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Agenda Packet 2011-02-22
���� �� • • i i � � � � � n o c � e a � � .��� �.�. . �� ��,,�� ��� � � � � �,;� . � � Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair �'� �������� � �°� ���� Steven Adams, City Manager Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair `����� ��� � I'��� � ���...�� ����� ����� Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Joe Costello, Council/Board Member �-����� ������,��������`����°���� Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk �„�.��� �c,4, Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member �� W Tim Brown, Council/Board Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2011 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East B ra n c h Street, Arroyo G ra n d e 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL COUNCIL/RDA BOARD 3. FLAG SALUTE: ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY KIWANIS 4. INVOCATION: FATHER KEN BROWN ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Honorary Proclamation Proclaiminq February 22, 2011 as "Spay Day USA" 5.b. Honorary Proclamation Proclaiminq "Grand Jury Awareness Month" 5.c. Presentation from the Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) 6. AG E N DA REVI EW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY— FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 1, 2011 through February 15, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of January 31, 2011, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). 8.c. Consideration of a Resolution Desiqnatinq Authorized Aqents for the Purpose of Obtaininq Federal Financial Assistance (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution designating authorized agents for the purpose of obtaining federal financial assistance. 8.d. Consideration of Acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010. AGENDA SUMMARY— FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.e. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of January 25, 2011, as submitted. 8.f. Consideration of Minutes Format for City Council/Redevelopment Aqency Meetinqs (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing action minutes for City Council/Redevelopment Agency meetings. 8.g. Consideration of Status Report on Retention Basins (PERRIN) Recommended Action: Receive and file the status report regarding the capacity and operation of the City's retention basins. 8.h. Consideration of Renewal of the Exclusive Vendor Police Tow Service Aqreement (ANNIBALI) Recommended Action: 1) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a two-year exclusive vendor police tow service agreement with College Towing for light and medium-duty towing; and 2) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a two-year exclusive vendor police tow service agreement with JohnBoy's Towing for heavy-duty towing. 8.i. Consideration of Amendments to Cellular Tower Lease Aqreements with New Cinqular Wireless (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the first amendment to the land lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for operation of a telecommunications site at 1275 Ash Street; and 2) Approve the first amendment to the land lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for operation of a telecommunications site at 300 Rese rvo i r Road. 8.j. Consideration of Lease and Reimbursement Aqreements with Manuel Estrella for Gina's Restaurant Outdoor Dininq Area (ADAMS) [COUNCIL/RDA] Recommended Action: 1) Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a lease agreement with Manuel Estrella for use of City right-of-way for an outdoor dining area; 2) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a reimbursement agreement for expenses related to construction of the outdoor patio improvements; 3) Authorize the City Attorney and City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary; and 4) Reprogram up to $5,000 in Redevelopment Agency funds for expenses related to public improvements associated with the patio improvements. 8.k. Consideration of Proqram Supplement Aqreement No. 009-N to Administerinq Aqencv-State Aqreement No. 05-5199-R for the South Elm and Ash Street Sidewalk and Bicvcle Improvements Pro�ect, PW 2008-07C (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Program Supplemental Agreement No. 009-N to Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 05-5199-R for the South Elm and Ash Street Sidewalk and Bicycle Improvements. AGENDA SUMMARY— FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.1. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Amendinq Municipal Code Sections 16.04.070(C), 16.32.030(A) and 16.48.060 to Allow Roundinq Up for a Fractional Unit of 0.51 or Greater When Calculatinq Allowable Densitv in the Multiple- Family Zoninq District; Applicant — City of Arroyo Grande; Location — Citywide (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt an Ordinance amending Municipal Code Sections 16.04.070(C), 16.32.030(A) and 16.48.060 to Allow Rounding Up for a Fractional Unit of 0.51 or Greater When Calculating Allowable Density in the Multiple-Family Zoning District (Development Code Amendment Case No. 10-003). 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Analysis and Options Reqardinq Provision of Joint Fire and Police Dispatch Services (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Review alternatives and provide staff direction regarding provision of joint Fire and Police dispatch services. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYO R F E RRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM RAY: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Tourism Committee (4) Other AGENDA SUMMARY— FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (cont'd): (c) COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) (4) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (4) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER BROWN: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (1) Other 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action ca n be ta ke n. None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be ta ke n. a) Request for Direction Reqardinq Draftinq of Potential Ordinance Restrictinq Sale of Flowers and Other Merchandise from Parkinq Lots on a Temporary Basis (ADAMS) 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. AGENDA SUMMARY— FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 6 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyoqrande.orq ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. � � � �� . � � � � � � � � - -- -_��-�— -- - -----.-,- �� � � � � � � � � � � '� �; � � � � � � , � ■ ����� �� ��� ��� ■ � ��� ����� � �� � � � �� � � 1�11�IEFtE��, �at� �n� �og� �r�vid� ��rr�pani�n�hip �� �n� ��a�e �h� h�rr��� �� ��r�r �'�,���,���i�rdi�rid�a���r����1lnit�d�ta��s; ar��! ��III-��Ft��4�# �xu��r►a�� ���i�ti�� �n� �h����rs h�v� t� ��#�a�fz� ��pr��c�rr�a��l� ��ur r�r�il���n �ats �ncf do�� each year, altha��� many o#th�m are h�althy and �r�optab[e, d�e to a la�k ���ri�����r�s�urc��su�h���n�n��,�����,anc���od���pti�r���rnes;and 1IU1�EI�E�4�* ��� �r����m ��pe����rp���la�i�� ���ts ���#a�cp���rs �f th�� ���r��ry��rrilli�r�� �� d��l�r� ann�al�� thr�u��#� anirr��l ��r��r�l �r�+gr�r�r�� airr�e� �� ��pin� �it� ��e rnilli�n� �f h�rx����s��at��nc�d���; �r�d VYI-I�Ft�A�,��a�in��nd neu��r�n��ats and d�g� f�a� �e�n�h��vn��dra��i��ll�r�du����a�� a�nd do�aver�op�i�tion#a�t� 1�1�1-1����4�, �r�t�rir��r�a�s, hur�r�ane �����t���, �r��i�r�a� a�r�d �o��l �ni�nal pr�����i�� �rg�n�a.a�i�n�# an� p�v�r�e �i�i���r�vr��rked to���h�r �� ���ur� t�� �pa�in� �r �e�#�rir�� �f rx+�r�#��n��,�����r�npar�i�r�anir��1�thr�u�h"�p���a�r��A'�in��'1'�; a�t� VI�I-IEF�EA�, r��t�rir�ari���, h�rir�ar�e ���i��i��� n��i�r��l a�d I��al a�ni�na� �r����t��r� ��gan�za��n�,ar�d pri�a#.e�i#i���s ha�r�j�ined ���etf��r��air���adv��at��I��s�a�in��nd �'1�#����f������IY����'11�f1�171f17��S��!`����1��]������'�'�'�. ���, ��"��������# �� �� " �������� �� �i ���� ������t �����` �� r- �h� �ity �� �r���� �ra�r�d�, �� bef��l� �f th� �ity �����i1, d� h�reb� � . �r��l�irr� F�bruary��,��'�'� a�"�pa��Da�y 1�����;and e���ur���peop�� a�Arroyo Gr�a�de to observ�tl�e d�y by�a�rir�g t�eir owr�do��,��t�s or ��� . � rab�i#s spayed or neut�r�d o��y�ponsori��the spay��� or r�e�tering �f a�r�����r p�rs�r�'s pe� IIV 1�111TIVE��WH����F� � h��r��ereunt�s�t r�n� F��nc�a��d ��used#�e ��a�l �f ��� �ity �# Arr��� �r�r��� �� be ��#i�c�� t#��s ��"� �a� �f Februa�ry 2�'11. �,��o�o o�` ��9 � 1�co��a+��r��� � � V rr� T�ny��rr�r�� Nl�y�r � ��,��,�.1911 � �����o�►���- Agenda Item 5.a. 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Page 2 � ������ � �� � I�I�ORP��tI�TED �� � � � � � � .lI.��Y 10. �8�1 � � � I�I�I�A��AN D�JIVI �������� T�: �ITY ���J IV�I L F��I�: ��V�ELA �tF�A����H, ��F������ �F A�Nl�IV��TF��#Tl11� ��F�111�E �1�: TI���I� rll'��Y�I��� �E�i�� A���IJIVT �L��I� ����J��T: ��IV�ID��A���I� �F ��#��I �I��I�F��EII��I�T F��1"I�I��ITI�IV DAT�* ���3F�UAf�Y 2�, ��'I'I R���III��EN�ATI�N� It is r���r�n���d�� �l�� ��ty ���n�il r����y tl�� �tt��l��d I��tir�� �f ���� c�isb�rr��rn��t� f�r tl�e ��rioc! F'��ruary '1 throu�� ��#�ru��y '1�, 2�'I'�. F��1��1�1�4L �IIA�A�T: Ti��r� i� � �'I,���,���.�� �����r� ir��a���h�� ir��l�rd�s �i�r� f��l��nrin� it�rr��: � �������� �'���bi� �h���C� ������������� � 'I,1��,���.�� � P��r�l! �he�l�� � ��n�fit �h��k� � ���,8�"�.�� B���C�F��LlN�: ���h �i������r�er�ts ��� r��d� �nr��kl� b��e� �r� th� �u�r�ni��i�r� �f a�ll �����r�d ���ur�n�r��� �����rt�r�� �I�� ir��r�i��� �u��r�itte� f�r ���r�n�r��. Pri�r t� pa�rr�er��, Adr�ini��r��i�r� �ervi�e� ���f� re�iev�� ��I �isb�r���n�r�� d��ur�n���� �� ����r� �I��� �#���r rr���t �I�� �p�r��r�l r�quir�r��r�t� ������d in �h� 1111ur���i��l ���� �r�� �I�� �ity'� �ur�l��sin� P�I��i�� �r�d Pr�����r�� �Illar���l �� ���r��ry ����. �������� �� ������i ��� ������� I������ ���������� ��� ���� ������������� ����I��� �� ����� ��� ����I �����t��rrs ci��ir�� t�� ��ri��. `T�� di�b�r��rr��rrts ar� ����unt�c� ��r �r� tl�� F1� ��'��-'�'1 ��c#��t. ALTEF�NAT111��: . Th� ��Il��nrin� �I��rr���i�r�� �r� �r��rid�d f�r tl�e ���n��l's ��r��i�er��i�r�; ' ���r�ve �taf�'� r���r��n�r�datia�; � �� ��� a����v� ���ff'� r���r�r�r��������rr; . � Pr��i�� �ir���i�r� �� s���f. Agenda Item 8.a. . 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Page 4 � � ���.' ���� �� �+�'�:�'�•, ' � � ` � � ' � � � .�-•��� .. .... ............... .. ................. �................... .. ......... . ...................... .....Fn� ............ .. ............ . .. � �.Y.....Y.., _ ..�---k-�. r . � � �� � � �� L ����� �A,� �� �..,_,����� ���..�:_W, ,�'�/� ��W;',{t�.R ����~._� � "�� ,.,.� �...- ��rr���reh�r��iv� �nnual �'�n�r����l �e o�� ��� � �isca� ��a��'�ded,Tu�te.��, ���� ��e�en A��s �ity II�Ia��.ge� ���u�d��t��Adr�ir�i��ra.�i�� ��r�r���s ����.rtrr��r�t ��r��t�r�f Ac�mir�i�tr���v� ���X���..................................................Ar�g�1a �.x���s�� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 5 ��� �� ������ ������ �o���e�t��s�ve ���x�a� �i�ar���a� I�� or�� � Fi��a� �e�� ��d�c� �rx�e ��, ���� ����� �� �������� ��v�r���U���R� �EC�i��T . ������ ������+��•F**i r i r i r i r*}*#*i s i r i a*r}*i r s�r i�.r�t i��s�r s i r.�r i�s s a s a►.�s i s s r s a r i r�s i s i r i r r r f s i s i r i r r..s i r s�r a r r r*i s s�s i a.�r s i r s s a r• ������*-��� ����������� •*iririri****r*fsirirr+.*rsirsarri.i�rsissarii►*�rsissirr►**sirsas►risfsiririri*iriririrrr�t*rsari►.�sirsirsi►.�ti�ss�r� � ��7-��+���}+�+4�r���a F�**r i r i r i f i f�}*�*i s�r i a r�r*�s i�s i a s i►*.*s i�s i a r i►r.*s i s s�r i►r�*i r i r s r r a r�*i s i s i s�r i.r*i s i r i a r►�**i s s�r i i r�r*w s s�r i►r r**•� S..f ��������� ��l�../����� I����4��������������� ��pr���i i r i r i r s i r s a r i i r..t f*s s�r i i a r i r�*s i�s i�r i a.���s i r s s r i r i*�*i s i s i i i r►.r s i s i r i a i►..t f t i i s s a r i i r.�t i r s i r s i r/ � � ���4i�������� ���4��������� i i�������s i a s i i r..*�*s i�s i�s r►r..�*s i s i r i a r i..*�s i s i s i r i r..�s i s i s i r s i r..�t i�s i r i i r r...r*�s i i s s i�� ���i� Fix����i�� �����n��r���: ��v�����t�-�i�i� ��x��r����l ���.��rr��r���: ��������`�����} ++���#� •i r i r*i r i r i a r a►r�r i�s i�s i�r i i r i i t.�s*�s i�s i�r i r i►r.t i r i r s�r i r r r i F�*�s i s i r i r i r i..t.r i*s i s s r s i r r i.f*t f*s i�s i a r�� �������������������� ■r i r i r i r r i r�*;�*i r i i s s�r s i r r�r r r..�r*i r s i r s i r i a r r**r*i s i r s r s a r�r i r#*�*i i r s�s a r i...�r i s i�s i s r�r a►r..*�r s i s s�r s•�� ��x�c� Fi��r��i�� ��������t��: �o�er�t�r���� �u�c��: ������������ •i r�rt f*w*i*i s i r i r i r r a r a r a r r r��s i f s i r s i r r i a r i►s i i.i**i*s i�s i r s i r i a r i a r►.r***f s i s i r i r i r i r i.�s�t i s i r s r i i r i r r►...f**i s s i s s�r i a r r•�� �������li��i�r�����t� ��v���m�r�t�l �'�x��� - ��1��������� �� ��� �������+�������������i s i r s�a s a r s i a i i i..►f*r*i r s�s i�s s�r i a s i r i►r�.�*r*�s i s i s i s i s i r i r i►r r�r f t i r s r s�s i�r�r i i......t.*t#*t,�� ������n�����I������x�s, E�c��r���t-�x���, �r�c� ���r���s i����� ��������............................�� i����r��ili���x� ���1�� �����rr��r�t�����r�r��x��,��c���c�itt�r���, ��xci �l��z���� �J.i���� �������� ����������.4 4��� ����� ���.4 L���������� �/���������r*i s s s i�r i►r i r....�r t��s•�� ��`���`1�����T ���1��; ������*�+�� �-+���� ������ •*i s i r i r s�s i r i�r i i r r�..*.�*s i�s i�s s r s i a s a a r i►r�.�r i�*i s i s i r i a i►i►r►r r.r i r i r i r i r i a i►r i r i..**i s s�s s�s i�s s i a r r i k�� ��������� �!�����r����� �1������4.7� ��� ������� l���� .��4..T���•r a r r r w r�s*s*r i r i�s a r i►r i.�r*�r*i s s�s s i r s a 1�� l �����++`���������i��/��•r i r�.�r.�*i s s�s s�s s i r r i r.i..*r s*s s�s s�s s a s i a r.►w.*�t i s i s i s i r i r r r i.�.f s i s s i s i r i r i►.►*�s f s i�s i�s i r s i r...�*s.5�� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 6 F�c�uciar�r ��x�d�: �����11 L����fy ���j ��i�i������������ ■r**s�r r s�r i i►r r r�r r r�r r►r.t f�s i r i a i i.��t f a i a r a r.�w���a�a r�*i s i r i�r i.*r*i s i r s i r r i r*�s s i r i•1�� ������� ��� �����i�������� ���������� **i r*i r r i a r r��*f s i�s i r i i r�w*r*i s i r i r r r�s*r i s s a r r r#*�*i s i r i r i►.�s i s i r r i r r..f r*i r s s�r r i.•L�/ ������il� �.�.��i ���.������ �����..������ k.�. ��+���� S�h�du�� of I��v��r��xes, ��c��r�c�Yt�xr��, a�c� ����ges ���rx�d B����c� - ��������� ����� � ������� ����•�s i�s s a r i i r r�r i*s i�s s�s i►r i.�r*r s�s i r a r a r r*�*i s i s i r i r i.*r f r i s s�s i r i r...�s f*s i�s i�r i►....�� �c�i��l�x�� ��I��v�����, ��c��r�c�it�z���, �r�c� ���n��� ir���r�c� ������� - ��x���t�r�� ���x�1 -�T�r�r�����t��.�r� ��n����������x��.......................r�r��..........,......,........�� ����������r����������������4..i ������ ������� ������J.���������•�*s i r s i r i a r i►...t i t s�■�� � � k.�.����������� �����.������ L���r���� I���r�n��o��ov��r�.�n�r���� ��x�ds: ����+�`-��}-� +�����������r�r i r i►r.}y r*i s s�s s�s i i r r i..�r*�r*i r s�r i�r i i r�t*r s i s i r i r r�r�y�*r*s s a i r i a r►.r*#*i s i r i r r�r i r*r i�r r i r s i r r i i r..��J �� �o�bir�i����a�e�e�� o�f�eve�u��, ��c�ae�d�t-�x��s, ��d��a�g�� �����4� �������� r i.�*�*i s i s i s i r s�s a r i►r i r f r s�r i*s s�s s i s s i i....*r*�r s i s s�r i a r i r...r*i s i s i r i r i r i r r*�s i s i s i r i r i►i►.*.�s i t s�s s a s i i r r.....y*s�� ���1"1�����1C��; ������i~����������1� �+-����+�� ��� ���+.������i�•�r r r y�**r*w s i s i r i r r r r r r r*+*r*s*r s r i�i�r r r�t w s s#s i r i r s i r i a r i.*�r*i�s•�V � A�c��tor�� �e�o��or��r�terr�al �0��01 �ve� F��r�ci�� 1���aortir�g a�d ����rr�����.r��� �r�� ��h�r I1�I�t���� F���� ���r� ��c��t���ir����i�I ���tex�er�ts I�e�fox�xnec� �� A�cor���ee �vi��i�o�e�r�r�er�t��xdi�i�g ������i��i r.*.�*.t*r*r i r i r i�s i r i r i r i r i r�*f**s i r s�s i r r�r i a r i►...s�r s i*s i�s i a r i a s i►....�s i r i�s i r i r i r r►*r�t*#i s i r s a i a r►r...*�s�s i s i�r i r i i.i.►...s�r s i�s#� �T�'�'I�TI�AL ���TI�� ��xr��txc��t�cl� ����������� ���������# �������������� s i r r i r r i a r�*i s i s*r r s r i r i r i r�*�*i s i r i r i r i r i r r.*r�#s i s s�s a r r i r....�s s�s s■�� 4� �r������ �����,������ � ���4����������.*s i�s i s s�r s�r i i r i►**s�s i s s r i r i r i r r r.�f t*s s i s�s�s►r i r i..r�*s i s s�r i i r i i►....�*•�� i��� ��1.i���� �������������� ����� � L4������������ ����r*s s r s i r i s i r r r.r..i r*�s i r s i a r r►...�.s i*s s�� ����g�� ir��x��c� ��I�r���s ����v����r���I��x�c�� - L����F�r��is��1�C���rs....................�� Agenda Item 8.d. 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Page 8 ��x�� ���� i�t�n�i�n��l����� �l�nl� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 9 + ���� �� � . `�f��`; � � � � � � � � x :. �.m.:.v . , . . ..t...... . i, �. . . ........... � .... ........ ............................ ........... . ............... .. . .,,f•.. �. � .. . . . . . . . . � �� : . . � �. �` ��► �. ��� �� � �,� ��F � ��-�;=�''•�,�'��i��.-�'�}_:__ � I\To�e�rt��r �, ���� �'o ��e I�ox�o��b�� �Ia�ror� �I�I��n1��� of �h� ����r �o��c��, ar�d ��e ��t��e� �f ��� �� of � Ar���o ��ar�e�e. �t�te la�nr r�c�ui�e� th�t aII ��r��r������po�e �oca� �o�e��m�x�ts ��b��s� �vi���� s�� rr�or�t�s of �h� ��o�e of t�e f���a� �e�r a �o����te s�� o� f��a����I stat��er��� �re�e��e� ir� ��r�f�r�rxt�t�r �vi�� �����r�tir�� �������1�� ����x��l��r �������c� i� t�� �J�Y��� �t���� �� �r������ �L�� �A�.�'� ar�d �����ed �� ac�o�dar��e v�i�h audi�ir�g s�a�c��r�� �e�e�a��� a��e�t�� ir� �he LT�i�ed �tate� o� �x���ica b�r a �i�e�.��d ce��ifi�c� ��b1ic ��co�������s�. 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T�� ���'� �ir������I �����rr��r�t� ���� ���r� ��xcl�t�c� �a�r II����, I���r�r � I�������i� L�F, � �i��n of I�ee���� �e�t�f��d ��x�1i� acco�x�ta�ts. �'�e goal o� t�� ���e��r�d�r�t a�di� �vas ta �r��ide �ea�or�a��e as��xr�.r�c� ��a� ��e finar��i�� ���t�rr�er�t� of �h� ���� for ��� fisca� �e�r er���c� �ur�� ��, ����, �►r� f��e of �rxr.at�ria� m���t��e���t�. T1�� ir�de���c�e�t a�d�� �r�vol�ec� ��c�������, �r� � ��s� ���i�, ��ri����� ��x���r��i�� ��� ����xr��� �r�� c����1���x��� i� t�� �����c1a1 �t�t��er�ts; as�es���� ��e ��co�xr�ti�� �rir�ci�Ies �se� ��d. �i�r�ificar�t est��ate� rr���� �a�r r�r��r����r����; ��c� ��r���x����� ��� ���r��11 f�����i�.� �����n�x�r�t �r�������t���. �"�� �nde�e���r�� aud�ta� �or�cluc�ed, �ase�l u�or� t�e ��xd��, ���t ���re �as a �e�so�a��� �a�Ys � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 10 f�� r�x�d�r�r�� a� ����a����e� o��r�ior� ��a� t�e �i� of ��ro o Gr ' ' ' � � ar�d� s ����rx��a1 �taterr�er��� �o� the �is��� �rea� e�dec���x�� ��, ���I�, a�� fa�r� �es���e�. �� co�fo�rr�� �v' , r � * � � �r �t�x LJ��A��'. �'�� ��xdeper��e�� a�xd���r�� ��p��� �� re��r�tec� as ��e f���t eo� or��r�t . . � � � of t�e f1�ar�e��� se�t�o� of���� ��po��. T�e ��c�e���d��� a�xc��.� of ��e �ir�a��ial sta��xr���ts o� ��� �Y o� �rro a �ra� � � c�e �x�e ��x�� �� � �����i��, ��c��r��II� rx��r�c����e� "��r�gi� �A�x���" ���i �c� �� ���t ��� � ��i�� r� � � � eed� of f e�e�a1 �r�r��o� ��er���es. �'he ��arx�a��� o�e�r�ir� �i� �� A�x��t e� � em��t ' � � � � g � �ec�u��e tha� a�e��i�s e�c���e�i�g rr�o�e ���� ��0�,��0 i� fe�e��� �mon.���, a�e x�e �xi�e� to �ave � . � � he �r�c�e�enc�er�t a�xe���o� repor� r�o� o�I� �� the f�ir r�ser�tation of t�e fi�.ar���aY s�a�e�er�� . � �� ��xt ���� �r� ��� ��xc����c� ����r�����'� ����r��1 ��r�tr��� ��� ��� �i�r��� ��t� , i � I�g�� ��q�x��er�e���, �nr��� ���ci�1 ernp��si� or� ir���x��aY cor��o�� ar�d �e a� re t�irerr����s + * ■ r • � � �����v�r�� t�� �c�rn��u�t��t��� �� ����r��I ��v�r���. �'�� �i� c�ic� �.�t ��c �r�� ��i� �r►i��rx� Y � t�r� �r���x�t�f��c����� ��v�r�c�� �r�ci v��� t��x� r���s�x�j����� � ��r� 1� ���.���� ���, � � II�I�x�����er�t �tas provided � ���r����re �.�tro�uctYO�, o�e�v���r a�� �r��� �i� �o � �ceorr�pa��r ��e ��sr� f�x�a��ial �t�ter�n�r�t� ir� �}�� �o�� o� Il�i��a ���r�t's D���ussio� arxd . . , i i � Ar����r��� �II�I�S���. �"�YS ��tt�� �� t�����n����1 �� c���1 �c� �� ��r�n. ��r�r���� ��� IVt��1� �r�� ■ y y y � + � � ��a�x1d be �e�c� �� �ox���r��t�o� �v�t� ��. T�e �� 's �I�I���. �ar� �e �o�xr�� �rr�rnec����e� . �' � �01�o��r����� r��or�t o��1�� i�de�e�d�r����c���or�. �rofile o���.e ��ve�nx�r�e�� �"�� ��� �� �����r� �x��r�c�� �� I�����c� �i�r� �n�1�� ��I��� ���� ��� ���tr�I ������r�r�i� �����Iirx�, �������r���c� i� ����, ��� �i��r ��r����x�� ����s �� � r���x��t�x��I1 ���.�x��i�� ���c� � � � �� � v�.I�e� c�reat�c� ��r ��.e Ar�oyo ��ar�c�e �re��. �'�� C�� ��x�rer��� o�c�x i�s a ���nc� �rea � � � ���.���C�i���'�I�11��� ��1C� ���'��� � ���?�I��1��1����,���. T�� �i��r �� �rr�������� �� I��r� � �����r�t� ���c �� ��t� r���1 ��c� ����r��1 �� ���Y�� i � i � # � � � Io�a��c� �v���u���� �o�����r�e�. �t � a1�a ��pa�nr�red b� �t��� �tat-�te to ��c�e�c� ��s co� a�a�e . . . , . , � ��rr��ts ��r ar���ca���r�, �nr���� o���xrs �e�1oc��cal1� �nrh�� d��xr��� a x�o r�ate � �h� �� � � �����'�11�'1�C���"1�1�, T�e ��t� �a� o����►t�c� �x�c��r �h� �our�����mar��ge�f o�� o� o�ernrr��r��s�r��e ���.1. I'o�ic - . . . , � Y rr�ak��g ��d �e����at1v� aut�ox��t� ��e ����ed i� a o�r��r��� �o�xr��i� �or��st�� �f ��e � � g �a�ror �r�c� �o�� o�h��r rr����e��. T�� go�����r�g co�xr�cil �s �res o�s�ble, a��� at�e� • i y + � � ������, ��� ������� ��c��r��r���s, �c���t�r�� �1�� ��xc���t, � �ix�tir� ��m�nit����, �r�c� ��r�ir� �� � � �o�h ��e ���y's r�x������ ��d ��������r. Th� �Yt�'� �nar�ag�� i� ��s �x������ �o� �a�� �r� o�x� , . . , , ; � �' � t�e �o1�c�es �r�d ar���ar���s �f ��e ����r ��ur���.�, fo� o�e�����n ��� d� -to-d� o ��a�ior�s � � � � �€ t�� ��t�, ��c� ��� ����i����� t�� h��c�� �f t�� �r�r�i��xs �� �r���r���. T'�� ���r���l i� � �l��t�c� �� � r���-���x�ti��� ��si�. ���x�.��1 ������� ��rv� ���x�- ��� ��� �x��c� t�x��� �r�c� � �� the r�r��y�r i� e�ecte� to ��x�v� a �vo����� te��. Th� �a or a�d ��.e cour�e�1 �e�nb��s a�� � ��e�t�d at���r�e. � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 11 T�� �i�y ����r���� � f��� r���� �� s��vi���, ���1���x�� ���i�� ��� ���� �r�����i�r�; ��� ����tr��t��� �r�� ��ir���r����� �� ���xv����, �t�����, ��� ����r ������r�x���x��; �r��i ���r����i���1 �����rx���� �r�c� ��Y�.ix�a� ��r��tt�. ��r���� ��r�����i�r� ���v���� �r� �r��ric��� t�.r��xg� ��� �V���r� ��c� �����r ��r���, ��i�� ��x��t��r� �s � I�������i�r� �r�c� IV������r����� �����t���� ��f ��� ���r. �'�� ����r i� t�l�irr����I�r �i���������r �����r������ f�� ��� Arr� � � ���r�de I�ed��re�opr�r�er�t Ager�c� �I��A�, �v���� �� re�ox�ted se��r���I ��th�� ��e �i '� . . , . , �' � ��r��x�c1al �t�terr���ts. �c�c�����r�a� ��o��rta��o� or�t�e I�DA �ar� be fou�� �� t�� x�o�e� to t�� �as�� f i��r�c�a1 s�a��x�er�ts. T�� �r���l ��c���� ���v�� �� ��� ���xr���ti�� ��� t�� �it�r'� �i������� p���i� �►r�� ��r��r��. r r r i � � �1� c�����tm�����c��������� ��� r����x1��c� �� ��x�r��� ��c������ ��r� ���������t���� �� t�� �� � I1�i�r����r. �T���� r���x���� �r� �xs�� �� ��� �t����r�� ��ir�t ��� c��������r� � �� �s�c� . � � � ��xc�get. T�� ����r �a�a��x� ��er� �r�ser�t� ��.�s ��o�o�ed ��xdge� �o th� ��t �our�e�1 f�r • • . . . . � ���r���v ����r� t� ���� ���. �'�� �1�r ���r���1 �� ��c�tx�x��� �� �t�1c� ������ ���r���� �� ��� � p�opo�ec� �udge� ��cl �� ado�� � f��xal �udg�� ��r �o ��t�r t�iar� J�x�e ���, �h� ��ose of t�e ��t�'� �����.� �r���. �'�� ���x��������� ��x���t �� �ar���.x��ci ��r �rxr�c�, ��xr������ �, . �x���� � � � �vor�Cs�, ar�d departrr��r�� �e.g. ��ta�otiv� s�o��. �e�a��e�t h��ds ��� �x�.a�C� �r���fer� af a���o�r��t�o�s ��th�r� � cie�ar�e�t. �'���sf�x�� of ��p�o�ri���a�s bet�v�er� �.e����rne��s o� ��a���s ir� ��a�a�o�r�a��o�� ���t �ff��t �he fur�� b�1a���, �ec�uir� t�e ����'�v�l ����� ��t�r ���r�.��l. ������r� Af����ix������r��i�►� ���c�iti��x �'�� ir-��r���iox� p��se���c� ir� t�e fi��rt�ial sta���.e��s �� �e�rha�s ���t u�c�e�s��od �vh�r� it is eo����ex��d f���r► ��� b�oad�r ���spec�i�r� o� t�e �p���f�� e��r�ror�xx�e�t �nri��.�r� �v�i�h t�e ���r ���r���� ���r��� ��������, Lo��l �co�orr�� �"�� ��t� �� �rr���� ������ i� ��x��r��t1�r �r� t�� r�-�i��� �� � c��v�r�v��r� ���r����� �r�viro�er�� ar�d ir���cato�s �o�r�� to � �o�tir���c� deel��e, ���r �x�c�ic�tors ��re t�e �e�ion's �r��r��asi�.� ur���n�1o�r�ex�t �ate �f 9.7°l� �v�YC� i� ����h���r ��g�er �har� ��e �.a�io�a� �v�ra�� �� �.����; ��r�� �r����s, �v�i�1� ��c� ci��x�1�� �� �r��ri��� �r����, ��� ���t���x�r�� �� �������� ��i�x� �x������y ��� x��v���x�� �►r�� ��i�l c���i��ir��; ��c� ����� ���c r��r����� i� ��r�t���xi�g �� c�ecli��. �o��-���rrr� fir������1 p�ar�r�ir�� ��v���1 ��I� �x�����ts ��� �������c� �� irr������ ��� �it�'� �����t�-�x�t�x��, �r������� t�� ��x�be� �f ��t� pa��s� irr�pro�� d�a�r��g� �rob�erns ar�c� i��a�ave t�e ove�a�� �oa� o� ��e co�nrr��xr��t�. �'he f���o��r�g ��s� of �roje��s a���o�r�� �� the F�C ���9#1� � �C ��1���1 ������I ��c�����vi�� ��x�.������� ��rn.r��x�i��r. ����C� - �'�� i�������ti�r� �� ���rt� 1i���i�� �� ��� I����x���, II���i� �x�� ��1�xr����� �i�1�� �r�c� �ar�o�s A��A up���d�s. 1�Ii�cel�a��o�s �'ro����� �- �'�er� is ��p�o�ci������r $4��,��� �c�dg�ted �o�va�d� ��� �it�'s �'oYY�e ���a�t�e�� e��ar��ior�. �'�ase or�� of t�e ��o���� �s ��. a�a���is of t�e de�ar�e�t'� � � Agenda Item 8:d. Page 12 �pa�� r�e�c�s, �ox�ce���� �e�ig� o� ����r�s�or� ��terr��.tr�r�s, a�d �e a��t�o� of c��t � � �s�Y��t��. �'�� �����c� ������iII �� ��� �����r�x�ti�r� ����� 1������ c�� ��t-���n���c ���i��. � � �t�r��� I'r����t� � T�� ��v�r���n����I �����t f�� ��� �r��s�� ����-�I��� �r� I���c� I��c��� ��� � � ��t�r������� ������t, I� �d.ci����r�, ������� ��v��n�r�� �r�����IYt��i�� r�'���� �.�� ����c����� � � t� ir������ ��� �it�r�� �t����s. �r��ir��g� �r������ -- �'�� ���n�a��ti�r� �� ��� �T��nr��r� �����g� ������ � ��`��� �r�� �r�ri��x� � � l c�'���C p�es�r�at�ar� �ro��c��. V1�at�� $� �e�ver �'ro�e�t� � �'�� i�s�a�1���or� of a ���v p�o���t�or� v����r v���1, va�YOU� v������1�� �x��r����, �Y�� ����i�r� 1�T�, � �������rn��t, ����r 11������ I����. �x ���� ��c� t�t� � �x�a��ad� o�t�� Fa�r���� �,ver�ue se�v�r ���es. Ca�� rr�ax�a�err����poli��i�s ar��p�acti��s �as� t�x�rt�o�ar�1� �d1� ��x�ir�g ��� fis�a� �ea��as �r��rest�d ir� �1�e Lo�a1 �, er�� ���re�fr��r�� � � �ur�� �L�IF}, a ����� �����trr��r�t �ot��. T�i.s poa� o�fers ��e �i�� ��qu�di� , �afe , ar�d � � � �i��e� rate of ���er�st t�ax� �oxx�d �e �otx�� �i��. 1oca� �ai�c�. �'�� a��r� � ��1� o� + i * � +� �n��str�r��r�ts v��s .���°I� ��x��r�g �he �a�t f��cal �rea�. �r��r��t�er�� �r�c�r�� �z����xde� ���������i�r� �x� ��� f�i� v�I�x� �� �A�� �������I ����r-���. I�.������� �r���ir� v�Y�x� ���rir� ��� � ��x��er��f��cal �r��r, �o�ve�r�r, �o �ot r�e��ssa�i�� �e�a�e��r�t ��e�d� t�at�vi�� �o���r��xe; �or i� it�1v�r��� ����i��� t� ���Ii�� s�x�� �►rr���xr��s. I�is�C N��x���e��r�� Th� �i� �oi�ec� t�� �a��for�ia Jo��� I'o���s Ir�s�xra��e A�xt�o�r��r ��J�'��� Y� �u�� of ����, ��r t�� ��x����� �� ���1ir�� 1���il���r r�i��C�, �'�� �JPI�A ��� ���r��� �xr�c��� ��� J���� I����rs �gr��rr���t �JI'A� ��'��i�i�r�� ��t�� ����� �2��, T�� Ft��� i� c�i�����c� �� � ����c� �� �i���t��� �����i��� �� � �����������.v� ��������c� b� t�.� �i��r ���r��i� �n�rx�����-���r���r, �'�� Ir���xr�r��� ���� c���i�r�� i�� ��v���x�� �r���n ���tr���x�i��� �����Y�s��� ��� ���� �i� �� ��� ���i�i������►�� ��1i�� y��r�. �'�� ��r�tri��t��r�� �r� �����I����c� �� ��.� ���r�c� ��c�1�����r�� ��sed or� t�e x�eco�n�er�c��t�or�� of �h� ��,A'� �ro�rarr� ac��i��s�r��o�r� a�d ��t-�xa��e� usir�� r��o���ed ��s�r�nce e�c�er��n�� �at�r���echr�iq�xes. �xt ac�d�tro�, v��io�s �or���o1 te�����xes, Y�c��dir�� ���1o�re� ����de�t�r�����o� �r�ir�ir�g, �i��r� ���r� �r�n�I�r������ ��x�ir�g ��� ���x� �� rr�ir�i���� ���i��r��-r�1�t�� �����s. T�� ��ir�i- ��r�t� ������g� �� ��xr���r���� ���������c� ��r� �r�c��vic��x�►1 �����r�' ��rn��r���ti�r� ������ ir� ������ �� ����,���, ����� ��� �it� ��r����i��t�� i� � ���r��� ��s�C ���1 f�� �������t-�r �1�irr�� ����� $��,���, ��x�i�� F�C ����-��, ��� ��t�r ����� t�� ������� �� ����i�� t�� ��1i��x�x��� j���-r.�I'��nr��� �r�����r��� ��x����i�r��r��nr�r�lc���' ��r�r���r����i�r���������. � I��rx�io� a�d o���� post�mp�o�rr�er���e�efits . �'�� ���� ��r�t��Y��t�� �� ��� c��f���c� ��r���it ���i�r� �1�r� �c��i�rs����c� �� ��� ��li���r��� �'rx�1�� I��t�r��rr��r�� A.�����r ���1I'�I��� ���r ��1 ���1-tir�r�� ��n����r���. ���� f����� ����, ��� A��r�c�r ������at�s t�� arr�o�r�t o� t�e ar��u�� �or�t����xt�or� ��e ��t� rr��xst ma�e �o �1�� � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 13 ��r��i�r� �l�r� �� �r�srx�� ��� ���r� �nr��� �� ��I� �� ���I� rr►��� it� ���ig�t��� �� ���ir�� em��o�ree� o� a ���.e��r basis. T�� ����r �I�� �x���rici�� ����r���r�r�t�r�� ���I�� �����i�� f�r ������ ����r��� ��c� ���ir d����d�r���. As �f t1�e er�d of t�� �urr�x�t fi��a1 �ea�, t�e�� �rv�re �o��y-�o�xr �44� �e��r�d �xn�������r�����v�������� �����i��, ��i���r���ir��r���� �r�� ���-��i���-g�-���i�. �c������r��l ir�f�r����i�r� ��► ����i�'� ���i�r������►��rr����s �r�c� ���t��n���yrr������r��fi�� car� �e fo��xd �r► I�T�T'� � - ��I����'�I��VI �EB�', I��T� S - �I�C �IVI�'�,��E��' �E�'���IV��I�TT P�1�I�T ��� ��T� 1� - I'��'EI1��'���11riEI�TT ����FI�'� �r� t�ie �o��s to t�� ba�ic fin�r�cia� ��a���n���s. A��r�o�vl�dge�en�s T�e �re���a��or� of ��is r��ort v�ro�xld �►o� �►a�re ����x po�sible �nrit�out ��� �f�i��ent a�d ���i����� ���vi��s �� ��� ������ st�ff �f ��� ��rr�ir�i�tr��i�� ��r�i��� �r�c� ��rr�i�ist�a►�i�r� �����tm�r�ts. �IT� �nr��xlc� 1i1�� �� ��c���ss ��x� a��a�x���i��i�r� �� �►�� rr��rr��er� �� ��� d��a���ner�t v►r�o ass�ste� ��d �o�t�ib�xt�d �o t�e �reparatior� af t��� r�po�t. �r��i� a�s� rr���� �a� g��r�� �� ��� �I�i���� ��cl �i�� ��t�r��il f�� t��ir ��f�ili�g ��x����t ��� rr��ir���ir��r�� �he hig�e�� s�a�c�a�d� af prof���ior�ali�r� i� ��� �nar�a�err�er�t �f �h� ���r of A��o�ro �r�r�c��'� fir��r���s. I�e�p�c������ ��x�r�it�e�, Ar�g��a ��tsc� �ix����o� ���d�n�r�is������e��r�ic�� �API'I����� F�I� �LJ���'I'T���'��IT���L3��I�,; �tev�r����r�x�s ��t� �1�Ia�a�e� . . 5 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 14 �i� ��Ar�r��� �r��n�� �uni����� ���i�i�l� �r��e ��, ��1� ��ty ��ur��i�: ������r r a a r i r r�r i r..rt�.�*•**s�s i s i s�s i s�r i s i s i r i r i r s a r i a i�.*.*�r i*s i�s s i r s�s s�s s�s a�r i a i i r�.**.*.i s i s i s i s i r i s i r i r i r i*.r.*�***i s i s i s s�i����� ����� � �7.4��� ���f ���•**�*�r i r i s i s i s i s�s i s i s i r i r i r i►i�r i►r.*i�.�r s i r s i r*i s s�r s�s s a s s i r s i s�r i i...�r i r f r i�i r i�i r s s i s�r i r r r i.i.i r�r w r i s s�s i��� ������ ������ ������ s i s i s i s i s i s i r i r i r i r i r i r i►r i r i r r**�.�r*�r i�s i�s i�s i a r i a r i a s i a i i a i i r i*r**.s�r i*i�*�s�s�s r i r i a i r i►r r*.�.*r�*��i w s i s s��A.#l./iL���1��� ������ ������i s i s i s i s i r s r s r i r i r i r i r i a i a r i r i*r*r**�r*�s*i r i�s i�s s�r s�s s�s i a r i r s i a r.r�.�r******s w s a s�s�s a s�s a i r r r i►.*...**�s�t***���}��(.�� �/1Jf.��1.f�� ������ira►r.r►..***�.�*r*riri�*isisisi�s�si�siriiriiri.►ri►r..**r+*s�*sir*�sisiss�s�sis�rariririr....r.r+r*�s�sisisisirs�iJ� �+lll������1 At�rr�ini��r���v� P�rs�nr���: ����������•**r*r*r i**�*�*�*r i**r*�*�**s i s i s i r i f s i s i�s i r s i r s i r s�r s�a s i r s�r i�r i�s a r i�r i r i r i►r i.i r i*..**r*#�r�t�r i r*r*r s r s�s i s i s s a s����� ����� � �1��� #1 1.���V� i r i r r r i►r►r�r i i a r r r�r i r►r i r�r i r i r i►;*r i*r�r�**�r*�f**t��f**s*�s i*s i r i i s i�*i s i�i�s i s�s�s i s i s�s r s a i a i r i i i i i i r i r a r i r i t r►.��� �J 7,.+4�1 ll V� ���������Y� �� ����������� ������� ������L/�f�1��� �J����ari�s�ririar�rarariririr►r.r►rr�.�*����*�tftfrs�s����� ������V � �����������������������`� �����.+�� •i r i a i►.i..i r.i��...4 t.*.i�.�r�.r���.r.*t�r*s*r i r**i�*r*r s�s r i r i r i s i r i s s r s�s i s i s i�s������������� ����4�-����� ������M���� ������������.�*�r**s+.r�**i.tf*r�rs��s�*siri*sisi*sisisisisirsrirssssirisisis�sasasirasararsi����LJ��V����� � ��V������� �+ ��.#�������� ������� ��������*s i r s i�s i r s��s i r s�r i*s i s i�s i s i s i s i r i r s s s r i s s s s s i r a s i s�s�s i r i s a s i r i i s i���� ��11�� �iJ��V� ���\.+��siasas�s�sisFSirssisisisisisissssrs�sisi�siss�sissi�si�sassirs�rs�ss*ssrs�ss�s�s�s�sisasisisirisisar�s�rrrrsiraririirti.il.���Y� �����1� ���� �1����*.�...t....�**�.*�...**.�.i��.�.i r.►r r i►i i r i.i i.i i.�r r i w.�.w i►.i.r i►i i r��.i►..r�►r►r�...i.i�..�.�*.�...��**...�.*s�s�.�r i.i*���� ��4l�� . � Agenda Item 8.d. � Page 15 � � � � � � � � • � � s � ��¢ x<�V��"�°�N'�`�°v�����.������� � x�, x�n�x¢x xx¢�'�v�� �;. �, `�%�°v<¢�¢�,��¢°v '� x v ;��nt� �}¢x¢°.,��`¢�°-'M�°�a;<¢;�¢��`¢�.¢�'�x¢�xnvx�:.���v�<nk'�� ,� �n }�. ���x n%�;,x< ¢�;°n� ���x � • :¢• . 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'�, v,. .:s.�o...><.<ox.�,.v.o.x��.x :<>¢. ' .,.<�v.>.k.>o.; °08<o�:��v�v..o...<>:....v...,..>.�.v,�.oxv o....KO,�o: �o,<,.o¢��>,�a.{;o,v ,v..t,...kvxo..>,........<.k<.�..�.v,.<x,.v,kv....oxv,-.....,.$.�,,..><,,..,� .,.< <,.�:.. '.-�v,..n...............>.........�o.....#...,..n.v,x.o...,....v.. <.......>k..x..,><>.o..... � � � � . • � � • � • '�'��� �ag� ir���nti�n��l������l��l� S Agenda Item 8.d. Page 17 ����. L�III� �c I��������� LL� ������r�����������oun���n��s �������� f��i�ALD�►L�IIY,�P� ����A�T�ulA�l� �F�A��A HA�TZF��IM,GPA SANTA Iu�A#�iA,CA 93454 ����I ��V�i�r�� ��4. ���.�L�-���7 ��. ��.�i�.���� 1N��N.Rl��1C���.COfTI I��E�E�DE�V�A���fi�]RS' �EP�RT Ci�y Cour�cfJ of tF���ity of Arroyo�r�nd� Arroyo Grand�,�ali�orr�ia INe t�a�r� audi�ed the ���om�ar�ying finar��ci�l statern�nts a� th� gov�rr�m���al a�tivit��s, tt�e busin���-t e a�ti�riti�s e��h ma'or Y� , � ��n�, �������g���g���fur�d ir���rrr���ivr� ��th��i��r�f Arr��r�����nd� ��h� �'rt��, ��o���d ��r�h������ ear�r�d�d�urr� �� ��1� Y � � v�r���h c��i���iv��� ��mpri�� �h� �i�y*� ���i� #�r����ia� �ta��rr��n��, a� F��ted ir� t�� ��r����r�� t��l� �# �����n��. Tt���� fin�rr���l ���t�r�n�nt� ar���� r��p�n�i#���i���f tt�� �i�y'� �n�r����rn���. �u������n�i�ili�y i�����cpr��� �pir�i�n� �n th��� �ir�arr�i�� ���t���nt� bas�d an our at�dit. Vlle��r�du���d���r audit in����rdar���with�udi�ir��s��r�da�rd���r��ralf�a��ep��d in t��l.Jn'r��d�tat���f Arneri�a�nd t���t��c�ard� ��p�i���l���finan�iaf��cli�� ���tair��� �t� ���r�r�r����,q��r�r'����ar�c#ar�.�, i��u�d b�t����rr�ptr�ller C�n�ral �f�h� I�r����d �t����. Tho��stand�rds requ�r��F�at we��an and p�rform t�e a�di�to o�tain r�asonabl�ass�ranc�ab�ut w��th�r��e f��nan�ial st�terner�t� �re f�ee of ranat�rial rnisstat�r�-��r�t. An�ud�t rnc�ude��xamini�g,o�►a t�st�asis,ev�d�n��s��porting t��amou�ts�r�d d��c�o��r�s�� �h� f'rr�ar��ial �t�t�rr��nt�. �n ��di� ���� ir�c�ud�� a������t�g �h� a���unti�g �r�n�i���� u��d �nd ���r�i�M��n� ��tirana�e� r�r��d� � Y r�r��n���r�rw�r�t, �� w��� �� ���I�a���ng th� ���r�ll �i�ar��ia� �ta��r�r��nt �r���nt��'rar�. 1N� b�����r� ���� ��� at�dit�r��r���� � r�a����b�� b�sis for o�r op�nior�s. Ir� our�pini�r�, �h�finar�ci����a��n��rrt� r����c�d t��b��r��r���r��fa�rNy, �� �fl �m��eri�l r�������,�F��r��������r� �r��n�i�� p��it'r�r��� t�t����r�rn�en��f�ctr�r��i��,�F��b���r�������p��ctiviti��,�a�h rr�aj�r��nd, �nd th����r�g���r�rr�aining��nd ir���rrr�atio� ���h��ity �f Arr��r��rande�����urr���, ��1�, t�� r��p��t�v��k��n���ir��#���inan�i2�l ���i���n and ���h f��v�r�, v�r��re appl��ab��#h�r���, f�� ���fiscal year ther�er�d�d, in con�armity w�t�accounting prir�cip��s�eneraily�ccepte�in t�e Un�t�d Stat�s of Ame�i��. �n����rd�r�c�v�rith C��r�rr�rx��r���4t��i�ir��.S�ar������,w��a�r�a���i��u�d � r�p�rt d���d �3���rx�b�r��,��1�,�n ��r��r��iderati�n�� �h� ��ty�� in��rr�aN ��ntrol �v�r �ir�ar��'ral re��r��n� ar�d �ur t���� �� i�� ��r�r�p�i��n�� r�wr��h ��r-tain pr��ri���n� �� f�v�r�, ���ufati���, c���r��t���rar��agr��rn�r���,�rrc���h�r r�a���r�. T��p�rrp���������r��������d��c�ib���►���������ur t��tir�g��int�rn����ntr�l ��r�� fin�n���� r�p�rt�n� �n� ���p�i�r��� �n� �h� r���������h�t t��tir►�, �nd n�t �� pr��r�de �r� �pir�io� a� �h� int�rnal �on�r�� a�r�r fin�r��i�E r���rti���r�r���rin����r���. ����r���rt;��r�int��r�r p�r#�f ar� �ud��p���rrn�d �r���c�r��r�c��ri����rr�rrrrx��r���4�r�;��r�� S�ar�dards ar�d s�ault� ��consider�d�n a�se��ing the res�l�s of our ac�dit. As di������d in ��t� 1 �� ���i� �in���ial �����rn�nt� ��f��t��r� ��I� 1, ����, �F�� �it� af ��r��� �rar��� ���pt�� �o�r�r�rr��r���l A�c�u��ing St�r�dards Boar� �GASB� Stat�rn�nt �a. 5�, A��our��ir�� �r�d �ir�ar��ia1 R�portir�g�o��r��ar�q�ble Asse�s, �ASB State�ner�t I��. ��, �4����rrr��r�� ar�� �irrar���a! ����rtirrg��r ��rr�ra���r� �rr��rt�rr��r��.s, C��� ������n�nt ��, ��, ��E� �Vf����r�rr��rr�.� [�}+ �4��n� �rr��I��r�r� ar�� �4y�rr� N1�r����1�-�rrr�l���r �I�r��, �nt� �A�� �����rxr�n� ��. ��, �4����r��irrg� ar�� �ir��r��i�I ����rtir�g��r C`I��p��r � ��rr�J�r����i��. A��oun��r�g prir��ipl����n�r�1��ac������ ir� th� l�ni��d��at����Am�rica ��q�ir� t��t�h��rnar����rn�n�'��i��u��i�n and�r�a���i��n �a��� �� ��r�u�� 19, �h� bu�g���ry ir���rrx���i�r� �r� �a��� �9 �h�r�u�h C1, a�r�d �h� ��F���u�r� o��ur�dir�� pro�r��� �� ���� f�, b� �r���nt�d tv ��pp��rn��t �h� b��'r�fin�n�ia! ��a��r�rw�n��. ���� in��rrx�at��n, aN����rgh r��t� part o�t�� b��i� fin�r����l��a�������, i� r��uir����������r�rr�rrr�r���l�4c��e�r��in����nd�rd�B��r�,v�r����r��i��r���t�b�������n�`ral ��rt��finan���l r�p�rt�r����r����i�� ��� ����� �in�r��`ra� ��a��rn�rr�� in �r� ���r��ria�e �per�t`r�nal, ���r��rr���, �r �i���ri�al ��n���c�. 1�1�� ���r� �p�ar��d ��rt��rr rf�ni��� pr�����r�� �� th� r���ri�ed �up���r�en��ry in��rr���t�n ir� ����r�a�n�� v�ri�F� ���li�in� ���r�d�rd� ��nera�l� ����p��� ir� ��� I.�r�;t��! ���t���f�4rn�r�c�,whi�h ��n���t�� �f inq�iri����rx�an���r�r��r�t�b�u��#�� rr-���f��c���#�r�p�r��r�t��in��rrx►�ti�r� and������in�t�� ��forrn���or�far�or�sist�r�cy with rr�anagemer��`s r�spon�es�o our inc�uirie�, th� ��s�c fina�c�af st�t�men�s, ar�d ot��r�Cn�wl�dg�we ����fr��� �iurr�n� ��,r ��d'rt �� �he ���i� frn�r��i�i �t���r�-��n��. V'V� �� r��t �x�r��� �n �pi�ni�r� �r pr��rid� ar�� a��ur�r�c� �� th� ir�f�rr�nat��n l���au�e tl�� �irr��t�d �r���dur�� �� n�� p���r��� �� v�ri�� ��ffi�i�r�� ��rid�n�� t� ��cpr��� a� �pir�i��n �r pr���d� �r��r a�suran��. � � 9 ��FI�E�:8�11���1�HfL�� ����VT�hAAF�IA ��r�e��n����,+�w����rru�����.�.�,�s���a�������a s�����r��r��rr,���������,�����,���� ������n���ssocu����r�o����o�eu��n�������M���ax.s Agenda Item 8.d. Page 18 r�a�� f�r��+� ur o������rnr�ing�pin�an� ar� �h� �asic�in�r��ia[ �ta���n�r����������t� �f�rr��ra�r�r�c��,��lc�� ��a �ur ��d��wa� � p in ��rx�binir� f�rr� finan�ial �t���r���t� ar�d ��h�du��� l�s��d �r► tkr� ��b�� af ��n��nt� �r� p�'���n��� ��r �u��l�. ��� a���r�np�r�� � � . . ' r�d �r� �ot a r� �i�ed p�rt of t���asi�fis�ancia� s�aterner�ts. �ucl� �r��o�'rn�tior�1��s b�er� sub�ect�d purpose�of ad�irt�onal �r��lys��� _ q . . r��� li�d in �e�r���i��f t�� b��i�st���rr��n��, a�d in ��r���ni�r� i���i�f��#���d in al� r��t�r��� r��p����'rn to�he a�d�t��ng pracedu pp r�l��i��+t��F���a����inar��i�l�t�t���nt��a�C�n a���rvh�l�. i ti��r ����i�n ha�� n�� ���n ��bj�c�ed to �udi�in� �r���dur�� appl��d in ��� �udi� ����� b��ic The �n�rod�ctory s�ct�on a�d stat� �in�r►�ia���a��rr��nt��r��,����rd�n���,w��xpr���r���pir�i�n�h����n. �11�55,��VY&�ART��ElM�LP �� � �* � � �I�/� . � . . De�ember 28, ��1D . , 10 Agenda Item 8.d. � Page 19 �������� �� ����� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 20 ������������ ���� ��������� ���������� �e�er���ux�� - �s i� t�e �ri��r�r o�erati�g�d o��e �it�r, �v�ri�h a��o�ts�or r�sour�e�anc� ��r�ri��� tr�c�i#���all�r 2►����i�t�� �it� ���r�r�vn�nt. Th� �����a� �txr�� �r��ic��� 2► ' � ' tr�#���, f�x�n�ia1, ���i�� �� fir� �r�t��t���, ��xx�n�xr�it�r c�������rr��r��, �a►r�C� ax�ci ���r���ti�r�, a�c� ��x��i� �v���s ��r�ri��s �� t�� ��mm�xr�if:y �� ��.�� ��c�s. Th� ��r���a� Fur�c� �����t� ��x� ���r�r���� ��� ha�e urrrestri�t�� ���s �d ar� r�ot r���x�r��i le�ally or l�y �or�t�act�x�1 a�tr������ to �e ac�o�nted f or in�o��r f ur��. ��deve�o p�rte�t� A�er�� �e� As�i�� �'��d - T�� fxxnc� a��a�ti�� �ox� ��°I� of t�x �crem�r�t r�v�r��x�� ����u���c1 f�r���v�r�c1 rr���I�ra��1���s�ng�it�i��h���ty, �'�'����o����o�t���ac��'�es�'��t� -T�i��ixnc�a��ou�ts for dev�la�a��irn���t fe�s �A►�7.��D�ees} ��icl t� rn�i�t�� t�� ��cist�.x�� ����� �� ��x��� s�r��ts �'�r ��ci,s�� �.x��l f�t��� x��si�l�x�ts ��hi� �� �it��f�rr��r��r�ci�, ���i��� .��t��`��er��� �'��tc� - T�� fxxr�c� ����ur�t� f�r ���it�1 �r����ts ��r�stru���e� v�it� t�� �it�r. ���c�ir�� ��t����s a�� ���vi�i�� fr�rn �t��r �ity f�ci� �r�u�� �a�it�I �:ra���r�; gr�t� ���r��.��� fir�rn t�� f�c��r�� �r�c� �t�t� ���������ts; a�c� ��i��r �s��������x� ������s, �'h��� �ux�clir�g sou�rc�s �r��x��d�o�np�ove t�e��ty par�CS, c�x��ix�a�e��rst�xx�, st����s,���v��p��el��s,and �va�er s�rst�rns. ��d�ve��pr�e�r�� ��pi��� ��o�e��� �u�td - T�is fur��1 is u�ed to acco�x�t for ta�c ��r��n�n� rever��xe�r►c���c��r�d��ur�� reY�t�r�g�o�e �i�r's��c��v�lo�arn�r��praj����r�a ir���cardar�ce�vit�t�e Ca�o�r�ia H��t��r�d��fet�r�o�.�. ���er����r�trr�e�t�c���'��c�� i�t.�i�a�gr��a►�� ���1�th����rna��r ��v�rru�c��r����fur��1�, �'��I'I�I�'I�A��C �T1�D �I�T�1����� �'�'�'�'E�I�I�1�T�'� �ute��ur�d �- T�i.�s�x�c�i�s���d to a��our�t for �� a���i��s a�so�iatec��v-it�t�� #�a�s�r�i.ssian 2�►d c��st����x�������t�►�1��v���r�a�r�����t��ts�x��rs. I����� �u�c� - `�i� f�ci i� r�s���si�1� f�r� �� ��x���as� �� �r�.��� �r�� L���� �ar�. `�� ��t�y �as a ��.�,�°I� �ha�� of t�ie v►�a�e� a�c� e�cp�r�ses g�����tet� ��r �or�e � - �o�x�t�r of�a� ��is ��i���'� F1��c� ���tr�� a�c�����r��r���r���i�r� �i�t-�rri�t, Agenda Item 8.d. Page 21 ������������ ����� ���������i�������►���������������� F������ear�nc�ed�Tu����,�01�� T`h� �Vl�na����n�'� �Di�����i�r� ar�c� �����r�i� �f` t�� ��t� �� �rr��� �r�r���'� fir����i�.l ��rf�r����� ���vi��� �n ���ra�1 r�r�i�v� ��tl�� �ity'� �ir��r��i�l ���i�r��i�� ��r th� fi���X �r��r ����d .��n� ��, ����, �'�,� int�nt �f t��� d���u�s��r� �n� ar��I��i� �� t� 1���C a�t ��� ��ty'� f�r��n�1a� ���-�'�r�ar��� �� a �v��l�, F���c��r� �h��ld r�vi�v�r tl�� d������i�n �r�� �n�1��i� ir���nj�r��ti�r� with�h� ���1� fin�r��ial ��at���r�t� �� w��l ����� n����t������si��i�ar��i�] ���t�m�r���t���h�r���t�t�i�-ur�d���t�n�ir���f�1����ty'�f�r����i�� ��r��rm�r���. �'INAN��A��I�H���HT� I���r fi�at��i�l 1�i�hli�ht�#'���1���i���l�r��r 2�1�, ar� �s ��I1�v��: � T�� a���t� �f�h� ��ty ��'�rr��� �rar�d� �������� �t� ��a��liti�� a�� th� �1��� �#'�h� rr���� r��er�t fisca� y��r by �85,�7�,���. �f th�� a�our�t, �23,��9,7�9 rn�y b� ��ed to ���t �he g�v�rnr��r�t'� �ng�1n��b�igati����� ������n� ar�cl�r�d���r��. • �ota� ��� asset� decreased by $392,��9, whi�h repr�s�r�ts less t�ar� a 1°�o decrease f�rorr� fi��a�year���9. � A� �f` t�� ����� ��' ��� �urr��t fis�a] ���r, ��� �i#�y'� ����rnrr���x��.l fur�c�� r���rt��i ��rr��ir��d �r��i�g �`��c� ��.l�.n��� �f���,��2�,��l, �. e���r�a�� �f$2��,�1� fr��n th� �ri�r fi��a� y�ar. A��r��������� ��°�o �f t�is a���n�� ���,���7,��1 �� a�ai1���� �'�r���r�c�ir�g�t t��������x��r��'�c�i��r��i�n. � A� t�� �nc� ���h� ��rr�r�� fi��a.1 �r�ar, ur�r���r��c� ��n� ������� f�� th� ��r��ra�� ��xn� �a�� $�,���,����r����� �f����ra�1 F��c�����r�c�it�r��. ��RVI��V��' TH� �'��11��IA��'�'A'FEIVI�I�'i'� �'hi� a�nu�1 r���rt ��r��i�t� �f � ������ �� �ir��r��i�l ��.����n�r�t� ar�� r����� �� th��� �ta��rn�nts. TI���� ��3��I'Yl�tl�� c`lI'� �i'�31'�1��C� �� ��1� I'��C��I` ��I7 �IIIC��I'���I7f� ��t� �1� �� � �ri�17�1�� �1�1���, �r� �r��ir� �p��-ati�� �ntity. �'h��� �tat��n�r�t� ���n �r����c� �� p���ric�� �� i��r��.�ingl� ���ai1�d 1��� at �����fi� �rr��n�i�� a�ti�it��s. �i'h�� a�r�ua�1 r����~t ��n�i��� �f#i�� ��rt� —i����������y�s���i��, rr�cxrrcxg�rr����'.�c�i.s��.s.si�rr c��rc� cx�tcx���r's ��hi� ����i�r��, t1�� �cx,�r'� f i�cxrr�icx� �s�u��r���z�.s, �r� ��t����l ���ti�r� �1��� �r���n�� ��rrr�i�ri�g s�a��r�ze��s fa� �o��a�or go�er���r���1 �`�nd� ar�d a�ency fu�ds staterr�e�t of f�du�rtary r��t �ss�ts, �.�d a s�a�is�i�a�se��io�. �'h�ba�i��ir�����al ���t�r��n�� in�l�c��tw��Ci�d��f��2���rr��n��t�����r���r���if��r�nt vi�v�����h��i�y: • �'�� firs� twa s���em��t� a�e go�errarr�era�-�uic�e f inarac�a� starten��r���s t�at pro���e both ��ng+t��-r�r� ar�c� �h�r-t-t��-m in�"�rr�a�ti�r�ab�ut�1�� ��ty'� ���ra�1 fir��r����1 ����r��. � �I`h� r�rnainir�� �t�t���n�� a��,fur�c��r��r��icx��s����n��r��,s ���� #'���t� �r� ir��ivit�u�l ��.rt� �� ��� �����-r��n�nt, r���r�i�g��� �ity's �p��-����r�� in �n�re c��ta.�� ��ar� �h������rrrrr�ra�#�ic�� s�a��r���zt�s. �'�� fir�a��ia.� s�a���n�r��� a���� in�1�c�� ����� ��a.t ���1ain s��n� �� �h� 1I1���`i�1��1�i1 in t�� �i��r��i�l �tat�rr��n��a.n�pr�vi�� rr�������iX�c� d�.ta. � � 1� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 22 �'�� ��l l��vi�����l�i���h� �t����u�r��a�r�c� ��n��r�t�f�a�l������ ��a�t�rx���t�, ��r��rn�n�r��-v�i�� ��t�rr���t� ��v��m�r��-v�ic�� �����r��r�t� r���rt inf�r�r��t��� �.b��� ��� ���~�r �� � �v��1� ��i�� �����r��ir�� �����d� s�rr��l�.r to those ���� by pri�rate-s���or ��mpar�x�s. T�� sta�em��t of��t �ss��s �r���ud�s a11 of �he ���r�r�rn�n�'� ����t� ��� �i��iiit���. A�1 �f��� �u��r�� f����l }r�ar'� r���r���� ar�ci �x���n��� ar� �����r�t�c� f��in th� �����rr��r�t������v��i���-�����1����#��v���t������ i�r������c��r���id, Th��� g���rn���t��i�� ��a���rr����� r��a�r���i� �ity'� ���a.