Seal $2 814.40 Total 5161,802.00 Page 30 Year 4 - FY 2007/2008 Table 16-Year 4 of Pavement Mana ement Plan Street From To Surface Treatment Estimated Area Cost SF Ash Street South Elm Street Alder Street 86,548 Slu Seal $10,385.76 Blackber Avenue Courtland SVeet Cranber Street 13,120 Slu Seal $1,574.40 Blackber Avenue Bo enber Street Courtland Street 21,942 Slu Seal $2,633.04 Bluebe Avenue Bo enbe Street Courtland Street 15,500 Slu Seal $1,860.00 Bo enber Street Ras be Ave Cedar Street 14,400 Slu Seal $1,728.00 Bo enbe Street Cedar Street Strawber Ave 14,400 Slu Seal $1,728.00 California Street West Che Lane Fair Oaks Ave 17,340 Slu Seal $2,080.80 Castillo Court Vista Drive End of Cul-de-Sac 9,600 Slu Seal $1,152.00 Castillo del Mar Orchard Ave A. G. Hi h School 6,520 Slu Seal $782.40 Castillo del Mar Orchard Ave End of Street 52,480 Slu Seal $6,297.60 Cedar Street Courtland Street Bo enbe St 18,252 Slu Seal $2,19024 Clinton Court James Wa End of Cul-de-Sac 11,600 Slu Seal $1,392.00 Courtland Street Grand Ave Bri hton Ave 40,830 Slu Seal $4,899.60 Courtland Street Ash Street Ras be Ave 13260 Slur Seal $1,59120 Courtland Street Strewber Ave East Grand Ave 27900 Slur Seal $3,348.00 Courtland Street Ras be Ave Strawber Ave 39254 Slu Seal $4,710.48 Courtland Street Bri hton Ave Ne ort Ave 15,000 Slur Seal $1.800.00 Cranbe Street Ras be Ave Blackbe Ave 25740 Slur Seal $3,088.80 Dodson Wa Halc on AI ine SVeet S 24,276 Slur Seal $2.913.12 Grand Avenue E Cit Limit Elm Street 173,500 Micro-Surfacin $32,081.00 Grand Avenue E Elm Street Halc o� Road 210,000 Micro-Surfacin $34.677.34 Hucklebe Ave Cranber Street Courtland Street 16660 Slu Seal $1,999.20 Jenn Place James Wa Mdre Drive 11,600 Slu Seal $1,392.00 Jenn Place Mdre Drive End of Cul-de-Sac 17,600 Slu Seal $2,112.00 La Canada James Wa Rosema Court 25,500 Slu Seal $3,060.00 La Canada Rosema Court Vista Drive 42,126 Slu Seal $5,055.12 Le Point Street Nevada Street Mason Street 39,450 Slu Seal $4,734.00 Lo anbe Ave Cranbe Street Courtland Street 15980 Slu Seal $1,917.60 Los Cervos Puesta del Sol Vista Drive 11,104 Slur Seal $1.332.48 Los Cervos Vista Drive End of Cul-de-Sac 70,560 Slu Seal $1,26720 Los Cervos Puesta del Sol End of Cul-de-Sac 17,376 Slur Seal $2,085.12 Los Olivos Lane End of Street Launa Lane 8,500 Slur Seal $1,020.00 Los Olivos Lane Launa Lane East Che Ave 18,700 Slu Seal $2,244.00 Orchard Ave Pil rim Wa Castillo del Mar 10,200 Slu Seal $1,224.00 Puesta del Sol Los Cervos Vista Drive 45,216 Slu Seal $5,425.92 Ras be Avenue Cranbe Street Courtland Street 1428 S�u Seal $171.36 Ras be Avenue Courtland Street Bo enbe St 20400 Slu Seal $2,448.00 Rosema Court La Canada End of Cul-de-Sac 10,880 Slu Seal $1,305.60 Rosema Lane Sombrillo Salida del Sol 20640 Slu Seal $2,476.80 Salida del Sol James Wa End of Cul-de-Sac 20,384 Slu Seal $2,446.08 Seabri ht Avenue Oak Park Blvd Cranber Street 7668 Slur Seal $920.16 Sombrillo Rosema Court Salida del Sol 28,832 Slu Seal $3,459.84 Strawbe Avenue Courtland Street Bo enbe St 20672 Slur Seal $2,480.64 Valle Road Ci Limit Ci Limit 161,300 Micro-Surtacin $37,450.00 Valle Road Cit Limit Fair Oaks 160,950 Micro-Surfacin $36,300.34 Via Avante Castillo del Mar End of Cul-de-Sac 8,848 Slu Seal $1,061.76 Page 31 Via Belmonte N Castillo del Mar End of Cul-de-Sac 5,664 Slu Seal $679.68 Via Belmonte S Castillo del Mar End of Cul-de-Sac 20,000 Slur Seal $2,400.00 Via Firenze N Castillo del Mar End of Cul-de-Sac 11,040 Slur Seal $1,324.80 Via Firenze S Castillo del Mar End of Cul-de-Sac 11,840 Slur Seal $1,420.80 Vista Circle End of Cul-de-Sac E uestrian Wa 16,480 Slur Seal $1,977.60 Vista Drive E uesVian Wa La Canada 48,000 Slur Seal $5,760.00 Wesle Street East Branch Street Larchmont Drive 2,000 Slu Seal $240.00 Women's Club Parkin Lot Lower 40,000 Slu Seal $4,800.00 Women's Club Parkin Lot U er 240,000 Slu Seal $28,800.00 Total S2g1,063.557 Year 5 - FY 2008/2009 Table 17 -Year 5 of Pavement Mana ement Plan Street From To SurPace Treatment Estimated Area Cost SF Ash Street Cit Limit South Elm Street 92,400 Micro-Surtacin $11,088.00 Branch Street t Vernon Street East Grand Ave 24,000 Micro-Surfacin $6,880.00 Corbett Can on Rd Route 227 Cit Limit 47,180 Micro-Surtacin $7,659.20 Fair Oaks Ave Pecan Street Halc n Road S 84,000 MicroSurfacin $14,080.00 Fair Oaks Ave Elm Street South Pecan Street 71,400 Micro-Surfacin $10,568.00 Fair Oaks Ave Orchard Ave Traffic Wa 35,880 Micro-Surtacin $6,305.60 Fair Oaks Ave Valle Road Orchard Ave 129,840 MicraSurfacin $9,580.80 Fair Oaks Ave Woodland Drive Valle Road 156,000 Micro-SurFacin $22,720.00 Fair Oaks Ave Halc on Road S Woodland Drive 47,400 MicraSurfacin $7,688.00 Huasna Road Sta ecoach Road Crest Drive 119,700 Micro-Surfacin $6.364.00 Huasna Road Crest Drive Cit Limit 181,120 MicraSurtacin $32,734.40 Huasna Road Route 227 Sta ecoach Road 181,120 Micro-Surfacin $32,734.40 Oak Park Blvd. Farroll Ave Cit Limit 35,200 Micro-Surfacin $16,800.00 ' Station Wa Fair Oaks Traffic Wa 50,080 Micro-Surfacin $10,341.00 Traffic Wa West Brench Street Fair Oaks Ave 113,950 Micro-Surfacin $26 674.00 Tr�c Wa Fair Oaks Ave Route 101 63,650 Micro-Surtacin $14 638.00 Total 5236 855.40 In order to achieve economies of scale it recommended that streets slated for Micro-surfacing in Year 4— FY 2007/2008 be performed in Year 5— FY 2008/2009. Corrective Maintenance Projects In addition to the preventative maintenance project listed above, the following corrective maintenance projects were identifled. Table 18 lists the street sections and suggested maintenance strategy. As stated above, corrective maintenance strategies such as asphalt concrete overlays and roadway reconstruction on principal arterial and minor arterials streets are generally funded by Federal and State grant monies whenever possibie. Page 32 Table 18 - Recommended Corrective Maintenance Pro'ects Street From To Surface Treatment Estimated Area Cost SF Brisco Road East Grand Ave Linda Drive 30,000 Overla $55,000 Brisco Road Linda Drive EI Camino Real 54,000 Overla $91,000 Brisco Road EI Camino Real WestBrench Street 12,000 Overla $28,000 Coach Road Flora Road End of Cul-de-Sac 44,000 Overla $76,000 Coach Road Branch Mill Road Flora Road 29,720 Overla $54,580 EI Camino Real Brisco Road Halc on Road 42,000 Overla $83,000 EI Camino Real Oak Park Bivd Hillcrest Drive 59,120 Overla $98,680 EI Camino Real Halc on Road Bamett Street 90,000 Overla $145,000 EI Camino Real Hillcrest Drive Brisco Road 100,000 Overla $176,000 EI Camino Real Ci Limit Oak Park Blvd 3,800 Overla $25,700 Farroll Avenue Cit Limit Elm Street South 73,700 Overla $135,550 Farroll Avenue Pecan Street Halc on Road South 63,000 Overla $94,500 Farcoll Avenue Elm Street South Pecan SVeet 57,600 Overla $86,400 Farroll Avenue Hal on Road South End of Cul-de-Sac 9,600 Overia $34,400 Flore Road Coach Road End of Cul-de-Sac 25,440 Overla $58,160 Greenwood Drive Flora Road End of Cul-de-Sac 26,900 Overla $60,350 Larchmont Drive Vernon Street Wesle Street 6,600 OveMa $27,00 Launa Lane End of Street Los Olivos Lane 22,338 Overla $16,680 Nevada Street East Branch Street Le Point Street 7,800 Oveda $12,556 Orchard Ave Pil rim Wa West Che Ave 37,910 Oveda $24,549 I Orchard Ave West Che Lane Fair Oaks Ave 35,264 Overla $24,231 ' Pil rim Wa Orchard Ave Arro o Ave 12,600 Oveda $31,512 Tanner Lane Branch Mill Road Flora Road 26,320 Overla $49,480 Tre�c Wa Ext. Tra�c Wa Trini Ave 29,700 Overla $47,550 Total S7,S08,905.00 Budget Requirements and Recommendations Two additional budgets projections were performed using the MicroPAVERT"" pavement management system software. The first projection seeks to maintain the current overall condition of the street network and the second projection sought to improve the street network to a desired condition. The results of these budget projects are listed below in Table 19. Page 33 I J Table 19 - Bud et Re uirements and Recommendations Fiscal Year Budget Required Budget Required to Allocated to maintain current improvement condition Budget condition to PCI 75 Year 1 FY 2004/2005 $198,012 $307,812 $45,472 Year 2 FY 2005/2006 $226,444 $320,298 $180,000 Year 3 FY 2006/2007 $254,224 $358,301 $185,000 Year 4 FY 2007/2008 $236,094 $346,816 $265,000 Year 5 FY 2008/2009 $217,644 $318,384 $225,000 As indicated in the Pavement Management Program, the average pavement condition index (PCI)for all the streets within street network is 68. In order to maintain the street network at the current condition, the City will have to allocate $200,000 to $250,000 each fiscal year. To improve the street network to the recommended PCI of 75, the City will have to allocate $300,000 to $350,000 each fiscal year. , Page 34 Section V — Funding Strategies and Alternatives Four main financing alternatives have been identified that can be considered for street maintenance: • General Obligation Bonds • Certifications of Participation . Pay As You Go • Assessment District • Other Sources of Funding Genera/ Obligation Bonds Cities have the authority to issue General Obligation Bonds under the Califomia Govemment Code. General Obligation Bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the City through a guarantee that authorizes a City to levy an "ad-valorem" tax to pay the bonds. General Obligation Bonds carry a lower interest rate, do not require a reserve fund, and are generally viewed favorably by investors. General Obiigation Bonds require a 2/3"'-voter approval. Advantages . Debt paid through property taxes • Requires voter approval • Costs spread over 20 years • Corrects the street problems in a comprehensive manner • Provides issuers with the lowest borrowing costs . Viewed more favorable by bond raters and buyers . Does not require a reserve fund Disadvantages • 2/3rd voter approval required • Requires voter education • Election process creates a longer time flame for financing • Interest costs associated with the bond . Requires a financing team of professionals • There are costs related to issuing the debt instruments Process for Approval . City Council Resolution must be passed by a 2/3rd City Council vote determining the necessity of the municipal improvement • An Ordinance must be adopted by a 2/3'd City Council vote of submitting the General Obligation Bond issue to the voters I • Publication of the ordinance is required • If 2/3'" of the electors voting on the proposition vote in favor of it, the bonds may be issued Certificates of Participation �, Certificates of Participation are required to pledge an asset to guarantee repayment, which ' would make using a Certificate of Participation for street improvements complicated but not impossible to structure. If a Certificate of Participation is used for street improvements, it is likely that the City would need to use a City asset (such as City Hall, Fire Station, Police Station, etc.)as a security. Certficates of Participation do not require voter approval. Page 35 Advantages • Approval process is generally faster than General Obligation Bonds • 2/3'd voter approval is not required . Costs spread over 20 years • Corrects the street problems in a comprehensive manner Disadvantages • Typically carry a higher interest rate than General Obligation Bonds • A Certificate of Participation may require pledging an asset to guarantee a sufficient revenue stream to satisTy repayment • Interests costs associated with the bond • Requires a financing team of professionals • Unlike Pay As You Go, there are costs related to issuing the debt instruments Process for Approval . Requires a City Council Resolution authorizing the sale of the ceRificates by a 4/5"' City Council vote. . Preparation of the legal documents to that include the lease agreement, loan agreement, payment schedule and trust agreement • Certificate of Participation are then sold to investors Pay As You Go � Under Pay As You Go, the City would raise additional revenues to pay for the needed street improvements. Pay As You Go requires no interest payments or issuance costs. There are two options for Pay As You Go: • General Fund contribution • Parcel Tax. General Fund Contribution This is the City's current funding alternative. This option consists of an annual General Fund contribution to the capital improvement program for ttie purpose of pavement management. This option consist of an annual General Fund contribution to the capital improvement program for the purpose of pavement management. The FY 2004/2004 approved budget includes a $14,472 General Fund contribution. The budget also identifies contributions $75,000 for FY 2005/2006, $75,000 for FY 2006/2007, and $100,000 for FY 2007/2008. For FY 2008/2009 a contribution of$100,000 was estimated. Parcel Tax A Parcel Tax is generally based on either a flat per parcel rate or a variable rate depending on the size or number of units on the parcel. if the revenues are used for a specific purpose, a 2/3`d voter approval is required and the use of the, revenues is restricted to those services specified on the ballot measure. Parcel Tax A Parcel Tax is generally based on either a flat per parcel rate or a variable rate depending on the size or number of units on the parcel. If the revenues are used for a specific purpose, a 2/3`d voter approval is required and the use of the revenues is restricted to those services specified on the ballot measure. Page 36 I — ------ Advantages • No interest costs • No issuance costs • Incremental approach that allows for changes to be made as needed Disadvantages • The street solution is not comprehensive • Requires 2/3`d voter approval • Improvements would take longer to implement, which could result in higher costs • Maintenance costs will continue to increase because the solution is incremental Process for Approval • A General Fund Contribution requires a consistent revenue to be utilized for the purpose of pavement management • A Parcel Tax may require a 2/3'"voter approval. • Authority to implement a Parcel Tax is provided for in Govemment Code Section 37100.5 and 50075. Assessment District An Assessment District can be formed either City-wide or in smaller geographical areas. Any formation of an Assessment District is subject to Proposition 218, which was passed by the Califomia voters on November 5, 1996. Proposition 218 applies to all assessments which it defines as "any levy or charge upon real property by a public agency for a special benefit conferred upon the real property." Assessment Districts do incur higher incidental costs than other types of financing due to the engineering and legal costs needed to fortn the district. There are two options for financing the formation costs: use funds from the General Fund or use bonds paid by the affected parties. Advantages • The costs for the public improvements is precisely established • The costs of improvements can be paid over time • A maximum interest rate of 12% can be assessed • Does not require a formal election Disadvantages • Engineering and legal fees are typically higher than other types of funding • Higher incidental costs other types of financing . Improvements are limited to that allowed in during the established of the district Process for Approval • Agency identifies all parcels which will receive special and estabiishes "proportionate benefit"for each parcel • Record owner of each parcel receives mailed notice of assessment along with a ballot • Public hearing held 45 days from date of mailing • Ballots are tabulated at public hearing • Assessment may not be imposed if there is a majority protest . In the event that a court determines that voters who are not property owners have a right to vote on assessment, assessment shall require 2/3`d-voter approval in addition to approval of property owners through majority protest provisions Page 37 _ -- I State and Federal Sources of Funding State and Federal funding sources for street improvement including the Regional State and Highway Account (RSHA) are through the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG). RSHA funding applications submitted by the City will need to be for projects considered regional in nature and will compete with other jurisdictions' process using rating criteria adopted by the SLOCOG Board on August 6, 1997. Other State and Federal grant sources have varied applications and funding processes. Because grant funds are not a guaranteed funding source to the City, it is recommended that these funds be pursued during each funding cycle as a means to save some of the financing altemative funds being recommended for the 5-year maintenance program. f � � � ; ; r � i 1 � i i 1 I � � � 9 i � I ; 3 � 1 ; � ' Page 38 t Append'oCA—S�treet IrK1eX � � � 1 I i � � , , r ��"s�a�W���� m ����������#3������������m�������a����m���� 9 . 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Reedufion No. MBrdi B.2005 I F�A FNWAFC � $trwtlYm� From To Zona Tnct FunctlOn�l N��� �+M+ U�qN UnR WIdN Unft An� UnX YwrBUiR tnst � $pb P Ld EMGe�e SoOD exqRCesPa11Wtl8 PeMI Lot WA NIA WA LF WA LF St SF 1982 $ob P Lol SOOOqfltes Entl Pelkeltle Perkl Lat WA WA WA LF WA LF ZO8.�0` SF 1982 WonienYqubPerkl Lol MNhIW Lat NIA WA WA LF NIA LF 10000 SF 1975 WonienkpubPe�ki 'LOl U � MIIIafW Pe�kN LM NIA NIA NIA LF N/A LF 240000 SF 1985 Pape8o18 Append'oc B—Section Cor�dition R�eport I � � Section Condition Report Date: 3 /1/2005 Page 1 of 16 Pavement Database: NetworklD:AGrande Ao• Breneh ID 3aetlon ID Surface Usa Renk 4nas Trua Awe pt (SqFt) Inspectlon 00010(ACOm Dme) 10 AC � ROADWAY L 2 57,200. �Z 00020(Alder Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 27,040.0 43 00020(PJOer Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 25,802. 43 00020(PJderStreet) 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 80,332. 43 00030(Allen Sireet) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 76,248. - 1Z 00040(Alpine Street(South)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 89,372. 40 � 00045(PJpine Street(NOrth)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 225. 40 00050(Mdre orive) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 40,000. 3 0005o p4ndre orive) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,800. 3 00060(Arabian Cirde) 10 AC ROADWAY � L 2 25,320. 7 OOWO(ArroyoAvenue) 10 �AC ROADWAY L 2 20,638. 38 00080(Ash Street) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 92,400. 38 00080(ASh Streeq 20 AC ROADWAY L 2� 88,548. � 00085(Psilo SVeet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 81,696. 7 ' 00085(Asilo Streeq 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 41,024. 6 00090(ASpen Streeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 54,492. Z8 00100(AveniCa de Diamente) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 112,500. 12 OOt10(eakeman Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 62,880. �7 00120(Bambi Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,520. ZZ 00130(Bamett Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 19,080. Z9 00740(Betlloe Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,592. s 00150(eeech Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 25,992. 45 00160(Bell Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 47,280. 40 00170(Bennett Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 40,000. 31 00170(Bennett Avenue) 20 AC �ROADWAY L 2 44,000. 37 oot80(eeta Coun) 10 AC� ROADWAY L � 2 7,400. � i i_ _� .. . . _.__.._._— — __. _ . ..._. __ . .. .__. — Section Condition Report pa e 2 of 16 Date: 3/1/2005 9 Pavement Database: NetworklD:AGrande Apa Branch ID Sectlon ID Surfaea Uss Rank Lanea Tru�Ans At . (SqFt) Inapactlon 00785(8lackberryAVenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 21,924. 3 00785(BladcberryAvenue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 13,120.0 3 00187(BluebertyAvenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,456. 3 00788(eoysenberty Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 74,400.. 3 00788(BOysenberty Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 0 14,400. � 00190(Branch Mill Road) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 99,990. � 00195(Branch Street(West)) 10 AC ROADWAY B 2 84,500. 24 00195(Brench Street(Westp 20 APC ROADWAY B 2 144,000. 5 00195(Branch Street(West)) 30 AC ROADWAY� B 2 123,300. 24 00795(Branch Street(West)) 40 AC ROADWAY B 2 24,000. 24 00200(BriCge Sdeet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 33,984. 27 00270(BrightonAvenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 27,720. 32 00210(Briphton Avenue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 76,000. �8 pp22p(edsco Road) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 30,000. 20 00220(Brisco RoaC) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 54,000. 22 00220(edsco Road) . 30 AC ROADWAY C 2 12,000. ZZ 00230(Califomia Street) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 17,340. 2� � 00240(Calle Certnen) 10� AC ROADWAY L 2 10,000. 19 00250(Calle Cuervo) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 208,800. 12 00260(Callie Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 .8,550. 24 00270(Cameron Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 24,�60. 28 � 00280(Camino Mercado) 10 AC ROADWAY C � 2 101,200• 19 0p2go(Campana Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 20,232. 26 00300(Canyon Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 48,060• 54 00370(Cardinal CouA) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,000. 17 � 00320(Cam�lla Dmre) 10 AC ROADWAY� L 2 35,480. �Z �i 00330(Caro�Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 21,508. 19 i I, . -.. — _.._ __. __ . . _. . .. ._ Date: 3/1/2005 Section Condition Report Page 3 of 16 PavementDatabase: NetworklD:AGrande Aa• Bnnch ID Saetlon ID BuMu Us� Renk Lenas True Ana pt (gypy InapaUOn 00335(Castillo Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 9.600. 6 00336(Castillo del Mar) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 52,480. 2 00336(Casdllo del Mar) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,520. Z 00340(Cedar Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 , 9,600. 41 00340(CedarSireet) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 27,200. 41 OOa40(Cedar Streeq 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,252. 3 00350(Certo Ysta Cirde) 10 .AC ROADWAY L 2 � 25,740. 24 00360(Certo Vista lana) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 19,296. 24 00370(Chapamal Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,400. 17 00370(Chapartal Lane) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,000. 17 OW80(Chelsea Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,336. 17 00385(CherryAvenue(West)) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 29,852. 24 00385(Cherty nvenue(Wesq) � 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 14,280. . 24 00390(Chinon Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 57,000. 34 00400(Clarence Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 20,672. . 17 00415(Ginton CouA) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,800• 3 Opa30(Coach Road) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 29,720. 40 ooa3o(coacn Road) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 44,000�• 4� 0p44p(Cobre Place) 10 AC ROADWAY l 2 17,424. 28 00450(Colina Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,660. 25 OOa80(Collado Courte) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 9.938. 19 00470(Coibett Canyon Road) � 10 AC ROADWAY A�, 2 47,180. 31 00480(COmwall Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L � 2 62,M0. 28 00490(Corona del Tierta) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,880. 33 00500(Comal Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L - 2 28,350. 29 00570(Coun�and Street) 10 06/01/1981 AC ROADWAY C 2 40,830.00 06�02/2004 23 77.00� I �I 00510(CouNand Street) 20 Ofi✓Ot/1981 AC ROADWAY L 2... 15,000.00 OB/02/2004 23.... .. 100.00 . Section Condition Report Page 4 of 16 Date: 3/1/2005 Pavement Dafabase: NetworklD:AGrande Ao• Braneh ID SxGon ID SuAaa Uae Rank Lanes True Ana At � ' (BqFt) Insp�ctlon 00510(Courdane Street) 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 13,260. 3 00510(CourNand Street) 40 AC ROADWAY L 2 39,254.0 3 00510(CouNand Street) 50 AC ROADWAY C 2 27,900. 3 00520(CreeksiCe Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,160. Z9 00525(CranberryAvenue) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 0 25,740: 3 00530(Cross Street) 10 �AC ROADWAY L 2 � 26,400• � 00540(Crown Hill) 10 AC ROADWAY L . 2 56,700. � 00550(Ciown Tertace) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 19,950. ZZ 00550(Crown Terrace) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 3,360. 22 00580(Cuerda Corte) 10 AC ROADWAY L � 2 8,000. 19 00570(Cuesta Place) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 7,416. 11 00580(Deer 7wA Ciicle) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 �27.200• 34 , 00590(Del Soi Streeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 24,208. 27 OOB00(Diamond CircAe) 70 AC ROADWAY L 2 7.000• � 00670(Diana Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 43,580. 27 00620(Dixson Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,800. 11 00630(Dotlson Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 24.276. 0 0pe30(Dadson Way) 20 AC ROADWAY� L 2 24,276. 1 ppgqp(pos Cefros) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 9,030. 0 00650(Cherty Avenue(East)) 10 AC ROADWAY B 2 38,135. � 00850(Cherty Avenue(Easq) 20 AC � ROADWAY B 2 52,650. 22 00650(Cherty Avenue(East)) 40 AC ROADWAY B 2 51�000. � 00870(EI Camlrw Real) 10 AC ROADWAY A 2 3,800• 51 00670(EI Camino Reap 20 , APC ROADWAY A . 2 59,120. 51 00870(EI Camira Real) 30 APC ROADWAY A 2 60,050. 40 00670(EI Camlrro Real) 40 APC ROADWAY A 2 � 42,000. 40 00870(EI Camino R�p 50 APC ROADWAY A 2� 90,000. 40 � Section Condition Report Page 5 of 16 Date: 3/1/2005 PavementDatabase: NetworklD:AGrande A9• Bnnch ID Sectlon ID Surface Uw Rank La�es True Ana At (gqF�) Inspaetlon OOfi80(Elm Street(SOUth)) 10 � AC ROADWAY L 2 30,240.0 40 � 00680(Elm Street(South)) 20 AC ROADWAY L 4 91,760. 40 00680(EIm Street(SOUthp 30 AC ROADWAY L 4 90,582: 4� 00680(Elm Street(Southp 40 AC ROADWAY L 4 �125,860. 40 00690(Elm Street(NOrth)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 51,920. 24 0p690(Elm Street(Nath)) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 9,800• 24 00700(Eman CouA) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 19,200. 44 00710(Eme21d BaY Drive(West)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,200. �B 00720(Emerald Bay Drive(Eastp 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,840. 16 00730(Equestrian Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 102,600. 24 00730(E4ueslrian WaY) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 74,760. 24 00740(Faeh Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 19,080. 42 00750(Fair Oaks Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 �� 71,400. 36 00750(Fair Oaks Avenue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 84,000. 24 00750(Fair Oaks Avenue) 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 47�<00. 2z 00750(PalrOaksAvenue) 40 AC ROADWAY L 4 156,Q00• � 00750(Fair Oaks Avenue) 50 AC ROADWAY L 4 129,840. � 007W(FairOaksAvenue) 60 AC ROADWAY L 4 � 35,880. � 00760(Fair View Dnve) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 40,248. 47 00760(Fair View Drive) 20 AG ROADWAY L 2 7,580. 4� . 00765(Faimhouse�P�ace) 10 AC ROADWAY L 0 15,200. 5 00770(Fairoll Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 73,700. 34 00770(Farroll Avenue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 57,600. � 00770(Farioll Avenue) 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 63,000. � 0 00770(Fartoll Avenue) 40 AC ROADWAY L 2 9•600• �4 � 00775(Fleidview Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 10,624. 5 7 � 00780(Flaa Road) . 10 AC ROADWAY l 2 25,M0. � 41 Section Condition Report Date: 3/1/2005 Page 6 of 16 Pavemenf Database: NetworklD:AGrande npe Bnnch ID Saetlon ID SuAau Us� Rank Lanw Trua Aroa q� (gyF�) Inspactlon 00790(Faest Glen Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 16,600. 27 00800(FOrtunaCouA) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 21,600.0 Z6 008t0(GaNenStreep 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 49,760. 33 00810(Garden Sheet) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,800. 33 00810(GaNen Street) 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 3,808. 5 00820(Garfield Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 49,720. 30 00830(GaymairTertace) .10 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 64,000. 4� 008a0(Golden West Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 24,398. 34 00850(Grace Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,400. i6 00860(Grend Avenue(East)) 10 AC ROADWAY A 4 772,748. 1 00860(GrarW Avenue(Eas�)) 20 AC ROADWAY A 4 209,988. 5 00860(Grand Avenue(East)) 30 � AC ROADWAY A 4 134,368. � 00870(Greenxrood Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 26,880. 4� Ooe75(Grove Court) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2� 10,624. 5 00880(Gularte Road) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 83,936. 17 00880(GuWrte 2oad) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 27,792. 17 00890(Halcyon Road(Southp 10 AC ROADWAY A 4 112,500. 44 00890(Halcyon Road(South)) 20 AC ROADWAY A 4 132,098. 44 00900(Halcyon Road(NOrth)) 10 AC ROADWAY A 2 63,600. 44 00905(Harden Streeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,000• 24 00910(Hartison Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 9,036. 22 00920(Hart Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 8,003. z4 00930(Hawkina Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,320. 20 00940(Hillcrest orive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 41,118. 58 f � 00940(Hillcrest Drive) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 29,856. 56 i ��� 00945(Hiliside Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 19,328. 5 � � 00850(FwdpesROad) 10 OB/01N980 AC ROADWAY � L 2 35,380.0009�0?/2004 24 74.00 �ate: s ni2oos Section Condition Report Pavement Database: NehvorklD:AGrande Page 7 of 16 Braneh ID Saation ID SuKau Up Renk Lanq Trus Aroe �° (SqFU Inapeetlon 00950(HOdpes Road) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,800. 24 00980(HuasnaRoad) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 181,120.0 37 00960(HUasna Road) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 119,700. 37 00980(Huasna Road) 30 AC ROADWAY C 2 181,12p. 37 00985(HucklebarryAVenue) . 70 AC ROADWAY L 2 16.660. g .. 00970 pde Streery 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 38,400. 23 00980(Ikeda Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L . 2 16,380. 23 �. Oos90(James Wav) 10 AC � ROADWAY C 2 87,500. 29 00990(James Way) 20 AC � ROADWAY C 2 91,500. yg 00990(JamesWaY) .30 AC ROADWAY C 2 702,800. 29 00990(James WaY) 40 AC ROADWAY C 2 72,000. 29 00990(James Way) 50 AC ROADWAY C 2 70,200. 29 00990(James Way) 60 AC ROADWAY C 2 39,990. pg 01000(Jenny Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 11,600. 3 01000(Jenny Place) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,600. 3 01010(JunlperStreeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 51,072. 24 i 01020(W Canada) 70 AC ROADWAY L 2 25,500. q 01020(La Canada) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 qp,lyg, 4 01030(La Cresta Drive) 10� AC ROADWAY L 2 qg,5bp, pg 07030(La Cresta Drive) 20. AC ROADWAY L 2 20,596. 26 Oto40(Ladera P�ace) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,536. qg 01050(Lancaster Dnve) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 38,890. 45 Ot080(La Paz CirGe) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,896. 28 01 Wo(Larchmont Drive) 10 qC ROADWAY L 2 6,800. � Ot08o(Launal.ane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 22,33g, py Ot090(la Vista Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 12,352. 17 01100(Leanna Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L, � 2 58,240. p I �... --- ..._ _.. . . ._. . � � � I Section Condition Report pa e 8 of 16 Date: 3/1/2005 9 PavementDatabase: NerivorklD:AGrande N• Bnneh ID Saetlon ID Surtau Us� Rank Lanq Trua Ana At (gqF�) Insp�ctlon 01110(Ledo Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 70,880. 2< 01130(Le Point Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 39,450: 19 01130(t»Pdnt Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 8,400. �9 ON30(Le Point Streeq 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 41,536. 19 01140(Le Point 7errace) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 3,780. � 07140(Le Pdnt Tertace) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,865. ZZ 01180(Linda orive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 43,920. 23 Ot 160(Linda Dnve) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 43,800. 23 Ott&5(LOSCervos) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,376. 6 01165(LoganberryAvenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,980. 3 ON&5(LOSCervos) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 11,104. 6 01185(Los Cervos) 30 AC ROADWAY C 2 10,560. B Ot 170(Los Olivos Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 8,500. 2z Ot 170(I..os Olivos tane) _ 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,700. 22 01780(Magnolia Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 41,952. 41 01190(Maple Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 40,000. 37 0��90(Map�eStreet) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 38,240. 37 01200(Mariposa Cirde) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,860. 26 01210(Mason Street(SOUth)) 10 � AC ROADWAY L 2 33,408. 22 01210(Mason Street(Southp 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 22,272. 22 01220(Mason Sveet(North)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 12,690• 22 01230(MaHhew Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 33,200. 