Minutes 1980-10-14 I~- " Ji , i I n n . !' I ;jS'::f::l " CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor pope presiding. Upon call Council Members B'Ann Smith, Karl A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis; and , , Lawrence E.!' Vandeveer reported present. roll PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor pope led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Therea:ter, .pastor Mike Deming of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Arroyo Grande, Cal~forn~a, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and unanimbusly voted, the",minutes of September 23, 29, 1980, and October 6, 1980 were approved as presented. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, Demand Warrants #13650 through #13725 in the amount of $73,369.55iand Payroll Warrants #18167 through #18270 in the amount 'of $67,603.411 were approved and ordered 'paid. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Upon'motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, it ~as voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda Items. A-l. Request that the Mayor Proclaim the Week of October 5, 1980 as "National ,Employ the Handicapped Week." RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. A-2. Receipt of Latest League of California Cities' Legislative Bulletin and Others'. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-3. Repbrt on City's Investment Program over the Past Four Years. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE AND COMPLIMENT OUR FINANCE OFFICER. " A-4. Letter of Thanks and Appreciation from Lucia Mar Unified School District, I, RS: High School Channelization. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE AND PASS ALONG TO PUBLIC WORKS. A-5. Receipt of San':Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Bi-monthly Report - July/August, 1980. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-6. Receipt of Letter of Thanks to CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) Instructors, David Anderson' and Carl Brandt, from Arlene Stephenson.' (RECOMMEND , RECEIVE AND FILE AND',PASS ALONG TO FIRE DEPARTMENT). A-7. Rate Letter from City of Stockton City Council Opposing Electrical and Gas Increases Requested by P.G. & E. (RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE).' A-8. Report on Spruce Street). I Reevaluation of Water Meter Refund for Kirby Conklin {211 RECOMMEND ACCEPT RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. A-9. Receipt of Management Summary Report on Liability and Workers' Compensat~on Experience Report for July/August, 1980. (RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE). 'i A-10. Rec~ipt of 1980-81 Tax Rates from County Auditor/Controller. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-ll. Letter of Request, Annual Youth in Government Day Set 1981, from State and Local Government Teacher Mark'Millis. AND APPRO'!E CITY PARTICIPATION IN ANNUAL PROGRAM. for January 13, RECOMMEND RECEIVE I A-12. Letter of Concern from R.H. Tarvin, Re: Harvist Festival Dance on Saturday, :, September 27, 1980.' RECOMMEND THAT LETTER BE REFERRED TO HARVEST' FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR THEIR REVIEW AND COMMENT. -4UO CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO OCTOBER 14, 1980 A-13. Receipt of August 13 and September 10, '1980 Minutes of South County Human Relations Commission on San Luis Obispo County. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-14. Receipt of Report on Federal Efforts to Assist California Earthquake Readiness. RECOMMEND RECEIVE ANF REVIEW. A-15. Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for the Month of September, 1980. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A-16. Resolution from City of Orange Gas Distribution System Immediately. Urging the Governor to Lift the Odd-Even RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. o ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA - C-9, D-5 and D-7 REPORT FROM PLANNING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS RE: STUDY OF WATER City Engineer Karp briefly summarized the report dated October 9, 1980 entitled Water Supply. He stated nine recommendations for continuing to provide quality service to the City. The recommendations are: 1) Complete construction of the new 1 1/2 or 2 million gallon reservoir south of town. 2) Adopt a policy that all'developments which lie above the elevations which are currently served by City reservoirs must supply adequate centralized storage and pumping plant with initial phases of development in order that future development will not rob existin'g customers during thec"cruc'ial maximum demand periods during the year. 3) Drill a new deep well in Fiscal Year 1981-82 to supplement existing Lopez production as well as to attempt to develop a supply of groundwater which will meet state drinking water standards. 4) Upon completion of the new water well, analyze its quality and production capability, from this data formulate a recommendation to develop a blending program for the City of Arroyo Grande. 