���t� ��nc� h��v��i�� �a�r� �h�r����. I���a����� � a�� �h� d�f��r�n�� l��tw��� t�� ��ty's ������ �n� lia�z�i�i�� ar�� �r� �n� �f��� v���� t� rr��a��r� t1�� �ity'� ��an�x�1 h������r p�s1�1��. � �v�r �ir��, ir�������� �r ���r����� �� �h� �it�'� I��� ������ ��'� �t� 1�1C�1����T ��V�������` 1�� �1I1317�1�] h����� �� i�n�r��ing�r de��ri�ra�i�g, �-�����t�v�1}r. � T����e������v��-�11 h��1�h�#`����ity,����t��ci�� ��n�ic��r��c���i�r��� r��n-f���n�i�� f����r����� �� �1��r�g�� 1�1 ��� �1�'� t��, ��.��, f��ility ��r�di�i�n, r�c�t�ir�� ��rx���i�nal p�-��rarr��, �nc� �t��r �`a.���r�. T�e�overr��er�t-����fi��.r�c�a1 s�at�ments o�`th��ity a��di��ded into twa�at��or��s: � C���r�rnr��r��al a���v�ti��—11�����f't�� ���.y'� �a�i� ��r�i��� ar� in�luc��� ��r�, ���� a��h� C�r��ral ����r��n�r�t, ��r�, ���i��, 1'���i� ��r�CS, ��r���n��.y I�������m�r�t, P�rl��, l���r�a�i�r�, an� F��i�iti��. 1'����r�y ar�d ��.��� ��x��, ���r f���, i���r��� i���r��, �'�a���i�� f���, �.nc� ��at� ��� f�����1 �r�.n�� fir��r�����t�����tl�iti��. • ���i��s�-�'p� �.��i�iti�� — �'h� �ity �h�rg�� � #'�� �� ���t�rn��� �� ��v�r �1� �r rr���t ��th� ���t �#' ��rt.air� ���-�r���� i�pr��1d��. T���it�'� �V�.t�r��r�t�rx� i�r�p�r��t� in �his��t���ry. F`�nc�l�ir�a��i�l �ta��m�n�� ��� ��..I1'!i� �1I1�1`1�1�1 �����I�1�I1�� �I'���C��I�7�1'����31��C� 1Il��I���1�� ���li���1����'� rr���t �i����i�a.r�t fi�n��— not t�� �i�y as ��vho�e. ��� �ity�� ma,�or go�vernm�nt�] fun� is �he ��r��r�� �'�nd. �"r�n�s �re a�co�ntin� ���i��� ��2�t ��t� �i�.y u��� �� �C�e� tra�l� �f spe�i�i� ��ur��� �f` �'ur�dir�g �r�� ���r���ng #��r �ar�i�t��� p�rposes. • ��rn� ��r�c�� �r� ���uir�r��y ��a�t� 1��w��c� b�r b�����v���n��. • �an���rr���� ���abli�l��� �th�r f�r�c�� t� ��ntr�X ��� �a�r�a�� rr��r���r �'�r �art��u��r �urp���� �r �� ��1��V��1�.� 1� 1�IY1���11`l� ����] I'���3�1'�5��;}1�X�1�� ��I'lI�1Il���1'"��11� ��.X��, grar���,a�d ����r��r��y. T'���ity h��tl�r�� �Ci�d� ����r�d�: � C���rnrr��n�2�1 f�nd� — ��s� �� t1�� ���'s ���i� ��rvi��� ar� �r��l�d�d ir� ����rnrr��r���� �u�c�� �1���� f���� �r� ��� rr��r��y f��v�� in�� ��c� ��t �����s� �'��c�� a.r�� �h� k�a�an�� l�ft �t ���a1 �r�aar- �11C� ��'121� c�I'� �V�1����� ��1' ���IlC�1I1�. ��1��� �1117C�� �'� �`���I��C� 1i�1�1� �11 �����I1�1I1� I�����C� �71I�CI n���x��� ���ru�l �����nti��, �hi�� r�����r�� ��.s� �nc� a�l ��h�r fin�n��al a���t� �h�� ��r� r��di��r �� ��nv�r-��� t� �a��. T'�� g���rnrn�nt�� ��r��� �t�t���n�� �r��ic�� a ����il�c� �h�r-��t�rrn �iew �� th� ��ty'� ��r��r�� g�v�rn�n�r���1 �p��-��i�n� ar�c���� ���i� ��r�i��� i��r��ricl��. C�v�rr��m,�n�al fund i�for�ation I�e�ps �et�rmine v�he�her th��-e �re rr�ore or f�w�r finar��ia�reso�rces t�a����b� spent 't� �he r���r �u��r� t� �r��r��� �h� ��ty'� �r��r��n�. �3����s� t�i� irtf�rr�r�a�1�� ���� ��� �r���rr��ass t�� 2�ddi�i�n�1 ��n��t��rr� f��t�� �f�h� ����rr�rr��r��-�ic�� �tat�rr��r���, a�dd�ti�r��1 t���rma�i�� �� �r��ric��d i� th� fir�ar��ia1 st���rn�n�� ��at r�����il�� a�c� ���1ain� �h� r��at��n��ip ��r c�if��r�n���� �etw�en t�em. 1� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 23 � Pr�prl��a�ry #�u�ds — �h�r� t�� �i�y ��ar��� �r�s��r��r� ��r th� s�r�i��� it �r��ic��� t���� ��rvi��� �r� ��r���rali�r ��p�rt�c� in �r��ri�t��y �ur�c��. �r��ri���ry ��n�� ar� r���rt�c� i� ��� ��rr�� w��r t�hat a�� act���t��s are repor�ed �� the �tatemer�� o� �1et �ssets ar�d �1�� �taterne�t o� R�ven���, ����r����� ��c� ��i�.�tg�� i� I��� A���t�. In ���t, th� ��ty's �rtt�rpri�� ��r��� �r� ��� sa�n� �� �h� ���ir����-t��� a����i�i�s r�p�rt�c� �� ��� ��v�rnYn�r��-v�ide ���.��m�r��� ��� �r���ic�� rn��~� d�t�i� �n�i �c�c�iti�r�ai inf��~�m�t��r�, ���h �.� �as� fl���. T'�� pr��r��tary fi�r�t� �n�r��ia� �tat���n�� ��-��i�� ���ara�� �nf�rrr���i�r� ��r�h� V��t�r a�nd L�����'�r�c��. � �ic�u�iary ��r���—T����t� i�����r��t��, ��fi�u�ic�r��y� f�r t����w�t��n ��r1�in�A����i����n anc� ��r�i��ti�� �i��ri��.. �I'���it� i�r������i�]�f�r�n���-i��t�at t�� ������ r���r��� i�tl���� ���c�� ar� 1.1��� ��I' ��]�1�' 1I����7C��(� ��.11'�����. �1� �#'t�� ��ty'� �C�1.1�1�.I� ���1V1�1�� ��`� I'��}�1��C� �Il � �����`��� ���t�rx���t ��#�c���i�.ry n�� a���t�. �� ���]Ll�� ��1��� 21��1�1�1�� �I'�I�l ��1� �1��� ���r�rn��x��-v�ic�� fi�ar����1 s�atem�nts b��ause the �it�y��.r�r�a��se t�ese a�sets��fir�ance its aperations. FINANC�AL A�AI�Y�����''�'�� CI'I'Y A�A V��3�L� �'���ity'���mbin����t A���t� f�r Fi��a.� Y��.r� ���9-1� �r�d ���8-���r�: �`i���l���r F�c�ed ��sca1 Y�ar�r�c�c� ��r�a�� �"�tal°�o �ss�t�: Jwne3�, ���� Jur�e 30, 2�09 ��e�r�ase� C`�ar�g� Cun-errt arYd�t�er��.ssets 28,49�,597 28,���,�9� �7�,4�3� �°�� �a�ita�Assets,I��t �9,�0�4,9�9 �9,��1,�9� �1��,���� (��o �'o�a1 A�set� , , �� , , � �t�b ili����: ��r�-T�rrr������1������ts�a�cl�r�g 9,�.11�8�� 9,f44���93 ����,���� -�°�� ��1'�1��}1���1�� �,��,�� �,��,�� J��,�� ����� To�a1 i�ia�ili���� 1 1 , � � 1 , � l��t A�sets: In��st��in�p�ta1 Asse�s,I��� ����a�����t �1,��9,19� �1,?29,$�1 ����� (��o Restari�ted 9�7,2�4 9��,�59 �3�,�75� -�°�o []nre�trict�d 2�,��'9,719 23,3�8,��� ����,9��} -2°�0 Tota�I�I��A.���ts � E�,6�G,19� � ��,06�,2.�� � ���2,{�0�� 0�°�0 �`�ta1 ��t ������ �'��r�h� ��ty �� � wh��� ���r����c� l��tw��r� �i���l }���rs ����r�g ��1� a.r�� ����, d��r�a�ing �y ���� th�r� �°�� �� ���,����19�. �'�i� c�������� ��$�3�.,��� ��rr��� f'r�rr� th� �har��� in t���l r��� as���� as r���rc��d i���� �t������t��'A��i�i�i��. �r��r�r�����n���b� ��r��ti��, g�n�ral r������� b}� rr�a��r��ur��, exc�ss a�df��defie�ency o�re��n�es ov�r e�p�nses are pr�sen�ec� in�he �tat�me�t�f Act�v�ties. 1� Agenda Item 8.d. � Page 24 ������������ ���������� �'��l��t��s�������v��n��r�t�i ���i�rxtx�� ��r fi��a���ar�r�c���.�u����, ����, a�r�: ��sca�Year �d�� ��s��1�ea� F�c�d ��r��se 7'0���°�o A��ts: �une �0, ���0 June�0, 2��9 ���e�� C�a�g� C�rr�r�and�t�er Assets , , , , , �" o ��pital A����s, I��� �9,��2�,19� �3,9��,12� {��,�2� �°�o To�a� A�s�ts , ,� , , ,7� � �� �1��ljl�l��: �.�I�1�-�'�i'��1��31�1�1���Li�S�3I1C�117� �,���,��� �,�J�,��� ����,���� -�°�o ��]�I'�1��]111�1�� �����,��.� �.,������ J���1�� ����o T��1 I.����111���5 1, , > , , � ������S: �nv�����in�a�ita� A�se�,��t �f 1��1a��d�3�b�. �2,19�,��� �2,��9,��� 1��,9�� �°�� ����ri���c� 937��84 �69,G�9 ���,���� -�°�� �Jnr�stri�t�� ��,��1,��� 1�,�99,�� �����1�9� -�°�o T'��.1 I�1��A�s�ts � ��,���,�S� � ��,���,G�9 � ����,�9 7} 0°l� T�i� ��t�'� r��t a.���t� �r�r� ����rr�rr���t�� ��t�v�tt�� c���r�a�s�d �� 1��� ���n 1°�� f'r�rr� ���,8�8,��� t� ���,���,���. I����1��n�r�t���tl�� ��v�r�rr�����1 ���iviti�� c���r���� �� a� ���1�v��. F�s�a� �ear��d�d ,��e 3�,��1� �ercentag� I��v�nu��: P�+og�ra�Rev����s: ��arg�s for �e�v��es � 2,3��,98� 14% �rar���� ��ntr�buti�ns 3,1��,��� 1�°�� �����al �t��r�r�u�s: P�-ap�rty�'���s 5,471,��1 ��% ��her�"�x�s 5,28�,�25 . 31% Other 944,�77 �% Tota� Re�re�ues , , o �x�en�e�: Gene�'al �over�r�ent 4,�4�,��0 �.4°�0 �u�1i� ��f�ty �,���,��3 ��°�o ��rks,I����'�c1�1�I1 c� F���1�1�1�� 1,��9,��� ���o ��mmur�i�.y ��v�l�prr���t ���,�21 �°�o S�reets and Ro�ds �,�44,�3� �6°�0 �ew�r 8�8,8� 5°�0 IrYterest o� �or��-T�rr� �e�# 4{�.,435 2% �'�t�1 �x�e���� , , o ���r�as� � ��� A���������� Tra��f�r� 1, , - °�� Tr�sf�rs �,492,439 2°�0 ����ease � Ne��ssets �2��,59?} �°�� N�t A����� ���1��9 ��,�2.����'� N�t A�s��s -�����1� � ��,6��,��� T�� �ity'� ���a�� ���r�rr�r�n���al ]��� As���� c���r�a��� �� $f�,���,���, A. si��ifi���t ��rti�� ��rn�� fr�� ��x�� �G�°��� a�nd �1�ar��� ��r ��rv���� �1�4°�0}. �'�� �2��,�9� cl��r�a�� ir� ��t a���t� ar� �1�� �� a�c�����a�� ir� ���r�l�r�v�n��� �.n� �r� in�r�2��� i�t�tal ����n���. 14 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 25 �'�� ���� �� a�l� C����rr�rr������ a��i�i���� t��� �i��al ��a� v��� �1�,���,���. I��v��v�r, a�s s��wr� �r� t�� �t���rr��r���f A��i�i�Y��, ��� a�n�t��t��i�� ��r taac��y�r� u�tirr��t��}r �ir����� f�r����� ���iviti�� t��r��gh t�� �ity's ta� r��r�r��� �vas �1�,�9�,�S 3 ���a��� ��r�n� ��tl�� ���t wa� �a�i� ��r th��� v��� d 1 r��t�� ����fi��� fr�rr� ��� pr��r�rn� $�,��1,3��, �� �� ����r ��v�rnrr��n�� ��c� ��g��i���i�n� th�t ����i�ii��� ��rt�fn �r��r�rr�� wi�h �ran�� �r�c���r��ri���x�r�� $�����,���. ���r�l�, �h� ��t�'�g�v�rnrr���ta1 r�v�����, ir��Yu�iing in��r����rnr�t�r��a� ai� �ne� f��s ��r ���-vi���, v►���� �1�,1��,18�. T`r�r����r� f'r�� ��� �u�ir�e��-�y�� ���1V1�1�S ���'l�I'��71.1��C� �1,���,��� ��V'4��.Y'C���V�I'ill�l�11��� ���1�1�1��. �17� �1�'� �I'��I'��7� 1I1�1�(�� ��17��`�� �����'I�1`YI�II�, �11�7�1� ������ ��i'�C�, ���I`���1�ri � �'��1�1�1��, ��rr�rx��r�ity ��v�1��rr��r�t, ��r���� � I���d�, �.nrl �����, ��.�h �r��rarr�'� r����������ta�l ���t 1��� r���n��� ��Il�I'3��� �1� ��� �������1��� 1� �I"���]���C� �����V. �'h� r��� ���t �l��v�� �h� �nan�x�� ��rcl�n ���� v��� pla��c� �r� th� �ity'� taxp���r� ��r ��.�1� �f�h��� ����i�r��. T���� f�r��ti�r��w�r� �c����c�i��� �y�aac�s, ir�v���rr���� i���r��, rr�����lla����� x�n����, ��in �n th� sa�� �� ���i�al �s����, �r�ci tra�a���r� f`r�� t�� ���tn�s�-ty�� {1�41 Y��14'�. ��L ��ar�����`�r ��n t�i���i�n� ����n n��r�t�f C���rr�m�r���l A��iv i�i��: �x��ns�� ��n�i��� &+�rra��� �����i�i es ��n�r4a�l C���rr�rn�n� � �,���,�0� � 1��3,� � � � �����,�4� � ��,���,��f� F��1�� �af��y �,29�,��9 3 54���6 ��1,�7�� ��,�84,�7�9} Pa�-1��,���1'���1�I1� ���111�1�� 1,��9,��3 ���,��� - �1,�������� ��r�rY mu nit�r �e��1��rr��r�� 9$�,�21 2�2,�$� 3��,3�� ��1�,���� ��re�t��. �oads �,�44,��3 ��,�9� �9�,327 ��,995,��G} �e�vv�r 858,8�� ?58,1�5 1�,�1� �������� Int e�-��t�n 1�n� t��rm d��� ��2,�3� - - ���2�,���� To�a1 I��t�E�e�se} ���er��e � l�,8�2,217 � 2,��1,98� $ 3,�����48 ���3,�9?,589) T`���� r���ur��� �.���l�bl� c�urin� t�� fi���l ���t� t� fin�.n�� g���rn��r�t�� �����ti�n� �v�r� ���,4��,�9� ����i�t�n� �f r��t a����� �� .�t�1� l, ���� �� �G�,���,�'7�, pr��r��n ����r�u�� �� �5,�6�,62�, ��d ����r�� r��r�r�u�� �n� �r�n����� �� ���,19�,���. �'�ta1 ��v��~nrr��r�t�l ���i�i�i�� c��r�r�� t1�� fi���1 ���r ��r� �1�����,�1�; t�u�I��t A���t�v��r� d��r����d ��r�2��,��������,6��,���, ��J�INE��-�'Y����T�V�T��� T������4���t��f Pr��ri����ry F�nds ���������-T�����A��1�1�1�� ���'�1���1 ���'�IIC��C�,��lll� ��, ��1�,ar�: Fi���l Y��r F�ci�d Fi��al���r F.xYded I�r�as� T���l °�o ���t�: J�n� ��, ��1� J�r����, ��09 ���r�as�� ��ar�g� Curr�r�t and�t�er As��t� 7, S , 54 7, 7 ,��.� �19, � 0% �apital A.�s�ts, ��� 9,��2,74� 9,�70�3�7 {I3?,f27� �1% T�t�t� A�set� 1�, , 1 , , 1 , - o ����ilit��s: Lon�-Terrr�I�iab���t�es�utstand��� 1��,776 9�,431 1�,�45 l�°�o �����'�121�1�1���� ��,�� ���,��J ��,��� �°�o �'��.1 I�ia.�ili�i�� , , , o I��t Assets: ��ta1 I��t A���ts � 1�,���,112 $ ��,2��,��� � ����,�1�� -1°�0 �'h� �ity's r��������s fr�rn ���ir����rt�Yp� a.��i�i�i�� c���r�a��� l°�o �r�� ���,2��9,��� t� ���,��1,11�. Th� 1���r�1��n��t� ��t1�i� �i����a�� ar� �s f��I�w�. • V4�a���r r�v�nu� c�����a��c�c���t���n��r��.trt�r� �f��rt� ar�� h�r�rr�f�r��l��ur�� � ���r��ir�g�acp�r�s�� �����a��c��rirr���-i�����r��ult�#`2�r� i���r���� 1n�h� I�����v�rat�r��ntra�t �5 Agenda Item 8.d. _ _ Page 26 F�s��� �ear�r�d�d Fisc�I Y�ar��c�ed �r�crease Tota�% Jur����,�D�� Ju�e 3�,2��� �De��re�se� Ch�r��� ����at�x�g�evenu�� � �,773,��� $ 5,958,D79 $ {�8�,7�2� -�% ���r��in��x���se� ��,��,�,�77� ��,���,7��� ����,��.9� � -F 9'� �p��a�g�r�come �#�G�,��� 1,8�4,3�1 �5��,�I4�� �-��°I� I�or�opera�ir�g���r�r�u�s ��xpe�s�s� ��,8�� 1��,3�5 �7�,�3�� ���°I� �ncom�be�oz���'rar�sfer� �,�o�,a�� �,���,�� ����,���} -���� �r���������� ��,���,���� ��,���,���� ���,���� -��� ����,�����v�������� ��ss,���� ���,�o� ����,���} -����� �"o���N�t A����s���ir�r�in� ��,���,,��� 1�,'72�,�19 ��9,�a� 39'� �'������t A�S��S-��ICI1rk� � �7,��'J1,1�� � 7.�,��9,�J�� � ����,���� -��o T'h� ���� �f�r��ri���ry �����r����-T"���� ��t��iti�� t�i� ����� y�ar ��� ��,���,1��. A� ���v�n �n �h� �tat�r���� �� ��tiviti��, �r�� ��rr�rr�ari��d �����, t1�� arn�t�r��� �a�c� �� ���r� �� th� �����r�� wa� ��,���,���, r��t n�r�-���r�.tin�r�v�n��� ���,�4�, and t���sf�r� ��t�f�I,�9�,��9. �`�t� �rapri�ta�ry �'t�n� ��3u�in�s�--Ty��� A��i�riti�� �r��l�c�� t�� ��t�r�]�.ility �n� t��I����� F'�nc�. �'h�t�v� ��ti�i�i��' r������t�����1 ����le��r�v��u�� g���r�t�c� ��r t1��a��i�1t���� i�pr���nt����l�w. �i����Y��� F,r��l�� �i��al ���r ��d�c� Ir��r�a�� �`���1°�� Pr��ar�i���ry��u�in��s�A��ivit��� Jun���, ��1� J�n���, ���9 ��e�r�as�� �ha��� �a���LT�il�t�r $ 7��,79� � 959,��� $ �1�,8�,�� -19°�� L����� ��r�� ��2,�85 ���,�� ����,���� -��°�� Tvt�l I�Tet���p�r��e��ev�n�x� $ �,�68,15� $ 1,�9�9,�5� � ���,9'l�� -�0°l� T�ta�� r���ur��� �.v�.ila�bl� durin� ��� #is��� ���.r t� fina��� ��r��ri��a.ry Fund� ��u�i�����T'�r��� A��ivit��� r�v�r� ���,�4�,��� ��n��s�i�� �� r��� a���t� at Ju1� �, ���9 �f�1�,�39,���, �r��rarn r���n��� ��' ��,7��,���, �nc� ����r�I r�v�r���� �����,���. 7'�tal Pr�pr�����'y �x�nc� ��u��r����—T���� A��1�1�1�� C��I�'11�� �h� �s�al }����r��r� ��,���,��� ��r�p�rati�n� �t�d �1,��2,��9 f�r tran���r�; ��u� ���A���t� d��r���e� by $1��,�1��� $1�,���,11�. �INA1���AL A�A���I���'TH� ��TY����J�D� A� n���d ��rli�r, th� ��ty �f�rr��� Cr�n�� t���� ��r�c� a����n�i�g�� �r���r� ar�c� c����n�t��t� ��rrrp�ia��� �itl�fi�a�ce-r�lat�� ]����req�irer�ents. ����r�rx��r���� F�nd� �- `��� f��u� �f�1�� �ity �f�rr�y� �rar�d�'� g��r�r�r��rttal f�r��� �� t� �r�vid� inf��~rn�t��n �n n��.r�t��r�n infl�v��, ��tf1��r�, ��� b�t�n��� �f sp�r��a��� r����r���. ���� �r�f�rrn�ti��t i� ����`u�l irt ������in��h��Yty�� fir�ar���r��r�qt�i��rx�ertts. In ��.rti�x�l�r, ���~���r��cl �u�cl b�.la�r���rr�a}� ��rv��� � �����1 tn�a��ur� ��� �����n�n�rtt'� n��r����r��� ��ai1a�1� f�r ���n�ir�g �.t��� �r�� �f t�� fi���l y��r, A� tl�� �ity ��rr��1���� it� fi���.l y�ar, it� ���r��r������.1 ��r�c�� r���rt�d � ��r���r���i #�ur�c� ba��ar��� �� ���7,9��,���, ����r���� ������,�1� ir� ��rr��a�ri��n wi���h� �����r fi���1 ���r. A��r��im.���l�r ��°�o �f�his t�tal �rr��un� {���,���,��1� ���s�i�ut�� �ra�����v�c��f'r��� �cr�cxr���, v�r�i�� 1S ���.1�c��]1� ��1' ���ri��Il� �� ��1� ��ty'� ����r��i�n. {I'�1� ��I'Yl3��l��I' ���ll�'1C� ��l�I��� 1� �'�������� 111C�1���� ��7�� 1� 1� i��� �V�1����� ��T I��W ��3�I'l{�i�l����11.1�� 1���� ��I'��{�����Il �C�117IY11��C����1���� C�������'V��� ���,���,����, and ��� f�r���r��ty �f�t��r r���ri���d p�rp���� ���,�91,����, �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 27 T`�i� ��r��ra� F'un� i� t�� ��i����a�ra��i�g fi�n� ���1�� ��ty ���rr��� C�ra.r�c��, At tl�� �nd �f��� �ur��nt ���al }���r, �r�r�s�rv�c� f�r�c� ����r��� ��` �h� ��n�ra1 �'�r�c� v�a� ��,���,2��, v�h��� ��ta1 fi�r��l bala��� r�a��h�d ��,���,�2�. �� a rn��.��r� �f ��� C�n��r�1 F'u�d's �f�l11C�1�, �� rr���r t�� ����'�� �� ���n��r� un�-���rve� f�r�� ����n�� �� ��t�� �ur�d �ac��r��xt�r��, [3r�r����r�d fur�t� �a����� r�pr����n�� ����o �f ���a� g���ral�'�nc� exp�r�d�tures. Pr��ri�tary Fur�c��—T'�� �zty ��Arr��� �r����'� �r�pr���a�ry �'t�nc�� ����ic����� �ar�r��typ� �#'in��rrr�a�i�n f��r�d i�th���v�rnrr��r��—W1C���1��I1�1�� �����III�I���, ��t ir� rr��r�c���ai�. �1�t a����� ��t}�� ��t�r fur�d ���h� �nci ��t�� �i���l }r�ar���ur�t�d �� �1�,���,I 69, ��cl ��� ��t ����t� �'�r �he Lap�� ft�nd arnounted to $�,�97,94�, T'he�� was a decr��se i� t�� total g�-owt� �r� net assets rtr� tl�e �V���r �u�� �� ����,��3 a.r�c� � gr�vv�h �r� ��i� I����� �u�d �f` �1��,���, �tl��r ���t�r� ��r���r�i�� t�� �n����� �f t���� t-w� �u�d� ��v� �lr�ad����r� addr����ci i�t�� cii��us�i�r� �f�h� �ity��'�rr��r� ����tc��'� �u��n���-typ� ���ivit���. ��r��r�� F'unc�.�����t��r�1���1��i��i�� �`�� �i�y'� �u�i��t i� �r�par�c� a���rc�1r�g t� ��lx��r��a law. �Fh� rrt��t �igr�ifi��n� ��c���t�d f��� i� tl�� C�n�r�� �'u�d. �`h� �ity'� �ud��� i� � ���i�l�-s��r�dir�g p��r�� w1���h ��rr�rr�i�� �-���ur��� �� ��� ����rnpli�hrn�����'�ity��ur��il g��l��.r�d ������iv��. �Yty ��un�il'� a�p��v�l �� r�q�i��e� ���~ ����t��� i�����in� �'ur�d ��1�����, �u�� �.� in�r����� �� . ����`��I'1��1�17� ��'l�� ��'� i��� ������ �?� I�I��.���7�I7� 1ri�I'��.��� �� ���1�'i'l���t� I'���171.1�. Ap�r���1 �� �1�� �����r�c� f�r�l� ��c�g�t�ran�f��� ��t���r� d������r�t�����i�i�n��h�� a1t���r�� ���an��. ��ar��rly ����rt� ar� �xs�c� t� 1���� ��� ��ty ��ur��i1 i����rn��l �f 1c�y ��r���� i��u��, ��r��a��t�, ��d r�c��i��d ��a����. T"�� �au�g�t aYn�n��n�nt� ��ang�� r���rt�c� ir������art�r����p��t�f��l ir�t��I�r�� �at�g�ri��: � Th� ��rry����- �� ap�r��ri�.�i�n� f�r ��r�tr��t�, �qui���r��, �r �r������ �.��r�v�ci 1n ��� pr�vi�u� ���al�r�a�, ��t��t����1���� �������a�1���r-��t�. • Ir��r�a��� �r�����r�a.��� ir���tirr����� r���nu�s��r����t a��tua1 r���ip�� �f`rna��r�-��r�n���. • Ac�c��ti�nal ���r���-i�.�i�r�� f��t�r�#'�r����n, but�������ry�x��r�ditr�r��. �]I731 �1����`����� ���W���7�'l� ��'1�1��1 �L�C����2L1'1C���1��lri�� �.IT��i7C��C� �3L1����V��1"� 3Il �1"��I`���� ������,��� �n �ppr�pri�.���n�ar�d �a�� �� ��.inly a�trit�u��c�����������ditur��.��i�f��r s�r�r�ari��� ��l��v: � ��'� -A.v�ic���� 1��[JI gr�rtt. � �'ir���r��-t��n�r�lat�r��� ��r�1��t�2�rrY �����n��. � I��c����������I�I'l �I'�C����U1�C�111�. T�e �i�y's ���te�-a1 �u�d ba�ance of $5,��0,42� diff�rs �`rarn th� Ger�eral F�r�d'� budge�a�y fir�a� fu�d b�l�.n�� �f�2�,���,��� �ri��i��l�y����.��� ���r����r�����i��l �r�j����t�at�ad r������n ��rr��l��.��. �� ita� A���t� �'h� �api�a�� ������ ��'�1�� �ity �.r� ���s� �a�i�a� a�����, �v����i �.r� ���c� irt th� ��rf�rtr�ar��� ���h� �ity'� �����i�n� ir��luc��r�� i��ra��ru�tur� ����ts. A� J�r�� ��, 2�1�, ��� ������1 �.����� �� ��� ���r�r�r�rn�nt�� ���i�Xt��� ��ta1�c� ���,��2,�9� an� ��� ��t �a��it�� a���ts �f�h� bu�ir����-t�'�� a�ti�rit��� ���.a���c� �9,���,�7��, ������x�ti�� �r� ���1t�1 ������ i�r����r�i��� i� ���C���rn��r��-�v�cl� �i�an��al ���t���nt�. �"1�� 1n�e�trr��nt in ���i�al ������ ir��l�d�� lar.nc�, bu�l�ir�g� ar�� �y���rr� in��r���rx��r���, �na��ir��ry �n� �c��i}�rn�r��, par1� fa�il�ti��, ���c��, �ighv�ay�, a.r�c� brid���. �'�� �ity'� ir�v���rn�n� in ��p��a1 a���t� #`�� th� curre�t fisc�� year wa�s 81°��of�otal r����ss�ts. l? � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 28 Capi�ax A�ss�ts ���������r�c��ti�r�} �ri�ir��.1 ����xm�1at�c� ���k D�s�ript�o� �o�t L�epr���a�on Va1u� �ap�ita�A���ts-�o�er����t�1 A�ti�r��ie�: ��� $ �,87�,4�4 $ - $ �,87�*�7� B�1di�gs 8��m�ro�emer�t� �,5��8� ��,���,9�2} �,��1,9� �c��x��rm��t,���i���s, IV�a���r� �,��4,��� {�,�72,.���} �,b3�,�8� ��I� �.,90�,��� 1,9��,��� �n��as�trti�tt�e ��,093,�8 8 ��9,7��,�0�} �,��,�SS �'ot�� $ 94,.51�,054 � ��4,��,8��} $ �9,87�,199 ���it�r Ass��s-��ir��ss-�'��� A�ti�-iti��: I�a�c� � �,7�� � - $ ��,7� �u��c�ir��s 8����roverne�t� ��,999 ��1�,�13} 1�,95� �q�ip�n��t,��ii��e�, �a���ry 7�6,91� ����,�1� 1�1,�9� CIP ��,�8� - 1�,78� Ir��ast�-uct�e �.�,0 9�,��� �.�,77�,�7�} 9,�19,,��5 ���- To�a� � ��,��3,�.�S $ ��,�90,4��} $ 9,��,7� ,�,�. ��.,..� IVi�����a�it�� as��t���r���c�uring th� ��rr�n��i��a1 ��ar �r��1�d���� �����v�ir�g: • ��rr����ti�n �f`t�� �ity I���1 �a�-kir�g 1���i��w�l��c�r�i���� fi1��r�f���,���. � �i�'l����rx�pl��i�n ���h� V il 1�.���r��n irr���-�v�rr��n�� �����s���`���1,l��. • �or�p�etior� of t�e �ast�rar�c� �tr�et �t���tscape at��ost o��1,�55,��9, � Th�����l��i�r����h�Tr�-f`�i� �a��tr��t��ap� f�r ����,��5. • �c��p��ti�r� �f��� �'a.1r�a.�C�A�r���� ��w�r u�agra�c����r�2���,���. . A� ��h� �r�c� �f ����� y�ar ��1�, t�� �ity h�d ��v����t� �E�,�4��,��� ir� � �r�ac� rar��� �� ��pi��1 ������, ir����c�in� l�nc�, ��ujprn�r�t, �ui�c�i�g�� a�nd ir�f`r��tr����r�. ����-'�'�� Il��'�' At t�� �r�c� �f��� ��rr��t f���a1 ���r, th� ���y 1��� ��t�� ��n�r�.� ��ligati�n d��t ��t�tar�c�in� �f$1.� rr�i�1��� ���� �� ����t�� ����� �'�1� #���t� a�d�re�i���t���ity. T'h� pr����c�� �f�h� ���� i��uan�� ��r� ���d #��r�x�a.n��n� t�� �urr�r�� fir� ����i�r� ir� �rd�r t� �����n�n�c�at� a� ���� tirr�� �i�� ���#'f. ������ a��r�v�� �h� g�n�ra�1 ��1iga�i�n c����, r�h��� i� �� �� r��ai� ��r���h � �a� �s����rr��r�� �� �r���r� t���, in ����rn��r ���2�. �'����fiy r���i��c�ar�"�"r�tin�fr�rn �t�r��a�~d����r�� f�r��� g�n���l��lig����r� r���t. T17���C��V����]��17����Il�� 1��l.l�C� ����T�?��������1�I1 �f�17������.� rx���1i��. �'�� R�A FT�x Ail��a�ti�n ����� w�r� ���c��� �a� �ff�����ir�� d�l���r�d ���r���xt�ir�i�g��r�d� will b� u��c� ��r fu�tur� pr�j��t�. �'h��� b�����r� b��l���i t���h� l��c��v���prx��r�t�g�r���a�� a.r�t� �� r�p�.i�v�rit� �r���rty ta��r����d�. ��r�p�x�����d �4���r���� i�t�� ������r��i�g �rx���r���f�r��ati��, �i��C ��a�r�, �n�.n�.g��n�r�t ar�n�a1 1�a��, anc� ��rr���ir�n��arn�d���rr�������� a� �#�J�n� ��, 2�I�. 18 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 29 T'h�#'��l��ri�g���1� ���n�nari����h� l�r��-t�rm���t��t�� �ity. Fiscal�e�-�rtd�d �i scal�e�t-er�ed Go�r�me�l �.��;���_���''�.��_��._ ����� ������� L.o Ter�n�e�t .��e 3+0,��D9 C��Yea�- �,�or�g�I'e�rrrx �n�-��ar _I��e�rrn ���ear Lan�T�rn� I li� I�P�■ ��i Gerler�O�ll�tlOri�Cr�c�s � �,���,��D �S ��,��(} ��,���,��D � - � - � ��,�D� ����5,00� Tax Al loc,a�ian Bar�d� �,�7�,��D 1��,�(�D �,1��,�UO 1��,�0� �,1�5,� ��pita�L.e�(s� �"7�,��3 ��1,18�3 1��,�1� ���,1�� 1�9,�1� �arnpensat�d Ab�er�ces �,1��,�9� I,OS���'7 7�,�� ],156,1�8 �P�B 26�,3�7 ��,492 3�97� 35�6,4b7 �Fota� � �,�4�,�793 �3�1,1� ��,1�'1,��� � - � 1��,77� �30�,]�� ��3,��1,�}� FII��II�CIAI�I���J��AN� ��I����� ����U�� ����17�1�1U�� l.111����1�� ��IlI1����� W1��'] ��1� �������"t11� ����� �}1.����� ��C� ��1� ���II�I'I'l�, th� �ity ad�p��� � B���ni�l �����t f�r �'i���I ��a.r� ����-1� a�nd 2�1�-�1, t�a�t i� �i��a��� �����rv�t�v�. �ur�n� �h� bu�g���r�����, ���artm���� w�r� ��r����t��� ��n�a�n ���r��i�r�a� ����r���s. This f����11}r��r���rvat��� ���l.x�'[1�11� ��'l�l.��(� ��tl�1�lL�� �� 71� ��1� �I� �IJI C����1�7� �N1��'1 �r���r����r� ���r���i� i�����. �a��r fa�t�r� a.�f���i���h� �ity�r�: � T'l���ity'���n�rib�t�������rd�th� ����� ��dg�t�����t. � ����ity's �gin�ir���a����r��tur�. � T`h��it�r�a�1 ��rr�pl�x.���P�li�� �ta�i�n c��n��rr���t��rr��t�1�� r���ir�rn�r���. • ��tda�ed �r�e���pm�nt. � L�r��tra����r�t����n pr�j��t� ������tl��H�����n R.��.dlBr���� ���.c��-�vv� ��1 in��r���r�g�. • Th� c��r��t c�owntur� zr�the ecor�omy. Th��ity i���rr�ntl}�v�r�r�C�r�g�n�va��t���r��inu�t�f�nc� ��-��1�'l����I'��i�I7�. ��N'TA�'T�N�'�'�� �IT���A���Y��'T��'"I�� ���VI������A��T]V��l�'�' T`hi� #in�n�i�l r���r� i� ���igr��c� �� �r��rx�� �ur ��t���r��� ta�.�a���-�, ���t�r��r�, in���t�r�� �r�� �r�c�it�r� v�i�� 2�g�n�ra� ���rv1�v��f��i� �i�y'� �i������ ar��i�� ���n�r���ra����i��ity�� ����t�n���i�ity ��r th� rr��n�� i� re��iv��. I����.1 �7��� ��� C�L1���1�I1� ���l.l� ��'ll� I'��]�I� �I` Il��C� 2lC�C�1�X���� ��l�il�l�l 117���"�1��1�I�1� ��r�ta�� �nge�a I�r�a�tsch, ��r�ctor �f Ad�air��strat�ve �erv��es at �1� ��st �rarY�� �tre�t, A�-�-�yo �rande, C� ���2��, ���r�� ���-�?�-����. 19 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 30 '�'�i� ��g�in�������ll�1�����an� 2� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 31 �����i� ������ ����� �������������������� J�ne��, 2�1� C�v��-n�n�nta� ��sin����typ� A��i�riti�� A�ti�iti�� T'�t�l A���'T� ������c�inv��trn�r��s � �7,���,27� � �,9��,��� � �1,��9,��� T�xes receivab�� 9�2,�95 9�2,�95 A���u���r����va��� '7��,�1� 1,���,�1� 1,���,�2� In��r���r���i��l�l� 1�,��� �,��� ��,��� I.��r�r���iv�ble ������ ��,��� ��-�t�'���i��bl� ��,��� 2�,��� ���er�tory ��,9�� 68,9�2 95�8�� Inv����ry-�a�nc�h�1�f�r r�s�l� ���,92� g���9�� Pr������xp�ns�� ���,9�� �,�7�,1�6 �,���,��� �ef�rred��a�-ges 3����48 3�4,648 �a�ita�a�s��t�: I�1�nd�pr��ia�1�: Lar�d 2,$7�,�74 ��,7�� �,9�7,��4 �o��tru��ian�n�r��r��� 1,9��,�12 �1,7�� �,9��,79f ��pr��iabl�: Str���ures and improveme�ts �,84�,8�� 22�,999 5,���,88� �qu�prnent �,$��,�9� ?�6,��� �,���,3�4 Infra�tru�tur� ��,�9�,2�� 1�,�9�,�l� 9�,1��,��� A��umu��t�c����r��i�ti�n ���,G��,���� ��,�9�,���� ��1,���,2��} To�a��ssets 8�,5 X 2,74� �?,���,�9� 9?,8�5,83� ���BI���'"IE� ����u�t�pa�a�X� '7��,��� �1,�T6� ���,��7 ���ru�t�w���s �l�,��1 ��,��� ���,��� A��rued �r�t�r��t pa�abl� 1��,291 ���,��� ��p�sits pa�a�l� ���,��� 1��,6�� ���,��� �efer�-ed r�v�r��e G�7,�9� ��7,�97 �1�r���rr�n�1�a��1it���: Due wit�in�n�y���' ���,��� 3�1,1�� �u� ir�r��r�thar�t�n�}��a�' �,1��,��� 1��,��� 9,�1 X,��� T'���� li��i�i���� �1,��"�,66� 3��,9�� 1�,2�1�,��2 � 11��T ASSETS Ir����t�d�r������a�a���t�,r��t�f r�lat��d��t 5�,19�,��1 9,�3�,��� ��,���,I�� ��strict�d�ar: ���tri�t��f�r d�bt��r���� 9��,2�� ����2��1 �nr��tri�t�� 1�,�91,3�� �,���,�72� 2�,��9�7�� T���1 r��t a����� � ��,���,��� � 1�,��1,�1� � ��,6'7G,l 9� T�i������t�������i�fir�an���l�tat�rr��r���ar�an ir�t�gra��art����i�stat��n�r�t. 2l Agenda Item 8.d. Page 32 ��1� ������� ����� ����������� ��1���1��� ��I'��1��1���� ���I"�Il���.�llll� ��, ���� Pro �rt� R�ver���s ���rati�g ��ar����`�r ��n�-i�u�i�r�� ���e�ses S�rvices a�d Gran�s '� - I I Il�i �r���IT13�]��lt�������1����; C�rt�ra�g��r�rnm�r�� � �,���,��� $ 1�9,1�1 � I,���,fi�� Put�l���a��ty '7,���,��� ���,1�G ��1,��4 Parl��,r��r��a�i�n, �n� ����li���� 1,��9,��� ���,��� ��mrn�r�ity d�v����rn�nt 9��,�21 2��,��� ���,��� �tr��t��nd�r��d� �,���,��� ��,2�� 11�,��� ��v��r ��5�,��6 ���,1�� In��r����n l�r��-��x-rr�d��t �4�2,��� �F�tal g�v�r�rn�nta� a��i�ri�i�� ��,�6�,��� �,��1,��� 2,2��,��� Bu�in���-tYP�a�t��iti�s: V�at�r 1,���,��1 �,���,1�6 �o�e� 2,772,83� �,���,�2� T��a������r����rt�yp�a�tiviti�� �,���,1�]�] �,�"��,��7 . Total gov�rnment $ �3,��?,39� � 8,1��,�37 � 2,��4,5�� G�r��ra��e�e�ues �"ax�s: ����r�d ar��un����r�d pr���rty���c�� Sa1��a�d�s�taxes �ran�i�r����dgin�tax F`ranchis�taxes ��si��s� l��en��tax I��restm�r�t�r�corne �t�er `�ra�sf�rs � T�tal��n�r�1 r���nu��and�rar�sf�r� �hange ir�r��t�ssets I��t as��t�at b�giryni���f fi���� ���r I���a��s�ts�t�nd�f fi���l�r�ar 7'h�r��t����the b��i� f�r�ar��ia� ��at�rn�r�t��r��r�in��g���part����is���t��rt�r�t, �2 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 33 I�I�t��tpense���ver�u���r�d��a�ges ���et Ass�ts ��pital ��ntributi�t�� ����rnrn�r��a� ����r����-tY�� . ar�ci�ra�t� A����i�i�� ���i�iti�� T`�t�l � - � ��,�"7�,'7��� � � � ��,���,7��� ��,�s�,���} ��,�s�,���} ��,o��,���� �1,�a�,���} ����,���� ����,���� ���,�9� �1,9��,�1�� �1,���,�1�� 1�,�1� ���,��1� �6�,�31� �46�,435� �4�2,43�) ���,to� �������,s��} �1�,���,�s�� ��s,��� ��s���� ���,��� ���,��s 1,���,1�� �,���,1�� $ ���,1�� ���,��7,���� �,2��,��� �12�,���,���� �,��1,6�1 . �,�71,��1 'Ty��1.��11� T�L���l�� ���,�1� ���,�1� G�4,��5 ���,��5 8�,�83 8�,28� �37,724 ��,54� �7�,57� GO�,G�3 ���,�5� 1,�l92,4�� �1,4��,439� 1�,t��,��� ��,���,���� 1 i,���,��� ��o�,s��� ��ss,���} ����,o��� �s,��s,��� ��,���,��� ��,o��,�o� � �����s,o�� � ��,a��,��� � �s,���,i�� �� Agenda Item 8.d. � Page 34 ������������������ ��������������� ����1�#������1 ,�11I7���,��1� �'r�r����rta�t��n ��p�tal ��r��ral Irr�pa�t�`��� �rnpra�r�rne�t Fur�d Fu�d Ft�r�d AS�ETS �ash ar�d inv���.�n�nt� � �,���,�]� � �,�3�,�1� $ ���,��� T'�x�s r���ivabl� ���,9�� Accounts r��eivab�e 259,�9� 2D9,995 Int��`��t r���ivab�� 4,��� �,9fifi �ra.nt r��eivabl� Inv�n��rY 13,��7 �r�v�nt�ry+�.�nd l��lc�for r��al� �r�paid it�rns 6��,4�3 Due#`rorn oth�r#'unds I 6,600 L�an re��i��bl� Advarr����o oth�r ft�r�ds T�t��as��t� � �,��'7,��� � �,���,��� � 1,���,��� L�AB�LITIE�A�V�]F�JN��A�AI�CE� L.i�l�iliti��: A���unts pa}�abl� � �I�,��� � � � �9�,��� A�crued w�g�� 374,9�� ��posit���yab�� �4��,��� ��,��� D�f�rr��r���nu� 1�,�7$ ���,��� L�u�to oth�r fur�d� AdvarYCes from other��r�ds �`otal liabil�t��� I,���,3�4 �,��1,1�� Fund Bartanc�s: F����rv��for pr���i���penditur�� ���,��� R�serv��for ir�ventory �3,�9� I����rv�c��'�r��bt��rvi�� 1�����-v�d f�r larid��ld��r r��a��� �e��rv�d f�r�dvan���t�ot��r func�� Unre��rv�d: �et�eral�und �,321,�5� �p��i�l l��v�nu�f�r��is �,���,��� � �apital pro���t�fun�� ��,��g Total fut�d ba�ance� 5,�00,42� 2,74�,58� 34,$38 T'�ta1��a�ili�i��ar�d#'un�bal�n��� � �,�"l7,"��� � �,7��,��� � �,���,}�� Th�rt�t���o th�ba�t��ir�a.n�i�!�tat�rr��n��a.��an int�gral�art of�hi��#a#���nt. �4 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 35 l��d�v�l�pr���t �th�r �apita�P�o�ects �ov�rnmen�a� F�nd Fur�ds Totals � '7��,971 � �,��'7,�1� $ 1�,���,��� �1,21� 7�,48� 9��,�9� �34,?2� 704,�1� 1,6�9 9,�7� ��,�f� 2�,0�0 �5,�00 ]3,��9 26,956 ���5,1Z� ��,79� ���,9�� 51? 1�,0�4 �$�,964 ��,��� 55,5�0 �5,�0� 9]9,7�7 9�9,797 � 1,���,��� $ 9,�3�,��� $ �1,���,�92 � 1�,22� $ 1��,��� � �7��,G�� �,��1 �7,��� ��G,��1 ������ ������� ������� �G,��� 1�,��� �19,�9� �1�,"79� 937,8�3 �23,213. �,��9,55� �1� 1�,��� ���,�3fi4 1�,��� ��,9�� 1,���,�7� 1,���,�7� ���,1�� ��,'7�� ���,��� 9]9,79? 3�9,79? �,��i,��� 7,���,��1 1�,���,��1 ��2�,����� {���i s�� „,..__._ C��3�,��� 9,���,��� 17,9��,7�1 � �,���,�i� � �,7�4,4�� $ 21,���,�9� �5 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 36 ��1��l� ����� ����� ���������������� ����������1������ -������� ►.����� ����� ►3��i���������� ������ F`�r�h�Fi���l Y��r�nc��c�Jc�����, 2�1� T�t�l fur�d t��1an���T g�v�i-nrrY��t�� f�.�nc�� � 1�,���,��1 In g�v��-�m������'unc��,�r�ly��rr����������.rr�r���rt�d. In�1��stat�rr��n���`r�et a�����, ���a���ts ar�r��a�rt�d, 1�'I�IUC�III����1��� �1������lri����1.1�1'1�����C����]�'��1��1�X1. �apit�l a�����a����t�rf�al���� $ 9�,��G,��� A���rr�ul�t�d��pr��i��i�rt ��,b��,��� ��t �9,87�x 199 ����v�rnrn�n�a��r�c��, in��re��on l�r��-t��-am c����i���t r���gni��d���i��h���ri�� i� �rhi��it rn�t�r����d����ic�. Ir�t��g���rr�n�nt-�vid������rnen�����tiviti��, it i� r����r���e� in th�p�t`���i th��it i� in��rr�d. �1�f,�9�� In g�vern�n�nt�l f����,d��t i��u►����t�ar�r���gni��d a���c��rtd���r�� in��e p�r��d th��ar� ir��urr�d. ����������m�r�t-wid���.�t�r��r�t�, d��t i�������t�ar�arn�r�iz�� ���r th� li���f t������. �2�,��� ��r��-��rrn �i��iliti��: In��v�rnm�nt�l f�n��, �n�y�urr�r���ia�iliti���r�r���rt�d. In t�� ��at�rn�n��f`r��t��s�t�, �11 �i����iti��, ir����i�in���r��-t�rr�liabi�iti��, ar�r���rt�t�. L�n�-t�rm li�biliti��r�la�.�ng t�����rnm�r���l�����ri�X�s�o�sist��: Ta�c AI1��a���n��nd� � f,�fi�,��� �a�pi�a1 l�a���blig�ti�r� ���,�9� ��nd�pa�r�bl� �,�'7�,��� �P�� 32�,492 Co�np��s�ted abs�nces payab�� �,OS�,3�7 �'�ta� �9,���,21�� ����1 n�t a�����,g�v�rr�m�nt�1 a��i�it��s � ��,�2�,��� �'h�n�t����t}��b��i� �r��n�i�.l�t�t�rn�nt�ar�an int�g�-al par��f�1����tat�rn�r�t. �6 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 37 'I`��� ��g� �n����i�r���l�1����1��� 27 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 38 ��1������1J�� �����I'� ��V�FtI�M��I 1 A�, F'U-N�►� STAT'�Ni��IT�F ������1��, ����I��I"I'�J���,A.]���HAI�1��� I�1 F�N� �AL,AI���� For��e F�sc��Y�ar Enc�ed.�une 3�, 2�1� ��'�Il�����L�1�i1 ���,]1��� ��r��ral Ir�r�pa��Fe�s I�npr�v�m�n� �'un� �und Fur�c� �ev�nues: �"a.���and as����r��n�� � 1�,2�1�,��� � ��,9�� � - i�i��r���s�n�p�rm�t� 2��,��1 �r����������r���� ��,��� �Jse of money ar�d property 252,O�S 1�,�2� Int�rgavernmental rev�r�u�s 40�,5�0 645,59� �h�.r���f�r��rvi��� �,���,��� �t����-��rer���� 19�,��� 3�,11� T�tal r�v�nue� 1�,���,��� ���,�7�2 ���,��� �xp�ndi�u�-es: �urrent: ��n�r�1����rr�rrt�nt �,�G��9�9 Pub���s�fet}� �,9�4,�5� P�r�CS ar��r��r�a���r� 1,��1,��� Commu��ty d��e�op�er�t ���,4�3 �tr��t�and r��d� ���,��5 Sew�r �a�ital outl�y �3�,�1� �*���,91� I3ebt service: Pr�n���a1 �i�,��� �nterest and fis�a�a��n�f�es �9,12� Total ex�enditur�s l�,��4,��4 2,6��,912 �ac����af'r�v�nu�s�v�r���d���e�cp��clx��r�� -----�'7��,9��� 1��,��� �1,�������} ��1���-F�r�ar��in���ur�����J��s�: T�-ar�s#"e�s�n 3,236,5�? �,���,90� Tran�f����ut �.._..___�9��,���� ---------- - �1��,�1�� T�ta��t��r�nan��n�;�our���and u��� �,��7�,��� �]��,�1�� 1,9��,9�� I�et�han�e in fu�d�a�a�ce� 1,5��,84� �72�,6�3} Fur�c�ba���n���-Ju�1�r �,���9 �,���,��1 �,�1�,��� ��,��� Fur���a����es-Jun�30,2��0 � �,��0,��� � 2,7��,��� � 34,��� T��n����t�t��ba�i�#inan���l stat�in�nt�ar�an int��r�l p�rt�#'tl�i�s�at�n��r��. 28 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 39 F��d�v�l��rn��t �t��r ����tal Pr�j���� ��v�rnrn�r�tal F�n� �'unds Tota�s � 1,�71,��� � ��9,9�� � ��,1��,��� ��'7,��1 7?,��5 5,5�2 �0,3�3 �37,72� 1,���7,�2� 2,���,9�� 1,��5��I 5 2,���,�22 3,941 22�,9G9 1,�79,�95 2,�9C,7�3 17,166,1 S 1 �,�2�,993 ��,�8fi 4,4�2,�39 8�0 �,965,�5� ],��1,2�� 540,$�8 9�3,�2� ���,��� �,1��,��� ��7,��3 2�7,9�3 1�,��� 2,���,17� ��,��� 19�,���T 1�,��� �1�,��� ���,��� �,�38,��� �,��5,4�9 15,9�5,838 ��I,��� ��I,��� 1,�7�,��7 C57,7�7 5,825,�8� {���,���} {z,���,���� ��,���,���} �_ ,..,,_�_...,�_..�,� �_,_._ ---------- ����,�s�} ��,���,��o� �,���,��� ��� �����✓��� ��y���y���� ��V������ 1,�2��,19� 1�,���,1�� ��,��9,9�9 � ���,��� � �,�11,��� � 1'J,9��,"7�1 �9 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 40 ������������ ����� ���������1��1V �� ��� ����������J� l��V�I����, ����I����LTR��, A�11� �I��1��T�� �N�'U�� I�A������ �F' ����RNNi�I�"��I�FU��� �"��I�� S�A�T�iVi����� A�TI�ITI�� For the��s�a� �ear E�d�d,��n� ��, �01� �'�tal r����hang� in fur����lan��s-g�v��-r�rn�r�t�1 fund� � �2��,�1�� �ap���l�u�l�}��ar��-����-t�� in��v�rnrn��t�X f�nd�a��xp�r�c�itures. H���v�r, in�1�� �ta��rner�t�f��ti�iti��,the��st��t�����s��ts i��1����t�c��v�r�1��1r���irr�a�t�d u���l liv��a����r��i�ti�n�x��n��. T�i�� i�th�a�n�u����whi��additi�n�t��a��it�l �ut���r��'$],���,��� i���r���i�n d�pr��iati���x��r�s����,73�,����ir�t����ri�d. 1�,�9� In�g���r�men��� fur���, ir�t����t�r�l��g-t�rrn d���i�r����r�i��d�n t��p�ri�d��a��it t����rx��� �u�, In�h�g�v�rnrr�����wid��t�t�rr�����f`���ivi�i��, it 1�r����n����it�t�i�p�ri��t���it i� in�ur�-�d. �'rYrr�at�r�� in�.�r��t�wir�g�t����nd�ftl��p�ri�ci, 1���rna�t�r��int�r��t��it� �i.lt'1[7��311��W1ri��I'��'1��1�j3I'1�1"���'1�C��V��: 1�� Ir���v�rnr�rx�r���l �u�c�s,r����m���s��l�ng-t�rrn c����ar�r���rt�����x��n�itur��, Ir�th�go�ernr��nt-vvic�e�taterner�ts,��p�yrnents of�ong��erm debt are r�por�ted �����u���������ia�i�it���. �9�,G�� �"��i�su�n������ng-t�rrn��bt pr�vic�����rr�r���in�n�i�l r�s��r������h�g��r��n��tal �n��. �1��g�v��-nm�r��al f�r���r�p�r�th���'f��t��'���r�a.r������t�,�r�rr�ir�r�n�,�lr����nt� an��irnilar rt�rn�w��n c��U��� �irs�is���d,w���r�a��h���atn�un��r�d�f��r��an� �r��rt��ed i�th�st�t������f��ti���i�s. T�i��rr���n�i��h�net�ff����f�h���c�iff�r�n��� in���tr�a�tm�nt�f���g-��r�rr�c���t a�c�r�lat�d it���: �1�,��4� In�1��s������n���a�ti���ie�, ��rnp���������s�n���ar�rr�����r�c��y�h�am�unt� ��.rnecl du�-��g t��#i����}���.r, In��v�rnr��r�ta� �`unc��, �i����er,�x��ndit�r�s�`�r t����it�r�r���r�r����ur�c��y t��arn�un��f�r��r��ial r���ur���u��d�����nti�ll}� t����ounts��id}. T'hi�f����y���,v���.�i�t�u��d�x�����d����rrt���t���r��d by���,�1�. �6,��7 �n g�v��-rYrn�n�a�f�nd�,t��e��ir�p�����c�� �-�rn dis����1�f��pit�l as��ts ar�r�p�r����� r�v�r�u�. II]�l������It��II������1�1����,�n1��1��r����ti�xg gai��r���s i�r�p��t�cl. `�h� diff�r�n�e b��w��n t���r����c���r�rn disp���l�f������1 a����.s and t��r��ulting l�s� is: ���,���� �n����t�t�rr��nt�f���ivi����, ���t�rr�p��}��n�rtt��n��t�ar�rn��sur�d b�t�i��rr���n�� �arn���uri�g��t��i���l��a�. Ir���v�rnr��r�t�l#`u��s,��cp�nc�itur����r th����t�rn��r� 111���LlI'�C��]}���1��1'ri�1.�17�����'1��1�1�� ����Ll�'���ll��������I1�1�1����'1��I�'l��,l���7�1��. T�is�i�ca�}r��r,p��t�rn���}��rt�r����r�������r��d w��-� 1�������th��r��unt����d by$79,99?. �79,99?� �hang� in r��t a���t�-���r�rr��m����l a�tiv�ti�� � ����,�9�} T'h�n����t�t��basi�fir��n���l�t���rar��n��ax�an int�gr���a��f��i�s�a���n�r�t. �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 41 �I'F��F���Y��RAI�i�� PR�FRIETAR�' �LT�1DS STATEMENT�F I��T A�SET� J�an���,��1� 1�Vater Lope� Ft��d �`�nd �"�tals A��ET� �a��and i�����.rr��n�� � �,���,'7�� $ 1,��9,9�� � �,9��,'7�� A��a�nt�����iv�bl�,n�t ��f,161 ��"7,��� ],���,��� Irit�r��t t'���1�r�b�� �,��� 3,�1� �,�19 Inv�ntory�t��st� ��,9�� ��,93� Pr�p����xp�nse� 373,��7 1,��f�,8I9 �,���,�4� To�al�urrent assets 4,2��,41� 3,�97,943 7,8�0,354 ��p�taZ asse�s: Land 5�,73� ��,73� � �IP l�,�7�� ]1,7�� �tru�tt�r��an�irnpr���rn�r�t� 2��,��9 ���,9c}c� Equip�n�nt 7��,9 l� 73�,9�� �n�`rastruct�re ��,�94,?19 �5,094,7�9 16,���,1�� �G,���,1�� �.��s a��umula��d d�pr��i��i�r� {�,���,���� --��,�9�,���} Total�apital a����.������f a���uYnulat�d d�p�-��iati�rt} 9,��2,'74� �,5��,7�� T�tal�s��t� 13,'7��,l�1 �,��7,943 1�,3��,�94 ���B�L.ITI�� �1��oun����y�bl� ��,��7 �1,��� A��ru�c�wage� ��,��� �g,�7�� �e����t�pa}�ab�� 1�G,��� 1��,��� '��t�l�urr�nt li�biliti�� 2��7,2��� 2��7,��� �PEB 30,975 30,975 Compensated absen�es 7�,$�1 73,8�1 T�t�l l�n�-t�rrr�1i�b�li�i�� �0�,��� ���,7�� T"�t�� li�b������� ���,9�2 3�1,9�� NET A��ET� �nv��t��in�apita�l as��t�,n�t�f r���t�c����t �,��2,��� 9,���,74� U�r�strict�d �,�2�,4�9 3,�97,94� 7,��8,37� To���n�t as��t� � 1�,���,lb� � �,���,9�� � 1�,��1,�1� T��n�t��t�th�basi�finan���1�t���rr��nt�ar��.n int�gra�]pa�rt�f t�ii��t�t�m�nt. �1 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 42 ��1���������V����� ��������������� �1����Gl�l 1 ����������� �1���1V�����l`#���1V��� ���1 ��7�G��7 F�r�h�Fis�al ��ar�n���.��n���,��1� 'V�ate� �ope� Func� Fund �"�t�1� ���r��in��t�v�nues: �al��f wat�r � �,���,14� $ '�,���,��l $ �,'71�a,��4 �istribution��ar��� ]�,��� 1�,��� Ivieter�nstaItatior�� �,��5 3,6�8 �th�r ��,17� ��,1�� �'�ta�o�e�atir��r��r��u�� �,���,1�� �,2��,�2�1 �,�]?�,��� �����►�in���r��r��es: I�1�tr1�lU�t�17 ���,��� ���,}�� ��n�ra�l ���,�4� �1�,��� ��p��w�t�r��r�tra�t �67,��� �,���,��� �,1��,��G �rod�x�tion 273,�3� 27�,��� ��pr���ati�n ���,9�� ��9,��� �'�tal�p�r�t�ng�xper���� 1,73�,��� �,7��,�3� �,���,��� �p�rat�ng in��rr�� 7��,�9� 49�,��� 1,�f�,1�� �V����{��ra��ng l��v�nu�s��xp�ns���: Int�re�t�n���n� ��,��� 15,��8 ��,��7 T�ta!n�n-�p�rat�r�g r�v��u����xp�r���s� ��,��9 1�,��� ��,��7 In�am��f�r��ra�n�f�r� �9�,3�� ���,��� 1,���,��7 �'�-�nsf��-s aut �1,��5,043� �327,39�� {1,49�,4�9} -�-- ,_.,.._,_. �han��i�r r��t as�e�s {�G�,���� ���,��7 {1������� I��t�s��t��t,��ly l,��0� 1�,��1,��8 �,41�,�9� ��,��9,�2�� I��t�s��t�at�un���,��1� $ 13,4��,��� � �,���,9�� $ 1�,���,1�2 Th�n�t��t�th�ba����ir�a�r��ia��tat�rn�r�ts�r�an int�gra�par-t�f thi��t�t�t��nt. �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 43 �1 1��i' f���J�������t� �il�����L 1'll������ ���1����1 �����7��L��� ��r t��F'15�����ax�rid�d,TUr1���,2�1� V4�ater �op�� �'ur�d Fund Totals �a�h F��w��ror��p�ra�irtg A�t�vi�i�s; 1����ipt�fr�rrY�ust�rn�r� $ �,'7��,�2� � �,�2��,2�9 � �,�7�,��� Pa��m�nt�t����pti�r�and wage� ��,���,9�x} �2�,72��,��3� {�,���,���� ��.her r��e�pt� ��,��� ��,�1� I������h pr�vided b}r�perating a�ti�iti�� 7��,4G� ���,��fi 1,��3,��� �a�h F���v��'rom�a�i#al and l��E���c�Fin�nc.ing�1�t��riti�s; P�r�has�����pital as��t� �9�,3�7� ��2�,3�7� �Yp:Wi�. I "�q.r... Net�ash u����y�apital an�r�la���d �I�1�ri�1f1����1�1�1�� 9�,��� �92,�2�� i 5i����i� �ash F�ov�r�fr�rr�]����apita�Finan�in����iv��i�s; �"r���fers to ath�r fur��s ��,���,�43� �32'1,���� �1,�9�,�3�� ��'r� .t..�--.�...� i ��� �1et cas�used 1�y�an�ap�tal finar��tr��a�ti�riti�� �i,���,���� ����7,39�� �1,�9�,��9} .�r• ��sh�'I�w��r�rn Inv�stin�A�ti�i�i��: I�t�r��t incom� � ��,��� ��,��� ��,��� I�1�t�ash pr��i��d�� inve�ting a�tiviti�� 2�,��7� 1�,5�� ��,2�� I�1���n�r�as�{c���r�as��!n �ash�nd�a�h�c�ujval�n�.s ����,2�3�� 287,��� �1�2,��4� �a�h and�ash�qui����nt��J�l}� 1,2��9 �,"���,��� �,4��,��� �,]��,��� �a�h and�a�h�qui����r�t�-Jun���,��1� $ �,�"��,"��� � �,���,��� � �,���,7�� Th�not��to t��ba�i�finan�ia��tat���r��.�ar�an�nt�gral part���h�s�tat�m�nt. 3� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 44 ������������.J������ ������������V��� �����I���1 ��L��rl i'���� F��-�h��i������ar�nc���J►�n���,��1� V�at�� �,oge� Fur�d Fur�d �"ota�s �te�on�ili�ti��o�op�r��ir�g in���tt��� n�����h�r�vid�d by�p�r�ting ac�iv�ti�s: �p�ratin��n��t�rre � �7��,7�� $ ���,��� � 1,���,l�� ' 1�djus�nnent���r���n�i�� �perating a�t�vi�.i�s l��pr��iati�n�xp�n�� 2��,9�4 ���,��� �hange in ass�t��nd liabi��ti��: ����iv��l��,r��t {��,�7�� �7�,��� {1�,7��� Prepaid�xpertses ���9,��3� ��,��� �15�,�0�) Ir���ntori�� �6,"7��� ��,7��� ���oun��and o�h�r pa��l�l�� 5,34� 5,��� ��po�it� l�,4�� 1�,4�� �FEB �1,�9� ]1,��� ��rr�p�n�atec�ab��n��s 1,�,��, 1,��� ��t��xsh�rovi��d�y�p�r�tir�� act�v�ties $ 757,4f4 $ 59�,3?6 $ �,353,8�0 Tt��n�����a th�ba�i�fi��n�ial��at�m�nt�ar�an int��r�I part���hi��t�t�rx��nt. 34 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 45 ���� �������� ������ ���1����� �� �����������1 ������ ���1V�� ���� June 3�, 2�1� � �nc �unds As���s �ash��d ir�v���rn�nts � 2?'�,1�� I n��r���r���i va�1� 1�� Pr��ai�����r��� �� �'otal ass�ts $ 2'�4,��4 Li�bi���i�� �u�t�����r a��n���� � 2��,�1� �'�talliabi�itz�� $ ��7�,�1� Th�r��t����th��as���n���i�� �ta��rx��t�t�ar�� in���r�� �art�f thi� st��.�r��nt. 35 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 46 '�'his ����ix���r�ti�n���y i��t�la�l� 3� � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 47 ���� �� ������ ������ ����� l���� ����� �������� �1�������� .�1.�11� ��, ���� ���� � -������� �� ������'����� ���������� �������� �. ���l��lll� ��1��� T'�� ����17��]�]�1�1� ���1� �r���i�� �t���rr����� �r����� th� fir�a.��ia� a��tivit �f t�� �i� �v���� i� ��� ; • s r • r y + � + �� �r�ma�� �av�r�r��nt, alang v�th ��i� fi�a���a� act������s o��ts �om�or��nt ux��t, �h�c�i �s � ��t�ty #`or�v��ch t�� �i�� i� �r�a��ia.1�� �����r�ta�l�. 1�1t���g�i���� �r� ����r�t� ����� ��ti�i��� ���r���c� ��r� �r��r�� �r���� a�� � �r� s���t��� ��rt ��'��� ��t�'s ����ra.ti��� ar�c� �r� r���r��d a� a� ir���gra.1 �a�t �f`t�e �i��r'� b��i� fir�a����l �ta�t�rr��r�t�. �'��� �i��'� ����������r���, �vl�i�� �� c������1�����1��, i� ��1��ci�c�u.����f��� �i��. T�e �it� �o�r��ii ����s �n a s�p�ra�e s�ss��a� �� t�� �o�er�ing �od� of t�e Arro a �raEr�c�e Y ���1�������n�r�t���r���, a1��i���k�t�i� �g�r��y �� � l�gal �r�ti�y ��a.rt f`r�� th� �i�y. �'�� �rr��� �r�d� ��ci������r��n.t Ag�r��� i� i�a�1�c��c� �s a. ���n�����t �r��� i� ��� ����rr� a� ir� � Y � �r���n�i�l ��a����m�r�t�. �`�� �r�a��i�l ����viti�� �#�t�� f�reg��r�g �������� �a�� ���� ���r�����c� ar�d rr��r �c� �� • �� • . . . � � � �t�rrrYec� ��end��� � ���� those c��' �he ��ty �� the a��om���1n� fi�.a����l s�at�r�er�ts, �� �t �ne��s the ���te�i� #`or �r��l�s�o� as se� fo�-th �n t�e Covernr��r�t�.� A�co�r��ir�g �t�r�dards �oar� ��A�B� �t����ent I�o. �4,�a� am��dec� by ���8 ���.ter����I�Ta. ��. �'�i� ���� C��ra�c�� �ity �t�d���I��rr���t A��r��y �va�� ���a��1i��a�c� ir� �3��; �� �� �ity ���r���� �� �lim.i���� �li��� �vit�i�� ��� c�����d ���j��� �r��� �� �����r��ir�g �c� �s��stir�� �1a��c� �������rr��r�� �#' ���v�-�r����� ��u���g a�c� ��r�rr��r�ia� �r�j��t�. �'�i� ��c����l��rr���� ���r��y ��i�ts ��r t�� ���p��� �� ���i1i��tir�� �h� ��ty'� ���ital. ����r��� f�r�a��i�1 ��a�����t� ar� ��e��.r�c� �� ��i� Arr��� ��a�d� ��C���������I�� A�;���� �C� �'� �V�1����� �� �1�� ���� ���1���. �. ����� �f�r���r����i�� �'�� ���y'� �a.�i� �r�a��i�� �t�������� ar� �r���r�d 1r� ��r����n.i�� �vi�� �����r�t1�g ����i�1�� ��r��r�11� �������c� i� ��� �Jr�i��c� ��at��s ��` 1����i��. �'�� C���r���t�l A�������g �t��dard� ���rcl �� ��� �ckna��e�ged �tar��a�� sett��� ba�� for e�ta�l�����g a�counti�� �d �'ir�ar���a� �e�or��n� st�c��.rds f�l���v�c��� g�v�rnm�r��.�� �r�t�t��� ��.��.� L�r����d ������ ��A��ri�a�. C��v�rnrr���t-�v��� ���t�rr���ts �`h� ��a�e�er�t �f ��t A�se�� �� t�.e �tatem��t �� A�t�vit�es displ�y �r��or�rnat�or� �bou� the p���n�� ���r��n�r��. �t�� �i��� �r�� i�� ��rr���r��r�t �.nit. T1���� s��������s ���1��� �h� fir��.r��i�.� �.��i�iti�� �f` t�� ���ra�1 �i�� ��v�r��r��� ������ �`�� f�c���ia�-� ���i�r�ti��, �li��r������� ��v� ���r� rr��d� �� rr�i�irr���� t��� c������ ���r��ir�� �r ir�t��rna� a�ti�ri����. �r�v��nrr���.� ����vi���� g�����ll� �.�� fir��r���c� t1��u�� ��.x��, �r�t�r����rr�m�r�tal ��v�����, a�c� �t�i��r��r�-��c��ar���������ti�r��. . �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 48 ��T`� 1 —��J1V,��1�IA�� ��' ���1���'I�'�1��1���'��J�T�'��� ��i���I�� ����ir��x�� � � ��1� ���.���1��� �� �����1��.�5 ��`�S�I1�� � ����'J�'����1 ���V���I� C�1I'��� �� �I���S �C� �'� I`��'Yl I'���Il � � � �es fo�r ���� ���m�r�� �� t�� ����'� ��ve�m,�r���X ��t�vi����, ��r��� �� ����� ar� �h��� t��t a�� � ��' . . , � � ��i��11� ass�c�at�d �xth � p�a�ra� or �ur��t�on a�d, �����fore, ��e ��ear1� ic�er���fiab�� t� � a���cu��r f��ti�r�, � �'r��r� re�r��u�� ��c1�de ��� c��.rges ��d �� t�� �e�i��e��� of goo�s or �ervic�s af�ered b �he ro �ar�� Y � � �� ��� gra�ts a�d cor�t�-�butlons t�ia� are r�stricted to me�tin� t�e ��era��o��.1 �.e�ds of� �.r�tl�ular ro �axn a.nc� � ���� �a�t� ��1 ♦ ■ , , ` ; � � � � � � � � , � ��r�t�1��t���� �1�a�� �r� ���������c� �� f�r�a����� �h� a� �i��t��� �r ��r��tru��i�� �� � ���1��1 ������. �������s ��a�� a�� r��t ���.��i��c� a�� pr�gr�rr� ����r����, �r��1�c�1� a�11 ���� �r� r������c� a� er�er�1 � ' � � g ���e�u�s. �'u�d Fir�ar�ci�i ��at�rr�er�ts �'he f�r�d f��ancia� s��te�ne�ts provic�� ��formati�n about t�� �it�'s fur�ds, ir�c�t�din �iduc� fu��s and b���dec� ' � � co�po���t ��ts. �e�a��te �ta�eme�t� fo� ea�� �'�nd �ategor��gove�-nrr�en�a�, �a�op�i��a�y ar�d .f i����cx��-��� �����r��.�c�. ��� ��1��1��1� ���ll�C� �1I1��1�� �����I�l�'��� �� ��'1 �����` �I��1�1C�1.1�� �I1C�� ���� �f � v��i�� �� disp�a��d �r� � se��rat� co���. Al� r�ma��ir�� �o�err�m��t�1 �`t.�r�ds ar� 2��gr�g���d �nd r� or�ed �s r�or�-��j or fu�d�. � �r���i��ary f��c� �'�����i�1 �t�����nts �r������ � ����.t��rr���t �f I��� A�����, a �������r�� �� ����r���� � ���er�s�s, a�d ��ar��e� �� ��� �Asset�, a�d a Stateme�t o� �ash �lo�� #��r �l� �ro�rie� f�ds. . �`Y P�o�r��ta�� f�ds a�e ���o�r�t�d fo� u�ir�g t�� "��ano�ni� �e,�o�rc��s'# measurer���t �ocus and ��� ���rua� �a�i� ���������xr��. A����c�ir���y, ��1 a��s��s a.r�c� lia�il��i�� �v������� ���r�r�� �� n�r�-��rr�r��.