3 01240(MayStreet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 27,792. 24 07250(Mdcinley Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 22,080. 28 � 01270(Meadowlark Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY . L 2 21,600. 19 � 01280(Mercedes Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 58,000. 7 � i 01280(Mercedes tane) � ZO AC ROADWAY L 2 23,800. 16 i Section Condition Report Page 9 of 16 Date: 3/1/2005 Pavement Database: NefworklD:AGrande npe Brsnch ID S�ctlon ID SuAaea Uae Rank Lenes Tru�Ana p� . . (SQFt) Insp�ctlon i 07290(Mesa Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 39,760.0 29 ' i 07300(MesquBe Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 49,720. 19 ; ot3t0(Mi1lerCirGe) - 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 8�284• 2� 01320(Miller Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 77,616. 2� i 07330(Montego Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 37.692. 45 01335.(MOming Rise Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 32,000. 22 :i 3 01950(MUlbeny lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 72,692. 4� 01360(Mustang Cirde) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,200. 24 0�370(MyrtieStreet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 1A,112. � 01380(Nelson Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 34,920. �3 Ot380(Nelson Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 24,876. 13 0�390(Nevada Streeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 7,800. 45 01q00(Newman Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,886. 24 07410(NewportAvenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 43,750. � 01420(Noel Streeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,800. » 0�430(Nopuere Placel 10 . AC ROADWAY L 2 13,896. 32 01440(NOyes Roed) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 35,200. � 0�450(oak Hill Road) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 8,003. z4 07480(Oak Leaf Cirde) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 10,000. 24 Ota70(Oak Park eoulevard) 10 AC ROADWAY A 4 35,200. � 01470(Oak Paiic BoulevaM) � 30 AC ROADWAY A 2 13,500. � 01470(Oak Pai1c Boulevard) 40 AC ROADWAY A 2 65,000. � 01a70(Oak Park ea,�evard) 50 AC ROADWAY A 2 147,500. � 01470(Oak Park Boulevard) 60 AC ROADWAY A 2 25,000. � 01480(Oak Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 26,800. � 01500(Old Ranch Road) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 73,800. � i �I . — _...:-------- . . ._.... I ._ _. ..---�—� -- ------- Section Condition Report Page 10 of Date: 3/1/2005 PavementDatabase: NetworklD:AGrande +c na• Braneh ID SMlon ID Surtsu Use Rank Lan� Tn�e Area Insp�cUon (SqFy i 01510(Olive Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 26,960. 13 ; i Ot520(ObhanPJley) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 26,400. �Z ��i ! 07590(Opai circAe) , 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,880. 0 ' i 01540(Orchard Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 10,200. 4� 01540(Orohard Avenue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 37,910. 40 01540(Orchard Avenue) 30 AC ROADWAY L 0 10,200. 2 � 1 E ot58o fOro Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 50,688. 29 01580(Oro Drive) � 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 44,748. � 01570(Ouuand Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,860• » Ot580(Padfic Polnte Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 30�288• � 07590(PalmCourt) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,176. �2 07800(Pabs Secos) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,900. 10 01810(Park Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 15,120. � 07815(Paraiso) 10 AC . ROADWAY L 0 5,184. B 01820(Paseo Sveet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 7,400. 17 0�6a0(Paul Piace) 10 AC� ROADWAY L 2 40,680. » 01640(PC Railway Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14.760. 22 01640(PC Railway Place) 20 AC ROADWAY l �' 2 4.200. 15 07850(PeaA Drive) 10 AC ROADWf�Y L 2 45,000. 0 01660(Pearwood Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 41,760. � 01880(Pecan Streat) 10 AC ROADWAY L � 2 25,982. � 01690(Pilgrim Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 ' 12,580. 40 07700(Pine Sireet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 22,538: 17 017t0(Plata Road) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 13,212. 31 01720(Pladno Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 20,520. � . 01720(Platirw Lane) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 43,510. � . Section Condition Report Page 11 of ' Date: 3/1/2005 PavemenLDatabase: NefworklD:AGrande a c Aa• Brench ID Sactlon ID Surtaea Uw Rank Lanes True Ms pt (SqFU InspscUon 01730(Plomo Court) 10 AC ROADWAY l 2 7,344.0 �26 . 017ao(Poole Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 36,000.0 48 o17a0(POOIe Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,824. 48 01750(POplar Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 16,720. � 01760(PratleraCOUrt) � 10 AC ROADWAY L � 2 10,760. 1Z 01770(Pdsdlla Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 21,360�. 28 01n5(Puesta de�Soq 10 AC ROADWAY L 0 45,276. 6 On80(�ua�l CouA) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 10,400. 19 01790(Rancho Paikway) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 75,600. 12 017s0(Rancho Parkway) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 84,600. 12 07790(Rancho Parkway) 30 AC ROADWAY C 2 45,900. 12 07795(Raspberty Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 20,400. 3 01795(RaspberryAvenue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,280. 3 01&10(Refugb Place) � 10 AC ROADWAY � L 2 16,200• �2 07810(Rena Street(SOUth)) 10 AC ROADWAY L . 2 42.908. 28 Ot820(Rena Street(North)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,600. ZS Otaso(wcecoun) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,600. �7 O�sao(wdgeviewway) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 25,840. 26 07850(Robin Grde) 10 AC ROADWAY l . 2 82,800. 19 01880(Robles Road) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,896. ZZ 01870(Rodeo Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 43,200. 16 01870(Rodeo Drive) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 83,200. 16 01970(2oaeo Drive) 30 AC ROADWAY C 2 58,400• �6 01870(ROdeo Drive) , 40 AC ROADWAY C 2 16,800. 16 07880(ROgersCOUrt) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 79,920. 28 OtBSO(ttosemery coun) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 10,880. 3 01895(Rosemary Lane) 10 01/01N999 AC ROADWAY L 2 20,640.00 Ofl�29/2004 5 90.00 . Section Condition Report Date: 3/1/2005 Page 12 of Pavement Database: NetworklD:AGrande �c Braneh ID SaGlon ID Surhu Usa Rank Lanas 7fu�Ana �� At (gqFt) InapacUOn 01900(ROSewood Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,900. 46 01910(RUSS Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 8,480. 17 01920(Ruth Mn Way(South)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 16,800. 28 01930(Ruth Mn Way(NoAh)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 18,800. 28 01940(SapeStreet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 77,120. 48 01945(Salida de Sd) 10 AC ROADWAY L 0 20,384. 6 01950(Sandalwootl Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 23,200. � 52 01980(ScenicCirda) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,800. 24 01985(SeabrightAvenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 7,688• 3 07970(Short Street) . 10 AC � ROADWAY L 2 32,904. 22 01970(Short Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 10,980. 22 07s70(ShoA Street) 30 AC ROADWAY C 2 6,800. 22 01970(Short Street) 40 AC ROADWAY C 2 2,400. 22 01980(Sierra Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 52,488. 35 01985(SOmbdllo) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 28,832. 6 �! 01990(Spanish Moas Wne) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 46,000. 16 02oo0(SpruceStreet) 10 �AC ROADWAY L � 2 28,894. 28 02000(Spnxa Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 23,800. 28 02010(Stapecoach Raad) 10 AC ROADWAY � C 2 41,040. 28 02010(Sragecoach Road) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 49,896. 28 02020(SWnley Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 12,800:0 22 02020(StanleyAv�ue) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 19,200. 17 02030(Slation Way) 10 AC ROADWAY B 2 50,080. 22 02035(Strawberty Avenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 20,872. 3 02040(Stevenson orive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,280. 28 I 02050(Sunrise 7ertace) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 74,404. 33 Date: 3/1/2005 Section Condition Report Page 13 of Pavement Database: NefworklD:AGrande �c Bnneh ID Saetlon ID Surtace Usa Rank Lanq True Aroe �• At � � (gqF�) Insp�ctlon 02060(Sunset Driva) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 86,960. 51 02070(Sycamore Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,032. 41 02080(Sycamore Ddve) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 30,OOOA �7 02080(Sycamae Drive) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 35,200.0 3 02090(Tally Fb Road) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 59,472. 27 02090(Tally Ho Roatl) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 127.944. 27 02700(Tanner lane)� 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 26,320. 22 02110(Tayla Place) . 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 26.280• 25 02730(The Pike) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 71,238. 31 02130(The Pike) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 160,140. 31 02740(Tierra Streeq . 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 38,218. 17 02150(TiperiailOrive) 10 � AC �ROADWAY L 2 36,600. 30 02180(Todd Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 25,270. 22 02170(TOyon Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 7,200. 29 02780(7raific Way) 10 AC ROADWAY B 2 113,920. 51 02�ao(irar�c way) 20 AC ROADWAY B 4 63,616. 35 , � 02190(Tiaific way Extension) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 29,700. 17 02200(7riniryAvenue) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 34,440. 22 02210(Turqudse Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 43,760. 0 02220(Valley Road) 10 AC ROADWAY C 2 161.280. 37 02220(Valley Road) 20 AC ROADWAY C 2 160,920. 37 02230(Vard Loomis Coun) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 4,248. 22 02240(Vard Loomis Lane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 .28,080. 22 02250(Verde Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 13,314. 40 02260(Vemon Sheet) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 17,640. 40 02260(Vemon Street) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,76p. 40 Date: 3/1/2005 Section Condition Report Page 14 of PavementDatabase: NetworklD:AGrande +c Ao• Bronch ID Sectlon ID 8urhu Use Rank Lanu Trua Ma pt (gqF�) InspoeNOn 02265(Via Avante) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 8,820. 2 02270(Via Bandolero) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 136,400. 12 02275(Via Belmonte Court(Nath)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,664. 7 02278(Yia Belrtronte Court(SOUth)) 10� AC ROADWAY L 2 20,000. � 02280�a Berms) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 73,650. 40 02285(Via Firenze(North)) � 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 11,040. Z 02287�a Firenze(South)) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 11,840. 2 02290(Via La earrenca) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 44,588• 3 02300(Via Las Aquilas) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 50,430. 12 02300(Via Las Aquilas) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 28,020. 12 023�0�a Poca) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 7,992. 12 02320(Via Vaquero) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 80,800. 1z 02320(Via Vaquero) 20 � AC ROADWAY L 2 24.000. 12 02330(Y�cMria Way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 34,440. 30 02340(Victorian Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 29,200. 3 02350(vlllage court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,610. 3 02380(virginia Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 32,908. 46 023�0�ata Cirde) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 16,480. 24 02380(Vista Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 48,000. 6 02400(Walnut Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 52,668. 37 02400(Walnut Streeq 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 47,120. 46 02410(Wesley Street) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 2.000. 22 02440(WhiteCourt) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 9,384. 17 02450(whneley Streeq 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 14,400. 24 I 02450(WhiteleySireet) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 23,258. 24 � 02aso(wnneleyS�reeq 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,f20. 24 � ' ' � ---' Section Condition Report Date: 3/1/2005 Page 15 of Pavement Database: NetworklD:AGrande ,c �o Bnneh ID Seetlon ID Surfaee Use Rsnk Lanes Trua Ana p� (SqFq Inspsction 02470�IIrnrLane) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 28,500.0 27 02480�Ison Court) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 5,600. 17 02W0(WOOd Place) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 24,276. 40 02510(woodland Coun) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 � 6,840. 18 02520(WOOdland Drive) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 15,352. 17 02520(WOOdland Drive) 20 AC ROADWAY L 2 102,280. � 02520(Woodland Drive) 30 AC ROADWAY L 2 6,480. � 19 02530(ZOpata way) 10 AC ROADWAY L 2 35,676. � 03000(Elm Street Comminty Center 10 AC � PARKING P 0 12,555. 24 2025(Sqrlight Lane) 10 AAC ROADWAY L 0 16,000. � 225(Brittany Avenue) 10 AAC ROADWAY L 0 8,000. 0 335(Carrinpton Place) 10 AAC ROADWAY L 0 8,000. p I 50010(Ash Street eathrooms Parking 70 AC PARKING P 0 9,000. 12 50020(Car Cortal PaAcing Lot(LOwer)) 10 AC � PARKING P 0 .19,200. 17 . 50030(Car Cortal Parkinp Lot(Upper)) 10 AC PARKING P 0 14,400. �2 50040(Ciry Hall Parking Lot) 10 AC PARKING P 0 21,700• 24 50050(Corporatim Yard Parkinp Lot) 10 AC PARKING P 0 18,000. 32 50060(Elm Street Comm.Center 10 AC PARKING P 0 15,825. z2 50070(Ololhan Alley Parking LM) 10 AC PARKING P 0 54,000. �2 50080(Soto Comqeu Paiking lot 10 AC PARKING P 0 34,144. �� 50090(Solo Complex Parkin8 Lot(Easl)) 10 AC PARKING � 0 20,650. � 50700(WOmen's Club Parking Lot 10 AC PARKING P 0 40,000. 29 50110(women's Gub PaAting Lot 10 AC ROADWAY P 0 24,000. � 19 902(Hampton Place) 10 AAC ROADWAY L 0 7,500. 0 , _.__. _ —. ._ ._ . _ _. _ _...-- �i _ .. _ . .. . .. . . . Date: 3/1/2005 Section Condition Report Page 16 of AC Pavement Database: Arithmatle PCI WN9hbtl Awnya Stendard Av�npa � Awnye Total Numhar PCI Devletlon PCI AY° Aq�pt Aroa of - �a�°G°rY InspKtlon (SqFt) Sactlons 0-02 0.83 673,064.0 23 94.91 5.64 95.18 03-05 3.50 1,045,062.0 36 87.64 5.26 86.74 06-10 6.67 985,986.0 24 80.08 18.17 77.92 »-�5 12.07 1,286,214.0 29 82.93 16.50 87.21 ��20 17.55 1,349,070. 49 72.49 23.61 68.42 21-25 yy,g6 2,607,275.8 88 66.03 25.49 62.40 26-30 27.82 1,964,176. 51 64.18 25.50 56.50 3t-35 32.87 951,608.0 23 64.74 27.29 65.59 3s-ao 3g,gg 2,100,453. 33 51.82 27.07 5835 over4o 46.03 1,488,670.0 40 60.38 23.24 60.06 An 22.29 14,451,578.8 396 70.49 25.10 68.10 Date: 3/1/2005 Branch Listing Report Page 1 of 12 Pavement Database: AGrande 00010 Acom Drive ROADWAY 1 57,200.00 AGrande 00020 fUderStreet ROADWAY 3 133,174.00 � AGrande 00030 Allen Street ROADWAY 1 76,248.00 AGrande 00040 Alpine Street(South) ROADWAY � 1 69,372.00 AGrande 00045 Alpine Street(North) ROADWAY � 1 225.00 AGrende 00050 Mdre Drive ROADWAY 2 58,800.00 ���� AGrande 00060 fvabian CirGe ROADWAY 1 25,320.00 AGrande 00070 Arroyo Avenue ROADWAY 1 20,638.00 AGrande 00080 Ash Street ROADWAY 2 178,948.00 AG2nde 00085 Asilo Street ROADWAY 2 122,72�•00 AGronde 00090 Aspen Street ROADWAY 1 54•492.00 AGrande 00100 Avenida de Diamente ROADWAY 1 112•500•00 AGrande 00110 Bakeman Lane ROADWAY 1 62,880.00 AGrande 00120 Bambi Court ROADWAY 1 15,520.00 AGrande 00130 Bamett SUeet ROADWAY 1 19,080.00 AGrdnde 00140 Bedloe Lane ROADWAY 1 6,592.00 AGrande 00150 Beech Street ROADWAY 1 25,992.00 � AGrande 00160 Bell Street ROADWAY 1 41,280.00 � AGrande 00170 Bennett Avenue ROADWAY � 2 84,000.00 AGrande 00180 Beta Court ROADWAY 1 7,400.00 AGrende 00185 Bladcberty Avenue ROADWAY 2 35,044.00 AGronde 00187 Blueberty Avenue ROADWAY 1 15,456.00 � AG2nde 00188 Boysenberty Street ROADWAY 2 28,800.00 i I AGrande 00190 Brench Mill Road ROADWAY 1 99•990.00 _ 1 � AGrande 00195 Brench S}reet(West) ROADWAY 4 375,800.00 � AGrende 00200 Bridge SUeet ROADWAY 1 � 33,984.00 AGrande 00210 Brighton Avenue ROADWAY 2 103,120.00 �. AGrande 00220 Bdsw Road ROADWAY 3 �.0�.� Date: 3l1/2005 Branch Listing Report Page 2 or�z Pavement Database: AGrande 00230 Califomia Straet ROADWAY 1 17,340.00 AGrende 00240 Calle Cartnen ROADWAY 1 10,000.00 AGrande 00250 Calle Cuervo ROADWAY 1 208,800.00 AGrande 00260 Callie Court ROADWAY 1 8,550.00 AGrande 00270 Cameron CouA � ROADWAY 1 24,760.00 AGrande 00280 Camino Mercado ROADWAY � 1 101,200.00 AGrande � 00290 Campana Place ROADWAY 1 20,232.00 AGrande 00300 Canyon Way ROADWAY 1 48,060.00 AGrande 00310 Cardinal Court ROADWAY 1 6,000.00 AGrande 00320 Carme�la Drive ROADWAY 1 35,480.00 AGrande 00330 Carol Place ROADWAY � 2��`.�08'00 AG2nde 00335 Casdlio Court � ROADWAY 1 9,800.00 AGrande 00336 Castlllo del Mar ROADWAY 2 59,000.00 AGrande 00340 Cedar Street ROADWAY 3 55,052.00 AGrande 00350 Cerro Visfa Circle ROADWAY 1 25,740.00 AGronde 00360 Certo Vista Lane ROADWAY 1 19,296.00 AGrende -00370 Chaparral Lane ROADWAY Z ��4�•� AGrande 00380 Chelsea Court ROADWAY 1 6,336.00 AGrende 00385 Cherty Avenue(West) ROADWAY 2 44,132.00 AGrende 00390 ChilWn Avenue ROADWAY 1 57,000.00 AGrande 00400 Clarence Avenue ROADWAY 1 20,672.00 AGrande 00415 Clinton Court ROADWAY 1 11,600.00 AGrande 00430 Coach Road ROADWAY 2 73,720.00 . AGrande 00440 Cobre Place ROADWAY 1 17,424.00 i AGrande 00450 Colina Street ROADWAY 1 15.680.00 � AGrande 00460 - Collado Courte ROADWAY 1 9,936.00 I ± AGrande 00470 Corbett Canyon Road ROADWAY 1 47,160.00 I ROADWAY 1 62,440.00 �� AGrande 00480 Comwall Avenue oate: 3i�i2ooe Branch Listing Report Page 3 of 12 Pavement Database: AGrande 00490 Corona del Tierra ROADWAY 1 18,880.00 AGrende 00500 Corral Place ROADWAY 1 28,350.00 AGrande 00510 Courtland Street ROADWAY 5 136,244.00 AGrande 00520 Creekside Drive ROADWAY 1 �8��60•00 AGrdnde 00525 C2nberty Avenue ROADWAY 1 25,740.00 AGrande 00530 Cross Streat ROADWAY 1 26,400.00 AGrande � 00540 Crown Hill ROADWAY 1 56,700.00 AGrende 00550 Crown Tertace ROADWAY 2 23,310.00 AGrande 00560 Cuerda Corte ROADWAY 1 8,000.00 AGrande 00570 Cuesfa Place ROADWAY 1 7,416.00 � AGrande 00580 Deer Trail Cirde ROADWAY 1 27,200.00 AGrande 00590 Del Sol Street ROADWAY 1 24,208.00 AGrande 00600 Diamond Cirde ROADWAY 1 � 7,000.00 AGrande 00610 Diana Place ROADWAY 1 43,560.00 AGrande 00620 Dixson Street ROADWAY 1 �4�800•00 � AG2nde 00630 Dodson Way ROADWAY 2 48,552.00 AGrande 00640 Dos Cerros ROADWAY 1. 9,030.00 AG2nde 00650 Cherty Avenue(East) ROADWAY 3 141,785.00 AGrande 00670 EI Camino Real ROADWAY 5 254,970.00 � AGrande 00680 Elm Streel(South) ROADWAY 4 338,442.00 AGrande 00690 Elm Street(NORh) ROADWAY 2 61,520.00 AGrande 00700 Eman Court ROADWAY 1 19,200.00 AGrande 00710 Emereld Bay Drive(West) ROADWAY 1 17,200•00 AGrande 00720 Emerald Bay Drive(East) ROADWAY 1� 17,840.00 { AGrande 00730 Equestrian Way ROADWAY 2 177,360.00 tl AGrande 00740 Faeh Avenue ROADWAY 1 19,080.00 � AG2nde OW50 FairOaksAvenue ROADWAY 6 524,520.00 � � ROADWAY 2 47,808.00 � AGrande 00760 Fair View Drive Date: 3/1/2005 Branch Listing Report Page 4 of 12 r , Pavement Database: AGrande 00765 Fartnhouse Place ROADWAY � 1 15,200.00 � AGrande 00770 Farroll Avenue ROADWAY 4 203,900.00 AGrande 00775 Fleldview Place ROADWAY 1 10,624.00 AGrande 00780 Flora Road ROADWAY 1 25,440.00 AGrande 00790 Forest Glen Drive ROADWAV 1 16,800.00 �AGrande 00800 FortunaCourt ROADWAY 1 21,600.00 � AGrande 00810 Garden SVeet ROADWAY 3 58,368.00 AGrande 00820 Gafield Place ROADWAY 1 49,720.00 AGrende 00830 GaynfairTertace RQADWAY � �'0�'� AGrande 00840 Golden West Place ROADWAY 1 24,396.00 AGrande 00850 Grace Lane ROADWAY 1 5,400.00 AG2nde 00860 Grand Avenue(East) ROADWAY 3 517,104.00 AGrande 00870 Greenwood Drive ROADWAY 1 26,880.00 AGrande 00875 Grove Court ROADWAY 1 10,624.00 AGrande 00880 Gularte Road ROADWAY 2 91,728.00 AGrande 00890 Halcyon Road(South). ROADWAY 2 244,596.00 AGrande 00900 Halcyon Road(NOrth) ROADWAY 1 63,600.00 AGrende 00905 Harden SVeet ROADWAY 1 18,000.00 AGrande 00910 Hartison Street ROADWAY 1 9,036.00 AGrande 00920 Hart Lane � ROADWAY 1 6,003.94 . AGrande 00930 Hawkins Court ROADWAY 1 5,320.00 AGrende 00940 Hillcrest Drive ROADWAY 2 70,974.00 AGrande 00945 Hillside Court ROADWAY 1 19,328.00 AGrande 00950 Hodges Road ROADWAY 2 50,160.00 AG2nde 00960 Huasna Road ROADWAY 3 481,940.00 AGrande 00965 Huckleberty Avenue ROADWAY 1 16,660.00 � AGrande 00970 Ide Street ROADWAY 1 38,400.00 AGrande 00980 Ikeda Way ROADWAY . 1 16.380.00 Date: 3/1/2005 Branch Listing Report Page 5 of 12 Pavement Database: AGrende 00990 James Way ROADWAY 6 443,790.00 AGrande 01000 Jenny Place ROADWAY 2 29,200.00 AGrande 01010 Juniper Street ROADWAY 1 51,072.00 AG2nde 01020 La Canada ROADWAY 2 87,626.00 AGrande 01030 La Cresfa Drive ROADWAY 2 87�148•00 AGrende 01040 Ladera Place ROADWAY 1 4,536.00 AGrande 01050 Lanpster Drive ROADWAY 1 36,890.00 AGrande 01060 La Paz CirGe � ROADWAY 1 4,896.00 AG2nde 01070 Larchrtront DAve ROADWAY 1 6,600.00 AGrande 01080 Launa Lane ROADWAY 1 22,338.00 AGrande 01090 La Visfa Court ROADWAY 1 12,352.00 AGrande 01100 Leanna Drive ROADWAY 7 58,240•00 AGrande 01110 Ledo Place ROADWAY 1 10,880.00 AGrande 01130 Le Pdnt Street ROADWAY 3 89,386.00 AGrande 01140 LePdntTertace ROADWAY 2 9,645.00 AGrande 01160 Linda Drive ROADWAY 2 87,520.00 AGrende 01165 Loganberty Avenue ROADWAY 1 15,980.00 AGrande 01165 Lw Cervas ROADWAY 3 � 39,040.00 AG2nde 01170 Los Olivos Lane ROADWAY 2 27,20�•00 AGrende 01180 Magnolia Drive ROADWAY 1 41,952.00 � AGrande 01190 Maple Sveet ROADWAY 2 78,240.00 � AGrande 01200 Maripasa Cirde ROADWAY 1 4•880.00 AGrande 01210 Mason Street(South) ROADWAY 2 55,620.00 AGrande 01220 Mason Street(North) ROADWAY 1 12,690.00 AGrande 01230 Matlhew Way ROADWAY 1 33,200.00 AGrende 01240 May Street ROADWAY 1 27,792.00 AGrande 01250 Mckinley Street ROADWAY 1 22,080.00 � . AGrande 01270 Meadowlark Drive ROADWAY 1 21.BOO.OU e Date: 3/�/2005 Branch Listing Report Page s or�2 ; f Pavement Database: AG2nde 01280 Mercedes Lane ROADWAY 2 81,600.00 AGrende 01290 Mesa Drive ROADWAY 1 39,760.00 AGrande 01300 Mesquite Lane ROADWAY 1 49,720.00 AGrende 01310 Miller CirGe ROADWAY 1 8,264.00 AGrande 01320 Mlller Way ROADWAY 1 77,816.00 AG2nde 01330 Montego Sireet ROADWAY 1 37,892.00 AGrande 01335 Moming Rise Lane ROADWAY 1 32,000.00 AGrande 01350 Mulberty Lane ROADWAY 1 12,892.00 AGrande 01360 Mustang Cirde ROADWAY 1 14,200.00 AGrande 01370 MyAle Street ROADWAY 1 14,N2.00 ' AGrande 01380 Nelson Street � ROADWAY 2 59,796.00 AGrande 07390 Nevada Street ROADWAY 1 7,800.00 AGrande 01400 Newman Drive ROADWAY 1 18,666.00 AG2nde 01410 NewportAvenue ROADWAY 1 43,750.00 � AGrande 01420 Noel Street � ROADWAY 1 14,800.00 AGrande 01430 Noguera Place ROADWAY 1 �3•8��00 AGrande 01440 Noyes Road ROADWAY 1 35,200.00 AGrende 01450 Oak Hill Road ROADWAY 1 6,003.94 AGrande 01460 Oak Leaf Circle ROADWAY � t � 10,000.00 AGrande 01470 Oak Park Boulevard ROADWAY 5 288,200.00 AGrande 01480 Oak Street ROADWAY 1 26,800.00 AGrende 01500 Old Ranch Road � ROADWAY 1 73,800.00 AGrdnde 01510 Oliva Street ROADWAY 1 26�960�00 AGrande 01520 Olohan Alley ROADWAY � 1 26,400.00 AGrande 01530 Opal Cirde ROADWAY 1 6•880.00 1 AGrande 01540 Orchard Avenue ROADWAY 3 58,310.00 � ROADWAY 2 95,436.00 1 AGrande 01560 Oro Drive . ' AGrande 01570 OuUand Court R�ADWAY � 4'860'00 �a�e: sivzoos Branch Cisting Report Page �of�z ; � Pavement Database: AGrande 01580 PaGfic Pointe Way ROADWAY 1 30,286.00 AG2nde 01590 Palm Court ROADWAY 1 17,176.00 AG2nde 01800 Palos Secos ROADWAY 1 18,900.00 AG2nde 01610 Park Way ROADWAY 1 15,120.00 AGrande 01615 Paraiso . ROADWAY 1 5,184.00 AGrande 01620 Paseo SVeet ROADWAY 1 7,400.00 AGrande 01630 Paul Place � ROADWAY 1 40,680.00 AGrande 01640 PC Railway Place ROADWAY 2 18,960.00 AGrande 01850 PeaA Drive ROADWAY 1 45,000.00 AGrande 01660 Pearwood Avenue ROADWAY 1 41,760.00 AGrande 01880 Pepn Street ROADWAY 1 25,992.00 AGrande 01690 Pilgrim Way ROADWAY 1 � 12.580.0� AGrande 01700 Pine Street ROADWAY 1 22,536.00 AGrande 01710 Plata Road ROADWAY 1 13,212.00 AGrande 01720 Platlno Lane ROADWAY � 2 64,030.00 AGrande 01730 Plomo Court � ROADWAY 1 7,344.00 AGrande 01740 Poole Street ROADWAY 2 40,824.00 AGrande 017W Poplar Street ROADWAY 1 16,720.00 AGrande 01760 Pradere Court ROADWAY 1 10.760.OU AGrande 01770 Prisdlla Lane ROADWAY 1 21,360.00 AGrande 01775 Pueata del Sd ROADWAY 1 45,216.00 ! AGrande 01780 Quail Court ROADWAY 1 10,400.00 AGrende 01790 Rancho Parkwaq ROADWAY 3 206,100.00 AGrande 01795 RaspbertyAvenue ROADWAY 2 � 34,680.00 AGrande 01800 Refugio Place ROADWAY 1 16,200.00 AGrande 01810 Rena Street(Soutti) ROADWAY 1 42,908.00 AGrende 01820 Rena Street(North) ROADWAY 1 15,600.00 i AGrende 01830 Rice Court ROADWAY 1 5,600.00 �ate: siv2oos Branch Listing Report Page s or�z Pavement Database: AGrande 01840 Rldgeview Way ROADWAY 1 25,840.00 AG2nde 01850 Robin Circle ROADWAY . 1 82,800.00 AGrande 01860 Robles Road ROADWAY 1 6,696.00 AGrande 01870 Rodeo Drive ROADWAY 4 201,600.00 AGrande � 01880 Ropers Court ROADWAY 1 19,920.00 AGrande �01890 RasemaryCourt ROADWAY 1 10,880.00 � AGrande 01895 Rosemary Lane ROADWAY 1 20,640.00 AGrande 01900 Rosewood Lane ROADWAY 1 18,900:00 �� AG2nde 01910 Russ Court ROADWAY 1 � 8,480.00 AGrande 01920 Ruth Mn Way(South) . ROADWAY 1 16,800.00 AGrande 01930 Ruth Mn Way(NOrth) ROADWAY 1 16,800.00 �� AGrende 01940 SageS7eet ROADWAY 1 ����Z�•00 AGrande 01945 Salida de Sol ROADWAY 1 20,3&4.00 AGrande 01950 Sandalwood Avenue ROADWAY' 1 23,200.00 . AGrande 01960 Scenic CirGe ROADWAY 1 14,800.00 AGrande 01965 Seabright Avenue ROADWAY 1 7,668.00 AGrande 01970 ShoR Street ROADWAY 4 53,084.00 AGrande 01980 Sierta Drive ROADWAY 1 52,488.00 AGrande 01985 Sombrillo � ROADWAY 1 28,832.00 � AGrande 01990 Spanish Moss Lane ROADWAY 1 46,000.00 � AGrande 02000 Spruce Street . � ROADWAY 2 ��6�•� � AGrande 02010 Stagecoach Road ROADWAY 2 90,936.00 AG2nde 02020 Stanley Avenue ROADWAY 2 32,000.00 AGrende 02030 Station Way ROADWAY 1 50,080.00 � AGrande 02035 Strawberty Avenue ROADWAY 1 20,672.00 { AGronde 02040 Stevenson Drive ROADWAY 1 14,280.00 I j AGrande 02050 Sunrise Terrace ROADWAY 1 14,404.00 i AGrende 02060 Sunset Drive ROADWAY 1 86,960.00 oace: 3ni2oos Branch Listing Report Page s or�2 Pavement Database: AGrande 02070 Sycamore Court ROADWAY � 4,032.00 AGrande 02080 Sycamore Drive ROADWAY 2 65,200.00 AGrande 02090 Tally Ho Road ROADWAY 2 187,416.00 AGrende 02100 Tanner Lane ROADWAY 1 26,320.00 AGrande 02110 Taylor Place ROADWAY 1 26,280.00 AGrende 02130 The Pike ROADWAY 2 231,378.00 AGrande 02140 Tierta Street ROADWAY 1 38,218.00 � AGronde 02150 Tiger Tail Drive ROADWAY 1 36,600.00 AGrande 02160 Todd Lane ROADWAY 1 25,270.00 AGrande 02170 Toyon Place ROADWAY 1 ��200•00 AGrande 02180 � TreTfic Way ROADWAY 2 177,536.00 AGrande 02190 Traflic Way Extension ROADWAY 1 29��00•00 AG2nde 02200 Tdnity Avenue ROADWAY 1 �•���� . AGrande 02210 Turquoise Drive ROADWAY 1 45,160.00 AGrande 02220 Valley Road R�/�DWAY 2 322'Z00'00 AGrande 02230 Vard Loomis Court ROADWAY � 4�z48•00 AGrande 02240 Vard Loomis Lane ROADWAY � Za•0�•� AGrande 02250 Verde Place ROADWAY 1 13,314.00 AGrande 02260 Vemon Street ROADWAY 2 23,400.00 AGrande 02265 Via Avante ROADWAY 1 B•82�.00 AGrande 02270 Via Bandolero ROADWAY 1 136,400.00 { 3 AGrande 02275 Vla Belmonte Court(North) R�ADWAY � 5��� � AGrande 02278 Vfa Belmonte Court(Soulli) ROADWAY 1 20,000.00 :� AGrende 02280 Via Bertos ROADWAY 1 13.650.00 I AGrande 02285 Via Firenze(North) ROADWAY 1 »•���� AGrande 02287 Via Firenze(South) � ROADWAY 1 � »���•� i AGrande 02290 Via La Bartanca ROADWAY 1 44�568•00 � 3 � � AGrende 02300 Vfa Las Aqullas ROADWAY 2 78,450.00 Date: 3/1/2005 Branch Listing Report Page �oor�z Pavement Database: AGrande 02310 Via Pop ROADWAY 1 7,992.00 AGrande 02320 Via Vaquero ROADWAY 2 84,800.00 AG2nde 02330 Victoria Way ROADWAY 1 34,440.00 AG2nde 02340 �ctorian Court ROADWAY 1 29200.00 AGrande 02350 Village Court ROADWAY 1 5,610.00 AGrande 02360 Virginia Drive ROADWAY 1 32,908.00 AGrande 02370 Visfa Circle ROADWAY 1 16,480.00 AG2nde 02380 VisMa Drive ROADWAY 1 48,000.00 , AG2nde 02400 Walnut Street ROADWAY 2 ����•� � AGrende - 02410 Wesley Street ROADWAY 1 2,000.00 AGrande 02440 White Court ROADWAY 1 9,384.00 AGrende 02450 Whiteley Street ROADWAY 3 52,776.00 AGrande 02470 Willow Lane ROADWAY� 1 28,500.00 AGrende 02480 Wllson CouR ROADWAY 1 5,600.00 AGrande 02500 Wood Flace ROADWAY 1 24,278.00 AGrande 02510 Woodland Court ROADWAY 1 6,840.00 AGrande 02520 Woodland Drive ROADWAY 3 124,112.00 AGrande 02530 Zogata Way ROADWAY 1 35,676.00 � AGrande 03000 Elm Street Comminty Center PARKING 1 12,555.00 Driveway AG2nde 2025 Stadight Lane ROADWAY 1 16,000.00 � AG2nde 225 Brittany Avenue ROADWAY 1 8,000.00 AGrande 335 Cartington Place ROADWAY 1 8,000.00 AGrande 50010 Ash Street Ballirooms Parking PARKING 1 9,000.00 Lot AGrande 50020 - Car Cortal Parking Lot(Lower) PARKING 1 19,200.00 AGrande 50030 Car Corral Parking Lot(Upper) PARKING 1 14,400.00 AGrande 50040 City Hall Parking Lot PARKING 1 21,700.00 � AGrande 50050 Corporatian Yard Parking Lot PARKING 1 �8•���� Date: 3/�/p005 Branch Listing Report Page >> or�z Pavement Database: AGrande. 50060 Elm Street Comm.Center PARKING 1 15,825.00 Parking Lot AGrande 50070 Oldhan Alley Parking Lot PARKING 1 54,000.00 AGrande 50080 Soto Complex Parking Lot PARKING 1 34,144.00 (West) AGrande 50090 Soto Complex Parking Lot PARKING 1 20,650.00 (East) AGrande 50100 Women's Club Parking Lot PARKING 1 40,000.00 (LOwer) AGrande 50110 Women's Club Parking Lot. � ROADWAY 1 24,000.00 . (Upper) AGrande 902 Hampton Place R�/�DWAY � �•5�'� a � i d � ;{ 1 � i ; I � Date: Mar/1/2005 Branch Listing Report (Summary) Page �zor�z Pavemenf Database: Total Number of Networks: � Total Number of Branches: 286 Total Number of Seclions: 396 Total True Area: 14,451,578.88 SqFt Average Branch True Area: 50,530.00 SqFt I � 1 a � � i 4 � � � i I i append'oc u —woric Hisbory Rsport i � 1 i � i ; i �ate:os�o��2oos WO�k HistOry RepOrt Paae 1 of 46 Pavement Database: Natwork: AGrande eranch: 00010 (ACOm Drive) Sxtlon: 10 Surtacs: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 1,430.00 Ft Witllh: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 57200.00 Sq WO� MaJor Code Cost Mgp . ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Branch: 00020 (PJderStreet) Sectlon: 10 SuAace: AC L.C.D.: OB/01/1961 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 676.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 27.040.00 Sq Work M�� Cod� Cost MiR ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Nelwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00020 (AlderStreet) B�cUon: 20 8urtau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1961 Uw: ROADWAY R�nk:L L�npM: 679.00 Ft Witlfh: 38.00 Ft TrwAru: 25.802.00 Sq Wo� MaJor Cotle Cost M� STSS SO False INITWL 7� Network: AGrande Broneh: 00020 (AlderStreet) Ssetlon: 30 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1961 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�nyN: 2,114.00 Ft Wldth: 38.00 Ft Tn�aArac 80.332.00 SG Work . Myor Cods Cost M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True NNwoAe: AG2nde Breneh: 00030 (Alien Sheet) S�etlon: 10 Surlau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Usa: ROADWAY ��k:L l.�npth: � 2,118�.00 Ft WIdN: 38.00 Ft 7meAnr. 76.248.00 Sq - Work M�Jor Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL True NNwork: AGrende Bnnth: 00040 (Alpine Street(Southp . Sxtlon: 10 SuA�u: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1964 Use: ROADWAY qa�k:L Lenyth: 1,927.00 Ft WIdN: 36.00 Ft TrwArae: 69.372.00 Sq Work MaJor Cotle CosS M8R HI-AG Tnro NetwoAc: AGrande Bnneh: 00045 (Alpne Street(NOrth)) Ssetlon: 10 Surfeee: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1964 Wa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 75.00 Ft Witlth: 15.00 Ft TruaAree: 225.00 Sq Work M�Jor Code Cost M8R STSS y0 Palae INITWL SO True Network: AGrande Branch: 00050 (Mdre Orive) Seetlon: 10 SuAxa: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/2001 Ute: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenyth: 1.000.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft 7nuAne: 40.000.00 Sq Work Myp� Cotla Cw! MiR INITVIL 7� Nriwork: AGrende Bpneh: 00050 (Mdre Drive) 8�etlon: 20 SuMee: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY ��k;� Lx�yN; 470.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TrwAre�: 18.800.00 Sq Work Majp� Code Cost M� INITIAL True — � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paae 2 of 46 Pavement Database: Nstwork: AGrantle Bnnch: 00060 (Araelan Cirde) � S�etlon: 10 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1997 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnpN: 633.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft 7ruaArec 25,320.00 Sa Work MeJor Cotle Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL TNg NNwoAc: AGrande Bnneh: 00070 (ArroyoAvenue) � Saetion: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.:� 06/01N966 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L L�nptb: 607.