5) Construct the recommended water system improvements to gain a blending capability for thee,City of Arroyo Grande in Fiscal Year 1982-83. 6) Continue the City's ongoing process of upgrading undersized lines in order to gain fullest operational facility with a minimum utilization of electrical energy. 7) Continue to press for adoption of a locally administered groundwater management program in the South County. 8) Continue to monitor production needs of the City to permit orderly phasing of construction of new wells and/or facilities to accept supplemental water if such becomes available in the future. 9) Encourage water conservation as it is a valuable source of supplemental water to any area with large water consumption. o Council Member Millis said the-::-report does not address the long range problem of$upplernentalwater. It was the consensus of the Council to continue this item on the agenda. Council Member Millis moved to table the report. There was no second. He stated that it is not wise for the City to grow on groundwater because it cannot be controlled. Upon motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member-Vandeveer, it was passed to adopt the nine recommenda- tions stated above by the City Engineer. Council Member Millis dissented. Mayor Pope requested that staff submit a progress report every other meeting. I r- ,I n I , I , n ~~~~- ,q-Ol CITY COUNCIL , ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE THREE RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY RELATING To' CITY WATER STORAGE FACILITY city'Engineer Karp stated that the City will advertise for bid this month or next month. He 'said there has been some gaps in the property descriptions and he requested this item be continued. 'Council concurred. I, , PROGRESS REPORTS - VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS FIRE" STATION - Administrator Butch stated that groundbreaking has begun on the new ~ire station on Traffic Way. I ' SOTa' SPORTS COMPLEX - Administrator Butch reported that progress payment #1 is now due in the amount of $91,570.50 'and recommended it be paid. Upon motion. of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was voted unanimously to make progress payment #1 in the amount of $91,570.50. PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING CASE NO. 80-140, VALLEY ROAD AT LOS BERROS ROAD (LOS BERROS' ANNEXATION - GARING) Planning Director Castro reported that the Planning Commission reviewed the property on September 16th for pre zoning and recommend that it be zoned R-2-D. Th~' Commission recommends the n_Dn Overide since the development, Mr. Garing Ihas identified ~ould be similar to that in the Tiger Tail development: The hearing having been.,properly noticed and published, Mayor Pope declared ' it open for public comment. JIM GARING, devSloper of the property, stated he will answer questions. GROVE M. SELLERS, 347 Tiger Tail Drive, stated he, represents '67 homes in the area which are opposed to the rezoning. DON STEWARID," 834 Bambi Court, stated he ,is not opposed to the development as long as it is consistent "with adjoining areas. WARREN HOFFMAN, 813 'Mesa Drive, is in favor of an adult community. Mr. Garing stated he intends to develop an ad~lt community. r Planning Director Castro said the "_0" Overide will require the applicant to submit plans to guarantee a type of adult development. Therebeing no further "comment, Mayor Pope declared the hearing closed. ' Upon motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded "by Council MeIDber Hogan, it was voted unanimously' to dispens~ with further reading of the ordinance. , , PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING CASE NO. 80-139, 1485 CHILTON STREET (STERNBERGH ANNEXATION) Planning Director Castro explained the Planning Commission recommends this property be zoned R-l. The hearing having been properly noticed and published, 'Mayor Pope declared it open for public comment. There being none, the hearing was closed. 'Upon,motion of Council Merriber Vandeveer, seconded by Council ',Member Smith, it was voted unanimously to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. " !; PUBLIC HEARrNG - PREZONING CASE NO. 80-141, EL CAMINO REAL'AND PASO ROBLES ROAD (ANNEXATION OF TRACT 652 - FILER) Planning Director Castro stated the Planning Commission recommends the property be zoned R-G, Garden Apartment Residential District. The hearing having bee~ properly noticed and published, Mayor Pope declared it open for comment. There being none, the hearing was closed. Upon motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded,. by Council Member Smith, it was 'voted unanimously to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. ' , PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO GENERAL LAND USE PLAN FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, 523 CROWN STREET (IRVINE-GORDON) Planning Director Castro explained that the applicants appeared before the' Planning Commission several months ago inq~iring about the feasibility of converting the Crown'Hili apartments to condomim~ums. The Commission: could not authorize the Use Permit because