� ar� ir������c� o� the �tat�r�,en� o�I�et Assets. T�e �tat��er�t o��even�es, �xper�ses, �c� ��a.r��es �r� Fu�d �e� As�et� ���s�r�t�� i�������� �����r����� ar�d c���r��a���s ��������s� ir� t��al r��� a�����. CJnd�r ��� ����-ua�� �a�is ��` �����r�t��r�g� �'���I��.1�� ��'� ������11��C� lI] ��1� ���'1�C� 1�7 �V�1���] ��1�� ��`� ���Il�� V��1�� �������� �'� I`�����1��C� �Il ��7����`1�C� lI]V4��11�� �1��111�� 1� 1�1�L1�'�`�C�. ��erat��� �e�en�es �r� ��e propr�etary f�ds are t�os� reve��es th�t a�� g�neratec� ��om t�� ���r�nar� ����a��i�r��f��� fi��d. All ����r r�v����� ��� ����r��d a�� �.��.-����a.tir�� �r��r�����. ����r��i�g ����r���� a�� ��i��� ����r���s �.��t� �r� �s��r�ti�l �� �1�� �rir��r� �����t��r�� �#`t�� fi��c�. A11 �t��r ����r���� �r� ����rt�c� �� . ��r�-�����t�r�g ����r����. ��c����a�y ���d� �r� ���c� t� ������t f��r a����� 1��1� �y ��� ���� �r� � tru�t�� �a�a�i�y �r a� a� a���� ��r �r�dx��d��l�, �r�v�t� �r�ar�i��t���, ����� ����rnm�r���l ��i��, ��c���� ��1��� f�c��. ��� �1�� Il"1�1�1��1�1� ��N� �LlI1C��- ��1�1���1��'l �1,���`1�� ��C� ���VI1��V4�i���'����, �'. 1V��jor�ur�c�s C�A�B �tatem�r�t l�o. 34 defi�e� ma�or �u�ds �d rec��ir�s t�at t�e �it�'s rr�.a,�a� funds �.re �d�r�tified ar�� �r�������d ���a�at�l� i� ��� �.r��1 fir���ia� ������n.�r���. ��1 �t��r fi�nc��, �a1��c� r�����n���� ���c��� ar� ����31��C� �1.1C� �'�����C� 1�l � �1�1��� ���LI1'�l� r��a�rc����� �f���i�fi��c�-����, ����� �ur��s a�r� d��r��c� �� f��d� ���t ��v� �i���r a����t�, �1��1�X�1��, ����r����, �r ����r����ur�s��������s �c��a� t�� t�r� ��r��r�t �f t��ir ��r�d���'�� �����. �`�� �"r�r��r�1 F`�r�c� i� �1���� � rx��j�r f�r�c�. T`h� ��t� r�a� a�so se�e��other f���� �t���i�v�� ���u�d�e���s�r�t�d �s ma�or�u�ds. 3S Agenda Item 8.d. Page 49 ���� � �������� �� ��������������������� �������� # ��a�t�x�u�d� T�e Cit� �r��o�t�� t�� �`al�o�i�� ��.jo�r �overnm�nt�� f�r�c�s �n t�e ac�om ar� �r� #ir��c� • � Y � a� s�a���er�t�. Cre��ral ���d T'�i� ��r�c� a����r��� f�� a.�l �i�a��i�1 �����-��� �x�e�t t�i��� �� �� a���u���c� ��r �� ���� ` er f�r�d. �t �s t�e ����r�.l ���ra�ir�� �r�c� �f`t�� ����. �`ra�s ��a��or� Im act�'�e� F�d T�is �u�� a��ou��� #`ar trar�spart�.t�or� ir�.�a�t fe�s �o1��cted. �a rtal �m r��e�e�t Fu�d ��i�s #'u�d a��o�nts for�ap�t�� �r�pro�emer�t praj��t��erfo�m�c� b� t�� �it �d the �se o�t�ose rev Y e�ues. Rede�el� �er�t�� �ta� �'ro'��ts Fund T��� �u�c� i� ���c� �� �����r�� f�r th� a����la����� �f�����tr���� f��, �c� ��� a� r���t �#` � �ra��i�r�s a�� . � � � � relat�d �asts €r�t�� RDA.. �'�� �it����a��t�d ��� f�l l��vi�g rr��j���r�p�i��a�r� �.uac��: V��t�r Fur�c� ���s #�und a�counts for th� a��iviti�s of pro�r��iir�g �ater�o r�siden�� o�th� �ity. �.���,���xc� �'his f��d ac�o��s f�r t�ie acti���ies associa��d v�i�1� �op�� Lake �d t�e �v���� �ar�tra��t �it� �e �o�ty ����� L,�����is��. D. ����� o�A��c�unt�ng �'�e �o��rr�m�r�t-�id�, ��o�r�etary f�ds, ar�c� fiduci�r� ���c�� �`�n�n��a� sta�eme��s ar� ���o��d �s�r�� �he �����rn�� �-��s������ �n�cx�s�r���rr���f���s� �nc� th� c������x� bcx�s��s �� ������.tir��. �������� �r� �r����c��d ���r� �u��t�c��c� ��p�r�s�s �� r���r��� �t��� �irr�� l���il��i�� �.rr� r'r������c�, ��gar���ss ���v��r� t�� ��1���� cas� f�ov�rs take p��.ce. P��vat�-s��tor ���d�rds of a��a����� �nd finar�ci�l r��a�i�g issuec� ���o�to ����rr�ber �, �9�9, g�r�er�1�y aur� ��1i��v�d ir� ����i g�v��n.er���v�i�� �.r�c� �r���ar����r� �rx�c� fir�a.��ia1 �t�a���n���s t� t�� �xt�r�t t��� t���� st�c�ards do n�t �or�fli�t �it� or cor�trad�ct ��id��ce o�t�e �'ro�e���r�tal A��ounting ��a�dards �o�rd. ����r����� a�1�� �a��re ��� ��ti�r� �����1����a� ��������r�� p�i��t�-������ g�����e ���t��ir ���ir����-���� ���IV��1�S ��1C� ��l��I'��1�� �1�I]C��� �Ll��]��� �� ��1� ��1'l� ���]1���1�I1. ��1� �1�� �1�� ������C� I�1�� �� ������ ��1������r�t�ri��t�-������g�i�ar���, �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 50 1��T� � ���J1V�IV�AR.� ��' ���1�1���'I�'AI�T A����J�'�'Il�� P��I�I�� ���r�t��ue�� Gov�rnrr�er�t� f��s ar� r��o�ted usi�g t�e c����n� f�na��ia� ���ource�s n�ea���en�e�t �c���s ar�d ��ie rnoc�r' aed a�cr�a� b�sis af a�co�t�r��. LJ��c��r th�s nr��t�o�, �e�e��es are r��o�r�i��d �vh�r� rr��c�su�a��� an� cx�cxi�c����. �1�� �i�� ����id�r� �l� r���r���s r���rt�c� �r� t��� ������r���.� �`u�d� t�� t�� �v��1a���� i� t�� r���r���� �r� ��1���t�c� v�i��i�� ����� c�ay� af��r f����l ��a��-��c�. ���a��di���� ax� r��c��c��� v��i�� ��� r�l�teci fi��d 1i��i���� is ir���r��d, �a����t ��r �rir�����1 �.n� �r�t�r��� �� ��r����� 1�r��-t��m c����, ����r�� a�� jr�dgrr�en�s, and com�e�sa�ed �.b�e�ce�, v��i�� �re re�og�x��ed a� ���e�ditures to t�e ��ter�t tha� they 1�av� rx��tur�c�. ������1 ����� ��qt�i�i�i�r�� a�� r����t�d �s �.����c����r���s ir� g�v�r��r���� �t�r��i�. �������� �� l�r��-��I"I�1 C���]� �C���C�1.11�1�1��� �C���'���X��� ������ ��`� I'��]���C� �.S �����'fi�cr���r�g�s������s. ��r�-����an�� �r�r����ti���, ir� �h��� ��� ��t� �i��� ��r r������� va1�� ���x�u� c�ir��t�y, ����1�I�1� �� �1�XI�� �c��al �a�u� i� ����ar�g�, i��lud� �r�per�y ta��s, gr�.nts, �r�ti��en�e�ts, �.nd c�o�ations. �r� � ac�ru�l �as1s, I'�V�Illl� ��`��l �)������ ����� 1� T�����1��C� ].I1 ��]� ������ ����` ��I' �V�71��1 ��1� ��X�S �� ��V1�C�. ��v�r��� fr�rr� grar���, ��txtl�rr��r���, �C� C��I1��1��15 1� �`����1�1��C� I�l �.�1� �5��� ��21�" XI� ��]1��'] �� ��1�1�111�� I`�C�1.11I`�I�1��']�S have beer� sa��sfi�d. ��1��r r���r��e� ������ti�1� �� ���rua� �n�1�u�� �t��� ta���, ir�t��g���rnrr��r�t�� ����r����, �r���r��t, �.r�c� ���.r��� f��r ��r�����. �7���� �������� ��� I'�����'11��C� �1'l ��� ����� ���' 1�1 ��11�� ��� ��1�1�11��� �`�C�1�1��I�]���5 �`� I]1��. �r�d�� ��� ���ri.7� ���I'�l� �����1`�'1��1�5, ��1� �1�� 1`ri�� �1C� C�����1�3�'���`��T]S �1�.�"1 � �OI�7�1�1��1��1 ��C�S���`�1I�1��'S��I1��1� ��`��1��, �������'1��� �����{ ���.I]��� �I1C� ��I���`�� �'�V���1�5. ��ll��� ���.� �'����`I���C� �lC� l.l�l�`����`����C� �1�� c�S���� rr�a� �� �vai1��1� t� fir�ar��� �����a�x� �����di�ur�����p�r�s��. T�� �ity's ��I��� i� �� �'ir�� ���1� r���ri���c� gr��t r��ou��es t� s��k���ogr�rr�s, fol�ov�ed�y g�r��ra1 re�e�u�s ��r����ss�ry. �. �'omp���at�d A���r���� I� ��rn�l�ar��� �1t� C��v�rnm��t�l �.���t��t�z�� ������rc�� ��arc� �t���rr���t I��. ��, ��� �ity h�� es���lished a li��i�it� f�r ac�r��c� s�ck l��ve �.nd �a�atia� �r� r��e�a�t �`�c�s. For�ov��er�t�� typ� fur�ds, the �ur�ren#� �ia��lit� �p�e�.r� in the r�������v� fur�d�. A�l ����tio� pa�d �s a��rued �v��r� ir���r�r�d ir� th� g��r�r����-��c�� �n�.����r����� ��r�� �i���i�� ����.������. T�is �x��i�it� i� ��t �� ��� t�i� ���r��� �rr��1�y��� �� t�� ���r�� r�t�� �����. I�����1� 1���� �.r�� v2���ti�r� �r� ��t ���c� �� t�� �rr��1���� ��r�r�� ��� ���] �� ��1�����1��1�� ���l.��i1���1��1 1� ������� �� ��7.� ���]����� �� ��� �1�1� �� ���1���1��1�. �1��� carr��e�satian �s c�1c�lat�� �t �he err��lo�ee's pr��rai�i�� r�te �t th� tirr�� of r�tir�me�� o� t��-mir���i�r�. �a��� �'i��a1 ��ar� ar� �c�j���rr��r�t� �� ��� 1i��i1i�� i� rr��.�� ����� �r� ��� r���� ���.r�g�� ar�� �c�j��t�n�r�t� f�r ��� �r.��er�t �o�t1or�. T�� �r��eral Func� is prir�ari�y responsible far t�e re�a�ment �f t1�� �avernmer��a� porti�� of corr��er�sated a�bs�r��es. �. �'�a�e�ty T�xes ���i��rr�ia�����������r� 1�rti�1� �I�i A�., ���n��� t�� ��n�l�ir��d�����rt�ta.� ��t� �� ��� p��r�����f�p����rty�� �������� v�l���i�r�. �c�c��t���a�1 �.a���� �na�� �� i�n����d v�i�� �r�����' ��������. ,���e���c� �ra��� �� �a1��1a���c� at o�e �ur�dr�� �er�er�t of a pro���y's fair�ra���, a� d�fir�ed b� Articl� ���� A, ar�d r�a� be ���re�s�c� r�a �n�r� �.�a� tv�� ��r��r�� ��� ��ar t�.r�l��� � ��a�r�g� ir� �v���r��ii� ����r�. Th� �t��� I���x��a���-� 1�2�� c����rrr�ir��� ��� �n�t���1 ���i������t1��t�� �r�� ��r��r��ta� 1��� �m�r����� v�x��� ����r��j�r���i�ti�r��. 40 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 51 lY�'F� � -��JN,�IVIA1�� �� ���1�IF��AI�'I�A���UIY'�'�I�� ��I�I�'I�� ��a��rn��t�} �r���r�� �ax ����r���� �r� r�����i���i i� ��� ����.1 ���r f�r �����i ta��� �a��� ���� ���ri�t�, �c� ���l��te� v��th�r� �i�t� ��.�� ���is��1 ��ar�r�c�. �����r��taa��� a�� �iI1�� ar�c� ��1I��t�c� as #'�1����: �e�u�r�d �r��ec��red �al����a�IL�en �a��s Ja�ua�y � ,��.u�ry � �e�� �ates J�1� � J��y 1 �u� �ates �o�err�ber 1 ���°�o� A��ust l . ���I`L��.ry � ���°�o� De1�r��t�e���Dates �e�e�be� 1� {1�0�.� A���st 3 I A�r�l 1�{�'��� T�� �i�� �.c�����d �r� �1t�������� rr�����c� �f �r���rt� �� c�i���il�����r� ���i� `��T����r �'1a.�"�. ��c��� ���� �����c�, ��� �i�� ����i��� ���°�� ��it�� ���u��d �r�p��� ��� ������ ir� ������� �`�r ��r���i�g ar�y ��t�r��� ar�c� ���a�lti�� ��11����c� �r� c��lir�c���r�t ta���. FI'�l� �1�� ����1��� �3��I���1�� �� � ���`1�� ���C���l��� �1'1�C�� �� t�e �o�r�t� t�ro�g�o�t �h� �'i��a� ��ar. �'he s��ured p���ert�� ta� �evy is ��cogr���ec� �s re�e�u� u�o� r�����t ir������r����� �ir�a1 �����r�t, ����� g����a1�y ��r����v�� v�i�hir��� �����a�t�r��� �'i���l �r�ar�r�c�, G. �st�m�tes �I'�� �r��ar�ti�r� ���ir���ia� ���t���r�t� i� �����rm����ri�� a���u���r���ri��i���� g�r��ra1�� �����te� ir���i� �Jnit�c� �tates c�f Ar�e�rx�a�rec�uir�� �a�a�gemen�to rx��ke estimat�s arYd ass��ti�ns t��t af�'��t�h� report�d �n����a�� �f ����t��, lia����t���, r��r�r���s, ����r�dit�r�� �� ����r���� a�� ���r��ri���, 1����a�1 r������ ���Ic� c�i�f��f��rr�t���� ���i�����, i�, ���� ���i��l�n�� F�� ���p���� ����� �t�t���n�n� ��`�as�i �.���, ��� �it� ��r��i���� a�l �i��il� 1�e��ic� ir����trx�er�t ir���r���r�t� ��xr��a���d �it�rr�atu��t� ����r�� �n�r���� �r 1��� �� ���a����q�i��1����. I. N�r�v Acco��t�r����-ono��cem�nts �o��rr�n�r�ta� A��o�r�tir�� �tar�da.rds Board �taterr��nt I��. �1 , � ��r ��e �`����� ���r er�d�� J�r�� ��� ��1�, t�i� �i�� �rn�1���r�t��c� �x�v�rnrr����a� �����r���r�� ��a�c�ar�� ���rc� �C����� �t���rn�r�� ��. �1, "A����r�tir�� a�� F'ir�an�i�1 F�����tir�� �'�r I����i1��� A���t�." �'�� �t��t��rr��r��. �� ������iv� ��� ��ri�ds ��g�r�.i�� �ft�r .���� ��, ���3. ��� �i�j���iv� �� ��i� ���t�rr���� is �� �s�������i ����u.r�tir�� an� fi�a��i�1 ��p�rtir�g ���t������r�t�� ��� �r�t��i��� �����.� �� r�c����r�g r���rti�g �r�����i�t������, t��r���� ��a���ir�� ��i� ��rx���r��il��� �� th� ����u.�t�r�� �r�c� �`ir�an���l r�p�rti�� �f ����i ����t� ��n�r�� ��at� ar�d ����1 ��v�rr�m�r���. Im����ne��a���n ��'t�l�� �A�� ��at�rr��r�t I��. �1, did ��� h��� an irr����� �r�t��� ����'s �r�a���xal s�a��r��r�t�� f�r��� fi��al ���.r�r�d�d ��r�� ��, ��1�. �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 52 ��3'� 1 —�[�1VI����' �� �I�I�I����A�TT' A�'C'�[l'l��'�1V� P�L��'I�� ���n������� �ov�rr�rn�r�t�11�����r��ir�� ��a.r�c��r�� ��ar� �����rr�e�t��. �� �or t�e f�sc�i y�a� ��d�c� Jur�� 3�, �4��, the ��t�'s �m�1er��nted �o�ernm�r��a� A��o����r�� �tar�c��rc�� ���rc� ������ �����rr��r��I��. ��� ��A����I�I����l� �]C� �1�1���1�� �����1�1� ��I' ���`I���.1V� ����IUI����S." �'�� �t�t�rn��t i� ��f������ ��� ���i�c�� ���i��ir�� ���� ,�un� ��, ���9. �'�i� ���t���r�� a�c�c������� t�� r���gr��t���, ��a��r��n���., ��1C� C�1�����l.l�� ��1���II���1��] �`���'��,�1� C���IV��1V� 1�1��I"L����l�� �����'�C� 1I]�� �7� ����� �I7C� ���c�� ���l��tl�l��]��. �� �'�C�LII�'�� �����'11�]�Il�� �� �`���1� C���`X����V� 1�5��"C�I�ri�I1��, V'Vl��l �X����1��1 �� ��r�t�i�ti� ��a�an���c� i�ve����r�� ��r�t����� ���t aur� f�11� ��r��fi����s��r��i�r�, �t ���� �a1��. I����rr��r������� �f��� C�4�� �t�t����� I��. ��, �x�i ��� �i�ve a.� ir����t �� t�� �it��� �ir�ar��xa� ��a��rn���� ��r t�i� f�s��� ��ar�r���d June 3�, ��1�. ��v�rn�-n����� A�������, ��ar���.rc�s ��ar� �ta��r��r��I��. �'7 �'�r th� fi��a�l ���r �r�d�d ��r�� ��, ��1�, �.�� �it�r irr��l�rr��r���d ��v��rr���t�.l ��������r�� ��ax�c�a�c�� B�ar� �C���B� �t��e��r�t l�o, �'�, �`�PEB IVI�����r��e�ts by �g��t �mplo�e�s �r�c� Ag��t Il�u�tiple- �rx�pl���r �la.r����� �'�� �t�t�rr���� i� ��f��ti�� �����n��� ����. �'�i� ���t�rr��r�� ���c�� ��a����r�t �T�. ��, "������ti�� a�r�� �ir�an���l ��p�rtir�� �� �rnpl���rs f�r �������l��rr��r�t ��r���i�� �tl��r T�a�����i�r��.'� �'�� rec���remer�ts �n t�ae �tat��er�t ��lo�v mo�� �ger�t �n���o���s �o us� ��ie a��err�ative meas�xremer�t rr��t��c� �� �r�c���� ����a���a.1�� ����c� i���r�-�a����r� f�� ��.�rp���� �f��r�a����l r���rt�r�g. �.s � �-��u�t ��'t��1� ��a�g�, the �ost of corr������e �ith t�e r�c��1�����ts of �ta�er�e�t �o. 4� �or ��lgible ���n� err�ploye�� rr�a� �� r������ �v�i�� ���ii��ir�g � �������r���e �al��� ������� t�� ���.1� �� ��l��l��� rr�����r�rr��r�� ��' r���rt�c� �r����r�a���r� �r�� r����r�a�1� ����. Irn�l�n��r�t��ti�r� �f�h�� �A�� �t�����r�� ��. ��7, c�i� r��t �ia�� ar� i�n�a�t o� the �ity's �'inar���a� s�at�����s far t�e ����1 yea��nde��une 3�, 2�1�. ���r�rr�m�r�t�al A���ur��i�x� �tar�c�a�d� ��arc� ��a��rn����T�, �S ---- --- � , .� , ,,,__.,_ �or �he �'��ca� �ea�� e�c�ed ���� 3�, ��1�, th� �it� im�al�r�e��ec� C��v�r�rr�e��al A�counti�g �tanc��rds ��ar� ��A��� �tat�r��r�� ��. ��, ��A����t�tx�.� �.c� �'�r��r��i�l ����rtir�g f�r ����t��� � �an��u�t����.�� T�1� �����I�1�I1� �� ������1�� ��I'���I�C�� ���1I1111I1� ���� ,��lil� ��, ����. T�� ���]���1V� ����]1� ��21�����1� 1� �� �r��rid� ��������r�g ar�c� f���r��x�� �e���ti�g g��da��� #��� g�v��r�.����� ��.a� h�a�� ��titi���c� �'�r pr�t��t��r� fro� �reditar� by fi�ir�� for b��r��t�y �a�d�r���pt��r 9 of t�� LJ��t�c� �t�t�s �3��u�t�� �od�. It requ�r�� �o���r�xx��r�t� to ��mea�ur� 1ia�i�ities�h�t�e �djust�� �r�ba�r�ptc� �her�t�.e b��x�t�y �our�t�or���r�ns a r��� p�ym�r�t �1�. Ir����rr�e�ta�t�or� of the �A�� �tat���r�t I�o. �8, did r�ot h��e � �m�a��t a� the �ity's �i��.r��i�l ������er��� �`�r��.� �'i���1 ����r�d�c���r�� ��� ����, l��T� Z—�'I'��'VAI��I�I�, C�11�P�I���'��AI�D A���U1�'�'AB�LIT� A, �u�dge�a�-y I��or���io� � Bienr�ial bud�ets �r� ado�t�d an � bas�s �onsister�t v�r��� ac�ounti�g pr�r�c�pl�� ger�e�al�y a��e��ed ir� th� ��ited �tate� of Amer��� ��� go�er�rn�r�ta1 funds. Th�tv�o-�ea�bu�g�� �s ��ga�1� �da�t�d for all �u��� by �2 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 53 I���'E 2 — �T�'�V�►R�����, ���PLIAI���, A�D �C���11�TA�IL�T�'Y c����nu � ��� ��� �i�� ���r��i� �ri�� t�� .��I� 1 �f` �d� ��a��. �`�� �i�� �VIa.rY� �r� �ir�� ���rx���� � ���irr��r� ` � � � buc�g�� �n A�ril ��t�� �c�c� ����� ����� �r��1�d�� ���j��t�c� ����r�di�ur�� �d��� rr��ax�� ��fir�a.��i� ���rn ' � � to the ��t� ������1. A� n������� c��rir�� ���1�� ���c�� ��s�i�r��, ������l�rr�ir� ��� �t �����n�� ��� r� �' � � �o��d 1��c��et , 0 o�vin�pt�b�i� h���r��� o� ��e �roposed b�dge�, t�e �`ir�a� ar�r�ua� �u� et i� ado t�c� b �he �it � ' � � y y ouncl� ir� ,��ne. A�t�r a�o��ior� of�h� f ir�a� �ud���, tra�sf�rs o�`a�pro ���t�or�s v�r�th�r� � �x�er�� fu� . . � � � d��ar���r�t, o� v�r�t l��x� o t h,e r f u�ds, c� �e rr�a c�� �y t�e �it� �I�Iar�a���. Buc� et �nodif��at�o�s to �n �f , � r y the f��s, ���r�a���� �� c����e�.��� �� � fi�r�d � ��r�r�.1� ��c�g�t, a��l ��1 tra.�s�`��rs �� �.r�d ��t �f a.� � f�nds, �us� b� �����v�c� �y ��� �it� ��ur���1. �Iu���r��� �r���r��r ��tl���i��c� �rr��r�drr����s ��� �a�c�� cix�r�rt � � �� f��ca1 y�a�. �udgetar�y �or�tro� is ��hax�ced �� �r�t��ra��r�� t�e ��c�g�� i�to t�� er����� l�c� �r a�cou � � r���, E������a�ce ac�o�r�tir�� is �rr���oy�d �e.�., purc�ase orc���s to �vo�d e� e�d���res ov � � �� ��e b�c�g��. �r���n���an��� ��t�tar�c�i�� a�� #����� ��ar�r�c� ar� a����rn�ti��ll�����c� �t�c� i����f��1�v�ir� � � g s�a� �ea�. 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Page 54 �I��'� 3 —�A�H A��� ������'1VI�I�T'� �����inu�d� �����71�II1 ��1�I1�1� 1V���i��rn Per�er�ta�e o� Ir��r�strr���� ��t��ri��c� �r�v��trn�r�t�'��� 11�I���ri�� ���t����� ir� �r�� I����r ��.�,�.�-��-.�.�.� �--�,����,.� �o�a� Ag���y�ond� 5 ���.r� �Ione I�o� e U,�. T���asur�r �blig�tior�s � ye�rs ��°�� �o�� �.�. Ag��cy ���urities 5 ye�.r� I���e �or�e ��kers' A����t�.r��es �S� d�y� ��°�o ��% �omn��ri�ial ����r ��� da�s ��°�o ��°�o �egoti���e Cer��fi�a�es o#'�eposit 5 �ea�s ��°�� ���� Re��rch�se Agre�mer�ts � �ear �ar�e �o�e ��verse �e�urch�s� A��re�m��ts �� da�� ��°�� o�`b��� �a��� �o�e I1�1�diu�n-�`erm I��tes S �e�rs ��°�o I�or�� �Vlutual Fu�ds �1� ��°�0 1�°�� 11�1or�ey 1Vlarket I1�r��u�� �ur�ds �1�, ��°�o I�°�� �I�Iortgag� �ass�T'hro�g�i ��c�ri�ies 5 y�ars ��°�� �o�� �o�r��y�ool�d ��ve��mr,er�t �u�d I�IA I�or�e I�o�e �o��l Ager��� ��v�st���t F�d �LA��� I�IA ��ne �or�e .��� ���1� ������ ������rx��r�����ls� �T�� I�T�r�� I�I�r�� ��ar�r�t��c� Ir�v�s�mer�t �ontra��ts 15 �nor�ths �o�e �o�� Ir�v�stmen�s Author���d b ���t A ������t� in�es�rr�er�t of r�ot� ��o��e�s h�lc� �� r�ot� tr��t��s are go�ve�nec� �� t�e ��rov�s��r�s of�h� d�bt a�r�e�er��s, r�t��� th�r� t�� g���r�I ���t�i�i�r�� �f' t�� �a�i���r�i� C���rr�n�rt� ���� �r ��� ��t�'� �������n�r�t ��1���. ��.� t�1�1� ����u� id���i��� ��� ir�v��t���� �y��s ���� a�� �u�.�������1 f�r i�x����rr���.�s �i��d �� fi���1 ag�r�t�. ��1� �.���� ���� 1C��I��1�1�� ��I'��1� ��'����1��� ����1��� C���� �.��'���11�I��S ���� �C�C�I'��� �I1��I`��� �`��� �'1��, �r�ci�� risl�, ar�d �o�centratio�o�'�redit ri��. 1V�ax�n�� �a��n�u� �u�l�or���c� In�e��nn��t IVla�imu�rn �'erc��tag� �n�re�tme�t ir� �'�}�e �at�it� A11ou��d �r�� �ssue� �or�e�m����t a��o��ts � I�IA I�o�e I�or�� L�i��1������ ��1�t���t� Ir�������.��t� �i�l� Ir���r�st ��t� ri�� i� ��� ri�i� t���� ��an��s i� �a�l��� ir���r��t ��t��� �x�� ad��r��1� a��f��� t�� �`��r �al�� ��'an �r�v�����r�t. C`"r�r����11�, ��� 1�r�g����� rr��.t�rit� �f��.i�.v��t��r��, ��� �r�a��r t��� s�������it� ��i�.� fa�r v�lt�� �� ��1�]��� 1I� Iri����� ��1���'��� �`����. ��]� ����1� ���� ��� ��� �1�� �1�.I]���� ��� �J����LI�'� �� 1�1�.�I`��� I'��� ���� i� ����r����ir�� � ��rr��inati�r� �����r������r� a�ad 1�����t�r� ir�����rx����s a�d ���i�n�r�� ���� ���� ��`�I�1 I�1���.1I'1�1�� �� ��1�� ����1�I� ����1� ������1� 1� I�l���l-�`1�'l� ��' ��1'�11�]� ����� �� �]��1��`��� �V��'1�� �V�I' �1�'1� �� ��������� �� �r��ic�� t�l�� �a��l� f���v� a�c� 1�c��ic�i�� r������ �`�r ���r���i�r��. ��.��r�r�����r� �.���� tl�� �����t�v��y �f t�� �'ai� �a.l��� ��t�� �it�'s ir�v��trn�r�t� t� rr��r1��� i���r��t r�t� flu�t�a�����.� �� �����c��c� �� �he follo�vir�g ta�I� or�the r�e�t p�ge ��iat s�a�s t�� d�s�ributi�n of t�ie ��ty's ��v�str�r�ents by matu�i��: 4� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 55 I��T� � -�A�� Al�� �I����T1V��l�T� �car����ued� R�r���� �1�1�turi�y���n ll�o��h�� �ax�-�ir�g 1�1V�or�t�s or 1�-�4 �S-�� Il��r� t�� Investmer�t T'�pe A��u�� �es� �1�io�ths ll�a�t�s �� IVior�t�s -�.�-.���� �.��.�.�.�„: L�F � ��,�'��,��� � I�,���,��� � - � - � - ��me Depos�ts 659,��� �8�,��� HeX d b��isca� A�e�t: �or�e��i�r�et Fu�d� �57,97� ��7,�7� �`�tal � ��,�3�,��� � �3,���,��� � - � - � - D�s��osures Re��tir� to �rec�it��s� ��r����1��, �r�c��� ���1� �� t�� �i�l� ���� �n is���r ����x i�����r��r�� �i�� r��t fu��ill ��� ��liga����� t� ��� ���d�r ��` ��� ����str��r�t. �`��� �� rr���sur�d t�y �h� �.��ig����� ��` r��ir�� �� a. r�ati�r�al�y r����r����� �t��i��i�a�l �a��r�g orgax���atiar�. �'�r�s����d belov� is t�e �1�i�u� �a��r�� ��qu�rec� by ��her� a�pl��a��e� t�e ���iforrY�a �7�'V��III�I��I�� ��C��� ��1� �1���� 1�1V�5��]�11�������, ��' C���� �����I11��1��, �� ��1� ����1�� �`��1I7� �� ������� ����' er�c� #`ar e�.�h �r�ves��er�t ty�e. R�t� s � o�F�s�c�i�ear�r�c� �Vlir�imu� �xem�t ��x�yir�g L���1 ��o� �vestm�r�t T A�rnou.r�t R�ti�g Dis��o�u,r� AAA A� �at �at�ed .��,�,�_ I�AIF' � 1�,���,��� �I�A � � � - � - � 1�,7��,4�� �T�xr�e�eposits �8�,��� �1� �89,��� �e�d��Fi��1�g�t: IV�o��y I1�1a�ket Funds 4�7,�7� �IA� �57,97� �'��a� � ��,������� � � - � - � � � 1�,�9�,�6� �or��en�r�tion of Cr�dit Risl� `��� i�v���r���t� ��li�� �f��� ��t� ��r�t�ir�� r�� 1irr�ita���r�� �r� �h� a�m���� t��t �an �� i������c� �r� a.�� ��� �s���r ����r�� �h�� st����la���c� �� ��� ��li���ni� ��v��rn��� ��d�. ����r� a�� �� ir�v��trr���t� �r� �r�� �r�� ���l.l��'���� I`������Il� J���� ��`1I]��`� ������� �1���� �IIV���I11�I1��. �1�1S��C���� �I'�(�1� �35� ���t��i�.1 �r�di� �i�� #'�r �����si�� �� t�� ���1� t��t� ir� �1�� ����� �� t1�� ��i1�r� �� � c�����i���� �1�a����1 ir���x���i��, � g�v�rnm�r�� �vi�� ��� �� �.�1� �� ����v�� xt� c�����i�� �r �v'il� ��� �� ��1� �.� r���v�r ���1������ ���u�iti�� t��� �r� ir� t�� �������i�r� ��'a.r� ���s�c�� �a�rt�. �`�� ��li�'�r�i� �����m��� ��c�� a�r�c� ��� ��t�'� ir�v���.r�-��r�� p�li�� c�� r��� ������r� 1���� �� ���i�y r�c��i��rr����� t�a�t �v��lc� �ir�i� �1�� �������� �� �����c�i�1 �r�c���r��l� ���c������t��, �t��r���t�� f�1����r�� ����i�i�� ���c�����x#s: ��.� ���i��rr�ia� ����rr�r���t ��c�� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 56 � 1�1�T� ��—�'A�I� A�� I1�����T����'� ��c���ir�u�c�} r�c��ir�� t��� � �r���ial ����i�u�i�r� ����r� d����it� rr��c�� by ���t� �r ���a�1 ��v�rr�x��r�t�l �r���� �� ���c��ir�� s��ur���es in ar� und�v�ded �o1�a���a� ���1 helc� b� �d��o��to�y re�u��te� unde� state la�v ��1ess so ���v�d �� �he gave�nrrYer�t�� �i��. T�i� �'��r v�.�ue o�t�� �ledg�d ����r�ti�s��r� ��e co���tera� �oo� must ��ua1 at l��.st 1��°�� of the to�a� a�our�t dep�s�ted �y �h� pu�1i� ag���ies. �al��orr�ia �a� �1so a���ows fir�a��i�� 1���1�1.1�1��1� �� S��L�.�'� ��� �1��'� C���3��1�� �� �1�C��1�� �1�'�� ��'L��� ���� ��I`����� �1���� �1��I�1� � ����1� �� �����o ��t�� ����r�d ���1i� c�����it�. �I��e �f��� �i��'� c��p��its v�i�� �'��a��i�l ir����t�ti�r�� ir� ������ ��' th� F�c��r�� ������t�ry Ir����ar��� �o�o�a��o�'s Ii��t� v�ere h�lc� i�ur��o�lat����i��d a��o���s. T�� �����c��a.1 �r���� r��k ��� i����s�n���r��s �s ��� �i�1� ��a�t, �r� t�� ����� �� t�� �a11�e �� t�� ����.��rpa.r�� ��.�., �r�1��r-���1��� t� � ���r�����i�r�, 2� ����i'�ll���l� V�1�� �].�� �� ��71� �� �`���V�T ��1� ����� ��1�� 1�]����II]�I�� �� ��1��t�r�� ����riti�s ��i�� a�� i� �1�� ���������r� �f`a.r��t�i�r ��rt�. �"�i� �a1��'�rni� C��v����r�t ��c�� �� t�i� ����'� �r�����rr���� ��1��� �� r��� ��r�t�i� 1���� �r ��1i�� r������rr��r��� t�i�t ���1t� �irr�it t��� ��p���r� �� �L�����1�� �I`�C�1� �'X�� ��I` 1I]����I�]��l�S. �1�� �`������ �� ��7.����I2���1��, ��.l���C�1�� �I'�C�1�. T1�� ���'l�I'���� ����1�� o�l� to dire�t investrn��ts �r� �arl��t�.b�e s�����ti�s. �ustad�al cr�dit ���� do�s r�ot app�y �o � lo��� �����]����'� 1I�C���'��� 1�1V����l��]� 1I1 ���Li�'X�1�S ��]�'�ll��l ��1� 1��� �� I�1�1���� �1��]C�� �I' ��V��`��Il��� ��ve�tm��t pool� �su�� a� ��IF�. �r�v�st�er�t �n ��a�� In��strr��nt Poo� �'�� �it� i� � v�l�r��ar� �a�-ti����� ir� �.�� ���a� Ag���� �r����t���� F�r�c� ��AIF� ���� i� r��u1�t�� �� ��� ��.liforn�a �o�����nt �oc�e �nder t�e ov��rs��ht of th� T���su��er of t�e �tat� of ��1�#`ornia. Th� f a�ir ��1�� �f��� �1��'� �rtv���r��r�t� i� t��� ���� is r���rt�c� ir� t�l�� �������r��i�� ����� ��a��i�1 st���rr��r�t�� �� t�e ar�ou�ts b�sed ��on the ���y's �ro-rata sh�re of t�e �a�r v�lr�� provided �� LA.��` for t�e er�tire ���F` ��rt#'��i� �ir� r�l��i�� t� ��� a.��rt���r� ���� ��' ���t ���t�'��i�}. T�� ���a.r��� ��va�1�.��� f�� �vit�d�ra��l i� �a��d �r�th� �����a�ir��r���rc�s ����ta.i���l�� I�AIF`, v����� ar� r���r��c� �r� a� ���r�i��� ������si�, �T�'I'� �—C1�PITA� A���'�'� A. Cap�ta�A�se#� A�di�ion� ax�c� �etYrement� A1� ���it��l ����t� a�� �a��e� �� �x�������1 ���� �r ��tin��t�c� �i���r�i��l ���� i����r��I �i�t�ri��1 ���� i� r��t� ��rai�abl�. Cor�trib�tec� ��p�tal ��sets a�� ��.lu�d at t��ir estirr�atec� �'axr va��� or� t�ie d�t� cor�tri�ut�d. T�e ����'� ���1�� 1� �� ���������� ��� ������� ��5��� �V1��1 ����.� �?����C���� ����11"1 �1"l�I"11�11�1 �����]��C��, �5,���� v�ri����� �����ti�r� ��i��r�.��r�x�tur� �.�. ���,��� ��i��t��s��� �i��s �����di�� t�v� ��a��. ���� ��� ��n�1���r������r� ��` ���� �����r���� I��. ��, t�.� ��t� ��� r������c� �1� i�s ���li� d�rr�a.ir� �infr�str��ture� ��.pit�.l �.sset�, �rh��h i��1�de ro�ds, brid�es, curbs� anc� gutters, �t�e��s a�d sid��a�1�s, d�a�nag� syst�ms, and �i��itir�� s���em�, T�i� ��xrp��� �f`���r��i��i�r� i� t� ��r����1�� ���t �f��pi�a� ����t� �c��ita.�1� �rr��r�� �I1 ���r� ���r th� lif� �f t���� a.s��t�. T`�� ��n���t �����ec� t� d��r���ati�r� ������� �a�� ����1 ���r���r���r��� ��i�t fi��a�� ���.rr'��r� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 57 1�1��'� �—�A�'ITAI� �����''� ����tin.��c�� ra��� s��r� �f��� �o�t�f ���ita�1 a.�s���, ���� �t�t�r��rt�I��. �� r�q�x������t a.�l���i��l ������ �i�� ���it�c� �����1 1���� �� ���r����te�i ���� t��ir� ��ti�n���� ����1 ���r��. ������i�tx�r� i� ���vic��� ��ir�� t�� str�i �� � �x�e method ��ich rr��ans ��� �ast of th� �ss�t 1s �ivic�ed by it� ���ec��d useful ���'� �� �e�rs a�d ��a� r���lt �� ���r���i t� ������� �a.��i f1���� y�a���.�i� ��� a����� i� f���� ci��r��i���d. ��� �i�y ��� a��igr��c� t�� ����1 1iv�� l��t�� l��l��t� ���i��l ������. �tr����res ar�� �mp�o�e��r�ts �� �ea�s �quip�n�r�t 5��5 ��a,�s Ir��rast�u�t��e �5��� y��xs �apit�� ass�ts activity �ar t�e �isc�� y�a�r er�de� J��e 30, ��I�, xs listed be�o�: . 'F rar�s f�rs and �al�rtc� �1��r Bala�r��� Jur����, 2���9 �d�iti�ns ��l�ti�n� 1��c1���if�ation� Jun���,���� �aver�m����Activ�ti�s .. - . �1�rxi�p re�i ab l��a�i ta1 a����� ��d � 2,�'7�,��� � - $ - � - $ 2,�7�,��� ��r��ru�ti�n in�r�gres� __�,��1,1 1� 1����,��� 6�_���� _����5�,��3� �,���,��� ���,..�_� �, _�� �� .�._� �"�t�l n�r����re�iab�� �a�ital��s�t� __��"721,�8� 1,���,�2� 6�,4�2 � �2,������� � ��� ��� � � .�� ..., �. ,_, � s � L��pr��ia�l��a�p����a��e�� � Stfuctures and im�rovements 4,83 7,5�2 G,3�� �,843,SS2 Equi�rn��� �,��9,2�� ��6,��C ��,��f 6�,��� �,���,��� �nfrastruc�ure 77,b�1,�85 12,��� 2 4��2�3 80 Q93,28� ��,�,.,.������ ������ � T�ta� �i��r�cia����ap���l ���t� ��,��7,��� ���,�I6 2�G,��6 �,�1�,��� ��,��1,�G� L��� �ccurrY�l�t�d d�pr��iati�n 3�,���,�1� ,,._ X,��G,��� �f,��f� ,.., ��,��� 3�,���,��� I��td�pr��iab���a.pital ass�t� ���1�9���9 �1,��2,��9� - 2 ���,2�� ��,���,��� � � .i..�.i_._� � �1�t c��ital as��t� � �9,9��,l�� � 16,�9� � f�,��2 � - $ ��,��2�,1�3� �usine�s�ty��#ctivites � ��nd�pr��ia�l��apital a��et� Lan�i � �6,��� $ - � - � � � 5�,��� ��P 11,'7�� 11,�7�� T�t�l n�n��pre����l��api�al as��t� �,__-------�G�"�_�� ,�_ --------�_�_,���__ � - ��,��� ��p�-�����1��api�������t�: �tru��ure�nd irnpr��r�rn���.� ���,�3� ���,99� �c�uipm�ert� �2�,�7� ��,5�� �6�,���� ���,91� �nfrastr�,���r� 1�,��3�,"71� 1�,�9�,��� .������ �, T"�tal ��preciabl��a�ital as�ets ��,��9,�9� ��,��� � ���,���� �fi,���,fi�� L��� �ccurrtu�at�d cl��r��iati�n �,���,���_, 22�9 9�� ����� �,�9�,��� l�i�t d��r��i�����ap�t��a���ts �,f��,C�'7 ����,�11� _ _ �,���,��6 I�I�t�api�a� as��t� � �,�'7�,��� $ ��3�,��7� � � � - � �,��2�,��� ��� 47 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 58 N�"�'� �—�'APIT�L A���'�� ��ont�nu�d) �. ���ar��Y��i�� A.�l����i��� ������i��i�r� ������� �as �l�arg�d �� �ri�ti�� �c� ����rar�as �a���c� �r� ����� �s��� ����� ���a�t�c� �.�����. ��e amoun�s a��oc�t�d to �a�h �un�t�or�s or�a�o�rarr� ���e as �`o��ov�s: ����1''I'1�l�I���l���l�l�l��: �er�e�ra� �ov�rr�m��� � 43,��� Pub�1�s�f�ty 33�,���� P ark� ar�d r��reat io�s �8,��� �tr�et� �.nd �oads ??9,�45 ��v�e� 5��,451 �'ota� Deprec�atio� ���e�se��o�er�r�.e��a1 A�ti���es � �,7��,7�� ��in���-�Ype A��i�i�i��: �ater $ ���,954 . T`ot�l ����e�iation�����se-�usi�ess-�Y�e Act�vities � ���,9�4 1��'�'� �—I��A� ���I�A�►�L� T�� �i��'s �ed��elo���r�t �ger��� ��.DA� ha� ��tered �r�to � p����as� ��r���ent �it� th� Ho�si�g A��l��r�ty �f t�� ���� �f��� L,��� ��i���, �'�� �A �����a����l �r��e�-t� ����i�xr�g L�� �n� ��c���a��� ��t A�i�� fi��c�s. T�� pr����-t� v�as ���r� ��1c� t� t�� �--����ir���.�t������ f�r ����,��� ir��a�� p��� ���,��� �� � l��r�r���i�a�1�, T'h�� 1�� i� �� �� ����id �v1��r� ar�d 1�t�� �r���rt� i� ��ld, I���n �.���i�v��l�: ��� ��t Aside �unc� �5��,��� 1��'�`� �—I�TT��.�'�1�T� ��C'���A�L��, �AYA����, ,�.�1� TRAI���'��� I�te���c� t�ar�sa�tio�� ar� ��p��ted �� �it�er loan�, se�v��es ��rov�c��d, re�rr�bur�err��nts, or�ransfers. I�oar�s �r� r���rt�� �.s �r���rfu.�c� r����iv��l�� ar�d �a�a���s, �� �pp���ri���, �c� ar� ������� �� ���rr�i�a�i�� ���� consol�dation. ��r����s ��o��dec�, c����n�d to b� �t m��et or ne�� mar�Cet �rat�s, �r� �re�t�d as r�ver���s a�d ���e�d1����sle�p��s�s. I��im��semer�t� o�cur v���r� or�� fur�d incurs a �os�, �harges ��� a�prop��at� b�r�ef�tir�� f��, ��d redu�e� �ts relat�d �ost as a reimb�rsemer��. A1� ot�e� ��terfu�c� ��ansa���or�s are tr��t�d as �ra.r������. fir����r� �.rr���� g����nxx���t�1 ��r�c�� a�� ��t��d �s ��rt �f��� r���r��i����i�� t� t�� g���rr��r��-v���� �r�an�i�1 s����rx��r�t�. �s Agenda Item 8.d. Page 59 l���T� �—�N�'���'�Tl�� ��'�I�AB���� �A�A�I���, AI�I� �'RA��F���� ����inu � ��� ��� ��rr������i�� �f i���r�u�d ����.r���s �t Jt�r�� ��, ��1�, ��r� a� f�11��v�: Ir���rf�d tr�a�rsf�rs: Tra�sfe�s Ir� �'ransf�rs �ut ���� I�PIi�iPIiP�� �er���a� FU�� � �,�36,��7 � 9�� ��'7 � I�or�r�a�or �a�rerr�rner�t�a� F�ds �57,7�� � 3�� ��7 � � �'r�s�ort�atior� Irx�����Fees ��nc� �77 ��5 � �ede�el opm�r�t Ca�i ta� P�oj e���F��d ��� �8� � �at er Ft��� 1,I�� ��� � �ope�F�r�d ��7,3�� �a�1t� Irr�p�o�r��e�t Fu�d �,9��,��� �_�����.�.,...�,..._` �'�t�� � �,���,��� � �,���,1�� ��� tolfrom o�her f�r�ds: ����iva�l� �ura� �� ���� �u�rl �rn��r�� ��r�eral Fu�c� �or�r�a�or �overr�r�er��a� �ur�c�s $ 1�,��� T'�ta1 � I�,��� Adv����� ����iv���� ��� P������: Ac��anc�s r�cei��b�� ar�d �ayabl� �o�st�t�t� ��r�g-t�� bo�ro�vx�g be��vee� ���. ���� ad���e ca�es � sta�ed in�er�st r�te ar�c� h�� s���d�l�c� deb� ��rvx�� �ayr�.er�ts. Ir�t�rf�nd advar���s r��eiva��� and �aya�l� ���a.���� at ���� ��, �.���, ar� a� �`�1���vs; � A�i�r��e� Adv�c es ��ee��rab�e �� a�l e .... ,...� I�o�ma�j o��o�r�r�r��ntai�`u�d $ 9�9,797 � _ ��d�v�l��rr��r�t���pi�a1���j��ts F���l ���,��� �'�t� $ �I9,797 � 919,'��7 ���� � i i/���:�� .�� ���� A. ��m ��S�t��i ��S�ri�es ��t� �rr�pl����� a����r�I��� ��r��c� ��t �����c� v��a�t��r� �r�c� �i�� �a�� ��r����s� ��i�� �� b� �����rt�c� �.� �as� at termi�a��or� o��m�1oy���t. ��r��e r�� ��a�s e�is�s �o �r�asor�a�ly e�tia�x�at� the a�o�r�t� �h�� m�g�� �� ��c��id�t�� �r�t� ����nd�l�l� �urr����� a��r��la��l� �'��.a�r��ia.1 ��������s, if�r��, ����r a.�� ����rt�c� �s ��r��- t�rxr� c���� �� ��� ���t�rr��r�� �f I��� �����s. �� ����r�c�i��r�� i� r���rt�c� ��� ���s� am��r�t� ir� ��� �ur�c�� sta�err�er�t�. �ov�e��r, �n t�e stat����� of�ct��xt����he e����d���r� �� al�ocated to ��.�� �`ur�ct�o�b�sed an �� . Agenda Item 8.d. Page 60 lY�{T� fi-����-�i'�I�11�I ���� ���n�ir���t�� ��a��. �'�i� r��r�-��rr�r�t ��rti�� �� t���� ��st�c� 1��n��`it�, �����I� ir� ����rdan�� vv���i �r�r���s ��r���t�v� �a����ni�� ���re�r�er��s, �t Ju�ne ��, ����, tat�l �1,�8�,��7 �'or �ov�r�rr��r�t�� a�t�v�t��s ax�d $?� S�� ��r �u���ess-�ype ����vi�ie�. � �. 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A rr��r�� �� �����'�� ���vi�i�r�� �� v��l� �� �t��� r�c����r�rx��r�t� ��� ���a��li���c� b� ����� st�t�t�s v�it� ��� ���1�� �r��������' �.�t���r�rrY�r�� �,��v. T�� �it� ��1���� ���x���1 ������ �r�v��i�r�� f���n t�� ��r��fi� rr��r�� �� �����r��t v�it� ��1���� �c� �c�c��t� ����� 1�����it� ������ 1���1 �r�i�ar��� ��t�i�r 1���1 rn�th�d��. ��1���� i�s��� � ����.ra��� ��r����������� ax���x�� f�r���ia� r���rt. ���x�� ��' t�� ���P�I��' a�.���� fir���i�1 r���r� �a� �� ��ta�ir��d f��� ��e ��1I���� �x����.iv� �ff��� --- ��� � �����t --- �a�r��er��o, CA 9551�. �2 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 63 ���'� �—C'�T'���Vi1���Y���' �TIR��VI���'�I��� ���nt����c�� ��nd�� �ol�� ��� �i�� ��r��rib���� ��� �r����y�� a�� �rn���y�r ��ax�� f��r t�� IV�����ll���u� �1a� �c� t�� ��f�t �'�a.r�. � ��r��e �he �it� ��.s ��ss t�an 1�� ������ m��ber� i� �ac� ��� �s of Jt�ne 3�, �00�, �t is re �ir�d to � �a�rt��i�a�� �� � ri�1� ���1. ll�a�ad���c� ����in� 1����� �ff������ f�� t�� �ity �f A�r��� Cr�c�� 1� �������. ���.� t�� �i���I�a.����� ����� a.r�d ��� F��i�� ���'��� �r���, ����i�v�c� ��ar���� ��r����s �r� �'� ����7���. T��i� n����� 1���� ������ ir��� � c�i�'�`�r��r�t ���� ar�c� ���r�g�d t�� �i�t�r� ��fu�c��� ��a��� �v��r� ��rr� ���c� t� . , . i � + t�t� ��1�� fr��a.1 y�a� s �A�"F�, �1�� ��t� ��` Arr��� ���.n�� �� r�c��i���l �� ��r�������� t�� ��t�arx�l� � C���.�I'I�11I��C� �`�1`TI��I�1�� ��1�1.1��� �1�����c�I'� �� �7.C� ��]� �7�'�7,��1�� ���' 1�� I�1��1'�.��I'�. �'�� ������i�l rr�����c�� a.r�c� �s��xrr��a����� ���� ��� t���� �c�����c� �� th� ��1���� ��arc� ��Adm.ir���tr�a����r�. T�i� ��c��i��� �rr��1���r ��r���r��r��i�r� ra��� ��r ��i� f���a1 ���� �������1�, v��� 1�.���7°�� f�r �i���11a�.��u� ���������, ��.���°�o f�r poli�� �af�t� err��lo�ee�, ar�d ��.���°�o for �r� sa�`ety ���1oye�s. ��e co�tr����io� rec��ir��ents of th� �l�r� rr������� �.rr� ��t��l�s��� �� t�� ����� �ta�r���� a.r�� #h� ��n�l�y��r ��r���i�����r� rat� i� ����.k���s��� �c� ma� �� arr�e�dec� �� �a1P�R�. �'he ��ty's ��r�tri�ut���s to �a��E�� fox �xs��1 y���s er�d�r�g �u.�� 3�, � �01�, ���9, ar�d ���8, �e�� $��418,��3, $�,�4�,�3�, ar�d �1,4�5,980, res�����ve1�, �d e�ua� ���°�o �f t�� rec�uired �o������tior�s �`�r�ach ����1 y�ar. ��'�� �—I�IA�����'Y, ������T�, A1�� ��RI����' ���VI�����'�'I�� ���'�'��'�'I�� A.. ����ri����x� ����1f-I���r�r��� �€��� ��r�u�t�t �� ��i�����v��-� A�r��m�x�� ��� �it�r ��`�r���� CA`xr�anc�� 1� � r��r���r �f`th� ��1���rr�i� J���� ����r� �r��ur��� A�t�����y ������r�ity}. �he Aut���ity i� �orr�po�ed o#` ��� ���ifo�r�1�p�xb�i� en��tie� a�d xs o��a���e� ��der a jo�r�t po�v�rs a�r��rr���� p�r���r�� t� ��1i���r�i� ����rr�m�r�t ��c�� ���� �t ��c�, T1�� ��r���� �� ��� A���i����� �� t� ��ar��� �n� a�c���r�is��� �r���arr�� ��r t�� ���lir�� �f������.����� 1�����, �� �������� ������ i�����r��� �r r�ir����.r�n��, a�ci �� arr�.��� ��� g�r��� ����1�a.��� i�����r��e f�� �����rt� a�a� �t��� ��v�ra����. T�i� A��1��ri��'� ���� �������v�rir�� �1air�s �f it� n��rr�t��r� �r� 1���, ���� rr��r���r ��v��rx���� �i�s � �l��t��c� ���i���� �� i�s ��pr���������� �r� t�� ��a�rc� �f I�������r�. T�� ��ard ���r�t�� �hr��g� � 9-rr��n���r ������1�� ��1�7�1�11���. �. ��1�-���u����� ��r��r��� �f�1���u���r�t� ��r�era� �i�b%— ��.�h r��m�er �over�m�nt ��ys a p��mar� d�posit to cav�r���i��t�d lo�s�s �or � fis��l ��ar ����x�� ��ar�. ��� �����s ��t�� t1�� ����� ��` a� �'���a� ��a�, �����ar�riir�� �1�ir�� �r�� va�1��c�. � ret�osp��ti�e �e�osi� can��uta�ia� �s t�.e� mad� �o� �a�h op�� c��.i�s y.ea�. �asts �r� �p�eac� to me�bers �� f��l�v��: t�� �'ir�� ���,��� ������ ����rr��.�� i� ��a���c� c�i����l��� t�� rr��rx����; ���t� fr�� ���,��� t� �7��,��� ar� �ooled ba��d or� a rn�mb�r's �ha�e of costs �der ����0��; �o�t� �rom �7��,��� �o �1�,���,��� ar� ���1�c� ����c� ��. ����r���, ����� �����v���c� �1a�irr�� �.b��t $1�,���,��� �� ���r����� �a�d b� ��1�s��a�c�. �'h� �rot��t�or� �o� ea�h merr�b�r i� $��,���,��� per o�����c� �d ���,���,��� �r�r�u�l a��re��te. �3 Agenda Item 8.d. 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I��s��� �r�rr� ���,��� t� $1��,��� �c� t�� l�s� ���������r�t r���rv� a�����i�t�� �i�� 1����� �� �� �1��,��� ar� �oo�ed bas�c� or� t�e �e�nb�r'� s�iar� �f �o�s�s �r�d�r ���,��0. ��ss�s fra�n �1��,��� to ��,���,��� �r�d lass de��lopmer�t rese�ves associated ��th losse� firo� �100,��� to ��,���,��� a�e �o�1�d �a�ed ar� �ayr�li. ��st� f��m ��,���,��� �� ���,���,��� �r� ���r������d �� ar� ������ ir���ra��� ��li�y, ����� i� ����s� �f ���,���,��� �r� p��l�c� ��r�� ��� ������� �a��c� �� ���r��1. A�in�ir�i�tr�a����� ����r���� ax� ���c� f`r�� t�� A��.��ri��'� i���s���r�� �a��i���. �'. �u�����s� �r�s�rar�ce �r��a�rt�_�����a��� — T�� �x�� �f Arr��� C�r�c�� ��rti�i�aat��s �� ��� �.11-r��� �r���r�� �r�t��t��� �� t�� �����r���. ��v�r�� i���.�rar��� ���pani�� ��d�rv�-it� t�i� i�.st�r�.n�� �r��t��t1�r�, �'�� �it�r �� �4rr�y� �rar�c�e's �ro�erty �s c��r���ly i��ure� a��ard��� to a s��ed��� o�cover�d ��ro���t� s��rr�it�ed by t�e �it� o���-ro}�� ��ar�de �.o �he �ut�orit�. 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FI'he ���� is #`��t�er����g�.te� to r�a1�e �on��a�t�a���t� �t�1 th� fi��a� �ear ��3�. �"�.� �utur� �minim�� �o�t���t �a��ent fo� th� de�t s�rv��� �� ����vn �����v: �i���l Y�� �r��1�� Jun� 3� �ontra�t �aym�nts ���1 $ 5��,�5� ���� �3�,3�� ���3 5��,��0 ���4 5��,9�� �0�� ���,��� ��1����2.� �,�8�,�47 ����-���� �,���,1�� 2����-���� �,'71�,��� �ot�. $ 1�,777,��$ �`�� r�ini�num �ontra�t �a�r��r�ts o��� �r���ude the �it�'s portior� of �he �e��r��e B�r�c�s. rI`�� C�eneral ��lig��i�r� ����1� ��� r��� ir��l��l�� ����� �'ir�����al ��a��rr��r��s, b��a��� ��� A����rit�� ��1����� ��� �r����-t� ��� r�v�r��� ar�� rr��.k�s ��i� ���rr��r�� �r� ����1f �f' t�� �i��. �I��v�v�r, ir� ��� �v�r�� ��� ��t��rit� i� di�b�ded, t�� �it���1� b� ob�i��tec�to ������.u�to pay ��s sh�are o�t�e rer����ing debt �e�vice. ��'�'� 1�—P��T��VIP��Y��I�T ��I��FI'�'� �{I'�ER TI�AI� F�1��I��� ���� ��.s�r����i�r�: �`1�� ���y �� Ar���� �r�ar�c�� ����id�s ���t-�r�ti�r����.� ���1�� �����i��� �r� ����rc�a��� v��t� �tate statutes, �o ��1 �rn�lo�ee� retirir�� from the �i� a�d enro�l�d �r� an i�surar��e ��o�ram �de�r �he ���if�rr��a��'��1i� �rn�������' 1VI�c�i��l and H���it�l ��r� ���1VIH�A�. T�� ��1�'��� ��I1���A�la� i� � �s Agenda Item 8.d. Page 66 ���`E 1��-����'�11��'��YIVI��T ��1���'��'� ��''�I�I�"�`�,�I1� ��l��I��� ���n�i���c� � ���'ir��c� ��r��r����i�r�, rr��lti��� ��n�l���r, �e�1���a.�� ��ar� �r�v��ir�g ��r��fi�� �� ���iv� ��� �����-�c� ���1�����. T1�� ����t���� ���r� i� �d.��r�i������ b�r t�� ��1i���i� F'��1�� ���������' 1����r�r��r�� ��st��. ���1�� ����1� ������� �llll.l�� ��l��1�1 ����� ��� �� ����1�'l�C� �I��YI ��� ����l���V� ���1��, ��� � �tr���, ��.C�'���'1�0, ��. �����. �'u�c�ing�o����: �'h� ��� �a�ti�rpa��s �n ��e ������� �-Ie��t�i ���efit P�ogra�, ��1 �rx���o�e� grou�s v���� �1�1C���` ��]� �1�1�C��.1�.� ��Il��'1�L1�1�11 ���1��]. ��� �1��'� ���l�I'1�11�1�� ���V�`�S T��1�`��� �����C� �� ��� C�����` ��1.��� ��r y��r �� ����, �"�� ��r���i���i�r� v���lc� i������� ���� ��r ��ar �� ��� ����'� ��r�tri�a����r� �'�r ���1V� ��������5 �I�1�1� ��1�� �1�1f1� ��1�� ��]� ��1'���`1�1.1�1��1� ���` ���.1�`��� 2�1C� ���1V� ��1������� ��`� �C��1��, �r��ic�ir�g ���� t�� ��t� �� ��.rti���a�i�� �r� t�e ��1�'��.� ���1��i Pla.r�, �.11 �r������� ������ a�r��c� �� �n��if� ��� r���r�� ���i��l �1ar� 1� �� �������, t� �r���d� �r� �q��l ���t��1l���i�r� ���i��. ���re��ly, ��� �i�� is r��uired to cor�������e �1�� pe� �o��to��rd th� �ost of��i� �etiree h��l�h i��u�ax��e, v�h��� �s t�e sarr�� ���u�� ��r�t����t�d ���a�� �.�ti�r� �rr��l���� ���lt�i ��.�ur�r���. Ir� �n�d���i�� t�i� �r�rr�r�� ��t�r�� rr������� ������n�r�t�, �� ��� ��r���d t��.� ����t��� �rr��1����s v�i�1� a. �i�irr�u.�n ��'f��� �5� y�a,�� �f`f`���-t�rr�� ��rvi�� �� ��� �i�� �#' r���r���n�r�� a�r�c� r��� �rr��l����� �it� a rr�x�irr�u.r� �� ter� �1�� ����� �� ���i�� �vi1� ����i�ve � su�p���ner�t�l �anthly �a��nt �amo��� �a��es de�e�d�r�� ��aa� �m�loyee ��oup a�r�d t�pe of �r��ur����, T�'l� ��I1��1�11I1� ����1`l�� �� ��� ��`�1`I�1111�I1 �� �}c1.IC� C�1�`���]� �� �.�1� ��tir��� �� ���P���. �`1�� n���c����r� ��n�l���r ��r�t�il���i�r� f�r a���i�� �c� r������ ���.1t� ��s����� is ���r�a.��c� a�.�r���l� ir� ������l�r��� v�i�� ��II�II��A ����l�t��r�. �������r�� �r� Ja.n��rr� 1, ��11� ��� ��r��ri�����r� �m�u�.r�� v�rill ir��r���� �� ���� ��r ��r�t1�. �t�rir�� �'i��a�1 ���r 2.��9-1�, ����r��iit�r��� �#��1��,��6 v�r��� r����r����d f�� ���t-������rn��������h �r���ar��� ����rib�ti�r�� �� a�ay-��-��u-g� ���i�. �e �i�� of Ar�o�o C��ar�de i� rec�u�red �o ���trib�te t�� anr�ual r�c�u��ec� cor��r��u��o� of �he errY�aloyer �A���, �r� a.rr���r�t ��t��.ri��1� c������ir��� i� �����c�ar��� ��t�a t�i� �a.ra��t��� ��`�A�� ���t�rn��t ��. ��. T�� ��� r���������� � 1�v�� �f f��dir�g ��i�� if�a��d �� a�r� �r���ir�� ���i�, i� �r�j��t�d �� ����r r��r�ma�� ��s� ea�h ��a� ar�c� a�no�t��e arY� �nf�ded a�tua�ria� l�ab�litie� �or �u�c�i�� ���e��� ove� a ��rioc� no� to exce�d t��rt� y��r�. �'�� ����t 1�1�� �a��� is 1.9� �����r���f�nr���l ��v�r�d ���r�ll, �4�r��c�� ���� ���s�; F�r �`i��al ���r ���9-1�� �h� ��t�'� a�r��a�1 �1'E� ���� ��a���r���� �� ���3,��� v��� �c��a�l �� t�� A��. T�i� �it�'� a.r�.���1 ���8 ���t, t�� an���� ���� ���� ��r��ri����c�, t�� ��r���.���� �f ar���l ���� ���� ��r�tri��t��t� ��� �l�r�� �n� t�� ��� ��'�� ��li���i�r�������-��, i� s�i�v����1��: °�o ���.�1.�&� �'is�� Year �r����.1 ��ual �PE� ��'�B �o�� ��t �PE� ��d�d �P�� �as# ��st ���tri�uted �ont�ibuted �bliga��on �1��12��8 � �1�,7�� � 64,53� ��°�o � 1��,�74 �1��1���9 �19,7�� 1��,5�� ��°�0 1��,��3 �l��l��1� �19,7�� 125,��� �9°�� 9I,09� �'ota� � �59,118 � 30�,6�1 4�°�� � �5�,4�7 �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 67 1���'� 1�—���T�����Y11�I��T�' ��I���I'�'� �T�����'�i�� ��1�T�I��I� ���ntir���d� �'�r�c��d �t�tus �n�l �'u�d�r�g �rag�ess: �� �ur�d�c� stat�s o�'�he �Ian as of J�� 30, ����, is as fol�ov�rs: �����-ia�l ���r��c� �i���1�� ���.L,� �1,���,���7 A►.�t��.r�al �a��e of�la� �ssets �]r�f�r�ded actuari�� �.�c��d 1��bilit� �L�AAi�� � S�� 5 7 Fund�c� ratio ��ctuar��� val�e o��1�n asse�slAAL� �°�� �o���ed��yra�1 ���tive p�a� mem�ers� �0,4�3,��� �T�4.�� �� ����r��r�ta.�� ����v�r�d ���r�l� ����o A���a���l �a.1��.t�i�r�� ��' a.n �r�g��r�� �la� ir�v��v� ���i�a���� �� t�� v�l�� �f ����r��c� a�rr����t� �r�� �ss�.m�ti�r�s a���� ��� �r�������t� ����� ���u�r���� ��`��r�x��s �r� �a�r ��t� ��� fi�t��, �xa.��1�� x����c�� �ssumpt�or�s a�out f��ur� e���o�m�nt, mo�tal�ty, �nc� ��e ��a�t����e co�� t�er�d. Ar�o�r�ts c�eterrn���� re��rdi�� the �t�r�d�d stat�� o�t�� �lan �nd t�� a�r��a1 rec��ired contribut�or�s o�t�ie �m�lo��x �re subj�ct to c�r�t���a� r�visior�s as a�#�xal res�lts �re �o��ar�d �vith �ast ��pe�ta��or�s a�c� nev� est��ates �r� made ����t t�� fu��r�. T�� s���c��l� �� �u�c�i�� �r�g����, ��e��r���� a�� ��c��i��c� ���a��������r� �r��'�r��t��� ���1�v�i�g t�� r��t�� t� t�� ���i� ���a��i�l �t�t����.t�, �r���r��� rr��lti�r��r �r��r�� ���'�r��ti�� t��t s���s �l��t��r t�� ��������1 ��1�� ��'�la� �s��t� is i��r��sir�g �� c�����a���r�� ���r ti�� r�lativ� �� th� �����ria.1 �.c�r��d 1i��i�i���s �or bene�its. Act�aria� 11�Iet�ods �r�d Ass�mption�: Pro�ectic��� of ben��its for �i���ial r�porti�g ���pos�� ar� ba�ed on t�� ����tar�ti�� �1an �t�� �1ar� a� u.�d��st��d 1�� �1�� �rr��1���� �d piar� rr���n��r�� ar�d �r��l�c�� t�� t���� ��' ������� �r�vi��d �t ��� �irx�� �f �a�� �r�1�a��i�r� a�c� t�� h��t�ri�a�1 ���.�rr� �� ���rir�� �f` ��r��fit ���t� ����v��r� t�� ���1���� anc� �l�r� rr�����r� t� t�a� ��i��. �`�� ��t��a�r��1 ��#k��c�� ��c� ���rr������� ���d ir��1�c�� ������c���s ���t ar� c���igr��� �� r��c���� sk��rt����3 V��2��1�1�� 1�l ����1�`1��, ���I��C� �1��71�1�1�� ��lC� ��'l� �����ri�.1 v���� �f �.���t�� ��r��i�t�r�t v������� 1�r��-��rm��r�������r� ����� ��1���a��i���. �'h� actuar�a� �a��atio� of�la� ass�ts, dat�d �uiy 1, ���7, us�d the �roj��ted �Tr�it ��edit �os� m�thod. T`�� a���arial ������ti�r�� ir����c��c� a� 5.� ��r��r�� ir�����rr��r�t ���� ��` ��t�� �r��� �� a���ir�i�t�ra��v� ����r����} �r�� �n anx��a�� ��a��t��a�� ���� �r�r�c� r��� �f � �a�����t �r��ti�11y, r�c����c� �� d���r����t� t� ar� �l�i�a�t� ra�t� �f�.� ��r��r�t �.�t�� fi�� ��ar�. T�i� ��t��ri�1 ��1�� �f�1a�r� ������ �v�� ��� �������t�c�, c��rir�� t�� �rst �ctuari�l �a�uatior�, a� ���r� a�� �o ass�ts. Th� �'�an unf�.r�ded a�tu���al a��r��d 1�abilit� i� beir�g �.rr��rti��� �v�r a ��-��ar arr���t������r����r��d. 1��'�'� 14�������ITI�I� lA B�RR���1�� �Y�'�I� �'�'A'�'E �F ���IF���A LTr�d�r t�ie pr�v�s�ar�s o�' Pra�osi��or� 1 A ar�d �� par� a� tk�e ���941� budg�t p����ge �a���d by t�e �alifornia state ��gxs�a�ur� or� ,�u�� �S, ����, th� �tate of �a�ifo��a bor�rov��t� S°�o of �h� arr�o�t of �r�p�rt� �.�� r�v�r���, ir��1�c��r�g ��i��� ������t� ��x�s �����i�.��cl �ui�� t�� ir�-�i�� rx����r v��i��� 1������ ���, ��� �I'1�1� �1� 1� �1�1.� ��1�� ���, �c� ���p1�rr���t��1 �r���rt� ta�, a�����t��r��c� �� �iti��, ��u.�����, a�r�� ������1 d�st�i�ts ����lud�r�� r�developme�� ��er��ie��. T�� ��a�e �s r�c��ir�d to rep�y t�i� �o�ro���g p��s ir�t�r�st �y ,��r�� ��, ��1�. ����` �'�����ll��� ����1�5 1�31�1�� ��I'I`�V�i�l�, ��1� ���1���`�1� �����I���� 1`�1�� ���S1C���' ��1� ��� �C�C�1�1�I1�� �?��`�'�V4�1�]� 'VL�1��1I1 ���I1�����p�r��c�. T�� �rr��u.r�t �f��i� ��r��v�ir�����ta��r�i��t���� ��t� �� ��royo �rar��e �v�s �4�1,3��. �7 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 68 �1T��'� 14�-P�����IT��� ��► �����Il�� �Y �'�� ��TAT� �F �A�I�'���TIA c�r�t�r��ed � � Au��ori�ec� v�i�h t�e ���9-1� �t��e b�dge� p�.��a�e, ��� �ropo�it�o� 1 A. �ecu�it��at�or� �ro �.rn v�ra� � 1��������C� �7� �.�� ���1���'III� �����V�1C�� ���1'1"11��1�1�� �����,���1�11� �l.l��l��`1�� �"���1���I'l1� ��I����]1������ s i i � ' ; �� a ����t p��v�r� a�t��r��� �p�r���r�c� �� ��� �c'��1��I'�12! ���.�� �����1����I� �� ���i�']�1�� �1C� ��1� ��� �� �� � �a��#�orr�ia �ities, to en�.�1e ����� go�rerr�r��r�ts �o se11 th���r Pro�o�itior� �A ��ceival�l�s to ��1ifo��a ��rr���r�iti��. �T���r t�i� ����rit���ti�r� �r��r�, ���if�rr��� ��rr���r������ �irr����a������y ��r������ ��� P�opositior� 1 A re�e�vabl�s ar�d iss�ed �or�ds �"P�ro� �A �onds'�� to prov�de �oca� a��r�ci�s �i�� cash �r������ �� ��� �c���� �r�s�a�lrn����� �r�.T���r� ��, ��1� a�d II��� �, ��1�. Th�����i��� �ri�� �a�� �� ��� �o�al ager�cie� �qualed 1��°�o o�' �h� �noun� �� th� �ro�erty t�x ��dr��tior�. A�1 tra�sa�tio�s �o�t� of i��uar��� �r�c� ir������� �v�r� ��id �� ��� �tat� �f��ii�����, ��rt��i���i�� I��al �g�r����� �av� r�� ��l�gati�� �r� t�� ���ds a.�c� r�� ��r�di� �����u�� t� �1�� �����. �F�� �ity �ar���i�aa���c� ir� �1�� �����i�i�at1�� �r��ra� a�c� �c�ordi��ly, �roperty �a�es �a�e been �record�d �r� t�� same r�a�.�xe� as if t�� �t��� �ad �ot ��er��s�d its �i���s �.r�c��r P�r�p��i�i�r� �A. �'�e ������a��1� s�l� �r�����s ���� �c��al �� t�� ���� ��1�� �c�, �� � �r�����, r�� ��1r� ��1��� v�a� r����d��. 58 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 69 � ���� ������������� ���� ����� ������� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 70 ����������������� ���`+I������ �7L����1..