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueArea: 20.638.00 Sa Work M�jor Coda Coa MiR INITIAL T� Network: AGrende Broneh: 00080 (ASh Street) � S�enon: 10 Su�u: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1986 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 2.100.00 Ft Wldth: 44.00 Ft � TrueMa: 92.400.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cods Cost MiR INITIAL Tru9 Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00080 (Ash Streeq Saetlon: 20 Surhea: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1966 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpih: 1,967.00 Ft WIdN: 44.00 Ft TrueA�u: 86.548.00 Sa Work Myor Cods Cost M8R INITIAL Tna i Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00085 (ASib Street) 8�etlon: 10 BuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N997 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 2.553.00 Ft WIMh: 32.00 Ft irwMa: 81.696.00 Sa Work M�or Coda �o« M8R INITIAL True � NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00085 (Asilo Street) S�etlon: 20 SuMu: AC L.C.D.: 01/01N998 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L lwnpth: 1282.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft TrueAros: 41.024.00 Sa WoAc Cod� Cos! N� INITIAL $0 True Network: AGrande . Broneh: 00090 (ASpen Street) 8�etlon: 10 BuAaa: AC LC.O.: O6/01N976 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 1.434.00 Ft Wltlth: 38.00 Ft TrueArsa: 54.492.00 Sa Work M� Code Cost M� ST-SS y0 Falae INITWL Tnre Nstwo�ic: AGrende Bnneh: 0p100 (Avenida de Diartrente) Saetlon: 10 Surfau: AC �.C.o.: O6/01/1992 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnpM: 3.125.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft 7ruaMa:112.500.00 Sa Work MeJor Code Cost M� STSS $0 False INITL4L True Natwork: AGrande eraneb: 0p110 (Bekemen Lane) . Ssetlon: 10 SuAau: AC � LC.D.: O6/Ot/1987 Use: ROADWAY Wnk:L lsnpth: 1.572.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00� Ft TrueAm: 62.880.00 Sa Work � hYJor Coda Cost MiR ST-SS EO Falae INITIAL True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 3 of 46 Pavement Database: Network: AGrentle Bnneh: 00120 (BamDi Court) Saetlon: 10 SuAaea: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1982 wa: ROADWAY rtank:L unpth: 388.00 Ft width: 40.00 Ft 7ruanres: 15.520.00 Sa Wo� M�Jor Cods Cost M8R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL T� Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 00130 (Bamett Street) Saetlon: 10 8urhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1975 Use: ROADWAY Rank;L� L�n9th: 530.00 Ft WIAth: 36.00 Ft Tru�Aroa: 79.080.00 Sa Wa� Myor Code Cos! M� STSS �0 False ��. INITIAL 7� Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 0p140 (Bedloe lane) Ssetlon: 10 SuAaa: AC LC.D.: 06/01N998 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L L�nyth: 412.00 Ft Wldth: 16.00 Ft 7n�eAree: 6.592.00 Sa Wa* MaJor Cotla Cost M� CR-AC 30 True INRWL Tiue NatwoAc: AGrende Bnneh: 00150 (Beech Street) S�etlon: 10 SuA�a: AC - L.C.D.: O6/01/1959 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 684.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft 7rwAru: 25.992.00 Sa Work Myor Cod� �o« MiR .. STSS y0 Fabe � INITIAL True NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00160 (8ell Street) 8�etlon: 10 Swiaw: AC L.C.o.: Ofi/Ot/1964 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:L L�npth: 1.032.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft 7ru�Anc 41.280.00 Sa WoAc Mlypr Coda Cos! NiR STSS SO Fabe INITIAL True Network; AGrande Bnneh: 00170 (Bennetl Avenue) � S�etlon: 10 SuMa: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1973 Usr. ROADWAY R�nk:L L�nyth: 1.000.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TruaArN: 40.000.00 SO Work M�jor Cod� CoM M� � INITL4L � True NaMrork: AGrande BnneU: 00770 (BennetlAvenue) S�etlon: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: OB/01N967 Usa: ROADWAY R�nk:L L�npth: 1.100.00 Ft 1Mdth: 40.00 Ft TrueAra: M.OW.00 Sa WoAc Myor Cod� Cw! MiR INITWL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00180 (Beta Court) BMIOn: 10 surhea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L I.�npSh: i85.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft. 7�u�Arsa: 7.400.00 Sa Work MeJor Cods Cost M� INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00185 (BlackbeiryAvenue) S�etlon: 10 SuMu: AC � L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenOM: 608.00 Ft WItlN: 36.00 Ft TruaAne: 27.924.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cod� Cw! MiR INITIAL SO True oate:os�o��2005 WO�k HiStory RepOrt Paqe 4 of 46 Pavement Database: NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00185 (8lackbeiry Avenue) Saellon: 20 SuAacs: AC LC.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnpM: 410.00 Ft � Width: 32.00 Ft TrueA�as: 13.120.00 Sq Wo� MaJor Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL $0 True Nstwork: AG2nde Broneh: 00187 (BluebarryAvenue) Sectlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L L�npth: 483.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft 7rueAres: 15.456.00 Sa Wo�ic M�Jor Cods Cost M� INITWL SO True � N�Uwork: AGrande Branch: 0p188 (Boysenberty Street) 8�ctlon: 10 SuAaes: AC LC.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 450.00 Ft Witllh: 32.00 Ft TmeAna: 14.400.00 Sa '� Work MaJor Cotla Cost M8R INITIAL EO Tiue NaMrork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00188 (Boysenberrystreet) S�etlon: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2003 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 450.00 Ft WItlN: 32.00 Ft 7rwAroe: 14.400.00 So Work M� Coda Cost M�µ INITIAL $0 True Network: AG2nde Bnneh: pp190 (Branch MIII Roa� S�etlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: OB/20/2003 Use: ROADWAY Rank:CL�npM: 3.333.00 Ft Widlh: 30.00 Ft TrwAm: 99,990.00 Sa M/ark MI�Jor Cod� Cost Myg CR-AC $0 True iNIT1AL �True NNxrork: AGrande Bnneh: 00195 (Branch Sireet(West)) S�etlon: 10 SuAaer. AC L.C.D.: O6/07/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:B L�npth: 1,690.00 Ft Wldth: 50.00 Ft TrueMa: 84.500.00 Sa Work Coda Cost M� INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00195 (Brench Street(Weatp 8�etlon: 20 SuAau: APC 4C.D.: 05/17N999 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:B UnyM: 2.880.00 Ft Width: 50.00 Ft Tn�eArec144.000.00 Sa Work M�Jor Coda CoK M8R SR-AC $0 True INITIAL T�ue Network: AGrande �Braneh: 00195 (Branch Street(W�t)) S�etlon: 30 Surlau: AC _ L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1980 Use: ROADWAY Renk:B Lenpth: 2.740.00 Ft Width: 45.00 Ft 7rueAna:123.300.00 Sa Work Myo� Cod� Cost M8R INITWL 7Np Nehvork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00195 (eranch Street(Wesq) S�etlon: 40 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:B �enpth: 800.00 Ft Wldth: 30.00 ft 7rueAns: 24.000.00 Sa work � Cods Cost M� INITWL True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 5 of 46 Pavement Database: Network: AGrande Bnnch: 00200 (Bridpe Street) � 8ectlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1977 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnpM: 944.00 Ft Widlh: 36.00 Ft 7rueAna: 33.984.00 Sa Wo� Myor Cod� Cost MiR INITUIL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00210 (Brighton Avenue) Saetlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1972 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 678.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 27.720.00 Sa work � M�jor Cod� Cwt M� INITIAL 7Np Netwo�fc: AGrande Braneh: 00210 (BrigMon Avenue) S�etlon: 20 Swtau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1986 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 1,900.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueMa: 78.000.00 Sa Work .M�Jor Coda Cost MiR INITIAL 7� � Network: AGrande Bonch: 00220 (B�isco Road) S�etlon: 10 SuHaw: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1984 Use: ROADWAY Rank:Cl.�npN: 750.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7ruaNw: 30.000.00 Sa Wa� Myor Cods Cost M� INITIAL True Network: AGrende Bpneh: 00220 (Briaco Road) S�etlon: 20 SuMer. AC L.C.D.: O6/01N982 We: ROADWAY Rank:CLanpM: 1.350.00 Ft WIAth: 40.00 Ft 7rueAru: 54.000.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cod� Cost MiR INITIAL True � Natwork: AGrende Braneh: 00220 (Briaco Roed) S�etlon: 30 Su�iaa: AC LC.D.: OB/Ot/1982 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:C I.�npth: 300.00 Ft WWth: 40.00 Ft TrueAm: 12.000.00 So work Myo� Code Cost �M� INITWL Tru9 NNwo�1c: AGrande Bwnch: 00230 (Califomia Street) Saetlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.o.: 0&01/1983 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:CLenpN: 510.00 Ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft 7rueMe: 17,340.00 Sa Wa� Myor Cods Cost Myp INITIAL True NetwoAc: AGrande Bnneh: 00240 (Calle Carmen) S�etlon: 10 Surf�a: AC et L.C.D.: O6/01/1985 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L L�npth: 250.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft 7rwAne: 70.000.00 Sa Work Myor Cod� Coat M8R STSS y0 False INITWL .7�p Nelxrork: AG2nde Bwnch: 00250 (Calle Cuervo) 8ktlon: 10 SmNa: AC L.C.D.: 01/01N992 We: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnpM: 6.960.00 Ft WIdN: 30.00 Ft Tru�Arr208.800.00 Sa Work � Code Coat M� ST-SS $0 Felae INITIAL §0 Tiue � _ __ . � - . . - ._.._. � . . � Date:03/01/2005 Work HlstOry Report Paae s of 46 Pavement Database: NeMrork: AG2nde Branch: 00260 (Callie CouA) Seetlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 190.00 Ft Widlh: 45.00 Ft TrueAres: 8.550.00 Sa Work MeJor Cod� � Cost M8R IPNTL4L True Nahvork: AGrande Bnneh: 00270 � (CameronCourt) 8�etlon: 10 8urtau: �AC L.C.D.: O6/O7/1976 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lan9m� 619.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TruaArea: 24.760.00 Sa Work Mejor Coda Cost M8R ST-SS SO False INITWL True Netvro�lc: AGrande Bnneh: 00280 (Camirw Mercado) S�etlon: 10 Surhp: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1985 Use: ROADWAY Rank:CL�npM: 2,530.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft 7rueAnc101.200.00 Sa Work M� Coda Cost M� ST-SS SO False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Bnneh: 00290 (Campena Place) Ssetlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N9Z8 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L.�npM: 582.00 Ft Witlth: � 38.00 Ft 7rue A�w: 20232.00 Sa Work M�Jor Coda Cost MiR STSS SO Palae INITIAL TnM Network: AGrande ereneh: 00300 (Canyon Way) S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Otl1950 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanpth: 1.335.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft 7rusAre�: 48.060.00 Sa Work M� Cod� Cost M� ST-SS $0 Falfe INITIAL True N�Uwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00310 (Cardlnal CouA) SKflon: 10 BuRaa: AC L.C.o.: 06/01/1987 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L L«�ptA: 150.00 Ft Vlndth: 40.00 Ft TrueAm: 6.000.00 Sa Mbrk M�Jor Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL True Natwork: AG2nde enneh: 00320 (Camiella Drive) Sxtlon: 10 SuMa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L. LanpM: 887.00 Ft Width: � 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 35,480.00 Sa work � Coda Cost M8R ST-SS SO False INITWL True NNwoAc: AGrande Broneh: 00330 (Caml Place) S�etlon: 70 BuMu: AC L.C.D.: OB/01N985 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L Unpth: 568.00 Ft Wldth: 38.00 Ft . 7nuAna: 27.508.00 Sa Work Cods Cost M� STSS $0 False INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bruieh: 00335 (Castilb Coun) �S�etion: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: Ot/01N998 Uw: ROADWAY R�nk:L l.�npth: 300.00 Ft WIdN: 32.00 Ft Tru�Anc 9.600.00 Sa WoAc M�Jor { Cod� Cost M8R i� _ i Date:03/01/2005 Wo�k History Report paae � of4s Pavement Database: INITIAL $0 True Network: AGrande Breneh: 00336 (Castillo del Ma� Saetlon: 10 Surfaee: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2002 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L lenpth: 1.312.00 Ft wideh: 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 52.480.00 Sa Work Major Coda Cost MSR INITWL $0 True Natwork: AGrende Bnneh: pp336 (CastlllodelMar) Sectlon: 20 SuRsca: AC L.C.D.: Ot/01/2002 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 163.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 6.520.00 Sa work .M�jor CoAa Cost M� INITWL $0 True Network: AGrende Bnnch: 00340 (CedarStreeq Saetlon: 10 SuAau: AC LC.D.: OB/01/1963 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenyth: . 300.00 Ft Widlh: 32.00 Ft 7rueAree: 9.600.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cods Cost M8R ST-SS $0 Falae INITWL Tn�e Network: AGrende eraneh: 00340 (CedarStreet� S�etlon: 20 SuAaer. AC L.C.D.: O6/01N963 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 850.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft 7rueAree: 27.200.00 Sa � Work M� Coda � Cost M� STSS - $0 Falae . INITIAL True NNwoAc: AGrande Bnneh: 00340 (CedarStreet) S�etlon: 30 Sur4a: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2007 Use: ROADWAY ttank:L L�npth: 507.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7ru�Ane: 18.252.00 Sa Work h4Jor Code Cost M8R INITL4L• � EO True NeMrork: AGrande eranch: 00350 (CerroYwtaCircAe) S�etlon: 10 Surfw: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Uw: ROADWAY Renk:L Unpth: 715.00 Fl Width: 36.00 Ft 7rueAn�: 25.740.00 Sa WoAc �pr Coda Cost � M8R ST-SS ZO False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00360 (Cerro vista Lane) Saetlon: 10 Sur(aea: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 536.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft TrueMe: 19.296.00 Sa Work Myor Cotle Cost M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True N�twork: AGrande Bnneh: 00370 (ChapartalLane) S�ctlon: 10� Surher. AC LC.D.: Ofi/Ot/1987 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 410.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAnr. 76.400.00 Sa Work Code Cosl, M� ST-SS SO Falae INITIAL 7� oate:os�o��2oos WOI'k HistOry RepOPt Paqe 8 of 46 Pavement Database: NNwork: AGrande Braneh: 00370 (Chapartal Wne) Sxllon: 20 SuAxa: AC LC.D.: 06/01N987 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L LenpM: 450.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TruaAree: 18,000.00 Sa work Myor Cotls Cost M� INITIAL True NatwoAc: AGrende Branch: 00380 (Chelsea Court) Sectlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N993 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L lenpth: 144.00 Ft 'Witllh: 44.00 Ft 7rueAree: 6.336.00 Sa Work MeJor Cod� Cost M8R INITL4L True Network: AGrande Bnnch: 00385 (ChertyAvenue(West)) Seetlon: 10 SuAaa: AC LC.D.: 06/01N980 Usa: ROADWAY R�nk:CLmpth: 878.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TruaAna: 29.852.00 Sa ' Work WJor Cod� Cost MiR INITIAL True � Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00385 (Cheny Avenue(West)) S�etlon: 20 Surlaq: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:CL�npN: 420.00 Ft 1MUtb: 34.00 Ft 7rueMa: 14280.00 Sa Wa� Myor Coda Cost M� INRIAL True . Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00390 (Chilton Avenue) S�etlon: 10 Surf�u: AC L.C.D.: OB/01N970 Uss: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 7.500.00 Ft . WIdN: 38.00 Ft TrwArw: 57,000.00 Sa Work Myor Cotls Cost M� � INITIAL TNp NaMrork: AGrande Bnneh: 00400 (ClerenceAvenue) S�etlon: 10 SuM�a: AC L.C.D.: 06/07N987 Use: ROADWAY �Rank:L L�npM: 648.00 Ft Wltlth: 32.00 Ft 7meAna: 20.672.00 Sa Work Cod� Cost M� INITIAL True Network: AGronde Bnneh: 00415 (CliMOn Court) BKtlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Ute: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 290.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueMu: 11.600.00 Sa . Work AAyor Cod� Cost M8R . INITIAL Tnie Network: AGrande Braneh: 00430 (Coach Road) Ssetlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N964 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lsnyth: 743.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAnc 29.720.00 Sa Work �p� Coda Cost M� INITVIL True Natwork: AGrende Bnnth: 00430 (Coach Road) S�etlon: 20 SuA�a: AC � L.C.D.: O6/01N964 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpN: 1.100.00 Ft Wltith: 40.00 Ft TrueAra: 44.000.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cods Cost My� INITIAL True i Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Pape 9 of 46 Pavement Database: Nstwork: AGrende Bnnch: 00440 (Cobre Place) � 8ectlon: 10 Surtaa: AC LC.D.: OB/01N978 Use: ROADWAY q��k;� �o�y�ry; 484.00 Ft WIdN: 36.00 Ft TrueArea: 17.424.00 Sq Wo* Major Cod� Cost M� STSS $0 Falae INITWL True N�twork: AG2nde Braneh: 00450 (Cdina Street) S�etlon: 10 Surfaq: AC I.C.D.: OB/01/1979 Wa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 435.00 Ft Wldeh: 36.00 Ft TrueArea: 15.660.00 Sa Woiic MaJor Cod� Cost M� STSS $0 Falae INITIAL � 7� Nstwo�lc: AGrande Bnneh: 00480 (Cdlado Courte) � Saetlon: 10 surfw: AC ���� �.C.D.: OB/01N985 We: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 276.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7rwAns: 9.936.00 Sa WoAc MaJor Cod� � Co�t MiR STSS SO False INITIAL 7�p � NaMrork: AGrande. Bnneh: 00470 (Co�bett Canyon Roa� S�etlon: 10 SuAaa: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1973 Uu: ROADWAY Rank:A l.�npth: 1,965.00 Ft Wldth: 24.00 Ft TnuAroe: 47.160.00 Sa Work M�Jor Coda Coat M8R INITIAL True Natxrork: AGrdnde Bruieh: 00480 (Comwall Avenue) S�etlon: 10 Swfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N976 Uw: ROADWAY� Rank:L L�npM: 1,561.00 Ft WMN: 40.00 Ft 7rueNw: 62.440.00 Sa Work MaJw Coda Cost M� ST-SS $0 Falae � INITWL True Network: AGrende Bnneh: 0049p (Corone dd Tlerra) S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N971 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 472.00 Ft WIAN: 40.00 Ft TrwAru: 18.880.00 Sa Work .M�Jor Coda Coat M8R STSS SO False SS-RE y0 False INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Braneh: 00500 (Cortal Place) S�dlon: 10 Surfur AC LC.D.: O6/01/1975 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lx�yN: 830.00 Ft WIAlh: 45.00 Ft 7rueAra: 28.350.00 Sa Work Myor Cods Cost M8R STSS $0 Felse INITIAL True N�twork: AGrande enneh: 005W � (CaurtlandStreeq S�etlon: 10 � SuAaer. AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1981 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C L�nptlr. 1.361.00 Ft w�dth: 30.00 Ft 7rwAnr. 40.830.00 Sa work M� Cods Cost M� INITIAI True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 10 of46 Pavement Data6ase: NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00510 (CouNand Street) Ssetlon: 20 BuAau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1981 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanath: 500.00 Ft Width: 30.00 Ft TrusAroc 15.000.00 SG Work Major Code Cost M� INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00510 (Courtland Street) Sectlon: 30 Surhu: AC LC.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpN: 390.00 Ft WIMh: 34.00 Ft Tn�eArea: 13.260.00 Sa Work M�� Cod� Cost M� � INITIAL 30 True NaMrork: AGrande Bnneh: 00510 (CouNand Street) S�etlon: 40 Surfau: AC ' L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY ��k;� u�0�; 1,033.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft � TrwAru: 39,254.00 Sa Work M� Cod� Cost Myµ INITIAL §0 True Natwo�lc: AGrende Bnneh: 0p510 (CouNaiM Street) Saetlon: 5p SuAsu: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C LanpM: 775.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TruaAroa: 27.900.00 Sa Work Cotle Cost M� INITIAL $0 True Natwork: AGrende Bnneh: 0p520 (Creekside Drive) Saellon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N975 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenyfh: 404.00 Ft WIdN: 40.0p Ft TrwAree: 16.160.00 Sa Work � MsJor Cods Cost M8R srss ao Faiae INITL4L 7� N�Bwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00525 (CranbenyAvenue) S�etlon: 10 SuAaa: AC LC.D.: 01/01/2001 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L L«�pth: 775.00 Ft Vlndth: � 36.00 Ft TrueMa: 25740.W Sa Work Cod� Coat M�iR INITIAL SO True N�Mrork: AGrande Bnneh: 0p530 (Cross Street) S�etlon: 10 SuASa: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1975 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L lsnpth: 680.00 Ft Witltlr. 40.00 Ft TruaAnc 26.400.00 Sa WoAc M� Cod� Coa M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL T� Nelwork: AGfande Braneh: 0p540 (Crown Hilq S�ctlon: 10 BuA�er. AC L.C.D.: 0&Ot/1982 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Unpth: 1.620.00 Ft Witlth: 35.00 Ft 7ruaAna: 56.700.00 Sa Work � Coda Cost M� INITWL 7'Np N�hvork: AG2nde Bwneh: 005$p (Crown Tertace) � Sktlon: 10 Surfaer. AC I.C.D.: O6/O7/1982 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Unyth: 665.00 Ft WIAN: 30.00 Ft T�voAro�: 19.950.00 Sa work Myor Code Cort M8R ST-SS SO Felse INITIAL Tnie I -- - � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Repart Paqe 11 of46 Pavement Database: Network: AGrdnde Bnneh: 00550 (Crown Tertace) Sxtlon: 20 Surlacr. AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1982 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 210.00 Ft Width: 16.00 Ft True Aree: 3.360.00 Sq W�� MeJor Cotle Cost M�,µ STSS . g0 False INITIAL 7� NNxro'1c: AGrande erench: 00560 (CueNa Corte) Ssetlon: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N985 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 200.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft irueArea: 8.000.00 Sa Work �Major Coda Cost M� ST-SS � $0 False ' INITIAL 7� Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00570 (CUeata Place) 8aetlon: 10 8urtaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N993 Ute: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 206.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft Tn,eMa: 7.416.00 Sa Work M�jor Cotla Cost 'M6R ST-SS SO False INITIAL Tnre Network: AGrande Braneh: 00580 (DeerTrailCirGe) S�etlon: 10 BuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N970 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:L Unpth: 800.00 Ft WkHh: 34.00 Ft 7rueAn�: 27.200.00 Sa Work Myo� Cods Cos! MiR STSS $0 False INITIAL True Ndwork: AGrande Branch: 00590 (Del Sol Streeq Saetlon: 10 Swfaw: AC L.C.D.: O6/O1N977 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L 4n9N: 712.00 Ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft T�uaAra: 24.208.00 Sa Work MaJor Coda Coat M8R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Braneh: 00600 (Diamond Cirde) SKtlon: 10 8unc�r. AC L.C.D.: 11N5/2005 We: ROADWAY Rsnk:L Lanpth: 175.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft TrwAroe: 7.000.00 Sa Work � M�Jor Cod� Coat M� � o�-ns Eo Ttie INITWL True Network: AGrende Bnneh: 00610 (Diana Place) Seetlon: 10 Surlau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1977 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 1.089.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft 7ru�Ana: 43.560.00 Sa Wo�lc MaJor Coda Cos! � M8R STSS SO False INITWL True Network: AGrande enneh: 00620 (D'ason Street) S�ctlon: 10 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N993 Wa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnpth: � 370.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7rusAra: 14.800.00 Sa Work Me�p� Cotle Cost M� ST-SS SO False INITIAL True � i I Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 12 of46 Pavement Database: NMVOrk: AG2nde Bnneh: 00630 (Dotlson Way) S�ctlon: 10 SuAau: AC LC.D.: 05/01/2004 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: � 714.00 Ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft 7rueArea: 24276.00 Sa Work MaJo� Cotla Cost MgR CR-AC SO True INITIAL � � True NNwork: AG2nde Braneh: 00630 (DOdson WaY) Saetlon: 20 Surfaes: AC L.C.D.: OS/01/2003 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnpth: 714.00 Ft Widlh: 34.00 Ft TrueArea: 24.276.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cotls Cost M8R CR-AC SO True INITIAL T� Network: AGrande Broneh: 0p640 (Doa Certos) S�etlon: 70 8m(aa: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1994 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenyN: 301.00 Ft NnrMh: 30.00 Ft 7iveAroa: 9.030.00 Sa Work Myor Cod� Cost M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Network: AGrande Braneh: 00650 (Cherry Avenue(Easq) S�etlon: 10 Surlau: AC LC.D.: O6/Ot/1982 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:B LanpM: 1,315.00 Ft Widfh: 29.00 Ft Tru�Anc 38.135.00 SO Work M� Coda Cost y� INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00650 (ChertyAvenue(East)) S�etlon: 20 Surlau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:B Lanpth: 1.170.00� Ft WIMh: 45.00 Ft TrueAres: 52.850.00 Sa WoAc � MaJor Code Cost w� - INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 0p650 � (CnertyAvenue(Eastp S�etlon: 40 � 8urfau: AC LC.D.: 06/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:B LanpN: 1.500.00 Ft Wldth: � 34.00 Ft 7n�eAra: 51.000.00 Sa Work MsJor Cods Cost M� INITWL . True NNwork: AG2nde Bnnch: 0p670 (EI Camino Reaq 8�dlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6I01/1953 Use: ROADWAY Rank:A 4npN: 95.00 Ft Wldlh: 40.00 Ft � 7nwAroa: 3.800.00 So Work Mya� Cotla Cost My� INITIAL True NaMrork: AGrande Bnnch: 00670 (EI Camino Real) Saetlon: 20 8urf�u: APC L.C.D.: 06/07/1953 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:A Lenpth: 1,478.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrwAnc 59.120.00 Sq Work M�Jor Cotla Cost M8R INITWL � True NetwoAc: AGrande Bnnch: 00670 (EI Camino Reap S�eflon: 30 Surf�a: APC � L.C.D.: O6/01/1964 Ut�: ROADWAY R�nk:A L�npth: 2.500.00 Fl Width: 24.02 Ft 7rwAna: 80,050.00 Sa Work Myor � Cods Cost M8R INITIAL Tme � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 13 of 46 Pavement Dafabase: Nwwork: AGrande Bnnch: 00670 (EI Cemirw Real) S�etlon: 40 SuMce: APC L.C.D.: O6/01/1964 Use: ROADWAY Rank:q Lanplh: 700.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft TrueA�ea: 42.000.00 Sa WO* Myor Coda Cort M� INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00670 (EI Camino Real) Sxtlon: 50 Surtaa: APC LC.D.: O6/01N984 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:A Lenyth: 1.500.00 Ft Widlh: 60.00 Ft TrueArea: 90,000.00 Sa Wo� MaJor Coda Cos! M8R INITWL True � NeMrork: AGrdnde Broneh: 00680 (Elm Street(South)) Saetlon: 10 SuMeu: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1964 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L l�npth: 756.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TruaAna: 30.240.00 Sa work My� Cotls Coat M�y INITIAL True Network: AGrende Braneh: 00680 (Elm Street(South)) S�ctlon: 20 SuAxa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1984 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 1.480.00 Ft WIMh: 62.00 Ft 7rueArw: 91.760.00 Sa Work Myor Cods � Cost y� INITIAL 7�p Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00680 (Elm Street(Southp � Ssetlon: 30 SuAau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1964 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LxipN: 1.461.00 Ft Wldth: 62.00 Ft TnuAna: 90,582.00 Sa Work MeJor Coda Cost M� INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 0p880 (Elm Street(South)) S�etlon: 40 SuA�u: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1964 Uaa: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 2.030.00 Ft Width: 82.00 Ft 7rueAres:125.880.00 Sa Wo�ic MaJor Coda Cos! y� INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00690 (Elm Street(NOrthp S�etlorr. � 10 Surfau: AC LC.D.: 06101N980 Uss: ROADWAY yok:L LanOUv 1.298.00 Ft Wldth: .40.00 Ft 7rwAm: 51.920.00 Sa Work Myor Coda Cost M� INITIAL 'True Nehvodc: AGrande 8nnch: 0p690 (Elm Street(North)) S�etlon: 20 " 8urha: AC L.C.D.: 06/01N980 Wa:�ROADWAY Rank:L L�nOM: 240.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft 7rus Arw: 9.600.00 Sa Work Mtjor � Cod� Cos! MiR INITIAL � Tn�e Nstwork: AGrdnde Braneh: 00700 (Emen Court) S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1960 Wa: ROADWAY Renk:L L�npN: 480.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7rueAroa: 19200.00 Sa Work M� Cod� Cost MyR INITUIL True £ Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 14 of46 Pavement Database: NMVOrk: AGtande Bnneh: 00710 (Emerald Bay Drive(West)) Sectlon: 10 SuMee: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N988 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 430.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 17.200.00 Sa Wa� Major Cod� Cost Mgg ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True NstwoAc: AGronde Bnneh: 00720 (Emereld Bay Drive(East)) Seetlon: 10 Surfaq: AC LC.D.: OB/01N988 Use: ROADWAY Wnk:L L�npM: 446.00 Ft Wltlth: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 17.840.00 Sa Work M� Code Cost M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True NMmAc: AGrende Bnneh: 00730 (Equeatrian Way) � S�etlon: 10 Surfur AC I � L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Usa: ROADWAY Renk:L l.�npth: 2.565.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft TrueAnc102.600.00 Sa Work Mypr Code Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 0p730 (Equestrian Way) Saetlon: 20 SuAaa: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1980 U�e: ROADWAY yok:L L�nOM: 1.889.00 Ft Vlndth: 40.00 Ft .7ruenna: 74.760.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cod� Cost My� INITIAL Tn» NetwoAc: AGrende Bnneh: 00740 (Paeh Avenue) � S�etlon: 10 SuAat�: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1962 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpm: 530.00 Ft wiath: 36.00 Ft TrueAne: 19.080.00 Sa Work Cotle � Cost M�r ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL True . NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00750 � (FairOaksAvenue) S�etlon: 10 SuAaes: AC . L.C.D.: O6/01/1968 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 1.190.00 Ft Witlth: 80.00 Ft 7ruenree: 71.400.00 Sa � Work M�Jor Cod� Cost M8R INITNL Tiue Nelwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00750 (FairOaksAvenue) S�etlon: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npM: 1.400.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft TrwArw: 84.000.00 SO Work � MaJor Cotla � M8R INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00750 (FairOaksAvenue) Saetlon: 30 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N982 Use: ROADWAY � Rank:L lsnpth: 790.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft 7ru�Ana: 47.400.00 Sa Work �jp� Cods Cwt N� INITIAL True NeMrork: AGrende Bnnch: 00750 (FairOaksAvenue) S�etlon: 40 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 2.600.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft TrwAiw:156.000.00 Sa Work MaJw Cod� Cost MiR INITIAL True � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 15 of 46 Pavement Data6ase: Network: AGfande Braneh: 0p750 (FairOaksAvenue) SxUon: 50 Surtsu: AC L.C.D.: 0&07/1982 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L L�npth: 2,164,00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft TrueArea:129.640.00 Sa Wa� Major coa. co:� MaR INITWL True Network: AGrende Bnneh: 00750 (FairOaksAvenue) 8aetlon: 60 Surtsu: AC L.C.D.: OB/01/1982 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 598.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft TrueArea: 35.880.00 Sa Wo�1c M�Jor Code Cost M6R INITWL True NHwork: AGrande Bruieh: 00760 (Fair View Drive) S�ctlon: 10 Surfaa: AC � L.C.D.: O6/01/1957 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L L.�npM: 1.118.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft TruaArer. 40248.00 Sq Work MaJor �� Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL True NeMrork: AGrende Bnneh: 00760 (FairViewDrive) 8�etlon: 20 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1957 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:L L�npth: 210.00 Ft WIMh: 36.00 Ft TruaNw: 7.560.00 Sa WoAc My� Cod� �w� MiR INITULL True � Nehvork: AGrende Bnneh: 00785 (Farmhouse Poace) S�etlon: 10 SuMer. AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1999 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 380.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAnc 75200.00 Sq Work MaJor Cod� � MiR INITIAL y0 Tnre N�Mrork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00770 (Famoll Avenue) S�etlon: 10 Surher. AC �.C.o.: O6/01N970 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnpm: 1,675.00 Ft Witltn: 44.00 Ft 7rwnnc 73.700.00 Sa Work Myor Coda � M8R STSS y0 Falae INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00770 (Farrd�Avewe) S�etlon: 20 BuAau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1970 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L lsnpth: 1,280.00 Ft Wldth: 45.00 Fl 7rueAna: 57.600.00 Sa WoAc MaJw Cod� Cos! y� INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00770 (Farmll Avenue) � SKtlon: 30 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N970 Uae: ROADWAY Wnk:L l.�npth: 1,400.00 Ft witlfh: 45.00 Ft 7rwAnc 63.000.00 Sa � Work Myor Cotle �o« M8R INITIAL Tiue Network: AGrande eraneh: OW70 (FamdlAvenue) S�ctlon: 40 SuMu: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1970 Uta: ROADWAY R�nk:L Lanpth: 300.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft TrwAru: 9.600.00 Sa Work Mbor Cod� Co�t M� INITIAL True Date:03/01/2005 Wo�c History Report paae �s of 4s Pavement Database: Nahvork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00775 (FieldWew Place) 8sctlon: 10 SuMsu: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1999 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanyN: 332.