of the inconsistencies . ii' . . in the densities of the General Land,Use Plan. It appeared the only solution in permitting a condomimium conversion would be if the General Plan was, amended from a medium high density residential to a high density residential and changihg t:qe zoning map from "R-G" to "R-3". ' ! -4"0"2 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE FOUR WILLIAM IRVINE, 396 Miller Way, stated he is part owner of the property and wishes to bring the property into conformity. The hearing having been properly noticed and published, Mayor Pope declared it open for comment. SANDRA MITCHELL, ,531 E.Branch, stated she had received a notice of the meeting and asked if the proposed action would affect her property. Mayor Pope assured her that it would. not. There being no further comment, Mayor-Pope declared the hearing closed. Council Member Smith stated she is opposed to the General Plan Amendment as it is too dense. Administrator 'Butch read the title of the resolution. Upon motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was passed to dispense with further reading of the resolution with Council Member Smith dissenting. RESOLUTION NO. 1437 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE AMENDED LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hogan, -." '. Vandeveer, and!' Mayor Pope Council Members Smith and Millis None the foregoing Resolution was passed arid.:adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION, PRE ZONING CASE NO. 80-142, HUASNA ROAD (HUASNA ROAD ANNEXATION NO.4, WELLS) Planning Director Castro displayed a map of the property. He explained that Mr. Wells is proposing a type of planned development for the 12 acres, however, he cannot quote a definite number of units at this time. Mr. Steve Cool, attorney for Mr. Wells, stated that there is a drainage problem on the property which affects surrounding property owners. Mr. Wells is proposing to dedicate a 25 foot strip along the west portion of the property to Huasna Road to be used for overflow. This would cure the drainage problem. Mr. Cool pointed out that the property would make a good buffer between the City's residential area and the county rural area. The hearing having been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope declared it open for comment. ANTHONY AZEVIDO, representing his father and an adjoining property owner, stated he is in favor of the development as it would take care of the drainage problem. CINDY SILVA, 102 pearwood, stated she opposed the development, MARY O'NEIL, 206 Pearwood, spoke in favor of the development so that the City will have a say in the manner it is developed. BRET PHILLIPS, 216 pearwood, spoke in opposition. LOIS STEWART, 202 pearwood, spoke in opposition. JOE ROSE, 212 Pearwood, and MARIE COTTOIR, 195 Orcutt, spoke to the~question. DENNIS O'NEIL, 206 pearwood, spoke in favor. ELIZABETH JACKSON, 208 Fairview, stated the City should not annex any property until the water problem is solved. CHRISTINE PHILLIPS, 216 Pearwood, spoke in opposition. . CHARLES SILVA, 102 Pearwood, spoke in opposition. There being no further comment, Mayor Pope declared the hearing closed. Council Member Millis stated that in 1972 this property was considered for annexation and the voters said no by a 3 to 1 margin. He said Mr. Wells should have been aware that there~was a drainage problem when he bought the property. He'stated that the annexation is not the only wayoto solve the drainage problem and suggested that the City purchase a 25 foot strip of ;, property east of Pearwood. Council Member Smith stated she is not in favor of annexations in general and problems within the City should be solved first. Council Member Vandeveer pointed out that the'referendum in 1972 was consideration of annexation with the property proposed to be developed as a trailer park. He said that he is usually opposed to annexation, however, this property should be annexed so that the City will have control regarding the manner in which it is developed. Mr. Vandeveer explained that he has o o -- r- I I I , , n (\ I I -~- ~--- OCTOBER 14, PAGE FIVE 1980 CITY COUNCn; ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA t for the , suppor was overwhelm~nc~ty the 25 foot l' 'dents and there ds to the ~ " t f the res~ 't dee t a talked with,mos 0 h t if the appl~can he would suppor , He stated t a be fenced for saf~tY'ember Millis stated the annexat~on., d'ng area, to 't counc~l M It was moved area and the pon ~ of very low dens~lvYe'the drainage p,rob,lemt. uphol'd the lanned development d to so 11 0 P h uld not be annexe 'I Member M~ ~s, property s 0 s'th seconded by,CoUnc~ t was taken: '1 Member m~, " A roll call vo e by Counc~ ; 'ng Comm~ss~on. decision of the plann~ Smith and Millis and Mayor pope Vandever and Hogan, I Members AYES: counci NOES: Council Members ABSENT: None ning for the I , eeds to decide a zo , Administrator Butch pointed out ~~a~e~~~c~~n~eveer, seconded bYt~OU~~~~s property.; It was mov~~ b~~:~~n~~lanned Development) zo~~ng l;~~. : roll call Member Hogan, to spec~ Y ubl'c hearing for November , ty and to schedule a P ~ proper , vote was ,taken: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , Council Council :.None and Vandeveer, and Mayor pope and Millis Members Hogan Members Smith RE. EL CAMINO REAL BY REGISTERED VOTERS.. . RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ELECTION ANNEXATION NO.1 h signatures of the petitions have Adminis~rator Butch stated t?