�LII' ���1V��J� �1���1�1��1 1J��7������1V�F��7 ������������ �����1 ��������1� F��t���i��al ��a�r�r�d�d J�n�3�,���� ��ri�n��with Bud �t�d Announts Final Bud��t Pa�itrr�� �ri �n�l Fir��! �I�t�al Arr��un�s ��1�g�tiv�� l�evenu�s: ' l���p�rty tax�� $ 3,���,��� � �,���,��� � �,6��,��� � ���,1�0 Taxe��th�r t�arti pr���rty �,���,��� �,���,9�� �,���,��� {3��,���� �.l��tl����C��]�I'I'C�1�� �1�,��� �1�,��� ��"7,��1 �1�,�1�} ���'1���Il(���T��l�Llf�� ���,��� ������� ���1�� ���,���� ����f�n�n�}�and pr�p�rty ���,��� �6�,��� ���,��� �I 1,2��� Int��`g�v�rnm�nt�.l ��9,3�� ��C�,��� ���,�4� �1��,9f��} �har���for�er�i��� ���,��� 1,Q�8,��� 1,���,�07 �1,7�� �th�r r���nu� I,���,4�� 1,7��,'7�� ���,9�� �i,��6,���� Total re���u�� 11,���,��� ��,��1,��� 12,���,7�� {1,4��,99�} Exp��dRt�r�s: �er��ra�l����rnn��nt �ity��unci 1 l�1,��� 1�1,�2� 1���14� 21,Z�� �ity Max����t' ��3,��0 ��6,��� ��1,��� ��,9��7 �ity Att�rr��y 17�,��� 19�,��0 1�6,��� �,��� �.��i�la�tiv�and Inf�rr�a�i�n��rvi�e� �'J����� 3��,�9� 2�p,��� �5,�9� Inf�rrn�ti���'���r��l�gy 2�2�,��� �2�,��� ���,��� �,�91 Adminis�ra�tiv���rv���� 67�,��� ���,��� 6�g,��� �,��� ��i�tit�g ��,��� ��,4�� �2,��� �,��3� I�1�n-d�partYn�ntal 7�X,9�� �1�,��3 ���,��1 ��,��2 ����rnrrt�r�tal buitding� 1�9,��� l��,2�� ���,1�� 2��,�99 �ng�ri���kng 460,9�7 4�O,�fi? 375,�95 8�,�7� Buil�ing�nd Lif����`�ty ��6,��� ���,��� ���,�65 9,�1� �a�ks an�recr�atian Pax�s G�4,��6 ���,f�52 �84,C�$l 20,97� l���r��tior� 1�2,��$ 1��,�9� 1��,�#�� ��l�� C�r��r�l r�����ti�n 1�9,7�� 1��,��� 12��,$�� �,�2� Pr�-��h��l pr�gr�rr� ��,��� ��,��� ��,��2 4,��1 �pe�ial pr��rarr��,r��r�ati�n 1��,��� 11�,��� ��,��� ]�,��� �hilc�r�n ir�IV�oti�n ���,��� ��8,��� �74,��� ��,l�� F�v� �iti�s�outh Baslc�t�a�1 �9,9�� ��,��� ��,�7� �,��� ��t��p�rts��r�npl�x �41,�4� ��1,��� 19�,��� ��,��1 ��rx�r�unity d�v��oprr��nt 474,��� ���,��2 ���,��� ��,��� Pu�ali�sa��t}� Police �,��3,�21 5,�4�,�8� ��2��,��� ���,��� Fir� 1,�9'�,��� 1,���,��� 1,���,�7� ��,1�3� Sttee�s ar�d roads Str��tlbrid���ain��narY�� ��,��� ��,��� �2�,�1�i '7,G$� �tre�et�ight�ng 2�5,�0� �35,��� ��8,���4 l�}55�i Aut�m�t�v��h�p 11�,6�� 1 l�,$�9 1��,�C�� 2,��4 D�bt se�v��e ���,1 S� �45,�8� 133,75� l�,�3� ��p�t��au�1a}� l������ ���,l�9 23�,�l� 1 l�,��� T�t����cp��tditur�� 1�,��9,��� ]�,�1�,��1 ��,1��,��4 1,�5�,��� �x����ofr�v�nu��ov�r{und�r���c��n�it�re� � {�,���,��7� $ �3��,���� � �7��,9��� $ ����,1��� �9 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 71 ���������������1��� ��1������� ����L���������lJ��a�������������1�l����V����������ri���_ L7����i �l�l�11�1 LJ�L F�r�h��i��a���a��r�c��c�,�u�n���,��1� ��r��n��v�r��h �ud�ete��rnaur�ts F��a�Budg�t _ � .,. .,... Pasiti�r� �r� ina� �`t�sl A�tuaf Ar��unts {�e��tive� ��h�r�i�anein���ur��s{�J��s�: �"ra�sf�rs�r� $ 2,270,90� $ 2,28�,?�0 $ �,�3�,557 $ 955,857 Trarxsfers out {550,���} �3,076,�59} �9f��,8�7� 2,�14,�52 -_�.�. T�t����h�r�ina,rY�ing��ur��s��s�s� �,?��,9�� �79�,9��� �,2��,��� 3,�7�,��� I�I���hang�in fun�balan�e ��,0�� �1,1��,7��� 1,���,��� �,�1�,��3 Fur�d�ala,r�ce•Jul}� 1,���9 3,��1,��l 3,��I,��1 �,���,��l �unci baxar�r,e+.�un���,2��1� $ �,���,��� � �,2.��,�'7� � �,���,�2� � �,71�,��� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 72 ������������������ �����LJ���[' ll�������� �r1����1J�1�J��►]�������i�lV�� �� I'���������L.� 1]����1 �!V��L�1 L��� F�r�h��i��a1���r�r�c��d Jur����,2�1� � T�A�S��RT�#'�'��1��MPACT F���F�NI� Buc� ��e�Ar��ur��s V�r��ne�w�th ��t�al Arn��r�t� ��na!��dg�� �rigin�l Fin�l �ud ��ar ��sis F�sitiv� I�� ative l��v r� ��,�.,.,� � ues; �ax�s��h�r tha�prop�rt}� $ 1�,��� � ��,��� � ��,��.g � ��,g�� L]s�of m�ney and proper�y 4�,0�� 4�,0�� ��,524 ��3,�7G� T'ota�l r��en��� ��,��� ��,��� 1��,��� ��,��� ��h�r Fir��n�in��our��s{[J����: ���r�ti�rg tran�f�rs�u� ___�_��,���,�3�� �1��,�1�� �,�1�,��� ,,.... T�tal���e�-fin�n��ng���r�������s� 1,4��,���� ����,�4��� 1,��1,21� —�_�...._ � ..,--�— N�t�han����f�n�i���a��� ��,��� �1,���,���� ���,���} 1,���,9�� Fun�b�l�n��-Jt���r 1,2��� �,�1�,2�� �,�1�,�43 �,$��,��3 Fur�d baEa�ce-,�ut��3�,2�1� $ 2,8�8,243 $ �,37�,6�� � �,740,58� $ 1,360,97� 6� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 73 '�'hY� ��g�in#�nti�n��ly��������1� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 74 �it���'�r�royo �ra��e o����os�r�n���.o�rn������v����rs�o��a} ��HEU[�i,��F�L]�V�I��P���1���� For th��iscal Yea��x�c��d Jur����, �Q�� Artuar�al ��tuarial�►ccrued llaluatio� I.iability{��L} Urtf���ied �JAAL as�Percentage Artuaria�l�aluati�n of�1s�ets Pro��ct�d L��►it��st A�L�LTAAL} Fux�d�d Rati� of�o�r�r�d�a}�roll _ �at� {a} �b} {�-a} ��f b�` �o�rer�d Fayr����c} ��b-a�f c� �����o�� - � �,s��,.��� � �,s�s,��� o� � �o f���,r�o ��� �3 � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 75 T'�i� ���� int�ntf���l�� l��t ��a�I� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 76 �..��������...����� ���� �� �� ������� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 77 ��������� ��� ��������� �� 1.��1����� ����� �� ����������� ����� � ����� ���r��rx� �t�r�c�s: F�re Pr�o�ectior� �rt�pa�� �"urt� - �'�tis �ur�d a��o�x�ts �or imp��t fe�� ��11e�tec� #�ro� c�e�r��o ��s fo� t�e � ��c��r�����x�f t����ci��in�fir��t�fi����rt����r��s�rv�fut�x�����r�l���t�r�t. �'��i�� �'r�����i�tt �rrt�cx�� ��r�� � T'��� �ur�� ������� f�r ir���ct ���� ��I�����cl f��rrt c��v�1� �rs ��r t�� � �xpa�sion of th�e�ci,st�ir�g po�ice fa���.�r i�o��e��o serve fu�ur�develo�r�x�r��. .���`l� ��x�����rter�� .�Ft�rt� � �'his ��xr�c� 2����ur�ts ��r �t� r���ip�s �f �a�k-ir�����u f�e� �(��xir�� � an� rar�t Y � re�r��ues t1��t are txs�d�a�r con�t�r�,etior�,p�rk a�qui�i�on,a�d d��re�o�m�nt of����C fa�����i�s. �c�t�Tc �rr�����rern�t�����x���'�r�� � Irr����� #'��s ��11�����i ��� ��r1c i��r�v�����s ��r� t� b� �x��c� �� �nain�ai� the ada�t�d i��r�l of s��vic� far r��i�h�orhood anc� �ornmur�Yty parl�s of 4.� acres per �ha�xs�r�d pop��a���. �`��s fu�r�c�a��o��tt�fo�t�e re�e����r�d�xs�of��s�mo�x�s. R����c���or� ���rr��r�i�� �era��� �`r�r�� �T�►�� fur�c� �����r��s f�� i�pa�t���� ��1�����d az�� ���c� ��r r���r��ti�r� �ac����es � o���� �o ma��t�ir� �e ad���ec� ��vel of s�rvice of re�re��ion f�ornmun��r �er��er fac��i�ies of �4� �q��x��f���p�r t��u��r�c�����xl��i�x�. �,ar�dscape �1�Iair�ter�ar�ce D�s�ri�� �'��c� �T�tis fund �c�o�xnts far �e ���ds�a�� r�r�atn�er��r�c� of �arkv►���rs �i�i�t t�w �t�tx��.x�� �ra��s. � ����i�� 1����fit ��s����t�r�� i� 1��r��t� �n �����rty ��nr��r� �� ���r ��r �and����� �r►�i�t�r►an�e e�cp�r�d��ur�s. ��a���u� �u����r�� �"a�r F�r�� -T�t�f�r�� ��xt����ur�ts f�r r���i�ts ar��i��c��nc�itt���� ��rr�����r �p��rti���� ��r th��tat��tr���r��r��t�2��xc��i��tv►���r����s��ti�n.�2���,����, �1��,�������.�. Th�us���������c r�v�r�u��� car�or�Iy b�u�ec�to�o�s�ruc�and r�ax�tair�st�re��ar�c�h�g��ay�. �'raf��c�o�z�es�iar��eii��'.�ur�d ��'��s fund��cou�ts�or r�c�ip�and��c�er�di�u��s of mo�e� ap�o�t�o��d ��r �e��ate��d�r�B�3��,��r s�re�t or�oad ma��ena�c�or r��on��ru��io�. T'ra�fi� �ig�al ��tpc�c� ��r�d - �'�i� fund accour��s for traffYC s�gx�ali�ation asse�s�ert� levied a�a��� c��v�i��rr►��ts f�r t��f�x�i����s��f tr������i��1s. �'t���'�� ��r�r��u�i�r� �"r�r�� - T�i�s �u�r�c� a���rxr�ts ��� ���r�����r �r���i� rnit�g��i�r� rr�e����� ���� �harg�c� �� a r��u.l������x��r�r�z�xrx�r���l r��i��v. �'�ur����r�u�i�r��F'�������xr�.pa����F��.� - T��� fx�nc� ����ur��s ��r �I�v�l���r irr��a���f��� �AB1��� f��s� �a��i t� ���t�ct t���rx���� ����t�, saf�t�r, a�c� �v��f��� �y �a�r►t��x�x�� �����c��tix�g l�u�l�f����i���rvi��� f�r��cisti�g 21�C���.1�1I"��'��1C����S W��11I1�'l��1�T��A�'�'�����'�1"lC��, �Vc��er.�Te�tra�iza�ior� ��pa�t ��x�c� - �'hi� �u�c� a�ca�xn� for x��t�gat�on �ees co��ectec� from c�eve�o��rs to r���xtrali���r�j�����wat�r c��rr�a�c��f�I��r�l��rn��t�r����ts,�l���r��i�t�r�����s����n���r�t�. ��r�s�r�c����r� �rr��acx�� �r�rrc� - '��� fix�c� ���t ����rx�ts f�r �� �����n��a�ti��. �f ta�c ��v����� 1��ri�d �n ��nstr�x�ti�� �� r�s���r��a� �w�llirtig t�ni�, ��bi�� �i�rn� l��s, a�►ci ���nrr��r���l ��z���Iirt��, ��c��x�c��t���� �r� r��tri�t�e� �� ���lie irr��r��r����ts, ����x�ix�g ��x� ��t 1irr�it�e1 t�, f��ili�i��, ��r� ��ati�r��, fir���ig��ig �c�rxi��x�r�t,�arlcs,�tr���irrt�r��r�xr��r�ts,2��t������m�x�t. Dr��r�age�rnpa���'u�c� -�This €urrd ���o�x�ts �o�d�ve�o�n��r��drair�a�e�e��res�r��te� to�mprov�g�r�Yr�ag� withir�t���ity. �r���i�u�ff���c�������c�it�g�'�r�c� - `�'�is f�x��i 2����u�nt� ��� rn�r���� �ai� �y d���1��a�rs � rn���� t�� �it�}� �a�ci��ory��f�rc�abl��i�u�i�tg�������rx��r�ts_ Agenda Item 8.d. Page 78 � ���a�I�.ev�r��xe F�xr�ds Cor�t�x���� : Corn�ur�i�y����opm�����o�k Grar����DB���'��d -T�e fur�c��a�a��ou�n#�far�e�r�r�u�s�r�c��x�a��d��r�� relat�d to Com�u�ity De�elo�mer�t BIoc�C���t F�nds. ����� ���� ���r�� �"t�r�c� -Th� ��nc� tl�at �����ts ��r th� r�����t ancl �x�� o� r�xo�i�� f�-��n �� ��at� �� ��l�f�rrtia��stri���c����i���r��a������Ii���q����n�r�t a�c�t�������r f�r�rim�pre��r���r�. ��z��t� F�r�� - 1���u��ci ��2�����z�t f�r zr�a���n�n���f��w�r l�n�s������g���y r�sic���ts t�t�►���r�I��xi� �b������urti�y����a��r�����ri����w����an�. �air���n��������s�r�fu�c���r�s�r�ha�g�s. ���v�r F'����it� �'�rr�� - T�i�� fu�d �����n�s f�r th� �e�urr�xx���i�r� �� ��w�r �a��iit� r�v�x�r��� t� �� u��c� ir� ca�����i�n�r���rr���t�r�j��ts i�t���i�. �ra�e Iat�e A����sr��� Dis�t~����'ur�d - �'�is f�nd. �cco��s for ��v�nue c�e�iv�d frorr� ar�xx�ta� as�essr�er��s, whi��t a�r�t�s��t��a�t�����t ir��tx��r�������ity��r��x��l��a��m�ir�t�rt�r���. �'a�kside A�s�s�r�er�� Di��rict �'ur�d - T�s fur�c� a�cour��s far re�e�u� de�~i�r�d �rorn �rxr�ual ass�ssmex�t,s, whi�h�r����c����a�t�i���st i��urr�c���r th��i�y���1anc���a�a�n�air���x�ar���. I���I�c,�c�r��u���r�, c�r������t•r�rr��r�������F�r�r� -T�is frx������urtts f�x f������1����d fr�rn���r��r Comm�nica�tio�s�h�t are rest�ricted fo�s�xp�ort of p�xbl��,ec���a�o�,ar���o�e��r�t��cess prograrrt�i�� �r�ci ec�ui�tn�r�t. It�-�i�� �I�t��t�gr��cr�r� �����t�F"r��c� �T'��.i� fu�r-r�����r.��#�s ��r m�rt��s�aic� �y c���r�l���r� in rx����in�#�e��ty'� u��er�rou�d u�i��ty�ec�uireme�ts. �c����r A�c�i������t� �'r��d -This fur�ri ����unts ��� i�n�a�� ���� ��������ci �� rn������ f�.hx��w�ter r��uir�xx��r�ts. �'r�c�r����r�u���r� �'�r�� - T�is f��1 �����xr�ts f�r r��r�r��x�s �r�rn t�� ���a� T���.s���r���i�r� ��� ��.,T�} ��d th� ���th��unt�r A��a�'��x�..���{��AT�. �?C���'1C�1�LiI'����'��'���`1�����C���1��1��Y'1I'1��7��'�c'i�1�I'l. ��1����r�i�� F�xr�c��: �'ir��t����r� �er���c�����i�a��i�ra��r�c����t��rr�����"�r�c� �T�-►i��-u�c�i�u��c�t��►�����t f���h�a��urr��l�►ti�r� �f r��ou��e��►r�c��a�y���nt�����g�-t�r�n d�bt prix��i��l a�tc�ir���re�t��r��x��ra��1�1i�a�ti��b�n��iss��ci��t�� ���y t���x�����t���xpar�si�r������ity�x�r�St�t��n. �����e���rr���� ����cy �'ax �1�����i�i�r� ��r�� ���� ��rvi�� F�cr�c� - T�i� funci �s �s�c� t� a���urtt ��r the ���un�ula��r► a� r��a����� ar�c� �a�r��r�t �f I�r��-t�rm c���t �ri�����1 a�c� ir�ter�st f�r �a�c �l���at��r� ��r�c�� �ssued��t�-►e�DA to�a�ce�e�e�a�rnent of d�pt�r�d f�xt�xre p�o�ect�. �'�����ARY FU1��5 A��r�c�r Fxx�cis; ��^�^� I��u��t��v� �c��lcit���'��c� - 'Tl��� �g�r��� f�xr►ci ��1���ts ��s��srn��ts fr�rr� Arr�yo �ranc�� �Ti��a�� �n�r�hants f�r t��rr�a��tenar����f th�Vi11�g�p2►r�i��1�ts f�r�-►���wr�t�wr���l�ag�Iv��r�l��►x��s Ass����ti��, ��r�i�c��i�r� �i��ri�� Fr�r�c� - �hi� furtc� i� u��c� �� ����urtt ��� t�t� re��i�� a�c� r�mi�tar��� �f wa�t��va���r �������ing ���� �z� b�h�l� �� th� ��ut� �an L,��� ��zs�� ��urtty �ani�at��n 1�x�tr��t. 7`�� ���y bx1l� th� wa�t�w���r�ra����ir������ir��xg�t th�utili�y 1�i11�,��1I��t�g�i�f��fr�r�t t�h��ity"�u�ili�y eu���m�r�. � �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 79 ��l� �i' ������ ����� �����.����7�������1 1������ ������� ������� ����� J�r�e 3�, ��1� �p��ia�R���n��Funt�� - - - we��ii���u�i���w� �p��i�l ��r�. �as��in� ��nd���p� ��v►��r ����l��tn�r�� 'I'�� As��ss��n� ��ets �ask��r�►�inv��trn�nt� � ��2,��� � �2�,�1fi � 1�,��� � ��,99� T'ax�s r���i�a�l� ��,��� A��a�nts r����v�bl� 1��,��6 �r�t�r��t r���iva�l� ��� "7�9 �� �� �ran�r���i�a��� �n��nt�ry 1�,��� ir��r�r���r�-�a�tYC�h�ld f�r r�s�l� �r�paid�xp��c�itur�� �,��� 1�,��� Loan r��eiv�bl� A�var�ces to other fi��ds T��al as��ts $ �1�,G�G � '7�1,��� � ��,1�� � �5,��� Liabil��i��at���'un�8�1����� �#�bili�i��: �1����tn�s p�y�bl� � � �,��� � � $ 3�,��� � �0 A��ru�d�ag�� 1�,CG9 ��,7�� ��p��it�pa�}�abl� �9,97� ��e to other func�s T�tal li�biliti�� 19,��� 3����4 ��,1�� 2� Fur��B�lan��s: Res�rved for advarY�es to other��ds I��s�rv��f�r pr�p�ic���p�nclitur�s �,��4 l l,��� Reser�ved for inventory 1�,�59 R�s�rv�d��r Latr�d h���f�r r��ale R�s�rv�d��r d��t��r�ri�� �Jnr���rv��: �Jn�����mat�d ���,��� 6�1,�11 w �1_1,���� 2�,�2� T�t�l�und�alarY��� ��G,12� ���,�11 �5,��� 'I"�tal liabiliti��artcl fu�d balan�es $ 5��,�56 $ 7�1,485 � 5�,��� $ 2�,�45 6G Agenda Item 8.d. Page 80 ��c���,,,��venue Funds �w�^i Tra�fi� �r�in�g� ��w�r Tr��fi� ����a� ��n�tr���i�r� �`��s ���ility �i�r���a�i�n �.��_ $ ��2,��� � �,1�� � 1,�9� $ ��1,1�'7 � 2�,��� 44� �5 55� 26 � �9�,��� � �,��� $ �,��9 � ��1,�6� $ 24,��� � - � �- � - � ' � _ ���,27� �,1�� 2,�29 �31,��� ��,�1� �93,�?� �,l90 �,0�9 33�,�68 �4,9�0 � �9�,�'7� � �,19� � �,�2� � �31,��� � ��,�1� 67 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 81 ���� �������� ������ ��1V������3��������1������� ��IV���II�V ����I��L� ����1 ,�Ul'1���, ��1� �p��ia�1����nu���n�� �—��_�� �,. ,_,�,.,,.�„_ ���t� Tra�'fi� �ar�sicl� �V���r C'�P� ��ng���i�n A�s��srn�n� lY��tr��iz����n �r�nt l��li�f �i�tri�t Im a�� A�sets ��sh�c�i�v�strner�ts � �6�,��42 � ��,��� � 2��,��� � �6�,��� Tax�s r���ivab�� ��,��� l,�1� A��our�ts r���ivable Ir�t�r���r���iv��1� �69 1�9 2��� ��� �rar�t r�ce�vabl� �5,0�� Inv�nt�� I�v�r�t�ry-I��nd h�1d f�r r���l� Pr�pai��x��n�itur�� 1,��� ���r���i�rabl� Ad�arYCe�to other fu�ds �`ot�Y ass�ts � 191,��1 $ ��,230 $ 232,059 $ 5��,�l� L��bi�i�i�s and �'�nd �alan��s �,ia�i�it���; A����nt�payab�� $ - � - � - � 1'7,1�� Accru�d wages 2,�22 I�eposit�payab�e ��e to ot�er�un�s T'�t�l �i�l�il��i�� 19,79� F�r�d�a�ar����; R�se�ved for advances to o�her funds 1����rv��f�r pr�p�i��xp�nc�itur�� 1,��� ��served#'or inver�tory ��s�rv�d f�r��ur��l h�����r r��ale i��s�rv�d f�r�1�����rvi�� [Jr�r����'v�d: �Tt�d�signat�� 1�1,�11 9�,��� 2�2,��� ��I,3�� �'���1#`ur��t�alan��s 1�1,611 9�,��� ���,��� ���,��� T`�tal li��il��i��2r�� fun�ba�an��� � 19�,�11 � 9�,��� � ���,��� � ���,�19 �8 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 82 �p��i�l l��v��u��'unds w -- �rr� ��li�� �ra����ne P�rk In-I�i�u Pr����#��n Pr�����i�n A�����m��� �mpr�v�m�nt ��d�rgr��r�d � Imp��t F��� I� ���F��� �istrie� I�n��c�t�'��s_ _ �Jtiliiy _ $ �2,��� $ ��,��� $ �9,��9 � 3�1,19� � I�1,'7�9 2� �� �� ��� 1�6 � �2,�3� � ��,'J'7� � �9,��1 � ��1,6�� � ��1,�1� $ - � - � - � ` � ' ��,��� ��,'7'7G 3�,9�1 ��1,��� 1��,��� ��,��2� ��,'7�� �9,��1 ���,G2� ��1,�1� � �2�,��� � ��,'7�6 � ��,9�1 $ ���,6�� � ��1,��� �9 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 83 ���� ������������ ����������������1������� ������� ������� ����1 �U�'1���, ���� �p��i������nu��un�l� �_,_..__,�._, -- � ��._ ,.,.,_._,..._� Re�r���on ���nrnur��ty In�Li�� Publi� �e�ter Affardab�e �D�G A��e�s Irnpa���'��� �I�usin� �r�n� '�'�l�vis��n ���..�_.,_ ��sets ��sh�t�c�inve�trn�nt� � ��,��� $ ��,3�� $ 1 � ��,��� T"ax�s����i�ab�� A���u�ts r���iva�l� �1,��� 3,��� I�teres�r��eiv�b�� �� 1� �� �ra�n�r���ivabl� Inver�tory In��n��ry;��n�h�1d f�r r���1� � �I'��J�1��X��11�1�l.11'�� ���'1�'���V��31� Advances�o ather�unds 919,79? �"�ta1 as��ts � ��',��� $ ��2,1�� � �1,2�� � �fi,19� �i�bi�i�i��anc� �un�i ��l�n��� Li��i�i�i�s: Ac�o�nts payab�e � - $ 4,��� $ ��,��� $ 7,9�2 Ac�ruec�wa�es I]�pa�it��ay�bl� Du��o o�h�r fu�ds 1�,189 T�ta� �l�bifi���� �,1�� �1,��� �,��� �"ur�d�al�n��s: ��s�rv��f��a��a���s����h�r fur��s �19,7�3� ����r�r�d�"�r pr�paid ex��r��ltur�s 1�����v�d f�r i����t�ry ��s��r�r��f�r�and h�l���r r���l� �eserved for�eb�ser�v��e C1r�r�s�rv��: Ur�desig�ated 37,432 �,233 �8,22� T'�����'un�bala���s �'7,��� 9��,��� ��,��� T'�tal �iabili�i�s and fur��i ba�iat���� � 3'7,��� $ ���,��� � �1,2�? � '7�,1�f �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 84 �p��i�l l��v�nu��'unds ������rv����un�� -- ,�,..� . Fir��tat��n 1������l��m�n� V����r l��c����l�prn�n� �.�. D�b� �r��� �rtati�n �v�ila�i�it�_ ���-Aw.s�[�� ��nd� ��rv��� T�t�l � - � �,�3�,��� � �,��9,��2 � �19,2�5 � ��'7,��'7 $ �,��7��1� 5,��5 ��,48� g,9�� �,7�� 23�,725 1,9�� �,f�� f�9 9,�"76 25,�0� 1�,259 3 5,799 �5,799 ��� 15,��4 ��,5�� 55,5�� 9 X 9,79? � 9,3�� � �,84�,25� � �,989,�77 $ 625,G38 $ 457,9�"� $ 9,?34,�58 � �,�1� � �,?�� � �,��� � - � - $ 1��,��� �,�73 37,�99 �9,9"�4 �,41] �6,6�� 9,9�0 �,750 �,�0'� 2�3,21� 91�,"797 64� 1 S,D�� 13,�59 ��,799 35,799 ��S,G3� 45?,9�7 1,�8�,5?� 1,�3�,��2 1,9��,��1 �,���,�11 1,���,��2 1,9��,�'7� G��,��� ��7���? 9,�11,��� � 9,��� $ 1,���,��� � �,���,�'�'7 � ���,��� � ��'7,��� � 9,'7��,��� 7l Agenda Item 8.d. Page 85 ���� �������� ������ ��J��������������1�������7 ������� ����������i' ���l�l�J��a �����1J�1���� �1V������������� �������� �`�r����is�al Y�ar��c��d.�un���, ��1� �p����l i���r�r���Fun�l� �_.���,�,,,.,,.�.,��_�. ---- �, .�. �p��i�l Park ��so���� L��dscap� �ewer Develapm�nt '�'��c Assessm��t Rev�nues: T�x���A����srr��r�t� � - $ - $ - � �,��� Int�r�overr�rr�enta� �99,44� ��arg�s for serv���s 788,�G� 53,245 L���o�r�nor�ey arYd prop�rty 2,2�3 4,�DG �8 2?9 �t��r re�ret�ue 3,�45 �9� T"��al r�v�nr��s 7��,�1� ��,��� ���,��� �,�79 ��p��di�u���: ��r�era�gov���nent P��li�����ty ��m�rnunit}�d�v�l�pr��r�� ��� Streets and roads �74,��3� Sew�r ��7,333 �apit�l��t�ay l�,��� De�t serv���: �rin�ipal �nt�r��t��d fis�al a��nt���� �"�tal�x��ndi�ur�s 281,��f ���,�9� ��6 ��c�����f r�v�rtu���v�r �u�d�r�����r�dit�r�s �12,�9� �7,��1 ���,?�� �,��� ��h�r�ir�ar���ng���r�����Js�s�: �"rans��r� in ���,��� Transf�r��ut �491,��3� ���,�2�� �9�� _ , .�,. ��tal�th�r finarY�ir�� sour�es�us�s) 49�,��9} 33,��� 374,?�� �7,912� _..��,_,�.����..�_�_ Excess of�evenu�s�r�d other fir��xtc�r�g so�r��s �v�r��nd�r� ����ndit�r�s anc� . ����r finan�in����� Z�,Sf� �4,��� ���,���� ��nd balar�c�s,�►�ly 1,���9 47�,�5� �S?,185 4?,�94 Fu�d�al�n��s,.�ur����,2��1� � �3�,1�� $ ��1,�]1 � - � ��,��� �2 - Agenda Item 8.d. Page 86 � �c�a��evenue F`unds "Tr�ffi� �r�inag� ��w�r Tr�ffic �ignal ��n�tru��i��n F��� Fa�il�ty ��r�u�����n � - � - � ` � � � � ��,'7�9 21,9'7� 9,��� �,��� 1 ��� �,12� 14'7 ��,��2 1 22,1�"7 �2,��� 1�"� ��,222 � �2,137 1�,14� �47 57,5?2 �2,�'75 ��01,35� 20 ����#� �L��f� 1.��y�V� w �Lt ���,�s o) � ��,���� �1 s�,��o� i�� ���,��� �,��� ��,��� ��o,��� ��,��� � ���,��� � �,��o � �,��� � ��x,��s � ��,��o �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 87 L.����������L���l\�� ����������������������1�� �i�����L� ��������1 ����L'����� �����lJl 1�J��� ��������T��7 �I'�������1�l�i�� ��r���F'x���1 ���.rr��c��c���r�� ��, ��1� . ������11����nu�Fund� „ �, --- --- ..�.�.�_� ���t� '�"ra�fi� P�rksic�� 'L�V�t�r ���� ��ng���j�r� As����m�nt 1����ra������i�n �ran� ���i�f ����ri�� I�npa�� ,..�.�� R��enues: "�'axes&Assessrner�ts $ - $ - $ 5S,?9C $ - �r�t�r��v��rn�r�t�l 1��,��� X��,f 1� Charges�or servi��s 33,594 �Ts�of mor�ey and proper�.y 5 87 67� 1,120 3,789 �t�er r�venue �`�tal r�v�nu�s 121,�9� 1��,291 ��,�1� �7,��� �xpent��tures: ����ral�ov�rnr��nt ��b�i�sa��ty . ��rr�rr�u�1ty d�v�l�p�n�n� 1��,��� ��r��t�and r�a�� S ewer �api����t��1��r 2,1�9 �ebt ser�ice: �rin�ipa� Int�r��t anc��is��l�g�nt���� T�ta��xp�nd it►�r�� �,169 1��,��� �xr�ss of reve�ue�o�re� ��nd�r��xp�rtditt�r�� �19,�2� 1��,29� ��,9 l f �1��,�9E� F ��her�Xr��n�in���ur��s����s�: �'r��ts��rs in �,0�2 Tran����-��ut �1"71,�1�� T��al�th�r�i�ar��in� ��ur����u���� 171,314 �,��2 �x������r���r�u�s ar�c������ �inar��in�s�ur��� o�er{�nder� expendit�res ar�d ����r�in��in��s�� �1�,2�4 �1�,���� �9,9�� �1��,9��� Fut�c�b�Ian���,,T►�1}� ],2��� ��,��� 1�6,2�� 1?�,��1 �9�,��1 �"un�b�l����,,�un���,��1� � 1�1,�11 � ��,��� � ���,��9 $ 5�2�,��� 74 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 88 ����i��l��v�nu��'und� ,.,,,..�..".�� � � ^^.,���.,�.�..���. �ir� ���i�� �r���I��n� P�rlc In-Li�u Pro����i�n �r����t��n As��ssm�nt I�npr�v�m�nt LTnd�rgr�und ��p������� �mp���F��s �istri�t Imp�c�F'��s U�ility � � � ����� � � � ; �V���� ../���V �����V �L� ��� ��� ����� ��� 1�,��� �,��� 9,��� ��,��� ��� ��,3�� 4,��8 9,68? �4,�48 G�2 ����g� _,^ ��''T,�1'7,��.,, �,��� ��'����,. 12,��� �,��� 9,��7 ���,�6�� ��� 1�,6�� ��,�71� ��,��� ���,�9� 1�1,21� $ �2�,��� � ��,'7�F � ��,9�1 � ��1,��� � 1�1,��� 75 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 89 ���� �������������� ������������������� ���� ������� ��������1 ����L.����7� �1���������.�.� ��������T�� � ���������i�� For t�e�'is��l Y�ar��d�d Jun� 3�, ��1� �p�c�a��er���ue�und� ��� �ec�eatiar� ��mmu��#y I�-L��u P�l�li� �enter A�f�rda�Y� �D�� A.��ess I�p������� H�u�i�g �r�nt '�`�l�visi�� �, � l��v�n���: Tax�s�Ass�ssrn�r��s � - � - $ - � - �n�ergovernment�l �11,�17 ��ar���f�r��rvi��� I,��� 4�,��� L�s���'rn�n��a��pr�p�rty ��� 1�,9�� 3�2 �t��r r�v�nu� 'T��a1 r��r����� 1,��9 x�,9�� ���,��"7 �1,��� �xp�ndi�ur�s: C�r��r�l g�v�rrY�n�n� ��,��� I�ubli�����ty ��rr���nity����l�prn�r�� �,1�� 211,31� �tr���s an�r�ads �ew�r �a�ital�u��ay ����s�rvi��: ��in�i��l �x�terest and f�scal a�ent fees � 'I'�tal��cp�n�itt�r�s �,1�� 211,�1� ��,��� ����s��f r�v�r�u�s���r {�nd�r��x��nd�t►�r�s 1,��� �,��� 9,5�� �th�r F��a���ng�our��s�[Ts���: "�'rans�'�rs�� Trans�'ers out �,�8� Tota�ot��r�ina.rYC�n� �aur��s��s�s� --�,� �82� w� � Ex�ss o#'reve��es�►rrd�ther f�nan�in�s��r��� o�e���r�der� ex�e�d�tures anc� �t��r�ina��ing���� ��,���} G,�2� �,��2 F�nd b�l����s, July 1,���� �1,��� �21,2�� ��,�'7� Fund b��ances,.�u����,�010 $ 37,432 $ 928,03� $ - � f8,22� ?� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 90 �p����I R���nu��'��ds ��b���rv���Fu��s - � ���,.,����,.-- F��*��ta���n R�c����l�p��n� V4��t�r ��d�v�l��m��t �.�. ��i�t Tr�n�p�rtat��n A��i���i�it� ��t-A�i�� ��nds ��rvi�� T���� , � ... $ - � - � �1'�,��� � 191,��1 � � � ���,9�� 22I,334 1,���,5�4 21,��� 1,���,�t� 1�,9�� 1�,1�� 3,�'7� �� G�,��� 3,9�1 2�1,��� ��,��� �����G� 1��,��� �� �,�9�,'7�3 ��,837 �3,�57 S�0 8�� 132,519 2,0�� 54�,SS8 1��,2�� "792,8�'7 ��?,9�3 1�,�5� ?�,��� ��,��� 85,0�� ��,4�? �57,�85 �1�,8�2 129,�'7� 13�,��9 1�7,��? ���,��� �,��5,��9 ��,�G� ��,�1� 19'7,��� ��,E�? ��9,�G1 ���,35� 279,955 b57,?�7 ._ ���,��i, , ���,���,�_„ �,���,��� ��,���,��� ��,��2 ���,�'77 �1,1��,G9�� 2�3,9�� {1,��9,�1� � �1,��� ���x,s��� ��,s�� ���,���� ��,���,�s�� �,���,��� �,���,��� s��,s�� s��,��� �o,���,�o� � - � �,s��,s�� � �,���,s�o � �2�,��� � ���,��� � �,s��,2�s �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 91 ��i������������� ���������� �i�i i��i:��1 ��l ������� ����7���7�����1��������.7 �or t�te�isca��ea�r Er�d��.�un���,���� �alar��e ���arz�e ,Tt�1y 1,���9 �t�diti�r�� I��c���ti�r�� J�n���,��1� ��ni��ti�n D2�tri�t F'n�d ��sh and i�v��trn�r�t� � ���,��� � a,���,��9 � 1,���,��� $ ]��,��� ����ur�ts r���iv�bl� 1��2�,��1 �,���,��1 T�ta1 a�s�t� � 11�,��� $ Z,f�1,6�� � �,�6�,�2� � 1�f,��� �r��t��t��r a��n�i�� � ���,��� � �,7��,��� � �,7��,��l $ 1�G,��� �`��1 1���ili�i�� � 11�,��� � �,7��,��� � �,7��,��1 � 1�G,��3 �c�wn��wn��r�in��u�� �ash a�d inv��trn�r��� � ��1,7�� � �,��2 � 1�,�1� � 1�7,��� Int�rest r���ivabl� ��� 1�� ��� 1�3 F�repa�d expe�se 7� �4 �4 T��a1 ass�t� $ 1�2�,��� � 9,�G� � 1�,96G � 1�'7,�41 Due to other agen�ies � ].��,242 $ 52,]00 $ ��,40� $ 13 7,94] T`�t�1 �i��il iti�s $ 1��,��� � ��,1�� � ��,��1 � �3"7,9�1 Total A�ency�unc�s �as�a.r�d ir�v��trn��ts � ��'7,��2 $ ��3�G,�?1 � 1,���,��f � ��"�,1�7 �c�ounts rece�vabl� �,3�4,29� 1,32�,�9� Ir�t�r�st r���i��b1� �2� 1�� �2�� ��� �r�p�id�x��n�� �� �� �� Tatal�ssets $ 2�7,588 � 2,G91,�I� $ �,�?�,589 $ ���,��� ������th�r���n�i�� � ���7,��� � �,���,3�� � �,�5�,��� $ ���,�1� T�t�l�i�bi�iti�� � 2��,��� $ Z,���,��� � 2�,���,��� � ��7�,�1� 78 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 92 ����� ���� � �� ������ ��� ��I������� ��D���i��C���I V���Y�x7 �������� ��n�������r�r,��� ������r�►�rr� ����x����r�r���r,��� ��r���a r�a�i�,����s� �����r����,��� ���: ���.���.���� �x�: so�.���.��a� www.r,�lhcp��.�or� ��������� �������� ������������������� ��������� ��������������������������� ����������� ��������� ������������������������fi���������� �� J�����D1��1l��1�11�T� ���I���VNf��11��1#.1���11VC��I�1V�3�4���5 �i�����r��i����h���t�r�f�rr����r��d� �rr��r��rand�,���if�rr�i� I�l� �ar�r� �u�it�d �l�� �ir►�n���� �t����n�r��� ��t�� g�tr�rr►rn�n��l �c�i�r��F��, tF�� bu�ine��-� � ���irr��ie� ' aggr�gat� f�rnd in��rrr��tion of tf�e C�t of A�rro o Y� , �ach ma�o� fu�d, and tf�� } Y y Cr�rrde �t�� ��tY�, as af ar��f fo�r t�e fisca� year er�d�� Jur�e ��, ���.�, w��c� coil�cti�e r y�o m p r�s e t�e���y��b a s i c f i n a n c i���t a t�m e n t s a s��s te d in t f�e ta b l�o f cont�r�ts �nd hav��ssued aur r� ����rr�ber ��, ����. IN� ��nd�r���d �ur ��d�� irt ����rd�nc • ��r-t th�r�on da�ed � v�ri�� aud���n� �tand�r�� ����ralf� ���ep��d in th� �1n���cl Sta��� �� Ar�n�r�c� �n� th� sta�d�rds �ppri�ab�� to f�r��r�cral aut��ts co�nt��r�ed �r� �over�mer���kcrdi��r� ���nd�rds iss�r�d b th ��n�ral�����Cin���d�tate�. � � � � ��r���ro�l�r In��r�a���n�r�r��r�r F��n�n���l R�p�+r•���� . l� ��ar�r��n� and p�r-f�r�r►ir�� �ur�udi�, vrr� c�n�id�r�d ��� �it`y'�int�rn�N ��r����f v►r��r ff��r�cial r� or�f� a� a b��i��o�~���i rrin P � g g aur �udi�ir��pr���d�r����r�f���urp������xpr���it��at�r�p�r�i�n�a��h��r��n�i�l���t�r��n��, bu�r��t�ar��� ur ���of �c ' R P e pressing�n ��ir�i�n o�th��f���t��r�n����f����'r��r'�ir�t�rn���o�trv���r�r fir��n�ial r���r��r��. ��c�rd�� � ,�r�d�not��c r���an� ini n �Y p p o or��F�� eff�����r�r����af�h���ty'��n��rn���a�tr���v��fin�r►�i�l r�p�rtin�. A a�e�c��ncy�rr�r��ernol c�on�rol exists wher� the des�gn or o��ration o#a �ont�a� cfo�s nat a�iaw ma�na �ment ar�rr� Ea �e� �n � � P Y � t � r��rt-r������rr���#��r��rmir���h�ir��si�n�d�u���i�n�����r�v��t,�r d�����an���rr��t rr�i���at���rr�r����r��t�rn�� ba�i�, �4 rra������1 Y �+rr��J�rr��� �� a ������n�y, ar � ��r�nbfn2�ti�r► �� d����i�r�����, in �r����n�i c�n���� �u�h ���� �h�re 'r� a r�a����ab�� �����r��� th�� a P Y rr�at�r�a�misstat�mer�t af th�e�tity'�fin�r��iaf s��te�n�nt�w�l�r�����pre�r�r�t��,or det��ted and rorr��te�an a t�rne� bas�s. Y ��r cansiderat�or► of �nternaf cor�tr�l over fir�a��ial re�ort�n� was for t�re firn�ted pc���os� d�s�ribed ir� t�e first ara ra h af t��s � P � R s�ctior� a�d wo�fd �ot net�ssar�ly �d�nt�fy �I� defic��ncies in �r�terna� �on��ol that �nig�t be s� r�if�can� �e�i��enc��s ar mat�r�a� � �+r�a�Cn�����. 1�I1� �id n�� f��ntify �n� d�fi���n�i�� in ir�t�rnal ��r����i ��r�r �ir��n�i�f r�����r�g tha� w� ��n�'rd�r �� �� rr�at�r�a� ��alkn�����,��d�f`rr��d���v�. Compl�ar�ce�r�d O��er IV�at�ters A� p�rt of o�tair�ir►g r�as�nabfe ass�ran�� a�out w�et��r th� City'� fin�ncial stater�er�ts ar� free of ma�er�a� m�sstat���nt w� . �e orr�-��d tests of Ets com��i�nce with�er�ain pr�vision�of�aws,r�gu�at�ans,co�tr�c��,a�d grant agr��ments, r�ancamp�iar�ce wit� �+wr���� c���d ��ve a �ir�ct�r�d rn�t�rial�fi#��t on�h�d�t�r�n����i�n����n���i�l�t���rx��r�t a�rx�o�n��, H�►�wr�uer, �ro�r���n �n� ��i�n � � �n ��rr�p�i�r��� w��� th��� pr��i�i�n� w�� n�t �� o�j�cti�r� af�ur at�dit an�l, a���rdin���, w� ����� ��cpr�����r�� �r� �pin��n. TF�� res��t� o�t�ur te�ts d�s�fosed no �ns�a�ces of r�a��orrr�li�n�e vr other m�tt�rs tt�at �re c�quir�d t� be rep�rted under Goverr�rr�en� A�di�ir�g S��r�dord�. 79 �F�I�E�:8�11�F�L�HIL��-�Ahl��N�AF��A r�����a�����canr Mr�����u�����.��.*��cx�����t��s��rE�r��r��n,��r�����r�r����������s�������nr�ass��a��ron������ov��u�Nn���s���N���� Agenda Item 8.d. , Page 93 T�MS re�ort �s �nt����d so�e�y fo r tF�� in���rx�a���r� and �r�� �f tF�� ����I �our���1, �nnar�����'n�n�, �rrd ����r� �uitF��� �h� �it� a�d i� n�t �r�ter�dec�to be ar�d �Fro��d not�� us�d by�nyone other that�these spe�if�ed parti�s. [111���, L�VY��1�4R�ZH�I1V�L�P ��# � r ��� I * ��C�f�l��f��,���� �� � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 94 ����������� ������� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 95 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 96 �1��� �a��ix���nti����l� ��f�����1� 81 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 97 �ity o�f Ar�ro�o�ra�td� rv��r�ss�����r cor�����r��r La���i�ht Fis�al�ea�s . Fiscal Year 20�3 20�4 2�05 2Q06 2��7 �o�ernrrtierttal Activiti�� Invest�d ir�rapital assets,r�t of related deb� $ 53,7Q�,8�� �► 55,�51,77� $ 55,951,��� �► .5�,4G�,4�T � �1,4��,48� l�estric#ed b,��9,�G� ��7,1�� �QQ,8�fi �9�,11�� 872,��� LJttrestricted �,0�5,61� 7,8�9,45� �,6$�,�9� �,�U4,6�1 13,$a9,90T To�a!�overnmental ackivities net assets ��,0f�9,4�� 6�4,0��,�97 f�4,��7,0�0 65,�1��,230 6�i,184,G1� S�sirtess Typ�Activiti�s Invesked in capika[asse�s,net of relat�d debt �,146,��b 8,���,971 1�,Q�b,��� 9,9p3,��1� 9,81�5.4�G L�nrestri�te� f�,�1�,7�� �,65�,D�� �,�43,�4D �,���,b�f� �,9��,G01 Tot��business-tYpe activities�xet assets �4,1b4,077 1�,6�G,��7 ��,�5�,�73 1a,Q�G,T�,1 1�.74�,Q57 Primary�ovemmenk Invest�d in capital assets,n�t of relatec!debt fi�,�51,17f� f��,4�5,746 fi5,���,�0� 1�,�6C,��� �1,�6�,9�8 I��stricted �i,��9,�61 757,��� ��0,8�C� �94,1�� $7�,��1� UCIreSkrlCted 8,Q�J�,9�8 i�,487,50�i x3,{��8,��0 x3,�78,�f�7 1�,�84,5(?8 Total prirnat}�governrnent�tet ass�ts � �6,���.5�� $ 7�',724,4�4 � �9,�87,1�3 $ 81,0��,9a1 �i 81,4��,fa�� Sour��; �ity af�rroyo�rande Anrt��l Finar�cial Repo�t The�iky of�rrovo�rande irnplernent�d��1�B�tatement I�fo.34 for th�Fis�al year�ndec#June�0,�003. ]nformatsan pr�or to t�xe inx��ementation of�ASB�taterrxerxt IVo,3�4 is rtot availab�e, �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 98 Fis�al�ear ��08 �O(}4 -- ,- ��10 � 51,5��,838 $ 5�,059,��4 � ��,�96,451 91G,�54 9G9,659 9�7,�84 l�fl.J�r� l�r}7���7� 1�f��3f7'#/ �Ot1�V�J7� �O�OLO��I F ���L��LI�I ��l�7t�� �i�!UiJ�! ��JL�!�� �����fllO`# l f��7i1�/ /fJ1�j.7lL 1 G,720,��1� 1�,���},��4 X7,��7,11� ��fL���iJ f.? �1�!L7�07� ��j�7f�71 ������ ������ ���f��� i+fY}L+/V V� ��/��/��� �Yi V�+/��+/ W ���f/1� � ������L�,.l � ��f�/��17� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 99 �i�y v�'Ar�ro�o�rar��� ��������x�v��r�ss��'s Last Ei�ltt Fisc�l�eats ._.._ _ ._.--- ,_., -- .,,. - - Fiscal Y�a�' 2��3 ���4 20�� 20(lC� �007 Exg�n��s �overnmental activi#ies: �enera]governm�nt $ �,�00,77� � �,28�,6�2 �i �,���,�8� $ 4,8��,8�� �+ �,1�4,�25 �U�►�1C 5����' �J,��,��� J�,���r��� �7,���,�J� �i,��,��� �,���,��� Parks anc�recr�ation 1,�17,�89 1,6�f�,0�2 1,���f�9� 7,879,�11 1,89�,0�� �OiT1IYlLlrLl���V��D�)Ill�Tl� ���,��� ���,��7� �����,�J1� ���,��� ���,f]�� ��I'���5�I"kC�I'��C�S �,���,��� �,��rJ,�� ����J�,��� 1f���7,��� �,���,�� �eW�� �]94 f�� 7��,�79 �3,�4� �?8,300 �f��,1�� Unallocat�c��epr��iation ��7,��4 4�,1�6 �Tl��l'�St OIl 1���-��TZI�C���� ��,��� ��,�� ��,��1 ��,��� ���,��� �0��1�OV�FII�II�FIt�ChV1ti�S���]�1"IS�S 1�����,��� ��,���f��� ��,���,��r� 1�7,��J,�� 1�,��,�� _ Bu�ine�s-t�Fpe ac�ti�ities: V1�ater 1,0�0,�81 1,07�,$�S �,1��.��� �,1��,�9� 1,��9,01� L.O�Z ����7���� �,���,��]� �,��,��rJ �,��,��� �*������1� Totai busin��s-#yp�activities �,��4,�54 2,��1�,9fr� �,���,�8� �,831,G18 �,���,�75 Tokal gri�rtary gov�rnrr��nt exp�nses �► 1�,49�,448 � 1C,�£��,�5� �r �$,�$�,46� � ��,1�7,Q�9 � ��,�3b,�03 Pr`ogr�rr�I�evenues ��' - - Cao���rnmental a�tivitie�: �har�es F�r service�; �ener�t g�ve�nrr�er�t � ��,��1 � ��,0�1 $ 75,0�4 � 7'f�,83� $ �1,Q5�4 �L�17�1C S���tY ��J�,�J�� ���,��'rJ ���,��� ������ ��,�� �ar�cs and recre�tion ���,7�9 628,��9 7�i9,$�0 907,84� ���,54E� �ornmiuutv D��Fel�pment 3f�0,�$� ��4,�35�1 4�0,��� ��9,��9 ��7,��Q �tr�eet�artd road� ���,41� 194,�5� 2?��,4�3 11G,�77 109,733 Sewer C�11,��7 ��7,8�� �i34,4�� ��4,1�£� �84,O�f� �p�ratirt�gra�tts and�a;�tr��utior� 2,���,994 1,���,544 �,14�,�49 �,71�,173 l,�l�,�fi� �apital grants and�ontributions 1,�8�,��9 1,10�,��9 �,4��,�8G ���,�1� �73,9�� Tota�]governrnental a�tiviti�s�r�gr��n xe�ent�es �,C��,��1 4,5�,6b4 b,1��,��� �,���f77C� a,�72,��� Business-ty�a�tivities; Char�es for s�rvtr�s: �3t�i �*���,�� �,���,��J� �,���,��� �,���,��� �,���,��� L.0�7�Z �,�7��,� �,���,��� �,���,��� �,���,�� �,�}������ �ap�tal granks and r�ntr�buti�rts�ater 1,��3� To�a1 business-t�Fge a�tiviti�s prograrr�r���nue� �,��G,��� �,S��f�B� 3,�7�,220 4,54�,U�4 4,�59,404 Total prirnar}��overnment prograrn re�ren�e� � 9,��1,G�1 $ �,1��,3�4� � 10,0�9,p�5 $ 9,772,�2� � 4,4��,15� �et�e�c�ens��re�er+ue: ���x�rnmental aetivit��s � {7,44�,�93} � �9,0��,��2) � (�,�57,2�C) � ��1,D77,f���� � (1�,925,377} �usiness-�ype a��ivities �,0��,41� �87,717 1,���,$3� 1,7��,��� 1,��4,��9 T�kal p�iirk2tr�F governmenk net exper�e � �f�,4�3,7TT'7} � �8,1�7,80�) � (8�4b�,44�) � (9,�64,�3�} � (11,404,04$� �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 100 Fisca�l�'ear 2(l�8 �009 ��1D � �,�4�,G�3 � �,���,�1� $ �,�4���[l� /��L�f��� ��lJ��f�� I fi7V���1 ��l��f��� 1�7��3f1��0 ���/7���� O�1 fL�� 4J4fV f�l V llJ..ff..fl.� ����fVS.+� ���/��1� ������✓� �J 7 f��JO ��0���� ��Of�41� ��/f��� ������� ���f��� 1 J�V f4Jf.Jil� liJ���S.J f�ll� l IJfV�i�fa L� ��I.7��V�� ��`J��f��� �f��if�i� L���V✓ISJi� �V�f��V L�/f��V� .7��lNf��� �f��lJ f f� �f�V�f 1� � ���fVf/L�S.+ Y' #��/Y�f�FV `Y �fYV�}Y/� $ 6�4,9�0 $ 14�,�8� � 1�9,1�1 443,3�2 �4�,19$ 384,10G �LJ���f ���f��l �/�fLl�lJ ����� ���f��� ������ ��V���� ��/�f ��f��� f S]ll��l� l�!e�# /L.'V�l�� �f.J���7�� Lf//Lf�7� L������� ����� �//��/� �5.+����� �f�Ll��7�� �Yf�i.Sfi.J�4J �f�f�i4J Fr����f�V ��LVZ f�L/ LfJ�Qf 1�� .�1/�7�+f/�� ���#����L JiL.��fLl.1 ��#JLf�� ��7��r�I� ��!I�i��! � i1f�J�f�IJ � �V���J��� �! 1�j�Jlj7�� � ���,���,�s�� � (i�,�s2,���} � ���,���,���� �,���,s�� �,���f�s� �,��s,��o � ���,o�o,ss�� � (i�,�s�,���} � {��,���,�o�� �� A enda Item 8.d. g Page 101 Ci�o�A�royo Grat�de �I�A.IV�E��iV 1VE�'A��ET� La�t Eig1�t Fis�al Y���s �e��ral ltever��e�and�t#�er�hanges i��V�t�#ssets �'isca��Cea�r �ov�rnrn�nta�activiti��: . �00� ��1�04 �OL�� �OD6 �007 Tax�s F�TO��I�L'�77C�5 � �rT��*���} � �,��,�� � �,��,��Q � �,�JIZ,�� � �J,��{�,�JO� �1�5�Il�U9�t�X�3 �,���,��� �����J,��� �.���,��� �,���,��� �,��f�f�� Trans���t�odgirt�ka�c 3b9,9�6 �9�f794 390,C70 434,98�i 44�,474 Frar�c�is�tax�� �0$,G�6 �1�,4�� 5��,��� �Gf�,000 �5�,841 Susines�1i��nse ta�c �1,034 fi?,8�� 7�,��1 ��3,70� 8�,8�1 i3e�k��rvi�e 2�8,048 In�estmer�t incorne ��9,054 ��3,4�0 347,�9� 47b,4�� 7�7,97� �the�revertue 628,384 1,9��,�44 `1,358,260 1,294,708 �,236,7�8 �ai�n��sale of ca�ikal ass�ts 7�9,65� Transfers 847,934 �,5�6,��� 77f�,�7� 1,���,5�0 1,0�7,�7C TO����QV�ri"IYII�Ti�$1�iC�1Vi�1�S �,���3,��� ��������� ��,�rJ�,�� �����}�,��� ��,1��,��7� �USlil���—ty�]�c1Ct1V1�1�$: Inveshnent ix�com� 9�,889 �0,5�6 84��88 11�,74� �90,38� `Fransfers �s��,��� ��,�s��,a��� {ri�,���� ��,�o�,�s�o� ��,���,���� �r��������,���-�v�������r��� ����,��� ��,�r�,���} ����,���} ����,�s� {s�o,���� �'ota�pnmar�f gavernr�ten� � 8,f��1,7�9 $ 9,59$,654 � 9,923,162 � 1�,��b,U4? $ 1�,289,76� �hart�e in N�t A�ssets �overnn�en�a]a�kivities �,9��,��4 1,�b$,�9�1 7�S,b7� 1,���,�GQ ?.��,��5 Bu�iness-type a�tiviti�s 277,�'7�! {4�8,0�0� 6�4,4�£� 7�C,fr48 �f�3,�3� Tota�primary�ov�rnm�rtt � �,20�,�0�5 $ 1,4�0,849 � 1,4b�,719 � 1,�5�,8�8 �+ �H5,7�� Source; �it��of Arro�{o�rar�de�nnua�Financial�ep�rt T1�e�ity af�rroya�rande impler�nented���8�tatexner�t No,�4 for t��fiscal�ear ended Jun���,�003. Inforrn�tivn pnvr to the implemen�ation o#C��B St�tem�nt I�To.3�4 i.s not�vailable. �� A enda Item 8.d. g � Page 102 Fiscal�ear �DOS �409 2010 � 5,�95,263 � 5,586,�48 $ �,47�,bS� 5,280,��� 4,b�8,7?? �,�5�,9�3 4��,164 389,067 345,�14 ��rlf7�/ ���f//� �l�F��� OlIf77V !7���1 VIJfI.4� ����1L.] ����� 7J/fl d� 1�����11L� �t��+�f/�l �Yl����� 1���f��� ���7L��7� �j��Lj��7 ��f���f��� ��������/� ���1��f��� �7���J7V ���fV7� ���Q�/ ��,��,�s�� ��,���,���� {�,��2,���� �7,14�,75$� ��,��9,9��) {1,��1�,�9�) 'Y �`�fl/1�/�7 a� lw�/.l���l�� �V lif��/fY�� �,1��,�47. 6�$,�8� (�����97} 990,076 ��9,��� (18�,���� � �,�1�,�1� � �,���,�s� � ����,�o�� 87 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 103 �ity of�4rra�a Grar�d� �[JIVD BA�.AIV�E��F��V�R�1Ari�NTAL FI�1�D� Las�Ten Fis�a�Years Fiscal�fear �0�1 2002 ��0� 200�4 ��ner�l Fund ��5�1"V�C� � �'J��� �! $,�rJ$ � ���� � �J��,�� �IIT�S�i'V�� �,�����]�� �,���,��� �,��,��� �,��,��� Toka��e�era�Fund $ �,61b,$78 $ 2,498,�$2 $ 2,998,675 � �,470,��� All other gnv�rnment�i F�nds ��S�I'V�� � ���,,rl�� � ���f�� � �,Q��,�� � 1,���,��� �I1,T���1'V�,F��}Ott�L�1Y1; ��}�Cl�T�V�tl�1��LXIiC�S ����1,� �1,���,��� �3,���,��� �����,Q�� ��pit�l pro�e�t�funcis �1,���,�T7� �7,��1,34a� �1,�8�,6�9� {1,9b0,331} Total all ather governmerttal Fund� � �,8�7,$4� $ �,3�f�,7�4 � �,13�,171 � 7,098,Of� �ourc�e= ��tv af�rrovo�rande Annual Finaxticia�Re�rort �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 104 �isca�Year ��5 2006 �007 2008 24�9 �01� $ 24,41�$ � 1,708,79� $ 778,455 $ 794,��� � 7�5,546 $ 67�3��40 ����f�� �f����/ �f���f/w+� L��/�f/Q� �f���f�� �����f�� W ����/��7/ a� �f����Ll/O � 1fVJ�fil1� � ✓fLl��f�� +� �����f�0� .� ��114�111�L� � 1�1VZf�lli W �yL�LJfJ7L1! ay Li�ifO�� �F 1.iLR��f411�7 .� ��7�7f/�O a�F LjV7��4JOlJ iJ�11V�ft.//Y ���L+�f"��� �4.Fl�k+�f JV/ �1 f�M�f���.+ �����/�/1� �l�f�O���7� �1�tJ��f���� ��f���f/�� �7/f41�#� ��4J�O.JO �.}4l��ll� �J�il�� � I���4+1V�� � /��70f�I L +� 1�fVf.�+lf�� � ��lJ�J�;/"i� � ���k+�kJ��1 5.J 5� �L*7VL���� �i �R F � 5../� Agenda Item 8.d. Page105 �i��f��rayo �rar�de ���rv��s�rv���v�s�►���v���o��ov�rt�r��r+�r������v�� i�ast�"en Fis�a�Y�ars Fiscal�C�ar 2001 �00� �UO� 20�4 Rev�nues T'�X�S � �,���,4�� � �,�4,4�4 $ �,�4�,�1�3 � �,�7�,��]� �.1C�I�5�5�Fl��I'ril1�S �����]�� ���,��7� ���3,��� �,��� Znter�overnmen�a� �,�8'7,�8'7 �,���,��9 �,987,7�� �,���,�C�1 �:hal�e$fDI SerY���S 2,000,��� �,2��,22� �,�f��,�� �,�2�,6�1 Us�of�t�ney an�pr�perty �90,�49 3.54,��� ��9,0�7 ���,4�0 Fin��andforfeiture� ��,487 1��,18� 14�,311 �38,��� �th�r r�venues �3�,28� 4[?9,�9,� �28,354 4�0,]31 Tot�l 1�evenues 1�,�1��,0�� 1�,�,��,��� 1�,424,�1� �4,7�1,��� ��c�enditures �eneral��vernrr�er�t �,�34,48� �,���,��� �,01�,��C� �,��4,9�Q �o�ice protection �,���,�5� �,5�i0,�99 �,81�,5&� 4,�74,41� Fire�rot�tion 7��,$50 91b,�f��S �1�3G,�54 1,22G,��4 �tr�ets and I�oad� 1,31�,�5� 1,���,�93 �,730,�09 1,7f��,1��9 �ewer� ?25,b�fi 25�,34$ �90,4b4 �2$,7,54 ��rnmunity d�v�l�pment 7��,47� 70�,��� 7�7,4�4 9C�C,1 f�� T'�rks�nd re�r��tion 1,���,,55b 1,���,��6 �,4�5,1��1 1,���,�74 �a�ital�utl�y 1,98�,.�1� 1,5��,�2�5 �,5�4,��� 4,841,9�7 i�ebt�ervi�e . i'r�n�ipal 1�7,6�4� �0,��� 189,b�8 ��l,fi�7 �ntere�t 1�,f��4 b,789 19,2�� 71,��7 ���t of i��ua��� T'otal e�cper�d�kt�res 11,69�,�09 11,7��,1�9 ��,�16,77�5 1�,�0�,�.59 ��cces�of revenues over(�nd�r�e�cper�di�ure� 1,��7,34� 1,�'7�,�23 ��9�,�f�� (�,�9�,54� �the�financing�au�ces(x��es): Pr�eec�s fr�rn issuan�e�f�ong-terrt�d�bt ��,��� �,��9,��� �ost af issuan�e {b7,390} Proce�d�fr�rn�ale af fixed assets 7�4,6D7 Lease p�oceeds �13,�70 Proceeds frorrx�apital Lease Tr�n�fer�in 1,f��,��8 �,0�4,�84 1,9�1,�$4 �,��'7,2(�7 Transfers au� �1,086,Ob�} (1,�9�,2��) {�,08�t��0� ��,�8�,89�� T��a�oth��financing s�ur�es{�xses� C�2�,��$ 8��,805 �,6�]�,�21 1,���,�73 I�et chan�e�n fund balance� $ 1,9�2,�51 � �,4�2,��� $ �,�12,�f�� �► �1,5b9,���� D�bt servire as a p�rc�ntage oF noncap�tal expendi�ur�s 2.�59'� �.�7�'� 1.9Q� �.��°� �ource: �ity�F Arroyo�rande Ar�nu�al Financial�eport �� A enda Item 8.d. g Page 106 �isca�Y�ar �{l�5 2006 �0�7 2008 �0�0�9 2�10 W #..lf�V�f�4J� � llf4"V�����f .� ��f��f�l4J � ����VVf��� � �L�/V✓f�.J� W LL���"�+1ll�L ���f��/ ti+��f��� �'�"1 f�� ��}f��� ���f��L ��/fV�� �f�#lJ f�V� 1 f�1�f4.T l� 1*��JV�ti/5J J �f��f��� ���f�fV 4+V ����iJ f l�4J Lf/�f�7� L f��J f�C7L �f��/f�� f.�JLL7 f 1�V 1�J L7/�V�/ ��14J���� ��'#�i+.+7� �I�f��l I��f7�� �7.7��L� JC7'lf#JV �J/�#L� 1�8,1�� 179,99� ���,b93 11fi,9$9 �p4,��� 7?,1�� 78�3,668 ��b,868 5�5,7�6 8,�3,555 63�,781 �27,9�9 ��f�f�f4J� ��f�+f.kJ f4J f� 1�f��Lf�.JiJ 1��4.R�f��� �/�ti-+�J f..+l# 1�f���f L 4J� �f�L�J f�J f s3 f�J L*�I� ��V��fLti+V �j�����V� �f���fLV� �f�s..J��lJs+� �f4J��j�f� �f��i��� �f��fJL� ���..J�f4Jf� �����f�iJl �f�Jfk+/� �f L��f 1 k+� 1 fJL�f�Y� 1 fV��*��3 �����*V�� ��/��f��� ���4J���� �r���f/�J �f���f✓J� �*��/f��V ���i�f�4J� �����f�� l�l�if''#�L ��Jrf��� �f1F�✓ ��1 f 4f�� ��SJ fV V� i���.JSJ� L���l�� 1,0�12,��3 65�,�5�4 929,196 $5�,VZ0 C�$2,C�09 9��f��7 1 fVI�fl�S1 �fk.J.}VfL+�� �f4�i�f4J� 1f4J��f1f� ��4J������ ��5,3„J1�L� �fL✓/f�%fl �f�lJ f�S.J� l.f��Jf�V� �f�l�f�f� �f�7J���� L�V�+.+I�/� J�f��� l�f�J� J/f�i.J lJ�f��� �f��l f� Y�f�L� 74,77� ��1,�23 ���,18� 3$�,��3 44$,70� 448,��� ��2,�51� 78,4��,�'�0 ��,�90,3�4 �8.1��,1�9 19,�2�,�42 1�,04�,��1 1�,9�5,�35 ��,���,��s} {�,���,��o� ����,a1�} ���,�� ��f�r.�,�s�� ��,���,��� �,2��,000 �s����� �,s��,�s� �fki��f�� ��LJkJ/*��� �f��fLT�� ��/��fV4J� �����+1✓/ ���.J�J��/��� ��r���,�o�� ��,�s�,���� ��,�s�,�a�� ������r�z�� {�,�a�,r��� �f0�j�1� �f��Jf��1J !i�J�j,J!� 1 f�7!f!�4! �f�l/+L3� 1 f�JLi��� � ��,��s � ����,�o� � �,���,��� � ����,�o� � �o����� � ���,���� 1.1896 1.��`X� �.28 i�O �.��9'� �,28"� 4.���r6 �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 107 �i� o�f Ar�ro�o �r�c��de �������,�o��r�����v�r��,�r�r�����v�v����r�our��� �����r�������►i�r��r� Tra�sie�� �ro�rt�y F����1 I�r�p�r�y 5����8� ���upar�cy �rxsi���� �z�����i�� Tran���r Ye�r Taxes [��e'�'axes �"ax �i�er�ses R�ve�rxe� Tax Tota� . ���� 1� �����f1L� 1� �f�Z�f��� � ���{��L a� ✓�}V�� 4� ���f'S�� I� l�f�Ll � +J���tiJ���� �k/4+� �f���fZ�� �{�V�f��� V����� ti/✓f�.JIJ �����Z ������� �f�+JiJ��Z� ���� �f��f��� �f���f��� ��J f l�� ��f��Z ��4f{��V ������� �����f�� L��� �������� �f���f��� ��Jf�J� ��}iJ�J� ��✓�T�� ��V���� ��r�l���! ���� �f��Z f��J �fZV�f��� ���*��� ��*��� ���{��� 1��f��� �f l���Z�� ���� ��1��f4l�� �����f��� Z��*��� ��*��� ���*�kf� 1�1 f�/� �f��f�1JZ ���f �����{ti/�� �f���f��� T��fZ�� ��*��� ���*��� ���f��� 1�������l� ���� �{��1}��Z V f���f��� S��x�� LF���J� ������! �xl��xJ� ��}���f��� ��! �}xJ�VfV�� �f���f�� ������� �/f��� 41����� �f fw�L� 11f���f��� i.��� �f���f��� �f���f��� ���}��� V�fL4�� �lf�f��� ���Z�� ��}��f f���l �nc�u����11��v��n�rx�ntal f�xncl�r��s�����r��,��a�ci�1 Rev�n��,�ap�t�l P�����#s, ar�d��1�t��rvi��Ft�n��}. ��ur��: �x�y�f Arr�}���rande Ann�2�1 Fix���x�ial R��o�ts �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 108 ��� o�A�ro�o ��c��c�e . �4�����E�AI�T���T�1ViATE�A�CT[�AL VA�.LJ���"I'A��L�PI��PEI�'�'�C I�as�'�'�n�'��ca�Y�ars �ecc�r�d Un�ec�xr�d Total Net Assess�d �stimated �is��l �r�ss As�e�s�d �ros�A�s�ss�c� ���s��ss�s��d '���cabl� to 1'r�p�rty A�tua1 Y��r ��1�� �T�lu� V�1ue ��c��n�ti�ns V�1�� �I2�1�� �la�ue #.V4.f� � if��l�f�lJ�flLL i.� ��f4J�lf4ft.+�+ 4� Lf�J�f��X�/V � ��f�V�f��� � ���iJf f���f4lkJk1 14JV�J� � �f�L+l f/��f1..FtiJ�f L�IJ� �fl��f����✓ ��}���f��! 1f�4}�f�4J�fJ�'# ��f���f��� ������kJ��f�� 1����0 �fL��XkfL�ff lf ���� ����������0�� ������fG�� ���J��L��f��J L�f��1��L� �����7f��Of��� ���4/� �}�ll����0{��� �VLfZ ���ZZfJ�4Jf✓�� �JfL��f��4} �f���f�Z�fZ�� �J f���}��� �f���f������� ����� �ftil��f�J�}�lJ� �Ll�✓ Lr���f��l f�V� �}f��L}�} �f}Z�}�����ilV ���Ll�!f#�� �f/�Jf��r[J�� ��Li/Q �X����f��fV�V L��� �f4.J������f4f/� ��f�4}�fLJ�� ��if�J f��}�V J L�f�kf J f�tilJ �*4}�if��V���w �LJ��f� ��IJJ L����f��lt ��l}l Lf���fiJl�Jf�kIT ��f`S��fJ�� �}�l�f���f��� ��f}Z�}#�Ll �f���X�l�fI�VV �lliJ�O �f���f�'l��L�� L�� 6f�J�l}k}��fJIT� �#ftilJ�f4�� �fi�}f���fk}�� ������f�47� i����f����l�l ������ �X���jJ��flLl ��! ��LJI f��f��� Z�flL��f��� Lf���{���f��J ��f��V}}�� �f�����i�*��J 1����� �#���frJ��f�� �V�4} �i�/if���f��� ���Z��f��� �f�l���1����V �������/�� Lf�V�fJ��r��� ���f�� �f�J*���fl�V �or�or��r�ri�oz��u�rpo���,gr�ss as�����ci v����ti�ns�n�l���h�meown�����t��ther��c�rx��ti�ns. A1kh��,g�t t��s� ��c�rx�pti�ns r��t��� pr���rty�a�c ���l��tions,th� r��r�nu��c����s�'��rril�urs�d b�t���t�te o��a��f�rni�. A���x��, �r��s as���ed va�l��ti�x� i�t1�e r�v�r��x����e����in�stal�lishir���ro��r�y-�ax r�lat���`�v�nu��. �our��: ��n L�x���bi������xr�ty��ditor-��ntr�ller �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 109 ���� o�Ar�ro�o �rar�d� PIt��EItTY'�'�i�C I�A"���-DIR�CT AI�I��V�ItLAPPI�T����T���IM��T'� Last T�n�isca�Y�a�rs Fi��a� �an Lu�s�bi��� �tat�Vl��t�r �Jr�ifi�d f Hig� L�p���ar� Fir� Tot�1 Y�ar �our��y�'ax Rate i'�oje�t'�ax �ond L�ase �ar�ds Bor�ds T�x I�at� ��01 �.�0��� �.0�2�� �,�1��� �.����� �.��000 1.0�90� ���� l.���tl� �.��23� �.�1G�� �.�1�3�� �.����� T.�3��� .�0�� �.����0 �.��2�� �.�1��0 �.���1� �.0�0�� 1.����0 ��0� 1.0���� �.����� 0.�1�11 �.�I�19 �.�1��� 1.0��64 ���� 1.���� �.��22.3 �.����� � �.�1��� 0.��.�(�4 �.�G1�6 ���� 1.�O�O�CI �.��?..�.2 �.���18 �.��1�� �.��1�� �!.0�4���3 ���� 1.0�[1��� �.����1 �.�1��� �.�1�1� 0.���b� �.����� ���� �.����� �.����� �.�23f�4 �.���6� D.���91 1.�4�22 2��9 1.�C1��� �.��22� �.���54 �.���7 �.����� 1.0���� ���1� 1.0��� �.���� �.���5� �.���3�7 �,���1� �.����� 11a1u�ti��s �r�e�t��l�sl��d ��kh� ���nty As�����r��th� ��t�xtty�f�an L�xis�bi�po,e�c�ept��r�roperty own�c�b�priv�t��xt�l�ty�o�npa�i��,��i�h is v��u��b�t�e�t�t��f�a�if�r��. �Tr�d�r tk���r�visi��s o� �rti�le �CII��f t�ie���t���r�stitt�t��r� �Fr�g��iti�n 1���i�pt��1��tk��v�te���r���zrt��,��3��� pro��rti�s a�� ��s������t �D�°��o� ����va�lue ar�d subseq��nt��in�r�as���t a�na�ci�urrt ra���f�°l�per�r���. Tl�� ��unty ��l���t� �r���rty t��c�� an� �i�t�ib�xt�s th� �p���pr��t� am�unt t��a��� �it�r. Ea�h ��.�� �f �r���rty t��c i�eli�tri�uted t�v�r'rou�1�����overnrn�n����n�i�s 1��sed up�rt f�x�d a�l���t��n�������. Source: �I]�L��ren 8���n�,�an�.