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft TrueMa: 10.624.00 Sa �'a� Major Code Cost MbR INITIAL $0 True Nahwork: AGrende Breneh: 00780 (Flora Roed) � 8ectlon: 10 SuA�ea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N963 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 638.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TruaArea: 25.440.00 Sa Work MeJor Coda Cost M6R INITIAL Tme '' Network: AGrande Braneh: 00790 (Forest Glen Drive) S�etlon: 10 Surlau: AC � L.C.D.: 0&/01/1977 Uar. ROADWAY R�nk:L L�n9tiv 415.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft Tru�A�w: 16,600.00 Sa Work M� Cod� Cost M3R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Network: AGrende Braneh: 0p800 (FOrtuna Court) � S�etlon: 10 Surf�p: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1978 Ute: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 540.0p Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAna: 21.800.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cods Cost My� STSS SO �Falae � INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00810 (Garden Street) S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1971 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L lsnpth: 1244.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAna: 49.760.00 Sa Woiic MaJor Cotla Cost M8R STSS y0 False INRIAL � True � NNwork: AGrande enocb: 00810 (Garden Street) S�etlon: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01N971 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 200.00 Ft Witlth: 24.00 Ft TrwAn�: 4.800.00 Sa Wo�lc MaJw Coda �� MiR INITIAL TnM Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 00810 (Garden Straet) . S�etlon: 30 SuA�er. AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1999 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npM: 119.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Fl TrwAn�: 3.808.00 Sa Work MI�Ja Cods Co�t y� INITIAL EO True Natwork: AGrande Branch: 00820 (GarfieW Place) Saetlon: 10 SuAw: AC 4C.D.: 06/01/1974 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 1,243.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft 7rusAru: 49.720.00 Sq Work MaJa Cod� � Cwt M3R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Braneh: 00830 � (GayMair7ertace) S�etlon: 10 BuAau: AC � L.C.D.: O6/01N963 Uw: ROADWAY ynk:L L�nOtiv 1.800.00 Ft w�tlth: 40.00 Ft Tnwaw: 64.000.00 Sa Work M� Cotls Cwt M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True i ... _ . . . _—. __ � _ .l Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report paae �� of4s Pavement Database: NMVOrk: AG2nde eraneh: 00840 (Golden West Place) SxUon: 10 Surtaea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1970 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 642.00 Pt width: 38.00 Ft TrueAm: 24.396.00 Sa WO� MaJor Code Cost M� ST-SS SO False INITIAL True N�twork: AGrendB Bnneh: 00850 (Grece Lane) 8�ctlon: 10 SuAau: AC LC.D.: OB/01N988 We: ROADWAY Rank:L LanOth: 135.00 Ft Widlh: 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 5.400.00 Sa Work M�Jor� Cod� Coat My� i STSS SO False INITWL 7� Nwwork:� AG2nde Bnneh: 0p860 (Grend Avenue(Eastp Saetlon: 10 Sur6u: AC L.C.D.: 11/01/2003 Uss: ROADWAY Rank:A L�npth: 2.273.00 Ft Width: 76.00 Ft TrueArsr.172.748.00 Sa Wo�1c Myor Cod� Cost M8R OL-AS SO True INITWL True NNwork: AG2nd8 Bnneh: 00860 (GrendAvenue(Eaet)) SMlon: 20 SuAau: AC LC.D.: 0&01/1999 Uw: ROADWAY Renk:A Lenpth: 2,783.00 Ft Wldth: 76.00 Ft TrueNw209.988.00 Sa Wa� Ma�or Cod� Cost� MiR OL-AS $0 True INITIAL True Nstwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00860 (Grend Avenue(East)) Saetlon: 30 SuMu: AC . LC.D.: 06/01/1997 We: ROADWAY Rank:A Lenpth: 7.768.00 Ft Width: 78.00 Ft TrueArw:134.368.Op Sa Work M�Jor � Cod� Cost MiR OL-AS SO True INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00870 1Greenwootl Dnve) S�etlon: 10 SuMaes: AC L.C.o.: O6/OtN963 UN: ROADVIIAY Renk:L Lenpeh: 672.00 Ft width: 40.00 Ft 7nwAnc 26.880.00 Sa Work MeJor CoAa Cost M8R INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00875 (Grove CouA� Seetlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1999 Wa: ROADWAY Renk:L Lsnpth: 332.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft 7rwAns: 10.624.00 Sa Work MaJor Cods � Cos! M8R INITWL SO True Network: AGrande Bpneh: 00880 (GulaAe Road) Seetlon: 10 SuAace: AC LC.D.: OB/01/1987 Uaa: ROADWAY R�nk:L Lsnpth: 1.776.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft 7rueAnc 63.936.00 Sa . � Work M� Cotla Cost M3R STSS $0 Falae STSS $0 False INITWL True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 18 of 46 Pavement Database: Nehwrk: AG2nde Bnnch: 0088p (Gularte Road) Ssetlorc 20 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: OB/01/1987 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 772.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft 7rueArea: 27.792.00 Sa WO* MaJor Coda Cost M6R ST-SS $0 False INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00890 (Halcyon Road(South)) Sectlon: 10 Surhq: AC LC.D.: O6I01/1960 Usa: ROADWAY qa�k;q ���yW; Z,p50.00 Ft Wldth: 50.00 Ft TrueArea:112.500.00 Sa Work �a� Cod� Cort MiR IPllTIAL True Network: AGrande Braneh: 00890 (Halcyon Roatl(Southp Saetlon: 20 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01N960 Use: ROADWAY Rank:A Lenyth: 2.064.00 Ft Widfh: 84.00 Ft 7n»Aros:132.096.00 Sa Wo�ic Myor Cod� Cost y� INITUIL 7� Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00900 (Halcyon Road(Nath)) S�enon: 10 Surlau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1960 Uw: ROADWAY � �Rank:A L�nOM: 1.590.00 Ft width: 40.00 Ft TrueAra: 63.600.00 Sa Work MaJor Cod� Cost MyR INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 009p5 (Harden Street) S�ctlon: 10 Sunc�r. AC L.C.D.: O6/01/798(1 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 500.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TrueArer. 18.000.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cods Cost MiR INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende � Bnneh: 00910 (Hamson Street) � Saetlon: 10 Surfeea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L l.�npth: 251.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7rwAnc 9.036.00 Sa work Myor Code Cost M� INITWL True Network: AG2nde Broneh: 00920 (HaA Lane) S�eHon: 10 Surlau: AC � LC.D.: 08/01/1980 Uaa: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 250.00 Ft Wldth: 24.02 Ft 7rueMa: 6.003.94 SO Work M� Code Cos! M� INITWL TnM Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00930 (Hawkins CouA) E�won: 10 Surha: AC - L.C.D.: O6/01/19&4 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanyM: 133.00 Ft Width:� 40.00 Ft TrueAnc 5.320.00 Sa i Work M4Jor � Cod� Cost MiR STSS SO False INITWL True NNwork: AGrende Bnneh: 00940 (Hlllcrest Drive) S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1548 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L La�pN: 1.889.00 Ft Wldfh: 22.00 ft TrwArae: 41.718.00 Sa work M� ? Coda Cost M� INITIAL True I Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 19 of 46 Pavement Database: Natwork: AGrende Bnnch: 0p940 (Hillcreffi Dnve) S�etlon: 20 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1948 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnpth: 1244.00 Ft Widlh: 24.00 Ft 7rueArea: 29.856.00 Sa WO� MaJor Coda Cost M8R INITIAL True Network: AGrende Braneh: 00945 (Hillsitle Court) S�etlon: 10 Surlsea: AC L.C.D.: 01/01N999 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpSh: 604.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft TrueArea: 19.328.00 Sa � Wo� MaJor Code Cost M� INITIAL SO True Netwo'Ic: AG2nde Braneh: 00950 (Hodpes Road) Saetlon: 10 Surhea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 1,040.00 Ft Widlh: 34.00 Ft TruaArea: 35.360.00 Sa Work MaJor .Code Cost M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL 7� NaMrork: AGrande Broneh: 00950 (Hadges Roatl) Ssetlon: 20 SuRw: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�n9M: 370.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TrwAree: 14.800.00 Sa W�� Msjor Cod� � Coat M8R ST-SS SO False INITIAL 7� NNwork: AGrande Broneh: 00960 (Huasna Road) S�etlon: 10 Surfaes: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1967 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:CLanpth: 2,830.00 Ft Width: 64.00 Ft TruaAnc187.120.00 Sa Work � Cods Cost M� INITIAL T� Natwork: AGtande Bnneh: 00960 (HUasna Road) S�etlon: 20 SuAau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1967 Uaa: ROADWAY Rank:C Lanpth: 1.900.00 �Ft Widlh: 63.00 Ft TruaMa:119700.00 Sa Work M�Jor Cods Cost M� INITIAL � TNp Natwork: AGrande Breneh: 00960 (HUasna Road) Swuon: 30 � Surfacs: AC �.C.D.: O6/Ot/1967 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C L�npth: 2,830.00 Ft Width: 64.00 Ft 7rue Ana:781.120.00 Sa W�� MeJor Coda Cost M8R INITIAL True . Network: AGrande Bnneh: 00965 (HucklebertyAvenue) 8setlon: 10 8urfau: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 We: ROADWAY Renk:L L.�npM: 490.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueArq: 16.860.00 Sa Work Myor Cod� Cost M� INITIAL $0 Trus NeMrork: AG2nde � Bnneh: 0pg70 � pde Streeq S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC e L.C.D.: O6/01/1981 Uaa: ROADWAY R�nk:L lsnpth: 960.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrwAru: 38.400.00 Sa t Work ' M� Cotle Cost M� ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 20 of 46 Pavement Dafabase: Nstwork: AGrande Bnneh: 00980 (Ikeda way) Saetlon: 10 BuMau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1981 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: � 455.00 Ft width:� 36.00�Ft TruaArea: 18.380.00 Sa We� MeJor Cotla Coat N� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True '� Natxrork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00990 (James Way) Sactlon: 10 Surfeu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N975 Use: ROADWAY Rank:Cl�npN: 1,350.00 Ft WIdN: 50.00 Ft TruaAres: 67.500.00 Sa Work M�� Coda Cost M� INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Broneh: 00990 (James Way) S�etlon: 20 BuAacs: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N975 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:CLanON: 1.830.00 Ft Wldth: 50.00 Ft TrueArea: 91.500.00 Sa Work MeJor CoM Cost M� MISF . y0 Falae� INITWL True Nalwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 00990 (James Way) S�ctlon: 30 Sarhea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N975 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C LanOth: 7.710.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft 7rueArea:102,600.00 Sa� Work Myor Code Cost M8R INITIAL Tnro � NaMrork: AGrande Bnneh: 00990 (James way) S�etlon: 40 BuAace AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1975 Use: ROADWAY Renk:C Lanpth: � 7,200.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft 7rueMa: 72.000.00 Sa Work Myor Cotle . Cost M8R INITIAL True NahvoHc: AGrdnde Bnneh: 00990 (James Way) 8eetlon: 50 SuAaes: AC L.C.D.: OB/01/1975 We: ROADWAY Wnk:C l.�npth: 1,170.00 Ft Width: 60.00 Ft TruaArea: 70.200.00 Sa Work Ms�or Cods Co�t M3R INITIAL Tnre Network: AGrende Braneh: 00990 (James Way) 8xtlon: 60 SuAaee: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N975 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:C LenpM: 930.00 Ft Width: 43.00 Ft 7ruaArea: 39.990.00 �Sa Work M�� Code �of� MdR INITIAL True Network: AG2nde Bnneh: 01000 (Jenny Place) S�etlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 290.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueNu: 11.600.00 Sa WoAc Map� Cods � Cost M� INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 01000 (Jenny Place) Saetlon: 20 BuAau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpM: 440.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArae: 1�.600.00 Sa M�a� MaJor Code � MiR INITIAL � True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe21 of46 Pavement Database: Netvrork: AGrende Bnnch: 01010 (JuniperSVeet) Saetlon: 10 Surtace: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanath: 1,344.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft 7rueArea: 51,072.00 Sa Work M�jor Cotle Cost MiR STSS $0 False INITWL True Natxrork: AGrande � eranch: 01020 (La Canada) S�etion: 10 Surha: AC . �� L.C.D.: O6/01/2000 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 750.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft 7rwAna: 25.500.00 Sa WoAc Myp� Cotle Cost M� INITWL 7� Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01020 (La Canada) SaeGOn: 20 SuAau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/2000 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 1.239.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueArae: 42.126.00 Sa Wo� Myor Coda ,Cos! M8R INITIAL � 7� Network: AGrande Bnnch: 01030 (La Cresta Drive� S�etlon: 10 SuAw: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1978 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L LanOth: 1,225.00 Ft vnmh: � 38.00 Ft Tn,aAna: 46.550.00 Sa Work MeJor Code Cost M� ST-SS $0 Fabe � INITIAL 7�yp Netvrork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01030 (La Cresta Drive) BMIon: 20 Surfaea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N978 Use: ROADWAY Rsnk:L Lenpth: 542.00 Ft Witllh: 38.00 Ft TrwAne: 20.596.00 Sa WoAc NeJor Code Cost Mgp ST-SS SO Falae� INITIAL True N�NVOrk: .AGrande Bnneh: 01040 (Ladera Poace) 8aetlon: 10 � SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1959 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 128.00 Ft Nntlth: 36.00 Ft TruoArp: 4.536.00 Sa Work ��� Cod� Cost M� ST-SS . $0 False INITIAL True Nstxrodc: AGrende Branch: 07050 (Lancaster Drive) S�etlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1959 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 1.085.00 Ft Witlth: 34.00 Ft Tru�Na: 36.890.00 Sa WoAc � . MaJor Coda Cost M� ST-SS $0 Falae INITWL 7� a Netxrork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01080 (LaPazCircle) S�eNOn: 10 SuRUS: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1978 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Lan01h: 136.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft . irueAna: 4.896.00 Sa Work Cods Cost� M� ST-SS $0 Felse INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01070 (WmhmoM Drive) S�ctlon: 10 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/07/19ffi Uw: ROADWAY R�nk:L lwnpth: 220.00 Ft Witlfh: 30.00 Ft TrueAnc 6.600.00 Sa Work MaJa Cod� Cos! M� Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 22 of46 Pavemenf Dafabase: INITIAL True Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01080 (Launa Lane) Seetlon: 10 SuAaee: AC L.C.D.: O6/Oi/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 657.00 Ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft TrueArea: 22.338.00 Sa Wo� Major Code Cost MgR INITIAL � True NatxroAc: AGrende Branch: 01090 (La Vista Court) Saetion: 10 BuAaes: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1987 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 386.00 Ft WIdN: 32.00 Ft 7rueMa: 12.352.00 Sa Work Mejor � Cotle Cost MiR INITIAL True '� Natwork: AGrende Bnneh: 01100 (leanna Drive) 8�etlon: 10 BuAaa: AC L.C.D.: 11/15/2004 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lan9M: 1.456.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft Tn�eArea: 58240.00 Sa Work MeJor . Code Cost My� OL-AS $0 True INITWL True Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01110 (Ledo Place) 8�ctlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 272.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TruaArea: 10.880.00 Sa Woiic y�Uor Cods Cost M� INITWL True NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01130 (Le Point Streeq Ssetlon: 10 SuAaa: AC LC.D.: 08/01/1985 We: ROADWAY Renk:L L�nyth: 1.315.00 Ft Width: 30.00� Ft TrueAroa: 39.450.00 Sa Work Myor Cod� Coat M8R INITIAL 7� Nshvork: AGrende enneh: 01130 (La Polnt StreeU Seetlon: 20 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N985 Usa: ROADWAY Rsnk:L Lenpth: 210.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 8,400.00 Sa Work M� Cotle Cort M� INITL4L Tnu Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01730 (LePointStreet) Saellon: 30 Surfsu: AC L.C.D.: OB/01N985 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpM: 1,298.00 Ft Widlh: 32.00 Ft 7rueAree: 41.536.00 Sa Work �y�p� . Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL � True N�hvork: AGrande Bnneh: 01140 (Le Point Terrace) S�etlon: 10� SuMu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 126.00 Ft Width: 30.00 Ft 7rueArea: 3,780.00 Sa Work Major Cotla - Cost M6R INITIAL 7� Nwwork: AGrande Braneh: 01140 (Le Point 7errace) S�ctlon: 20 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: 0&01N982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnyth: 345.00 Ft Width: 17.00 Ft TrueArea: 5.865.00 Sa Work Msjor Coda Cost MiR INITWL Tme � . .. .___. _ _ � I Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 23 of 46 Pavement Database: Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01160 (Llntla Drive) SeeGOn: 10 SuAaea: AC L.C.D.: 0&O1N981 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 1.098.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 43.920.00 Sa W�� MaJor Coda Cost MgR INITIAL True Network: AGrande Braneh: 01160 (Linda Drive) Sxtlon: 20 Surfap: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1981 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:CLan9th: 1.090.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 43.600.00 Sa Wo''k MeJor Code Cost My� INITIAL True Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01165 (LaganbertyAvenue) Seetlon: 10 SuAau: qC L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:�L LanpM: 470.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueArea: 75.980.00 SO Wo�ic MaJp� Code Cost M� INITIAL $0 True � INITWL $0 True Natwork: AGrende Braneh: 01165 (LOS Cervos) 8�etlon: 20 Surfeu: AC L.C.o.: 01/01N998 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C �enpth: 347.00 Ft Widfh: 32.00 Ft 7rueAna: 11.104.00 Sa work Myor Cod� Cost M6R INITIAL SO True NehvoAc: AGrande Braneh: 01165 (Los Cervos) S�ctlon: 30 SuAw: AC � L.C.o.:� 01/01/1998 Uaa: ROADWAY R�nk:C unpth: 330.00 Ft Wldth: 32.00 Ft True Aroa: 10.560.00 Sa Work MaJor Code Cost M� INITWL � $0 True NNVrork: AGrende Bnneh: 01170 (LOS Olivos Lane) 8�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnpth: 250.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrusAnc 8.500.00 Sa Work M�� Coda Cost M� INITIAL 7� Natwork: AG2nde Bnnch: 01170 (Los O�Nos Lane) S�etlon: 20 8urfaa: AC � LC.D.: O6/01/1982 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 550.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrwNw: 18.700.00 Sa Wo� MaJor Cods Cos! M� � INITL4l. True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01180 (Ma9rwlia Drive) S�etlon: 10 . Surfeu: AC I.C.D.: O6/01N963 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 1,104.00 Ft V1ntllh: 38.00 Ft TrwAne: 41.952.00 Sa Wa� AMJor Cods Cost M� ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL 7�y Natwork: AG2nde Broneh: 01790 (MapleStreet) 8�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N967 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:L L�nOtiv 1.000.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft 7rueAnc 40.000.00 Sa work Myor Cods Cost My�. i INITIAL True ( il i Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paae 24 of 46 Pavement Database: NNwork: AG2nde Brsneh: 01190 (Maple Street) S�etion: 20 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/07N967 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 956.00 Ft Widlh: 40.00 Ft 7rueAree: 38,240.00 Sa work Major Coda Cost M� INITIAL True NaMrork: AGrande Braneh: 01200 (Mariposa CimJe) Ssetlon: 10 8urhes: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N978 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpM: 135.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7ruaArea: 4.860.00 Sa work Myor Cods Cost � STSS $0 Felae INITIAL T�ue Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01210 (Mason Straet(South)) S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC LC.D.: 0&01N982 Use: ROADWAY �� Renk:L Lenpth: g2g.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TrusAna: 33.408:00 Sa � Work MaJor Coda Cost MiR ST-SS EO False INITIAL True NaMroAc: AGrande Bnneh: 01210 (Mason Street(SOUth)) Swtlon: 20 � Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 817.00 Ft Witllh: 36.00 Ft Tru�Mw: 2221�2.00 Sa Work MbJor Code Cost M�� INITIAL True Natwork: AGrdnde Bnnah: 01220 (Mason Street(NoM)) Swtlon: 10 �surfw: AC L.C.D.: 06101N982 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 423.00 Ft WIdN: . 30.00 Ft TrwAna: 12.690.00 Sa �Work � MaJor Cod� Cost Myg INITIAL True Nwwodc: AGrande Bnneh: 01230 (Matlhew Way) S�eqon: 10 SuAau: AC � L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Usa: ROADWAY R�nk:L Lanyth: 830.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TnwAnc 33200.00 Sq Work AAyor Cod� Coa M8R INITIAL True� Nstwork: AG2nde Bpnch: 01240 � (May Streeq S�etlon: 10 Surlau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/198f1 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L L�nOM: 772.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Fl 7rueArw: 27.792.00 Sa Work M�� Cod� Cost N�. INITULL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01250 (MCkinleyStreet) S�WOn: 10 Surfw: AC . LC.o.: O6/01N976 Uaa: ROADWAY Rank:L L«�yth: 736.00 Ft Vlndth: 30.00 Ft� 7rue aw: 22.080.00 Sa Work MeJor Code Cost M8R INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01270 (M�dowlark Drive) Swtlon: 10 SuMu: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1985 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:L Unyth: 540.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrwAna: 21.600.00 Sa work MUor Code Cost M8R INITWL True i I � �aee:osiov2oos Work History Report Paae 2s of as Pavement Dafabase: Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 01280 (Mercedes Lane) S�etlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1997 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanpth: 1.450.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 58,000.00 Sa Work � MaJor Cod� �n M3R ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL True Nstwork: AGrande Broneh: 01280 Rdercedes Lane) Seellon: 20 Surfaes: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1988 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L UnyM: 590.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 23.600.00 Sa Work NWw Code Cost � INITIAL 77ue Netrvork: AGrande Braneh: 07290 (Mesa Drive) Sxtlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N975 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanpth: 994.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft 7rueAns: 39.760.00 Sa Work M�jor Code Cost Myg . STSS SO False INITIAL True NeMrork: AGrande Bnneh: 01300 (Mesqulta Lane) 8�etlon: 10 SuA�a: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1985 Use: ROADWAY Rank:l LenpN: 1243.00 Ft Widlh: 40.00 Ft 7rueAree: 49.720.00 Sa Work Myor C�� Cost � STSS EO False � INITIAL Tme � Nstwork: AGrande Bwneh: 01310 (Miller Circle) S�etlon: 10 SuM�a: AC LC.D.: 0&01/1977 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpN: 174.00 Ft WIdN: 36.00 Ft TrueAna: 6.284.00 Sa WoAc CoM M�yr Cod� STSS $0 Falee INITIAL True Network: AGrende Bnneh: 01320 (Mlller Way) Saetlon: 10 8urtaee: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1977 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 2,156.00 Ft WIdN: 36.00 Ft 7rueAna: 77.616.00 Sa Work Myor Coda Cost MiR STSS 50 Falas INITIAL True NaMrork: AGrende Braneh: 01330 (Montepo Street) Saetlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N959 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L LenpM: 1.047.00 Ft Widlh: 38.00 Ft 7nuAna: 37.692.00 Sa Wo� ' Cost ��r Cotle INITIAL TruB Natwork: AGrande 8raneh: 01335 (Maninp Wse Lane) S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01N982 Uta: ROADWAY Renk:L Lsnpth: 800.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAree: 32.000.00 Sa work Myor Cotla Cost ��yµ INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01350 (MUlberty Lane) 8�etlon: 10 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1963 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 334.00 Ft Widlh: 38.00 Ft TrwAne: 12.692.00 Sa Work M�jor Coda Cost M8R ST-SS $0 Falae Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Pape 26 of 46 Pavement Database: INITWL True Neiwork: AGrende Branch: 01360 (Mustang Cirole) Ssetion: 10 Sudau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1980 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L LenOth: 355.00 Ft Width: � 40.00 Ft 7rueAree: 14.200.00 Sa Work Major Coda Cost M8R STSS SO False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande � Branch: 01370 (Myrtle Street) Saetlon: 10 SuAaea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1972 Usa: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanyth: 392.00 Ft Widlh: 36.00 Ft TrueArsa: 14.112.00 Sa . Work M�jor Cotla �� M8R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL TNe NaMrork: AGrande ereneh: 07380 (Nelsan Street) Ssetlon: 10 SuASee: AC LC.D.: 0&01/1991 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 970.00 Ft Widlh: 36.00 Ft TrueAres: 34.920.00 Sa Work Mejor Cods Cwt M� ST-SS SO False INITWL True Metwork: AGrande Braneh: 01380 (Nelson Street) Seetlon: 20 BuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/OtN991 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L UnOth: 691.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft 7ru�Ana: 24.878.00 Sa Work � MaJor � Cotla Cos! MiR INITWL True NaMrork: AGrande Braneh: 01390 (Nevada Streeq 8setlon: 10 Surfacs: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1959 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 325.00 Ft Wldth: 24.00 Ft TrueMa: 7.800.00 Sa Work Myor Cod� �n M6R INITIAL True NeMrork: AGrende Braneh: 01400 (Newman Dnve) 8setlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L L�npth: 549.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft 7ruoMa: 18.688.00 Sa work NuJor Code Cost My� INITIAL True N�twork: AGrende Bnneh: 01410 (NewpoAAvenue) 8ectlon: 10 Surtaos: AC L.C.D.: 08/01/1982 Uea: ROADWAY qank:L L�npth: 1.250.00 Ft Width: 35.00 Ft TrueAna: 43.750.00 Sa Work Myor Cods �� M8R . INITNL True Natwodc: AGrande Bnneh: 01420 (NOelStreet) � S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC LC.D.: 0&01N993 Wo: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 370.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft Tru�Ma: 14.800.00 Sa WoAc MsJa �o Cost M8R ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Branch: 01430 (NOguera Place) Saetlon: 10 Surlau: AC LC.D.: O6I01N972 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lan9N: 386.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TrwAroa: 13.896.00 Sa Work Myor Code Cost � M� Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 27 of 46 Pavement Database: ST-SS $0 � False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bmnch: 01440 (Noyes Roa� SeeUon: �10 Surface: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY R�nk:L Lanpfh: 550.00 Ft WIdN: 64.00 Ft 7rueAna: 35200.00 Sa yyo� MeJor Code Coat M8R INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01450 (Oak Hill Road) 8eetlon: 10 Surteu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 250.00 Ft Widlh: 24.02 Ft TrueArea: 6.003.94 Sa M or W�* Cost MiR Cods INITIAL T� N�twork: AG�ande Bnneh: 01460 (Oak Leaf Circle) 8eetlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L UnOth: 250.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft Tru�Arec 10.000.00 Sa Work M� �e Cost M8R . STSS $0 False INITIAL T� Network: AGrdnde Bnneh: 01470 (0ak PaAc Boulevard) 8eetlon: 10 SuAacr. AC L.C.D.: 06/01N997 We: ROADWAY Rank:A UnyM: 550.00 Ft Wldth: &4.00 Ft TrueArec 35.200.00 Sa . Wo�lc M�� Cod� �Cost M8R ��INITIAL T� Network: AG2nde Bnnch: 01470 � (Oak Park Boulevard) S�atlon: 30 BuMu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1997 Use: ROADWAY Rank:A l.�npth: 270.00 Ft Wldth: 50.00 Ft 7ruaArw: 13.500.00 Sa Wo* MaJor Code Cos! MiR INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01470 (Oak Park BoulevaM) Sxtlon: . 40 SuA�ea: AC LC.D.: O6/01N997 Use: ROADWAY Renk:A Lanpth: 1.300.00 Ft Mlidlh: , 50.00 Ft TrwAros: 85.000.00 Sa or Work Cost MiR CoM INITWL True NNwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01470 (Oak Park 8oulevaM) 8setlon: 50 Surtus: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1997 Use: ROADWAY Rank:A Lenpth: 2.950.00 Ft Width: 50.00 Ft TruaArac147.500.00 Sa� . c a �On � INITIAL T^� Network: AGrande Broneh: 01470 (OakParkBoulevard) S�Won: 60 Surfw: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1997 We: ROADWAY Rank:A l.�nyth: 500.00 Ft w�dth: 50.00 Ft 7rueArea: 25.000.00 Sa Work M�� Cotla Cost Y8R INITIAL T� Netrvork: AGrande enneh: 01480 (Oak Street) 8eetlon: 10 Surfau: AC LC.D.: 0&01/1982 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 670.00 Ft W�dlh. �40.00 Ft Trw Mw:�26.800.00 Sa or Code C� M�BR INITIAL True I Date:03/01/2005 WOrk History Report Paae 28 of 46 Pavement Database: Natwork: AG2nde erench: 01500 (Old Ranch Road) Saetlon: 10 SuAaee: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1997 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 1.840.00 Ft width: 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 73.600.00 Sa Wa� Major ��o Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 01510 (Olive Street) Seetlon: 10 SuAaw: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N991 We: ROADWAY Renk:L LanOth: 674.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7rueAree: 26.960.00 Sa Work M�O� j Coda Cost � M8R STSS SO Felae� INITWL True Nstwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01520 (Obhan Alley) Sxtlon: 10 Surhu:� AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: ROADWAY fLnk:L LsnO�� 1.100.00 Ft Widtlr. 24.00 Ft TrwArs�: 28.400.00 Sq Work Major Cods Cort M8R ST-SS . $0 False INITIAL T� Nstwork: AGrande Braneh: 01530 (Opal Cirde) Ssclion: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: 11N5/2005 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lxipth: . 172.00 Ft WIdN: 40.00 Ft 7ruoAroe: 6.880.00 Sa Work �Of �e Cort MdR OL-AS $0 True INITIAL T� NatwoAc: AGrande Bnneh: 01540 (Orc.haM Avenue) Seetlon: 10 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1964 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 300.00 Ft WIdtA: 34.00 Ft TruaAree: 10.200.00 Sa Work MsJor �o Cos! M3R INITIAL T� NNwork: ACarande Bnnch: 01540 (OrchaM Avenue) � S�etlon: 20 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: OB/O1N964 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L lwnpth: 1.715.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueArec 37.970.00 Sa Work Melor �� �o Cost MiR INITIAL T� Nwwodc: AGrande enneh: 01540 (Orc.hard Avenue) S�alon: 30 SuAau: AC � L.C.D.: Ot/Ot12002 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 300.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft 7rueAree: 10200.00 Sa Work 111M1w Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL $0 True Nstworlc: AGrande Bnneh: 01560 (Oro Drlve) Ssetlon: 10 Surfau: AC LC.D.: O6I01/1975 Uae: ROADWAY Rsnk:L L�npN: 1.408.00 Ft WIAN: 36.00 Ft TrueAroa: f�0•888.00 Sa Wa� Myor . Code Cost � M8R ST-SS $0 Fabe INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Bnnch: 01560 (Oro Drive) . S�etlon: 20 Surhe�: AC LC.D.: O6I01/1975 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L l.�npth: 1243.00 Ft WIdM: 36.00 Ft TrueArw: 44.748.00 9n Wo� MeJor Coda Cost MiR � INITIAL True I� . . .. -.._ .. _.. ._. ._.. . .... . __ � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 29 of 46 Pavement Database: Network: AGrande Broneh: 01570 (Outland Court) Seedon: 10 Surfea: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1987 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 135.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7rueArer. 4.860.00 Sq Wo� Major Coda Cost M8R STSS $0 Felse ' INITIAL True Netwo�ic: AGrende Bnneh: 01580 (Pa�c Pdnte Way) Sxtlon: 10 SuAsee: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1971 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lan9U+� 797.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft 7ruaAree: 30.286.00 Sa Wo� Major Coda Cost M8R .. ST-SS SO Falae INITIAL � True Network: AGrende Bwneh: 01590 . (Palm Court) Saetlon: 10 SuMa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L Unyth: 452.00 Ft W�dth: 38.00 �Ft 7rusAnc 17.176.00 Sa Work M� Code Coat MiR ST-SS 50 False INITW. T� Network: AGrande Braneh: 01600 (Pabs Seoos) S�etlon: 10 SuRau: AC LC.D.: O6/01N994 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 630.00 Ft Widlh: 30.00 Ft TrwArea: 78•900.00 Sa Wo� Cost Md�iR Coda ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL T� Network: AGrende Bnneh: 01610 (Park Way) Ssetlon: 10 SuAxa: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1958 Use: ROADWAY Rsnk:L LenpN: 378.00 Ft VYltlth: 40.00 Ft TrueAna: 15.120.00 Sa WoAc M�Of Cod� Cost .MiR SU-AC $0 Falae INITWL True Nwwork: AG2nde Bnnch: 01615 (Paraiso) Ssedon: 10 Sur(au: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/1998 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 162.00 Pt MIIdN: 32.00 Ft . TruaAnc 5.184.00� Sa . WoAc Nl�lor Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL SO True NNwoAC: AGrende ennch: 01620 (Paseo Street) Saetlon: 10 SuA�u: AC L.C.D.: O6/O1N987 Usa: ROADWAY Renk:L LanpN: 185.00 Ft Mlidlh: 40.00 Ft Tn�eAree: 7.400.00 Sa Work MeJor �• Cost M8R INITL4L T� Network: AG2nde Braneh: 01630 (Paul Place) S�etlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: OB/01N987 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lx�ptn. 1.017.00 Ft �M�dN: 40.00 Ft TruaArec 40.680.00 Sa Work lMjor Cod� Cost M8R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Pape 30 of 46 Pavemenf Database: Network: AGrande Braneh: 01640 (PC RailwaY Place) Sxtlon: 10 SuRaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/O1N982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: 410.