~t ~ e, the area have protested the been examined and 41.62%of the res~ en s ~ntion making the finding for. an annexation.,. He read the. title of t eh reso ul. tJ'bon calling for the election'. I. f th xation and anot er reso u ' election, or e ann~l M mb Smith seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, Upon mot~on of Connel. e er, . f h f' t it was voted unanimously to dispense with,Cfurther read~ng 0 t e ~rs resolut~on. RESOLUTION NO. 1432 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING THE WRITTEN PROTEST FILED AGAINST EL CAMINO REAL NO. I ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND ORDERING TERRITORY ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE' SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF THE VOTERS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 35228 'j On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandevee!J and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: , ~OES: ABSENT: Council None None Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope:! . 'I I I i 1, the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. , i Administrator Butch read the title of the second. resolution and explained that it call~ for and gives notice of the election. A copy will be sent to LAFCO ;, within five days and the election will be. held by mail. KIRBY GORDON; 405 Indio, Pismo B~ach, asked what the zoning will be if the'property is annexed. Council directeq the Planning Director to schedule a pre-zoning hearing for the Planning Commission to reconunend. an appropriate zone; Upon-motion of Council!1 Member Vandeveer, seconded .by Council Member Smith, it was vo1;:ed 'unanimously'! to dispense 'with further reading of the resolution., CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE SIX RESOLUTION NO~ 1433 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A CO~NCIL OF THE CITY OF OF A SPECIAL ANNEXATION E~CALLING AND ,GIVING NOTICE TERRITORY PROPOSED FOR ANN TION TO BE HELD IN THE 3RD DAY OF MARCH 'I EXATION ON TUESDAY, PROVISIONS OF THE LAW~ 0981 AS REQUIRED BY THE RELATING TO THE CALL ANDFC THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ELECTION ONDUCT OF SUCH SPECIAL AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council None None Members Smi th, H . ogan, M111is, Vandeveer , o and on On motion of Council Me . ' the foIl . mber Sm~th, seconded b OW~ng roll call vote, to wit: y Council Member Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. SECOND READING - CHANGE ORDINANCE TO INC COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO SEVEN MEMBERS REASE MEMBERSHIP ON PARKING AND TRAFFIC d' . Administrator Butch explained that this is the second reading of this or ~nance.and has been amended per Council's direction. Upon motion of Council ;~mber Sm~~h, _seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to lspense wlth further reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 234 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS .01, .02, AND .03 OF CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 2 TO PROVIDE FOR SEVEN MEMBERS OF THE PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION, THE TERMS OF OFFICE FOR SAID MEMBERS, AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE OF MEETINGS On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. NOTICE FROM SONIC CABLE TV - DEREGULATION UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53066.1 Administrator Butch noted that Council was notified at the last meeting U of the intent of Sonic TV to deregulate by October 1, 1980 and that Staff was authorized to enter into a rate study. Sonic TV is notifying their customers of a rate change effective November 1, 1980 of $8.00. Council '"""0' V",,"voo, 00'00'0' '0 <ho '0",,""""" ." '0" ',om <ho 0<""'"00 -- containing requirements for franchises which ~equires Council approval for "rate changes. If approval is not given, the franchise may,be terminated .with,~_a 30 day notice. Council Member Vandeveer moved to send notice to Sonic Cable TV terminating their franchise and to request proposals from other cable companies. The motion was seconded by Council Member Hogan. Council Member Millis stated he was hesitant to make such a decision on such a short notice and no recommendation was requested of Staff or the City Attorney. n n -.