�x�s��i������x�t�A�s�s�or �� A enda Item 8.d. g Page 110 �i�af��ra�� �ra�c�e . ����v����i���o��rt�r�c�r����r��� �u.rr�n�Fi�����ear an�I��n��is�����ars A�o 20{l9#�.� 2�1�-0� �'�r��ntage �'ercentag� o�T�tal of Total �"axab�e Taxai�le Assessed Assessed Assessec� Assessed „._ T"a�x�ayer ,.. -- �.� TY�e a�B�xsin�ss �a1u.�ti�r� �a�� �Taluati�n Val�xati�n Ran�C ��luation F.S���nter��L� ��r�n�er�i�l � 4�}7f�0,��1 7. �.��°� � ��,7'1�,2�6 � �.���'o I1�1�B Prop�rties In�. �����rcial T�,���,�60 � �.�,�9'a �ur�ris�Te�-ra�e Iv�o�i�ehom�Dw�e�s Re��dential �.1,11�,62� � �.���,� g�(��,�,�g � �.��,�� I1rXar�fred�.�'reute��"rust R��ic�ent�al 9,���,89� 4 �.40°� 7,�15,1�7 � �.��°�o �1'T Array�I�t� Resi��ntial ����1,7�$ � 0.��°�� Deblau�v Pro}�erti�s�.�.� ��a�Esk�te �,��9,��3 6 �.29�� Ray�.Bur�t�el� ��rx��rt�rci�l 6,�4b,El�� 7 [�.29°� . I�ICT�orr�rn�r��i�i L�.� �eal�sta�t� �,G��,7�� � 0.�9°� Bolsa�hi�a Mobi��Estat�s I���id�r��ia�1 �,,���,$6�1 �3 �.�4°� L���"�I�rug�t�r�s ��rn���rcial 4,�4�,�,5� �IO �.��°�G �astl�ror�C D�vel��rr��nt�alifornia Resic�er�ti�I �,���,�44 � �.��°� ���t�tar Rea�Estat�Inr Re�r�atx�r�a� �,�7��,��,� � �.��°�� �ra����ble��urc��aii��rr�ia��r� I�stituti�na� �,�g�,��� �, �.4�°�� ��te�Family Partn��s�tip �ornrnereia� �,���,��7 � �.�2°l� �L13I�it��.���11�]�Il ���1C��L1�1�I 1�,���,��� � �.��°fo M�B Pro�erti�s In� ��mmer�ial 4,���,70� 9 �.�5°�0 �asa�rar�d�J�int��nture �on�rn�r�i�� 4,���,��� �� p,,�°,� T�ta1� � 11�,��0,�21 �.��9� $ 9�,1�G,��� �.��°�6 �ourr�: �i�L�or�n c��o��,�ar�I�ui��bispa��x�r�ty Ass��s�r �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 111 ��t� o�Ar�ro�o �r�r�d� ���IJI���P��P�I�"ITY TA�C�t����E��E��1�T���LLE�TI�i�� ��st T`ex���sca��Cear� T�tal Se�txr�d'Fa�c �u�r�n#Ta�c P�r��n��f Le�r� �urr�nt Y�ar P�r��r�t Ffs�al Y��r ��� ��11��ti�ns ��ll��t�c� ��linq��r��ie� D�l���u�nt ���1 � 1,�4�,6�� � 1,9��,�a�� ���°�� * � ��0� �,11�,97� 2,1�4,97� ���9�� *� "� Llll�J �f.J�Of��1. Lf�7��f��1 �1JlJ I4 �' +� LLJL1� �}����/�� �}��J���� �V L1�l0 �Ile # ��V� L�������� �}������� �����O '�r +F �1JW J f�����J� J}�.GIJ���� �L1�I� � +F L��J �r��L���L J}������ �VL1 O� ie ,t ���� �j���f�I� �x�����J� ��IO 'k �r ���� L7������L� J f�����L� 1lJV�Io '�t +t �4}�kJ �f}VLf�V �ff V�ri�� ����� 1F 1�C �0��: �'���ity h���l��ted t��Te�t�r I�1art rneth�d a������r�y t��c ca1���tion,wh�r�by t�����xr�ty���xx�it��1��9'��#ta�c����vi�d�r�d pur��es ���l��tior�artc�ret�in���t���1ir�qtxe�t t��c���x��r���t����n�liti��an�i�#�r��t. Sour��: ��n�rxi��b���o�our��y Audi#�r-��ntr���r �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 112 �T��� �a��in�������all� 1����l�r�� 9�' Agenda Item 8.d. Page 113 �i� o�'Ar�ro�o �rar��e �r���������s s����r��or��r �ast T�n Cal�nd�r��ars �Yn�housa�ds o�dol�ars} 20�0 �00� 2�0� �003 1��apa�rel�ta�r�� � �,�4� $ �,��� � �,�1� � �,�9� ��r��ral M�rcha�nciise ��,��� 5�,��3 �fi,5�0 �5�,��� F�od�tor�� 1�,��5� ��,��� ��r2.�6 ��,��b Eat�ng and Drin�ing��aces 2�,�f�$ �1,434 24,0�3 25,8�9 Buil���M���rials ��,�f�� ��,��� �2,9�� ��,979 Auk�D�a�ers anc��up�li�s �6,��� ��,7�� �1,£��� ��,�{�4 ��rvi���tatior�� ��}�3.� 2�3,��� ��,�f��1 3�,��� ��her Retai��tor�� ��,��� ��,��� ��,�5�� ��,�44 ��1�th�r�utl�ts �9,��� ��,��� ,��,9�� �4,�1� �`otal $ 2��,553 � 295,C�42 $ �05,�9� � 31b,179 Sour�e:�t�t��f�2�lif�rnia B�ar�o�E���1i��ti�n�d t�e HdL�ornparxies 1�Io�e: �u�t��orxfid�r��iality issu��,th�r���s�f th�ten la�rgest rev�u����r���a��r���av��la�b1�. �"�te cat��ories�re������i��'e i���r�d�d to�r�vi����t�r��t��re i��rrn�tion r�garc�ing the s��xr��s�f th� �it�r's rev�nu�. �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 114 ���� ���� ��� ���� ��� ��� � �f�}L .� ��f��� � ��f��� a� ����Jkl � /yl�� a� �4Jf�! �l7 j!�l ���lJ�f� ��X��� �i}��! ����l� ��f L�� �V��� ��f3�L� ���lJ/! �Of��� �l f�O� ���0�� �/f�ll� �f��� ���CJ�I ��I J�7 ��1�//� �!}��� �l r l�l �/f�J L/f��� L�f�I L LLf��7 �OfI�� �4Jfl�J ��fl�� TZfL+l� �l f��� L�f/�� ��fJ�� J J f��� ��f 1�� �:J f�L� �rllJ� `tC7}��� �+`t f�l� ��iLJ�! ��}�l� ��f4}�O ���l!J '#L.►fL// �Of�l V ��{�Ll� ��}��� �3 fl1�L ��fJ�� �lJr�� �tJf��� � ��]tJ}��V � .7��f�LJL +�7 J�l�l l� � JJ�f�l� � .7iJ7f�llV � ��f.J�GJ �� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 115 ��� ������� ������ ��1������V 1�i�l�l�������1 ����� L���T�rt F�s��1����rs �ov�rnm���a�A�t��rities ��n�rai��1���ti�n Fi�cai���r ��z�ci� ��pf�a1�,����� Ta�c A�1��ati�n��nd� 2�0� � � � ��16,85� $ � ��02 � �77,�3� � 2��3 �,9�0,0�� �17,873 - 2�04 7,9��,�� 9�,2��7 - �Q�D� 1,�3�,�0� ��,7�� - ���{J �}f��}if�� ��f�V� - ��if� #���✓f��4/ ��{��� �f���f��� ���� ����ti./���� '� L+����f��� ���� �*�✓�*�� ���{1}�� V f���f��� ���� �f���fifV� ������� V f�����V kf �our��: �i�y��Arr��r���ar�c��Aru�u�1�inan�ial R���rts ��� A enda Item 8.d. g Page 116 ���ir��s�-t�r��A�ti�vi�i�� °l�of�s�imat�d ��p��Vl��t�r �a����t�r T��a�Prirna�ry ���xa��l�lc���f �utst���ir�� Lo�rt ��arx �a�i�a��.,����� �����rnrn�nt T�xabl�1'����rty I��b���r��pita 4f � ���f��� `-F' � Y' ���{��� 4/.4���10 ��.�J _ ��1Jf��# ! �V�}C}V� �+���1� ��.�lJ - �1�f��� Z�f��� �}��l f��� \J.���� ���.�� .` �1�f�� �Lf#�� �f�����/L Ll.1Ll�� l�L.�� - ���f��I ��VkJ� �����*L�ll �.���!� .4��.�� � ���f�4J4J ��f��� L.f���f��� �.���f� ��4#.�� � ���*��� �f��� �{��ti./f��� �.����� ���.�� ! ���{��� � L+��L�*��� �.���/� ���.1�41 T ; ! V f��f�� �.�J��� �47�,�� ! �}��f��� �.����Q ��V.�� ��� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 117 ���� ������� ������ RAT�������I�1��AL��I�I�E�D��'�`��'I'�TAI��II�T� L.ast T�r��i���1��ars �i����n�ra��b�iga��.�rt��nd L.e�s:�rn��x�t I�ati���I�et ��rai�abl�in �sti�nat��A�tual ���d�c��ebt I�����nc�ed ��r��ra1 ��bt Sex-�r��� �T�t����r�l �'�x��1�Va��x��f to As��s�e� Debt P�� Fi���1�C��r B��c��c���bt ��nd� B�r���d���� I'r���r�y �a1u� l��p�latio� ���i�a 2001 $ ; $ - $ - $ �1,1,f�7,934,8�0 0.��°I� 15}975 - ��� ` ' ! �X���f4.f��f}�f �.�V��� �����4! - ��L� �X J Lf V f�l} �}��kJ���� ��f!�� �}TU�fLZ�f��/ �.lJ���� ��f�� �.�J ��k.� �fJ�L1f4}l}� �xf����� �fZ��ff�� A������l�f��1 11.LJl�I� ��f��� ilJ.4J# �V�� 1 f��rJfk}V� ��f�f� �����f�L/ �f}�✓����CJ�I} �J-�1��0 ��f��/ J�.LJf �ll�� �f���}��41 .7�.7 f��� �������l� ���J�������I� IJ.IJ��IO ��f�� ��.�/ �lJ�� �f���f��� ��+Jf��1} ��fff lf�f� �f�VL/X������� �.41��� l�fJ�+l /�.�� Lll�il Lf�+�f��� ��ly�l� 1f14+�+f1�! �fL�iff�4J��Jf/ �.���� ������ �.�� €�! ��rJ��fiJ� ��4�fk-��1 /����4J1 f�f��V����fV�� �.����� �f{VL1� �f.�� ���� �f�/�f�� �Lw!}k-��� ��Jf��� ifLLflflil��J4+� �.����Q �f f��� �1.�� Sour��: ��n�..uis����p����xr�ty�'a��c�s��s��r R�lr� �a��i��rr�x����a�rtrr��nt�f�i�ar��� ��2 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 118 Ci�y o,f Arro�o �rax�de n�r��c�r�����r��������v�����r , �����o��o�� P�rcenta�e Arnou�t App�i�able to Appl��abl�to I�1�t Debt �ity�F Arro�ro the�ity of Ju�is�ictio� Qut�#andir�� �r�nde Arr�y��rande �an Lui��bispo�ounty F��od����r�l�x�d Vl��teY�orts�rv�t��n Distri�t,�on�IV�.� � 11,1�5�,��� ��.��9°Io $ �,fi��,a�� �ucia Mar E.Jnifi��S�h�ol�3�stri�t ��,��C�,��� ��.����Io �,80�,�3� �ity of Arro�ro�rande 1,4��,000 10�.�4�°�6 1,4�5,000 �ar�Lui��bi�p��ounty�erti�icates o�Parti�ip�ti�n �9,���,0�� 5.�S�f�°�6 �,��5,�C�E� ��n Luis�bi�p�l��r��i�n�b��gati��ts 12�,444,��F 5.��f�9� b,944,fiQ� �an�t�is�bisp��o�r�tur�ity�o1��g��istr��t�ertificat�s vf Farti�i�at�on �9,���,�0� �5.�1�5°�� �,19�,Q�17 �.ucia lvfar�nified�h�vl Distr��t�erti�i��t���f P�rti�ip�tion �,�6�,��� ��.���°,� �,���,��{� �F'�ta��4s��s�ed�aluati�n: $ 2��,���,,���i � �.5}41�,4F� Rati�s t�As��s��d Valu�ti�rt: Direc�I�ebt O.00�°� T�tal Dire�t and�v�rla��ix��Ta�c�nd As��ssrnent Debt E�.�b°� �o�binec�Tota]��bt 1.�896 *�sse��ed va��at�on�al�ulatec�as f�l��ws: I�et Ta�cabl��altxe � $ 2,2�9,9��,9�8 Le��:I�ed�veloprn�nt A�ency Ta�c�ncrer�r�ent ���1,��9}441} Total Assessed��l�ation � �,1��,��7,52� Sourc�e: �alif�rnia Muniri�a��tatistic� 1�� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 119 �i�of Arro�o �ra�d� �����.����r�������N.�o���►��o�v Jun�3E1,2�1D ���1 ���� �0{}� ��0�4 ❑E��}#LtI'Y'llt � �,���,��� � ��,��],���J � �J'�,�1��,���1 � ��,���J,��� Tota�n�t deb�ap�li�ab�e�o lirrut - - � _ �.ega�d�bt margin � 44,���,88� �+ 48,84f,��� $ ��,f��,1Uf '� 59,���,��� Tata1 r�et d�bt a�p�lic��l�t�t�e limit as a�ercenta�e of the�imit �96 096 096 �� I�1ote�: S�cdan 4�C�Q� of�ali#o�nia �orr�rttn�ent �ode estab�ish�s a �egal debt 1im�� of ��� �f gr�ss ass�ss�d val�a��n for rnc�ni�ipalities. However,this pravisi�n was�n��ted wh�n�ss�s��d�raluati�n�as e��ablisl�ed b�se�ar���9��f marl��t valu�. Eff�cti�r�with FY�9�1- ��,ta�cable property is as�e�s�d at 10�9��f mark�t�alue. Al#hougi� th� de�t limit p�avisi�n has not bee�arr�end�d b�r the�tate since thi� �hang�, th� p�r��n�a�� has been �roportio�ately rr����fieci to �,��5°�for th�purp�ose�of this calc�lal�on for�on�ist�n�y with th� onginal intent of tl��Stat�'�limit. �aurre:�an Luis��ispa�ot�nty ��� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 120 ��Q� ���� ���� �Q�� �{}�� ���� 'Y �Vf�V/�V � !�fi.��f��f 'i� ����LV�V�L .� /�*V������ � ��fLJ���V�� W /�f�5.+�f/V5J � 1J��ti+1�f� � i if��jY�} 5� t Vf��VxVV# � /1Jf4/Vt./f1�V 4� /�fViVfV{1F � �Jf1Y��}�V V 1V �fvr �V i+�+ J 1V I/Y J 1V [�e��l Debt M�r��n�alculation�or Fisc�I Year�0�� Assessed�alue $ �,��'7,31�,�68 �ebt Lirn.it-�.'l�of T'�ta1 Assessed�alue �r �6,�9�,��� Ar�ount�f�ebt�4p�li��ble to tY���.imit �7,740,�0�) L��al Debt�viar�in $ �9,151,��� ��� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 121 ��� o�f�.�ro�o �r�r�de ���o����x���s�r������s ������������i���� Hi�h S��►��1�r�p �c�o�����-o�1r�n�n� LTneYnp���r�t�nt R�t� �i����Y�ar �'��u1a�i�n��1� YVl�dian�n������� �ut�a�e��� �3} ��� ��01 ��,��� � ��,9�� �.�°r� � 3.�°� ���� ��f��� �xJf��� �.���� � �.��� ���J ����� L.�f��/ �..J�10 � Z.�IO �V� ��f��� LI{!�� �.11��0 ; �.���0 �L►V� ��}��� ��f`��� �.l IO - �.���� ��� ������ ���7�� �.��lo ��f��� �.�I� ���1 ��fl�� JJ���� - ��f��� �.���0 L�CJ ��{ll��• �`ix��� ! ��f J�� �.��� ��k�� �/fIICJLJ ��f�llJ - ��fil�� l.L��O �kl�� i/r��� � /.���� ���11� 7./�JO ��rxrc�: {1� �t�t��f���if��r�i�����rt�n�nt�f F'rn�n�� �2}�DL Cor��&�or�e �3}�u�i��ri�r[�r���ied�h��1�i�t�ri�t,����1�d�t��v�xl�bl� ����.�.l��p�rtrrt�nt of�a��r #da��a unavail�bl� 1�� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 122 Ci� of Arro�o �rc�r�de ����v���������,o�r��s ��rr�nt Year 2�r�d l�ir����ars��� �0{19-10 20i10-0� I'er�entag�of P�r��ntage of T�t�l��ty T�tal�it� E�nplo�er Er��l�y�es �an� Ernpl�yrn�nt �r�rxpl�y�e� l�ar��C �rn�l�yrr�►�nt �.u�i�Iv1�r S�ho�l�istri�t 91� I �1°�6 * * # Arro�ro�rar�de�o��n�unity��s�ital ��� � ��'o * * � V1�a1-1Viart 223 � �°� * * '` �ity��1�rro}�o�r�ncl� 171 4 �°l� * * '� A�berts��n's 1�� � �°l� * * * K-Mart �00 6 1°�O * * � �l�ili"s �1 7 1°�� * # * �'rader Jo�s b3 8 10� '� * * Ap}���be�s 62 9 1°�6 * # # ��ga��fnemas 50 �.0 1°�6 * * # *D�ta r�ot avail�bl� Sour���: [�ruv�r�ity of�alif�rr�ia,��x�t���ri��r����r��rnfc�'ore�a�t Fr�je�# �ity of Axr�}����'and�St�siness L,iten��re�or�s ��� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 123 ��� a�'�r�ro�o �rar��� ����-�r������rv����v�r���r�r�������������,�������r�v�v�r���v ����������������� ������x��� �oo� �oo� �oo� �oo� zoo� �oo� �o�� �oos �oo� �o�a ��neral�ov�rnrn�r�t ��.� ��.� 1�.� 1�.� �1.Q 1�.� 1�.� 1.�,� �.�..� �Q.� P�lice 36.� 3�.� ��,� ��.0 ��.Q ��.0 ��.Q ��.� ��.� 34.� Fir�anc���ildin� �.E� F.� �.� �.� �.�.� 1�1.� �1�.� ��1.� �4.� 1�.� �ornmu��ity�eveio���nt �.� �a.� �.� �.0 �.� �.�i f�.� f.� �.� 4.� 1'�rk��z l���reation ��.� 1�.� ��.� 14.� ��.� ��.� �f�.�} �f�.� �1�.� ��1.� Er�g�ne��ing��kr��t� ��5.� 1b.� �,�.� ��.� 1�.� 1�.� ]�.� 1�.� 1�.� 6.� Vl�at�r �.� �.4 �.� �.� �.� b.� G.� b.� 6,� �.� �ew�r �.� �.� �.� 2.� 2.� �.� �.� �.� �.� �.� 'I'ot�i ��.0 1�0.0 9�.� 1�0.� �1��.� 1��.� 1��.� 10�.� 9'7.� �4.� ���o�ds ��� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 124 Ci�o�'Arro�o Grar�de . �P�1��1TIi�1�INDI�AT�1��S�F�.II��"I�� L�st T�n fiiscal�ears Fis�al 7�ear 2�0� Z002 2{?�3 2�D4 2005 20�b �007 2��8 2�09 �Q10 Gerteral�overnm�nt I�Iu�ber of Busin�s�Licerrs�s �,�11 1,��0 * 1,��0 � �,��� 1,9�0 1,�13 1.705 1,�08 Nurnber of nxinutes trans�ribed �� 3� �� �3 �� 3� 34 �4 �� �1 �Jurnber of A��nda item�processed �DO �00 �SU �7� ��0 �97 3�0 30� ��� �'�1 Nu�nk�er of recruitrnents �9 �9 �9 �9 �� �� �� �� �� 1�, P�lice �J�rlt�er of�ffi��rs 25 �fi �6 �b �'7 �7 �� �7 �� �� Incidents recarded X�,�O� 16,��9 17,�94 �1�,58� 17,��0 �4,448 1�,��5� ��,�1$ 1�,15�0 �7,07� I�fajar cri�nes 3�� 3�3 395 4�7 4$0 �1� 500 4�8 395 �5� Traffi��ollisiorXS �61 �5� �3� ?�0 3�(l 44� 4��3 ��� 4�0 4�� Traffi�enforcement��tivikie� �,700 6,92� �,�64 4,9�? �i,000 4,�4� �,0�9 �,f�G �,61fi 4,885 Ar�-ests 788 7?2 788 69b �SO �84 6�7 60� 364 G31 Fire Eme��er�cy responses �,,�'74 �,��� �,��$ 7,f�(� 1,504 1,f�� 1,7$� �,C�� 1,7`�� 1,�58 Fire and safe�inspectiorxs * 5�40 640 S�D �.�0 54� 5�0 �40 ��0 1�� Enpineering f Streets Mi�es o#�tre�ts�aink�i�necl 6� �5 6� �� 7� �0 7� 6� f�'� f�7 I1{f i�es�f Sew�r rnairtta�ned �� �� f� �3 64 f�5 f�b �i5 GG �6 I�u�ber of vehicl��rnaintairt�� �� ��i �f �7 S� �9 �0 '7p �0 �fi Piec�s of equip�ne�t maintairt�d �8� �$� 3S5 ��� 38� ��� �89 ��5 ��� ��� �n-�iouse capital prajects�onstru�ted � � �, � � � � � � 3 �a��t�l projects constn�cted 8 S � � � �i 7 fa 7 �� ��P studi�s i�itiat�c� � � � � * � � � - � �iP studies cornp�eted � � � � 1 � 1 � 1 � Plar�artd I1�ap�hecks�o�tpietecl 100 700 1�0 �00 �8 1� 8 8 g � �treet s�rvi�e requests �70 �GD �80 a00 �70 a50 ��iQ 5b0 �f�� �60 �orn�urtity De�eloprn�nt I�it�m�er of Planr,;,,��omrtxission a�en��s �f� �� �� �9 �� �G �0 �,� �� �8 I�umt�er of P1aru�tii�g�om�cr►issiort staff reports �� fD 69 79 SO 80 S8 �� 58 �0 iVu�ber o�A����endas `�� 12 17 * * 1� �� 1� �1� �� Buildin��erntits issued 41� 6�� 41�4 �Q9 5�0 ��� �f 0 ��� 54� 497 8uild�n�i�r�spe�tions��nciu�t�d �,�0� �,400 �,040 4,�3� �,�00 3,�00 4,�Qf� �,508 �,500 �,��� Fark.s and Re�reation I�I�ml�er of��r�et tre��rnaintained �,��0 1,�40 1,�5� 1,�$Q �,f}(l0 1,Ub0 1,(?9� �,741 1,��0 �,��0 i�egistratiorts 11,a�� �1,�00 11,f�a� �1,��0 1�,�5D 11,�f1� 11,C.50 1�,OU� 11,bS0 X�,0�0 Parti�i��nts�n�it�r r�creati�n sports �,C�1 �,9�,4 �,��8 �,�'�� 9,�90 3,x�6 �,1�� �,144 �,�0� �,��0 �Ium�er of pro�rarns f evenks f classes '7� 72 �� 7� 7� �� �� 114 �1 1�4 �uax�er of team�{adutt softball,basketball and volley6a�1� 7.�8 �72 ��� �72 ?8� �94 �01 �OC� 281 ��� Children in Mvtian enrol�rtent x,��0 1,�5� 1,100 1,�5� 1,100 �,�50 �,��0 �,��0 7,�5� 858 YVater �Yater custo�er a��ount� a,8�� C,��a f�,035 �,D�3 �,11� G,�O� G,�� f.449 �,��� f�,�04 A�re feet of water��r�sumet� �,210 �,��� �,4�8 �,49� �,�04 �,037 �,��� �,34� �,777 �,�18 Nlil�s of VYater lines�taintau�ed b4 b5 6� fif� �� 6� �9 G9 �� (�9 *Data not a�vailabl� Sauree: �it}�af�rroyo�rand�Bud��t Records ��� Agenda Item 8.d. Page125 Ci�y o�f Ar�ro�o �t�ar�de �������.�����s�r���s���s��r�rr��r�o�v �,ast'I'en Fiscal Years Fis�ai��ar � ���1 _._...���� ���� �004 ���.� �D(� ���� �0�� .._-��OD9 ��1� Po�ice �tations 1 1 � � �1 1 1 � 1 � PatroiLJnits 10 1� 10 �D 1Q 10 �0 �� 1� �0 �ata��ycles Z � 2 � � � � � � � Fire �tations 1 1 1 � 7 � � 1 1 1 F�r�Trucks�L�dder tru��C� 1 � � � 1 1 � 1, � � Fire�x�girx�s � � � � � � � � �.� �.� �ngin��rirti�f�treets �tr�ets{miles� 6� b� �5 �� �0 �"� 7� �� �0 �� Parks�z Recr�a#i�n �'arks �� 17 `�� 18 I� 1� 1� `1'� ��3 1� A�re��e vf P�rkS �4� ���.� 150.� ��5�.7 ��0.9 ��5�.9 1�1.� 1�1.f� 151.£� 1�1,6 �ornrnunity�Rec��nters � � � 2 � � � � � � �Nat�r � Vl�ater rrtiakns�r�iles� * �� f�� 6� �i� f�� �� �� 6� �9 iNater capacity�millio�s of��llar�,s� � 5 ,� � � 6.4� 6.4� b.4� 6.4� C�.�� *�ata n�t�v��1a�1� �ource: �BI����B�tat�Ynent�1`0.��Infrastru�tu�e I��ent�ry and�aluation �ityF�rer�rds 11� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 126 M I N UTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TU ES DAY, JAN UARY 25, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: Council/Board Member Joe Costello, Council/Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council/Board Member Tim Brown, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Caren Ray, and Mayor/Chair Tony Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Steven Adams, City Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services/City Clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, and Community Development Director Teresa McClish. 3. FLAG SALUTE Zack Braun, representing Central Coast Masonic Lodge#237, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Randy Ouimette, St. John's Lutheran Church and Chaplain for the Five Cities Fire Authority, delivered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Mayor's Commendation Presented to Photographer Lisa Wilkerson in Recognition and Appreciation for Featuring Arroyo Grande in "The Big Orange Day", a Publication which Displays Beautiful Photographic Images of the Central Coast of California. Mayor Ferrara introduced a brief KSBY television news video clip highlighting photographer Lisa Wilkerson's story and subsequent publication of the book "The Big Orange Day". He then presented her with an Honorary Mayor's Commendation in recognition and appreciation for featuring Arroyo Grande in "The Big Orange Day", a publication which displays beautiful photographic images of the Central Coast of California. 6. AG E N DA REVI EW 6.a. Ordinances Read in Title Only. Council Member Brown moved, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. Mayor Ferrara announced that he has a conflict of interest on Items 9.a., 9.b., and 9.c. and would have to step down; however, he stated that the applicants of those items have requested a continuance to the February 8, 2011 City Council meeting. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 2 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Mr. Russell Read, General Counsel for Alpine Colony Enterprises - Cookie Crock Warehouse, noted he had originally requested a continuance and stated that there were members of the audience present who had expressed opposition to a grocery store and that it would be a hardship for them not to speak on the matter tonight. He requested anyone who would have a hardship returning on February 8t" be allowed to speak tonight, and also asked for clarification on whether the items would be continued back to the City Council or Planning Commission. Brief Council and staff discussion ensued in response to the request from Mr. Read and the Council concurred to open the public hearing for Items 9.a., 9.b. and 9.c. to allow public comments from any members of the public who could not attend the February 8t" meeting. Council Member Brown also noted that he had several questions he wanted to ask of staff. It was also clarified that the projects would come back to the Council. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS Aaron Henkel, South Alpine, Registered Civil Engineer, expressed concerns that his input on traffic issues relating to projects presented at the Traffic Commission meetings are not being adequately considered by the Commission or by staff and that the City is relying solely on the developer's professionals. Alicia Lara, Rodeo Drive, expressed concerns regarding the Brisco Road Interchange project Alternative 4 and that the neighborhood has just been notified of this project. She submitted a petition of 28 signatures of neighborhood residents opposed to the project alternative and requested that the residents be involved in any future discussions regarding the project. (Mayor Ferrara noted that neighborhood meetings are currently being scheduled) Camay Arad, E. Branch Street, Chameleon Fabrics Furniture and Design, referred to her website www.cameleonstyle.com to view a video clip of her brief appearance on Oprah's national show as part of the "Your OWN Show" contest that she entered. Ann Steele, EI Camino Real, inquired about the status of the EI Camino Real improvement project and when it would start. (City Manager Adams gave a brief status report of the project and noted construction is expected to begin in early to late Spring, and Mayor Ferrara commented on the funding sources for the project) 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any Consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. Ross Kongable, Rodeo Drive, referred to Item 8.g. and expressed concern over the consultant's costs and the proposed design of the Brisco Road Interchange project Alternative. He urged the Council to include the neighborhood residents in the process. Alicia Lara, referred to Item 8.g. and asked Council to provide staff with other direction until the project can be looked into further and hold off on spending more money on the consultant. Patt,y Welsh, Pradera Court, referred to Item 8.h. and expressed concern about escalating costs for the City Hall project, as well as the Short Street project. She requested a breakdown of all the costs. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public comment period. Mayor Ferrara requested Item 8.g. be pulled. Council Member Guthrie requested Item 8.h. be pulled. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 3 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Action: Council Member Brown moved, and Council Member Guthrie seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.f., with the recommended courses of action. The motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. Consideration of Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period January 1, 2011 through January 15, 2011. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report listing the current investment deposits of the City, as of December 31, 2010, as required by Government Code Section 53646(b). 8.c. Consideration of Annual Adjustment of Development Impact Fees. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4335 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES BY THE CHANGE /N THE ENGINEER/NG NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX". 8.d. Consideration of Annual Adjustment of Sewer Connection Fees Based on Changes in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4336 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING SEWER CONNECTION FEES BY THE CHANGE /N THE ENGINEER/NG NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION COST INDEC". 8.e. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Maino Construction for Construction of the Centennial Park Project, PW 2011-01. Action: 1) Awarded a construction contract to Maino Construction in the amount of $216,722; 2) Authorized the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $21,672, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and 3) Appropriated an additional $60,000 of Park Development funds for the Centennial Park Project. 8.f. Consideration of Authorization to Solicit Bids for a Weed Abatement Contractor for the Annual Weed Abatement Program. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 4337 as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR/Z/NG THE FIRE CH/EF OF THE FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY TO PREPARE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR THE WEED ABA TEMENT PROGRAM ON BEHALF OF THE CI TY OF ARROYO GRANDE". ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8.g. Consideration of Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Planning Company Associates. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a Third Amendment extending the Consultant Services Agreement with Planning Company Associates for an additional ten month period for assistance in obtaining Caltrans approval for a proposal to address deficiencies at the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road — Highway 101 I nterchange. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 3 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 4 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 City Manager Adams clarified that this does not reflect design costs, which have been extensive over the past 15 years. He explained that this consultant is not a design consultant and that they were hired to assist the City through the Caltrans process. He noted that regardless of the alternative selected, the City needs a liaison to work with Caltrans. Mayor Ferrara explained further about deliberations with Caltrans, which regulates Highway 101, which in turn impacts the City's circulation. Council Member Costello acknowledged that this has been a long and difficult process and supported continued work with the consultant to benefit all parties. Council Member Guthrie referred to the upcoming workshops and requested that a review of prior alternatives that included closing the ramps, as well as the traffic counts and projects that were considered, be provided. Action: Mayor Ferrara moved to approve Item 8.g. as recommended. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ferrara, Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Ray NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.h. Consideration to Allocate Additional Funding for Construction of the Tenant Improvements at 300 East Branch Street. Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the City Manager to approve contract change orders to the contract with Nick E. Pokrajac, Inc. for construction of the Tenant Improvements at 300 E. Branch Street by an amount not to exceed $111,000; 2) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the contract with MW Architects for design and construction services for the Tenant Improvements at 300 E. Branch Street to increase the cost by $15,000; 3) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the contract with Electricraft, Inc. for the construction of the Data and Communication Cabling for 300 E. Branch Street to increase the cost by $18,000; and 4) Appropriate an additional $151,000 for the project budget from the General Fund unappropriated balance. City Manager Adams explained the basis for requesting the additional appropriation which included unexpected change orders due to design changes that were identified during construction. He explained that there were changes that needed to be made because they were left out of the original design. He noted that there is a potential for securing about $60,000 in unexpended Community Development Block Grant funds which could be reallocated to fund the elevator costs as it qualifies as an ADA improvement. Council comments ensued acknowledging changes that occur during construction; concerns about how design errors occurred and responsibility for those errors; whether errors and omissions insurance could cover those items above the expected costs; miscellaneous items that were not originally identified including furniture and outside improvements; and concern about voting on the matter prior to seeking cost recovery. Mayor Pro Tem Ray requested that a Agenda Item 8.e. Page 4 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 5 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 copy of the letter of the costs sent to Mr. Moore be provided to Ms. Welsh. In response to a question from Council Member Guthrie on whether this action would preclude the Council from taking further action to recover costs. City Attorney Carmel replied it would not. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to approve Item 8.h. as recommended. Mayor Pro Tem Ray seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Ray, Costello, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Ferrara announced a conflict of interest due to ownership of real property near the project, stepped down from the dais, and left the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Ray took over as Presiding Officer. 9.a. Consideration of Specific Plan Amendment 10-001; Amend the Berry Gardens Specific Plan as it Relates to Development of Subareas 3 and 4; Location - Southwest Corner of East Grand Avenue and South Courtland Street; Applicant: NKT Commercial. Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving Specific Plan Amendment 10-001. Council Member Brown asked if the developer has any entitlements with regard to the parcel. City Attorney Carmel responded he was not aware of any entitlements. Council Member Brown stated that staff has said from the beginning of this process that the Council cannot dictate the type of use there and asked if an overlay or ordinance could have been utilized to regulate the amount of space for food sales or to eliminate grocery stores as an allowed use. Director McClish acknowledged the discussion and stated that yes, in the Specific Plan, you can define or regulate uses different than those in the underlying zoning district. She reminded the Council that in terms of the existing conditions on site, there is an existing Specific Plan in effect and there is a request for an amendment to that Plan. She said the uses defined in that Specific Plan are the same uses that are identified in the Gateway Mixed Use zoning district. Council Member Brown stated when he was on the Planning Commission, it was explained differently than what he was now hearing. He commented that if the Specific Plan is being opened up for other issues, then other amendments should be possible, including the elimination of certain uses. City Attorney Carmel explained there are pending completed applications that were processed in good faith by the City and further explained the need to take action on the proposals currently being presented. He confirmed that the Council has the ability to regulate uses in a Specific Plan. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 5 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 6 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Council Member Guthrie asked for clarification on the entitlement question. Director McClish responded that the Specific Plan is in place, it does not match the current proposal, and it needs to be amended to reflect the existing property lines due to a lot line adjustment that had previously taken place. City Attorney Carmel explained the Specific Plan is not an entitlement but is part of the legal framework for entitlements, and explained the discretionary review process. Mayor Pro Tem Ray opened the public hearing. Bob Boyd, Palm Court, spoke in opposition to a grocery store at the proposed location. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Pro Tem Ray closed the public hearing. Action: Council Member Guthrie moved to continue the public hearing to the next Regular City Council Meeting of February 8, 2011. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Brown, Costello, Ray NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara 9.b. Consideration of Tentative Parcel Map 10-001 and Conditional Use Permit 10- 001; Subdivide 4.47 Acres into Four (4) Parcels of 0.51, 0.59, 2.56 and 0.57 Acres and Construct Four (4) Commercial Buildings of 5,800, 6,767, 35,786 and 5,700 Square Square Feet Respectively; Location - Southwest Corner of East Grand Avenue and South Courtland Street; Applicant: NKT Commercial. Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map 10-001 and Conditional Use Permit 10-001. Action: Council Member Brown moved to continue the public hearing to the next Regular City Council Meeting of February 8, 2011. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Ray NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara 9.c. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit 10-003; Construct a Thirty-Six (36) Unit Apartment Complex on 1.63 Acres; Location - Southwest Corner of East Grand Avenue and South Courtland Street; Applicant - Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation and Affordable Housing and Loan Agreement. [CC/RDA] Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 10-003. In addition, staff recommends that the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors adopt a Resolution approving an affordable housing and loan agreement and authorize the Executive Director to execute Agenda Item 8.e. Page 6 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 7 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 the agreement. Action: Council Member Brown moved to continue the public hearing to the next Regular City Council Meeting of February 8, 2011. Council Member Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Brown, Guthrie, Costello, Ray NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (a) MAYO R F E RRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). Announced that supplemental funding may be available for rehabilitation of the Bridge Street Bridge. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Alternate attended in his absence. (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee. The Subcommittee will be meeting with staff to put together two community workshops on the project alternative. (4) Other. Will be resurrecting the Recreation Center Subcommittee to take a look at some alternatives for the community recreation center proposed for Old Ranch Road and W. Branch Street. (b) MAYOR PRO TEM RAY: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Meets next week; Mr. Manchek will be giving a presentation to the Council at the February 8t" meeting. (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA). Aside from routine business, the CJPIA Board is considering the addition of a District. (3) Tourism Committee. Meets next week. (4) Other. None (c) COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. Reported there is a surplus of water at Lopez available to the communities that participate; also recommending buying emergency State water supply which will Agenda Item 8.e. Page 7 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 8 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 provide an additional surplus of water. Mayor Ferrara commented on the need for Zone 3 to become more than an Advisory Board and brief discussion ensued regarding the surplus water. Also reported that the downstream release has been reduced to 1.3 million gallons/day. (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Meets tomorrow. (3) Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA). Received new 100' aerial truck; however, it is not in service yet as training is currently taking place; Board is examining steps necessary to form a Fire Protection District. (4) Other. None. (d) COUNCIL MEMBER GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Meets tomorrow. (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO). The Homeless Center project is in progress; a feasibility study has been completed, and a fundraising plan is underway. (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC). New HSOC Executive Director is on board and under contract. Discussions included use of parking lots for the homeless population. (4) Other. Attended the SSLOCSD meeting; conducted a mid-year budget review; District is experiencing fewer sewer connections resulting in significant revenue shortages. Noted that an extensive report was received on the flooding that occurred during the recent storms. Discussion regarding meeting protocols was held and continued. (e) COUNCIL MEMBER BROWN: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). Meeting was cancelled. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). Conducted election of officers. (3) Other. None 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL MANAGER ITEMS None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Ferrara announced that this is the City's Centennial year and last Friday night, Laetitia Winery sponsored a reception to honor the people who have contributed to the Centennial Celebration and all the associated events. As the Chair of the Committee, he stated that they started off with a projected event budget of $125,000 and through the generosity of this community, $118,000 has already been donated. He also recognized Branch Street Deli and Eclair Bakery for providing food and desserts for the reception. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 8 Minutes: City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting Page 9 Tuesday, January 25, 2011 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Steve Ross, Garden Street, noted that Grace Lane is open for traffic access and provided suggestions for signage; suggested signage be posted banning trucks on Courtland Street over a certain weight; and commented on the surplus water at Lopez. Bob Hess, Rodeo Drive, referred to the Brisco Interchange project consultant and expressed concern that they will only be negotiating the one alternative project with Caltrans. Susan Flores, E. Branch Street, referred to traffic speed on E. Branch Street and suggested the use of solar speed signs to assist in reducing traffic speed; commented on the debris from the school property running into the street during the rains; and noted that the air brake sign at Huasna and 227 is not working well. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Tony Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) Agenda Item 8.e. Page 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.e. Page 10 ���� �� .• � ` + . . � f���, �� '�s'�'�A�IF�RN�A ,}�`: ��" � ���� I�I E IVI�F�►IV I]l.�I�I T�: ���1f ���lV�IL���L��1lEL�PlIIIEIV�` A�EN�Y ���4�C� F���VI: �CEL�LI�VI�ETIVI��E, �ITY �LEF�I�CI�4CEh��Y�E���TAF�Y ��IVI�1'�IY �!. �AF�II��L� �ITY�TT�I�IVEY ��1�JE�T: ��IV�I�E�►�I�IV �F ��F�IV�AT �� ��Tl� ��IJIV�I���ED�11EL.�PNl��1T A��I��Y IUI�NIlT�� ��1�E: F E�F��JA�Y 22, ��'�'1 I�����IIAEN�ATI�IV: �#a�ff r���r-r�rr��r��s �h�t #�� �it}r ��ur��il�F���ev�l�p��n� �g�r��� ���r� �f C�ir��t��r� �d�pt � F�e��l�ti�r� a��th�ri�in� a��ti�n �nir�u�t�� ��r ��t�r ���n�if�F��d���l��r��n� ������ �m���in��, ��NAI��I�#� IIIIIP�►�T: It �� ��t��nn���� tl��t �p�r��cir������ tv�r� t� ����r ���� �f ��c��uti�r� �r�d ���nir�i��ra�t�v� �t�ff tirr�� �nriE� �� ��v�d b�r ��r�v��#�r�� t� th� �r��a�r�ti�r� �� ��ti�r� r�ir�ut��, �A�I�CC F��U N D� ��I���rni� ��v�r�r�r���t ���� �e��i�r�� ����1� �n� �����I �t�t� �h�t �[�� �ity ���r�c �f��li �n�ir�t�in � j��rn�l �f pr�����in�� �r r�i��t�� �� �it� ��u�.n�i� r���tir�g�. 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T�� �t�rl� �� r�nir�u��s is r��t a� r���v t��i� �rr �rr��� �ra���� �� t�� i���� �r�r�� �i������d �t � r�n�et�r�� �r� ���� a�t �I�i�l� tir�ne t�� �i�� ��u���il �d��t�� F����lu�t��rr ��. �'1�9 �ut��ri�ir�� ��#i�n r�nin�#�� �nd ���a��l��fi�in� � �r����ur� f��- tl�� du�pli�a�#i�n �f a�r�d r�t�r��i�r� �f ����� ta�p�� a�� ��rt �f �h� �ffi�ia�� ����r�. Th� �r��#i�� �f ���i�r� �ir��t�� �v�� �� �I��� f�r rr��n�r y���� �h�r���t��r; h�v�r���r, ���r ��rr��} th� r�in�t�� ��a�rt�� ��c��n�r�n� ir�t� ��r�rx�a�ry �t�l� r�r�ir�u��� �rr� t�e ��c�����ti��n f�r ��rn�a�y �nir�ut�� �v�� ��ta�b�i�k��c�, �1��nri���t�r��i�n�, th� F����lu���r� h�� ���r�r b��� r����l�� �r�d r�r��'rr�� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 �ITI� ��IJIV�I�. F�RMAT �F ��l�N���IA�EN�I� M11��TE� �E��UARY ��, ��'I�I PA�E � �ff���i��, ���nr�v��, ir� ���9, th� ���r���� ������� � n��v ��ty�rv�d� F����rds F��t�nti�r� ��k����l� uv���h in�lu��� ��r� r�t��t��� �f r���v �r�d ��d���d rr���'r�. ��e�ifi�a����r, ��u�rr�i[ r�e�tfr�� �ri��� �ll�'� �r� r���in�� ��r �I� ����� �n� �udi� �D's �r�d ��s��tt� ta���� �r� k��� for � ���rs. A��#LY�1� �F l���JE� 11�ir�u��� ��r� �� pr���r�� in ���r��r�l �iff�r�r�t f�rr��t�# irr����in� ��ti�r� rr�in����, ��rr�r�r��ry r�i�u���, �r � �r�rk����rr� tr�n��ri�#. Il��n�t�� �r� n�t r���r�t �� b� tr�r����ip�i��� �n� �r� r��t ��n ��c��t r���r� �� �i��u��i�rr� ��� ��r���r�����rrs; ��r�� �r� �h� ����I r���r� ��n� h'r���r}r v�rhi�� �-���r� ��� ��t��n� �r�� �r�����in��. �ur�-�r�t�� �r���� �r�r��� pr���re� ��ct�r����r� �urr�r�n��y ���r�� �ni�ut��. 1�VEth t�l��ri��� r���tir���, �r�d �I�� ��p��E�i#�r f�r �v�t����tir�� ���i ��r�h��r�r�� rr����� �n th� �nt�r��t, i� �s � ����1 ti�n� t� r���r��i�f�� th� �-n�d� �� r�����ir�� �r�� r���r�i�� ��t��r�� �f �I�� �it}� ��un�i�. T�t� ��a��f r����-r�rr������ ���'rl"��� I� �� �t"���I'� ������ fl'1Cl�l,J��� ��1����� �� �l.Jfl�l�l'1��1 �'11�1LJ���. ���E�r� r�nin���� C���r� #�� ��Il��nr'rr�� ir���rrr��t���: • Il�e�t�r�� d��e � In�i���i�� �vl��th�r�I�� r���tin� i� r��ul�r, r��u��r�dj�ur�rre�� �r����i�! � L���ti�n � ��a�r�in� �r�d �r�din� t���� • Nar�e� of rr����ers �nd �t�f� p�resent � D���r�p�i�r� �� it�rr�� � A li��ir�� �� �����C�r� �r�� �nrh�#��r th��r �r�r�r� in f�v�r�r ������� t� �n �#�rr� � A ��a�t�rr��r�# �� ���i�r� {�-r��ti�r�, r����uti�n �r ��dina�n��� �n� h��r �l�� rx��r���r� �r���d, � Ar�� �t�t���r�t b�r � ��r�n��r th�� i� ����ifi���l�r �r�n��ar���� �� b� "��r th� r���r�.,, ��,r�rr�r�tl�r# tl�� ��r�tr��ry r�nir�ut�� in����� �II �f�I�� it�r�� ��r������d ��n ��ti�r-� �ir�u�#�� �nr�th tl�� �d�it��� �f ��r�r�n�nt��y ��r r�n�rr���r� �� t�� �u��li� �n� ���r��i�, ��� ��mr��r�t� �f ���h �����c�r r�r��� f r�r� a� ���r ��r�t�r���� t� � f�v�r �a�ra��ra��k��, ���rr�r��ry r�n i r��t�� ��r� pr�vi�� ��r� �� � fl��r�r �f �r��# I�������� �� th� r����in�# �u�t ���� ��r�� inl�����t ��ffi�ul�i��. �t ��r� b� �r�ry di�fi��lt �� di�till �� r�'rn�t�� �� ��rr�rr�er�t�ry, �u��ti�r��, �r�� �n��v�r� �nrh�l� pr��ri�in� t�� ���r�pri��� ��nt��ct. Th� ����� r���r�ir�� �� t�� r-r���tin� �� t�� ���t r��t��� �v�il��l� ��r �a�p���r�n� th� r�u�n��s �f t�� r�r���tin� ��n� ������in� r��i�l��iv� ir�t�r�t. �urtl��r� ����r���r�� �� �I�� I�r��th �f th� ��u��i� ���t��g �r�� #1�� ��r��l��ity �� th� �t�r�s, �urr�r�a�ry �nn�r�u���� �fte� r��u�ir� �-� ���r� t� �r���r�. ���r��r�l�, ������ d� r��� r�1�r �rr ��� �d�i�i�r��� ���ct �� t��y �r� u�u�����r r��drn� th� r-�i�nu��� �rrly t� ����rr�r�ir�� v�rl��t ��ti�rr v�r�� ��k�r�; �h� ��n� �n� f��v�r �� � r�r����in� �r� ���� ��ri��� fr�rrr t�� �11� ��r �� ��th� �n��ting it��l�. Tr�n�i� in Il�ir�ute �tyl�� — �n L���u� �f ��li��rnia� �i#i�� �urv��� ��r��u�t�d ��r�r #f�� ���t ���r�ra�l ���r�, t�� ���r�vfi�eirr�i�� tr�n� ����r� th�� �i���� h�v� b��r� �ra�n�i�i�r���� t� �����n rr�inut�� r��h�r Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 �r�r ���ru��� ��f��IA�T �F ��L����L��►��IV�1� �VI��l I�TE� ��BR�JA�� ��, ��'�'� ���� � ���r� ��,r�rr�a�ry r�ni�ut�� ��r � ��t}� ��ur��il f��rr�n�l r����r�. ��� rr��in r����n� �i�r�r� ��r ��i� tr�rrd i��l�d� ��� f�l���nrin�: � I���r �r���rrr���i�r� ���hr��l��i�� �u�� �� r�a�E-�irr�� ���I� ��� �r�t�rr��t br������t�, �� v�r��� �� ���i�, �rrd��, �n� di��t�� ���i�� ����� r���tirr��, �r��rid� r�ulti�l� ������� b}� �nrl�i�l� �I����� ��#i�i�l�, �t��, �r�d��r t�r� ����i� ��r� ������ ��r��tir�n r���r�� �� ��urr�il �i�������r��. �u�rr�n#I�r, ��r� �it�r �f �rr��� �ra�nd� ��-��d���t� �I�� ��ty ��u��n�il r��e#ir��� I��r� �n ��b�� �����ri�i�r� �r�� �r� th� �it�'� �nr�b�it�, TI�� �n��t�r��� �r� �1�� r������� �� �1l� �ri��� f�rr�r��� ��� v�r�l1 �s �rr �� �udi� f�rr-r�a�t} ��r r���������t�r�g thr�� tirr��� � ��y .�v�r th� p�r��� �f � �nr���C. Th��� �I���r�r�i� r���r�� �r� k��t ��r � r���irr�ur� �� 'I� ���r� �n�er �F�� �it}r'� ������� F����r�� F��t�rrt��r� ����d�l�. �n��r����� ��rti�� ��r� �it��r r��u�s# t� �ri�v�r �r I����r� �� ��-�I�i�r�d r���r�� in th� �it� �I�rk'� �ffi��, �t n� ���r��, ��d��r t���r ��r� �u�r�l���� t�� ���i���1l� ��pi�� �� r�n��t'rn�� f�� a� f�� �s��blr���� ir� ��� �i�y'� Ni��t�r F�� ��h���1�, In a���iti�r�, �� �r� up��r�in� �����t ���I, ���ff is �u�rr�n�ly ��c���rin� tl�� u�� �� ��dit����� t��hr��l���r t� pr�v�d� Ir���rn�t b���� ������ �� t�� p�b�i� �ri����� �it�r'� v�r���i�� t� ������r�� �rid�� �n� �u�di� br�a������� �� ��u�r��il�Ag�r��� r�n��tin��, �vl�i�� v�r��l� �� li�k�� �� ���f� A��nd� it�r�. T��� �nr��l� �nl��n�� tl�� �u�r��� ���t�r�n �f �r�vi�in� li�r� ��r��r��r�� �f ���r������g�n�y rr���tir���. � IVla�r�� �it� At��rr���r� pr���r ���i�n r-r�inut�� ��r�r �ur�r�r�n�ry nr��n�,t��� �����i�l��r �r�ri�l� #h� �v�i���ili�� �� �i�1�� �r�d��r digi��l ��pi��, ����u�� ��rx�r�n�ry rr�inut�� �r� rn�r� �������i�� a�� #h�� �r� t�� r-r-�ir�u�� ��k�r'� ��r��k�r���d v�����r� �f tl�� t��tir-r����, �i��u��i�r�, ������ �n� ��ti�r� t�k�rr. A����r� r�ir����� �r�� ��r� ��f�r��i�1� ��d r�rr���r�� th� i��u� �f "h� ��id���� ��i�" �i�[���� r�g��din� �r le��ir�� �� ���� ���t��il �����r��. In �ddi�i��, �v�il� n�t � ��rr�rr��r� �it��ti�n in �rr��r� ���r���, �i�i�� ��und t��� ���r��in� s�rr�r�r��ry �nir����� r�t��r t��n �����n r�inut�� ����C u� ���� ��r� tirr�� a�� ���r���l rrr�etin�� a�� �h� �ub���t��� r���ur� �� ��r�ph���ir�� ��un�il �i�����i��� r��u1t�� �r� �r��t��- ��u�rr��� Il��r�b�r d���u����n r��a�r�ir�g v�rl��t "h� �a��d���� ��i�'! {�r�d in r��r�� ����� �rh�t h� �r �1�� "r���nt"�. � Pr��i�ir�g ��c#�r��i�� ��rr�r�n�ry r�nir�ut�� r�quir�� ���r�ifi��n�ly r�n�r� �i�}r r����r���. Th� �i�� �I���C ����r��l�r ���� n�t�� t� �r��a�r� th� r�r�i��t�� �ut ��t�r� �i�-r��� ha�� t� ��f�r �a���C t� ���i� #���� t� �r�rif�r �n� tra�n��rib� ��rt��n ��r�nr��r�t�. A �urv�� �rv�� �I�� ��r�dc��t�d �r�n�r�� ���n���� in ��r� L��s �bi�p� ����t� I���I ����n���� �#�I�� t��� �f r�n��u��� ���t �r� �r�p�r�d, ��d th� ������n�� �r� a�� f�ll��v�: � ��t�r ��At������r� —A�ti�r� � �i#�r �f �r���r��- ����h -� ��r��ir���E�rr ��r-r�r���y�A��i�n � �i�� �� N1�rr� B�y�- �u�r�r�n�ry � �i��r �f P��� F��bl�� - A�t��r� � ��t�r �� �i�r�� ����I� —��#i�n • �i�� �f ��r� L��� �k�i��� � ��ti�n • �oun#y of �a�n L�uj� �b�spo — Ac��or� Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 �ITY ���J���� ������ �� ����������r��� �nrn����� ����u���r ��, ���� ���� � ����� �r� �I�� ��rv�� r��u1t�, th�r� i� �rr irr��e��ir�� �t�i�# ���rrr�r�� �r��a�rir�� �����n r�nin�#�� �in�� �r� ir��r���in� r���m��r� �f ���i�� a�re ��th t�l��i��ng ��� v�r������i�n� tl��ir �m��tin�� �n� �r�hi�ri�n� �l���� vi��� �r�� ��di� �il�� �� t��ir �i�y �v����t��, A� a� r��u�t, th� p��li� I�a�� ������ �� ��� r�n��#�n� �� h�ur� �f th� ���r �� �I��� �nra��t t� �r���nr�h���r t�� ������i�� �� �nr�ra�t �r�� ��Ed �r �nr��t a��ti�n v�r�� t�k�n �� � r�n����n�, A��iti�r�����r, ��� �r���r��i�n �f ��r�n r���y r��n u���� ��r� ���n��rr�� � I�r�� �rr��u r�t �f �t�ff ti r�n� ��d a�r� a� �i�r��fi��r�# dr�ir� �n ��r�r ���r���in� �n� lirr�i��� ���nir�i�tr����r� rrru�r�i�ipa�l r����r���. A�T�F��AT�VE�; �h� f�ll��nrir�g ��t�r�n��f�r�� �r� �r���d�d f�r��� ��ur����'� ��n�i��r��i��: 'I. A���� � ����I��f�r� �utl���-��ir�� �t��f t� �r�p�r� �����n r�ir����� f�r ��I��i��� �it�r ���r��il�F��de�r�l��r�r��nt A��n��r rrr��ting�; �r �. D� r��� a����� � F������rti��n �n� dir��t ���ff #� r��ir�t�ir� th� pr���i�� �f �u��r�n�� ��}r�� rrrir-�u�t��; �r �. Pr�v�d� �ir���i�r� �� st��f, A�11A�TA���: ���r��ir�g t� ��ti�n r�r�ir�u��s �r�ll �E���nr �t�ff �� ��r��l��� �h� rr�in�rt�� irr�r��di���l� �����v�rir�� �h� ���n�il ��e��r�� a��� �I���r �i�nifi���#ly r��r� �t�ff #irr�� ��r ���u�ir�� �r� ����� id�nt��i�� ���j��t� �r�� ���I�. D I��1�11AI'�l T�#���: fV� �i����r�r�t���� h��r� ���n i���ti�i��. EIVV�I��IV�VI�IVTAL ��111�1N: fV� ���rir�r�rr��r�t�l r��rE��nr i� �-��uir�d ��r t�i� i��r�n. �lJ��..l� IV�T��I�ATI��f AfiVD ��IV��UlEh1T�: �t�� ������ v�r�� ���te� ir� fr�n� �� �it�r F��I� �n T�ur����r, F�bru�ry ��, ��1'I. T�� Ag��d� �r�d r���rt �rer� ������ �� �h� �it�r'� �r���it� �� Fr�i��y# ���ru��r}� 18, ��1 '1. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 F�����IJTI��I ��. A F�E��LI��`I��V �F TFfE �IT�f ��LJIV��� �� THE �ITI� �F AF�F���f� ��I��E A�JTF��F���INC ��T��IV IVII�IJTE� �F �ITY ��LJN���. ��ETIIV�� VI�F�EF�E��, ���r�rn��nt ��d� ���t��n� ����� �n� ����� �r��i�� ���� #�� �it�r ���r�C �� �� r�na�ir����r� � r���rd ��t�� pr������n�� �r rr�ir��,��� �f�h� �i��r ���r��il rr�e�t�n��; �n� �NF��F��A�, #f�� ���tut�� �� n�t �p��Efy �n �vh�t ��r�-r� �r �ty�� ��r� rr�ir�u�t�� rr��u��� �� �� I��n� �� th� ������t ��t�� pr����ding� �r�� th� �in�l ��t��n� a�r� r���r���; �nd 1�V1-��F��l��, �II �i�� ��u���il rr���ut��, �����, �r�d �u���t�p�� �r� ��r�ila�bl� �� �h� �ub�i� u���n r�q���� ��r �i�v�ri�n� �t �it�r �I�II a�� n� �h�r�� a�n� ��pl���#� ��pi�� ��r� ���i���l� ���� r���i�t �����t ��r�u�n# t� t�r� ��t�r'� �Illa����r ��� �����ui�; �n� IN�I�f�E�►�, a��l ��t� ��u�r��il r�n���in�� �r� �r�a�d���t �i�r� �r� ���I� t�l�vi�i�r� �nd ��� �it�'� v�r���i��, �r�d r��r����a���th�-�� �irr��� a� d��r ���r th� ��urs� ��� v�r���� �n� IIIIHEi���4�, th� r���r�ti�� �f �i��� �n� ��di� r�����ir��� �f �i�� ���r��il r����ir���, �u�r���r�t t� �h� �it�r'� ����t�d ����rd� F��t�nti�n ������I�, �r��ri��� �r� ��c��t tr�r���ri�t �f ��� ��ti��� �r��i st�t�r��nt� nr��d� b}� ���r��i� Il��r�nk��rs, �t�ff# �r��i �c�t�li�; and 1111�IEF��A�, th� ��t�bii�hr��n� �f ��ti�r� �n�r��t�� �f �ity ���n�il �r�����in�� v�ri�l pr��Ed� � r��re ���t-�ff���'r�� ��rrr� �� r���r��in� ��fi���l �i�� ���r��il ������dir���; ��d V'I�HEF����, �I�� �it�r ���r��i� �I�� ��rv�� �s �F�� �����r�l��r�r��r�� ���r��}r ���r� �f �i r��t�r�. IV�IIV, �F�EF��F��� �� IT F�E���.V�D �h�� t�t� �'rt� ���n�i� �� ##�� �it� �� Arr��� �r�n�� ������r �u���r«�� ��� �r���r��i�r� �f ��ti�n r�ir�ut�� f�r a�ll rn���i��� �f �f�� �i�y ��u��il �r�d F������I��r�r��r�# A��n�}r �3��rd �� ��r��t�r�, �� rx��ti�r� �� ��un�il Il��rr�b�r , ����r�d�� ��r ��ur��il �11�r�nb�r t �n� �� �t�� ���I��nrir�� r�ll ��II v�t�: AYE�: hf���: ������s th� ��r���ir�g I����I�ti�n �v�� ������ ��� �d��t�� �h�� ���r �f F�bru�ry ��� �. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 5 ������-ri�r� r��. ���� � �-���r �������, ��►�r�� �����Y: I�C�LLY 1N�TIVI�I��, �ITY �LE F��t A��F��11�� A� T� ��IVTEI�T: ��`E11�lV ��All��, �I`�1f IVIAIVA�EF� ��F�i��ll�� �� T`� F�l�ll�l: ��IIII�T�I�f ,J. �AF�l1��L�, ���`Y ATT�F�N EY Agenda Item 8.f. Page 6 � ������ � �� �' �r��o��o����o �� � � - � � � � .�t�t�r ��, t e rt� � c�,� �� ��I�A�F�AN��!�A ���o�� T�: �ITY ��L����L F��M: ���J� ��F�F�IIV ���E���I� �� F���F��AT��I� �I�[� I#��41��ENAN�E ��F�VI�E� � -� �' TEF�E�A I�I��LI�H� IF�E�T�1� �F ��11�111��J�11TY D�VE�����I�� ��J��l��T: �T�TLl� �E��1�T �h� F����NTI�IV E3A�Ih�� �ATE: ���F�I.�J�T�1� ��� ��'I'I f�E��II�I I��N DAT��hf: It i� r���r�r��r►d�d ��� ��t� ��un�il r���i�r� �nd �il� t�� ������ r���rt r���rdir�� tl�� �a��a��it� ��� ����a����rr ��tF�� �ity'� r���rr�r�r� �a�sir��, �i r��n��r�� i nn����: ��,��� �� �� ���,��,���i ��,���t. ����c�����u�: F��r�r ����r�b�r 'I�, ��'f� tl�r�u�h Ja�r��a�ry �, ��'�'�, tl�� �ity r���i�r�d n��rl� � ir��h�s �� r��n, �� � r���l�, ���r�r�r �� ��� r�t�r�ti�n ���ir�� I������ �r� ��� v�r��# �id� �f ��� ��ty �nre�� fill�� �� ������t� �r n��r �����ity, �r�d s��rrr� v�r���r �v�� ���r��t�� ���� Ik��� �n� ll�l�n���r ���rt� f��l��� ���tr���n� r���nt �i�l� r�r���r��i�r��. In �����i�n, th�r� vrr�� 1���1 str��t fl���fn� �r�d sl�p� �a�ilur�, At i�s C��oer�n��r ��, ��1� �p����� II�I��#���, tl�� �ity ���n��l �d�p��� � F��s��uti�� ���fi�rr��n� tf�� pr��la�r�a�ti�n �f ��� ��i�t�r��� �� � ����� �r��r��r��y. �t i�s .�a�r���ry 1'I, ���I'I ���t�n�, �I�� ��ty ��ur��il �d�pt�� � F��s�lu�i�r� ���I�r�n� a� ��nti���d I��a�l �rr��rg�n��. At �h� �l�nu�ry �1 r����in�, ���r��if N1�r�b�r �����I�� r���,��t�d �t�f#�r����� a r�p�rt �r� r���rr�i�� ���in �����i�y a�r�d sta�tu��. A�VA�Y�I� �F ���IJE�: As i��i�a���� in th� ���y'� ���#�vrr��� �r�i���� ���'rr� ��r�pl��c r�p�r�, a�s �a��ir� #'I �i���dt it ��i���d �n�� �a�in ##�. �s �a�in �#� �i�l�d, �nra�t�r s�a�rt�� �a��kir�� �� �� �� F�rr��l A�r�r���. T� �t�� f����'rn�, rr���nte��n�� ���ff �I���� t�� ir�l�� fr�rn F�rr��r �1�r�n��: ��d div��t�� v�r�t�r �r��� ��sin �� ���t� ���rt� ��r�r�l�� ��s�n� - �k�da� a�n� 11�lunt��r �i��ds}. At tha�# t�r�� �� st�rrr�s ��n�ir���d, ��a�f �ad ��r����r�� t��t ���ir� #�� ��u�ld �r����. In �r��r �� rn�ir����n �t�ra�g� ���a��r#�, ��ir�� ��c�s#�n� p�rx��ir�� s�s#�r�s, r�n�ir���r�a�r��� �t�ff pu��nn��d ��r�r � r�i�li�r� ��Il�ns �� v�a���r �� �h� ��-��lc �n� ��v�rr� A�h �tr�et t� th� �111�r���r�� ���ir� �r� �r��r�� �����. �� purr���n� �rv�t�� �� ��� �����c, rn�ir�t�r��n�� ��ar�F ��p���d �ha� �h� ��t� ����� ��rr�pf�� ���in� ���I� ha�� a��������1 ���r�r�l r�n��� ir��h�s �� ra�ir�, E�r�n �ft�r th� ir�l�t �� B���� ##� i� �l����l# �I�� b��ir� ��i�l ��� ����r�l r�r�r� ���� �� ���r��� ��f�r� it �nr��l� ��r�r f��v�r ir��� ����n ��. Ir� �d�i���r�t ���E� �#� ��d at I�as� � rn��� ���t �� �t�ra��� �����ity ��f�r� �t v����� I�a��� br�a��h��. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL STATUS REPORT ON RETENTION BASINS FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 2 In addition to the basins at the Soto Sports Complex, Poplar and Berry Gardens basins serve the southwest side of the City. During the December storms, both basins were near, but did not exceed capacity. Had Poplar Basin reached capacity, it would have drained to the Berry Gardens Basin. Had the Berry Gardens Basin breached, the water would have flowed to the Mentone Basin in Grover Beach. Operation of the Citv's Southwest Drainaqe Basin Complex The southwest area of the City is served by a storm water drainage system that depends heavily on five major infiltration/retention/detention basins. The basins include the Poplar Basin, the Berry Gardens Basin and the three basins that make up the Soto Sports Complex. All five basins are connected in some manner and can be operated to give the operations staff flexibility in preventing flooding. , , , , r, ��,� , , X , , , �>> ,,,,,,,, � ,��,,,, � , ����f ,,, ��,Y �. � ,,,,,, ,,,�,,, �� �� , �� ,p� , � , , , �, , ,. ,, ;,, �ti , � ioiii�r�r�r .,, r r, , <. � , r ri = ,,,:, �,�ri�rrr���i,ii,i, ,�� > ,,,, ��//��,I/// ���r r�,,,,,,4, � „� � , I�� �,, ,,��,1, ,, ,. ,,, , , � , r,� � , , ; ,, � �a >�,� //0,//1�f�l%%//1�„ „ � � ,9. , ��,�'� i � ( � "� � i�/ ,. f/i���� i � iif,,„��,-„, , .�� r: �''= J �--, �. �/�n�/,iH, „� ; r,; 9 � � I f � � � � � ; , ��i�l,,; ,,N� ,, � ;� , �� r„, P, 1 �; � � � ,., ,, r t „ �°y��,,. �, ,,,, ✓ � �a i � � r,�r, �i�r� u � lt �,,,,, / '; r r r, �� � r r, - ,,,., ,;,, �. ;�°',.. ,,,, 11 ///, ;, � u�i,,, �."; ,Vy,, ��!ll,r,i�V I ..,u��.„iud�� 1. i o , .," ... 1_.. ,r�r� ....�red c,,...,u ,,,-;,;� ...,. . �;...d „��.,��, ,: � ..., ;, �,....., l�i��d/l��.l✓,ll�i, d, ;, ., �f��I� ��J,r , � ,., � � ; ii. ✓ i�r���., y ����I�..F,r/r N�yk ,�, �, . 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Page 2 CITY COUNCIL STATUS REPORT ON RETENTION BASINS FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 3 The Soto infiltration basin complex is made up of three storm water infiltration basins located at the southwest corner of South Elm Street and Ash Street, on a City-owned site that also includes the City Corporate Yard, the Recreation Services Office and Community Center, Elm Street Park and the Soto Sports Complex Basins. The three basins consist of Basin #1, with a capacity of 10 acre-feet of water and located in the extreme northeast corner of the property; Basin #2, with a capacity of 50 acre-feet of water and located just west of the tennis courts; and Basin #3, with a capacity of 35 acre-feet and located on the athletic fields (Ikeda and Volunteer Fields) west of Basin #2. The three basins accept storm water runoff from the majority of the area south of the 101 Freeway and west of Halcyon Road. The Poplar Basin, located near Courtland and Grand, and the Berry Gardens Basin, located near Cranberry and Raspberry also accept drainage from the southwest portion of the City, primarily above Grand Avenue. Both can be pumped to Soto Basin #2 through underground force mains although only the Berry Gardens basin has in-place permanent pumps. The Poplar Basin can be pumped with a portable pump, if necessary. If it overflows, the Berry Gardens Basin will spill onto Oak Park Blvd just west of the Corporate Yard, and then flow to the Mentone Basin in Grover Beach. The strategic operation of the Soto basins during severe rainfall events is crucial to prevent flooding in the southwest portion of the City. Each basin is equipped with pumps and/or overflow spillways. A description of the versatility of the basins follows: Basin #1 receives most of the inflow from the drainage area and is designed to overflow into Basin #2 when it fills. It can also be pumped to Arroyo Grande Creek, using an in- place permanent pump, through an 8-inch force main down Fair Oaks Avenue where it discharges into Arroyo Grande Creek through a filtration system and outfall constructed as part of the Walnut Grove development. Basin #2 is designed to overflow into Basin #3 when it fills, or it can be pumped to Arroyo Grande Creek through the same 8-inch force main used by Basin #1 or it can be pumped down Ash Street approximately 600 feet through a 6-inch fire hose to a point where it will gravity flow in the street to the Mentone Basin in Grover Beach. In a significant storm event there may come a point in time when the water level of Basin #2 is higher than the storm drain inlets at Farroll Avenue and Bakeman Lane. Since these inlets flow into a pipe that discharges into Basin #2, flooding will occur at the Farroll/Bakeman intersection. At this point operations staff closes the inlet to Basin #2 from Farroll and redirects the Farroll Avenue flow into Basin #3. Although Basin #3 has never filled to capacity, it is equipped with two submersible pumps that can pump into Basin #2. Should Basin #3 overflow it will spill across Porter Field and onto Don Roberts Field. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL STATUS REPORT ON RETENTION BASINS FEBRUARY 22, 2011 PAGE 4 The Soto Basin complex was designed to accommodate the 100-year storm utilizing all three basins. However, in the intervening years after the basins were constructed Basin #3 was developed as an athletic field. The design and installation of the basin pumps allow the City's maintenance staff to avoid using Basin #3 except as a last resort. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Receive and file the status report regarding the capacity and operation of the City's retention basins; 2. Request additional information and/or analysis; 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Receiving the report will help the City Council to better understand the operation of the City's southwest drainage basin facilities. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review was necessary for this agenda item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011. The agenda and staff report was posted on the City's website on Friday, February 18, 2011. No public comments were received as of the time of preparation of this report. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 � ������ � �� �` �N��ifi��RA�ED �� � � � � ���� ,�. ,��� ,� �E�III�F��II���1V� ��� ��� ��o� T�: ���`Y ���J�1�IL �F��N�: ��E11�1� �1. 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T�e ���e� �f ���i� �� t�� �rr��� �r�r��� �'�I�� De�a�rtr���� ��s �e�e��� ��11��� ��v�rirt� �� ����r��� a�� �h� ��P�3'� ���I��i�r� t�rnr �e�v��e ��r��a�r�� �� �r��rid� li�k�� �r�� rr����r�n�luty ���nr ��rvi� �# ��� ���u��# ��#�e P��i�� ����r�rn�r����r�u�h��t��� ���"1�. F. ��� ��1�Y �r�d ��e �p�r���r ���i�� t� ��t�r int� ��� A�r�e��nt ��rr�er�i�n ��� ���r���r ���e�� �� ��r#�rrx� ��c�l��iv� p�l�c� ����� a��� �ediu����ty t�v�rir�� ��rvice� ��r �h� ���'C� u�r�c��r #t�� t��m� �nd ��r�������s �����r�1� ��r�i�, l��1111, TH�F��F�F��, i� ����id����i�n �� ��� �u���l pr��i��� ar�� r��r�n���� �����in�c� ir� �I��� ���eer�n�n�, ��� �nc��r�i�r���l ��r-���� ��r�� �� �����v�r�; F�evised o21�211� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 ��������� 1 1�. ���� A. �'h� #�� �#' thi� ��r�er�n�nt �h�l� �� ��r #i�r� ��� ����, ar�d �h�l� ��r�nr�ne�c� �� �h� ���! ��� �� ���ru��y: ��1�, �r�d ��al� t��rr�i���� �r� ��� ��r�d ���r �� ������ry, ��'I�, ������ ��rr��na���� ��rli�r �� ��t . ���-th ��r�in. 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Page 5 ��������� � �■ ����������� I-��-����� A. �h� ��rti�� �f thi� �I�r��r�r���# �n#��� �h�t �#�e r�l�r#i�n���� b�t�v��n t��r� ���a��� b� ��i� Ag�e�r��nt i� t��� c�� ��T1���r�c�e��n��r�t �or��r����r. ��� �n�nn�r and r����ns �� ��r�d��t�r�� th� vrr�r� ��r� �n��� ��� ����r�l ��f ��� ���r�t�r, �xo��� t� ��� ��ct��r� �irr�i�e�i b� �t��r���, �I� �� ���u�l��i�n �n�#.�I�� ���re�� t�rm� �f��ris ���e�rn�n�. EV� �i�rtl ���r�ce �tatu� �� ����� �i��� �f�r�n����r��r�� �vi�l be �r�q�ire� b� �ri�tu� ��th� ���ra��r'� �erv�c��. l��r�� �� th� �����t� ����ri��� b�r�I�� �I� �r��� ���� t� i�� �r�r������e�, ir��l���n� �u�# ��� Ifr�ni��d t� �r�er�n�l��r�r�er�t ���ura��e, �+�r��k�rs� �r�p�r��ati�n ir���r�r��, ��ti��r���� ��t� d����red �o��er������� pl�r��, ������r� �r�� �i��c ����r�, �r� a�������� ���r� t�� �I�t� ��� ����r���r�, i#� ���I��re�s �r ����n��. lll, �#��� �-IA��111�.��� �. Th� ���r�t�r �I�all ir��er�r��fy, �e���d a�n� h��� ��rrn���� #�� ��1`Y, i�s ���y ��u�r��il, ���r�� �r�d c��m�ni��i�n�t �f�c�rs, ���r�t�# ��rv�nt� ��d ��pl��r��� ���rr� �r�d ��a�r��t �ny �r�� �II ����� da��a����, �i�bf�i#y, ��a�ir��, ��i��, �:o�t� �nd ��c������ f�� ������� �� �n� �a�u�� �nrt�������er, ir���u�i�n�, bu�� n�t I�rr�it�� ��, �od�l� i�rj��, d�a���, ��r��r��� ir���ry, �r���r�y d������� �r �r�� ����r ��air�r� a�rf�in� fr�rr� �r�� ar�d a��l r�e�li��r�� ��#� .�� ��i��i�r�� �f th� �������r, i�� err�p�oy���, �ger��� or ��bco��r���or� ��fc� �ri�� o�t of or re���t fro�n, or a��r i� c�r��e�t�an v�r�th t�� �per��or'� perfor�rnan�e of serv��� pursua�t to #�is A�r��rr��n�. 11�1, I���F�A��E A. IIV���u� li����r�g �he i��l�rr�r��fica���n ����r��ed �r� ���ti�r� 1l� �k���r�, th� ��e��rt�� ���II ����i� �r�� ��ir�t�i� ��r�u�h��� �t�e #err�n �� ���� A�r���n��t, �t th� ���r���r's ���e ���� �n� ��c��r�se, i���r�n� a�a�ir��� ��a��nn� f�� i�j�rie� t� ��rs�ns �r ��r�r�a��� �� �r����ty �v�i�� rr��� ari�� fr�r�r� �r ir� ���r�����r� v�r��l� ��� �ervio�� �r��f���i �� �I�e �pera��r un�er th�� Agre�m�r�t. �n �r �e�or� ��� �rn�er��rr�ent �� tl�e ��r�r�n �� ��i� �gr��rr��r��, �k�� �p�r���� �I�a�l� f�rr�i�� �t�� ��r`I"� v�r��� �e�tific���� ����vir�� �he �y��, �r�n�u�n�, ����� �r ��e��ti�n� �a�rered �y ���h ir�s�r�n�, an� th� �ff��#iv� da��e� ar�� dat�� �� ��c��r�tf�r� �f ���I� i���r�r�� p�li��e�. ���h ce�ti��t�� s���l ��s� �on�a��� �ut����r��i��l� �I�� ��I��v�r��� �����r�n�r�t: "��� ir��u�r�n� co�r�ret� b�1 thi� c�r�if��� v�ril� ��� �� �ar�oe�e� �r rr��t�ri��l� ����r��, ���p� aft�r#�ir�y ���� ��y� v�rritt�rr �ot�� �a� k�e�r� r��i�e� t�y ��e �1 TY.'� �evi�ed��1��11'� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 6 ��������� � E�. ��� �ns����c� ���i�i�� ���Ir �� i��u�� � �n i���rr n . Y � �e r�omp�r��r �urr�r���� ��th�r���� by ��� ��s���no� �c��mrr�i��i�r�er t� tr���a�� ��� �c�si���� �f �n�u��r�rn� i� ��e ���t� �� ��Ir���n��, �nri�� �� a���i n�d � , . . � ���i��r���d�r� ����n� �# � ��r ��g��r� ��d ��r��n�i�l �i�� ��t � . . � �Y ����� ll�l ��r ��r��r� �r� ��c�r��r��e �nr��� ��� ����st edi�i�r� �� B��ts l��� F�atir�� ��i��, ur�le�� �#h�r�rri�e a���r��r�� b th� ��1� �f����r . . � . Y ��A�rr�����#r�#��r� �e�v�c��, ��� p����i�� re uir�� �r� �������vrr�: � �. ��rr�rr��r�i�� �i����i : ��� �p�ra���r �h��� ��ta��r� a��� r�r��in��ir� �� �I� �ir��s �urir�� ��� ��� �� thi� � r��rr��r�� . � ����r���n�r�r� ��r��ra� �orr�rr��r���l If�bi�i#y ir��u�r�nc� �o��rir�g t�ir�-�a� li���li�y ris�C� �n � �i�i�c�rr� ��m�u��t �� �'I ���I��r� �o���r��� �in�f� �ir�ft ��r �������n� f�r ���li�� �r���ry� ��r��n�� f�j��y �nd p�����ty��r��r��, �, ����r���il� �����li ; ��r�r�n�r�i�l ��r������1� If���l�ty ��d �r���r� �r�����r�� �;ov��-ir�� �n�r �r����l�� ��vr��� �����d, hi��d �r ��rr�v�r�d �� �#�� �p�r���r i� � rr��r�i�rnu�r� a�n��r�� �f �'I rx�il�i�n �or�n��r��d �in��� lir�ni� ��r ���urr�rr� ��r �odi� ■ ■ � ���u� an� �r���r�y d�rr����, ��d �#���I ir���u�d� �ua�d�r� ��� a�r�����f �overa��. �. Vl���k�rs' ���m ����ti�n; ��� ���r�#�� ���I� ��ir����r� ��I� �IV��k�r'� ���n��n�����n In��r�r�� f�r �I� ��r��n� f�r v�rh�r�n it er���oys in ���orclar�� vrr�th th� requir�m�r��� of #�e �o�t ��r��r�� a�� ����i�a��l� �ta�e V'U�r�cer�' ��r�n��������r� ����r�r�� �av�r� in ��f�c# �, ��b�� �ti�r� V11�i�r��: ��� ���r�t�r ��r��� t��t ir� t�� �v�r�� �� ���� �u�� t� a�� �f tl�e ��r�1� ��r �nr���� i� I��� ��r��� t� ��r��ri�e �r���r�n�, �t�� ���r���� �h�l� loo�C ����ly �� i�� �ns�r��ce f�r r��o�rery, T#�� �p�ra���r h�r�b}� �r�r��� #� �h� �I�, �n b���lf �� ��� i���r�r �r��i�ii�g ir��ur�nce �� �i���r th� ��er�rt�r or th� �i� w��� r����ct #o ��� �er�r�ce� af th� ����a�#�� I�ereir�, � �r���r�� ��a�� ri�l�� �f�u�r�ga�f�� �ha� �n� . �u�h ir�sur�r of ���� #�� ��e��rto� �rnay a�q��re a�a��st ��� �I� by ��rtu� of �I�� p��r�n�r�t o� ar�� lo�� und�� ��cF� ■r R��������■ ��VIS������� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 7 ��������� � �. �c�di�i���l �r���r��: �h� ��T�, ��s �ity ���n�i�, b��rd� �nd ���nrr�i��f�r��, �1`��c�rs, ���r���, ��rvant� ��� ��rn�l����� ��a��� �� n�r��� �s �n ��d��i�r�a� �rr����d �� a��l ���i���s �� in��r�r�� �-�q��re� �� ��r� A�r���n�r�t. �I�� rr�r���� �f a�n �������r��l i���r�d �h��l n�t ��f�� ��� r����rery �� v�rhi�� ��,�� a�c�iti�n�� �r���r�d �nr���� �� ��#i��� u���er ���� ���i�� if r��t r��rn��f �� ���I� �rd�����na� ir���r�d �r��i �r� ����ti���l in��r��f ��r�ned I��r�i� ����I n�# �� h�l�f �ia�ble ��r a�n� pr�r�ni�� �r ����r��� �f �r�� n�tur� �� th�� ���i�� �r ��ct�n�i�n ���r���, �r��r ���e� in�ur�nc� ���d �� a� �dditi�n�l ir����-�d �#���I ��� �e r��r�ir�� t� �or��r���t� �r��t��r�� ��v�rar� a�y I��� �r ����r��� �o�r�r�� b� tl�� in��ran�e �r�����c� �� ���� ��I���, �r��ed� ���� �r�� ���� ���i�� �r p�l��i�s ���I� �� ���a��l� �� ��� ��Tl� ����ri��, ar�d t� �I�� �p�r�t�r �����c��ri��, �� � n��s��r�y. �. �`�� ��e����r ��r��� ���� if�n� ���i�� �� i��ur�nc� r����red k�� �i�i� �����r�n�r�� �s r��� r�r��n��ir��d i� fu�l� f�r� �r�d �ffe��, #h� ��i�� �f ���i� �r I�i�l�er d��i�n�� ���, �r� ���1h�r ��I� ����r�ti�n� ����er�� ���� Ag���ment, �r���df���fy, unti� ��c� t��� �� th� re��a�r�d ir��ur�nce �� �n ��f��t ��d �h� re���re� �rti�i���� �n� � ����r�����t� a�re ��I���r�� ��#h� �I�. �C�1��. �R��I�B�T���V A�AIN��TF�A�1���R �. 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Page 8 ��������� 1 ����1. ������� ��� �������� A. �'�� ���r�t��r� �� ��� ��I� ��cp����# ���11 ���a�n ar�� r��r�n��ir� �uri� s i * ; � ��� t�r�n �f ���� ��r��r��r�t: ��I a�p�r��r�at� ��r��t�, I�r..��n�� �r�� �e�ti#i�#�� ���t ���r b� r��uired in �r�r���i�r� �v��l� ��� p�rf�rr�a�n� �� ��rvi�s �r��rid�� he���rn�fi�r ir��l����n , bu�� n�t a ■ * � i ; � �ir�nite� �o ��1� zo�rr�g �r�d bu��r���s I��ns� re���re�en� ar�� t#�� ����-��r��ate �������r �� th� �u��ir���� �i�r��� �r� a� t�v�r ��hi��� �r ���i�n��� �������. ���, �1������ �. �If r�����e�, ��r�n�r���, r�qu���� �r ���r��r��� t� �� ��v�r� un��� ��f� ��r��r�r��nt �I��II �� �i�r�r� i� �vri��r�� a��� ���I� b� d��r��d �erv�d �t��r� ��I��r�r�d �r��r�a�l� �r �n ��� ����r�d ���rn��� ���r �ft�r ������t �n tl�� �J�i��� ������ r�a�i�# ����a�� �r�����, r������r�d �r �r#if��, a���r����� �� h����r��f��r �rc��r���d, Alf �n�#ir.;es, ��rr��n��, ��c�u���� �r ����-��r�l� f��r� t�e ���r���r �� th� �f� ���I� be �cf�r�ss�d �� ��►� Arr��� ���r��l� ��fi�� ����r�r�n�r�� �t: �rr�yo ��a��� ���i�e De���tr�ne�� ��� ���th F�a�cy�r� ���� �rr��� ������, ���i��rr�i� ����� A�t�n�i�n: ��i�������ice All r��ti�e�, ����n��, r�q���t� �r ���r��r��� �r�r� th� �f� �� tl�� �p�ra��r�#�a�� �� ����es��d �c� �p�r��o�a�: ���I��e T�wir�� P.�. �o� 1���� ��r� ��1� ��i�p�, �A ���� F�evised��IO2J11 . Agenda Item 8.h. Page 9 ��������� � �. ����������� ����������� A. T�� �r���r��� f�r ��rrr�irrati�n �� ��i� �gr��rr�e�# in��u�� �r���� ��f �n� ��rr�� �� �I�i� �����r�er��. I r� #�� e��n� �#�� �p�����r �a�� �������� tl�� t�rm� �� ��i� ��reerr���� �r ��I��r gr�ur�d� f�r ���ir��ti�� ��ci��, �h� ��Tl� �I��I� �r��ri�� �nr��#�n n�ti�e ���I�� ��tur� �f ��� d��a��� �r�� �h� ��e�� r������a�ry t� �ur� �I�� ������t. !� �u�� de����# i� ��� ����! w�t���n � p�rio�l �f �nro ��� �ay� ��t�r r��ip# �y �I�� �p�r�#�r �f _�nrr�t#�� n���r..� r�f d���u��, #�i� ��r��r�er�� rn�� b� . t�rr�r�ir��t� t�� ��� ��i��' �� P�li� b� gi�ri�� �nrrit#�n r����oe �� �#�� ���r2���r. IV����e that ��� 1��r��r-r��r�t ��� ��er� #��i�a��e� ��a�l� �#��� #h� r����r�� f�r ��rr��n�����. 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Ihl�`��I�ATE� ��I�TRA�� � A. T�r1� �����r��nt r��r���r�t� �h� ��rl� a�d ��rn��e�� �r���rs�a�r�d�rr� �f ��r�ry ki�d �r ��r���e v�rh���o��r�r b�i�v��r� tf�� ��r#��s ��r��� �n� �II �r�li��n��y r�����i����ns an� �gr��rr��r�#� �f v�rl��t����r�r ki�nd �� ���u�e a�� ��r��d h�r�i�. �� v�r��l ��r��rr��n� �� �rx��l��d ���rer���n� ���I� �� I�el� t� ���y ��e ����ri�i�r�� ��re�f. An� �o�difi�:a#ic�� �f �hi� ��re���n� v�ri�� �� e����v� �r�l� �� v�r�i�#�n ��c�c�t�o� ����ed �y ���� th� ��� a��d #h� ��erata�. ���ised�2I�21�1 Agenda Item 8.h. 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Page 11 ��������� � �h� �11�ITN��� TH��E��� ��e ��r#�e� ��r�t� ���r� c�us�� ��e � r����r�� t � � b� ��c���r��� ��� ��� ��� ��ar�r�t ����r� �nrri#t��, . �lTY�� A���l�� ��AI��� ��IVTF���T�� ��: ��; �����r� A�ar�n�, ���y Ill��n���r I#�: �`itle� ��t�st: I���I�Vll�����e, �i�y �I�rk A�����►�� As T� ��r�r�: �`ir�n���� �. ��rr�n�l, �ity��#�rn�y Revised 021D2l1� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 12 ��������1 � ��� �� ������ ����� T�IIV ���11��� ���EE���T �hi� A���E�IIf�IVT �� r�n��� �nd �n#�re� i�t� this ��r�i �ia� �� F��ru�ry, ���� � Y a�d ��finr�er� ��� ��Tl� �F ARR�1�� �R,AN�E, ��r�rein2�f�er r��err�ed to a� ��I�Y"� �r�� �l��r����'� ���nrrr�g, a ���i��r�ia �orp�rat��r� v�r���� ���res� i� ���'� ��� �tr���, �c��r��, ��I���rr�i� ��4�� ��r��r�a���r r�#�rr�� �� �� "� �r��c��" a�r�� � � �x i� �a��� �r�rit� r����-er�c� �� tt�����I��vin�: �. 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T�� ���r���� �ha��l ���r�� th� ra���� �n� f��� f�r s��vi�s ir� ��or�J��� w�#h th� A�P� �ow�n� Prog�ar�n req��r�rr�er�t�. �. lr� ����r�dan�� witi� �i� �4�r�rrr�r��, t�e �per���r �1���� ��y �+o �1�e �`1T�a #'ee ����� �ar �ci� v��ic�e pr+�vided �o�r sen�i�e �� ��e ue�� of �i�� �IC�� �ar w1�i�� � �1�P 'f 80 F�rrr� i� ��rr� 1��ed: T�� �a�r#i�� �gre� t�at �a��d �p�rr ��� a���f�r�i� �or���i�n�d ir� ��� ���� F����r# da��e� ��r���ry '��, ���I� ���r� tl�� �I��e� �� ��lice t� th� Arr��� �r�r�d� �ity ���r��i�, ���� f� re�r������ �r� ar�n��nt r�ece��ry �or �h� ��T1� #o rec��r�r it� ��#��� a�r�� r�a���r����� ���ts ir��u��� i� �r���c�t��r� �vi#� �t� t��nri�n� ��rv��e pr�gra�rr�, ���i���r�� v�rith �k�� ���u�r�r�n���� ��1l��i��� ���� ������� 'I�'i 1����, 'I. F�� p��r�n�rrts ��r��l b� �n��� �n � �}u�rt�rl� k���f� �� �I�� ��r��t�r ���►dr�i�i�#r����e ��rv��e� f�r ��� �I�, �����I� n� ����r �I��� �h� 1��� �a����a� da�y �f ��� rr��n�h ���I��nr�r�� ��� ����� �����l� pr�oedir�� ����t�r. Re�rised��10?J14 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 14 �1 1������� � �. ����I ������ ������i�� �. �'#�� ��r���� �� �#��� A�r��rr��r�� �nt�r�� th�t ��� r�l��i����f� b�tv�r��n t��rx� �r����d b� ��i� �g���rr��nt i� t�a� �f ���-�r�����n��r�� �r�����#��. ��� ��r�r��r �n� r���r�� �� ���d�ctit�� �h� ��rr�rk �r� �r�d�� t�� ���n�ro� �f the ������or, e�cc��t t� ��� ext��t ��m�t�d by �t�t�te, ru�� or r��ul�t�or� ��d #�� ��pre�� t�rrrr� o�t��� �gr�err�e�t. 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IIV'�#h�u�� �ir����n� t�� �r�d���i������ �r��ri��� �n ��cti�r� ll� �b��r�, ��� �p�r�t�r �h��1 �����n �r�� r�r���rr���n tt�r�u������ tf�� ��r�r� �# �his ��re�r��r��, �� ��� �p�ra���r�� ��I� ��� a�d ����r���, ir��ur�n�e �ga��r��� �la�r�� ��r ir�j�ri�� #� ����r�� �r d��a���� t� ����er�y v�r�ri�l� �n�� ��i�� #r�rr� �r �r� ��r������ vrr�t� ��� s��vi�� �r��i�ed ��r ��� �per��or u�nd�r th�� Ag�eerr�er�t. �r� or b�fore #�� comr�ner��rr���t �� ��� #�rr� �� �F�i� �����r��n�� �I�� ����a���� sF��l� �urn�s� �I�e �I`� vrr��� �ertifi�t�� ���v�r�r�� �f�� ty�e, �r�n��rr��, ����� �r ���r��i�n� �ov�red �y �u�ch in��r�rr��, �nd the ��#e�#1�re d�te� and ��t�� of ��c�������r� �f ���k� i��ur�r�� ��li��e�. �c��t� �erti��a��� ����I a���� ��r��a�ir� ��b��a�r�����1� �t�� ��I��v�r��n� ���t����t: �T�� i���r�n� ���r�r�� b� �hi� �r��i�t� �vil! n�� �� �a��le� �� ��t�r��l�� �������, ��c�ep� ��te�th�r�y ���} �ay� �v�tt�� r�����e �a� ���r� �eoe�r�ed �y tfi�e �ITY." F�e�ri�ed��l���1� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 15 ��#"'1������ � �. �II in��r�n� p�li�i�s s��fl �� is���d b�r a�� �r�s����e ��rrr��r�� �urr�r�tl� ��#h�r���� �� ��� I�����r�c�e ��rr��i��i�r�er t� tr�����# t�� #����n��� �� fr���r����� �r� ��r� �t��e �f ���i��rr�i�r, ►��rit� �n a����r��i ���i��h����r�� ����r�� �� A ��r I�igh�r� ��� �ir��n�i�� ���� ����g��y �I��� 111� ��r I�rg�r� i� a���r�#��n� ��rr�t� �h� I����� ���ti�r� �� ����� I�e� �a�ir�g ����e, ur�l��� �th�n�vi�� a�pr��r�� b� th� �IT� ��r��#�r ����r��ni��r����r� ��r���e�, �h� ���i�i�� re�u�ir�� ��� a�� ��Il�w�: 'I. ��r�nr����i�� , L�i,��il%v; T�� �������r �I��lI ��tai� a�nd rr���r����n �� ��I ��nn�� ��ri�� th� ��rr� �f �#��s �gr��r�nen� ��rr��r���n���r� �er��r�� ��rr�rn�r�i�l I����lity i�su�r�r��:e � ���r�ri�g ��i�c��pa�rty I���i��ty r��l�s i� � rx�ir�i�nur� �r��rr��r�t �� �'� rr�ill��n �arr���n�� �ir�gle �ir�it �e� ����rrerrc� #�r ���i�� �nj�ry, ��r�or�a� �nj�ry �r�d �rop�rty dar��g�. �, ��t�r�n�bi�� �.ia�il�ity: ��r�n����i�l �c�t�r�r���i�� I���i�ity �r�� pr���rty �n��r�n�e �o�erin� �n� �re������ �v�rn��l, I����i, hir�d �r b�rr�we� �� �I�� ����r�#�r ��n a rr�i�irr��� a�rr���n� �f �1 rr�i�l��r� ��r�bi��� �i��le �ir��� ���- �����r�r��� ��r k�odily i�jury a�n� �r��erty da�rx����# a�d �fi���l ir��lud� �u�d�r� a��� ����den�a� �o�r�����. �. 11V�rk�r�' ��r�p���,�ti�r�: �`�� �������r ��a�l� rx�ar��t�ir� ���I IIV�rk�c'� ��r���r����i�n �r���ra��� ��r a�l ��rs��� ��r �nr��rx� �� �r���oys �r� ��o�r�ar�c� v�ritk� the requ�rem�rr� a� t�e �no�t ��rre�n� �r�� ��pl�ca��� �t�t� V1l�rk��' ��rr���n���i�r� ���u r�n�e �avv� �r� �f���t �. �u�r� ��i��r V11���r�r: �`�� ��er���r a��re�� ���� in �I�� e��nt �f I��� due �� �r�� �f tl�e ��r��s ��r v�h��� �# �a� ��r��c� t� �r����#� �ns���r��, ��� �p�����r �k�al� I���C s���l� �� i�� ir�su�r�rrce f�r re���rery. Th� �����t�r ��r�#�y �r�nt� �� ��e ��Tl�, �n ����I� �f �n� ir����re� pr�v��ir�� �n��r�r�� �� �i�l��r tl�� ���r��or or th� �IT1� v�r��i� c�spe�t �o #�� �erv��� o# th� ���r�t�r I�er��n� a� �nra�i�rer��a�n� ���� �f��bro���i�r� ���� �r�� �u��r �ns�r�r �� �aid tF�� �p�rar��r nn�� a�c��ir� ��a�ir��� the ��Tl� b� �ri�ku� �� �I�� p��r��nt �� �r�� ���� u��er ���� . i���r���. F�a►rised��1�211� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 16 ��������� � �. �►����i�n�� Ir�sured: T�� �I�, it� ��ty ���,��i�, ������ a�r�d ��r�r�rni��i�ns, �ffc�r�, ���n��, s��v�nt� �n�i �r��l����� ����� b� n�rr���i �� �r� �alditi�n�� �r���r�d �r� �fl ���i���� �� in���a�r��� �����r�� b� ���s ��r���ent. �'f�� �a�r��r�� �f �rr ��d����r�a�l ir���r�d �h��l n�t ��f�c# �r�� r����r��y#� vrr�i�� ���� � ��drti�na� in�c�re� �����1 b� �r�ti�led �r���r #h�� ���i�� �f ��� r��rr��d �s �u�h a���i���n�l ir��ur�� �n� ��n �������n�f i���r�d na���� ��r��n ��a�ll r��� �� ���� Ifa�b�� f�r �r�� {�r��rur� �r e�c��r��� �� a�r��r r�a���r� �n ��i� p����� �r ����n���� t��r���. An� �t�er �r���ra��c� h�ld ��r �n ���������I i�n�u�r�� ���If r��� b� r������d �� ��n��ib��� ��rythir�� #�v�r�r� �r�� ��s� �� ����r��� �v�re� �� ��� i���rr���� ��-�r►���� b� ���� ���i��r. Pr����� �r�rr� �r��r ���f� ��I��� �r ���i��e� �half b� p���b�� t� ��e �I� prir�n��r�ly, an� �� ��� �������r ����n�a��l�, �� � r���e����y. �. ��� ���ra��r a��r��� ���t �� �n� p�l��� �� i����a��� r���ired ��r ��i� ��r��rn�n� i� rr�� �a�nt��ne� ir� f�l� ��r�e �n� ��fe�, �h� �i�i�� �f F��li� �r hi��er �es��r�� rr���# fr� ������r ��I� d�s�r����r�# �����r�d t�i� �A�re�rx��n�, i��n��i�r#�I�� unti� ���h ���� �� the r����r�� ir��ur�nr� i� �� ��fe�� �r�d ��� ����,i��� �rkifi�a��� �n� �r���r�����#� �r� ��I���r�d �� t�r� �I�, �1l1 i. �R������I�I� A�AI I��T �I�A�V���� �. 1�1�� ���ra��r �k��11 r��� ���i�r�# ��������, h������ca�e �r ������er t�i� Agr��r7r��r�t �� �rr� in������ �I����ir� �ire�t�� �r i�nd�r�c�t��, �� ����ra���r� �� �a�r �� ����nrvise, �nr��h�u# ��� ��i�r �nr���#�r� ��r����� �f �#�� �IT1�. Ar�� �#t�rr�p� t� �� �� v�►i#I���# th� �or��r�� �f ��� �I� �h�ll b� ���� �rr� ��i�, �n� ar�� ���i�r�e�, �u����r���, I������e���e �r tr�r��f�r�e ���I� acq�ir� r�a �igl�� o� ir�tere�t �y re��on o# �uc�r �tt��p��d a���gr�r��nt, �y��tl�e��� �r���r��fer. �, Th� ����, �����r���r�t� �r�nsf�� �r �th�� �������tr��n �f �r�� �f �t�� ��s�ed �n� ��t�t�r�dir�� ca�ita�1 �����c �� th� ���rat��, �r �f th� �nter��� o�any ��r��ral ��r��n�r o��o�nt ve���r� or�y�d��#e r�n�r�nber �r ����n���, �nr�i�� ���1� r���lt �n ������ �n tk�e �r����� �� ��� ���r����, sl��l� �� �����ru�e� �� ��n �����rt�er�� �f tl�i� �g���r�n�r�#. ���n#r�l rrr���n� fifty per�er�# {������ �r ��r� �� ��� �r�tirr� �c�v�r�� �� tl�e �:or�����i�n� p�rtr��rs���, ��int �r��tu��, ��r��i�at�, �� �-#�r���n��. Re�ris�d o2l�21'i 1 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 17 ��������� � ����. ������� ��� �������� �. �h� C���r����-, �� �t� ��I� e�per���, �t��ll �b#�in �r�c� rr���r�ta�ir� �uri�� ��� ��rnr� �� ��i� l��r��rx��nt, ��I ap�r�pr�at� ��rimi��, I��et���� �r��i ��tifi���� ���t r�a�� k�� r���i��d i� �o����ti�� vrr��f� ��� ��rf�rr�n�r��e �� �e�vi�� �r��ri�� ��r����l�� �n��u�iin�� ��� ��# I�rn�#�� �� ���Tl� ��nir�� �n� ���ir���� ri��r��� r�quir�r��r�t� �r�d ��r� ��pr���ia��� �i��l�� �� ��� ��sir���� Ifc�er��� �r� � ���r v�l�i�l� �r ����r���� I��ti�r�. �i�. ��T���� A. �I� r����c��, der�n�rr��, r��u�s�� �� ������r�l� t� b� �i�rer� �rn��r �#�i� ��r��r��n� ��a�l� �� �irre� �r� v�rriti�g �r�� ����I b� �e���ci s�rve� �nrl��r� ���i�r�r�� �����a�f�� �r �� t�� s��on� �u��ir���s ��� ��t�r �����it fr� ��� �r��#ed �t���� r�ail, ���ta�� p������, ���i�t�r�d �r certifi�d, ���r��s�d a�� her����f��� pr������. AI� r��#i�e�, d�r��r���, re�u��s#s or �p�ro�ra�� �rorr� t�e �p���tor to �h� �I�lf��a�� �� ���r���ed t� the�rr�}�� �rar��� ��li�e �����tr�en� ��; �lrroyo ������ P�li� ��p�r�r��nt ��� �Vo�th �a��yon I�o�d Arroyo �rar�d�# ��I��o��a ��4�� �t#��n�i�n: �hi���f F'���� AI� n��i�e�, ��rr��r���, r��ue��s �r ���r����� �r�r� ��� ���lf �� �h� ���r���r �h�11 �� �d�r�s��d t� ��er���r��: �J��r��o��s T`v�v��n� ���� �'I�� �tr�et ��eano,Y�A ��4�� ��v��ea oa�o2��� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 18 ����.i������ �. ����������� �� ��������� A. T�� �r�ur��� ��r t�rrx�in�ti�r� �� �hi� A����rx��r�� in��u�� �r���� �f �r�y ���-r�n� �� �h�s ��reer�n��t. lr� #I�e ��r�n� ��� ���ra�t�� ��s br����e� t�� terr�n� of t��� ��r�e���t or other grour�d� �or t�rr��na���n ��i��, t�e �IT� �h��l pr����� v�rit�e� ��ti�e �f��e ������ �� t�e �i���u�lt a�r�� tl�� ���ps n�����ry �� ��r� ��� ��f��l�. I# su�� d��a�l� i� ��� ��r�� �nri��i� � ��ri�� �� tuv� ��� d��� a�f#�r r��ip� h� ��� �p�r�t�r �# vrr��tt�r� n���� �� d��a���, t�is A�r�r�er�� r�r��� b� ��rrnir�a�ed b� ��� ���ef �� F'�I�r� ��r �i�rir�� vrrr��t�n r��ti�e �� �F�� �J��r�t��. ���ic.� ��a� ��e ��re�r���� 1��s b�r� ��rrx��r����� ���I� �t��� t�� r������ f�r ��r�min��i�n. I���i�v��l��t�r��i�� ��� �t��r t�rrn �r p���risi�� �# �I�i� �����r��n�, �����r ���ty r��� �er�f��t� t��� ��r��r��r�t �r��� �� ���� �nrritt�r� ��ti�. �!. ���T �� L.�T���►�l�� �. I# �r�� I�g�� ��ti�� i� r�e�e���ry t� �n#�ro� �rr� �r���risi�n� �f t��� ��re��n��t �r ��r �ar�na���� �� rea���� �f �� �Ile�e� �����I� �� �r�� ����ri���r�� ����i� A����r�r��r�t, t�� �r��r�ili�� p�rly ��a�l� �� ��n�itl�� t� �re��ve ���rn ��� �a���� p��ty a�l re����a�b�e �ttor�e�r�' fee� �n� �����, �CI�. ���III�'L�AI���V111�H �L� �.�1VI1� A. TI�� ��er���r ���1� ��r�p�� v�rit� ��I ���, ���t� �r f��ier�l} ���i �II �rdir��r�o��, ru�le� �nd r���rla�ti�n� �rr�ct�� �� is���� ��r th� ���. �C�C���. 1�VA�lI�� �. A v�r���rer b� �i�� �ITI� �� �n� �r���h �� ar�� ��rr�� cov���r�� �r �r��i�i�r� �on��i�n�� h�r�i� ���II r��� �� ������ �� b� � �nr�r��r�r �� ar�y �ubs�quer�t �r����r ��the sam� or �r�y ott���t�crn, co�r�r��r�t o� ���i�i�� ���►t�ir�ed h�r�in �nrf��t��r �� �h� ��rr�e �r � c��f�re�� �I��r����r. �,�CI1l. �N�`��F�A��� ��I�TRA�T �, Tt��� A�re�rr��n� r��r���r�t� th� �ull ��n� ��rn����� ��d�r������n� �f �v�ry I�ir�d �r ����re v�h�t�o��r�r ���vve�r� t�� �a�r��e� ��r��� �n� �II pr��i��n�ry ne���������� �r�d a��reer�er��� �� �nr���so��r�r �ci�� �� �a�ur� ��e ��rg�� I�e�re�r�. IV� ���al a���eerr���� �r ��rr�l�� coverr�nt �h�l� b� I�e�� to v�ry t�e �rov�s��ns ��r�of} Any r-r���ifi�at��� �� ��is �g��r��n� v�r�l� b� �if�#ive �r��� b� v�r�itt�n ��ce�r����n sigr�e� b� ���� ��e �I�T�Y a�n� #I�e ���ra���r. R�vis�d 021021'I� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 19 ��������� � �I�� �I� ��re�� r���rv�� e��ry rig�t �r�d ��vrr�r, i� tl�� ��c�r�i�� ���r���, v�rh��h i� r���rv�d �r �u���ri�ed b�r ���r �r��r�si�n �� �r��r �aw��� �r��n�r��e �r re���uti�n �f th� �IT1�, r�vh����r ����t�d bef�r� �r �f����I�� e#���t��r� ��#� �f��i�Agr��rx��n�. i��i�h����� ���rs��r� �� �el�c� th� ���r���r �� a ����ti�n�� ���i� ��v�r ��rvi� �r��rid�r ��r �r�� p���ri�i�� ���his ��r����r�� ��al� ��r���f�ut� � �v�i�r�r �r � �a�r�� ��e ��c�r�i�� �#��� g��rerr�r�r��r���l ri��t �r ���nr�r�f�h� �ITI�. �C�1�. ��'�RAT�i� �I�II���IIV�� �. �� ne�����y, ��e �I�ief �f����� �r hi��h�r ���i��ne� v�ril� ��k��dul� �r�d �h�ir � rn��t�n� �nr��h ��e �p�r���r. TI�� �ur���� ���h� rr����r�� v�ri�� �� #� di���s� �r�d, i� p�����1�, r���l�r� r��t��� �rc��l�rr��. VIII��I� �t�����n� is r�o� m�r��a��ory, �t �� �tr�n��y�r��ur��ed. �. T'�� u�r���r������ ���e�� tl��� �� � ��r�diti�n ��r �n�1��i�n �r� tl�� �ov�r�n� ���� o�ti�e A���, �el�t�� �nri�� f���y �o�p�y �nrit#� �h�Agreem�r�t �r�d �I� ���nri�g ��rvi�� �r�cedur�� a�s �sta�b�i���c� �� �h� A���. F��t��r�m�r�, th� ur�d�rs��r��d ��r��� �t��t �r�� f��l�r� �� f��l�r ��rr��l�rnr��� ��e �r�������n� ��thi� A�r�er�e�t, �� ��r��t�er �r �r�y�r�� i� ������r er�np�����n�, �na�� �� �a��� f�r irx�r�n�c���#� �u��p�r�si�r� �r r�t���►�I fr��n �k�e t��nr�n� ���t 2�n���r ���nin�ti�� �� tf�� Ag�-��rr��r�t, u�p�r� r����f�ati�r� ��tl�e �h����� ���i�. Revised��10�l�� �� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 20 ��������� � �IV VIIITIV��� �`HEF���F, �h� ��rt1e� h�r�t� h��e �a���� th� ��r��r�n�r�t �� �� ��c�cu��d #�� d�y ��� yea�#irst �b��r�v�r�t��n. ��TY�F AR���f� ��#�D� ��I�TF�A�I`�� ��+ �1�= _�.�.� ��. ,_,,,�,.,�__ ����r�n ���r��, �ity �V#����er It�: {T'it�e} A�t��#; ��I��V11��r�n���, ���y �l�r�C Ap�r��r�� �s�� ��r�r�: T������ ,�. ��rrr��l, �ii�Att����� ��vis�0�l�?��1 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 21 AT'T1���II�EIVT � � A�t��Y� ���D� P�L��� C��P�1�t`�IIAL�V� T�iIVIN� �l��F�AN� �. P�F�P�����D ��T�[V� Th�� Tovrri�� P�o�ra�� �� �st�bl��l�e� �o s�t for#t� st�ndard� ta p�o��d� for � �e�hod ����tabl���i� � �aw�n� ��ogr�� w��r��� a� ��►r�rir�� �rv�� �o���r���a�n be �e���n�#� t�� ex�lcr�nre po�i� tov�► ���vi� ��o�r�d�r ��� �e Arr�y� �r�r��e ����c�e ����r#�r�en� ������. T�� ���� ����r�� �� en��re �he ��r��la��l�ty �� �r�r��t, ���ier�# a�r�� relia��l� poli�e ���rirr� ��rvi�e� ir� er�r�erge�cy �r �rr��� �i#u�at�o�s �nd ir� t�e remo�ra� of v�l�i���� tl�at are a�band�r�ed, ir�volve� �� an ac�i�ent, �� �ons�i�u�� a� o��trc�c�ior� #� tr��� b���e �f �rr�c�r�nic�l ��il�r� wit��r� ti�e �i�y of Arrayo ��nd� ��i#y�. �� �s the ��rp�s� a��� �r���r�� ��th�� �owir�g Pragr�r� �� ����r�d� � ���r�r�d i��a�i�l me��� o� r�ue�tir�g b�d prop�sa�� fo� �o��o� tov�►ir�� ���ri�s �rorn q�a�ii��d tov�r com������ �he�e���f��r �alle� "��rato�`} �nd t� er���re that �o�i� tow��n9 �erv�c� �s pro�np# ��nd r�asa���ly �ri� �r�d in the �e�t �nter�st� �f t�� �ubli� �s �nre�� �� t�e in�ere�t o���i�i�nt po�i�ir�� o��r�tions��r t�e r�rr�ova� �f�re�ic�e�from �u��li� �ra��rty. ��re��ne�t� e�t�r�d ir�t� ��r ��� �ity ��rsc��n� �o ��i� T�v�ri�g I�ro�r��n ���II �� ex�lu���� �a�e� ��on a� ce��ev�r of tF�e b�d� ���m�t#� t��� �re �on�i�ter�#wit� the �p��i�t��� o�t��A�P�.. I�. ���I�AT�F�A����III'IEI�T 1���T�VIIII`�1� �F���E��l��. A. �`h� ��ty r�n�y en�er �r��o an Agreer��rrt �+v�� �r� ��era�or t� pro��de ��c������re �owir�g �ervi� fo�#i�� A��D pur�uar�t�� #�� t��rr�� �f#h1� T�v�rir�� Prograrx�. B. T�� ��r���r ����� b� a�a�l��le ��n �r ��-���r, �-�a�� � �nre��c �a���� �r�� th� area� �� ��r�i�a���l�ty �� ���h ���vi� sl���i b� v�ri��i�r �1�� inc�or�orat�d ��y �im�t�. �`he �p�ra�tor �hal� �ro�ri�� a �0-rni�nu��� �����r��e �irr��. In �F�� ��r�r�� ��e ����a��r �� �r�ab�� t� r�s���� �r �ill �� �ela�ed, A��� �i��a��t� ����� �e �n�t.i�fi� ��nrr�e��a��l�r ar�d a�r��t��r���r s�rv�� corx���n� rr���r be req����ed ����re ����, III. RAT��AI`�1� ����. �. `��� � rator shall ��a�e ra�te� ��� ��r�i�� ������ti�g fro�n the . � A�P� b��ed � on arr o�er� ��mp�tit�v� �i� pro�ess ��r�aur�ced by � � � �������or �'r���sa�1 �����. ����a o�o��� � Agenda Item 8.h. Page 22 �. ��� �pon t�� rat�� �ubmi�te�, ��e �h��� of Pal��� or �r��lF�r d����n�e ��a��� d���r�r�r��r�� �i�� I��nr��� r�a����a���� �id #�at �� o�n�rst�nt vrri�� th� r���f�erx��n�s of��e A�PD. a. A �ea�or����e r�#e �h��l be r�ot �rr exc.��s of 1��°Io �� t�� a���ra�� ��rat�s ��arg�d ������n�l�r�e�vi�e� �� a��l �rr��titiv� b�d� s���mi�#� �y t�� ��erator�. �. T�e �t�� �ha�l� a����y to �11 v��i�ie� #o�r�d a�� t�e r�����t o# ��� A���# vv���h�r �� ��� a� ��� F�� ��� i� ��rr��l����, in�l��lir� v��ii�l�s to�rred�� ti�e driver��lowr�er'� ue�� �f �h� �ri�r�����rr��� doe� r��� � e�'����1 r� �e�s� #�� �or�tr��� ��aer��r� �or ex�mple, a �e�i��e ir��olrr�� i�n � tra�f� cc��li�i�n r�a�� he ���nr� �� t�� re����� �� t�� dri��r��wr��r b���se#I�� �ri�rerlov�rn�r has no �re�ere�ce �or � ��if c �per�tor, b�# a �H P F�rm '�8� v�ro�l� �ot �� �o��l�ted. T#���4���r�tes s��1!�r I to th��v�lricle: �. �`�i� r�tes s�r�rr��t�ed ��r�11 �� ���-ir����i�r� ���ed �r��r� #f�� t�r�� �� i��vir�� s�rvi��� �.�� �i��r� �e�i�rr� �� #�e��r�r du#�r. B. A�n ���rato� w#�o �ub�� � r�te ��a�t i� determined �y t#�e ����� of ��li� �� �i�1h�r ��si�n�e t� �e �nre���r�a���� s�►��� �� ��i��r�d �� r�-�u�rr�i� r���� �r�l���n����n�, '�. I� ��� �e-�ub��tt�d ra�e is d�termir��d �o b� u��rea�or��t��e+ ��� ���r�t�� �I���� � dr��u��rlifi�� ��n�i� ��e r����ct enr�llr�ner�� p��io�. �. �'�� �p����� ��al� �� �r��r���� �it�r vrrrit#en r����fiica�i�r� r�a�r�ir�g �����a�l��i�a�i�� wi���n �t���ty ���� ����. �, T���� ���ir�r�n�r��� r��r�s�n� �I�e rr���c�rr��r�n tl�� �p��'ar��r �n�� - �I��r��. T�� ����a��r i� n�t pre�l�d�d #r�rrn �h�r�ir�� I��� ���� �l�e�n� ���r��r�a�#� ��t�� ����a���r, �1. �I���� re���c�rn�n#..s ���r1 rr�t �e ��r�stru�� a�s r���iri�� � ���r�� i� �n ���r���r �rr��l� n�� n�rrr��ll� ��a�g� ��r � ��e�����rv�c�. L�. f r� ar� e�f�rt �� r�r�na�in r�o�m��'rti�re ir� �h� ��err rx��rrJ�ce�, �k�� ���r���� rrra�� I�wer r�t2�i� r�t�s �� �r��l��r�r�� ��► r���ifiyir►� �I��A��D. 1�11h�r� ��r� ��er�t�r ���nr�r� ��e �etail r��e, ���� r�tail ra�e ���:orr��� #�� ���ra��r'� r��v�r ���r��r�� r���. ���r���rs �n�� rari�� r�t�� ��r r��rr- A��[� �II� at �ny��r�n�. �ev�se�021��1�� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 23 �, An� ��era���r �nrt�� ��ra�r��� r��e� ����� tl�� �ut�r�i�#�d r�t�� ��r �r� ��C'� �all s���� t�� i� vi���#��n �� ��� ��r����r�� ��� �ubj��# t� ����i��ir�a�ry ���� u� �� ar�d i��l��ir�� t�rmir�����n �f tl�e ��r��r�n���, �. �lo ���ra�o�r vr �r�p�oye� s��l� ref�r to �ny rat� a�� a re�q��recf or "A��� Ra��." �. Th� appro�r�r� ����d��e of rat�� �I��rg�d by t�e �p�rator �h�ll b� �v����ble �n t�� tow v�h���e an� s�a�f� �� pre���t�d upon dema�d to t�� v����l� ��nrr�e��a����� ��r �+vF��rrr ��� ���nr ���v��e v�r�s pr��ri�ec� �� #� �ny A�P� m�nn�er a�t�h� �c�r��. �. fi���� ���II �e �� ���i�i���l ��ar�� ��� r���r���, ��.�. dr��r�r��, ��v�r�rr�� ������� �r �rti��zfr�� a ��rki� �r ���re� �r�i����� fr��n ir����� �n �per�t��'� ���r��� �ard #��h�#r�n����I�� bu�ir���� ��t������r��r�t. �. ���ra���rs rr��� �r�#y ����� ra��e� ��r�n� ��r� F��� p�riod �� ���r� �ppr��ra� aft�r � rni�-t�rm a��r�e�er�# re�i�v�r. .J. �`�� ra�� for #ov�r�r�� se�►r��e ��r��� �e �m�u�e� from po�#a� to po�ta� �rrrl�er� � �r��r���� �� #�v�r�� #���� �pera��r'� ���ra��� �ar�. 'I. P�r��l �� ���t�� i� �1�fine� �� ��Il�v�rs: �i�n� �k��li ���r� �r�� �it�er ��r� ���rrt �f�i��a���� �r ���r� d��a�rtu�re ���� t�� pl�� �� ��s�r���s: r�vl���l���r�r i� ���s�r �� �I�e I�r�a�i�r� �� �I�� call, � a�c[ ��all e�d �� #�� ���irx����� �ir�� �� re���n �� tF�e ��a�� �� �u��ir��s� �r c�rr�������r� �f tl�� �a��l, i� a�n�r ��I��r �l� i� ��r�dir��, �nrhi����r�� �� shart�r. �, T�e �irr�� ����r��ed f�r ���+�ri�� a� �r��i��� �a���c �� ��� �perator'� �tor�ge ya�r� shal� b� ��arged a� a ra�e r��t to ��cc.�ed t�� ���rl� ra�e. Ti�nn� ��p�r�d�� �� ��cc��� �� �i�e I��u�rl� r��e sh��l �� ir� r�� r��r�r� ���� �n�-�-r�fr���e in�r��n��n��, Tl��r� s#�a�l� b� �� ��i�i���r�a�l �I��r�e� f�r��I����, I����, ���. �. Ti�� �p�rato� r�nay ���rge up to a �ne-���c ��r��m�m per �II or� A�P� ���p�r��e ���s. �. ��� �p�rato� m��r �u��m�t tv�►o t�vrr r���� to �h� A�PD: �n� r�te f�r �II� �r��ir����r�g ��r��� r��rr�n�� �t��ir���� ���� �r��l a�r���l��r r��e ��r �all� �rigina�t�n� a�#t�r ��r��l ��s��e�� ����. I'��#. ��� ��er���r ��a�ll ba��� ����ng �I��r��� ���� �k�� �I�s� �� ������� ��ir�� ��w�� r��ardl��� �� ��� �la�� �f t�w �rel�i�l� ���, ��c�e�� w��n #he vel���l� �eco�►e�y o�erati�n req�ir�s a larg� ��a�s� tow vehi�le. Re���ed�2ID211� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 24 '�, T'I�e �p�r���r ��a��� �r��y �r��r��� bids �r� ��� ty�� �f ��vrrir�� ��rvic�, i.�. ����t, rx��d��r�r� �r I�ear�ry d�#y, �f��� ��e ���r���r �r� �rov�d� �� ���ec awn �oran�ar�y. A� ���h� b�sed �p��r a r��i�v� ��t�e ����, i� r�n�� �� ��c�ssa�ry �� ��t�rrr�ir�� �r�� ���f�r����d �p�ra��� ��r �i��� ��� rr�ediu��rn ��t� ��v�rir�� ��rvice �r�� ar���i��r ��s��r��r��d �per���r ��� ���vy d�ty �ow�r�� ���rf�. [V. �e�s ��r ������� �pe���i�r�� ��a��l !�e r����r��k�ie �r�c! �o�s�s��r�t v�r��l� ir�d���ry ���r���r��f�r��r�r����r���r��i��rs. �. ���r��� ��� 1�. T�� ���ra���r �h�l� ��b�n�t p������d ���r��� ���� ��r ir��i�e ar�d �c�#���e ���ra�� t� ��� A�F��. ��� ����� �� P�lic� �r ���Iher �e��gr��e �I�a�� ����rmin� tl�� re��r��b��n��� �� ��r� ��or��� ���� f�r �r�si�e ar�� ���s�de sto���� b��e� upon t�e a��r��a�� ���� �r�po�ed �t�r��e ��� ���rr��tt�d. �. F��� �I��r��d ��r ���r��� ��� v��i��e �ri�in����� #��r� �h� A�P� ��a�� b� ��a��r��b�e �nd r�o� �rr e�c�s� of 1�1��1� �� ��� a�r���� �� r���� c�ar��d ��r ��r�il�� ��ora�� servic�� by afl c�a�n��it�ve b�ds �u�b�ittec� �y � t�r� �per�t��. �. T�� ��e�a�������I ����la� �n �I��� �r��v��# �I� c�a��i�r�' �ta����s a sf�n a� d���ri�e� �r� ���ior� ��7�������{�� �� tt�� �'rv�l ���e �;��I�sir�� a�11 ���r�g� ��e� a�r�� ��a�r��� ��f�r�, ir��lu�i�r�� ��e �m����nt�rr� ���r���� ra�t�, �. 1l��i�l�s �����d �� I���r� �r ���� ����� �� �h�cg�� �� more th�n or���d�� s�or��� purs�2�r�t to ���#io� ����.