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TrueAree: 14.760.00 Sa Work Malor Code �O� M� ST-SS $0 False INITIAL Ttue Netwo'1c: AGrende Branch: 01640 (PC Railway Place) 8eetlon: 20 � SuRau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1989 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Length: 210.00 Ft Widtl�: 20.00 Ft TrueAree: 4200.00 Sa Wo� Mejor Code Cost M8R STSS $0 Falee INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01650 (Pead Drive) . S�WOn: 10 Surha: AC � LC.o.: 11N5/2005 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 7.125.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft irwAroc 45.000.00 Sa Work MsJor �s Cost M6R OL-AS $0 True INITIAL Tnie N�twork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01860 � (Peaiwood Avenue) S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC � L.C.D.: O6/01/1960 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 1.160.00 Ft Nlldth: 38.00 Ft Tn�aNw: 41.780.00 Sa Work Cod M�BR Code INITIAL T� NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01680 (P�Streeq S�etlon: 10 � SuA�er. AC LC.D.: O6I01/1982 Usa: ROADWAY Rsnk:L�lenpth: 684.00 Ft Widtlr. 38.00 Ft TrusAna: 25.992.00 Sa Wo� M�or ��� Cort M8R ST-SS � F818e INITIAL T� Nelwoflc: AGrande Bnneh: 01690 (Pilgrim WaY) S�ctlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1964 Use: ROADWAY Rsnk:L unpN: � 370.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrusNw: iz•`.�80.00 Sa Work MUor Coda Cost M8R INITIAL T� . NNwork: AGrande Braneh: 01700 (Pine Street) Ssetlon: 10 SuAan: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1987 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 626.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft TrueMa: 22.538.00 Sa Work Cori M�BR . . Cotla INITIAL Tiue Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01710 (P�eta Roed) eeetlon: 10 Surhu: AC � L.C.o.: O6/01/1973 Wa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�nO�: � 367.00 Ft Wldlh: 36.00 Ft TruoAroa: 13212.00 Sa Work ��w �� Cost M8R ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL Tnie Natwork: AGrende Bnneh: 01720 (Platino Lane) SseNon: 10 SuA�es: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1997 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanpth: 540.00 Ft 1Mdth: 38.00 Ft TrwAroc 20.520.00 Sa . work MUor Code Cost MiR � ST-SS SO False Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report paae 3� of 4s Pavement Database: INITWL True Network: AG2nde Bnneh: 01720 (Platino Lane) Saetlon: 20 Surtace: AC L.C.D.: 0&Ot11997 Use: ROADWAY Rsnk:L LsnOth: 1.145.00 Ft� W�dth: 38.00 Ft True Area: 43,510.00 Sa work Major Coda Cost M&R STSS SO Falx INITIAL True Network: AGrande Braneh: 01730 (Pbmo Courq � Sactlon: 10 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: 06/01/1978 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 204.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7rueAree: 7.344.00 Sa Work Melor �o Cost M3R STSS $0 False INITIAL � True � Network: AGwnde Braneh: 01740 (POde Street) S�ctlon: 10 SuMu: AC LC.D.: O6I01N956 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 7.000.00 Ft W�dMc 36.00 Ft 7ru�Aroc 38•000•00 Sa Work .hNJor ��o Cort MiR ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL T� NNxrork: AGrande Bnneh: 01740 (Poole Street) SseUon: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1956 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lwipth: 134.00 Ft WIdN: 36.00 Ft Tn�aArac 4.824.00 Sa W� r Cod� Cost MiR INITIAL T� N�twoiic: AG2nde Bnneh: 01750 (POplarStreat) Saetlon: 10 � BuA�u: AC L.C.D.: O6/O1N951 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L lsnyth: 418.00 Ft YYldth: 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 16.720.00 Sa Wo� Major Code Cost M8R ST-SS SO False INITIAL T� NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01760 (Pradera CouA) S�eUOn: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lxipeh: 269.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrusAroe: 70.760.00 Sa Wa* IMjor Cotla Cwt M6R STSS $0 Falae INITIAL Tnie Natwork: AGrande Braneh: 01770 (Prisdlla Lene) Seetlon: 10 Surhn: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1976 We: ROADWAY Rank:l Lenpth: 534.00 Ft Wldfh: 40.00 Ft 7rueMa: 21.360.00 Sa Work MUw Code Cost M8R INITIAL True Network: AGrende Bronch: 01775 (Puesla del Soq Saetlon: 10 Surfacr. AC � L.C.o.: 01/01/1998 We: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 7.413.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft 7rwAree: 45278.00 Sa Work hYlor Cotla Cost M8R INITIAL $0 True , a 4I Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paae 32 of 46 Pavement Database: Nelwork: AGrende Bnnch: 01780 (4uall Court) Sxtlon: 10 Surface: AC L.C.o.: O6/01/1985 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 260.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TrwAree: 10.400.00 Sa Wo* . Major _ Code Cost M8R � INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01790 (Rancho ParkwaY) Sactlon: 10 8urlace: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1992 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:CLangth: 1.880.00 Ft � Wldth: 45.00 Ft TrueArea: 75.600.00 Sa Work MaJor �e Cost MiR ST-SS $0 Felse INITIAL � T� NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01790 (RanchoParkway) S�Won: 20 SuA�a: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:CLanpth: 1.880.00 Ft Width: 45.00 Ft TruaAnr. 84.600.00 Sa Work Melor Code Cost MiR STSS SO False INITV+L Tnie Network: AGtande Bnnch: 01790 (Rancho Parkway) S�ctlon: 30 Surlsu: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:Cl.�npM: 1.020.00 Ft Wldth: 45.00 Ft TrueArea: 45.900.00 Sa Work M� Cod� Cost M8R ST-SS � � $0 False INITIAL T� NetwoAc: AGrande Bnneh: 07795 (RaspbertY Avenue) Seetlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2001 Uaa: ROADWAY Rank:L UnpN: 600.00 Ft WIAth: 34.00 Ft TrueMa: 20.400.00 Sa �� Work Malor ��o Cost M3R INITIAL $0 True . NMvork: AGrande Bnneh: 01795 (RasP�RY Avenue) 8wtlon: 20 Surha: AC LC.D.: 01/01I2001 Uaa: ROADWAY R�nk:L L�npth: 420.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueAroe: 74280.00 Sa Work IA�lor Code Cost M3R INITIAL SO True NWwoAc: AG2nde Bnneh: 01800 (Refugio Place) Sectlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: 0&Ot/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L UnpN: 540.00 Ft Wldtlr. 30.00 Ft TrwArw: 18.200.00 Sa W� Myor Code �� M� ST-SS SO False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 01810 (Rena Street(Sautnp Seetlon: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1978 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: � 7282.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrwAns: 42.908.00 Sa Work M�lor Code Cost MiR INITIAL T� Natwork: AG2nde enneh: 01820 (Rena Street(Nortn)) S�etlon: 10 SuASea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1979 Use: ROADWAY nank:L Lenpth: 390.00 Ft Wldthc 40.00 Ft Truenroa: 15.600.00 Sa work Myor ��� Cost M6R � STSS $� Truee i INITIAL Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 33 of 46 Pavement Database: Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01830 (Rice CouA) Swtion: 10 SuASU: AC LC.D:: O6/01/1987 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 140.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 5.600.00 Sa Wo� Major Coda Cost M8R ST-SS $0 False INITWL True Netwodc: AGrande Bronch: 01840 (Rid9eviewWay) � .S�etlon: 10 SuAaw: AC L.C.D.: 0&01I1978 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npN: 760.00 Ft Wfdth: 34.00 Ft TrueArec 25.840.00 Sa Work MaJor Code Cost M6R INITIAL T� Netwodc: AG2nde eruwh: 01850 (�bin CIrGe) . SMlon: 10 Surfeu: AC L.C.o.: O6I01/1985 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�nOth: 2.070.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAna: ffi.800.00 3a Work AMlor �� Cw! MiR INITIAL � T� NNwork: AG2nde Braneh: 01860 (RObles Roa� Swtlon: 10 8urf�a: AC L.C.D.: .O6/01I1982 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: 279.00 Ft WIdN: 24.00 Ft TrueMa: 8.896.00 Sa Wo* Mejor �d� Cost MiR 1NITIAL T� Network: AGrende Braneh: 01870 � (ROdeo Drive) Sxtlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1988 Usa: ROADWAY Renk:C L.�n01h: 1.080.00 Ft W1dth: 40.00 Ft Tru�Area: 43200.00 Sa WoAc �� Cod� Cost M8R ST-SS � Fa�� INI7IAL T� Natwo�lc: AGrande Bnneh: 01870 (Rodeo Drive) Saetlon: 20 SuAaea: AC L.C.D.: 0&Ot/1988 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:C l.anpth: 2.080.00 Ft VVIdN: 40.00 Ft TrueAros: 83200.00 Sa Work � Code Cost MiR ST-SS SO False INITIAL T� � Ntlwork: AGrande Bnnch: 01870 (Rodeo Diive) � SKtlon: 30 Surha: AC. L.C.D.: 0&01/1988 Uu: ROADWAY Rank:C L�npfh:� 1.460.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft Trw Arec 58•400•00 Sa Work hMJor �do Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL Tnie Network: AGrande Bronch: 01870 (R���) S�ctlon: 40 SuA�u: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N988 Use: ROADWAY Rank:CLanyth: 420.00 Ft Widtlr. 40.00 Ft TrwAna: 16.800.00 Sa Work MsJor ��o �Cost M8R ST-SS SO Falae INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnnch: 01880 (Ro9ers Court) S�ctlon: 10 SuAsea: AC L.C.D.: O6IOt11976 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L.�nyM: 498.00 Ft Widlh: 40.00 Ft TrueAres: 19.920.00 Sa W� M�Jor Cod� Cost M3R Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paae 34 of 46 Pavement Databese: ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True NstwoAc: AGrende Bnneh: 01890 (Rosemary CouA) � Saelion: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 340.00 Ft Wfdth: 32.00 Ft TrueAroa: 10.880.00 Sa Work M+Uor Code Cort M8R INITWL True NNwork: AGrande Braneh: 01895 (ROSemary Lane) Seetion: 10 Surfaee: AC L.C.D.: 01I01/1999 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L lsnyN: 645.00 Ft WitlM: 32.00 Ft 7rueAree: 20.640.00 Sa Work Malor �� Cost M6R INITIAL � T� � Nwwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 01900 (ROSewood Lane) Ssetlon: 10 Surfses: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1958 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lenpth: 525.00 Ft WIdN: 38.00 Ft TruaArea: 78•900.00 9a Work M�Jor ��o Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL True Network: AG2nde Bnnch: 01910 (Russ CouA) - S�etlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1987 We: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 212.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TruaAree: 8.480.00 Sa Work �� ��o Cori M6R STSS 30 Felse INITIAL T� Ndwork: AGrande Bnneh: 01920 � (Ruth Ann WaY(South)) S�etlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1976 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L lanpN: 420.00 Ft VY�dth: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 76.800.00 SO Work N41or Code Cos! M8R INITIAL T� Nstwodc: AGrande Branch: 01930 (RUth Mn Way(NOAh)) 8setlon: 10 Surt�a: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1976 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 420.00 Ft NIIdN: 40.00 Ft TrwArec 16•800.00 Sa Work AA�lor Cods �n M8R INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01940 (Sage Streeq Ssetlon: 10 SuAaw: AC L.C.o.: 06/01N956 We: ROADWAY Rank:L LenO�� 535.00 Ft WIdGr. 32.00 Ft 7ruenroa: 17.120.00 Sa Work N4kr Coda Cost. M8R � ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Bnneh: 01945 (Salida tle Soq � S�t:tlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: Ot/Ot/1998 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L 1.anpM: 637.00 Ft VNdN: 32.00 Ft TrwArec 20.384.00 Sa WoAc AA�lor Code . Cost MiR INITIAL SO True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 01950 (SandalwooC Avenue) ' . S�etlon: 10 SuMu: AC L.C.D.: O6/0111 9 5 2 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�nyth: 580.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArer. 23200.00 Sa Work MUor Coda Cost MdR Date:03/01/2005 WOCIf HISt01�/ R@�Drt Paqe 35 of 46 Pavement Database: ST-SS 30 False INITIAL True Network: AGrende Bnnch: 01960 (Scenic Circle) Seetion: 10 Surface: AC L.C.D.: O6I01/1980 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L LenyM: 370.00 Ft WIdUc 40.00 Ft 7rueArea: 14.800.00 Sa Wo* MsJor �e Cost MSR STSS $0 False INITIAL Tnle Natwork: AC,2nde Bnnch: 01965 (SeabrlphtAvenue) Saet�on: 10 SuAaes: AC L.C.D.: Ot/01I2001 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpN: 213.00 Ft Wktth: 38.00 Ft TrueArea: 7.668.00 Sa Wo* MaJor Cod� Cost M8R INITIAL $0 True N�twork: AGrande Bnneh: 01970 (Shat Street) � S�cUOn: 10 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: OB/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 914.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TruaAree: 32.904.00 Sa Work M�Jor ��o Cost M8R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL T� Natwork: AGrande Brsneh: 01970 (ShoA Street) Ssetlon: 20 Surfau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: 305.00 Ft Widlh: 36.00 Ft TrueAre�: 10.980.00 Sa � Work MeJor Code Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL Ttue Nstwork: AGrande Braneh: 01970 (Short Streeq Ssetlon: 30 SuAaer. AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROAOWAY Rank:C L�npth: 200.00 Ft Wlddc 34.00 Ft TrueArea: 6.800.00 Sa Work Myor Coda �n M8R ST-SS SO Fe�°8 INITIAL � True Network: AGrande Bnnch: 01970 (Snort Street) S��tlon: 40 $��u� ?C L.C.D.: 0&01/1982 We: ROADWAY Rank:CUnO�� 75.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft 7ruaAna: 2.400.00 Sa Work 641or Code Cwt M8R STSS � $0 Falae INITIAL T� Network: AGrende Bnneh: 01980 (Sierra Drive) Saetlon: 10 Su�: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1969 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpM: 2.187.00 Ft Wldtlr. 24.00 Ft 7n�aNa: 52.488.00 Sa Work ��a Cods Cost ��MiR INITIAL True Natwork: AG2nde Braneh: 01985 (SOmbrlllo) Seetlon: 10 SuAau: AC LC.D.: 01/01N998 Usa: ROADWAY Renk:L l.�npth: 901.00 Ft Wldth: 32.00 Ft TrueAna: 28.832.00 Sa Work � �o Cori M8R INITIAL $0 True { I i Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Pape 36 of 46 Pavement Database: NeMrork: AGrande Bnnoh: 01990 (Spanish Moss Lane) 8aetlon:. 10 Sudau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1988 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 1.750.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TrueAna: 46.000.00 Sa Wo* Major Code Cost M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL True NeMrodc: AG2nde Bnneh: 02000 (Spruce Street) . S�atlon: 10 8urfaee: AC L.C.D.: 0&01N976 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanpth: 791.00 Ft VVidM: 34.00 Ft Tru�Arer. 26.894.00 Sa or W�* Cost M6R Cod� STSS SO Felse I, INITWL True ' NNwork: AGrende Bnnen: 02000 (Spruce Street) S�etlon: 20 suA�er. AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1976 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L lanpN: 700.00 Ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft TrueAru: 23.800.00 Sa M or Coda Cost M8R ST-SS � F�� INITIAL TNB� Network: AG2nde Brench: 02010 (Stegecoach Road) S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC LC.D.: O6/01N976 We: ROADWAY Renk:C LanpCr. 7.140.00 Ft Width: �36.00 Ft Trw Aree: 41.040.00 Sa r Work Cost MiR Code MITIAL T� NeMroAc: AG2nde Bnneh: 02010 (Stagetwadi RoeE) Saetlon: 20 Surha: AC I.C.D.: 06/01/1976 We: ROADWAY Rank:C Lanyth: 1.386.00 Ft Widlh: 36.00 Ft 7rueAnc 48.B96.00 Sa Cods . Cost M�iR ST-SS SO Fabe INITIAL � Tme NNwork: AG2nde Braneh: 02020 (Stanley Avenue) Ssetlon: 10 8urlau: AC � LC.o.: O6I01/1982 Ua: ROADWAY Rank:L UnpN: 200.00 Ft WIAlh: 64.00 Ft 7rueAnc 12.$00•00 Sa or Work Coat MiR Cod� INITIAL T� Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02020 (SNanleyAvenue) SMlon: 20 Surhu: AC LC.D.: 0&01/1987 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L LanyM: 860.00 Ft Width: 20.00 Ft TrueArec 19200.00 Sa or c a �Of� � INITIAL T� Network: AGrande Breneh: 02030 (Statiai Way) BseUon: 10 SuRaw: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1982 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:Blenpth: 1.252.00 Ft Widlh: 40.00 Ft TrwAnc 50.080•00 Sa or Coda . Cost MiR INITUIL � T� NsMroAc: AGrande Bnneh: 02035 (StrewbertyAvenue) S�WOn: 10 Surhd: AC � L.C.D.: 01/Ot/2001 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnOth: 608.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueAna: 20.672•00 Sa yye� Myor Coda Cost M8R INITWL $0 True � � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paae 3� ot4s Pavement Database: Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 02040 (Stevenson Dnve) Seetlon: 10 Surtace: AC LC.D.: O6I01/1978 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L lsnpth: 420.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrueAree: 74.280.00 Sa Work MsJor Coda Cost M8R ST-SS $0 False INITWL True Network: AGrende Bnneh: 02050 (SunAse Terrace) �S�ctlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1971 Use: ROADWAY �Renk:L Lenpth: 277.00 Ft Width: 52.00 Ft TrueAroa: 14.404.00 Sa or Work Cost M8R Cods �INITIAL True Network: AGrdnde Bnnch: 02060 (Sunset Drive). 8eetlon: 10 Suri�u: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N953 We: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 2.174.00 Ft Width: � 40.00 Ft 7rueAree: 86.960.0� So Wo* Myor �• Cost M8R INITUIL TNB Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02070 (Sycamore Court) 8eetlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1963 Uw: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: 112.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft TrueAroa: 4.032.00 Sa or W�� Cost MER CoEa � ST-SS SO Felae INITIAL � Tme NNwork: AG2nde Bnnch: 02080 (Sycertwre Drive) � S�ctlon: 10 BuAaer. AC LC.D.: O6/01/1987 Uac ROADWAY Rank:L Lenyth: 750.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueAnc 30.000•00 Sa yyo� MaJor Code Cost MiR STSS � $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrende Braneh: 02080 (Sycartare Drive) S�.WOn: 20 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L LenpM: 880.00 Ft Witlth: 40.00 Ft TrwArea: 35.200.00 Sa WoAc �� Code � �� M6R INITIAL True STSS $0 False Network: AG2nde Bnneh: 02090 (7aly Fb Road) 8xflon: 10 8uMer. AC L.C.o.: 06/01/1977 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C Unpth: 1.652.00 Ft YVN1N: 36.00 Ft 7ruoArea: 59.472.00 Sa or ��o Cost M�BR INITIAL True N�twork: AGrande Broneh: 02090 (Tally Ho Roatl�. S�etlon: 20 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1977 We: ROADWAY Rank:C Lanpth: 3.554.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7ru�Are�:127.944.00 Sa or Cods �Ox � INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande enneh: 02100 (7annerlane) Seetla�� �� $��� AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npN: 858.00 Ft Width: . � 40.00 Ft TrusArn: 26.320.00 Sa Code C°st MBRr INITIAL True - Date:03/01/2005 WOrk HlstOry RepOrt Pa4e 38 of 46 Pavement Database: ' Nstwork: AGrende Bwnch: 02110 (Taylor Place) SaeUOn: 10 SuA�cs: AC L.C.D.: O6I0111979 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 657.00 Ft Wftlth: 40.00 Ft TrueAraa: 26,280.00 Sa yyo* MaJor �• Cost M&R INITIAL True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02130 (The Pike) Seetlon: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1973 Uw: ROADWAY Renk:C UnOth: 1.149.00 Ft Width: 62.00 Ft TrueArea: 71238.00 Sa M or ��� Cost MiR INITIAL T� Natwork: AGrende eraneh: 02130 � (The Pike) S�ctlon: 20 SuAaea: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1973 Use: ROADWAY Rank:CLanpth: 2.669.00 Ft Wldth: 60.00 Ft 7ruaAna:160.140.00 Sa Work MaJor Cotla Cort MSR INITIAL True Natwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 02140 (Tlerra Street) S�etlon: 10 $��� AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1987 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LenOth: 1.124.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft 7ruaAroa: 38.216.00 Sq Work Nl�lor �a Cos! MdR ST-SS SO False INITL4L True NNwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 02150 (TigerTai�Drive) Ssetlon: 10 SuAsea: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1974 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L LsnpN: 915.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft TrueAree: 36.600.00 Sa Work MeJor ��o Cost M8R ST-SS $0 Falae INITIAL T�ue N�twork: AGrande Bnnch: 02160 (T�0��) S�WOn: 10. Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 We: ROADWAY Rank:L l.�npth: 665.00 Ft Wldth: 38.00 Ft TrusAroa: 25.270.00 Sa WoAc Melor Coda Cost M3R ST-SS $0 Falsa INITIAL True NaMrork: AGrande Bnneh: 02170 (Toyon Place) Sxtlon: 10 BuAau: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1975 Use: ROADWAY � Rank:L L�npth: 200.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft 7rwAree: 7.200.00 Sa Work ��� �• Cost M8R ST-SS $0 Felse INITIAL T� NatwoAc: AGrande Broneh: 02180 (Traffic Way) S�etlon: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: 0&01N953 Use: ROADWAY Rank:B l.�nyth: 1.780.00 Pt Wldth: 64.00 Ft TrueAree:113.920.00 Sa Work Mt�Jor Cod� Cost MdR � MISF $0 False INITIAL Tae Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02180 (7raffic Way) 8�etlon: 20 SuMea: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1969 Use: ROADWAY Rank:BLanpth: 994.00 Ft Width: 64.00 Ft Tn»Aree: 63.616.00 Sa Work MNa Code Cost MdR � MISF � SO Felse Date:03/01/2005 Wo�k History Report Paae 3s of 46 Pavement Database: INITWL Tnie Network: AGrende Branch: 02190 (Traffic Way Extension) SscUon: 10 SuAace: AC L.C.D.: 0&01N987 Usa: ROAOWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 825.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TruaArea: 29.700.Q0 Sa yyo� Major Code �n M8R INITWL T�ve NNwork: AGrande Breneh: 02200 (Triniry Avenue) Seetlon: 10 SuAace: AC LC.D.: O6/01N982 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: &40.00 Ft Wldth: 41.00 Ft TrueAree: 34.440.00 Sa .. Work Malor Code Cost MiR INITIAL True Natwork: AGtande Broneh: 02210 (Turqudse Drive) . Saetlon: 10 SuAus: AC L.C.D.: 11N5/2004 Usa: ROADWAY Rsnk:L LenOM: 7.129.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 45.160.00 Sa � Wo'Ic Cwt Md,Rr Cotle OL-AS . $0 True INITIAL True Netwo�ic: AG2nde Braneh: 02220 (Valley Roed) . 8eetlon: 10 Surlau: AC L.C.D.: O6/0111967 Use: ROADWAY Rank:C Lanpth: 2.688.00 Ft WIAlh: 60.00 Ft True Ana:181280.00 Sa Work �la Cpd� Cust M8R INITIAL True Network: AG2nde Bnneh: 02220 (Valley Road) Sxtlon: 20 BuAau: AC �.C.D.: 06/01N987 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:CLxipN: 2.682.00 Ft Width: 80.00 Ft 7rusArea:180.920.00 Sa Work �� Code �� M8R � INITIAL �T� NetwoAC: AGrande Bnneh: 02230 N�d Laomis CouN S�etlon: 10 � BuAaer. AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L LenyM: 118.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft TnwArea: 4248.00 Sa work M4Jor Code Cort M8R STSS $0 False INITIAL T� Network: AGrande Branch: 02240 (VaM Loomis Lane) Ssetlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Usa: ROADWAY Wnk:L Unpth: 780.00 Ft Width: . 36.00 Ft TrueArw: 28.080.00 Sa WoAc IAyor Cods Cost M8R ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Broneh: 02250 N�e Place) S�ctlon: 10 Surfw: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1964 Uae: ROADWAY Wnk:L Lsnpth: 317.00 Ft Mlidtlr. 42.00 Ft 7rueAna: 13.314.00 Sa work Mnjor Cod� CoN M8R . STSS EO False INITIAL True NeMrork: AGrande Broneh: 02260 (Vemon Streeq � S�eNon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: 0&01N964 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 490.00 Ft . Width: 36.00 Ft TrueArer. 17.640.00 Sa yyo� MaJor Code Cost M� 1 Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 40 of 46 Pavement Database: INITIAL Ttue Natwork: AG2nde Braneh: 02260 (Vertwn Street) , Sactlon: 20 Surhu: AC � L.C.D.: O6/01N964 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanyth: 160.00 Ft Widlh: 36.00 Ft 7rueArea: 5.760.00 Sa yyo� Myor �de Cost M&R INITWL True Natwork: AG2nde Bnnch: 02265 �a Avante) Seetlon: 10 Surher. AC L.C.D.: 01I01/2002 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 245.00 Ft Wldth: 36.00 Ft 7rwAree: 8.820.00 Sa Work IAMIor Cods �°°t M8R � INITIAL $0 True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02270 �a Banddem) � Ssetlon: 10 SuMa: AC L.C.D.: O6I01N992 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L LenOW� 3.410.00 Ft Widlh: 40.00 Ft TrueArea:136.400.00 Sa Work M+lo� Code �n M3R ST-SS $0 False INITWL T� Netwo�ic: AGrende Bnneh: 02275 �a Belrtante Court(NOAh)) Saetlon: 10 SuA�te: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2003 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 177.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft TrueAnc 5.884.00 Sa Wo�ic Malor Code �n M8R INITIAL $0 True Nahwdc: AGrande Bnneh: 02278 Ma BelrtaMe Coun(South)) Sectlon: 10 SuAau: �AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2002 Uaa: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 825.00 Ft Nndlh: 32.00 Ft 7rwArer. 20.000.00 Sa WoAc MNa Code ��s� M� INITIAL SO True NNwork: AGrende Bnneh: 02280 (V�a Bemos) 8setlon: 10 Surf�a: AC L.C.o.: 0&01/1964 Use: ROADWAY Wnk:L L�npth: . 455.00 Ft Width: 30.00 Ft 7rueAres: 13.650.00 Sa Work Mejor Cod� Cwt MiR ST-SS SO False INITWL True Network: AG2nde Bnnch: 02285 (Via Firenze(Nath)) Seetlon: 10 Surf�a: AC L.C.D.: 01/01/2002 Uae: ROADWAY- Rank:L LanpN: 345.00 Ft Width: 32.00 Ft TrueArea: 11.040.00 Sa Work MsJor Coda �n M8R INITIAL EO True Nahro�lc: AGrande Braneh: 02287 Ma Firenze(South)) S�etlon: 10 BuMu: AC LC.D.: 01/01/2002 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L LanpM: 370.00 Ft Wldth: 32.00 Ft TrueAres: 11.840.00 Sa Work Major Cod� �� M8R INITWL SO True Natwork: AGrende Breneh: 02290 Ma La Barranca) . Sxtlon: 10 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 1.238.00 Ft� WIdN: 36.00 Ft TnwMa: 44.568.00 Sa Work M��Jor � Cods Cos! M3R ST-SS $0 False � INITIAL True � � ( � Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 41 of 46 Pavement Database: Natwork: AG2nde Bwneh: 02300 (Via Les Aquilas) Seetlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1992 Uaa: ROADWAY Rsnk:L Lenpth: 1.681.00 Pt Width: 30.00 Ft TrueArea: 50.430.00 Sa yya� . MaJor Code Cost M8R ST-SS SO False INITIAL True NNwork: AGrande Branch: 02300 (Via Las Aquilas) Saetlon: 20 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L �an9th: 934.00 Ft Width: 30.00 Ft TrueArea: 28.020.00 Sa work Myor Cod� Cost � M6R INITNI True Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02310 (Via Poca) 8eetlon: 10 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/t992 We: ROADWAY Wnk:L L�nyth: 222.00 Ft Witlth: 36.00 Ft TrueAres: 7.992.00 Sa work Myor Coda �� M8R ST-SS 80 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 02320 (Via Vaquero) Seetlon: 10 Surfau: AC L.C.D.: 0&01/1992 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 1.520.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TruaA�w: 60.800.00 Sa WoAc MrJor Coda �OH � ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True - NNxrork: AG2nde Bnneh: 02320 (Via Vaquero) � Swtlon: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: OB/01/1892 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 600.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft. TrueArea: 24.000.00 SO yya* MaJor Code �� MiR ST-SS SO False . INITWL True Netrvork: AGrande enneh: 02330 Maoria way) S�etlon: 10 SuAxa: AC � LC.D.: 0&01/1974 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npN: 820.00 Ft WIdM: 42.00 Ft TrueAree: 34.440.00 Sa WoAc M4w Code �� MRR ST-SS SO Falae INITWL True NetwoAc: AG2nde Bnneh: 02340 (Victorian CourQ S�etlon: 10 BuAw: AC LC.D.: 06/01/2001 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 730.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrwArer. 29.200.00 Sa Work �� Cods � MiR INITWL True Natwork: AGrande Brsneh: 02350 (Villepe CouA) Ssetlon: 10 SuAan: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/2001 U�e: ROADWAY Rank:L Lmyth: 165.00 Ft Width: 34.00 Ft TrwAna: 5.610.00 Sa Work NUlor Code �OH �R INITL4L Tiue Network: AGrande Bnneh: 02360 (Vlrglnia Drive) 8eetlon: 10 SuAaee: AC LC.D.: 0&01N958 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 866.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft TrwArea: 32.908.00 Sa . Wo� MaJot Code �0�� M� STSS . $0 Falae i Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 42 Of 46 Pavement Database: INITIAL True Network: AGrande erench: 02370 (Vista Cirde) Sxtlon: 10 Surtaa: AC LC.D.: O6/01N980 Usa: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: 412.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TrueArea: 16.480.00 Sa Work M+lor Cotla Cost M6R STSS $0 False INITIAL True Nanwork: AGrande Bnneh: 02380 �sta DrNe) � 8w41on: 10 8urtaa: AC L.C.D.: 0 8/0111 99 8 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L LanpN: 1200.00 Ft Wldth: �40.00 Ft True Area: 48.000.00 Sa Work N4jor Coda Cost MdR ST-SS SO Falae INITWL True NNxrork: AGrdnde Bnneh: 02400 (Walnut Streeq � SMlon: 10 Sw/au: AC � LC.D.: O6/01N967 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L L�npth: 1.386.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft TrusArac 52.888.00 Sa Work ' My°� � Coda �� M3R ST-SS � SO Falae INITIAL T� Network: AGrande Braneh: 02400 (walnut Street) 3�etlon: 20 SuAau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1958 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L UnOth: 1240.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft TrueArec 47.120.00 Sa � Work �� Code Cost MiR � INITIAL T� Natwork: AGrande Bnnch: 02410 (wesley Streeq Sktlon: 10 �� Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Us+: ROADWAY R�nk:L Unpth: 100.00 Ft Wldth: 20.00 Ft TrwNw: 2.000.00 Sa Work AMlor Code Cost MiR INITIAL T� Network: AGrande � Bnneh: 02440 (White CouA) S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N987 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Unpth: 276.00 ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft TruaArea: 9.384.00 Sa Work Wlor Code Cost M� STSS SO Fabe INITIAL � T� Matwork: AGrande Bnneh: 02450 � (WhlteleyStreet) � . S�etlon: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Usec ROADWAY ILnk:L Unpth: 400.00 Ft Width: 36.00 Ft TrwAroa: 14.400.00 Sa yya� 14Jor Cod� .COSt MRR INITIAL � True NNwork: AGrande Bnneh: 02450 (Whiteley Street) ' 8aetion: 20 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 use: ROADWAY Rank:L Unpth: 646.00 Ft Width: � 36.00 Ft Trueaw: 23.256.00 Sa Work �da Cotla Cost MiR INITIAL T�ue NatwoAc: AGrande Bnnch: 02450 (WhiteleyStreet) 8setlon: 30 SuAau: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 420.00 Ft Width: 36.00. Ft Trw Aree: 15.120.00 Sa Work �la Cod� Cost M8R Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paae 43 of 46 Pavement Database: INITL4L True Network: AGrande Bnnch: 02470 �Ilow Lane) Saetlon: 10 Surtau: AC L.C.D.: 06/Ot/1977 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenptlr 750.00 Ft �Wldfh: 38.00 Ft TrueArea: 28.500.00 Sa or W�� Cost MdR Cods ST-SS $0 False � INITWL True � NaNVOrk: AGrande Bnneh: 02480 (Wllson Court) Sxllon: 10 Surfacs: AC LC.D.: 06/01N987 �Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lanpth: 140.00 Ft Width: 40.00 Ft TruaAna: 5.600.00 Sa or WO� Cost MiR Coda ST-SS � Fa1� INITIAL T� NelwoAc: AGrande enneh: 02500 (Wood Place) 8eetlon: 10 Surhw: AC � L.C.D.i O6/01/1964 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Un9th: 714.00 Ft Wldth: 34.00 Ft TmaAna: 24278.00 Sa Work M�Jor �� Coat M8R � INITIAL T� NNxrak: AG2nde Bnneh: 02510 (Woodland CouA) 8wtion: 10 SurNU: AC LC.D.: 0&01/1986 Uw: ROADWAY � Rank:L L�npeh: 180.00 Ft Wieth: 38.00 Ft TrueAnc 6.840.00 Sa or Work Cost MiR Coda STSS � $0 Falae INITIAL T� Network: AGrdnde Braneh: 02520 (WOOdland Dnve) S�Won: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1987 Wa: ROADWAY Rank:L Ls�Wth: 404.00 Ft Width: 38.00 Ft 7rueAroa: 15.352.00 Sa r Coda C� M�dR ST-SS $0 False INITIAL T� Nstwork: AGrdnde Bnnch: 02520 (Woodland Drive) Swtlon: 20 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/Ot/1975 Uae: ROADWAY Rank:L Lsnyth: 2.557.00 Ft Wldth: 40.00 Ft 7ru�Ma:102.280.00 Sa or ��a Cost M�BR ST-SS SO Falae � 1NITWL True NatwoAc: AGrende Bwneh: 02520 (Woodlantl Drive) . S�etlon: 30 SuA�a: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1985 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L LanOth: 180.00 Ft YV�dN: 36.00 Ft TrueAroe: 6.480.00 Sa or W�� Cost MiR Code STSS $0 False INITIAL True Natwork: AGtande Braneh: 02530 lZagate Way) Saetlon: 10 Surfaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01N982 Uae: ROADWAY Ranki L Unpth: 997.00� Ft M�Wth: 36.00 Ft TrueArac 35.676.00 Sa work Myor Coda �� M&R STSS $0 Falae INITIAL True �ate:o3io�izooe Work History Report paqe 44 of 46 Pavemenf Database: Natwork: AGrande Brsnch: 03000 (Elm Street Comminry Center Drivewa» Saedo^: 10 SuMu: AC L.C.D.: O6IO1I1980 Uae: PARKING Rank:P Lanyth: 465.00 Ft Width: 27.00 Ft TrueArea: 12.555.00 Sa Wo� MaJor Code Cost MiR ST-SS $0 False INITIAL True NeMrork: AGrande Bnneh: 2025 (SWdightLane) SseUon: 10 surfau: AAC L.C.D.: 07/01/1999 Uae: ROADWAY Renk:L Len9ti+� 500.00 Ft Wldth: 32.00 Ft TrueMa: 16.000.00 Sa WoAc NNJor Code Cort M6R INITIAL � Trye i. NMvork: AGrande Bnneh: 225 (BrittanyAvenue) Seetlon: 10 Surhu: AAC L.C.D.: 07/01/1999 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L Lenpth: 250.00 Ft W�dth: 32.00 Ft TrueAtee: 8.000.00 So Work M�� Cods CO� M� INITIAL $0 True Natwork: AGrande Bnneh: 335 (Cartington Place) Sxtlon: 10 SuA�ea: AAC L.C.D.: 07/01/1999 Use: ROADWAY Rank:L UnyM: 250.00 Ft W�dth: 32.00 Ft TrueAm: 8.000.00 Sa Work IMIw Code �� M� INITUIL � T� � Nelwork: AG2nde Bnneh: 50010 (Ash Streel Bathrooms Parking LM) 8eetlon: 10 SuMu: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: PARKING Rsnk:P Lenpth: 150.00 Ft YVldth: 60.00 Ft 7rueArec 9.000.00 Sa Work °f Code Cost M8R ST-SS SO False INITIAL True NNwork: AG2nde eronch: 50020 (Car Corral PaAcing Lot(LOwer)) S�etlon: 10 Surha: AC L.C.D.: 06/01N987 U�e: PARKING Rank:P L�npth: 320.00 Ft Width: 80.00 Ft 7rusAres: 19200.00 Sa Work MWor ��a Cort MiR INITIAL - T� Nwwork: AGrende Bnnch: 50030 (Car Comal Parkinp Lot(Upperp 8setlon: 10 SuAau: AC � L.C.o.: O6/01/1992 Uw: PARKING Rank:P LwnpM: 240.00 Ft W�dth. 60.00 Ft 7ruaAna: 14.400.00 Sa Wo'Ic MeJor �s Cost MiR INITIAL T� � NMVOrk: AGrande Braneh: 50040 (city Hall Parkinp La) 8aetlon: 10 surfaa: AC ? I.C.D.: O6/01/1980 Use: PARKING Rank:P L�npN: 310.00 Ft Width: 70.00 Ft TrusAm: 21700.00 a Work M�lor Code Cost M8R INITIAL � T� Network: AG2nde Branoh: 50050 (CaPOreUon Yard Parkinp Loq S�etlon: 10 Surhu: AC { L.C.D.: O6/01N972 Uae: PARKING Rank:PLanyM: 250.00 Ft Width: 72.00 Ft 7rueAree: 78.000.00 Sa � Myor Work Cori M8R � Cod� � ST-SS � 50 Falae ; INITIAL True Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report Paqe 45 of 46 Pavement Database: NNwork: AGrande Bronch: 50060 (Elm Street Comm.Center Parking Lot) Seetlon: 10 Surfau: AC LC.D.: O6/01/1982 We: PARKING Rank:PLanpth: 211.00 Ft Width: 75.00 Ft 7ruaNsa: 15.825.00 Sa yyo* Myor ��o Cost M8R INITIAL True Netxrork: AGrande Bnneh: 50070 (Ololhan PJley Paiking Lot) 8eetlon: 10 Surtsca: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1992 Use: PARKING Rank:P LenOth: 450.00 Ft WitlN: � 120.00 Ft 7rueArea: 54.000.00 Sa WoAc M�lo� . Code Cort MiR STSS $0 Felse INITIAL Ttue Network: AGrande Broneh: 50080 (SoW Complez Parking lot(West)) Saetlon: 10 SuAan: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1982 Use: PARKING Renk:P Lanpth: 388.00 Ft Width: 88.00 Ft TrueMa: 34.144.00 Sa yyo� Myor Cod� Cost M8R ST-SS SO Fa1� INITIAL TNB Nahvork: AGrende Bnnch: 50090 ISoto ComPlex Parkirg Lot(Eastp � S�etlon: 10 Surf�u: AC � LC.D.: O6/01/1982 Uae: PARKING Rank:P L�npth: � 350.00 Ft Width: 59.00 Ft TruaArea: 20.650.00 Sa Wo� Msjor Cod� � Cost M8R ST-SS SO False INITIAL True Netrvork: AGrande Broneh: 50100 (Women's Gub PaAting Lot(Lower)) � SMlon: 10 SuAaa: AC L.C.D.: O6/01/1975 Use: PARKING Rank:P l.