-" 405 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE SEVEN Council Member Vandeveer changed his motion to notify Sonic Cable TV of the ~it~'s inten~ ~o terminate the franchise and seek other bidders if they 1ns1st on ra1s1ng their rates to break the contract prior to finalization of the deregulation. He added that a copy of the letter be sent to other cities. The motion was seconded by Council Member Hogan and was voted unanimously. REPORT ON SCAT MEETINGS - SEPTEMBER 30 AND OCTOBER 10., 1980 Council Member Smith reported that San Luis Transit has informed them that there are some discretionary funds available. and they. have been applied for. SOUTH COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION VACANCY Mayor Pope stated that he has received one name for appointment and he will take 'action at the next meeting. ADOPT RESOLUTION - HONORING SUPERVISOR HANS HEILMANN UPON HIS RETIREMENT ~dministrator Butch read the title of the resolution. Upon motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was voted unanimously to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1431 A RESOLUIDION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING SUPERVISOR HANS HEILMANN UPON HIS RETIREMENT On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope , None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION. MEETING, OCTOBER 7,.1980 The report was received. REPORT OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, OCTOBER 8, 1980 The report was received. REQUEST FROM .TOM BONDS RE: CONDITION OF CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT NELSON AND BRIDGE STREETS. Mr. Bonds explained that the curb and' sidewalk surrounding his property at Nelson and Bridge Streets is in poor condition and he is concerned that an elderly person would fall and be injured. He is requesting Council consideration in its repair. City Attorney Shipsey advised that it is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the curb, gutter and sidewalk around his property. It was the consensus that Mr. Bonds seek advise in this matter. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR INSTALLATION OF CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK IN VARIOUS AREAS OF ARROYO GRANDE City Engineer Karp covered the time schedule for:the seven curb and gutter assessment districts approved by Council on septembe: 23, 1980. It was the consensus of council to instruct staff to proceed w1th the schedule. ;i _ __JL----=- 406 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE EIGHT REPORT ON PROPOSED CANYON WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT City Engineer Karp explained that staff wishes to proceed with the bids. Larry Rohloff, Ervin Engineering and engineer for the project, presented the plans and blueprints for construction of the improvements. He stated that the cost of the assessment is based on the frontage of the property regardless of the lot area. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that the cost of the improvements are assessed unfairly because some. .of .the",properties are much larger than others. SHARON FISHER, 565 Gaynfair, and LEON KOPISKI, 'both property owners, commented that the assessment district has taken much too long to begin. Administrator Butch.read the title of the resolution. Upon motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded. by Council Member Smith, it was passed to dispense with further reading of the resolution. Council Member Hogan dissented stating that the fees are assessed unfairly. RESOLUTION NO. 1435 u RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IN A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PURSUANT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE ?MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913"; DECLARING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN WCAL OR ORDINARY BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF: AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope Council Member Hogan. None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. Administrator Butch read the title of the resolution setting time and place of public hearing for the assessment district. The hearing will be December 9, 1980 ~t 8:00 P.M., Upo~ motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Counc~l Me~er Sm~th, ~t was passed to dispense with further reading of the resolut~on. Counc~l Member Hogan dissented. RESOLUTION NO. 1436 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL PASSING ON THE REPORT PRESENTED PURSUANT TO THE "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913", GIVING TIME AND PLACE OF PUBLIC HEARING and" on On motion of ~ouncil Member Vandeveer, the following roll call vote, to wit: seconded by Council Member Smith , o AYES: NOES: ABSENT, Council Members Smith, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope Council Member Hogan None the foregoing Resolution was passed and 'adopted this.14th day of October, 1980. Administrato~ 'BU~ch read the t~tle of the resolution calling for bids for the ::~ssment dlstrlc~~ Upon motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council withe~ van~elveer, It was pa~sed to dispense with further reading of the resolution ounCl Member Hog~n dlssenting. n I, I " I, I ,I I I , , ,n ' I 1<, I I -.....:- 11407 '[ CITY COUNCIL, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE NINE RESOLUTION. NO. 1437 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL REFERENCING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE AND DIRECTING CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, apd on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES:' NOES:,' ABSENT:' , Council Members Smith, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope Council Member..' Hogan None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. BIDS FOR cuRs AND GUTTER - TALLY HO ROAD City Engineer Karp stated that the low bidder was Mr. Oliver Fogle in the amount of $11,510.50 and recoinmended he be awarded the bid. . Upon motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to award the bid for curb and gutter on Tally Ho Road to Mr. Oliver Fogle in the amount of $11,510.50. , DRAINAGE EASEMENT ACCEPTANCE RE: TRACTS 775' AND 671 (SARUWATERI) City ,Engineer Karp explained that this easement is a condition of the approval of Tracts 775 and 671 and recommended the City accept the easement. Upon motion ,of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was voted unanimously to accept the drainage easement and authorize the City Clerk to record the Certificate of Acceptance. R I , REQUEST OF MR. BADEN RE:' PAVING ON BRIGHTON AVENUE City'Engineer Karp explained that as a policy of the City, the full frontage improvements on Brighton Avenue were required to be bonded for prior to re~ording of the lot split map. Mr. Baden is now requesting relief of a portion of the requirements make on the property. Existing building code and th~ zoning ordinance require that frontage improvements be constructed with. any building permit~ Mr. Baden is requesting to be relieved of' the requirement:. to construct curb, gutter, and sidewalk and pavement of the parking, lane'until'suchtime as each of his two parcels are developed. Mr. Karp stated that if Council wishes to grant the requested relief, the required paving should be completed immediately, should be twelve feet in width adjacent to" the pavement installed earlier this year by the Prathers who subdivided the property across the street. provision of this additional twelve fee~ will enable the City to remove the existing barricades on Brighton Avenue as requested by Council. Upon motion of Council Member Vandeveer, ,seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was approve? to grant Mr. Baden's request with the condition that 32 feet of' the frontage be paved and this action will be initiated within 60 days or the City will complete the work ~d file a bond. Council Member Smith dissented. AUTHORIZE CLAIM TO 1979-80 SB 325 FUNDS City Engineer Karp explained that Council needs to make a finding that there:,are no unmet transportation needs which can be reasonably met through expansion of the existing transportation systems, by establishing new systems} or by contracting ,l for service by carriers and ,others pur~\lant to Article 8 of the Millis-Alquist-Deddeh; andcapprove by appropriate resolution the propos~d reamended 1979-80 Annual Transportation Claim,. in the.amount of $136,720.00. Administrator Butch read the title of the resolution. Upon motion of Council., Member Vandeveer} seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. .~ , ,'\' 408 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 1980 PAGE TEN RESOLUTION NO. 1434 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE 1979-80 REAMENDED ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope None None ~ the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1980. LOPEZ CONTRACT REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES - FIVE YEAR REPORT Administrator Butch reported that this is the first time there has not" been a shortage of revenue, although there is still no reasonable surplus. ZONE 3 - NOTICE OF TEMPORARY SHUT DOWN OF LOPEZ WATER SUPPLY Mayor .Pope stated that the temporary shut down will be next November and is necessitated because of maintenance needed on the domestic and wash water tanks at the Lopez Treatment Plant. REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE - MR. LEO BRISCO, COUNTY ISLAND Administrator Butch explained that the request is to four parcels and will be in accordance with the rules, regulations, and charges of the City. The property is a portion of the county island lying southwesterly of Highway 101 between Brisco Road and Hillcrest Drive which prior City Council's agreed to serve as a condition of acceptance of a right of way and water;..main. Upon motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was voted unanimously to approve the request. REQUEST FOR TWO WATER WELL PERMITS City Engineer Karp stated that these applications have been approved by the County Healt.hi,Uepartment are for one single family residence. The locations are on Printz Road approximately one half mile northwesterly of Highway 227. He recommended approval. Upon motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was voted unanimously to approve the requests. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Mayor Pope requested staff to look into a possible crosswalk at the intersection of Halcyon and Bennett for children. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted no adjourn at 11:50 P.M: ,=", ~fJv~ DEPUTY TY CLERK . ~