���� ����e �i�ri� ����. E��� �a��I�er�a��t�r rr��� b� �I�u��at�d o� � #�II �a��r�da�-d�y ba�is, pu�s�ar�t ta ��ct��r� ���.1�a� ����� �i�ri� ����. �. f r��fde ���r��� ���� ����I �r�l� �� �har��� v�rt��r� ir��ide s��r�g� i� r����st�d b� ��e ��P�, reg��#er�� ��rrn�r, I���f �v�r��r, in��ra�r�c:e �r�n�an�t �r �nr��r� ir�s��� �t��ag� �a� �� r����r�a��f�j���if��d ���I�� �����t�r. P. Al�l ��t�� 'I. �� �n A�PD #��v ���lor �to�ag� �r��ra��r�� a �r����le s���e�t �a s����al ���v ��n���r �t�r��� r����, e.g. AAA �� a �ir�ni��r compar�y r�qu��ted by t�� �r��rerlo�nrner, th� t��rv �r�d1�r �t�r��� rat� �f�a�l� not e�c�e�d the r�t� es#�bl��h�� �y AAA oc � ��r�i��r��rr��a��. �e�rised�21(32111 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 25 . C�, ��f�u���r� 'I. �'�� ���r���� �r�d��r ����i��� ����I r��t ��r����r�, ��t��pt t� � ���spi�e� ar �o�nran�# ar�y o�he� a�t of �ollu�i�n w�th a�y othe� ��t�r �r����r a���l��ar�t ��r �h� �u�p��e �� ���r����, �� ��errrvf�� e��a���i��rir�� a�r� �r���r���r��ir�� r�ar�ir�� r���s �r ���tior�s t� tf�e To�vin� Pro�r�m a�gre�m�r�t t��t wo�1� ��ir�g ����� �r�� ur��a��r �����ti�r� ���� cou�� �� pr�j��i�ial t� - ��e���� �r��� p��f��. � �. A ��dir�� �y �f�� A��D ���� a�r� �p�rato� or a�pl�c�r�t h�� t�� i�����r�� in �a�l�s���r ��a�ll t�� ca�s� ��r ��rria�l �� �n ���ica���n �� ����I r���ii1� ��� ��v�rir�� Pr��r��m ��r��rr��r�� �rrri� �h�� ���r���r. An� �p������ �r ���li�ar�t ��ur�� t� �� ir��ro�ve� i� a�� ��t, �r a�tt����ed ��t� �� ��Il�si�n �t�a��l �� ���q���i�e� �r�r�r� p�r���i��t��r� �r� �I� A��� t��v I�s�� f�r tl�� ��rr+�n��er�r� ���I����re�rr��r��, ���� ��r� ��} ���r�, �. I� �cc.�r��r�c� wit� ��i� `��v�r�n� Pro�r�rx�, ��� ��reer��n� �f��ll pr��r��� ���t �h� �p�ra��r �f�a�l1 p�� �� tl�� �i#y a �� ��r� ���� ve�ri�le �ar w�i�� � ��fP �f S� For�m i� ��m !�ted� TF��s fe� �h�l� be �a���i�t�d �o as to be ���s��te�t wi�h the r�qu�irem�n�� �� ����f�rr�i� lle�r��le �o�#� ��ti��n '��1'����� �nr�i��r pe�`�n i�� �h� �i#y t� �o�lect a f� to re�v�r its a�t�al �r�� rea��or�ab�� �o�t� �r�cu�-� ir� ���r��ct�or� �nri�� i�� ��avi�►� �ervi�e ��o�r�rr�. As �� ���r�ary ��# ����, ���� fee ��a�l �e ���.l�r��i�le towe� for �1�i��r � ��1P �S� �arrr� i� �orrr leted u�der t#�� t�rm� o� ��e �ov�rin� �ro�rarn �r�d A�r�err��nt. '�, �� ���rx���n�� ��r�ll � rr�a��� �r� � ����t�rl� ���1� �� �I�� I�i�e��r �� ��i�in��t��ti�� ��rvi�s f�r ��� �i�y �� Arr��� ���r���, p�����e r�� la�e� ����n �h� 1��� c.�l�r�d��- �a� �� ��� rr�o�t�follo�nr�n� th� �l��� �f ea�l� prec���n� �ua�ter. �11. �T�F��E �F 11�F�I�L�� �. 1��� ����a��r �I�all ���re �I� irx�����n�������re� �r��i�l��, �o�e���� v�rit�r ��� a�oe��or�e�� eq�ipmer�t, and pe�s�n�� �rop��ty la��ed �n or ir� �ach �re�i�l�� r� � �t�ra�e fa�i��ty a�pr�v�d by t�� A�P� and r�i���� re�s����le �ri�ri�n� �ist�r�ce �r�r�r� ��e �fty. �c��� ������� - ����lity ��a��M �anta�i� a �nin�r��r�r ���� �el�i��� �t�r�g� ��a�oe�. �. Tl�e �per���r ��r��� rn�ir�#.air� r�nir�ir�r�u�n ���r���n� ���r-� ��r ��e st�r�c�� ����I�ty �f �I�II�n��� tl�r��gh Fr�da�, �:�� ��II t� �:�� �rlll, ��c��� I���I h��i����. A� a�tt�r���r�� r�s��r��i�l� ��r ����n�in� �I�� � r�l���e �f �r�#�f���� ��, t�re �r��li� ��all b� �r���rr� i� ��rs�r� �r �r�� ��I �#��ir�� t#���� ���� ��c� �irx��� �� r�s���� t� ���i� r���e��� �r�d �� ���i����e �tr�li� �r� �b�aining �r�hi���� ��rri�hir� � r��sor��l�I� ti�e. I��rri�cd��?111 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 26 �. F�rov��io�s ��1 b� rr��d� far #h� ad�q�a�� o�f-stree� s�c�ri�y �f �r��i�l�� ��� �r��ert� �� t�� �lace �� st�����. �� � r��nirr��r��r�r, � �� f��� �i�h ����ed �r er��l���� a��a �I���� �e �r��ri���. �. The �������r ���rl� ���� �r�y ��� �I� r����r��r�1e ��a��ure� n���sary to �revent th�� o� da�age #o vehi���� �nd t�r� ����s��ie�� eq��pnn�r�t, �� �t��r p�rs�r�a�l �r���rty �� �� ir� ���r�r� �n►hil� �r� t�� �tor���f���ity. �, �1� i�� �1is�r�eti�r� ��tl�� �ref�i��� ��rrrer�, ��� �p�r���� �h�l� r���ir damage t� a� vet����e t��� �c�c�rr� while �I�� ��h�cl� �� u��er h�sll��r ��r��r�� �r s�a�l r�irr���r�� �r�#�i�le ��nrr��rs f�r ���� ���na��� if���f� d�rr���e i� c�u�e� �y �h� ���i�n�s� a�#�he �per��or. ��arn��e" in�f��e�, �� is r�o� ��rr�i��dt to �ody d�r��r�e �u�� �� der�t�, pa��►� �a�rx�a��, ar�� ��r�r�n� c������; tr�ns������r� c���rr���; �n��r�r�ia��� ��r�r�ag� �a��e� ��r �r�r�a�s�r��b�� ���rir�� pr��ur��; l �r�c� ���, br�tc�r�, r����r�� �r �a����e� ��ess�ri�s �r�� �r�rir�s �au�ed �y �n�easo��t����owin� �r�ced�r��. �, 1!e#�i�les th�� ar� �rxr��u��e� �� ��rid��c:e �i��i� �� s��red irr � s���r� �r�a �r�d �r��er ��n�i�i�n� ��pr��►�� �� t�� ����, T#�� �tar��� ���a ���II b� prot���d a��a�nst a��� by� p�rsan� r�ot a��l��ri�e� �� ��� ���1�. T�� A��� ���I� r�#�irr ���� ������ �� �he �o�k r��ch�r���m used to ���ve�n� ��a�thori�ed a���� to �re�i�l�s ir����n��c� �� ��r��fer��. 1. �t ��e r����r���le ����r�ti�n �# �I�� �►���, ��� ��ra���r ��r��� �� ��v�r � �r�t����e irr���ur��i� a� ��ri�er��:e �� a� �It�rn��i�r� s���r� ���r��e ����lity, �.g. ��e �a�� l.uis ��is�� �ou��y �h�ri�#'� ��pa�trrrer�t. �he �pecator �h�ll �� ��rtf�led �� ���r�e ��I�r�a���na���e t�v�r�n� ��e� a�������e� �nr��l� ��v�rin� a� �r������ i�p�unde� �� ��r�den�e �o �n al��rr�a��ve ���u�� ���r�ge f��f�ity. �. T�� �p�r���r �h�l� �a�l�� ��� r����r�a�i� pr��u�t��r�s ���u�i��� �� t�e A��� �� a���� ��rr�a��e t� ar�� ��i��r��� ir� �r �n a� �r�h��l�, �.�. �r��er�rir�ts, �tair��� or for�r��i� e�rid���. �I. T�re ��r�tor agre�� to r�d�� �r vrr�ive t�wi�� ar��lor �tora��fees v�rh�n �e���r��b�y r���e��ed by ar�y A�P� s��erv��or of tf�� r�r�k of ��li� �er��a�� �r a��v�. �u��r r�q���t �h�ll ger�era���� �e �i�n���� t� �I�� ��v�rirr� �� ��t� �r ��P� v��f��e� �r�� t�� ��v�r��� ��n� ����age ���#F��r�r������� �� � r���lt�f a� r������Ce �r�rr�r �� a� ��t� �r���� r�n�r���r. I. T'�e �{��r�tor���r�� �� f���cf ��i� r+e�i�ter�a� ��rr��r- �f�r �ref�i�1� irr��o�r��e� �� eviden�e by �4�P� r+e�por��i�le �or �11 �owir�� arrd irr�po�rr��fl��ar��e f�e�, ir��lu�l�r�� #��rir�� ��e� cr+���e�f by t�wir�� � ve�i�le �o �r� �1#err���i�ve �ecur+� ��or��e �a�ili�y � outside tf�e �i�y. ���►��o�ra�r�� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 27 .�. T�� ��v�r s�rv��e v�r��� p���r�d� a� r���i�� �it� � ��1� ������I ir� ��� st���c� v�#���le w�er��v�� �r�y item i� �emo�r�d �ro�n t�a# �re��cl� �nd #�I�e� �� �r���er�I��e �����ra���. �, �r�� � � �r r+o��� �r�rr� �� �#��� �r�al �r�th �4��� r���rr� s�a�11 ��� �����r r���a�� p�rs�r��� �r��e�#y �r�� a �r�l�i��� �rr����r��e�d f�� ��r��l�r��� �� ir��re��i��ti�r�, ��� ��►��r��� pr+�p�rt�r sf��ll or��y�e r�e1e����l t� tl�e per�a� �ppr+�ved ��r ��e A���* 1. Tt��r� ���I� �� r�� ������ f�r th� r�l�a�e �� pers���! �r���rty al��ir�� �n�r��� ���ir���� ���r� �s p�� ��I���n�� 11e�i��� ��i� � �e�#�o� ��8����}, P�r�ua�t to ���tforr ��8�'l��� o� the �a�ii#c��m�a� lle�r���� ��de, �r� �p�r���r r�n�� �I�a��� a� r������ ��e ��r �r��r�y ��I�as�� a�f��r r��rma�l �u��ne�� I���r� tF��t �I�a��f ��� ��c��d �r��-h�� ��� l���rl� ��v�r ra��� �I�a�r��d, �r ��s�, ��r���ti�l�y tov�in� t#�e vehi�l�. �. P�rsor��� prop�rty i� �or���d�red to �e i�err�s th�t are r��� a���ed t��l�e �r��i�l�, �. P���n�l �r�perty �r�����e�: ����rs, �r�����rt��l� 0�11�1a� �eie�l��r���, ��rta���e �#�r�� �qu��r��nt, � ���tfi�e�, ����a��, ���I�, �t�. �. P�r��r►a�� pr���rty �r�rr� � �#or�l �r��i��� ���I� �� r�le�se�d up�� r��uest of the �e�i��� awr��r or a�er�t. �■ ����� ���l� �� �������� ���� �#.����� �� ��� ���� �/� ��r��a�n��� � �oUf#�rder. � I�� �i�� �h�if b� �tt���e� �� �r��► ���s�r�a�i �r���r�y ir� �r �r� the veh���e, purs�a��t t� ��ction ��85'���� of the ���i�o�n�� 1l��i�l� �ad�, L. �i� �r��i���� ��v�r�d �r�� ���r�d �� ���A��� ��a��i �� r�na��� ��a�ila�ble by �h� ���r�tor #o #he ow��r of th� �eh��le or �i�lh�� r��r���r���ti��# �r�� ir�s�rr�r�� a���r��, irr��r�r�ce a�������r, �r ar�� b��y �ho� o� �ar a��al�� f�r the ���p�se o� e���rn�ting �� ��praising �ar�����, �x�����r��i��e,� ir�r���r�al�I�� ��ri�l�r��e. N1. ��� �r��i��e� ���e� ��� ���re� �� a� r���l� �� �r� A��� r��#ue�t s�r�ll �� ���nr� �lirec�tl� #� �I�e ���ca��r�� ���r��� ��t ur�l�s� �h� ���� �r ����� p�rs�r� l���l� ���������l� ��� ��� v�l����� ���ue��� �f��t i� b� t�k�n �o �r�otl��r I��t�on. �V. . T1�� ��er�#�r st���� r��# pr��e�� ��rr��l� �r�� r���ir�r�r�c ��n � �rel����� �r �I�� ��n� �ha�r�es a��a�ir��t a� �re�i�le ��h�r #��r� ����� r������d ��r � �o�nr�n� ar�� ��or��e at #�� re��e�t o� t�� A�F'�, �nl��s ���hari��d b�t�� �r����l� �wr�er�r F�islt��r ��si�r�a��i ager��. Re�rfsed 021(��111 � Agenda Item 8.h. Page 28 � �h� ���r�to� s���f �cee� a �vrit�er� recard of���ry v�����e �tore� ��� � p�r�o� �or�� �h�n '�� �ro�rs, p�r��rant t� ���tio� 'EO��O�a} of �I�� �a�ifornia 11e#����� �o�e. '�. �u� re�or� s��i� �on�ari�n t�� �ar�� ar�� �dc�r��� �� ��� p��on �����g or�e����#i�g the �o�v# t�� r�a��s ��t�� ��n�r a�n� driv�r o�#h� vehi��� ��f ���s�na�bfy as�r#�i�nable� arrd a br�ef des�r��tio� o� t#�e vehi��e ���k�, rxro�el, I�cens� p�ate ��� �rr� �r�h���� ��r�a�e� ��r���n� t� ���ti�r� �I������� �� th� ���if��i�1l��i��� ����. ll. F����f��� �, �`he ��ra#�r v�►i�! �rra�ir��a�r� r���rd� �f t�v�rir�� a��� ���ra��� ��r�r��e� furni��r�d a����� �pe����r�s �r���ry ��s���� �ffi�e. �e�or�s ��r �a��h ca�� �h�l� �nd��#�#h� de���i�tiorr of�a�� veh����, t#�� r��tur� �f ��rvi�e, s��rt �ir��, err� �ir�e� ��ca#i�r� �� ���, �t�r���ed ��st� �f �ow�r�� a�� sto�a�� a�d tow �ehi�le d��r��'� na��� a�d to� ve�i�le u����. I� ��� ������A, IV���� �� ���r�d ll��ri���, i� r��� r�ce���d �nr���r i r� ��� w��c �r�rr� ��e �at� �f ���r��e, �F�� ���ra��r ���t ��n���# ��� A���. TF�� �p�r���r'� �i�r� ��� ����rrin� a�� ����ar�e i� �o��ir►��r�� �p�r� t�� �e���r�d ��ti�:e t��irr� ��n�v�r��c� t� t�e I���� a�rr� re�is�e�ed �v�rrrer� ������ �r��i��e. T�� ���r�#�r �nril� �rr���� v�rf��r �e�ti��n �#��� �� �h� ��I���rnia� 11�hi��e ��� i�r r���r�ir�g �h� s����g� o�ve����e� �v�r�� �ay�. �. VIl#�er� di����i�g �� ur�������� ��t���l��# tt�e ���ra��r ���II ��id� b� �I� a���l��a��l� ����f�r��a� ���r�� �od� r�u�lat��n� a�rr� r��u��r�r���t�. D. 1..���� �pe��� �e�u�e�t �rc�rr� ��e ��P�# �r �� ���s� �r� � q���t�rl� basi� �n ar ��fore t�� ���' �alendar day a�t�� mor�t� follov�r��g th� �I�s� �f�t�� �r��ed�r�� ���rt�r, ar� �p�r���r �I���� su�rx�i� � r���rt #� th� ��r��� �f Pol�� ���lor t�� Admin�strat�ve �ervi�es Dir��tor v�rl���� ���II �n�f�d����������i��: '1. T���� ���� ��r ��li���v�r� a�n� s��r��eli���u�d�. �. L�c����r� ���h� ra�l�, �. �l�r�b�r��v��i�l�����e� �r�� ���re��ir�np�u�r���. �. �i���� n��b�r, rr�a�c� �rr� �m�d�l �� �a�h �r�#�i��� ���v�� �� �tore�limpo��d�d. �. �a�� �f r������ �����I� �r��i�l�. - �. ��rs�n ar fir� #o�v��rn t�re ve��cl�v�r�� r�le��ed. �. ��a���� i������ ar�� �r���c�� r��i�r��. . �. i��rr�n��r �� �reh��le� ��I� �r� li�r� ��I� ur���r ���I��r�ty �� ������� ����, ��I���f� �i�►il ���e a�r�� r�p��tir�a� �u�� li�r� ��I�� �� ��� a����r�fiy �� �e�t��r� ����1.� �f �fi�� �a�li��rrnia ll�h��le �od�. Revised�21�D�1�1 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 29 9. IV�rx��e� �� �r��i�l�� s��d �r���r �u�h�r�ty �� ��c:ti�n ����, �a����r�nia� �i�ril �od� ��r���r ���� �r��u��, 1�. ����� �r�d addr���e� of��yers �nd ��scr�pt�o�� o�veh�c�e� �nrl��� ��i�. �1�. 1`�t�l �r�� ��� r��t �r��e th� ����-a���r r��ei��d fr�� ���� - u��i��� �����s�d ����r I��r� ����, �. ���r���rs �h�i� rr�a��ta��r� ��� �e��rd� r�����d �� ��lic�e ���� �r�� st�r��elimpou��� u��d�r t�� Agr�e�n�r�� ��r � p��io� of th�e� ��} ���rs. ���� r��or�s ���I� �n�l�,��, ��� �r� n�� �ir�'rt�d ��: 'I. In��rma����n �����i��� i� ��ct���� 1I���r��g� �. �, 1l��i��� f�n���r�d r���rt� ��H� '#��}, �. ���i�� ��r���s��r�d �e�t�cs t� �►����I� �v�rr���. �. �I��r�� ��e��� �l��� �i�� p�l�� ���# �a��r �r�� ���r��� ��e� �F��ra��d a��a�r�st �a��l� �r�l�i�l� �rn� a�r�n��i�tr����r� ���� ca���c#e�d �r� �e���# ��t�e ��� �� ��� ��P�. ��ar�� �I����� r�n��# �r�tt�ir� tl�e ����n���r� �� t�� v��r���e ��r��r �r 1��a1 r��re��n�����r� ��� �� a��ra�ila�b�e ��r re�son�rb�� p��iodi� ��#� col���ti��. � �. Ir��r�n#�ry i�s#����r��r��l pr���rty �r� �a���r �re�i��� irr���u��ied ���t�r��. �. F���or� �� �II �re�i�l�� ��I� ��c��r ���I��rity �f ��I��r�nia �ivil �od� �e�tion ����. �. F����rd �� ��I �rel�i���s s��� �r��1�r a��f��r��y �� ���i��rr�i� ���r�l ���� ���ti�� ����. �. A�� re�u�red r�port� ar�d r��ord� ���I� b� fur�f���� �t t�� s�le e�cp�n�e �� th� �perator �r�d �hall �e ��bmi�tt�d or� �om�ut�r di�k, . or by rno�err�, i� � fo�m�t �o�npati�l� wi�� the ���y �or���ter�ys#err� a�� �� ad��t���a�l ���r�� �� t�� �ity. �, ��� ���ra#�r r����-d� ���rl �� ���j��t �� ��rio��� �rr���cti�r� �nr�t���# �not�ce duri�g n�rm�l ���ines� h��,�s ����PD ��r�o�n�l. �--I. �If rep��t� �r��ri�� �� ��� ���ra��r �ur�u�a�� �� ��i� T�v�r�r�g �rogr�rr� �#�a�l �� �i�r���l ur���r ��r����y �� p�rj�ry b� � r�����n��b�� ����a�l ���r���n�ir�� ��r� ���r�t�r �l��# ��� r����t i� ��r�r��e�e a�n� #ru�. 1fl. ��I�AN��A� INTERE�� �, IV� ���ra�t�r �� ���I�c�r�� ���II k�� c�ir��tl� ���r��v��# ir� �h� ���nrir��- � r�l��ed bus�n��� a� �r�y o�h�r �p�ra�or or �p�lic�rr�� �n tf�� A�P� ��v�r�r�� P���r�r�n. Rev�sed(���1�1 . Agenda Item 8.h. Page 30 B. �he �a��� o� t�rar��#�r �� �l�e �o��ro����� ir�t�res# ir� � com�any sha�l ��rr����a���� �e���at� ��� ��r��r�n�r��, A r�ew �v�r��r r�n�� a�����r ��� ��� ���vir�g �r�r�r� ���r��r��rr�� d�r��� ��� r��rr�ir�tie�r ���h� ��rr�n� �gr��rr�ent te� r�g�rd�e�� of t�e o��r� �nro��mer�t ��riad. 1lII. ���I�A�I��V �, ���ra�#�rs ar�� tc�uv �r��r���� c�ri�r�rs w�ll �e ������r�tl� ������ �� �ns�rre ���e a��� ��-���r�fis��a�r�� ��#���r ���v�� res��r��i�il�ti��. 'I, ���rat�� �p������ ��� ��� T��r�r�� �r�r�r�n ���II ���r� a� rr�inirr��rr� o� t�re� {�} �e�ifia�b�� y�ar� of fo�=hir� t�v�ri�g ��cper��r�ce, a�� ar� ��r�er �r p�n�i���, ��i�r �� ��� �in�f �ilir�� �a��� ��a�r� �r���l��n�r�� ��r��� �r� ������� ��a�lify ��r �l�e ��v�ring . �i�t. �. T�� ��re�e ��� �reri�i�bl� ���r� �� ��r-h�r� t��ir�� ��e�er��;e ��a�ll �� d�c���� b�tl����P�. � �, ���ra���� �r�� �w��r� �r�rl�� d� ��� r��e� ��� �I�r�� ��} �rer�fi���� ���r� �f ��r-I��r� ��v�rin� e�c�eri�n�� r��� �� ��r��i�er�t #�r th� ���rir�� I��t if � f���-��ir�r�e r�n�na���r i� ��n�l��ed �rwrt�� p��s����� ��ee ��� �r�ri����� ���r� �� f�r� ��r� t�vrri�� e�cp�r��nc� ar� �r� ��n�r, pr�r��i��l �� ft��l ti�e rr�an����. �. T�r� t�ree ��� �r�r����� ��ars �� ��r-�ire ���i�� ��c���ierr� �� a�n ��nrrr�rt �ri�r�i��l �� �u�l-tirx�� r��r�a�����I���I �e cl�ci�� t��►�he���D. �. N��r���er��n� e�cper��rr� �F�a��� b� c������ �n�i ��a�l�#ie� �� ��� A�l�� �� �r� �n�i�ri���� �vit� ��n���� ���nrer� ��a�� r�a���r���l� ir���r� ���� ��� ir��i�r��u�l s� ���i�n��ed �� �res��� v�itl� ��� �e����# �on�u� a�� con�r�l �� �i��l��r �rr��i���r'� �������� �r �� ir����i�ual v�r�o ��� ��rar�� �nd �a�t�ol o� a b�s�n��s and �� �e�#�d wit�r � �ert��r� rea�orrable ���r�� vf c����r�#ior� ��� ir�de�e�n���t j���r��nt. �. I� a� rr��rr���� c�e���� �� �� �r�r��l��ec� b�r �n ���r���r, ��e ��r��r�n�n� �h��l �e �ermirr���� ��nt�l � �r�v�r rr��n���r i� ��pr��r�� ���������. �. �per�#�r� �r�� ���nr �r�h��le drr�r�rs �nr��� �� �r��erl� �icen�� ir� a������a�r�� v�►'rt� #�� r��ir���n�� �f��e �a�l��rr�i� 1!�#�i�l� �od�. �. ��v�r ��I���le� v�r�ll b� r�n�ir�tai�ed in ��rx���i�rr�e �nri��r ��� �p�li�at�l� �alifi�rr�ia �le�ri��� ��d� ���t�on� �r�d t�� ��f�fornia R�v�n�� a�r�d Ta��c�#i�r� �od�. 1. T�e ���ra��r �t��l1 �rr��g� �i�� �h� A��� �r ��e ��I� ���' in��e�t��n �f r��v�► �����r r��lac�rr�en� ���nr �rel���l�� pr��r �� �I��ir►� #h�r� ir� �er`�ri�. �����oa�o��� Agenda Item 8.h. Page 31 �, T�e �p�ra���r r���� �qui� ���� ���nr v������ in ��rn�li�r�� �ri#� ��;tf�r� ������a� �f ��� ��I��r�ia� 11e�i�l� ��c��. �`�i� ���� �# t�� �a��#�r��a ll��i��� ��al� r�a��,�re� ��� �r��er �� t�� tow �e�i�l� to r��nave a��l �f�s� a�� d��r�s depo�it�d ���r���� r�a�wa��r ����� �is����i ��t���le, 3. �F�� ���r���r r���� ��r�n��� v�r��� �����r� ����� �f t�� �afi�or�ia ll����le �o�� re�a�r�i�� �i�n� or� �ov�r ve��c���. �, Ar� ���r���� �r� �he ��PD ��v�rir�� [��� i� re��ir�d �� �a��r� �n a����� �upp�y o� �����a� �iar�s �n ���h #o�r v����le. �I�re� us�c� by a t��nr �r��ri�le �r��r #� #�� �rr��r�l �� �h� ���C� �nri�� b� r��l��d ��r tF�� A���. � �. �I! ��av v�hi���� r�n��� b� �qc�i���d v�i�h tv�v�-�ra�� ra���� �etvv��r� ��e tov�r�reF�ic�� ar�� t�� �perat��'� di�pat�h ���or�r�e�. F. A requ�st �r�r� t�e A�P� for �nY �Yp� of tov�r�r�g servi�� s�a�l not t�� ���e�#�d ������: �I. � ���v �r��i�l� an� ��r�����r�� ���v�r �r� �rr��n��ia�t�l� �va��a���. �. T�� s����i� ri� �r����r �qui�rr��n� r�q���#�c� �sl�re � ir�r��m�d����l���r�rl����. �. �n ��e ����� th�re �� �� �e � d�la� �� r����n��n� �� ��re c:al�, s��� fa�# �hair �e nn��e kno�vr� ��tl�e A�P� s� tha� a� d�t�rm�n�t�on rx�a�y be �ac�� �# ��r� �all s�o��d b� di�e�ted �o a�ro���� tow�r�� �r�rpar�y. ����b�r��e��r �r��r��in� rr���l���i�r�� ir�f��rr�a�ti�r� ���II r����t ir� c�i��f�fir��ry 2�ct��r�. �� t#�� �per���r r�v��� k�� �r���r�i�a��l� ��r �r��r ��c#��d�d ��rio� ��tirr��, �h�A��� �nu�� �e �r��i�i�. �I. ���'� c�ll� sha�lf ��� b� r���rre�! �� ���� ��r.;e���d ���r�r� �n��i��r ��w�n� ��er�� �r►I��� ��������� �� d� s� b� ��� ����, I� tf�� ���ra��r �a�r��# re���r��� �h� A��� �u�� �� ���ri���. �he A��� v�r��i tt��r� �����i� �F�a�al��rn�r���r� t���rr��rvi� v�rill �e ���led. 1. If��� �p�r�r��� a���f�n�d t� a�n ini�ia�l �a�l r��u�r�� ���i�t�r��:e �r�r�n ar� a�d�i�i�n�� ���vir�� ��r���r��, �F�e ���r���r rr�a�, v�ri�� �h� �o���rr��� of t�e A�P� p�r�anr�el at t�� ��e�� of the �r��i����, re�u��t a� sp��i�i� ���v�r�� �:or���n� f�r a��d��i�r�a�� a��f�t�rrce, �u�h r��u��s� ��a�ll �� r�c���� t�r�u�� �h� ��F'D. f. V11���r t�v�r s��v�� i� r����st�� �� ��� 1����, ���r� �r�c�lled �r��r �� tF�� v�hi��� ��tu���� �efng ���nr��, ��� ���rat�r ����I n�# �I�a�rg� . �h� A���3. �he �p�rator rr�ay �ol��ct f�� �or se�ice� frorn ��e �r��r���� ��nrr��r, i� ���r�������. ��'f�i� �a�ra�r�p� ���� r��� ���I� �� "�v�rr���'� r�q�es�� #�� ��rvi�e��. Revise���1021�� � Agenda Item 8.h. Page 32 �. C�nr�eason��le e�ces,��ve f�il�r�es �o corr����r �ri�� ��e r+��por��e �r�v�si��s a�o�re �ri�o�r� r��or�a�l� e�r�lar�atior��s� sf��11 r�s�►� ir� r�rr�ov�1 �r�r� t1�� to�rir�� Ii�� su�je�� �� #he ter�in��i�r��raavi�ior�� ��r #�ie �o�v��r�ri�e A�r�r��r�� I�. I� i� i� �e�err��r�� �h�t �I�� ��er���r i� ��� r��ed�d �r�� i� ���I�d ��r tl�� ����, �� �� �r�� ir������r�� a�rr��ra�l a�� ��� ��er�e, ���re ��a��l �e n� �o��t�ry �#�ar���. Th��e �h�l� be r�o rxrorret�ry ch����s fo� s�ar�c�#�y�irx��t�at c�o�� r�ot �e���� in a tor�. �, ��t�� ���n► s�rviae �� �r�c�l�d b�t�� �r�hi�l�'s �v�r����r a���n� - �ric�r �o t�� �perator t�k�t�� p�ssessio� o� �h� v���c�e, tl�ere s�a�l� �e n� ���r�e� ��r ���vir��. �I�� ���r���r ���II ��rnedi���l� ��r�ta��t ��� ��F'� � ��� a���r��� �� t�e c��►�e����f��r. L. �� �r� �p�r���r �nrl�� i� ��� �a���d �� a� c�lli�i�r� ��r�e� ���r� � �o�l����n ��r�� ���r� � �r��i��e �r �r�l�����s ��l�r� bl���cir�� � r�a��nra�� �� ���r� �r�r�rx�e�ia�#e ��v�r ����s�a�r�� �� nee�i�d ��� I��e��ri�� ���r�ti�n�t tk�� �C�I� �f�i�r �r� ��er�e r�a�� �ir�c;t ���# ���ra���r �� r�n��re �r�hi�l����. �"�e �������r s���l �r��ri�� �h� a����t�r��e �� �ir��ted. �`h�r� sl��l� be �� �I��r�e ��r ���� �s�is�a�r��. fl�l� T�� ��era��� r��ei��ng a� �11 �I��li �� ��t��n ���t i� i� ��r��cs���d ��c�c�l�r w�t��r� ��� �����er�� �r ������rr� i� I�c.��e� �nd t1�� ty�e �� ��u�i�rr��r�� ��q��red ��f�r� ��a�rin� �� ��� �II, �f��r�r� �� � qu���i�r� a� �� tl�i� ir���rm����rr� ��� ���� ����a���� �h���d b� �n��te� �� ���l����. f��h� ��vrr �ri�r�r i� �n��i� �� fir��i �h� ��I�i��� �r ��ci��nt ��er�e, tt�� �r���r�r �f�ould �s� #�� n���es# ���e�hone ar�d req�e�t �u�th�r in��r��t���. [�. ���e� ��� dr��rir�� ��ooe�ur� e�rout� to a t�v�► req�e�t m�s# �� �nr���in I�v�r��l �ir�i�s, lJn���� �� �r�n�r��n�� is �r���ur�ter��, r�� ����� st����� �� ���� ��r�u��� �� �f�� a��i��r�t �r �r��id�r�# ��e��. l� a� del�� �� r�����r�e is ur�a�r�i�a���t a� re���n���� ef��rt �h��1� �� rn��� �� a��v�s� tl�e�►�PD D�s�atch. 1. �V� �l�r�l��rr� �� r����ir�� v�r�rr�ir�� I����� �r� �� �� �s� �r�r��t� t� a�n�r ca���. �. �II t�v�r �r���r� �1����� re�ei�r� �r�� �i�� � ���� ��t�e A��� ���r��� re�o�t frorr� ��� of�c�r requestin� i����r s�r�r��s, as we�1 �s #� i��i�r�e a�gre��m�r�� ���� �l�e ir��ren��r� ir� �r�� �r� ��� ��h��l� ����� ��v�r��. �`�e ��v�r �i��r�r, u���n �i�nir�g ��r ��� i��r�r���� �� �h� � ��r�ter�t� �� �� �r�l���l� ���re� b� th� ����, �� re���r��ible ��r �hi� proper�y. I�e�rised��1�2111 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 33 P, �'I�e ���� ��icer at#�� �c�n� �n�r���i�a��r�� �rr ������n� �r ir��i��nt i� ir� ���rg�. �r����� ����d �� �h� ��r�� �ri�l ��� �r��er ������� di�e�i�r�, Any �rob��m� tha� rrtay �ris� a� t�� s�er�e rr�ay b� addr�ssed #o �e ����� of Po��� ar hislh�r de��n�� �y t�lephon�� in �nrri�i��� or by ��po�r�tr���t in per�or�. A� o�i�r�t t�e soene v�r�l� n�rr��l�� r��� ir��r�l�r� k�i���lf1���s�lf �r� ���r�rin� t����i����, b�� �r��� r� rr���r���in�n� ��� ����rity�f��r� ir���d�r�� ��er��. 'I. If two �r �n�re ���+rrin� �r-r��a�r�ie� are ����d �� ��� s�rx�� i�n��er��� ��������i�r� ����r� �re����� �I��r�� be a� ��� d���r����n ��t�����. C�. Th� ��er~a��r is r�q��r�d t� ���re ir� �t� �oss�s�ion �ra����rta�#io� Perr�nit� th�� �r� issue� by t�e ��pa��nt of �r�r���ortation ���#��r��ir�� #�� ���r�rx���� �� ��ctra��e��� si�e I��c�s ��c���r e�u���r���t. ����a���r� �� h�avy-��ty #���rr �re����es ��all �b���r� per���� ������erx��r�t� �rr�r�l�rir�� �x#r�-ie��� si�� a��c���r �v�����. �►� ��e����� �e�i�r�� ��r�� � p�rr�ni� sh��l�! r�onta�:t �h� ��ii��rr�i� ���a�r-trr�e�� �f Trar�����-t����r� P�rm�� �e���tr�n�n� �r� �a� L�i� �b��p�, �, �II ���nr�n� ��rvice� tha�t v►r�[I r�s�lt ir� r��� b�o�l���e �n ��cce�� �� 3� m�nute� d��in� a ���a�� �p�ra��o� and �nrl��r� t�er� �nrif! be n� A�PD of��r ir� ��t�r��an�e ��ral� hav� ar� ��p��p����� �rr�r���hrr�r�t perr�n�� ��#ai�e� �t �r�� ����r#�r�i#y. ����� ��r�r�r�it� c�� �� s�ur�d frorn t�� �alifarr�ia D���rtm��t of Tr�r���ar�atior� o� t�r� ��r� L�r�s ��i��� ���nty F���� �����#r�r�er�#, �r�i��re�r�r �s ���r��ri�te. �. �4�� 11�1������ �`�IAI�� �4� �1�� J���LI��� �� �1�� �4��� ��� VV1�f1�1�1�4 ��f� ��R1�1 'fS� �fA� ���N ���PLET�D �1�1L1�T �� R�L�����3 ��IIL� �1�� �4�J7`��1���1 T��III F1��N� T!-1� A�PJ�3. �111 ve�ii�le awr��r� r+e��e�#in�r �he r��e��e o� �#���r v�l�i�1���1��11�e dir+e��ed t� tf�e A�P� � o�t�ir� �e r�e��ss�r�r �o�urr��r�t��ior� to ���hori�e ��e r+elea�se. � lll�I. �TAN DAI�D �� �A�E A. �pera�to�s �ha�� �arr�r�t �r�� ���rar�t�� th�t ��� ���vi�e� per€arr�ed ��r��a��� �� �rr ��r��rr�e�� �i�#� ��� ��ty ��all �� ���vi��� �rr � �rn��ner r�a�on���y ��r�s��t��t wi�� #�� 1�i�h��t prof�s��ona� �tar��ar�� �r�� �t�al1 �� ��r-f��r-r��d �� ���rE�i�d� f��er��d, �r�� ��c �ri�noe� ��r��r�r��l. T�� �p�r���r ����1 �e ��sp�rrs���� f�r ��� P . ��� e�rn I� e�� �hi�e �n �uty. �he ���r���r�ha�l ��� ��r-��� �r�� �� � Y �t�e ��ll���rrin� �o�r�i�i��� #� ��u�: �. �ailu�e �� c�rr��l��vi��r ��� re�u�ir���n�� a�rr� ����ri�i�r�� ����� �i�r�e� ���� ���v ��rvi�e��re�r�r�r�t. �. F����a���� �r����� #�a�gr��� �r��l��i�r�� �� �t�� ����ri�i�ns �� ��� ��1i��rr��� 11eF�i�l� ��d� ����� ����r��� �r �p�r���r�s�, �����a o�o��� Agenda Item 8.h. , Page 34 �■ � ������ �� ��� ���■fV ���������� ���I��� �� ������ ��II�� �� \ ����r�r� �� r����n� �� �a��� �nr���r�r� �I�� r��ui��� ��-r�nirr��� tir�� fr�rr��. �, �����r� �� �r�i�n���� �� �vr�r��r f�r pr��e�ty �����r� �r ��s� �rv��l� �r��er�or��r�l �f t�� ��er���r. �. F�i��re t� ������r� re���n���� ����r� �r�� �rde�l� ���r��� �a����i�i��. �. ��il�re �� ��#�mn al� ���vin� ���r��i�n� ir� �I�� �����t �rrd rr����e�c����t��u� �n�r�n�r r�a��r�a�l� ��������, 7. �a���rr� t� ���ur� t�a�# ��� �ornr �ri�r�rs �nrho re�p��� ta A��� tavrrs �r� a� ��a�# '�8 y�a�rs of �ge ar�d ir� po�se���on �f ���-rer�t ar�d �ro�r����� of I��n�� ar�� �rrdar��rr�����for t1�e ��v��d ��nd ��wir�� �r�����e, �. �ail�re to �r���r� �ha# ai� t�v�r driver� r�v�ro re���r�d ta ��F�� ���s �re v�r��ri�� �r� ���r��i�i�b�� �r�i���rr�, e,�. �t�irt� a�n� ��n�� �r �o�reral��, �������in� th� ��rn�an�r �rr� �ri�r�r ��rr�� v�rl���� �����ed ir� �������vs. �. ��il�r� �� ����r� ���� a��� ���nr �ri���s ��� r����n� �� ���� #av�r� �reser�t a p����s���r�a�l p�r�ona� a�pearan�' An �nac��ta��e p�r�or�al ���ea�r��e v�r�u�d �r����d�, �ut f� r��t ��r�n���� ��, �r�t�����d �r��cc��s��r��� c��rtylt�r� u��i��rm, 'I�. Far�lur� �o er���re #�at �II to�r dr��r�rs �ho re�p�r�� t� A�PD #�v�r� �r� v�►�arri�� �rppr��ria�t� v�ra�rr�ir�� ��rm�r���, �.�. �r����, j��k�t�, �#�irts �� r���o-r�fl��t��r� �lc��hirr�, f�� d���ight �r�d I���r� �� �a�kr���� i� a���rd�r��e �nr��� �a�����rni� �od� �� F���u I����n�, Ti�1� �, ��c�ti�rr 1���, a. If tt�� ���nr dri�r�r is �nr�r�c�n� �� a �ed�r�l-��� h��t����f t�e �r�v�� s��ll �or�np�� v�ri�l� ��� ��i��l�r��� �o�n�a�r��d irr ��� ��d�ral ��de �f F�e��l��i���, `T��e ��, H�ghw��, �hapt��` �, F����al Hi�hw�y ���n�n��tra�i�r�, ����rtrr��n� �f �r�����r-ta�i�n, Pa�# ��4, V11�rk�c 1l��i�ility �F�a�t re�����s �i��-vi�i�iiity ��r���a�� �r�#��ti�►� s�r��ty ������t�� �� �e �r�r�r� �t��� �n��ts th� ��rfor��n� ��a�� � or � re��iremer�t� of t�� A1���1l��A ��7-���4 ��omp��arr� ��te o� ���r��n��r��, �����. '�'�. F�i���e �� ��r��l� v�ri�� �I�� se��re ������e ���i���ner��� f�r �re�r���� �r�r����n�ed a����ri��r�r� ��r ���A�P�. '��. ��i��r� t� rn�ir����r� r�a�s�r�2�t��� ���ir���s ���ord� r�l��e� �� A�P� tovv�. ��. �r�g��ir�� in �r�e�l�i�l ���ir���� �ra��t��e�. F��rris�0�?l11 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 35 � ��. �'���ur� �� r��ir�#air� � ��rr�n� �ity ���rr��� ������ ���i���� li�n��. � ��. �����r� t� ���ti������ �r� �nd��r �:or�npl� v�ri�� tl�� ���� ��� t���r�r��i��e �#�����rn�rrt pr����r�. ��. ��r ��y re��on���y �u��tifi�ble c�us� as d�#�rmir��d by tl�� ��r�ef af�o���� �r I�isl��r de���ne�. I�, �I�����TI�J'V �� ��11V��F�1lI�E� A. The A��L� sha�� provi�� or �rr�n�e for �ot ���� #�a� �ne �r��u�l ir�spe�io� o� ��! �ov�r �r�h���es a�t no ��r��ge �o th� ��erator. �he �►��� ��� �o���� a�ddi���r�af in��e����s �vi�h��� r����� d�rir�� r����i ���i��s� h���. TI�� ��er�#�r �h�ll n�� �i��a���� � t�v�r �r��i�l� �� ��n A��� ir���i���d �al! t�a� I��� r��� ��n i�nspe�:#�d �r�� a�pr��r�d, �. Ir�spe�t�on o# tov�► v��ri�ie� �y the A��� rr�ay be wa��red vwr�en t�er� is doc�me�rt��i�� of �urr��� �k�P inspe�tion o� ��e �re�i��� ��o��d�d t�the��PD. �. ���r�g� �a�i�i#ie� ��r ��e �p�ra���r v�►ill �� ir�������d �� r���i�r�r� �� �r���,�� �o�n��iar��e v�ri�� �he ����i�:a�i� pr��r��i��� �� tl�� ����f�r�ni� 11��i�1� �od� a�d �h�� ��r�er�r��r��. � �y ������� ��� ������� A. 11Vhil� in�r���r�d �n ��F'� ��v�rir�� ���rati�r�� �r r�i���� �u��r�e��, �I�� ���ra���� �r����� �rrr�l����� �I��I� ���r��n �r�rx� a�rr� ��#� �� r�r���r����t ir��l���r��, t�t�� r��� I��i��d ��, ar�� �f t�� ���I�v�rir��: 'I, �c�d� �r�iscourt���� ��F��r�i�r. �. La���c �� ���rv�ce, ��I�ti�r� ��rvir..e, �r r��u���l �� �r��ri�� ��rv��e t�at�1�� o����tor ��Is��u�d �� ���rb�e �f�e�#��in�. �. �r����������c�ral I�a�r����n�r�� ������sa�l ��pr��r���y, �. l�r����e �ri�r�n� �����i�s. �. 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Revised 0210�1�1 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 38 ��. ����������� A, �r� �������r ��a�l r��� �i����� ��� �i�r� �r �r��a��� �� �r��r ��#�r�r�i��r��rr� �r�c�����rr� �� ��fi�i�� �r u�r���fi���l ���r���#��r� vrri�h t�� ����. �111. ��-F��lJ F�1A��`�����`���V'V� �. T�� �p����r ��ree� �� ��rti���at� ir� �f�e A��� �����I��h�� rr�l���l� ��a�#e�e�# �r��r��. 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The ���rator rir���t r��por�d to an �r��t�me�� tov�r r�q���t v�rithirr �4 1����. �J���� ����ia�� lir�ite� �����r�n�t�r���, �,�. �r� ���r�n��r�� �e�i��e �a���r�g � pc�f���� �a�ety h��a��, tl�e ��era��r r���� r����r�� �s �oon as �eason��f� ����i��e. ��ilur�e �o �orr�ply wi�f� t�i� r�e uir�rr�err� �� #�� 7�awir�g Pr��r�rn rr��� �e �or�sider+e�I � , � . �dequ�te gr��rr�d� �or r�emov�l �r+�rt� �1�e �w�r�� 1��� �ub�ec� �o ��e �ermir���ion pr+o�risior�� in ��ie T�w�er�ri�e�1gr�eemer�� �Cllll. �[VF��LL�IE�V�" �E1�1�� �. �T�e re�u���t f�r �r�p��al ��F�} ��� ���iod rrrr��t �� ��I� a�t ��a��� �nce a�r�r�u�a�l�. T�� F��P ���i�� �►�rill �e ��er� ��r �� 1�a�t �� �a��s a��� �#�� �a�� �� de��r�i��� �� ��� �t��e� �� ���i�e �r �i��her �e���n��. � B. A li�an�s �h�l! b� ���rer� � ��-da��v�rr�t�t�rr ���i�e ��tt�� �nn�a�� F���' �� - ��ri��. R��rise�i�2l02111 Agenda Item 8.h. Page 39 A�TA�H�l!�IVT � J�n��ry ��� ��� � �►��f�n T��ir�� 8� f�����r�ry � ��� �r��t� �o�d ��r� �ui� ��i���, �A ����'I l���r �ir�M��a�r�n: �r� J�r���ry ��, ��'I� th� Arr��� �r�r��� �i��r ���rr�il ���pt�� � r�s�lut��r� �ut��ri�in� tn� ��ty ���,���� �� ��,��� f�,t� �� ���i����� ������ ������ ������ ��� ������,��,t ��tn � t��r�r ���r�t�r {���r�t�r} t� �r�vi�� t��r�r ���-�ri�� ��r�F�� Ar���r� ���n�� P�li�� {�����r-r�er�t �A�PD�. ��r�p�titi�r� bi�� a�r� n��nr ��ir�g s�li�it�� fr�r� ���r�t�r� �nrillir�� �nd a�bl� t� ����I�r �nri�h th� ��rr�n� �f ��� t�v�r ��r��rr��nt �n� th� ��r���ti�n� �f t�� A�P� t��nrir�� �r�gr�r�n. ���i�� �� �h� ��'I� t��r�r ���r��r�n�n# �r�� t�� ��P� ���r�rin� ����r�r�n r���R��r��r��� a�r� �������� f�r }r��r inf�rrx�����n, ��� ��� ���r ������ur�. �r�� ���r�if���r�� �f��r��� fr��n t�� �r��l���� ��'I� p�l��� ���vi�� ���nr ��r���n�r�� i� t��t �I�� ��'I 'I ��li�� ��rv«� t��►�r a��r��r��r�t �►rri�I b� ��r � t�r��}���r t�rr�, T�� h��h�i�h�� �f t�� t��nrin� �r��r�r�n ��r������r�� �n�lud�, �ut a�r� n�t li��t�d t�: � ���� ��r�'r���i�i�� �nr'rtl� � ��-r��nu�� r�����n�� �ir�r��. � T�v►r ���vi�� ��te� ����p��� �r�d�r th� �����tit��� �id p�-���ss sh�li �p�l�r t� �rl �r�#�i�f�� ���v�� �t tf�� r�����t �f t�� ��P�# v�rh�t��r �r ��� a� ���i��rn�� Hi�f��nr�}� P��r�l ���IP} ��rr�r� ��� i� ��r�n�l����, in�lu��r�� �r�h����� t��nr�� �t �h� driv�r#����rvn��'� ������t Ef th� dri�r�r���nr��r ���� r��t �p���fi�all}r r�q�,��t th� ��r�tr��� ���r����-. � T�� r�t�� �u�rr���t�d ���II b� b���d up�n ��� t}rp� �f t��ving ��rv��� �r��ri���, �.�. li��r�# r����urr� �r I���vy-��ut�r. � �f a�r� ���� #��r �nd��r �t�r��� i�n�r�l�r�� a� �r�hi�l� �u����t t� �����a�l ���v �r�d��r �t�r��� r����, �,g, AAA �r � �ir�il�r ��rr���r�y r��u��t�� �� t�� �ri��r���nrn�r� t�� t�v�r �r�d��r �#�r��� r�t� ���I� r��t ��c���� th� r�#� ��ta�bl��l��� b� AAA �r � �i�nil�r ��rr���r��. 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I���#, �-r-��d�ur�r� �r h���r�-�u��, �I�a�t th� �p�ra�t�r ��n p���rid� v�ritl� �i����r �v�rr� ��r���n}�. 8���� u���� � r�vf��v �� �h� bid�, i� �na�y b� n������ry �� ��t�r�nir�� �n� ���i������1 ��ntr��t ���r�t�r f�r ligf�� �nd �m�diur�n d�t� ��v�r�r�� ��rvi�� ���f �n����r���i�r��#�� ��r�tr��� ���r�t�r f�� ����ry-��t}r t��nri�� ��rvi��, Th� t�r�� a�r�� ���d�t��r�� ��I�n��t�� ir� ��� ���� ���nr a��r��rr�ent �r�d t�� l-I�P� ���i�� pr��r�r�n r������rr��n�s �r� ��t�r��i��. 1��� �h��l� r��ri��r t��r�n ��r���lly b������ i� ��� a�r� ��v�rd�� th� ��c�lu�iu� ���tr��� �r�u� �rv��l b� r��p�r��i��� ��r r�r�r��inin� ir� ��r�n�li�n�� v�ri�� th�rr� c�urir�g �h� �n�ire ��r���n�nt. ��ilur� t� ��r�npl�r �nrith #h� t�r�� �r�c� ��nditi��� �� �r�� ti�m� r�n�� r��u�� in t�rr�nir�����n ����� ��r��r��t ��r�er��r�t. ��� ��PD �rill ��r��u�t r�����r# �r�� ��n��h�dt�l��, ir-�����ti�r�� �� �h� ��n�r��� ���r���r'� ���ilit�, ���i�r�n�r�t �nd ��r��r�r��l t� ���ur� ��r�pli��n�� �vit� th��� ���r�� �r�� ��r�di���r��. l��u �ma�y �u�rr��� �r��r bi� ir� �ny f�rrr��t ��u ���ir�� �.�. b���� u���n �� I��url�r r���; ���nr��r�r, r�r�r��r�rb�r th�t tl�� r���� ��t� �u�r�n�t ���t �� �I�-in����i�r� ����d �p��n �I�� t��� �f t�v�r��� ��nri�� �r��ri��d �r�� th�� y�u ���t p��r � �r����i�� ��� �� �����r����l� ���nr�� ��r�r�i�� � �HP F�rr�n 'i�� i� ��r�n�l����. �id� rr��r�� �� r�c�i�re�f a� �1�� Arroyo �r�r�d� Po1ic� D��ar�rr��n�� ��� Nor��r �fal�yor� Roaaf, �lrroyo �rar�af�� ��1i�orr�ia 9���� b� ���� P1V� or� �rid�y� J�r�uary �8, ����. I� y�u ���� �r��r �u��ti��r� �r ��n��rn� r���r�ir�� th� ��r�r����it��� bi�d�n� pr����� �r tl�� te�r�� a�r�� car�ditior�� �n #he to�r �gr�eme�t �r�d the A�PD to�nr��ng progr�m �-��uir�r�n��r��, �I���� ��nt��t r�� �# �������-�'I��. �i���r��y� ��hn 1lV. H���h ��i��� ���r��n��r Agenda Item 8.h. Page 41 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.h. Page 42 � ������ . � �� � u�C0��0��TE �� � - � � � �` .�`� '°. '�'� � IVI ElI��RA�V�l��IA �,�� ��� ��o� T�: �ITY ����V��L � ; FF���II� �TE11�1� A��II��, �ITY IVIA�1���� f ��l��E�T: ���1�I�ERAT1�1� �F ���N�II����`� �� ��LL.I�L.�F� ��1�V�� L���� A�F���l�I�N�� VIII1`�I �VE11V �lIV�1�LAF� VII�F�EL��� ����i �������� ��� ���� �����������I��! 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Page 1 ��� ������� ���1����F��1��1 �F �411�E�1D��1VT� T� ����L�f�4� T�VII�� L��1�E� � ��BF�VARY ��, 2�'�� PA�E � �r����r�r� �� i�����: V'Vh�n �I�� ��r��r�e�t� v�r�re ��ir�� e���ut��, i� �r�r�� d�t�rrnir��d tl��# ���r� v�r�� rnis���r��r�i��ti�r� b�t�ve�n �h� �ity �n� r�pr���nt�t���� �� ���r�r ��ng�r��r 1JVir�l��� r���rdi�� �I�� r���r�r t�rr�� �� ��� ar�r��r��r���. �� � r�����, ����� ���u�s ���� b�en r���l�r�d �nd ���ff i� r���r�r��ndir�� a���iti���� �rr�r��r ���ri���n� �� tF�� ��re�r�n�r���. �`�r� �r�l�r a�d��ti�r�a�l �i��n��� a�r� �h�� ��e #�rr�ni���i�r� �r�vi�i�r� �� �� ��n��r r��ipr���� ��� �p��ifi� r�nt ��ar�r�#�� lan��a��e �he� ���r� �-���es��� i� i���u��d. ��II ���rr�r I����� r��r�s�nt � �i�r�����nt r��r���,� ���r��. Tl��r�f�r�� it is irrrporta��t �or th� �ity to r�r�ew ����e a�d oth�r �eases a� �I���r r��c� t�r� ��d of �h�ir fir�t t�rr�. 1�lLTEF��V�ITIVE�: �I�� f�l��v�ri�g a�l��rna�ti�r� ���a��i�ns �►�r�r� i��ntifi�� ��r �or��i�����i�n: 1. �►�pr��re the r����rr�err��d a�r��n�r��n�� ����� l�����; �. �a r�ot �rp�ro�re the recamrr��nd�� �mer��r��nts ��d re�u��re tl�� ��ss�� �o r��in���n t�� ��ci�ti�� terrn� �r��rr-r�ina�� ��� �����; �, �ir��� ��a�ff�� n���tia�t� �n a��t�rr�a�� ���un�; �, �r��ri�� �t��f����r �ir���i�r�. A�11�1�T�4���: Tl�e ���or�r�n�n��� �r��r�d�n�n�� ���ure ��ct�n�i�n �� ����� le���� a�nd �nrill pr��i�� ��r r�v����� ��� �n a����ti�r��� �i�r� ��a�r�, v�rl�i�� �� �h� �a�r�n� tirr�� r���r��ai��n� ��rr�n� �or�sts��n� �n� ��r����i���r� �r�rit� �#I�er ��ci�tin� ��Ilular t��nr�r !e����. �������������i h�� dis���r�n���e� I���r� b��� i��n�ifi��, ��VIIIF��I�II�E�VTAL F��11��V1�: �V� �r���r�r�r��r�t�l re�ri��v i� re��ir�� f�r t�i� i��r� ��nc� tl��� �r� ��istir�� ����liti��. ���rir��r��r�t�l r��i��nr v�r�� ���n�l�t�� v�r��n ��� ����liti�� ��r� i�r����l�y ��pr��r��. ������ ���I�������� ��� ��������i T�r� ���n�� �nras ���t�� irr �r�n� �� ��ty �--I�II �n T�r�r�da��r, ���r��ry 'I�: ���'� �nd �n �I�� �ity'� �rr������� �r� �rid�� 'I�, ��11. I�� ��r�r��n�r�t� �rrr�r� r���i�r��. �t����rr��n��; �1, Fi��t Ar�n��r�r������ L�r�� ��a�s���r��r�n�����r '1��� A�h ��r��t �. Fir�t�r�n�ndr�er���� La�r�� L����A�r��r�ner��f�r ��� �e��rv�ir F���� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 2 �#TT���I�I��VT '� F�R�T A��I���III�NT �� LAI�� L�A�� ��f����ll�l�� T�'� F�F��T AiU�EN��III�NT T� �AND ��A�� �#����illl��1� �t��r�`rr����r r���r��� �� a�� �f�� ;`��r�t Arr���drr���#"� i� r�a�d� �r�� �r�#�r�� �r�t� #I�'r� � ��� �f , ����, by a�r�� b��vv��n �h� �it� �f�rr��� �r�r���, � r�n�rr�i�i��l ��r��r�tr�n f�r��d �r���r th� I�v�� �f t�� �#�t� �f ���if�rr�i� {"I��IV�L���"� �r�� �l�v�r �ing�la��- 1II�ir�l��� ���, LL�: � D�I��nr�r� lirr�it�d �i���l��� ��r��a���, h��ri�� � rr��i���� �����ss �f ���� �1tl���i� ��ul�v�r�, fV�r�����: �A ����� �s������E"}. 1NH�F��A�# �h� ��rti�� �r��er�� �n�� � ��r�d L���� ��r��r���n� ��t�d Ni��r ��, ���� �f��r�in�ft�r r�f�rr�� �� �� t�� "�g���rn�nt��}; �n� 1�VHEF��A�, �ur�u��t t� th� ��rr�n� �r�� ��n�i�E�rr� ��t ��rt� �� #h� ��r��rr��nt, LE���E I����d � p�r�i�n �� r��l pr���rt�r ��r��� �}r L�A�I�L�F�� I������ �t 'I�7'� ��� ��r���, Arr��r� �r�r���# �� ����'� .t� �����v �E��EE �� ir��t���, ���r�t� �r�d rr��i�#a�i� � t�l���r��m�ni��t��t�� �i�� a�n� r�la�t�� ���ur��r��n���; a�nd V11H��EA�, �ANDL��D �nd �E��EE r��v�r d��ir� t� ��-n�n� ��rt�ir� p�r�i�r�� �f �h� ��r��r���nt �� ��t��r�h in tf�i� Fir�t A��n�rr����. �V�1�V, �HE�E��F��f i� ����id�r��i�n �f tl�� rnu���l �r�rni��s �r�� ���r�r��r��� ��r���f��� ��r��r�, �r�� f�r ���d ��nd ��tu��l� ��n�i��r�ti�n, ��r� r���i�t �r�d suff��i�r��� �� �r�rhi��r i� ��r��� ���cr���vl��g�d, th� p�rti�s ��r���� ��r�� �s f�ll�v�r�; 1. T�i� F�r�t�►rr���n�rr��r�# �h�ll ����rr��� �ff��ti�r� �� �f 11��r�h '1, ���'I. �. ������n � ����� ��r��rr��n� i� I��r�b�r �r��n��� Fr� �t� �n#�r�t�r�� ���� �� f�����nr�: �T�rrrr, �'�i� L�a��� ��a�ll h��� � t�rr�n �� fi�� ��} ���rs ��r�r�r��n�ir�� �Ill�r�h �, ��'�� ��`��rr��en����r�� D���}'}. Thi� A�r��rr��nt ��r�ll �u��rr������ll�r �� ���rr��� f�r ���,� ��} ���i�����1 �i�r� ��} �r��r t�r�� �r�l��� �t�� L����� t�r�nir��#�� t�e L���� �� t�� �n� ��th� th�r� ��rr�n� t�rr�n �� ���ring �h� tl�� L����� �rvritt�r� n�ti�� �f ��� ir�t�r�t �� t�rrr����t� �t I�a��t ���c ��� �-r��r���� ��i�r t� th� �n� �f th� �l��rr ��rr�nt ��rr�r�. �. ���ti�n �{a�� ��tf�� A�r��rx��r�t �� h�reb�r �nr��n��� ir� i�� �r��ir��� �� f�1l��v�; ��r�t, �� fl,�l�r�l� 'I, ��11, �nd �n ��� fir�t ���r �� ���I� rr��r�tl� �t��r��fk��r# L����� �h�l� �a�� �� �AIVD��F�� T�nr� Th�u��n� �r�d I���'I�� ��I��r� �������.��� p�� rr��r�th ���r�r�t"�. F���n� ��r �n�r �r��#i���l r��r��� �t �h� b���n�ir�g �r �t th� �r�� �f �h�� T��rr� �r F��r���v�� ��rr�n �h�l! �� �r�r�t��. F��nt ���ll �� ���r��l� t� L�f��L�F�� �t �it� �� Arr��� ��r�n��� ��� �a��� E�r���� �tr��t, Arr��� �r�rt��, �A �����; �ttn; l��rr�ini��r�t��r� ��r�r��e� �i r��t�r, �. ����i�r� �{�� �f tl�� ��r�ee�er�� i� h�r��}� �r�����d ir� i�� �r��ir��� �� f�ll���: F��r�� �I��II be ir��r����d ��t��n��i��ll�r �r� ��� �ir�� ���r �� ��r�ry �i�� {�� ���r T��rnn r�n��r�r�i C��r �r� �r���r�t �q��l t� f�ft��r� ��r��nt {��°��} �f th� ����f�r��� pr��ri��� �r��r, Agenda Item 8.i. Page 3 �. ���#i�r� ��f} �ha�l� b� �d��� �� #h��gr��r��r�t �� ���I�v�r�; N1��ifi�a���r� �� ������'� ��I������n �� �a�� - ��r�� �u�r�n��e. h��t�nri�h�t�n�ir� L����e's � �i ' � • b gatior�� to ��y r��t �et fo�th �r��er t�e A�re�rr��n�, �or � �� rnontF� eriod , . . � ���m��n�ir�� �p��l 'I, ��'I� �nd e�din� �1a�r�� �'I, ��'�� ��,F��r�t ���r�r���� ��ri�d" , � r ■ i + ■ � �.es���s ��I������n �� ���r rer�# �s ���r�nt��� an� �u�� ��I�g����r� �nr�l� r��� b� �u�'��t �� . J ��f��� �r c�r�cel���r�n ��r L��s��, ���e�t a� �u� �� I��� f��rr� ���u�lty �r ��r�d�r�na�ti�r�. �V�tu�vi�l��t�ndir�� ��e ��r���i��, i��,����r��c�r�i��� a��� �� �.����r'� ri��t� t� ��rrni���� ��� ��r����r�t, i��ny, Le���� �nri�l b� r�l�a���� ����n a�� �naf a��l �� t�� �b�i���i�r�� �� ���r r�r�t ����n� ��� F��nt ��ar�nt�� ��ri�� �� �f tl�� �f����i�r� �1�t� ���I�e t�rrnin��i�n. f� �d�iti�r�� L�s��� �I���I �� r����s�� �r�r�n �n� a�n� �II �f i�� �b�i���i�r�� t� pa�y ��r�t �urir�� �I�� ��nt ���rant�� P�ri��1 i� �r�y �� tl�� f�l���v�r�� sh�ll ����,r: ��� L����r i� ir� br�a��� �f ��� �gr��r�n�nt: i���u�in� b�� r��t lir����� �� ar�� ��f�u�� �nd�r #h� t�rr-n� �# �t�� ��r��r��r�� b�y�r�d any �p�li�b�e �ra�� ar�d cure p�riod; �b} ti�er� is a for��lo�ure of t#�� F�roperty; {�� �I�� L����r �h�ll requir� ��ss�� t� �e����t� �������� ���i�rn�nt arn� f��i�i�i�� �� a� I��a�#i�� ���t i� n�� �����t��l� t� �.���e� ir� �t� �����r���l� b��i���s ����rn��t i� ar�l�v�r�� f�r i�n ��� Agr�er�en�; �r ��} a�n� ��cis�ir�g �����r�r�ner�� p�rrn��� �r�d��r ���r�va�l� �a�nr��t b� ��t�ir�e� �r �air�t�in��, at r�� ���tlt �� t�� L�����. rf ��is ��r��r�er�# i� �urt��r r����fi�� ir� �h� f�,��r� �vith �n ���i�a�ti�r� f�r L����� �� ��� a�dditi�na�l rer�t, th� ����n�r�t �� i��nt ���r�r���� ��t��li���� �r� ��i� ��r���a�h v�ril� rr�t h� �irr�ini�h�d �r lir�i���, b�� �u�t� F��r�t ���rr�n���vrri�l n�� ��cten� t� �ha�t�u�t�r� ��d�ti�r��l rer�� ���i��ti�r�. �. �e�ti�r� �� �� #I�� ��r��r�er�t is l��reb� �����ed �r� ��� �n�ir�l� �n� r�p����f v�ri�� the ���I��n►i��: �V�tic�s. �II n������, r�������, �1�rr��r��� �n� ��r�r-r��ni�a��i�r�� I��r��nd�r�nrill �� �iv�r� b�r first �I��� ��r�ifi�� �r re�i���r�� r��il, r���rr� ����ip� ��q��ste�, �r b� a� na��i���ll� r���gni�ed ov�rnight �u�r��r, po�ta�e p��pa�d, t� b� �#f��tive vrrh�r� pr�p�r�y ���t a�r�d r�c�i�r�d, r�f�s�� �r r�turn�� ���e�i�er�d. I������� �v�l� b� ������s�� #� �he ��rti�� a�� ��Il��nr�: A� #a Le���e: �1��v �ir�gul�r 111��r�1��� ���� LL� c1� �T�T I��tv�r�rk ��a�l ��t�t� �drr�ir�is�r��i�n ��I� �ite � 'I�'������, �ell �it� �V��ne 1lIV�'���' ���} ����d A���� IV�; '��'������ 'I���� �ir��ula�r VI���# ��i�� '���� A�pharett�, �A ����� Vl�ith � r�quir�d ����r t�: I���nt �ria ��r-t��ie� �r r��ist�r�d r�r��i�: 1Vev�r �i���I�rVllire���� �'��, LL� Attr�: A�B��` ��g�l Dep�rt�nent ��I� �it� ## 1�������, ��II �ite I��r�� llh��'I�7 {��� Fi��d ����� ��: 'I�'I����� �� �o� ��0�'� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 4 Redrr�or�d, 1J11� �8�7�-9��� �r �f��n��ri� n�ti��a��l�r r����r�i��� ��r�rr�i��t ���r��r; h���v �i����a�r V11ir�1��� ���, L�� . At#r�: ��`8�T L���f ��p�rtrr��n� ��I� �i�� � 'I�'I�����, ��I! �i�� �l��ne 111V�'��� {�A} Fi�ed As��t No: 1�1����8 ����1 N� 7��� Vllay . ��drr��n�, V11� �����-���� �� �o 1�����r: �ity �f�rr��� �r�r��� ��� E��t Br���h �tr�e� Arroyo ��an�e, �� �3��� II'Vi�� � r��ui��d ��p�t�; Tir���h� �1. ��r�n��� �ity�tt�r��� ��rr��� � I�a��a�F��, �LP 'I�'�� IV1�r�h ��r��t ��r� L�i� �bi���, �� ����'I �, Il�l�rn�ra�r��urx� �� Arr�e��r�n��� �� L����, �i�l�er p�rty vrr�ll# a�� a�n� tir�r�� ���r� fif#��n �'I�} ���� �ri�r�nrri#��r� rr�tic� �r�rr� th� �th�r, ��c��ut�� a���cn�v�r����� �r�� �el��r�r t� ��� ��h�r ar re��r�a�b�� ��rx��r�n�u�rr� �� Ar��r��rr��r�t �� L���� �u����n�i��l�r in �h� ��rrr� �f the Atta�hr�n�r�t 'I, �����r �arrty r���r re��r� thi� rr���������rr� a�# an� ��rr�e, ir� i�� �bs��ut� �i��r����n, �, ��c��pt a�� r�n��i�i�d h�r�ir�, �li t�rr�� �rrd ��ndi���n� ����� A�r��rn�nt �h�l� r��n�in irr ��II ��r�� �nd ��f��t. [�i���t�res o� rre�ct page� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 5 r�V 1N��NE�� 1�VH�R��F, LAN���F�� �nd ������ ��ve ��ce�ut�d th�� Fi��t A�n�r�dr�r�r�� �n �he da�� an� ���rfir�� s�t f�rth ���v�, �IT1f �F 1��F��1�� C�A��E I�EVI� ��IV��lLA� 1N��E�E�� P�� ��� � � ���a��r�r�r� li�nnit�d �i��ility ��r���n�r ��• ,., .. - , �.w ��E�I��V AC�AM�, ���y 1V�a��g�r Prir�� �Var��; ATTE��: I��: ��II�V'V��r��r�, �ity �ler� A��R�V�� �� T� ��I�N� A�VD L��A� E����T: T I N��T�1� �1. ��F��11 E L, �i�y��t�rn�� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 6 ATT�#�H IVI E�� � �I���` �1�III��V D Il�lr E NT �� L�1��f� L��#�� ��F���IVI E�1T ���� ��F��� �1Nf�IV�IUIEIVT T� �.�IVD LE�4�� A�F�E��IIEhl�` �h�r�i��ft�r ��f��r��l �� �� tF�� ;`F��-�t Ar���n�r��nt"� �� r��d� �n� �r�ter�� ��#� tl��� � ���r �f , ��1'�# � ■ � �r�� ���vv��� th� ��t� ����r��r� �r�nd�, � r��r�i�i��l ��r��r��E�n f�rrr��� �rr���r th� ���r� �f tF�� �t�t� �f ��If���n�� �"LA�V�L���"� �r�� [V�v�r �ir���l�r 111�ir����� ���, LL�, � D���v�r�r� iir7r��t�� �i���lf��r �����r��r, ��vr�� � r��i���� �d����� �f ���� �tl�n�E� ��url�v���, ��r�r���, �A �����I ��iLE���E"�. 11V1-����A�, t�� �a��ti�� �r�t��-e� ���� � ��nd L���� A�r����nt �a���� ���t�r�r�b�� ��, ���� ���r�in���r r�f�rr�� �� �� t�e "��r��rx��r�t"�; a�n� V11FI�F���4�, ��r���r�t t� t�� t�r�n� �r�d ��n��ti��� ��t f�rtl� ir� �h� A�r��r��nt, �E���E I����d � ��r�i�r� �f r��l �r���rt}� ��nr��� ��r LAND���� I��a���� �t ��� F����rv��r F����, Arr��� ��-�r�d�, �A ����'I t� �Il��r�r �E��EE �� ir����l�, ���r��� ��d r���n��i� � ��I���r�r�n�r����ti�rr� ���� �r�� r���t�� ����rrt�r��n��s� �n� VI��IE�E��, LANDL���] �nd ������ r���nr d��ir� t� ���n� ��rk�in p��i�n� �� ��r� ���-��r�r��r�� �� ��t��rt� �r� tF�i� �ir�t �r��r�d�m�n�. IV�1111, T��F��F��E, ir� ��r��i��r�#��n �f th� �ut�a�l p�r�rr�i��s �r�� ��v�n�nt� ��r�t��r��� h�r�in# �n� f�r ���� ��d �ra���a��l� ��rrs�d�r��i�n, ��� r���i�� �r�d ���i���n�y �f v�r�r�l� �� f��r��� ��I�r���r�rl�d���, #f�� ���'r�� h�r�b�r ��r�� a��f�����nr�: �. T��� Fir�t �-Ir-���r�dr�n�r�� ���II b���rr�� �ff���i�r� �� �f Nf�r�h �, ��� �1, �. ���ti�n � �f�h� ��r��r�n�r�t i� ��r��� �r�n����� �r� it� �n��r�t}� �� r��� �� f�����nr�: ��r�-r�. Thi� L���� �F���� h��r� � terr-r� �f fi�r� {�� �r��r� ��r�nr����ir�� N1�r�� 'I, ��'I'i �"��rx�rr��n��r�n�n� ��t�"}, Tl�i� ��r��r��r-�� �h�ll �ut�rr�a���a�ll� �� ���ct�nd�d ��r f��r ��� ��dE���r��l f��r� ��� y��r t�r�� unl��� tk�� LE��E� ��rrr������� t�� L���� a�# ��� ��� �f��� tl��n ��rr�r�t ��r� k�� �iving th� L����F� �rvritt�n r���i�� ��t�� in���t t� t�r�nin�t� �� I���# �i� ��} rr����h� ��i�r t� tl�� �nd ����r� ���r� �urr�r��t�rr�. �. ���t��r� �{�� ���h� A�r��r��n� i� �r�r��y �r�er���� in i#� �r�tir��� ���f�����nr�: F��r�t. �r� Il�a�r�� �, ��'�'�, �r�d �rr th� fir�� d�� �� ���h rr��r��h t#��r��ft�r, L����E �h�ll a� t� LANDL��� Tv�r� T�����nd �r�� �V����� ���I�r� {��,���.��� ��r rr��r�t� �"r��t"�. I� Y ��r�t ��r �n�r �r��t��r��l r�r��r�t[� �t �h� b��i�r�ir�� �r �t th� �nd �� t�� ���r-r-r �r F���n��nr�l ���� �I��II b� pr��a�t��. F��r�t �h��� h� ���a��l� t� L��V�L�F�D �� ��t� �� Arr��� �r�r���, ��� ���� �r�n�h �tr�et, Arr��� �r�n��# �� �����# Attr�: A�r�ir�i�tra�#i�r� ��rvi��� D i r��t�r. �. ����i�r� ���� �f�h� A�r��r�n�n� 'r� 1��r��� a�rr��n��� ir� i�� ��tir�#� �� f��l�v�r�; Agenda Item 8.i. Page 7 F��n� sl��l� �� i��r����� ����r���i��l� �n �h� fir�� �� �� �v� fi�r� � �ar �errx� Y �Y � � Y � r�r��v�r�� b� �r� a����nt ���al �� �i���n ��r��r�� �'I��1�� ��#�� r�r�t��r#h� r�vi��� �a�r, � Y �, ����i�n ��#} ���II �� �a���d �� th���r��r��r�t �� f�ll��nrs: Il����fi�ati�n �f L�����"s �bli�a����� t� P�� -� F��r�t ���r�r����, fV��vitl������in �.