�npth: 200.00 Ft Widfh: 200.00 Ft TrueArea: 40.000.00 Sa yya� Myor Coda Cost MdR INITIAL T� NeMrork: AGrende Broneh: 50110 (Women's CIUD PaAcing LM(Upper)) Seetlon: 10 Surhu: AC L.C.D.: O6/OtN985 Uae: ROADWAY Rsnk:P LenpM: 400.00 Ft WIdN: 60.00 Ft TrusNw: 24.000.00 Sa Work MaJor Codo � Cort M�' INITIAL T� Natwork: AGrende Branch: 902 (Hampton Plece) Saetlon: 10 BuAau: AAC L.C.D.: 07/Ot/1999 Use: ROADWAY Renk:L Lanpth: 250.00 Ft Wldth: 30.00 Ft TnuMa: 7.500.00 Sa Work Malor Cods ��n M8R '�, INITIAL SO True � ' _: ._ -__. -------_.. . . . . .._ -_--� Date:03/01/2005 Work History Report paae 46 of 46 Pavement Database: Summary: Seetlon AraaTOfal ThlcknsuAVp e ness � Work DascripUOn Count (SqFU UN (�°) Complete ReconsWCtlon-A 4 155,134•00 .00 .00 DefaultConstructlon 35p� 13,438,247.88 Initlal ConsWcfion 45 �,959•� .00 .00 Miao SurfaGng 3 269,038.00 � .00 .00 New ConsWCtlon 1 89,372.00 Overlay-AC Structural g 679,384.00 .00 .00 � Surface Course-AC 1 15,120.00 .00 • �_p� 144,000.00 .00 Surface Reconstruc6o 1 Surface Seal-Rejuvenatlng � � 18,880.00 •� SurfaceTreatment-SlurrySeal �gq 5,134,272.00 .00 .00 ! i � i 1 i i1 I � ! i i i Apper�a E —�reet Ne4w�o�7Ane Map I ,I i � � � ,i ; I � I ; i , ; d W U q W �ic, � �y, � .� ~ p !d � �� �f � YS! 1 �Y ��Y,,��!�`�,,CI 1 II � � tl! � ��� 1 � C •r !�!l4���o�� ' "`� ����lli���.�l�i��n�ili� � �''�I��"+� ��� i • �7 > /iii3iitl/ �� .� � I /l666ltlHtlf 0! dOStllW�tl�iHitl MHl�M[ti��lptlilM i!lC�i�/��! a :u�an•uivaauriew� !CW{/Upyy I .� � qj�ye y� �� F� '�� e � u{y�� ���s �Y��i �f� '�ydY ��!i �s� tl �i �� - �I ' S���ii�����a���Y��31�!!l��i���� i� OJ���aL��� I eaeaaeareaae ay mae � �uuu�eemo�wnu� �eeweq�raw�me eiee�ea weeaaEew� mueume� O '" p � 1� I! �����i � � "��i ���� e's.. �e�.i� �� 1 i � �� y y i � o <i��li�i. 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"� ,� s � a °° � + �l..� � g J °'� Q � E � . 16 �II � � '�"+ � s ¢ u � � �'i °�. : � �� z � � '" ' � a p � � � m �� � � n � � ` � 1 m � .. �1 �� q��_,• ,� m � R� , i ,,�, � � d u� 3 M � ! � �� x \ � � c� � .� = N � � � � I � / � � •• ' ' / ( � � (` � � �� o � W i J I � � � �, � � 1 b ' LL ��� � o� , � � o � ~ '�9� O ��r���. } y ��� ' � ti 0 , y y �;: d � ; �3�Pd� a � i � � � ���/,��°�00 /�°�7 + � � � ����l�Il�l�n,�t � e aa ' � a � w w c� , x .. � Apperxlbc F — Pavernent Management Ir�ection Form II 'i i i � i � I ; ,� C1TY oF pavement Management � � ^ • Inspection Form s9 �e Date: � LU/,5+ OBISPO COU�SY' � From: «From » Street Name: «Street Name» To: «ro» Designation: «Classification» Zone: «Zone» DISTRESS INFORMATION UNIT LOW MED HICaH 01 Alligator Cracking SF 02 Bleeding SF 03 Block Cracking SF 04 Bumps/Sags FT OS Corrugation SF O6 Depression FT 07 Edge Cracking FT 08 Joint Reflection Cracking SF �Q LongitudinaVTransverse FT Cracking 11 Patch/Utility Cut SF 12 Polished Aggregate SF 13 Pothole # 15 Rutting SF 16 Shoving SF 17 Slippage Cracking Sf 19 Weathering Raveling SF Apperxl'a G — FHWA Furx:tional Str+ee�Cla9sifica�tion Map . ♦ ♦ • � , •^ . � + � �� � � � � � � �� �� ����/�j + r '' ��, j �l ;��+�,�,r �r ,� �;/ , E �� � I� �� ; ` � r'. � �!' � �,��+� � �, �� � � '�� i��.��� n;�� � ,% '"�r�l. � �� � � � � � .� � � � r � � �� �� � �� _� /, � ��1�� �n /�� � ci� 1 � � � ` '' '� - i �iF� , .—'-_=-_ L� , �41Yi�'i��-#�-"��.,--�� ,r"�' ��� � � Apper�d'oc H — &s Roube and Trtx:k Roube • �� � < < � �" II�� ''� . � � � , .�� w �� � � � � �� � � �-1 .,...�.� .� ��� � '�',., �,�r�:� r� , . , �. ��, . _ � ��` � '°' � .��- �e ;, . �,,� � r �p �� \�►-��.+� .✓���t �� ,_ ��� ������,iR��� �������1 ����� �,f� ��`� rl!'••...Cr� � � ° \` 7h �� � � �� � . �f� �� ����� w� y ,, ��� �\ '�`�� ��l���' �5 : . � . 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'yli ��irr ��� � �,�: � - f�� ��,����. ��� �������A��� `" � _ - - '� � � �����,,,"il����' � : � . � . ii : E � �� � � �.,":� �-., ''� I �. �� �� ""' - � - ;�� .� ���� J� �� W:,. , . r 9�8� I I � CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ¢ CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the m�tYin theclCounc I City of Arroyo Grande on TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2005 at 7:00 p• Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following item: REQUEST TO CHANGE STREET NAME: COURTLAND STREET TO NORTH COURTLAND STREET AND SOUTH COURTLAND STREET The City Council will consider a proposal to change the name of the portion of Cortioln of Corur.tland Street sout of East GrandtAvenuehto 'South Courtland Steet P No house or business address numbers would�change. j Based on Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 12.04.060, change of street names � shall be approved by Resolution of the City Council. Public hearings must be held by j both the Planning Commission and the City Council. The Planning Commission � considered the issue at its regular meeting on February 15, 2005 and has made a � recommendation to the City Council. Any person affected or concerned about the proposal may submit written comments to the Community Developof or oDeositioneto t e p oposaCat he timellof the heanng ppear and be heard in support PP Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community �elephoneeat (805) 473-5420 duri g normal bus'nerss h urs (8:00 a.m. t 5a00 p.m.�or by If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone' else raised at the publiC hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which She notice was given. ` �I,C R.�Z.�---- Kelly We mo , City Clerk Publish 1T, The Tribune, Friday, February 25, 2005 PRROyp o� �,p � INCORPORATED � ° "' MEMORANDUM � JULY 10. IY11 * c,��FORN�P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR� BY: RYAN FOSTER, ASSISTANT PLANNER �j SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RENAMING COURTLAND STREET TO NORTH COURTLAND STREET AND SOUTH COURTLAND STREET DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution renaming Courtland Street to North Courtland Street for the portion north of East Grand Avenue and South Courtland Street for the portion south of East Grand Avenue. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Backaround Courtland Street runs north/south between Newport Avenue and Ash Street parallel to Oak Park Boulevard. Unlike other roads that cross East Grand Avenue (Elm Street, Halcyon Road), Courtland Street does not have a north/south designation, distinguishing the portion north of East Grand Avenue from the portion south of East Grand Avenue. The lack of a north/south designation on Courtland Street has become an issue due to recently approved developments (Jasmine Place and Courtland Senior Apartments). As these projects move towards completion, they need to be assigned street addresses that are consistent with the City's addressing system. Consistent addressing is vital to ensuring accurate and timely emergency response to all properties in the City. If both of these developments are to be addressed consistently with adjacent properties, they would both be assigned addresses in the 200 bbck of Courtland Street. Without designation of a North Courtland Street and a South Courtland Street, this will not be possible, as it would create duplicate street addresses in the City. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council consideration: ■ Adopt the attached Resolution renaming Courtland Street to North Courtland Street and South Courtland Street; or ■ Do not adopt the attached Resolution; or ■ Provide direction to staff. f � �I� —. , RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RENAMING COURTLAND STREET TO NORTH COURTLAND STREET AND SOUTH COURTLAND STREET WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has recommended that the City �Council rename Courtland Street to North Courtland Street and South Courtland Street; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered this recommendation request at a public hearing on March 8, 2005 in accordance with the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study and deliberation, that the following circumstances exist: 1 . Consistent addressing of properties is vital to ensure accurate and timely emergency response to all properties within the City of Arroyo Grande. 2. Changing Courtland Street to North Courtland Street and South Courtland Street is necessary to maintain consistent addressing within the City of Arroyo Grande. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby renames Courtland Street to North Courtland Street for the portion north of East Grand Avenue and South Courtland Street for the portion south of East Grand Avenue. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8�" day of March 2005. ; - — RESOWTION NO. PAGE 2 of 2 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: � STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER i APPROVED AS TOPORM: ! TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY i ! � i ! ; I 1 i I 1 ; ; � __ _—__ 1 9.b. O� pRROYpc . � INCONPONATE Y= * ,,,�. ,,. ,,,, * MEMORANDUM C���FORN�' To: crrr couNCi� S FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR�� BY: �j�• KELLY HEFFERNON,ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING —CONSIDERATION OF GEWERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 04003; HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. Open the public hearing and receive public comment on the proposed amendments to the Housing Element; and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 04-003. FUNDING: There is no initial financial impact to the City. Community Development Department staff worked with the Local Housing Task Force, Planning Commission and City Council to formulate amendments for the Califomia Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) review. After State certification, staff may seek consultant assistance to prepare changes to the Affordable Housing Ordinance and agreements to comply with SB 1818 and other State mandates. DISCUSSION: Backaround The Ciiy Council considered proposed amendments and clarifications to the 2003 Housing Element on February 22, 2005 and conveyed suppoit of stafPs recommendation (the staff report is included as Attachment 1 for reference). However, in recognizing the complexity of SB 1818 and its potential impact to Housing Element policies, the item was continued to allow further research into the new legislation and receive clarification on the League of Califomia Cities' position conceming SB 1818. As a result, staff consufted with both a member of the League of Califomia Cities' Housing Policy Committee and League of Califomia Cities' staff assigned to state housing legislation. Leaaue of Calffomia Cities and SB 1818 The goal of the League of Califomia Cities' Housing, Community and Economic Development (HCED) Policy Committee is to increase the production of new housing, while protecting local control. The Committee is working in cooperation with the Califomia Builders' Industry Association (CBIA) to draft legislation that will give landowners and builders certainty of housing density while helping cities achieve their housing goals. The draft legislation also intends to replace the current Regional Housing Needs Assessment ciTV couNCi� j HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION MARCH 8,2005 PAGE 2 (RHNA) process with a more regional approach that would allow cities and counties to plan for their own growth based on available resources. A copy of the draft proposal is included as Attachment 2. Under the proposal, cities would work with the Council of Govemments (COG) to identify a supply of land to address needs for a 20-year period. Each city would then prepare a specific plan for that land to address a 10-year period. The Housing Spec�c Plan (HSP) would include the components currently required, including distribution of land use, transportation/circulation, infrastructure planning, a public facilities and financing program and a phasing component. The plan should be updated each five (5) years and would not be subject to referendum for the first five (5) years. The idea being that the HSP was developed with community input and thus be protected from initiative and referendum for a set period of time. A General Plan sub-committee of the HCED Policy Committee is meeting with CBW , representatives to analyze the draft legislation. One of the items being debated is how related infrastructure would be financed to accommodate the project housing needs. The HCED Committee hopes to finalize their recommendations within the next few months. Therefore, it is unlikely that new legislation could be approved by the State until much later in the year. The plan would also not replace the existing Housing Element until July 1, 2008. With regard to SB 1818, the League of California Cities provided a copy of an analysis of SB 1818 from special counsel and the legislative summary, both of which appear to support staff's interpretation that the density bonus provisions will not impact the City's inclusionary housing requirements. A copy of each is attached. However, as stated at the Febnaary 22, 2005 meeting, this is an issue thaf will likely require additional clarification and potentially court interpretation. As stated at the February 22, 2005 meeting, the information regarding SB 1818 was noted because it could potentially cause the proposed affordable housing inclusionary requirements to trigger additional density bonuses and concessions beyond that proposed for a given project. This would occur on projects of certain sizes if the inclusionary units were considered in the awarding of a density bonus. Staff's initial interpretation is that the density bonus would only apply to affordable units that the developer voluntarily proposes. Therefore, it would only be for units above that required by the inclusionary regulations. If this is interpretation is upheld, it will make the legislation much easier to implement. If this interpretation changes due to additional State guidelines or court rulings, or 'rf legislative changes occur, staff may recommend revisiting the inclusionary requirements at that time. Since any such changes are not likely to occur in the immediate futuroe, if Council is in agreement with the proposed provisions of the Housing Element, staff recommends it be approved and later reevaluated in response to potential impacts ident�ed above. arr couNCi� HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION MARCH 8,2005 PAGE3 ALTERNATIVES: The following altematives are provided for CounciPs considecation: 1. Approve the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the Resolution; 2. Modify the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the Resolution; or 3. Do not adopt the Resolution and provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. City Council Staff Report of February 22, 2005 (less attachments) 2. Draft Overview of New Housing Oppo�tunity Element and Specific Housing Plan, dated October 16, 2004 3. Memorandum regarding SB 1818 from Betsy Strauss, Special Counsel for the League of Califomia Cities to Dan Carrigg, Legislative Representative for the League of Califomia Cities, dated October 15, 2004 4. SB 1818 Analysis S:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENiWROJECTSISPECIAL�2003 HOUSING ELEMEN7LLocal Housing Task ForceV�Aeetings103-08- 0.5 CC Me&ingW3-OB-05 HE Amandment.dx � ' I � RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 04-003) WHEREAS, Section 65302(c) of the California Government Code requires all cities and counties to prepare a General Plan Housing Element; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande adopted the 2003 Housing Element on November 25, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City received a letter dated December 30, 2004 from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) stating that it finds the 2004 revisions to the adopted 2003 Housing Element in full compliance with housing element law and will certify upon City adoption and re=submittal; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande on February 1, 2005, at which time all interested persons were given the opportuniry to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at duly noticed public hearings held on February 22, 2005 and March 8, 2005 and the information contained in the proposed amendments to the adopted 2003 Housing Element and staff reports; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed amendments to the 2003 Housing Element in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the negative declaration previously adopted for the 2003 Housing Element is adequate for the proposed amendments and therefore no additional environmental review is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby adopt amendments to the 2003 Housing Element; copies of the Housing Element, as amended, are on file in the Community Development and Administrative Services Departments. Said action is taken based on the following findings of fact: 1. The amendments to the Housing Element are consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the General Plan and will not result in any internal inconsistencies within the General Plan. 2. The amendments to the Housing Element will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare because it will help the City achieve housing for all economic segments of the community. 3. Based on the initial study and all the comments received, the potential environmental impacts of the Housing Element are less than significant. � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of 2005. I '' I I --- --- — � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: �I I � TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I I I ; , I i l i 's � � , 1 � � � � , , a � __ . � � o� PRROVO� ATTACHMENT 1 ; �k � 1NCORPORATE � O # Nn� +o, �a+� * MEMORANDUM c,�/FORN�P . To: cinr couNCi� FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR gy; KELLY HEFFERNON,ASSOCIATE PI.ANNER SUBJECT: GENFRAL PLAN AMENDMENT 04-003; HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. Open the public hearing and receive public comment on the proposed amendments to the Housing Element; and 2. Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 04-003. FUNDING: There is no initial financial impact to the City. Community Development Department staff worked with the Local Housing Task Force, Planning Commission and City Council to formulate amendments for Housing and Community Development (HCD) review. After State certification, staff may seek consultant assistance to prepare changes to the j Affordable Housing Ordinance and agreements to comply with SB 1818 and other State � mandates. � DISCUSSION: iBacks�round ; In March of 2004, the City received a letter from the State Department of Housing and i Community Development (HCD) outlining deficiencies in the City's Housing Element. In response to HCD comments, the City Council considered amendments to the Housing Element on September 28, 2004 (see Attachment 1 for meeting minutes). The amendments involved expanding the Housing OppoRunity Sites Inventory (Table 15) through a tiered density framework and supplemental sites, updating the City's Mixed Use districts to allow higher densities, clarifying the City's permit processing timeline, reducing I' govemmental constraints for disabled persons, strengthening the City's commitment for farmworker housing, tightening schedules for implementation of particular goals and policies, and basic clean-up. Council discussion focused on concems of including certain properties within the Housing Opportunity Sites Inventory and projected densifies. The General Plan Amendment was referred back to the Planning Commission with direction to delete the Arroyo Linda Crossroads Spec�c Plan Area from the Housing Opportunity Sites ' Inventory and identify additional aRernative affordable housing sites to meet the City's CITY COUNCIL HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION FEBRUARY 22,2005 PAGE 2 Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) within other mixed-use or muftiple-family residential districts. During October and November of 2004, the City corresponded with HCD regarding cert�cation of the Housing Element. Based on existing land use and zoning, the City demonstrated a sufficient inventory of land area to meet the City's RHNA numbers for lower income housing and Table 15 was subsequently revised (see Attachment 2). HCD followed up with a review letter, dated December 30, 2004, of the City's proposed revisions to the Housing Element (see Attachment 3). As stated in the second paragraph, HCD finds the proposed 2004 revisions to the adopted 2003 Housing Element in full compliance with housing element law and will certify upon City adoption and re-submittal. The proposed amendments are presented as Exhibit 'A' of the Resolution. Housina Element Amendments/Clarifications One HCD suggestion, contained in the third paragraph of the letter, is that the City monitor the effect of the Conditional Use Permit requirement for new multi-family development and consider removing or mitigating this requirement. An aRemative might be a Minor Use Permit and/or Architectural Review Committee approval. Another policy issue that requires clarification prior to adoption is the City's Inclusionary Housing program. The attached matrix is a simplfied comparative analysis of current code, the 2001 General Plan, the 2003 Housing Element Update and proposed 2004-05 Housing Element Amendments (see Attachment 4). Staff recommends that�he proposed 2004-05 Housing Element Amendment policies be implemented by subsequent revision to Municipal Code Chapter 16.80, the Affordable Housing Requirements. During the February 1, 2005 Planning Commission public hearing, several Commissioners requested that staff review the Density Bonus regulations outlined in Program A.11-1 on page 9 and 10 of the 2003 Housing Element (see Attachment 2 for meeting minutes). After meeting with Home Building Association representative Jerry Bunin (also a former member of the Local Housing Task Force) and City Attomey Tim Carmel, staff detertnined that SB 1818, adopted by the State in September 2004, supercedes the poirrts outlined in Program A.11-1 (see Attachment 5 for letter from Jerry Bunin dated February 22, 2005 and discussion of SB 1818 below). Therefore, staff recommends the following additional change: Delete the text of A.11-1 on pages 9 and 10 and insert the following: "The City shall modiy the Affordable Housing and Density Bonus provisions of the Municipal Code to implement the adopted Housing Element Amendments and SB 1818, subject to environmental constraints per CEQA. Responsible agency/department: Community Development Timeframe: 2005 Funding: General Fund (City initiated Development Code Amendment) S:�GOMMUNfTY_DEVELOPMENTPROJECTSI.SPECWU2003_HOUSING ELEMEN7LLocal Houaing Taek ForceWleethgs�02-22-05 CC MeetingW2-22-05 HE MiendmeM.doc � � � aTx couNCi� � HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION i FEBRUARY 22,2005 I PAGE 3 �I Expected Outcome: Increased densities and incentives to enable more affordability and to comply with State law." It should be recognized that these 2004-05 Housing Element Amendments would NOT assure or achieve the RHNA goals for actual production of affordable units. Production would need to almost double and be composed of more than half very low and low-income units for the City to approach such goals. In stafPs opinion, it is unrealistic if not infeasible to expect very low-income households in ownership housing. Even low-income households will require assistance to occupy either rental or ownership housing given current costs. City, RDA and non-profit housing production should focus on very low and low-income rentals or low and moderate-income ownership units. Upon further review of the proposed amendments to the Housing Element after Planning Commission consideration, staff determined that a clarification is needed regarding affordability restrictions required for projects located within the RDA area. Policy F.1-7 has subsequently been added, which states 'The City shall assure that at least 15% of all units constructed within the RDA project area shall be affordable units and at least 40% of those are restricted for very low income." SB 1818 SB 1818 made significant changes to the State's density bonus law, which went into effect on January 1, 2005. Clearly, it makes the approval process for projects with affordable housing extremely complex and reduces the City's control over many issues involving the project. Many of its provisions are confusing and are undergoing eutensive review and analysis by cities, counties and the building industry. The legislation requires cities and counties to modify their ordinances to bring them into conformance with new State mandates. The previous law allowed for a 25% density bonus when housing projects provided between 10-20% of the units affordable. In addition, cities and counties needed to provide at least one "concession," such as financial assistance or a reduction in development standards. The new law considerably reduces the amount of units that a developer must provide in order to receive a density bonus and requires cities and counties to provide between one to three concessions, depending upon the percentage of affordable units that the developer provides. It also imposes a new land donation rule and f statewide parking standards. The major provisions of the law are provided below. f • Density Bonus. The number of affordable units that a developer must provide in order to receive a density bonus is significantly reduced from prior law. If at least 5% of the units are affordable to Very Low income households or 10% of the units are affordable to Low income households, then the project is eligible for a 20% density bonus. If 10% of the condominium or planned development units are affordable to Moderate income households, then the project is eligible to receive a 5% density bonus. In addition, there is a sliding scale that requires: f S:�COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENIIPROJECTSISPECIAL�2003 HOUSING ELEMENTLLocal Housirg Taqk ForceNAeetings102-22-05 � CC Meeting�02-22-05 HE MiendmeM.doc � 1 � � ciTr couNCi� � HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION � FEBRUARY 22,2005 PAGE4 - An addition ° al 2.5/o density bonus for each additional increase of 1% Very Low income units above the initial 5% threshold; - A density increase of 1.5% for each additional 1% increase in Low income units above the initial 10% threshold; and - A 1% density increase for each 1% increase in Moderate-income units above the initial 10% threshold. These bonuses reach a maximum density bonus of 35% when a project provides 11% Very Low income units, 20% Low-income units, or 40% Moderate-income units. Therefore, it is important to note that as a resutt of these density bonus requirements, the City's inclusionary requirements may trigger an increase in density allowed beyond the City's density bonus. • Continued Affordability. The continued affordabiliiy requirements for Very Low and Low-income units have not changed. However, the requirements for Moderate-income condominium and PUD units have changed significantly. The new law spec�es that the city or county must ensure that the initial occupants of Moderate-income units meet the income qualifications. However, upon resale of the units, the seller retains the down payment, the value of any improvements, and the sellers proportionate share of appreciation. The ciry or county recaptures its proportionate share of appreciation and those funds must = be used within three years to promote Lower or Moderate income home ownership. It is unclear whether these units must be sold at market rate or if a city or county can limit appreciation. This may require changes to the City's affordable housing agreements in the future. � • Concessions and Incentives. Cities and counties must grant more "concessions or incentives" reducing development standards, depending on the percentage of affordable units provided. "Concessions and incentives" include reductions in zoning standards, other development standards, design requirements, mixed use zoning, and any other incentive that would reduce costs for the developer. Any project that meets the minimum criteria for a density bonus is entitled to one concession from the local govemment agency, increasing up to a maximum of three concessions depending upon the amount of affordable housing provided. For example: - For projects that provide either 5% of the units affordable to Very Low income households, 10% of the units affordable to Lower Income households, or 10% Moderate Income condominiums, then the developer is entitled to one concession. - When the number of affordable units is increased to 10% Very Low income units, 20% Lower income units, or 20% Moderate-income units, then the � developer is entitled to two concessions. ; S:�COMMUNIT`!_DEVELOPMENTPR0.IECTSISPECL4U2�HOUSING ELEMENTLaeal Housing Taak FaceWAeetinga102-22-05 � CC MeetingW2-22-05 HE Nnendment.doc � cm couNCi� HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION FEBRUARY 22,2005 PAGE 5 - When the number of affordabie units is increased to 15% Very Low income, 30% Lower income, or 30% Moderate-income units, then the number of concessions is increased to three. • Waivers and Modifications of "Development StandaMs". A city or county may not impose a "development standard" that makes it infeasible to construct the housing developmerrt Hrith the proposed density bonus. In addition to requesting "incentives and concessions", applicants may request the waiver of an unlimited number of "development standards" by showing that the waivers are needed to make the project economically feasible. The bill defines "development standards" as "site or construction conditions". • Land Donation. Additional density is available to projects that donate land for residential use. The land must satisTy all of the following requirements: a) Have the appropriate general plan designation and zoning to permit construction of units affordable to Very Low income households in an amount not less than 10% of the units in the residential development; b) Be at least one acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least 40 units; and c) Be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. The base density bonus is 15%, with increases in 1% increments for each percentage increase in the units that can be accommodated above the minimum 10% of the units described in (a), up to a maximum of 35%. The maximum combined density bonus is 35% under all rules. When the land is transferred, it must have all of the permits and approvals necessary for the development of the Very Low income housing units. The land and affordable units must be subject to deed restrictions ensuring continued affordability. The city or county may require that the land be transferred to a developer instead of the city. • Parking Standards. If a project qualifies for a density bonus, the developer may request (and the city or county must grant) new parking standards for the entire development project. The new standards are: - 0 to 1 bedroom: 1 on-site parking space. - 2 to 3 bedrooms: 2 on-site parking spaces. F - 4 or more bedrooms: 2.5 on-site parking spaces. d € These numbers are inclusive of guest parking and handicapped parking and � may be tandem or uncovered. The parking standards may be requested even if r no density bonus is requested. A copy of SB 1818 is provided as Attachment 7. I I ! f S:�COMMUNfT`/_DEVELOPMENPPROJECTSISPECIAU2003 HOUSING ELEMENTLLOCaI Housing Task ForceNAeetinps102-22-05 ' CC MeetingW2-22-05 HE Miandment.doc � � cinr couNCi� HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENT ADOPTION FEBRUARY 22,2005 PAGE6 ALTERNATIVES: The following aRematives are provided for Council's consideration: 1. Approve the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the Resolution; 2. Modify the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the Resolution; or 3. Do not adopt the Resolution and provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. City Courrcil Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2004 2. Housing Element Table 15 - Revised 3. Letter from Calffomia Department of Housing and Community Development dated December 30, 2004 4. Comparative Matrix—Affordable Housing (Inclusionary) Requirements 5. Letter from Jerry Bunin, Govemment Affairs Director of the Home Builders Association of the Central Coast, dated February 22,2005 6. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2005 7. SB 1818 S:�COMMUNITY_DEVELOPMENiWR0.1ECTS\SPECIAL�2003_HOUSING_ELEMENTLacal Housing Task ForceVU�ingsW2-22-05 ` CC AAeetingW2-22-05 HE Amendmentdoc � ,- � October 16, 2004 ATTACHMENT 2 OVERVIEW oA NEW HOUSING OPPORTLJNITY ELEMENT It�� AND SPECIFIC HOUSING PLAN � Timelines • Housing Opportunity Element adopted every ten years in conjunction with the census. First HOE identifies 20 yeaz land supply. Ten year review makes adjustments to maintain 20 year land supply. • Specific Housing Plan adopted every ten years. Identifies sites to meet 10 year housing need pmjection for all income levels.� ' . Pernussive,not mandatory,review of SHP every five years. Possible revisions to location and density of sites to meet original 10 yeaz housing need project Z Housing Opportunity Element • Replaces Housing Element effective July 1,2008 . All jurisdictions required to adopt HOE by September 1,2008 if sufficient state funding available • Mandatory components(see section 65650)—one mandatory component is idenrificarion of land for residential use to accommodate needs over twenty yeaz period(within sphere of influence). Another mandatory component is Specific Housing Plan. . HOE reviewed every ten years. Maintain 20-yeaz land supply. • LAFCO laws must accommodate desi�ation of 20-year land supply. • Land use designations on land within 20-year land supply but not within SHP are subject to existing law(legislative body can make changes). 'uri 'ction initiates action ursuant to ; • Within 60 days of adoption of Element,� sdi P � CCP 860 asking the court to determine validity of Element. Court may not order building moratorium if Housing Opportunity Element is deternrined to be invalid. Spec�c Housing Plan • Sites necessary to meet jurisdiction's 10—yeaz housing needs must be included in Plan at densities calculated to acltieve housing for all income levels. � • Mandatory components(see section 65651). � • SHP adopted every ten years. • SHP optional review every five years to update plan. Possible changes to location or sites(see footnote number 1). 'Identification of sites for 10 year housing needs may be challenging for certain communities with inadequate public improvement infiastructure. Z Discussion continues about(1)whether the 5-year review should be mandatory or permissive;(2)whether new growth projec[ions should be made at Uils interval;and(3)the nature of the review. I October 16,2004 • Significandy expanded notice to neighbors. Real Estate Discloswe Statement(of SHP)to prospective purchasers. Determining 10-yesr Housing Need . Each jurisdiction"plans for its own." • Regional housing need deternvned by COG every ten years in accordance with "Lowenthal"formula as adjusted for job creation projections . To ensure region's entire housing need is distributed,COG distributes additional units if region's"planning for your own"dces not equal regionai need. . HCD may challenge COG's regional housing determinadons Effect of Specific Housing Plan • Project that is consistent with SHP cannot be required to receive any legislative or quasi-legislative approval but procedures wlrich ensure consistency between pmject and SHP aze anticipated(e.g. design review). . Project that is consistent with SHP cannot be denied or conditioned on density reduction below minimum density in SHP except by 4/5 vote of legislative body after making certain findings. • No change can be made in the SHP during the ten-year period(except for possible five-yeaz review)except by 4/5 vote of legislative body after making certain findings. � Referendum . Referendum on Housing Opportunity Element at 10 yeaz intervals • Referendum on Specific Housing Plan at 10 yeaz intervals • Referendum on SHP at 5 yeaz review only on changes in sites—either in location or density ranges. No referendum on previously adopted SHP • SHP may not be adopted or amended by initiative i CEQA Comp6ance • EtR when HOE and SHP adopted(every ten years) • EIIt/ND at five-yeaz review of SHP if new sites or changes in density Issues for Continued Discussion . Amount of discretion/protection suailable in"outer ten year"area. "Outer ten year" azea is that part of the twenty-yeaz land supply that is not within the specific housing plan. ' . Coordinating the statutory obligation of LAFCO to pmmote orderly growth and development and to determine jurisdictional boundary lines with the obligation of each tocal agency to provide a twenty-year land supply. 2 October 16, 2004 . The number of times the voters may file a referendum against the specific housing plan ot housing opportunity element. • The eactent of CEQA review when a development project is consistent with the specific housing plan. State Regulatory Coordination of Conflicting State Policies with w6ich Cities and Counties must Comply Appropriation of State Funds to Prepare Specific Housing Plans Tax credits and other incentives to construct higher density housing G.O.Bonds for infrastructure improvements and housing construcNon with 55% vote NOTE: Changes will be required to existing housing element law to incorporate this new system. HCD process will be subject to sunset concurrent with implementation of new system. 3 ATTACHMENT 3 MEMORANDUM October 15,2004 � ; r TO: Dan Carrigg i Legislative Representative � League of California Cities : k FROM: Betsy Strauss Special Counsel League of California Cities g�; SB 1818/Chapter 928 2004 Statutes Density Bonus Law Amendments This memorandum responds to your request for an analysis of the changes made to density bonus law by SB 1818 (Ho1linQSworth . Changes Made by the Amendments . Projects that qualify for a density bonus In order to qualify for a density bonus a"housing developmenY'must include a certain percentage of units for low,very low or moderate income households. The amendments reduce the required percentages by one-ha1f.' A density and incentives or concessions must be granted if ten percent of the total units aze for lower income households; five ; percent aze for very low income households; or ten percent are for moderate income � households in a condominium project or planned development? a � . Additional density for projects that qualify calculated differen y ' Under existing law"density bonus" is a density increase of 25%,unless a lesser percentage is requested by the applicant. The new law re-defines"density bonus" as a density increase of 20%. However,for each 1% increase abtohve d nsty bonus isincreased percentage of units affordable to lower income households, by 1:5%to a maximum of 35%. For each 1%increase above 5% in the percentage of units affordable t 35�a 1 A c ndomin um proJect or plann d development thatd es not� ' to a maximum of ualifies for a density bonus of 10%. ' qualify for a density bonus under the basic rules, q The new law changes the density bonus to 5%but awazds an additional l%density bonus 'Gov't Code 6591p5(b)�1)• �s a e of common interest development with z"planned develo ment'(defined in Civil Code§ 1351(k) � �'P an awners association. 1 �---_ _ _ for each 1 percent increase above 10 percent to a maximum of 35 percent. . Occupancy of afFordable moderate-income units Existing law requires the city to ensure that moderate income units in a condominium project that qualifies for a density bonus remain affordable to moderate income families. The new law requires that the initial occupant of the moderate-income units (in a condominium project or planned development)be a moderate-income family. The required the unit to be affordable but did not require the unit to be occupied by a moderate-income family. When the unit is sold,the seller retains the value of any improvements,the downpayment, and the seller's proportionate share of appreciation. The local government recaptures an amount equal to the difference between the fair mazket value of the unit and the nutial sales price. Those funds must be used within three yeazs to promote low or moderate income home ownership 3 • Required number of concessions and incentives The applicant is entided to a density bonus and certain concessions and incentives. The number of concessions and incentives is related to the percentage of the project devoted to affordable housing: (1) One incentive or concession for projects that include at least 10 percent of the total units for lower income households, at least 5 percent for very low income households, or at least 10 percent for moderate income families. (2)Two incenrives or concessions if 20 percent of the units are for lower income households; 10 percent for very low income households; or 20 percent for persons and families of moderate income. (3)Three incentives or concessions if 30%for lower income households; 15 percent for very low income households, or at 30 percent for persons and families of moderate income. • New land donation rules Additional density is available to projects that donate land for residential use. The land must(1)have the appropriate general plan designation and zoning to pernut conshuction of units affordable to very low income households in an amount not less than 10%of the units in the.residential development; (2)be at least one acre in size or of sufficient size to permit development of at least 40 units; (3)be served or will be served by adequate public facilities and infrastructure. The density bonus is 15%with increases in 1% increments for each percent above the minimum 10%of the units described in(1),up to a maximum of 35%. 35%is the maximum combined density bonus under the basic rules and the land donation rules. When the land is transferred it must have all of the permits and approvals necessary for the development of very low inwme housing units. The land and affordable units must be subject to deed restrictions ensuring continued affordability. The city or county may require that the land is transferred to a developer instead of the city. 'Gov't Code section 65915(c)(2). ' 2 • New definition of"development standazd" A city or county may not impose a"development standard"that makes in infeasible to construct the housing development at the proposed density. The applicant may request the waiver of"development standards." The bill limits the types"development standazd" "site or construction conditions." • New maacimum parking standards The bill establishes new maximum parking standazds for a housing development that qualifies for a density bonus, imposed at the request of the developer: Zero to one bedroom—one onsite pazking space;two to three bedrooms—two onsite pazking spaces; four and more bedrooms—two and one-half parking spaces. These numbers aze inclusive of guest parking and handicapped pazking. Planning Considerations A city or county may wish to consider the following suggestions when implementing the new law: 1. A density bonus is granted when the applicant for a housing development seeks and agrees to construct certain percentages of very low, low,or moderate income housing units: Include in the list of what constitutes a complete application the information that is necessary for the city/county to evaluate whether a density bonus must be granted. Require the developer to enter into an enforceable written ag=eement to construct the housing including the terms and conditions under which the units will be maintained as affordable. 2. T'he city/county must"ensure" continued affordability of all lower income density bonus units for 30 yeazs or more(or longer period if required by construction or mortgage fmancing assistance program): Include in a resolution adopting density bonus procedures,the mechanism for ensuring continued affordability (e.g. CC&Rs; deed restricrion; penalties for failure to maintain affordability). 3. 1'he lower income bonus density units must be affordable at a rent that does not exceed 30 percent of 60 percent of area median income; or 30 percent of 50 percent of azea median income for very low income units: These percentages aze maximums. A city/county may require lower rents. 4. The city/county must"ensure"that the initial occupants of moderate income units related to the density bonus aze moderate income families: Include in the resolution adopting density bonus procedures a requirement that the developer propose the mechanism for ensuring that the initial occupant qualifies; identify the units that aze restricted; record deed restrictions relating to the limitation on recapture of appreciation; and formulate the program by which the"proportionate share of appreciation" calculated; 3 _� and the city or county is notified of the sale of the restricted units. Because these programs of limited appreciation aze sometimes subject to legal challenge,the city/county may wish to consider requiring an indemnity from the developer. 5. The applicant submits a proposal for specific incentives or concessions: Include in the resolution adopting the density bonus procedures the list of incenUves or concessions that are"reductions-in site development standards or modifications of zoning code requirements or design requirements that result in"identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions."' Require the applicant to demonstrate how the incentives or concessions result in"identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions"that a11ow the affordable units to be constructed. 6. The applicant receives a number of concessions or incentives based upon the percentage of units that aze affordable. This requirement is subject to the restriction identified in number 5 above. The applicant does not automatically receive, for example three concessions or incentives. The applicant must demonstrate how the incentives or concessions result in"identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions"that allow the affordable units to be constructed. 7. The city is required to waive or modify development and zoning standards that would otherwise inhibit uUlization of the density bonus on specific sites. Include in the resolution adopting the density procedures the list of development and zoning standazds which are"site and construction" conditions that may be waived or modified. 8. The applicant is entitled to an additional density bonus for land donation. Include in the resolution adopting density bonus procedures how the city/county will implement this provision: (a) at what point in the development process the land must be donated; (b) whether the land must be located within the proposed housing development or may it be located within '/.mile of the development; (c)a procedure requiring the applicant to identify a developer to whom the land is transferred if the city/county does not wish to accept the donation; (d) a requirement that the entitlements for the very low income units be processed concurrently with the other units in the housing development. 9. M�imum pazking requirements upon request of developer: If compliance with the maximum parking requirements does not provide sufficient parking, in the opinion of the city/county, it may be necessary to include within the city/count}�s resolution a requirement that notification be provided to residents of housing that qualifies for a density bonus of the inadequacy of the pazking. Financial considerations II SB 1818 (Ho1linQSworthl provides that no reimbursement is required for the mandate imposed by these changes because a city/county has the authority to"levy service charges, fees, or assessments sufficient to pay for the program or level of service � °Gov't Code 65915(IXl). � 4 � t mandated by"the changes in the law. The mandates imposed include (1)the cost of updating local ordinances and resolutions to conform to the changes in the state law; and {2)the wsts incurred by the city/county due to increases in densities beyond those provided for and analyzed in the general plan. These costs might include additional infrashvcture costs and additional public safety costs for increased population. The ConstituUon requires the State to reimburse local governments for mandates. If Proposition lA passes,the legislature will be required to appropriate money for a mandate or suspend the mandate. Although a city/county may have the authority to impose a fee to recover the costs of complying with the mandates in this bill, such a fee seems counterproductive to the ob,jective of the bill: lowering housing costs. If a city/county does not impose a fee to recover its costs for the mandates in this bill,then it has incurred costs which the Constitution requires the State to reimburse. An appropriation is required or the mandate is suspended. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions. I i 1 1 i 5 SB 1818 Senate Bill - Bill Analysis ATTACHMFNT 4 SB 1818 Page 1 SENATE THIRD READING . .SB 1818 (Hollingsworth) As Amended August 23, 2009 Majority vote � SENATE VOTE :38-0 � HOUSING 8-0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT 9-0 ------------------------------------------�--------------------- IAyes: ILOwenthal, Dutton, IAyes: ISalinas, Lieber, Daucher, I I ICogdill, Dutra, Kehoe, I IGarcia, I I IMullin, Runner, Salinas I ILa Suer, Leno, Mullin, I I I I ISteinberg, Wiggins � I I-----+--------------------------+-----+-------------------------- I I I � � � ----------------------------------------------------------------- APPROPRIATIONS 13-2 � ---------------------------------------------------------------- IAyes: IChu, Runner, Berg, I I � I IFirebaugh, Goldberg, I I � I IHaynes, Keene, I I � � �Leno, Negrete McLeod, I I � I IOropeza, Ridley-Thomas, I I � I IWesson, Wiggins I I � I I I I � I-----+--------------------------+-----+-------------------------I INays: ILaird, Yee I I � � � I I � � � ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY : Makes various changes in the law relating to the provision of affordable housing and density bonuses. Specifically, this bill . 1)Lowers the number of housing units required to be provided at below market rate in order to qualify for a density bonus as follows: � a) From 208 to 10� of the total units of a housing development, for lower income households; b) From 108 to 58 of the total units of a housing development, for very low income households; � ❑ http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bilUsen/sb_1801-1850/sb_1818_cfa_20040823_225120_as... 3/2/2005 SB 1818 Senate Bill-Bill Analysis Page 2 of 7 SB 1618 Page 2 c) From 50� of the total units for seniors to any senior citizen housing development as allowed under existing law; and, d) From 20� to 108 of the units in a condominium development, for moderate-income households. 2)Lowers the density increase from 25� to 208 for low, very low or senior housing and lowers to 58 for moderate income, with respect to the number of extra units that may be included over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density under the lqcal zoning ordinance. 3)Requires that the density bonus increase incrementally according to the following: a) For each 1� increase above 108 for lower income households, the density bonus shall increase by 1.5� to a maximum of 35�; b) For each 18 increase above 5� for very low income households, the density bonus shall increase by 2.5� to a maximum of 35�; and, c) For each 18 increase above 10� for moderate-income ' households, the density bonus shall increase by 18 to a maximum of 358. 4)Requires local governments to provide a developer the following number. of incentives or concessions if below, market rate units are included within the project: a) One incentive or concession if the project includes at least 108 of the total units for low-income, or 58 very low-income, or 10� for moderate-income households; b) Two incentives or concessions if the project includes at least 208 of the total units for low-income, or 108 very low-income, or 208 for moderate-income hoµseholds; and, c) Three incentives or concessions if the project includes at least 308 of the total units for low-income, or 15� very low-income, or 308 for moderate-income households. 5)Requires that the local government ensure that the initial II ❑ ( ISB 1618 � Page 3 1 � � occupants of the moderate-income units are actually moderate I http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bilUsen/sb_1801-1850/sb_1818_cfa_20040823_225120_as... 3/2/2005 SB 1818 Senate Bill -Bill Analysis Page 4 of 7 government result in identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions. 12)Clarifies that local governments may still grant density bonuses greater or lower than what is provided under these �� � provisions. 13) Provides that, upon the developer's request, the local government may not require parking standards greater than the following (the developer may, however request additional parking incentives or concessions) : a) Zero to one bedrooms: one onsite .parking space; b) Two to three bedrooms: two onsite parking spaces; and, � c) Four or more bedrooms: two and one-half parking spaces. . � EXISTING LAW (Government Code Section 65915) : 1)Requires local governments to grant a density bonus and at least one identified incentive or concession if a developer includes the specified percentage of affordable units within the project, unless it makes written findings that the additional incentive is not necessary in order for the rents to be affordable, or if the development would have an adverse effect on health, safety, environment or an adverse impact on any property listed in the California Register of Historical Resources. � 2)Specifies that development concessions or incentives may include the following: a) A reduction in site development standards; b) A modification of zoning code requirements (including a reduction in setbacks, square footage requirements, or parking spaces, or architectural design requirements that exceed the minimum building standards) ; � ❑ SB 1818 Page 5 c) Approval of mixed use zoning in conjunction with the housing project if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development, � and if such nonresidential uses are compatible with the project; or, d) Other regulatory incentives or concessions proposed by the developer or the city or county that result in I, identifiable cost reductions. http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bilUsen/sb_1801-1850/sb_1818_cfa_20040823_225120_as... 3/2/2005 , .._� SB 1818 Senate Bill - Bill Analysis Page 5 of 7 FISCAL EFFECT . Unknown COMMENTS . � To help address the affordable housing shortage, the Legislature enacted the density bonus law to encourage development of more low and moderate income housing units. Under existing law, a local government is required to grant a density bonus or other housing incentive or concession of equivalent value to a developer who agrees to construct housing that is affordable for persons of very low or low income, unless the city finds that the density bonus or housing incentive or concession is unnecessary for specified reasons. According to the sponsors of this measure, density bonus law could potentially play a stronger role in meeting our state's . housing needs, but the law is not as effective as it could be and needs to be strengthened. Nothing in this bill affects or otherwise seeks to preempt local ordinances which may require the inclusion of affordable (low, very low or moderate-income) units within a housing development. _ Arguments in support: 1)Added flexibility: According to the sponsors, California Association of Realtors, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, and, Western Center on Law and Poverty, SB 1818 increases the flexibility and usefulness of density bonus law by both reducing the minimum percentage of targeted units needed to obtain a density bonus and by increasing the amount of density bonus that can be obtained when the percentage of targeted units is increased. Current law provides a flat 258 density bonus if the applicant includes 208 low, 108 very low or 508 senior housing in the development and a flat 10� density bonus if the applicant includes 20$ ❑ SB 1816 Page 6 moderate-income units in a condominium development. The ` sponsors also assert that SB �1818 makes the density bonus more accessible by reducing those percentages to 208 density bonus ; � for 108 low, 58 very low or senior housing and a 5� density � bonus for 108 moderate. The bill also expands density bonus law by incrementally increasing the amount of the density bonus, up to a maximum of 35�, if the applicant increases �the percentage of targeted units. � � Current law limits the moderate-income density bonus to . condominium developments. SB 1818 expands that to include moderate income planned unit developments. The bill, according to the sponsors, adds flexibility to the law by requiring the � http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bilUsen/sb_1801-1850/sb_1818_cfa_20040823_225120_as... 3/2/2005 I ---- _ __ _ � SB 1818 Senate Bill -Bill Analysis Page 6 of 7 first occupant of such units to be moderate income rather than requiring a 10-year term of affordability by moderate-income households. 2)Cost reductions: Current law requires local governments to provide applicants for density bonuses with incentives and . concessions in addition to a density bonus, but the law does � not quantify the value of the incentives and concessions that must be offered. SB 1618 requires that the incentives and concessions "result in identifiable, financially sufficient � � and actual cost reductions. " 3) Incentives for land donation: To further expand the usefulness of density bonus law, say supporters, SB 1816 creates a new land donation density bonus that provides an incentive for donation of land to local governments for affordable housing. Under the bill, for example, if an applicant for a 1, 000 unit development donates five acres of land within that development sufficient to permit construction of 100 very low- or low-income units, the applicant would be entitled to a 158 density bonus, or 150 units. The land donation density bonus could be increased incrementally up to a maximum of 358 if the applicant increases the amount of land donated, and could be used in conjunction with the general density bonus, up to a combined maximum of 358. _ Arguments in Opposition: _ 1)Costs: Opponents express concerns over the costs implied by SB 1818. They state that the bill fails to provide sufficient � funding to pay up front for the costs of revising existing local density bonus ordinances. ❑ SB 1818 Page 7 I 2)Bonus is too high: Local governments also object to the high-density bonuses in relation to the small percentage of affordable housing. They claim that a 208 density bonus is too high given what is provided in affordable units has been reduced in half from the original density bonus law � requirements. 3)Mandated concessions: The opponents note that the bill includes a new mandate requiring the city and county to grant one, two or three concessions, depending on the amount of affordable housinq provided or risk being sued by the developer. It also removes a provision of existing law that allows a city or county to make a written finding, based on � substantial evidence that the concession is not necessary. This will require, according to� the opposition, local governments to give the developer whatever the developer http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bill/sen/sb_1801-1850/sb_1818_cfa_20040823_225120_as... 3/2/2005 i --_ _ J SB 1818 Senate Bill - Bill Analysis Page 7 of 7 wants. 9) Price controls on moderate-income housing: The local governments object to having to manage price controls on sale of moderate-income condominiums. They state that existing law regarding the continued affordability of the moderate-income units for 10 years should remain. It allows local agencies to choose how to maintain affordability of moderate-income units rather than specifying a method requiring a resale share. Analysis Prepared by . Hubert Bower / H. & C.D. / (916) 319-2085 FN: 0008105 http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bilUsen/sb_1801-1850/sb_1818_cfa_20040823_225120_as... 3/2/2005 I I � pRROYp . ��C� O c,p FINCORPORATE 92 u �°n # .u�v io, ic+t * � Q��/FO�N�p MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR� BY: �,�. KELLY HEFFERNON ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04001 TO ALLOW A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TO OCCUPY BUILDING "J" OF THE FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER; 911 RANCHO PARKWAY; WELLS FARGO BANK DATE: MARCH 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt the attached resolution approving the proposed project. FUNDING: tt is uncertain what the net financial benefit or loss would be to the City by allowing a bank to , occupy what is currently a retail-approved lease space. The subject property has not been � occupied to date and therefore has not generated any sales tax revenue for the City. There would be a potential future loss in sales tax revenue by allowing a non-retail use. Secondary financial benefits could be gain�d from the bank drawing more people to the Five Cities Center to shop. DISCUSSION: Backaround The City Council considered this item on February 8, 2005. Discussion focused on various traffic mitigation alternatives for the lower driveways on Rancho Parkway that cuRently operate at an unacceptable Level of Service (LOS) 'D'. The Council continued the item to March 8, 2005 to allow the applicanYs traffic engineer and the City's consulting engineer to provide additional traffic mitigation aftematives and analysis. r Based on information presented to staff by Orosz Engineering Group, Inc. (OEG) and Omni Means, the following mitigation is recommended with approval of ACUP 04-001: Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, a designated right tum lane at the eastbound phase 1 driveway shall be designed, and a conceptual design for the proposed signalization at the Phase 1/Phase ll driveway shall be submitted to the City for review and approvaL The applicant shall bond for the right tum lane improvements prior to occupancy, with construction to follow I�� within ninety(90) days of occupancy. ; I cirv couNCi� ACUP 04-001 March 8, 2005 PAGE 2 The Resolution of approval has been revised to include this language. With the development of Pad I, the applicant would be required to fund, design and construct a traffic signal for the southern Phase II driveway at Rancho Parkway. The design would include the traffic signal, pavement markings along Rancho Parkway related to the new traffic signal, and the connection with the W. Branch Street traffic signal. The applicant would also prepare a roundabout feasibility study for the intersection of Rancho Parkway and Via Vaquero. The installation of a right turn lane at Rancho Parkway from Phase I was determined to mitigate the existing condition, which is primarily congestion at this exit due to the majority of vehicles tuming right when exiting the parking lot. Installation of a traffic signal is the only measure determined to address the projected impacts of Pad I development. Therefore, while other improvements were found to improve the existing c�ndition, they were not proposed because they would not ultimately be consistent with the traffic signal design. The right tum lane was recommended because it will both improve the existing condition and be necessary with the future traffic signal. Attachment 1 is a Memorandum from Omni Means Engineering, which includes recommended design of improvements to address the existing conditions, a determination that a signal will ultimately be required, and the associated data. Attachment 2 is a Memorandum from OEG, the applicanYs traffic consultant. It includes an analysis and summary of the other options reviewed and the proposed mitigations in response to the Omni Means study. A copy of the staff report prepared for the February 8, 2005 City Council meeting is also attached for reference as Attachment 3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and has found that the project is exempt per section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines. Therefore, staff does not anticipate that this project will have an adverse effect on the environment. Because the use occupies an existing building, it is not necessary that a Mitigated Negative Declaration be prepared or filed, but based on the traffic study, the recommended mitigation is a condition of approval. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: - Approve the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the resolution; - Modify the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the resolution; or, - Take tentative action to deny the project application and direct staff to prepare an appropriate resolution for City Council action. If the Council selects alternative 3, staff will return with the appropriate resolution at a later meeting. CITY COUNCIL ACUP 04-001 March 8, 2005 PAGE 3 Attachments: 1. Memorandum from Omni Means Engineering, dated February 25, 2005 2. Memorandum from OEG, Inc., dated February 26, 2005 3. Staff report prepared for the February 8, 2005 City Council meeting (less attachments) I S:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENMROJECTS\CUP�Five Cities Center�Welis Fargo�3-8-05 ACUP Wells Fargo CC Rpt.dot � RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04-001, APPLIED FOR BY WELLS FARGO BANK, LOCATED AT 911 RANCHO PARKWAY (FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER, PHASE 11) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Amended ' Conditional Use Permit Case. No. 04-001, filed by Welis Fargo Bank to amend Conditional Use Permit 96-541, as previously amended, by allowing a financial use in ' Building "J" of the Five Cities Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 2004 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this !, application in accordance with the City Code and recommended the City Council approve ' the project; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this appiication in accordance with the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is categorically exempt under Section 15305 of State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the foilowing circumstances exist: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Rancho Grande Planned Development (PD 1.2) pursuant to Section 16.16.050 of the Development Code, and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located because the building is already constructed and the proposed use is similar to other surrounding uses. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed because all the necessary easements, circulation, parking and setbacks will be provided. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety. The building was constructed and issued a temporary certificate of occupancy in 2000, verifying that all necessary utilities and provisions were installed to ensure public health and safety. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity, because the tra�c impacts identified in the recent tra�c study are mitigated by conditions of approval. The building is already constructed and the existing parking is sufficient to accommodate the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Amended Conditional Use Permit Case No. 04-001, with the above finding5 and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of 2005. � � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ' i RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04001 AGRA, LLC FIVE CITIES CENTER, PHASE II GOh"6"LIWITY DE��EL�PMENT DFPARTMENT This Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 96-541 authorizes a financial institution to occupy Building "J" of the Five Cities Shopping Center (lease space is approximately 4,550 square feet). rFNFRAI �ONDITIONS 1. All conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit 96-541, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect as indicated in City Council Resolution 3157 approved on July 9, 1996. �'� 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City � requirements as are applicable to this project. i3. The applicant shall comply with,all conditions of approval for Amended Conditional i Use Permit Case No. 04-001, as recommended by the Planning Commission. 4. This application shall automatically expire on March 8, 2007 unless a building permit is issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the j applicant may apply for an extension of one'(1) year from the original date of i expiration. 1 !; 5. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, o�cers, or employees because of Ithe issuance of said approval, or in anyway relating to the implementation thereof, � or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the j City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attomey's fee's ; which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay ' as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shail not relieve appiicant of his/her obligations under this condition. GPECIA G�ONDITIONS 6. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting of March 8, 2005 and marketl Exhibit "B". Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, a designated right turn lane at the eastbound phase I driveway shall be designed, and a conceptuai design for the proposed signalization at the Phase I/Phase II driveway shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The , applicant shall bond for the right turn lane improvements prior to occupancy, with construction to follow within ninety (90) days of occupancy. ______ � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 7. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit a letter from the property owner (Investec) verifying that the existing trash receptacles within the existing trash enclosure and the proposed frequency of trash pick ups is adequate to accommodate the proposed use in addition to existing uses. 8. The employee parking for Wells Fargo Bank shall be restricted to the extreme E southwest comer of the existing parking lot. 9. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall submit an exterior lighting plan and site lighting footcandle plan subject to review and approval of the Community Development and Police Departments that complies with Section 16.48.090 of the Developmenf Code. F3LIILDII�C AWD FIRE DFPARTMENT 10. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Building and Fire Codes, as adopted by the Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, City of Arroyo Grande. 11. The project shall provide complete compliance with State and Federal disabled access requirements. 12. Prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, all buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines. 13. Two (2) exits are required from the public area. 14. The vault"structure" shall be independent from existing building structure. 15. Existing fire sprinkler and alarm system shall be revised as required for new construction and occupancy. I� I i � 1 I j � I ; � S:\COMMUNIT'Y_DEVELOPMENTIPROJECTS\CUP�Five Cities Center�Wells Fargo\CC reso.doc � ..,..o..� p;�..�.� �-,�- .�-.�.— -�. ,� ,oxus•u,�� ^, _/� /��` " ..,,.. � ,� o.,.....�,.� ___� �,"�'� �; —' � �� .�,..,.,m � �QV - - - - ---� :�.,.e � '•� '-^ �.�:.. — i,.x.. .�. � `A° t — ,�..�...,... , � ,—, �v.....a.,. �....a.�i A�.:: m.�' \ .�� .a� .,.a ' �`�� � .,,.� ' `�.�.4. (G�NOR�lLNATION �w� �B�iw. wveYlDTlLCJATION . m y � m �m��...w - ., �� ._ _ � . " . _""""""_'_"""""'""'"_"_'. .-_. , = i �� � �,n i � �y_': x �� WEL13 w '� . �� _ �.0� FAROO � � 9�•9F n..w�r� ✓ : . rn.m '"" _.... �� J l_J effi J °� . �- � p _ � °A ^.�. �� � � o - Q - >- � p � 0 0 � ( T D � � . O _ ��."� 1 �=tl .d."'.� i e...�.... � �.� � �z�a �� ��°'°.w�� e� Q i �.s .uu .. ����1'►���, .,,m; ,,,�, ;�� 0 APR 2 9 2d04 ,�-� CITY UF A,RROY/J G°ANQE �C�A1�,r�,.�°—°R n.w - COMMUNITY DtVFS''.0?iw�NT DEPT. ATTACHMENT 1 � l'.•= ^ , �;�. , � VJ!J .1'� � �:u� � �' E N G I N E E R 5 P L h N N E R 5 MEMORANDUM To: Ciry of Arroyo Grande, Communiry Date: February 25, 2005 Development and Planning Attn: Mr. Rob Strong, Project: Five Cities Shopping Center Community Development Director From: Marty Inouye, OMNI-MEANS Andrew Lee Re: Project Driveway Mitigations Job No.: 25-1275-08 File No.: C833MEM011.DOC CC: Don Spagnolo,Public Works Director, Steve Orosz, Orosz Engineering; Carol Florence, Oasis; This memorandum presents recommended mitigation measures to alleviate unacceptable Levels-of- Service (LOS) at the Rancho Parkway/Five Cities Shopping Center driveway intersection, as part of the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) for the Five Cities Shopping Center expansion. The intersection services residential traffic north of West Branch Street and commercial tm�c entering and leaving the Phase 1 I and Phase 2 portions of the Five Cities Shopping Center. The delay at the intersection during the PM peak hour results in unacceptable LOS "D" traffic conditions. With the addition of the proposed Wells Fargo Bank and with the possible Pad "I" expansion in the future, the delay at the intersection will likely continue to increase. Eaisting Plus Approved/Pending Projects with Wells Fargo Bank The critical movements at the southerly Rancho Parkway/Five Cities Shopping Center driveway intersection are the through and teft-tum movements out of the shopping center driveways. The traffic at these driveway approaches conflicts with free-flowing t�affic on Rancho Parkway. To alleviate delay at the intersection in the short term, it is recommended that the westbound driveway approach be limited to entering traffic only and that the northern driveway provide rivo-way access into and out of the Phase 2 portion of the shopping center. The fopowing intersection geometrics are recommended at the southem intersection: • Northbound Rancho Pazkway — conshuct a left-turn pocket and channelize the right-tum movement such that the approach has one left-tum lane,one through Iane,one free-right-tum lane • Southbound Rancho Parkway—construct a left-turn pocket such that the approach has one left- tum lane, one through lane,and one right-turn lane. • Eastbound driveway—Widen the approach to allow for an additional right turn lane such that the approach has one left-tum lane and one through-right tum lane. • Westbound driveway — Channelize drive�vay to prohibit outbound movement onto or across Rancho Parkway. Widen inbound movement to allow for free inbound right-turn lane and merge transition. The attached figure is a modified version of an original figure created by Orosz Engineering Group, Inc., changed to reflect the intersection geometrics described above. Restricting the southern drive�vay at Phase 2 to entrance-only access reduces delay caused by esiting � traffic conflict with through-tra�c on Rancho Par}.�vay. The channelization of the northbound right-tum 1 943 Reserve Drive, Suite 100, Rosevilie, CA 95678 - (916)782-8688 fax(916)782-8689 I February 25, 2005 movement is projected to reduce traffic conflicts with both southbound lefr-tum tra�c and eastbound through traffic entering the Phase 2 portion of the shopping cenrer. With the recommended mitigations, the intersection is projected to operate at the cusp of LOS "C/D". The northem Phase 2 driveway currently services low volumes of traffic. However, there are safety concerns involving exiting traffic conflicts H•ith high-speed traffic traveling sou[hbound on Rancho Parkway. It is recommended that a roundabout be installed at the Via Vaquero/Rancho Parkway intersection as a traffic calming mitigation measure. Attached is a proposed design of a roundabout at the Rancho ParkwayNia Vaquero intersection. 2025 Cumulative with Wells Fargo Bank and Pad I Over the long term, traffic volumes at the Rancho Parkway/Five Cities Shopping Center southerly driveway intersection are projected to necessitate the installation of a tra�c signal to accommodate projected traffic volumes with Pad I at acceptable LOS. With signalization at this southerly driveway, two-way movement from the westbound (Phase 2) driveway can be restored. The signalization of this driveway intersection should be interconnected and coordinated with the West Branch StreeURancho Parkway intersection. The northerly Phase 2 driveway can be maintained as it is currently designed. Because of the neighborhood speeding issue on Rancho Parkway, the roundabout at the Via Vaquero intersection shouid remain. I 2 , 943 Reserve Drive,Suite 100, Roseville,CA 95678 - (916)782-8688 fax(916)782-8689 _ 111 l�_i_i_i_i_i_�.�_�..__ � / �x �� ` �� \ � � I�— ���I .:' / � • � �%/��j ��� �/��j �� \���\��� \ ��\ � � - 3'---_ ,. i ,��j� i �\ � � � s------�___. � _ �. _ e, / `� .♦.// i�x// �i \ \\\\\� � �\ � `�------_-'� ��; � '?_-. /�i ,; I I I I i I I I I I I� ��''"\ _ � II � �� � _ � I � ■ l ' ` �' -- ^'�p�H / � ,. � � .. ., -� �` ... a Q / \ , il � ,.., � � � �kW�r . .itr.'....-, / CY (�� I i � � I� 1[%��I � � `' ` ,C° , � � II I N � � w I I . p �r�1('p _ � � � . � �� / ' . I1I� '^ — ,. �i + \ � � ' 's � � ' � � � I'� y AR,�9V�`' ���\ '�\ it. � \ � � / I �,' __ \ 1 \� � . 51 � _ .. i � '::�� ��,� ' \ � � - . _ � �� ����� ��������� .. � . . . ' �� . . . . '. I . � _�-�—.-x..�-- . . 'i i i .."°'O`�.,:��'.�M�.°L� . � � �I I� � – ... ?....�_....= ...�.....��........ v....�,�... 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' I '` ' I "6 j� � RANCHO PARKWAY / VIA VApUERO RWNDABWT omni•meons "��"� ��5 � ��FlVE CITIEU�oro cen�E t�uior+w�PAN510N Ss=�. �• o�,,,� F�7�� HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2004+gANK, MITIG 10: Driveway south & Rancho Parkway PM PEAK .� _-. � { .-- � �, t � `► 1 � Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL NBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations � '� � T r �i '� � Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Volume(vehlh) 57 45 141 0 0 0 202 152 0 9 323 73 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate(vph) 62 49 153 0 0 0 220 165 0 10 351 79 Pedestrians Lane Width(ft) Walking Speed (ff/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream 'signal(ft) 303 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 975 975 351 1153 1054 165 430 165 vC1,stage 1 conf vol vC2,stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 975 975 351 1153 1054 165 A30 165 tC, single(s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage(s) tF(s) 3.5 4A 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 22 p0 queue free% 68 76 78 100 100 100 81 99 cM capacity(veh/h) 195 201 692 94 181 879 1129 1473 _ _.. _. _ ___. _ ... _. .. _.. Direction, Lane# .' �: EB 1 �iEB 2 :NBs'�� '`NB 2� �NB 3� �`SB��^I .�SB 2���SB 3 ` �'�� Volume Total 62 202 220 165 0 10 351 79 Volume Left 62 0 220 0 0 10 0 0 Volume Right 0 153 0 0 0 0 0 79 cSH 195 435 1129 1700 1700 1413 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.32 0.46 0.19 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.05 Queue Length 95th (ft) 32 60 18 0 0 1 0 0 Controi Delay(s) 31.8 202 9A 0.0 0.0 7.6 ' OA 0.0 Lane LOS D C A A Approech Delay(s) 23A 5.1 0.2 Approach LOS C ]ntersection'$ummary.;.';' �.±> '�� ?.,, � ` Average Delay 7.4 � � � Intersection Capecity Ufilization 49.2°h ICU Level of Service A �, Analysis Period(min) 15 ' I K:1PRJ18331t833\T833q01�2004+gANK_PM.sy7 Synchro 6 Report Omni-Means Page 1 I HCM Unsignalized Intersection CapacityAnalysis 2004+gANK, MITIG 17: Driveway north & Rancho Parkway PM PEAK r '� t � `► 1 Movament ' WBL` WBR NBT NBR` SBL SBT Lane Configurations ►� 'N ►� } Sign Control . Stop Free Free Grede 0% 0% 0% Volume(veh/h) 123 100 178 45 31 283 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rete(vph) 134 109 193 49 34 308 Pedestrians Lane Width(ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage ' Right turn flare(veh) Median iype None Median storage veh) Upstream signal(ft) 576 pX, plaroon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 593 218 242 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 593 218 242 tC,single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage(s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free°� 71 . 87 97 cM capacity(vehlh) 456 822 1324 birection,Iane#.„=n� �WB i:�":"NB 1 .SB;'F', �g�'��"' ` �. Volume Total 242 242 34 308 Volume Left 134 0 34 0 Volume Right 109, 49 0 0 cSH 570 1700 1324 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.43 0.14 0.03 D.18 Queue Length 95th (ft) 53 0 2 0 Cantrol De�ay(5) 15.9 OA 7.8 OA - Lane LOS C A Approach Delay(s) 15.9 0.0 ' 0.8 Approach LOS C _ ...�: x -�..;rt ��- � � �.�"'.�' N-,�-x.- -�- ..� �� �, .. . ��1�BBBCTIOOd$URIRI�(�7-?: .r �.,�t � 3. at�.,r•�^`�� h.��i., d"'., .�rSE�ac ,�'.,, >r.��t M +',t , �� ' >.r' . Average Delay 5.0 lntersection Capacity Ufilization 38:4% ICU Level ofService A Analysis Period(min) 15 K:�PRJ�833\t833\T833q01�2004+gANK_PM.sy7 Synchro 6 Report Omni-Means Page 1 I ATTACHMENT 2 o = G Orosz Engineering GrouR h�c ' . MEMORANDUM To: Rob Strong/Kelly Heffernon City of Arroyo Grande From: Steve Orosz Orosz Engineering Group, Inc Subject: Information for Staff Report on Five Cities Center— Rancho Parkway Improvements, Wells Fargo Project Date: February 26, 2005 OEG Ref 20205 The memorandum has been prepared to assist you in the preparation of the staff report to present the work that has transpired since the last City Council Meeting on this project. At the last public hearing on the Wells Fargo Project,an existing level of service deficiency was identified for the southerly Phase.II (Wells Fargo side) driveway at Rancho Parkway. Various mitigation measures were discussed at the last public hearing. At the request of Council, Staff, the City's traffic consultant on the projed—Omni Means, and the applicanYs agent and traffic engineer— Orosz Engineering Group met to discuss the merits of the various intersection improvements suggested at the last public hearing. Attached is a table listing of the various improvements that were presented and a brief listing of pros and cons for each measure. During the discussion on the project, the City Council gave input on the specific criteria that was important to them. The criteria consisted of the following: • Maintain cross movement between Phase I and Phase IL • Retain multiple turning movements. • Improve Cevel of Service (LOS) along Rancho Parkway • Improve safery aspects of roadway Based on discussions with the consultant team, Orosz Engineering Group developed a geometric plan that could address the issues expressed by the Council and could address the level of service concern along Rancho Parkway. This plan is presented in exhibit A. This plan was reviewed by staff and the City's consultant. Omni-Means responded with the memorandum attached dated February 25, 2005. Omni-Means found that the Orosz Engineering plan did not mitigate the poor intersection level of service enough to obtain a level of service C or better. Omni-Means modified the Orosz Engineering Group Plan and presented it in their February 25, 2005 memorandum: Omni= Means did develop a plan that would meet the level of service desired by the Ciry at LOS C or better. Omni-Means continued in their analysis to briefly discuss the potential of the development of Pad "I". In the Pad "I"discussion, it was noted that ultimately with the additional development of Pad "I"a traffic signal would be required at the southern driveway access to Phase II. Staff, Omni-Means, and Orosi Engineering Group agree that if a traffic signal may be required ultimately, it is not reasonable to complete all of the significant modifications noted on the Omni-Means Plan (Exhibit B) in the near term, only to have them replaced with a traffic signal. Therefore, staff's recommendation reflecks a distinction between the Wells Fargo Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and the potential build-out of Pad "I". The miGgation required for the CUP would include the design and construction of a designated right turn lane at the eastbound Phase I driveway. A conceptual design for the proposed signalization at the Phase I/Phase II driveway would be included with this phase. Occupancy of Wells Fargo would be contingent upon bonding for the improvement, with construction to follow. With the development of Pad "I", the applicant would be required to fund and complete the design of a traffic signal for the southern Phase II driveway at Rancho Parkway. The design would include the traffic signal; pavement markings along Rancho Parkway related to the new traffic signal, and the connedion with the W. Branch traffic signal. The applicant would also prepare a roundabout feasibility study for the intersection of Rancho Parkway and Via Vaquero. — — J ALTERNATIVE REFERENCE & DESCRIPTION ATTRIBUTES A & CONSTRAINTS C) 1. Install roundabout at intersection of Phase I & II = Improves Level of Service. C = Gradient too steep for improvement. . Signalize the intersection of Phase I and Phase II at = Improves Level of Service. Rancho Parkway =Would improve safety along Rancho Parkway. C = Signal volume warrants not met. 3. Install designated right turn pocket from Phase I = Reduces queue for movements from Phase I to (south to West Branch) Phase II and right turn movements down Rancho Parkway. = Improves Level of Service. C = Requires additional right-of-way on private ro e . Close access on Phase I and prohibit cross = Improves Level of Service. movements from Phase I to Phase II C = Prevents cross movements between Phase I and II. C = Encourages more tra�c to Phase I driveways on . Branch. 5. Install planted median in the center of the = Improves Level of Service. intersection to prohibit cross movements from = Prevents cross traffic between Phase I and II. Phase I to Phase II and left turn movements from C = Limits turning movements. both Phase I and Phase II. = Encourages U turns in Rancho Parkway, Via aquero and Camino Mercado. C = Encourages more traffic to use Phase II upper rivewa . 6. Install median in the center of the intersection to = Improves Level of Service. prohibit cross movements from Phase I to Phase II. C = Prevents cross movements between Phase I and Install raised medians to allow for eastbound left II. turns from Phase I and prohibit westbound left tums C = Limits Cuming movements. from Phase II. = Encourages more traffic to upper Phase II riveway. . Install median to provide for left turn pocket = Improves Level of Service. northbound into Phase I. =Allows for cross movements between Phase I and Allow for right turn only (northbound) into Phase II. II. Allow for left and right out only at Phase II north = Calms traffic southbound on Rancho Parkway. access. = Eliminates need for U tum movements and Install median (southbound)to prohibit left turn mproves safety aspects. movements into north Phase II access. C = Creates significant grading at roundabout at Via Install median to provide for left turn pocket aquero. southbound into Phase II. = Impacts sight distance due to merging of exiting Install roundabout at Via Va uero intersection. Phase II traffic de ends on median desi n . 8. Install multi-way STOP at Phase I, Phase II = Improves Level of Service. driveways at Rancho Parkway. C =Warrants not met. = Does not control s eed on Rancho Parkwa . . Install additional access to Camino Mercado at the = Provides short cut for traffic using Camino rear of Phase I. Mercado. =Avoids other congestion. = Ma removes truck traffic from other drivewa s. 10. Signaiize upper Phase II driveway. = Addresses sight distance problem with exiting raffic from upper driveway. = Provides gaps in traffic for cross traffic at Phase I riveway and Via Vaquero. = Provides safe merge for Phase II exiting traffic onto Rancho Parkway. = Increases potential for rear end collisions due to I eed of traffic on Rancho Parkwa . !, — _ - _--_ __ J i _ �� �_ �� �� _ '��"�,����' ��� � �� , ,� � ' �' � �\ ( \_�`ti . � � �, �� � , � ��'� ��'` �`� ' � �� ,�'����' `Aa;,A � � _ �� . � / � �� - ��;�'�-�,� � � ��;��� � � ���c: =� "`�- �, �. , , �� � �44� � \ `. � � � � � , ,! �� ��� � ( . _ ���p�'��\� �' � �.���� � i� ��� . ���: '�... �� V `�� �� �� . ! 6 ��\�i .li ti-/ � _��\, . � ! @l ` � , ��.�\ _ p � � � � i � ` � p � �/ ���/' � `J ' ���\ `\�� `� 1. � n �� J s � � � ��� ■ ■ \ N'yM�P �. � � \ � �'�Y f s � i j � M H m b � � � � o w p �� �r � � � / _ � �• �m�o �� � m � N � " � � d s�` �! _ J+ . �0 < . �� � 0 � 0�9 � LfPa X N N e n I = \\ � , �\�� '' , �\���\4 � . �\\ � ` , D .�:. �---z-�— _ � ' ,r �..�..,��.�.a..�........,............ . n�.o�w u»uuo...�.� �.$—o.a.. e.�.o�a o�.�n c.rou�.. - — ' coecnm�� o^�^.� ��� �u m w-mr � _ w. 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E r lr� : i . � 1 I � �. ., , ' � - , �.!�� �� ALTERNATIVE 9 � � ��- . � �� ° i v �`,� -,. � �^ ��=-. , , � �;. ; . , -�^'" � �� G � � > 0 �� �/ �s � � � �� �� O/ � � � y \ `�,\ o � � / �� \�� , � � ���• � � � , � ., i � �' � I �� ,. � �., �� � , . �,,, 4 �, � ,, � '��`�• i ` � ,� „ i ; ; ALTERNATIVE 10 e, � � \ � � , � � ���:: �v � � , �� � � � � � t , � � � �, ��� ''' C ,,� ° � ��� , � ; . �� �,� � ''i - � . ^ �� � �� � '\--� � ,� '� ° �� � I ; �) , ,�'� � v i >a �� � � � I � � I � ,, � YI � . , ; o � � , , �� � �`�,� � �� � %` '' �� � � � �:��� � i`�'�� �� ��$ '; .,, / � , , � � , ?, � , _ � ,� ';\ �� � ; ( i! �/ � � � � [; � � '��1� ''` �� � r - ' ��� i ; o� pRROY�c � INCORFON�TEO Z ATTACHMENT 3 � o � # .nxr m, ie�i * c9��FORN`P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: KELLY HEFFERNON ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04-001 TO ALLOW A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TO OCCUPY BUILDING "J" OF THE FIVE CITIES SHOPPING CENTER; 911 RANCHO PARKWAY; WELLS FARGO BANK DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends the Council adopt the attached resolution approving the proposed project. FUNDING: It is uncertain what the net financial benefit or loss wouid be to the City by allowing a bank to occupy what is currently a retail-approved lease space. The subject property has not been occupied to date and therefore has not generated any sales tax revenue for the City. There would be a potential future loss in sales tax revenue by allowing a i non-retail use. Secondary financial benefits could be gained from the bank drawing � more people to the Five Cities Cente�to shop. j t DISCUSSION: ; Backaround The City Council approved Conditional Use Permft 96-541 to construct the Five Cities Center in July 1996, which included the construction of fourteen (14) commercial buildings i in two phases. The site plan approved as part of the conditional use permit designated the location, maximum building size and uses for each building. As shown on the approved ' site plan for Phase II, Buildings I, J and K were designated for commercial retail uses, and Buildings L and M were designated for restaurant uses (reference Attachment 1). ; In November and December of 2001, the City Council approved amendments allowing a � 4,100 s.f. portion of Building J as a restaurant with outdoor patio, instead of retail, and � decreasing the size of the restaurant in Building M from 6,000 to 5,000 s.f. with a 1,200 s.f. patio. A.G. Edwards & Sons, a financial institution, was alfowed to occupy Building L, ' originally planned for restaurant then retail use. I The City Council first received this application for Conditional Use Permit Amendment on May 25, 2004 with the Planning Commission recommending approval (without a cirr couNCi� ACUP 04-001 FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 2 supporting traffic study). The Council deferred a decision and requested a traffic study. The proposal was heard again on October 26, 2004 when a trip generation comparison between retail and bank use was presented for preliminary review. The Council again deferred a decision and requested a comprehensive traffic study including new counts, comparison with original 1996 EIR projections, Pad `I' reconfiguration cumulative impacts, and recommended mitigation measures for any deficient intersections. The traffic study was not compieted in time for the January 25, 2005 hearing, so the item was continued to February 8. Building J has a total of 11,700 square feet of lease space, 4,550 square feet of which has been vacant since it was constructed. The bank proposes to occupy this remaining lease space, rendering all of Phase II as completely occupied, except for Building I which has yet to be constructed. Originally, Pad 'I' was planned as a single 36,000 s.f. retail anchor building in Phase II. The proposed Pre-Application for Pad 'I' reconfiguration was submitted in November 2004 (Attachment 2), and was used to evaluate probable devefopment impacts including traffic prior to separate Conditional Use Permit application. Parkina Repuirements The main issue raised by this proposed CUP Amendment is how the parking and circulation will be affected within Phase II of the shopping center. The parking calculations summarized in the table below show that the proposed change in use for lease space from commercial retail to financial institution will not adversely impact the parking configuration or the abilit�r to provide sufficient parking for Phase II, exclusive of Pad 'I' reconfiguration which will be subject to a subsequent CUP application. SUMMARY OF PARKING REQUIREMENTS No. Parking Spaces Existin Parkin 263 Parkin Demand: Wells Fa o or retail use 18 � Ba'a Fresh Zg Coldstone Creame 15 Hallmark �2 Trader Joe's 47 AG Edwards 16 Vi neto Restaurant 50 Total rkin re uired 184 Attachment 3 is a Memorandum dated January 31, 2005 from Omni-Means (the transportation consultant who prepared the City's 2005 traffic model), the concurrent Pad 'I' reconfiguration traffic impact study report (TIS), and the prior trip generation comparison. The tra�c model report and Pad 'I' reconfiguration TIS report are also transmitted as separate items of consideration, and they can be utilized for more detailed background and findings related to this ACUP hearing. S:\COMMUNITY_DEVELOPMEM�PR0.IECTS\CUP�Five Cities Center�Wells Fargo�2-22-05 ACUP Walls Fargo CC Rpt.doc ' cirr coun►ci� ACUP 04-007 FEBRUARY 8,2005 PAGE 3 The memorandum concludes that the driveways on Rancho Parkway nearest the intersection with West Branch Street into Phase I and II are currently operating at Level of Service (LOS) 'D', an unacceptable level, during the weekday PM peak hour. The memo (pages 2 & 3) also addresses weekend peak hour comparison with weekday peak by a recent additional count sampling. Table 2 summarizes the findings which are generally higher on weekend than weekday, but do not enable conclusions beyond the locations studies. The memo suggests and depicts a traffic channelization median which would enable left tums into both phases, but preclude cross traffic or left turns from either phase. It would still be possible to cross Rancho Parkway by right turn and `U' tum movements or utilizing the upper driveway senricing Phase II or other routes from Phase I. (See Figure I of Memo). Staff has inserted a condition of approval that would require this channelization mitigation with detailed design engineers' cost estimate and improvement security deposited to assure construction prior to Wells Fargo occupancy and completion as soon thereafter as feasible. It should be understood that the City would NOT allow new building Pad "I" reconfiguration occupancy without his mitigation being completed, and that other mitigation may also be a prerequisite for any new buildings. Planninq Commission The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed financial use on May 4, 2004 and recommended approval after discussing issues of parking, traffic and lighting (see Attachment 4 for Meeting Minutes). It should be noted that the Planning Commission, SAC and ARC recommendations a were all prior to. the City Council requirement for a comprehensive traffic impact study. The TIS memo reveals an unacceptable Level of Service 'D' at the Rancho Parkway driveway during weekday PM peak hour (and higher weekend counts at this nearest problem intersection), as well as three other unacceptable Level of Service (LOS) locations more distant but impacted by the proposed project. White the report proposes intersection channelization as possible mitigation to the driveways peak hour LOS problems, it is the City Council's determination that would enable this or other alternate as a condition of approval or required mitigation, and the significance of this impact on other locations. If the City Council wants the earlier Planning Commission recommendation clarified to address the traffic impact study, it would be necessary to continue this hearing and refer the matter back for additional consideration. Staff Advisorv Committee (SAC) The SAC considered the project on March 31, 2004 and discussed issues relating to adequate garbage capacity within the existing enclosure to handle the added use, onsite utilities, sufficient lighting for the ATM, and employee parking (see Attachment 5 for Meeting Notes). E � S:\COMMUNITY_DEVELOPMEM�PROJECTS\CUP�Five Cities Center�Wells Fargo�2-22-05 ACUP Wells Fargo CC Rpt.doc � ..__. __. _..� I' cmr couNCi� ( ACUP 04-001 � FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 4 Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The ARC considered the sign application for the bank on May 3, 2004 and recommended approval as submitted (see Attachment 6 for Meeting Notes). Two wall signs are proposed that meet the requirements for the Five Cities Planned Sign Program. No signage is proposed on the back of the building. PUBLIC COMMENTS: A public notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project, and a public notice was placed in The Tribune on January 14, 2005. Staff has not received � any commen#s or correspondence to date. l, ; ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: i Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act, '� and has found that the project is exempt per section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines. Therefore, staff does not anticipate that this project will have an adverse effect on the environment. Because the use occupies an existing building, it is not necessary that a Mitigated Negative Declaration be prepared or filed, but based on the traffic study, the � recommended mitigation is a condition of approval. � ALTERNATIVES: j The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: � ! 1. Approve the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the resolution; i 2. Modify the Planning Commission's recommendation and adopt the resolution; or 3. Take tentative action to deny the project application and direct staff to prepare an � appropriate resolution for City Council action. , If the Council selects alternative 3, staff will return with the appropriate resolution at a ! later meeting. Attachments: 1. Original Site Plan for the Five Cities Shopping Center 2. Pre-Application site plan for Pad 'I' reconfiguration �` 3. Omni-Means memo of January 31, 2005 � 4. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2004 5. SAC Meeting Notes of March 31, 2004 6. ARC Meeting Notes of May 3, 2004 7. City Council Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2004 i 8. City Council Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2004 ��. S:\COMMUNITY_DEVELOPMEN'T�PROJECTS\CUP�Five Cities Center�Wells Fargo�2-22-05 ACUP Wells Fargo CC Rpt.doc --. .. _.. ----- �----- _. _--- � _ _