�����'� , , � o�l��a��on� �o pay ��n� ��� forth ur�d�r tl�� A�reern�r�t� far � 9� mon�� ���ad ■ ■ ; � c�mm�r����� A�r�� '�� ���� a�� en��r�g Mar�h ��, ��19 ��lRen� �u�rant�� �er�od"}, L������� ��li�ati�n �� p�y re�t i� ��a�r�r����� a�r�d ��r�h �bli��t��n v�rill ��� be ��b'�c;t t� . � �ff��� �r ��r��;el�a����n ��r L������ ��cce�� �� d�� #� ���� �r�rn ���u�alty �r ��r���rr�r�a�ti��. I��t�rvi�h�t�ndir�� th� ������ir��, �� ��s��r���r�r��� a��� �� L����r'� ri�l�t� �� �err�r�ir�a�� ��� ��r�e��n�, i��r��, �.����� �vi�l b� r�l����� ���rn �r�y �r�� a�l �� �t� �b�i���i�r�s �� ��� r��� �f�rir�� ��� F���t ���r�nt�� ��ri�� a�� ��tl�e �f����i�r� ���� �f�h� t�rrr�ina����r�. I� ���iti�n, L��s�� ���fl b� r������� fr�rr� �n�r �r�� all �f i�� ��li��ti�n� t� p�� ��rrt ��rin� �I�� F��r�� ��,�ra�r���e ��ri�d i� a�r�� �f �h� ��I���rrrir�� �h��l ���ur: ��} Le���r i� in �r�a��� �� ��� ��r��r�n�n�, irr��u��ir�� b�� n�t lir�n�t�� �� a�n� ��f�u�t und�r tl�e t�rr�s �� ��� ��r���n��� b����d a�n� ���li���l� �r��� �r�� �ur� ��ri��; ��� t��r� i� � ��re����ur� ���i�� Pr��erty; ��� th� �����r �hall r��uire ������ �� r�����te ����e�'� ���ri�rr��nt �r�� f��ili�i�� t� a� I���ti�r� #l��� i� n�� ���e�t��l� t� ������ in ��� �-����r���l� �u�i��ss ���gr���t if ��I�v�re� f�r in �h� Agr��r�er��; �r ��} �r�� ��i�tir�g ���r�rr�r���� ��rr�r���� ��d��r ��pr�va�ls �a�nr��t b� �b��ir��� �r rx�a�ir��a�r�e�, a�t r�� f��lt �� �h� L�s���. r� �hi� A�r��r��r�r�t is ��rt��r r��difi�d i� th� ��,��r� �vith �r� ���i�a�ti�n f�r L����� t� �a�� addi�i�n�l r�nt, th� ���rner�� �� F��nt ���r�r��ee ��t��li���� ir� �I��� }��r��r�pl� v�rill n�# �� dirnini�h�d �r lir�ni��d, ��� ���� F�ent �uarant�� v�rill r��t ���r�� t� t��t f���r� �d�i�i���� r�n� ��li��rti�r�. �, �e�ti��n 'I� �f �i�� ��r��r�n�r�� i� h����� d�l�t�� ir� i�� ��tir�l� �r�� r��l�r�ed �vitl� tl�� f�ll��vin�; �V����e�. AII ��ti��� r��u��t�� der��r��s ��d ��rr�rr��r�icati�ns ��r�ur�d���rrrill �� �i�r�r� ��r fir�� �la��� c�rt�fi�d �r r��i��er�� r�a�il, r��urr� r�r..���t r�qu���t��, �r �� a �na�ti�nar�l� r����r�i��d ��r�rr�i��t ��uri�r, ��s�a��� �r���i�, t� �� eff���i�� �I���n �r���rl� s�r�# �r�� r��ei���, r�����d �r r���r��� u�rr��li�r�r��. �V�ti��� �vill �� �ddr����� t� t�� ��rt�e� a� f��I�v�r�: A� to Le��e�: �l�v�r �irr����r V11ir�1��� ���, LL� �:1���B�T IV�tvrr��� ���1 E��ar��l��rnir�i���-a�i�r� �e�l ��t� #� 'I�1�����, ��II �i�e [��r��111'V���� ��A� Fi�c�� A��et �1�: 'I�'I��3�� 1���� ��r����ar V11�y, �ui�e 1��� Al�h�r�tt�, �A ����� Vlli�� a� r�q��re� ����t�; �f s�n��ri� r��rti��� �r r��i�t�r�d r��il; �f�v�r ��rrg���r V11ir�l�ss ���� L�.� �ttn: ��B�T L����I D�p�rtr�n��t ��II �it� # 'I�'I�����, ��I� �i#� �V��rr�1IlV�'I�� ��A� �i���i ����t N�: 'I�1����� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 8 �'� Bo�c �7��� R�d�on�, V11A 98���-���� �r �f��n� �ri� n��i�r�all�r r����r�i�e� ��r�rni��� ���rrie�r; �V��v �ir��ul�r�11Vir�r��� F���� i�L� Attn; A��� L���I �e���tr��n� ��il �it� # 'I�������, ���I �i�� I�a�rr�� 111��1�� ���} �i�e� A�s�t �V�: 'I�1����8 ����� N E ���� V11�y F���rr��nd, VIIA �����-���� A� t� L�ss�r: �i#y ��Ar�oyo �r��de ��� Ea�t �r�n�� �tre�t Ar�oyo �rar�de, �A ��4�0 Vl�i�h � ����ire� ��p���; Tir����� �J. �ar��l, �ity�t��r��� ��rr��1 � �Va���as�a, LLP ��1� N�arsh �tr��t ��r� �ui� ��i�p�, �A 3���'I �. M�r�n�ra����r� �� �r��r��r�n�n� t� Le���, Ei���r �a�rty v�rill, �r# �n� ��r�e ���n fift��r� �1�� �a�� pr��r v�rri�t�n r��ti� �r�r� �h� �th�r, ��c��ute, a��cr��v�rl�d�� a�nd ��li�r�� t� tl�� �#I��r� r���r���l� �er�n�r��d�rr� �� �rn�r��r�er�� �� L�a��� s�bs��rr��i�lly i� �h� ��rr-r-� �� �f�� Att��hrr��nt 'I, ��tl��r ���ty r��r� r���rd ��i� r�nerr��r�n�ur� �t a��� ti��, �n i�� ��s�lut� c����retio�. �, ��c.�p� �� r�n�����d h�r��r�, �II terrn� a�n� ��r�d�ti�r�s ���h� Agr��rn�r����ra�ll ��r�nai� i� �u�l ��r�e �n� ��f��t. [�i�r��tur�� �n n�xt ��rg�� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 9 ��V 1N�T�lE�� VIIHEF����, �.�ll������ �r�� ������ �a��r� ��c��u��� ��i� Fi��� A�n���r��r�� �n t�� ���r �nd �r��r fir�� �����rth a�����. �r�r �� �����r� �r���� r��v� �iru���� v�,���.��� ���, ��� A ����vrr�r� lirr�it�d �ia�bility ��r�n��n� ��r: ���ll�� A�All�l�, �ity N1�n���r �rint �f�r��: �►TT��T: It�: ��I ly V1J���rn�r�� �i ty �I�r�C APP#��V�D A� T� ����IA AN� L��AL. �F����: TI IIJ1�T1--�1� �, ��F��IJ�E�, �ity�tt�rn�� Agenda Item 8.i. Page 10 � ������ � �� � IN�OAPDRATED �� � - � f.? � � .,�� ��, ���� ,� II�I��I��J�l�V�l�� ��� ��� ►��� ��: ���r �����r�������������������� ����� �� ������r��� ����n: ���v�r� ����n�, ���r�r nn�����r�������r��r� �������� .. �������i ������������ �� ����� ��� ��I���������� ���������� VI�IT� 11��#I�IJ�L ���F��LLA ��F� �I�1�'� ���T�I�JR.�N� ��J�`���F� �I�V I IV� AF��A DA��: �EBRUA�Y ��, ��'�'I RE����I�IENDATI��i: It �� r���rr���n��� th� ��ty �����il���d��r�l��r���� A���r�� ��a�rd �� �ir��t�rs; 1� ���r��r� a�n� aru�l��r��� �h� Illl���r�� ��c��ut� a I���� ��reern�nt �n►itf� Illl�r���l ���r�l�a� f�r u�� �� �ity ri��rt-��v�ra�� ��r �n ������r dir��n� �r�a�; �} a�����r� a�n� a��th�ri�� the �ity �Ilan���r t� ��ce���� a� r�ir������rn��t ��r�er��nt f�r��c��n��� r�l�t�� t� ��n�tr�c;ti�n �� �I�� ���d��r ���i� ir�npr��rernent�� �� �u�tl���i�� tl�� �ity ��t�rr��� an� �ity Ill��r�ag�r t� r�r�k� �ir��r r�n���f�c�a�ti�r�� �� n���s�a�ry; �r�� �} r��r��ra�r�n up �� ������ in F��d��r����rr��n� Ag�r��� ��nd� f�r ��c��ns�� r�la��� �� puhii� irr�p����rnent� �s�������� �v��h �h� p�ti� ir�n�r��r�r�ents. FI�1�N�1�� I����T: �Jn��r #I�e ��r�� �f ��� I�a��, ��� �ity �rrr�l� r���iv� �'f,1�� in �r�r���l r��r�r��� ��t�r th� fir�t ���r. T�e r���r���n��t��r�s vrri�l r�sul� ir� a�r� initi�l ��s� �� th� F��d��r�l�p�ner�� �ger��� �� ��,���. T��r� i� �urr�r�tl� ��,��� in I�����r�l�pr��r�t ������ f���� a���r��ri���� ��r the �r��n ��rri��r pr��e��. It i� re��rr���r�d�d �� t� ��,��� b� r�a��l�����d fr�rr� t���e f�n�� f�r th�� i��r�r�. �`h�r����r�, n� �r������r��l ���r��ri����� i� n�c����ry, �A�!��F���[V�: �� F��ru�ary ��, ��'I� tf�� �ity ��u���il ap�r��r�� � P����r��� �r�d �a�l� �n� I�n�r�v�rr�e�� ��r���n�n� ��r ��� ����s �t ���rt �tr��t �r�je�t �n� �u�������ntl�r ar��r��r�d r�ni��r r�n�clifi�����n� t� ��e ��r��r��rrt. As �arrt �f �h� a����r��r��, �I�� ��ty i� �u�rrc��rr� ���stru��i�r� �� ir�pr��rerr��r��s �r� �h�r� �tre�t �r�d ��Id ri�l��-��-�nr�� ��j���rrt �� ���r# ��re�t �� �r�v��� �n ���d��r ��nin� �r�� �s ��rt ����� r���r�r pr�����. T�� �r�j�c�t i� d����n�� �� �r��an�� ��� ������r��r� �r��n�a����r� �r�� b���n�s� ��#i�rity �n ���� cen�r�� ���a�l ��ir�� ��t�� llil����. , Agenda Item 8.j. Page 1 �IT1f ���.l��lL ���I���ERA����V �F L�A�E �#1V� F�EI�i��F��EI�I�I�T ACF�E�II�EhiT� V�IIT� �1�1�41V�J E� E�Ti�E�LA ��F� �I h1Jal'� F�E�T�I�J#�A�VT �lJTD��I� ���11 N� A��� F�B��lARY ��, ��'1'I PA�E � Th� �r�j��� �r����t �ri�inall� �n��u��e� �I���r� �f��� ��r��# ar�� ��n�tr��ti�� �� a� ��a��a� �r�� �vith �u�d��r r��t�ur�r�� ��r�ir�� �� b��h �id�s. 111�h�1� t�� pl��a� v�ras �li�ina�t�� �r�rr� ��� plan du� �� ��r����n� ����-����d �� 11iIC��� bu�ir����es r���r��n� �I��ur� �� ���rt �tre�t, �i�������ns h��r� ��n�ir���d �vit� ��r��'� F���t��ra��t r���r�in� ��� ad�i�i�r� �f �n �u�d��� din�r�g ��e� �n �h� v�r�st �i�� �� ���r-t �tre��. �r������ a�gr��r���t� �av� b��r� r������a�t�d �nd �r� n��r�r pre������ �� �h� �ity ��un�il ��r �������r��i�r�. �#�IALY�I� �� I��l���: �taff belie�r�� �ha� �r��ri�ir�� ��t���r dinin� �r� b�th �i�es �� ���rt �tr����rrr�ll a���rr�pli�� tl�� �ri�ir��l ���I �� � ���n�r�r�i� �nd �pp��li�� ������r��r� �r�� ��� in��e�s�� �ttr�����n t� p�ter��i�l 1li�l��� ���t�r�ner�, ��f��i�n� ri��t-��-�rrra� i� ��r�il�bl� �r� tF�� v�r��t ��d� ������t �tr��t t� pr��ri�� �� ������r c�inin� ar�� f�r �ir��'� F����a�r�r�t. �� � r��ul#, st�f� h�� r���������d �nr� is r���r�r�e��ir�� arp�r�var� �f� le��� ��r��r���t v�r��h Il��r���l �str�ll�: �v�r�e� ��tl�e �i��'� F��st�ur�r�� ��sin�s�, ��r #�r� ri�ht���v�r�y r����ssa�ry ��r �h� ��t���r dinir�� p����, ���r��rar� �� � r�ir�nb�r��rr��nt ��r��r�er�� �� �Is� ����r�nr���d�� ��r ���t� �����i���d �nri�h th� ir�r�r��r�rr���ts. �h� I���� i� b���d �n t�� ��rr�� ���r�is�� �r���e us�� �� ����rr�nin� t�� ���� ��r � �cqui�iti�r� �f ��� p��li� ri�h�-�f-�nra��r b� �1�T ��rnrn�r�i�l �n th� ea�s� �i�� �f th� s�r��t. An ar���a�l �r�f�t r�a�r�in �f���� i� th�r� u��d �� ���err�nin� ��� �nr��al �-er��. ��i� r�s�l#s ir� � r��n���� r��t �f�9� ��r r�u��l}� ��� ����r� �e��. I� i� al�� r���r�r�n�nd�c� t� vr����r� r�nt f�r th� fi��t 'I�-r�n�n�l� ���i�� ir� r����r�i�i�r� �f th� ir�p��t �f�k�� �h�r# ��r��� ������������ ���i�ri�y �� tl�� e�ci��ir�g �-��t��r�r�� �u�sin��s, Th� ����� �nri�l r���ri�t �s� f�r ��td��r �ini��, It �� pr�p��ed �� b� a fi�r�-���r ��r��rr��r�t v�ri�h tw� fiv� �e�r��ti�r�� t� �oi��i�� v�ri�l� tl�� t�r�� ��th� ��ci�tir�� �e��� �f��� re�t��ra�n�. T�� ���al �o�� �f irr��r�v�rr����� �� �s��r��t�d t� b� ���r��i����l� ���,���. �ir��� �he �r����t v�rill �r�k��r�� ��� ��������a�r� �r��# ��II in�l�,d� �id��rv�l�c i�mp���r�r�n�r���, and v�ril� �err��i� �h� ��era�ll �ri#�li�y �f �l�� 1li�l��e, i� i� r���r�r��r�d�� tl��� #h� F���e�r�l��r��r�t ���n�� fur��i ��,��� �f ����� ��st�, �F�i� v�rill �el� t� r-r����C� t�� ��r�ra�l� ir�np��uern�r��� ��a��i�l�, v�rhi�l� i� ir���rt�n� �� ���r��r� at �I��� �ir�n� in ����� �� �����ir��t� v�ri�� t�� �r���in� ��r������t��n. TI�� �r���s�d ���i� pr�j��t v�r�� r��r��v�re� ��r t�� �r��it����r�l F���r�e�r ��r�r�nitt�� �t th�ir F�brc��ry �, ��'1�i r����in�. � Pl�t Pl�n r��ri��r�r �r�� t��n ���r��r�� b� th� �I�nnin� ��r�nr�ni��i�� a�t tl��ir ��br�a�ry 'I�, ��11 rn���in�, Tl�e ����r��� ��ti� is ��� s��a�r� f��� a��d v�r�ll b� I��ated irr a�r� ��i�ti�g la��nd�c�rp�� �r�a� al�n� ���rt �tre�t. E� �r�rill ����i�� �f d���rati�r� ir�r� f�r����g �I�r�g the ��r�rr��t�r �f tl�e �ati� �I�r�g �nrith � ����ra��i�r� ir�n ��t� �� �I�� r��rth �r�d �� �h� pa�ti�, �Il���ri�l� �v�l� ��rnple��r�t ����tin� r��t�ri�l� ���d t�r�u�����t �h� ll�lla��� ����. �r� �r��r t� ����s� �h� in��ri�� �f ��n�'� �r�� tl�� ���i�, a�r� �xis�ir�� ���r is �i�u�t�c� �� ��e s�u�l�v�r�s� ��rr�er �� tl�� �ati�. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 �i� ������� ����I�]��ATI��f �� L�A�� A�1� F�EIIIII�I�F��EAII�I�T ��F���N�E�T� VII�TH N���iLJEL ���F�ELLA F�F� CIIVA'� ���fiAL�RANT �llT���I� ��N��� �4F��A FEBF��JAI�Y ��, ��'I'� PA�� � Pr�p���d pla��� �n�l�d�� r�r�n��r�l �� �rre �f ��� r��n�ir�i�� li�ui�a�r�n�a�r #r��� �n �h�r� �tr���, TI�� Pl�nnir�� ��r�r�i��i�n ��r���ti�ne� th� �r����� �� r��ri�� tl�e ��ti� �I�r� t� ��v� �I�� �r�e �nrhi�� �pp��r� t� �� fe��i�l�. Fina�l la�r�d�����r��, �r�r� v�r�r�c d���r�ti�r� f�r��ir��, �i�n�g�, �at�ri��� �r�� ���rir�� ��fi�r �nd r�r�terial� rr�rill �� b��k t� AF�� �r��r �� ��n�tr������n. 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ADVAh��A�E�: �p�r��ra�� �f �I���� �gr����nt� �nri11 �r��ri�e ��r ��n�r��rer�er�t� �h�� vrr��l ��rr������ tl�� fir�a�� e�r�a�nc�r��r��� r���s�ary #� ha��r� �r� �r�� d�r��n���� �� ��td��r di�r�n� �n� ���es�t�i�n �cti�rity. ��r�pl����r� �� th� ir��r��r�r��r��� �� �hi� tir��rr� �r�►ill r�du�� ��st� �nd in����reni�nce b� �����inarti�� �vi�h �ng�ir�� r�on�tru�ti�r�. �i�A[�11�IVT����: Th� �nl� �i�a�d�r�n�a��e i� ��� ir�i�i�l ��c��ndi�ur� �� ��d��r����rr��r�� A�en��r fur���, ��v�r�v�r, ���r�r�u� f��rx� �I�� ���s� v�ri�l u�tir�n�t�l� ��cc��d �h� ir�i�i�l ��p������r�, E�VIII���V11A�N�A�. RE111EV11: . �`h� ���j��� i� �a����ric�ll� ��c��npt �r�r-� �E�A ��rsu�r�t �� ���t��r� 'I���'����, �`I�� �V��i�� �f ����rrni��ti�� i� at���h��. �IJ�L�� IV�TIF���TI�[V AIVD ���II�IE�T'�: TI�� a�g���� �v�� ������ ir� fr�r�� �f ��ty H�II �n Tl��r���y, F��r�a�ry, '1�'# ��1'I ar�d �r� ��� �ity'� �r�bsite �� �rid��, F��rua�ry 'I�, ��'I'I, Agenda Item 8.j. 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ADVA�VTA���: Th� �r�j��� ��� ���r� ��������. ���r��rin� F�r���a�rr� �u�p��rr��r�t IV�. ��9-�! t� Adr�ir�����rir�� A��n�}����at� Agr��r��n� f�r F���r�l-�i� F�r�j���� [V�. �������F� �nrill a����vrr th� �ity t� r��u��t r�ir�bu�r��r�n�r�t��r����n�itu�r�� #� t�� p������. ����1�111�I�T����: T���� �r� rr� p�r��i�r�d di��dv�r�t����. �N1II��N��NT�L ���II�11V# T�� �r�j��� i� �a�t���ri��ll� ���r��t ���r� ��C�A ��r���r�� �� ����i�r� 'I���'�{� 8� f}. PIJ��I� �1�T�FI�ATI�IV �I�� ��II�N�E�1T�: T�� �►��n�1� ��� p��t�� ir� fr�r�t �� �it� H�I� �n T�r�r�d�y, F��r��ry '��� ��'!'I. Th� ���r�d� a�r�d r���rt �nr�r� p��t�� �r� �I�� �it}�'� v�r�b���� �r� �rid�}�, ��bru�ry '��, ��'��1. �1� p��l�� ��rr�n��nt� v�rere r��ei�ed. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 2 F�E��l.IJT��IV �1�. A F�E��L�T���1 �F �H� ��TY ��lJ�l���. �� �H� �I`�`l� C]F ��#��Y� �F��#�iD� J���F��lllhf� ����F��IIII ��.1��L�IIII��T IV�. ��3�IV T'� �����I����I�� ������������ ��������� ��i �������� ��� TH� ��LJTH E�I�I �h1� A�H ��I��E1� �I��1�VAL�C A�� BI�Y��� �N�F'��11�M�N�` �F��,1E�1' � V11�IEF��A�, ��r� �i�y �r�d th� �tate �a�v� e�t�r�� �r�#o Adm�r�isterir�g A��r�cy-�tate ��r��r�n�n���r F�d�ra�l Ar� F�n��d ���j���s N�. �������F�; �r�� 1lII�I��EA�, F�r��ra�rr� ��p�l�r��rrt IV�. ���-N �� ��� �dr�n�ni���ri�� Ag�r���-��a�t� ���r���n�r�� f�r ����r�� Aid ���d�� �r����t fV�. ��-����� ���igrr�t�� �F�� �t��� �un�� r�������� a�r�d t�� r��t�t�f�� ��r��s �� �� �r��rid�� �� �I�� �it}� �� �rr��� �ra��� f�r ��� ����h Elrr� �r�� A�h ��r��t �id��nr�l�c �n� �i���l� I�rr���u�r��r�t Pr�j��t; �rn� V'V�I�F�E�►�, ��� �it}� ��Ar�-��� �ra�r��� i� �I��i�r� �� r���i�r� �t��� #�r���. IV�1�V� TH�F��F�F��, �� IT F�����.11EC�, #[��t ��� �i��r ��ur��i� �f ��� �i�� �� �rr��r� �r�r�d� I��r�b�: � 'I. Appr�v�� ��chib�� � a�t������t �ntitl��l `��r��ra�rrr �up�l�r�n�r�� A�r��r�n�n� ��. ���-�1, t� �dr�ir�����rir�� Ag�r���-����� ��r���m�r����r F�d�ra�! Aid �r�j��t� I��. ��-�'I 9�F�", �. A�����t� ��� N1�y�r �� th� ��fi�ia�r r��r���nta�ti�r� ��t��r���� t� �ig� �I�� �r��r�r� ����I�rx��r����r��rx��r��. . �� rr������ �� ���,r���l N1�r�b�r , ����r�d�d b� ���r��il I��r���r , �n� �r-� ��� f��l��nrin� r�ll �a�l� �r�t�� t� �it: Al���: N���: �B��NT: the fore�o�r�� R��olut�o� �nr�� p��se� �r�d �do�t�� �his �ay of ���1�. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 3 ���������� ��. ���� � ���� �������� �� 1 �� ������; ����� �������� �.i��1 ����� �������� �� �� �������. ������ ����� �I�� ������� I"�������� �� �� 1 ���■ ������� �■ ������� �I� �������� Agenda Item 8.k. 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Page 5 ��������'���� ���������� ����������������� ���������1f G����� �� ������� '�. Any ���te ��d �ed�r�� f�n�s ��at ma t�a�re b���� �r� • . , + }r �ur�b�r�� f�r tl�r� prc����� a�r� ��r�i���l� ��� ����c�r��rr���� ��r ��r�r�i��d ��ri��� �� t�r��. ��r ���� fur�d �r��u��ra�r��� ��� �irx�Ft�� ��r��� �� �rc�r� �h� �t�rt �� �h� ����� �r��r �i��� �I�� �����f�� ��r�d v�r�� � r� r'ra��c� �R � �it�ir� ��r� �t�te ��dg�t A�t to ��� �pplic���e fur�� ���ersior� �ate s�o��n on �I�� ��a#e �p�r��r�d �r����t �in���� lett��, P�r ���r�rr�rr��nt ��de ���t��r� 'I����, �II �r�'��t �und� r��t ' ' ' ' � I�q���at�d wi���n the�� �eri�ds wi�� revert �n�es� �n ��c�c�t�d �ao �r��ive V1�o�k � A�r��rr���� ��c�����n� t���e ��t�� �� r�q�r��ted �� ��� �D�11�VI�TEF�f�I� A�EI��1� �r�� ��pr��r�� ��r t�� ��I���rr�ia� ���a�rtr�n��nt �f F�r�����. ��i111��VI�T����V� ���N�� ������ �r��ur� ���t ir�v�i��� �r� ��brr������ �� tl�� ���tri�t ���a�� �������r�c� �������r �� ��a��� �� ���� �ri��r �� �t-�� ���li��bl� f�r�� l���r�r�i�r� ���� t� ��r�i� th� I���� �� ����i����� fun��� �ur���n� t� � �ir��ti�� �r�r�n �#�� ����� ��r-�tr�l���-�� ��c� �r�d t�e ��p��tm�r�t o� �ir��n��; �r� �rd��- �ar p�yment to b� ��de, th� ���t d��e t�� D���ri�� L���� ������ar��� Er�g�r���� ��r� f�rv�r�r� �� i�n�r�i�� ��r �a��rr���� t� ��� D�partrr��nt'� �o�f Pro�ra�s Accour�t�r�� �f��� for r�frr�b�r��b�e �nrork �or �ur�ds t�a� a�r� ��ir�� �� r��r�r# a�# �F�� e�d �� a �a�rti��i�r fi���l ���r i� �1�1�� ��t� c�f ��e p�rti��l�r fi���l ���r, N��ri�t������ir�� �h� u�r�li�������� �u�rrs ���r����t ����ifi� ����� ��r� F���r�� �u���ir�� ���n�i�rir�� �r�d ��������e �� ��r�d �r�j��� v�r�rk, �r�}� i�v�i�� f�� �-��rr�bur��rr���t �r��r�l�r'rr�� �ppli��t��� f�r��� ��a�# is r��t re��i�r�� �y t�r� ����r#��n�#� L��al Pr��ra�r7n� �����n�in� ��fi�e �t I�a��� �� ���� �r��r �� th�e ���I������ fi�ce�i fun� F���r�r�i�r� ���� v��ll n�t be �aic�, �he�e ��e�cp�r���d ��r�ds �nril� �e irr��ro�a�ly r�ue�ed by tl�� �ep�rtmer��'� D�rrisior� of ����un�ir�� �r� �h� ���������� �ur�� f-���r�r�i�n ����. �. AD�II�I�T�F���V� ��E��� ��re�� �F��t �� �ill �r�l� �r����� v�it� �r�r1� au�th�ri�ed ��r ����i�i� p������} v��t� �r� "A�t�or���tior� �o �'roc�ed" �nd v�ri�� not pro�e�� �ith� �uture �h������ �f �I��� �r��e�� ���r #� ������rin� ��n "���I��ri��ti�r� t� Pr�����" ���r� ��� �T�T� for that �k�����s� ur��e�� r�o furt��r �t�te or ��d�r�l f�r�ds ar� r�e�d�d �or t�o�e futur� �pl�a►�����. �. Thi� �1���1��T r� �r��ra�rr�rr��� � t� r���i�r� f�r��in� �r�rr� �I�� ����� Tr�r�s��rt�ti�r� Ir�pr��r�r�n�r�t �r��r�r� ��T'IF��, �u��i�g r��� �e �r��rid�d un��� ��� �� r�n�r� coranponen��. A �ompor�er����} �p��ifi� fund a�loc�t�o� i� requir�d, ir� a�di�ion �� ot�er re��'rr�r�r���t�r b���r� �-��rr�����a��f� �nr�r�c �an ���ur ��r #h� ��r-r����ent��� i��r�tif���, ���I� �Il����i�n v�ill �� �s�ign�c� a� �ff���i�r� ��t� �r�� id�ntii� ��� �r-�-w��r�����u�nc�� a����a�t�� p�r �����r�������, Th�� �F���RA�J1 �l.�P�L�II��EIV� �a� �ee� ����a�r�d t� al��v�r r�ir���r��r�nen� �f eli��bl� ����l��T e�c��r��i�u�r�� f�r �h� ���m��r�en���� a�ll����e�. Th�� ���r`t �f r�innb�rs�bl� ��cp�r��lit�r�� i� r���ri����l �� �I�� I�ter �� ��t�er �I� t�e �ff��#��� ���e �f the IIIE����r ������n�r��� �� t�� effe��i�r� ���� �f th� �F���RAllll ��P�L�NEEI�T, �r �� �h� �ff�����re da����f�fi�� ��r�np�ner�� ��e���i� a�ll���i�r�, �. �T�TE �r�� A�M�NI�����I�� ���I��1� ��r�� th�t ���f�'r�r��l ��r��� �n��� a�va����N� �� f���r� �I����ti�n� ��II k�� �r��ur�b��rec� �n thi� �F���IE�T b� u��� �� � �T�TE ��pr���� Afl����r�r� L�tte�- �r�� �in�r��� �.�tt�r, A�N1��11��EF��IV� A��IV�1� ��ree� tl��# �T�TE ��r��� ��r������� ��r r��r���r��r�nent �►�rill b� Nir�r�i#�d t� ti�� �r�n��r�t �Il���t�d b� �I�� ��li��rr�ia ����r�m ��pp��rn�n� ��-�13�F�-1���3-�����► P�g����� Agenda Item 8.k. 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A�r ���r��r�d tir�� ��c�en�i�r� ��II r����� the t�r�n�l� u�� ���ur��� ��-i#�ri�, ��,��ir��� a��v�, f�r ��t� co�por��r�t�s� and ���oc�tior��s� re���st�d. A��rav�� supp�e�nn�r��a�y alla�ations� tir�ne ��c��r��i�r��, �nd f�n� �rar��fer� ��tv�re�r� ��r���n�rrt�, r�r�ad� �ft�r �I�� ������i�rr �� �I�i� PR�G�A�VI �UPP���1II��� v�i�� b� �o�urr��r���d �r�c� ��arrsid�red s�b�e�t to t#�e terr�n� ��d �or�dition� ���reof. Do��m��tation for �pproved supplerr�ent�ry �Ilo��tfans, tim� ��ct�n�ion�, �n� �ur�d tr������� b��ween ��rr���r�ent�, �nrill �� � ��AT� ���r��r�c� A�I����i�n L��er, F�r�d �r�r����r [��tt�r, �ir�n� ��cter��i�r� L�tt�r, �r�d Fir��r��� L�tte�, �� ���r�pr����. �. �1't��� PF��.1E�T �nrilr �� ��r�nir���t�r�� ir� a���r���n�� �nri�l� �h� ��� �T�P �uid��ir���, a�� ��opted or �rr��r�ded, �r�d tl�e �TATE I�roc�dures for Adm�r�i���rir�g I�a�l �r�r�t P������� ir� tl�� ��a�e �`�r�r����r#a���� �rr��r�v�rr��r�� Pr��r�rr� ��TIP�t #he L���I �1�s������e �r��r�rr� �uid�lin��, ar�ci �I�� ���a� A��i�#�r��� Pr�����r�� Il�a�rr�r��. �I�� ��br�i#��� �f i���i�e� ��r pro�ect �ast� s��ll b� in a��ar�#ar�ce v�rit� �I�e above r�ferer�ced pu�����tiar�s �r�d tk�e fof�owin�. . �. Th� ���II�I�I�T�I�i�V� ���I��� �h��l i���F�� ��`�`1`� ��� �r��r�r�r-�r��r�t�� & ��rrr�it�, �f�n� �����fi�ati�r�� � ���ir��te, a�nd r�g��-���nr��r ����� r�� ����r ��a�r� 'I�� �a�}r� �ft�� ��� �r�� �f �a�� e�i�i��� fi�ca� ye�r of ��per�dit�r�. ��r �o�s�rur�#io� cos�s� th� AD�II�h���T�I�IN� ���N�1� I��� ��� t���s �ft�r �r��e�� ��r�npl�ti�r� t� r�n��C� th� fir�al �a�rr�er�t #� th� c��t�-��tor �nd p�-�p�re t�e fina� Report of ��cpenditures �r�� fn�� ir��roi��, ��d s�brr�it t� - �T'A�� fo�ver�fi���ion �r�d pay�ent. �. ��I �b�i�����r�� �� �T'�T� �,r�d�r �I�� ��r�� �f thi� A��-e�rr��r�� �r� ��+bj��� �� t�� �pp�opr��t�o�n of r�sour�e� by t�� Le�is��t�re ��d tl�e er���rr�br�r��� of �und� ur�d�r ���s A�reerr�er�t. ��r�d�r�� a�d re�rr��u�rs��n�r�� are ��a�l��l� only �r�or� tl�e pa��a�� a�t�e ��at� ��dget A�t�ont�i�in� t���� �TAT� f��d�. Pr��ram�uppr�rr��n� ����13�F�-IV��3�!�1`��# �������� Agenda Item 8.k. 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I�tl�� �j�� ���r���l ���� r��� ��r�� �h�t �h�� d���r�ir��ti�n i� ���r��ri�t�, pr����� ���r��r�� ��nr��� b� ��n��d���d �# tl�i� �ir��, P��LI� IV�T�F��ATI�N �I�� ��IVIIIIIEIVT�: �► �urr�rr��ry �f ��� �rd�r����� vrr�� ��������� ir� TI�� Tr���r�� �r� ��bru�ry 'I�, ��1'I. #i`�� ���r��a� v�r�� ���t�� ir� fr�r�# �� �i��r �--I�II �r� �f��r�d�}r, F�br��ry 'I�, ���1'i �r�d �� tl�� �fty'� �r�h���� �r� Frid a��, F��rc��r� '��, ��'�'I. IV� ��rn r�n�n�� v►r�r� r�����r�d. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 2 ��������� ��4 � �� ����r����� �� ��� ���r ���ru�r� �� ��� ���r �� �����r� �F�AIV�� ��IIIEN�I�I� ���T�C�IV� 'I�.��.������� 'I�.��.�����1� AIV� '��.��.��� �F T�I� �F�F��YC� ��AIV�� Illf�.l�fI��PAL. ���� F�E�Al��I�VC F��IJN�I�C [JP F�F�A FF�A�TI��VAL IJIV�T�F�.�'� ���F���4T'EF�lll�#-��I� ��������rru� �����v���� ��ru�r�r �ru �r�� nn���r�-������r ���� ���IIV� ���TF���T; ��V��.�PII�IE�1���D��II�IEIV�IIII�NT��l�E I��. '1�� ��� 1NHEF����, tl�� ��r���� ��t�� �I1��ti-F��nil��II�F���r�'rn� �ist�ri�� i�t� �r��f����r a��r�ri�ty�f r���d�r���a�l �,���, �����r��� d��r�r�ity ir� ���s��� tYp�� �rv��l� �r��arr��d �r�n�rrit��� ���r�rn�n ���� �pa��� �n� ���r���i�n �r�a��}, �r�r��r���tr�rr�iti�r����t�v��r� �igl��r ir�t���i�y�r�� I�v�r�r in��r��ity ����; �n� INHE���4�,th� f111F di��ri�# �� �����d��l �� �r� �r����r d���l��r�������r�all I�t��n�l�-f�rr�il}� ��������, �ir�gl��f�r�����tt��h��, �nal r����if�r�nil�a�tt��f��d r��i��r���a��d�v�ll�r�� ur�i#�, �I�nr��� � ur�i� d��r���������, ��n��r�ir�iur�ns, ��d �e���rr ��r�r�r h�u�in� tY���, �� a r�n��irr��,r� a��l��nr���� ��r��ity ��r�'rr�� ��nr�rfrr�� ur�i�� p�r �r��� a����; ��� V11F�i�F�E�I���h��`r�� h������rr�ir��d th�t ir�firf d��r�i�prr��r�t�����r� ri���a�r�� ���ir�� ir�th�� � �lu�rt�-F�rr�i�� {�II1F} ��r�in� �����i�t� a�rr� � 1N����1��, tf�� �i�� �a�� ir���ia�t��1 ����I��r��nt�����r�n�r�d��n� '��-���t��rr��nd Arr��� �r�n�� Illl�r������1 ���� ���ti�n� 'I�,��4.�����}f '��.��.���{A� �nd '��,��.��� t� ��r�v� � r��rr�irrg ��f�r��r���f�r��l �r��t���.�'I �r�r�a�t�r�nr��rr �al��la�tir�g a�ll�vu��l���r���ty ir���r� MF ���in� �i�tri�t t� �r����r��� f�fill ���r���pr�r�nt; �r�d VI�HEF�EA�, �ft�r��n�i��ra��i�rr �f a��l t��t���n��r�� �II r�l��ra�r�t��id�n��, t�� �it����r���f ��� d���r�ir��� tl�a��#I��f�ll��v�r�� ���r�l�p�n�nt��d����r��r�n�rrt fir��ir��s ��� ����d� i� an ��firr�n��i�r� r�n�r�r��r: �. T#�� p��p���d �ha�r�g�� t� ���ti�r�� 1�,��,������, ��.��.�����►� �r�� 'f�.��.��� v�rill � ��I� ����rr�r����t� � �r��d �ar��� �f N1�,Iti-�a�rx�il� r��id�r��i�� ����ir�� t���� �r�� d�r����i�� �r�rithir� #I�� �it� b� �n��ura��ir�g ir���ll d��r�l��r��rrt ir� ��r� �1� ���rirrg �j��ri�t, �r�d �� �h�r���r� ���ir�b�� �� irr����r�n���tl�� �r��E�i�r�� �f��� ��r��r�l PI��. B. TI�� �r�����d �t�a�r�g�������ti�r�s 'I�.��.�����}, 'I�.��.����A� �n� '��.��.����►rr�ll r��� ���r�r��ly a�f����tl�� ���li� I��a���l�, s�f��}r, �rr� �rv�1���� �r r��ult�r� �r� �Il��i��l I��� u�� �att�rn. �. T'h� pr������ �I�a�n��� t� ����i�r�� 1�.��.������t 'I�.��.���{�� �r�d 1�,��.��� i� ��r��i���r�t rnri�� t�� purp��� �nd ir���r�� �� �itl� 'I�, �a��i��i�� th� �r���rrt �� ��a�pt�r� '��,�� �r�� 1�.�� ��t#�� I'I��r���i��l ��d� a�r�d pr��r�d�� ��r ����rr��f ��n���t�r���; �. A� �i��l���� ir� ��� i��g�tiv� ���I�r�t��r� �r��ar�d f�r �i�� �r�j���# �h� ����r��i�l en�rironm�rrta� i�p���� of #h� prop�se� �har��es to ���tior�� '��.04.�����}, ��.��.������ �nc� '��.��.��� �r� ���i�nifi�a�t��. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 3 ���r����� ��. ���� � IV�VI�, �����F�F�E, �� �T�F��Af�V�� ���h� �i����un�il ���h� �it ��Arr� ���and�a� ���l�v�r�: Y Y �E��I�IV '�: T������r� r���t�l� a�r��fir��in���r��r�� a�r�� ��rr����r�� ir���rp�ra���� I��r�ir�b Y this �eferer��e. ���TI�I� �: Arr����ra����Nf�,r�i����f��������i�n '�����.������—��f�r��i���—i� h�r�b�r �r��n��� �� r���lify��� ��Il��r�rin� ��fini���r�; ����r��ity,� r��a�r�� r���������v�r�llir�� �r�its �r� � I�t ir� r�la�ti�r����h� ����i����c�r����� ir� unit� ��r �ro�� �cre. ' . . �E��I��V �: �rr��r��r�r�d� IVlur���i��l ��d�����i�r� 'I�.��.����A�- F�esi�ier��i�� c��nsi���� f�r resic�en�i�l c�is�ri�t� - i� ��r�b�r �rr��n��d �� f��N��rv�: � �. F���II ����I�-���ni�}r r��i��nti�l ur�it��nrith�r� a� r���d�r��i�l���rrr� �i��ri�#, ���� ��v�lli�� �r�i� ��u�r�t� �� �r�� ��r��it� �,r�it. ��r rr��l�i��r�il�d�rv��lir�g�vui�hir� � r���d�ntia�� ��r�ir�� �i��r���, a� �r��-���r��r� �r�t�r�i� is��u�a��t��.� �ni��r�� a�tvu�-��dr��r�n a�r�� ����r� i� ����I #� �r�� �ni�. ���r��ir� u t� t�� n��ct �nr���� ��r�l��r i� r��t � f���b�� �r�r��r� ����ul�tNr� ����i ��c�� � in #�r� Illlulti-Fa�r�n�l N1F ��r��rr �i�tri�t. F�r �����la��in �I��v►r�b�� d�nsi �r� th� �1F di��ri�t �II r�r��ir���r� �� �'� �r�er�t �r r����r�h�l� b� r��,r���d t�tl�� r���t �����r�r�r��l� ��r�b�r. ��r��it�r� r�ni��� �,���i���i�t�a�r���fir��d �� ����I�� ��r������������i .. � � �E�TI�IV �: �rr��� �r�nd� lVl�ni�i��l ��d� ���ti�n �I�.��.����-C]ev�l��rr��r����r��ity— i� h�r��� a�rn��d�� �� f�ll���: The ��r��r�! p1�r� �1��sifr'���ior�� ��eci�jr �h� r�a�imurrr allawa�l� d��elopm�r�� �ler�si��r�er�ross a��� ���arrd��vr���f ir� ��e ���h� a���i��rr��ir��ludir�g��r���rr'����o��w�y �f��� v�r��lc� r���rer� �� �1�� �r����r�� �v�rrr��i����r�c��r���l�. ���r��fir��r [��O �� �f�� rr��c� v���l� rr�rrrr��� i� rr�� ����i����� v�f�er� �i��r�ir��r c�er��i��r ������ ir� �f�� �Ilc���i-��rr�i��r c�i��ri�� ��r- � �rac�iorra! ur�i�s of 0.�� or a�ov�: �f��rr c���ul��irrg c��rr�i��r for�f�� provi�iorr o��f�o�d���� h�u�ir��� or�or rr�i�ced�s� dis�ric�� v�rh�re rour�alir�� �o �he r�e��half r�um�er is ap�ro�ria�e. D�r��i�y for r�sialer��ia�ali��ric��is discu�seaf ir�����iar� ��.��������. L��r�si��r formi�ed u�e c�i��rr��� i� �i��c�����ir� ����i�r� ��.��.������. ����I��V �: If an� s��ti�r�� �u�����i�n, ���d��ri�i��, �a�r������, ���n��r���t �r ������ �f t�i� �r�in�r��� �r a�rr� �a�rt�h�r���i� f�r �r�� �����r� h�l� �� �� �,r�l�wfu�, ���h �����i�r� �h�ll ��� �ff��� �I�� u����ity ��t�r� r�r�na�inirr� p�rti�r� ��t�ris �rdin�n�� �r a�r�� ��rt �t��r��f. �Th� �ity ���r��il I��r�l��r d����r�� ���t it �nr��l� h��r� p����d �a��l� ���ti�r�, ��b���ti�n, ��b�i�r��i�n, ��ra��r���, ��r�t�n��: �r�la���t��r��f, irr������i�r���t�����#t�a������r���r��r����ti�r�, s�����ti�r�, �u�����ri�i�n, ��ra��r�ph, ��rrt�r���x �r �I�u�� �� d��l�r�d �n��r��t��u�i�r��l. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 4 ��������� ��. ���� � � ���1`l�IV �: l���n �al���i�n �f thi� �r�i�a�r���, ��� �� �i�r�c ���II �i�� � �V� � . �Y ��� of ��t�rr�i���r�r�. ���TI�IV �; � ��rr�r�n�ry ���I�f� �rdi�a�n�� �f�a�Jr �� ����i���d in a� r���r�r� � �r ��li���d � P � , �r�� �ir��la���� ir� t�� ��t� ���rr��� �ra�r��� a�� I��st fr�r� ��} �a��� �ri�r �� �h� �it ��ur��i� ■ * * r + � r�eetir�g �t�nrh��l� �h� p�ap�s�d �r��r��r��� �s�a b� a�opted. A��rt�f��d co�y af the f�ll t��ct �f t�r� �r���s�� ��-�ir��r��� sh�lf �� ���t�� in tf�� ��fi�� ��t�� �i�y �i�r�C, Vlli##�in ��ft��r� ���� d�y� a�ter ���p#ior� of #he �r�fn�r���, tl�e �urr�mary �nr�tF� �h� �r�r�e� of those �i • * � � ��ut���l N1�rr�b�r� ����r�� ��r a�r�� ��a��n���h� �rdin�r��� sh��l b� ��bli�h�� ����r�, ��� �[�� �i#� ����rk ���r�� p��� � ��rti���d ���� ��tf�� ��all t��t �f �u��r �d�p#�� �ral�n�n��. ���TI��1 �: �hi� �rdinar��� ����� ���C� �f���t�h�rty ���} ���� �r�r� �I�� d�t� ������t��n. , �� r�n�ti�r� �f , s���r�d�� b� , �n� �r� t�� ��I���nrir�� r�ll ���1 ���� �� . �nr��: . AYE�: N���: AB���V�* th� �ar��oin� �����ar��e �ra�� ��op#�d th�� day of �e�ruary# ����. Agenda Item 8.1. Page 5 o��i��►r��� ruo. ���� � �orurr �����, n���ro� ������: �t�L��l�VII��I�I�F�E, �1�Y �L�F�I�C A�PI��V�� A� T� ���VTEIV�: �T�11��1 A�AIU��, �l�f II�IAI�A��F� AP�F�C�V�D A� �� ��RI�A: � TIII��TF�� �I. ����IIIE�, ���Y �TT�F�IV�Y Agenda Item 8.1. Page 6 � ������ � �� � �N�ORP0�4ATED � � - � � � � ,,��� ,o, ,�,� ,,,� i�I��IIII�F�AI'V��JIIII ��� ��� ���� ��s �./�� �����il� ����i ������ ������ �I� ������� �TEVEIV �1111���A��1� P��I�� �F�i�� ������T: ���f�1��R�T���V �� AIVALI��I� �11�� �F��'��l�� F�E�AF���I�� ���11�����1 �� J�I�VT ���E AND ��LI�� �����1��H �EF�11���� DAT�: FEB�UAR�Y ��, ��'�'1 R���IIAI�ENDATI�I�: It i� re���r��r�d�� #�r� ���n��l re�ri��r ����r������� ar�d pr�vxd� ��a�f� dir�cti�r� r��ar�ir�� �r�v��i�r� �f j�irrt �ir� ar�� ��li�� �i�����F� �ervi�e�. ��j�in� F�r� �r�� ��I��e �����rt�h ��rv���s �r� p�rs���, i� i� re��r�nr�n�r�d�d �I�� �ity ��un�il ����rs� tl�e ������ �f b��� Fir� �nd P�I��e �i������ ��rv�c�� �� �r��ri��� �� ti�� �r���� �r�r��� ��li� ��p�rtr�ner�t. F11��11V�IJ�IL l�lll��#��: E�#ir�n�t�d �a�rin�� �r�j����� fr�r� j��n� dis�art�� ��rvi��s r�rr��� ���r-r� ���,��� t� ����,���, ��p�n��n� up�n th� �����n. A�t�a�� sa��rir��s r��� �e r�d��d v�rh�r� s�rv��e ���r�l ������era����r�� �r� ��n��d�r��: v�rl���� r��� ir�r�r���� fir��l �#�f#�r�� r���r�nrn�n��ti�n�. In a���iti�rr, ���� �Il���ti�rr ��rrr�ul�� I���r� �n�t b��n ��ter�ni�e�, �i�i�� v�r�ul� ir�np��t v�r�a�t ��n���� �f sa��r�r��� is ����ri�n���i �� �a�h juri�d��ti�r�, �A��[���U N�: In ����, in r��p�r��e �� �r� in��ta���r� ��� �ity r����v�d fr�r�n t�� �ity �� �r��r�r B�a��i�, �he �ity ���r��il pa�rti����rt�� i� � j�i�r� �ne��in� �v�t� ���rr�� B���I� �r�� �r�v�� �����r t� di��u�� ��r�s�lid����r� �� ��lic� �e�vi���. It �r�r�� ��t�rr�nin�d tl��� ��II ���n��l��a�i�r� �� ��li�e ��rv���� �r�r�� ��� �e�si�l� �t �h�� �ir��, b�� ��int ���rnur�i�a�i�r�s v�r�� . id�ntifie� �� a c����rabi� initi�l ���� t� �r��re��� ���r�i�����n ar�� �f�i�i�n�� �f��t��i� �afety ��rv��e�. A ��rn�er of �ff�r#� hav� ���n �rork�d or� sir�� �I��� to d�ve�op pr�p�sal� ����I�� �r�vi�i�r� ��j��n� di�pa��h ��rvi���, A� tl�� ��r���ry 'l�� ���3 rr���tir��, �f�� �ity ���r��i! �ppr��e� fun�ir�� t� ��n�ra��t �rrritl� ar ��r���lta�nt �� �r�p�r� � ���dy �r� �r��ri�in� j�ir�� �i���t�� �e�v����. ��I��r �uri��i�ti�r�s �r� �#�� ��u�ty v�r�r� �n�rit��l t� ��r�i�i���e �� �I�� ��r�l��t� ��� p��e����l f�r a� �o�ntywi�� �i��at�h ��n��r, Th� �#ud� in���d�� �rr��� ��a�n��, �r��r�r ����h, ����r��, ���� F����e�, Ata�s��d�r� ar�� ��n Lui� �bi�p�. ��ill�r� a�nc� ��s��ia�es Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 ���������� ��IV�I�ER�TI�I� �F ANI�LY�I� A1V� ��TI�N� F���AFt��hi� P��V1�l��V �� �J��IVT FI�� �1�V�3 ��LI�E �I���T��I ���111��� FEBRL�AF�� ��, �0'1'f P��E � v�ra�� ��I�c#�d �� �r�pa�r� �I�� �tud� �ft�r � �����st ��r P��p���r� �F�F�� �v�� �i��ribu���. At t�� ���� �, ���� rr���tir��, t�� �i�y ���r��il ���r��r�� �h� Fi�r� �iti�� �ir� J�ir�t E�c�r�i�� �f P��v�rs Agr�ern�r�� {,JPA}, ��n��li�a��in� �ir� ��rvi�� vrritl� ��� �i�y �f �rover B���I� �nd �h� �c�a�no �o�nrr�ur�ity �e�vi��� l�is�ri�t �����3}. �lo���rer, for ��r���lida�ti�n �� fi�� ��rvi�e� t� ���r��� rr���t �ffi���n�l�, i� ��rra�s c��t�r�ir�ed �h�t ��r���lida����r� ���i���t�l� s�rvi��� is �Is� r�����s�r�, �h� r��ul�� �f��r� ��ill�r� �r�� A����ia���� ����� �r�r� al�� pr�se�nt�d �� ��r� ��u��i� �rt ���� �����n�. ��� �t��� pr�vi��d �n �n�l�s�� �f �pt��rr� ir��r�l�ring a� j��nt �i���#�I� ����ati�r� ��r�r�rrg �rr��� �ra�r���, �r��rer ��a��h �n� ��e�r��, �� �r�l� a� ��r�tr��tin� f�� dis�a���� ��rvic�� �i�h �h� �ity ����n L��� �bi���. T�� �t��fr�� �n� ��s� �r�a�l��i� �v�� ����� �rir�n�ril� �n �a��l �r�lur��. �t�f� i��r�ti�i�d ��r��:ern� r��a�rdir�� t�� ��ili�y �f ���n� �f �h� r���r�nrn�rr�e� ���r�fing ���rel� t� ��d��ss ��r�r�ll ��rvi�� I��r�l ���Is, but ��It th� �t��y �i�rr��r�s�ra���d ���� b��h ��ti�r�� ����� �r��ri�� �riarbl� a��ern��i�r�s ���� ��r� r�d�� ���t� �r�� i��r���� ���vi�e le����. �`I��r���r�, �I�� �ity ��un�il �ire�te� s�a�ff t�; 'I� j�i��l� �e�r�l�p v�rit� �r��r�r ����� �r�� ��e�rr� a� r����rn�n�e� �r����a�l ��r � di������ �p����i�n ti�a�t �r�r�uld ��rv� Arr��� �rand�, �r��r�� ����h a�r�� �c�a�n�; �n� �� tr�r��r��� a� ��rr��l r���e�t �� ��� �i�y �� �a�� Luis �bi��� t� �r����� � �������I t� �r��ri�� �i�����h ��rvic�s �� Arr��� �r�r���, �r���r ��a��h �n� ���a�r�� �n � ��ntr��� b��is. I�I��A�Y�[� �F I��LJ��: Tt�� pr�����1 �r�rr� t�e �ity �� ��n Lu�is ������ I��� ���r� r���ive� �n� is �tt�r�l���. � ���ff k��� ��s� i����ifi�d � r�u�n��r ��a�l��rnativ�s �� a����rr�p�i�l����r�t d������� ��rvi��� �rn��g �rr��� �r�nd�� �r��re� B���� �r�� �c��n�. I--l�v�r��rer, ���r�r�l i��c��� ha��r� ��er� id�r��ifi�� �h�� ���r� �rr��e a��r��r�n�nt �n � r���r�nrr��n��� ��ur�� �� a���i�r� �if�i��It. T�r� �ity �� ��r� L�is ��i��� �p�ra��� � ��a�lity �i�pa���� �per��i�n �r�� j�st ��r���r�,�t�� � n�v�r ���te������-�r� d����t�l� f��il�ty ���t ��c��d a����rnr�n�d��� tF�e n��d� �� �r��idir�� ��rvi��� t� �rr��� �r�r���, �r�v�r ����I� ar�� ����. �--I��r+r���r, �fi�e ��ntrar�# �r����ar� v�r�ul� ir��l�d� � �ha�� �� �h� ���t� ��r tl�� ����I�ty, In a��diti�rr� t�r� ��ty �� ��r� L�ui� ��is�� �r��rid�s � ��rvi�� le�r�l �I��� v�r���d r����t ir� �����a�r�#��II� ir��r�a���� �����, T������r�, �� ���s ��t �����r t� b� � ��st �ff���ive ���i�n. �t��f ��I���r�� it v�r���� �� �r���r��l� ��r ��� �ervi� t� �� �r��rid�� b� #�r� �ity �� Arr��� �r�r��e �nd�r ��r�tr��� �� th� ��h�r ���r��i��. ��r�� ��r� �ity i� ��rsu�in� � ne�► ��li�� ���ili�y, �I�e �i��a��� ��n��r ��ul� b� d��i�r�ed �p�������1� �� a�r�rnr��da�� �h� �p�ra�ti���l ���d� �f th� ��i�� s�rvi��. �a�la�ri�� �r�� b�r��fit� �f ��r��r� �r�n�� �r�n�l����� a�r� �I������ hi�l��r�har� ���s� �r� �r��r�r ��a���, Th�r�f�r�, ��r��rr��r�t �vitl� �i�� �a���r �r��,�� �v�uld b� r�n�r� ��a�si�l� if �r��rer �ea�h er�pl����s v�r��� �ran�fe�r�d to �rroyo �rarr�de und�r th� �ity'� ��isting �a�ary �nd b�n�€�ts. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 ��������i� ��1����3�RATI�h1 �F �1V�l�Y�l� A�� ��Ti�IV� F�E��4F��I�VC �F��111�I�N �F �l�I�V`�` �M�� �#�V[� P�l���� �I���#T�H ��F�VI��� FEBR�JARY 2�, ��'1'i PA�� � Tl��r� �r� �I�� ��r�rall �erv��e I�v�l ��r��fi�� �I��� ���r� t���r� id�nt�fi�d. �taf� ��� ���r�l���� � �r���s�l tha�t v�r�u�d r��uc� ����� �r�� ����ri�� ��nefi�� �� �h� P�I�c� ����r#rn�n�fr�� t�e ir��r����� �t�ffir�g I���i�. Tr�r���erri�� �t�ffin� fr�rr� �r�v�r �ea��h v�r��l� r�d�� ����r ��t�l �ur���r �� s#�ff b�l�v�r a� �����I���d tha�t �v��ld r���l� ir� � �i�r�ifi��r�� i��r�a�e ir� #h�ir h��l�h ir���r�r�� - r�t��. Th�re��r�, ����r��i�l �a��ring� t� th�r�r v�r��ld b� ��ir�ni�a��e�, �� � �����t, �k��y �ra��r� ���r�l���� a� �r����al �� �r��ri�� #h� s�rv��� �r�d�r ���tr��� �� �h� ��h�r a���n�i��, v�rhi�� re��lts i� �n in�r����� sa��rir���. �--I��nr��r�r, t�� ir��r���� �n ���rin�� i� du� t� �i�� I��nrer ��la�ri�� �r�d ��r��fi� ���t�, T�i� ��ti�r� v�r��ld lil��l� b� ��r�r��l�r �����e� �� Arr��� �r�r���'� ���i�� ��fic�r� �����ia�ti�n �A�P���. Arr�y� �ra�n�� ���I� �r��rid� tl�� ��rv��� �t t�� ��r�� ���� i� ��� sa�r�� ���ary an� b�r��f�� 1��re�� ar� a���r�n�d. �i�r�� �I�� �r-r�p��#a�r��� �� �r��ridir�� j�in� �i�pa�t�h ��rvi��� �� tl�� Fi�r� �i���� F'ir� Auth�rity, ��ti�r�� �rr�r� a��s� d��r�l���� ��r �it��� ���r���r �� pr�vid� j��nt �is�a�t�� ��rvi��� f�r j��� fir� ar�d r�a��r�ta�in ir�d���n��n� ��I��� di�����1�. k-I�v�r��r�r, ���� v�r�u�l� ���r�a�� �if��i�r��� b� r��u�ir�n� th� ag���� �r�v���n� ��e ��rvi�� t� �n�r���� �t�f�in�, t�ut�rrr��l� n�t r�li�v� �rr��r�c I�a�d �uf���er���� t� r�du�e ���f�i�� b� ��� ��I�er �g�n��, �in�� r��r�� ���h��� �����r�� �����r t� �e a��pt�bl� �� ���h �r����i�� �r�d �nr�ll ����It ir� �����r rr�inir�a�l ���ir��� �r �r� ir������� ir� ���t, ���f� a�gr��d t� �r��a�� � �rery �r�lir�ni��ry ���� �n�l��i� �n f��l ���i�� ������idati�r� in �r��� t� �et�rr�ir�� �nr�ether �t v�r�u�d b� ��r��fi�i�l t� �t�dy it ���in �t��i� �ir��. TI�� r��ult� ���I�� �r�li��n�ry re��ev�r ir�di�a�� #ha�t it �o�ld r�s�lt in su��t�r�t��l s��ri���, It �Is� �d�r�ti#i�� tl�a�� tir�ning ���I� �e ��tir��l �iver� ��d��t ��r��tr�int� ��� ����r�in� ���i�i�n �r���r��i�� ���� r�n�� pr��ri�e a�n �p��rt�r��ty�� ��r�s�lid��� ���f��nri���u� I���if�, ������������■ �I�� f�ll�v�ri�� �I��rna��i�r�� �a��� ���r� ide��i�i��: �I���n�r�i�re �: AII �ub�i� �a��ety ��r�r�r�nu�ni�ati�n� �r�r�u1� b� �r��ri��d fr�r�n �rr��� �r�r���. ���ffir�� v�r�u�l� in�lt�d� � #�ta�l �� ��n �r�rr������� �� �r��rid� t�� �i�����h�rs �n � ��1� h��i�. �I� �urr�r�# �r��r�r B���I� �r�n����ee� ���c�l��ir�g ��� �r��r�r ����I� �r�r�t ��n��� ��si�i��� �rrr���� ����r�n� �rr��� �r�r��� �r�n�r�����. As s��l�, tl��� �rv��l� t�� br����# ir� �� t�� �����in� Arr��� �ra�r�c�� ��� s���e �n� t��r��fi�� �nd �r�r��ld �� r���ir�� �� ����rr�� �r��r��n�� 111���i��l D�sp���h�� ��ti��d. �J�d�r �urr�n� �a�la�r��� �r�� ��n�fi��, ��e ����I �r�p��e� ���t v��u�l� b� ����,'I��. T�is re�re��nt� � ��r��ir��� sa�vrr��s �f ��9,��� arr�d � ���t �� ���,��� �� ���C�. ln F1� ��'�1-'1�, tl�� co�t af pay �r�crease� e�fect��re �t t�e end o� �l� �0'I��'I'I and in��ea�s�� i n �'E�� ����� ��I� n��d t� b� ��d�d. �--I�v�r��r�r, ����� ��st� �r� ��t ��� �C r���nrr� �i n�e t�� ��rrr��t P�A Illl�l.� �ri�l ��cpir� ir� �J�r�� ��'I'I. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 �I�Y ��L�I��IL ��1��1�E�ATI�N �F �1VALYa1� AN� �PT��h1� ���l�l��l�lC �F��111�I��V �F �l��lV� FI�E �N� ��LI�E DI�P�T�H ���1����� F�B��J�1�Y �2, 2�7'I PA�� 4 Alt�rn�t��re B: �I� Pu��l�� �a�f�ty ��r�r��n���i�ns �v��l� �� �r����e� �r�� �r��rer B���h. ���r�fir�� v�r��rl� ir��l��� a� t�t�! �f��� �rn�l����� t� pr��ri�� �vv� �i��a�t�l��r� �� ��1� ��s��. All �u������rr��� �r�n�e ��n�l�y��� �r�u�� �� ���j��t�� p�� ��t� a��d r�du��� b����t�, lJrrd�� ��rr�r�� ��lari�� �n� be��f���� ��� ��t�l pr�p�s�� cos�v��uld �� ����,�1�. Thi� r��r�����s a ���bin�� �ar�ri��� �f �'I��,�3� and � ���t �f ���,��� t� ����. Th��� ����� �� r��t r�f��ct �n� ��tur� ��r� in�r�a�e�. Al��rna�ti�r� �: Arr��� �r�r�d� �r��l� �r��ride �I� Fi�� �i���� �ire ��#I���rity �i�p�rt��in� �r�� �r�l� �rr��� �r��nd� la��nr �r���r�ern��� ��������in�. �t��in� �v�uld ir��l��� � t���l �f ��v�r� �rx��l�����. lJnd�r �urr�r�� ��lari�� �n� h�r��fi��, �h� t�t�l �r�����d ���t v�r�u�l� b� ����,��'1. T�re �r��r�a���d ���t t� �rr��� �r�r��� v�r���� �� ���,1��. ���t� �� th� Fi�� �iti�� Fir� Au��r�rity v�r��l� �� �1'1�,���. �I�� i��rea���d ���t �� �r��r�r ��a�� f�r their s��r� �f tl�i� ���� v�r�ul� �� ���,��� plu� � I��� �� ���,��� ir� re����� �urr���l� r���i�r�d �r�rn ���� f�r #ir� c�i��a�t�f�, T�e ���D ��ar�� �f �i�� ����� �r�r��ld b� ���,���. Tl�i� �r�����1 ���s n�t r��re��n�tw� di�����h�r� �� ar ��l7 �a�i�. �It�rn����r� �; �r���r ����h vrr���d �r�v��� �I� �iv� �i���s Fire �A����rity dis�a�t�hir�� �n� �r�l� �r��r�r ����h I��v �r�f�r��r�n�n� ���pa�#�I�in�. �ta��fi�� �rv�ul� �n�l��� a� ��ta�l �� �e�r�n �r��l��e�s. Th� t���� pr�����d ���� i� ����,���, T'�re ��s� t� ��� �i�� �iti�� Fire ��tk��r�ty v�r�ul� b� �1������, Tl�i� r��r���r��� �n i��r����d ��st �� Arr��� �r�r��� �f ���,1�1. l.�n�1�r #�� �r����a��t t�v� �i�p���l��r� �v���� b� p���id�� a��r��cir�n�t�l� ����� �f #�r� . tir�n�. Alt�rn�ti�r� E: �rr�y� �ra�r�d�, �r��rer ��a��� a�n� �I�� �i�r� ��ties �ir� Au��l��ri�y v�r��l� ��ntr��� �nri�� #I�� �ity �f ��� I��i� ��is�� ��r di�����1� s�rvi���, TI�� ���a�l pr���s�� ���� �rrr��l� b� �1,9��,���, �h i� r����s�nts a ��r�bir�e� ir��r���� �n ���t �f ���1,���. I n �dd iti�r�, t�ere v�r�ul� �� a �n�-�i�n� ���i���n�l ��a�rt-�� ��s� �f����,11�. Alterr��t�ve F: T�� �ity ��ur���l r��� c�ir��t s��f� �� �r�p�re � rr��r� d��a�ile� ���� �stxrr���� �f �r��ri��r�g �����lid���d ��ri�� ��rvi��s �� ��� �ity �� �r��r�r ���r�h �r� a ��ntr��t #�a�i�. T'�is ��ti�n vrr��l� in��lv� ��ns��idati�r� �� ���h d����t�� a�nc� a�ll I��nr �n��r�ern�nt �p�r��i�r��. Th� pr�l�rr�i�ary �n�l���s d���rrni��d t��� tl�e �arr��in�d ���rin�s ��ul� I��C�Iy �� ����v�rl��r� in th� r�r��� �f ����,��� �� �'I.� r�ni�l��n a�n���ll�, Agenda Item 11.a. Page 4 ���������� ������������ �� �������� ��� ���I��� ��������� ��������� �� �l���V�` FIF�E �N� P�LI�� �I�PAT�H ���111��� F�BRI�A�tY 22, 20'�'i PA�� � a�� v�r�ll a�� pr��ri�� a r��rr�b�r �f ���r��i�nal servi�� I��el �en�f���. I�this i� ��n�irrr��d ��rr���l� � r�n��� d��a�ii�� ���dy, ��ur��i� �v��rl� �h�� I���r� th� �pti�n �# �ir��tir�� �t�ff �� ��br�r�it �r� i��i#�t��r� t� th� �ity �� �r���� ��ar�h �� �v�r�C �n ���r�l��nn�nt �� �r ��rrx�al �r�����1, AD11�������: �l��r�t �i�����1� �nr�u�l� ir�n�r��r� ��rvi�� I��r�l� �� ��cp�n�in� t�� �rbili�y �f t�e disp���� ����r t� F��r���e 2�r� i��r����d �all �r�lur��, v�rl��l� al�� r����ing ����� b� utili��r�� ���ff r��r� ��Fi���r�tl�, F�[I ��n��li��ti�� �� ��I�r� ��rv���� ��ul� �r��ri�� a��i�i�n�l ���� ef��i�n�� b�n�fit�. DI�A�VAN�A���: ��r���li�a��i�r� ��f�rt� �r���n� �s���s r��a�rdi�� ����rl ��ntr�l a�r�d i��n�ity. �i��rv��r�r, �t��f b�l���r�� t��r� �r� �nr��s i� vrrl�i�l� �� ��dr�s� t���� �on��rr�s. E[VVI F��[V�IEI�iTAL F�EV`���11: I�� en�rir�n��n��rl re�ri��nr i� r��uir�d ��r�hi� �t�r�r, �L��L�� ��TIFI�AT��I� �►N� ��II����VT�: T�� ���r�da �v�s ������ in �r�r�t �f �ity I�a�l� �r� T��r�da��, F�bru�ry '��, ��'I'� �nd �n �h� �ity's ����i�� �n Frid��, F��r�a�ry '��, ���I�. ����������■ 1, �ity �� ��� L�is ��i�p� �i���rt�h ����r��t ��s� �r����a�l Agenda Item 11.a. Page 5 �TfiA�H M E I�� '1 1 ' �� � � ��� Palm �t��et, ��r� Lui��bi�p�, �A 93��1-���9 �'�b�-u��7, 2�1� �tev�n �d�rn�, ��ty 1Viar��g��r ��ty of Arroyo G�a�d� �1� �a�� �r���h �tr��t �r�a�o �ra���, CA. 93��� �e�r 11��r. Adarr�s, Ir� r��p���� �� ���r r������, � a�n ���as�c� �� �r��i����r� ����t �r���s�l �� pr�v�d� ��b��� s���ty��spat�� s�r�ice� to the C�ty t��`Ar�oyo Crar�de. �he at�ac�.ed �r�pos�l is ar� ����I�1��� ������� ��'lC� C���� I��� ���]��1���� � �L��� ��1��To��� ��'���5��. �� 1� �I7 a��re�ri�t�� ��������i�r� �f the ��rvi�e� �� b� ���f��rrx��c� �r�� � ���� ���.irr�at� ��� - tl���� ���rv����. T�� �����1 ����s �f s�rv���� u���lc� �e ��►�,j��� t� ��� ��v����rr��n� �� � ����r2��t agre���rtt r�vit� ��e j�ri��i��i�r�� ir�v��v��. T`�� �r�����i ir��l�c�e� t�� ���irx����� ����s �f`p�r��r���r�g ����i��� t� ��� �iti�� �f�rr�}�� �r��r��� �r�� C����r ����� �n� t�� F`i�e ��ti�� J�in� ��r� Au�h�ri��. �1r��r �t�f�i� a��a�la�l� �� a�r�s�er ar�}� ��es���r�s }��� rr�a}r 1���e a����� the �s��rr�a�� �� ��s�� a�r�� ����r �re a��il���e �� ���en� �r�ur �i�y ���r��i1 �n��tir�� �� ���p��c� �� ��� c����ti�r�� f'r�� ������1 ��rx�b���. ��li�� �hi�#`�����~a�h ��n��� �� ��� �n��r� ��ir�� �f cor����t for �his �ost pro�osal ar�d s�e rr�a� be r�ached at ����� ?8�-7337 or b� �r��il a� c���r���r����1��i���� . If�����i�y���n��1 ����rmxr��s ��at full r����tiatl�r� �f���r�tra��� �`�r�������r�f��� I��i� ��ispo ta provid�th�se s�rvice is w�rrar�t�d tl��r� w�sta�r�d r�ac��r to �n�t�ate t�o�� r�e��ti��i���. �ir�c�r��y, � � • . .�. _ �ati� Li��tig �ity I1���ag�r � T�e�i���f��n L�is�bisp�is�orr�rr�itt�d t�ir����d��he dis�b�ed ir��II�f;t���rvi�e.�, pro�rarn�an�a�ti�rit�es. Tei���rnrnun���tions Devi��f�r��e�e����0����1-�4��. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 6 �ity�f�� I�u�� ��is�o ���ru�ry�, ���1 �'��T ��{I'I�VI�'�'� '�'� ������� P�J�LI� �A��TY �]I��AT�HIN� ����I��� T�'�'���IfI'� ��`A���Y� ��tAI���, �ITY �� �����I� �EA�H�1�D FI���I�'I���T��NT FII�Ai���I�RIfiY At the �e�u�st a�t�� �ity �iar�a�er� of' the �it�es af Arroyo �ra�d� and �ror�er ��a��, ��1� �1�� �� ���1 I�l�i� ������ �� �L1�IY11��1�'l� ��1� �������� ���1I�7��� �� ����� �� �r��i�� ���li� ��f�t� dis�a����ir�� s�rvi��� t� t�� �it�r �� �rr��r� �r�r��� �A��royo �rad�}, t�e ��ity of �rover �e��h �����rer Be�ch), ar�d �he F��e �it�es J��r�� �i�r� A�t��ri�� ���r� A�t��ri�}��, T'�i� ��tirr�a�� �f ���t� d��s n�� ��n��i���� � fi�l� �r�����1; ra���r �r� ���r�viat�d ��s�ripti�r� �f��� ��rvi��� �� �� ������rn���i �r�d a �o�t �sti��t� for t�ase s�rvi�es. Descrr�tro� a� �er�rice� t� b� ��r�`orme�: ��� �uis �b���a �i�l provic�e �4--hour polic� dis�at�� serv��es to Ar�oyo �r�r�c�e and Crr�v�r ����1� �r�d fir� �i������ ��rvi��� t� F'�r� Aut�i��it�r. �'1�� ��r�i��� v�ri11 �� pr��id�d frorr� th� �ar� I�uis �bisp� ��blic �a�'e�y �or�r�ur��c�tior� ��r�t�r �P�AP�. ��rvi��� �vil� ir��I�d�t�� ��ll�v�rir�g: �. 1'�r�����in� �f 9�-1-1 ��1�� �d ��11� �`�� a����tar��� �ri�ir�a�ir�� �r�rr� A�r�}�� ��ar�de a�� ��ove� ��ac�. �. ��s�atc�ir�� �f Arrayo �ra�.r�de and ��o�er �eac� �a��ce �ni�� ar�d �r�p�oy�es a�d faci�i�atir�g radio �omrnu�ica�ior� b���veer� la�v en#`a��er��r�t ur�i�s and a���ed ��b1�c s�fet}� ���r��ie� a��ratir�� ��thir� t1�e �ities o#' Arra�o �ranc�e ar�d �r���r������. �. ����i�ir�� �a��1� �r �������r r����s�s f�r F'ir� ���h�r��}� r����n�� a,r�d disp��c�ir�� F�r� Authority ur�it��d em�loyees. �, 1'r�����ir�g ��u���t� ��r am��la��� �����r��� �it�ir� Arr��r� �ran�l� an� �r��r�r �e��� to the ��eriff s �epa�tr�ent IVied�cal �o�r�ur�i�a�io�s Di�p�tch ��ed- �or�� vi�cor��uter or���e��or�e. �. Pr���ri�ir�� �r��r��r��� �VI��i�al �i��a��� ��IVI�]� ir��tr��ti�r�s ��rir�g ����� 1I1����1�1�, ���1��� ��7��`���'1�1��. �, �'������i�� ���T'� ���r��s p�rt��r�in� �� v��i����, r��tr�ir�in� ���i��s, a�d mi�si�g ��r�ons ar�c� �ro�ridir�g I�LET� and �L��T� �cc��s to Arrayo �r�nde a�� �r�v��r �������1i�� ur�i�� ir���� f i���. �'. �'���idir�� f�r r�v���v c�i�i��l r���r�ir��� �f�11 Arr��� �ra.r�ci�, �r���r ����� a.r�d ���� �����rit}r �adi� ��raf`fi� a.r�� �i������ ��r���r ��1����r�� ��rnrnuni�at���� to �u���r��ed persor�r��l u��n r��u�st. �. ����r ���-v i��� �� ��r��c� �� ��a�1 ��i�� t� an�����rr��nt. P�r����n�l: �ar� I��is �b�spo v�ill �d�mir�i��er, �ar�ag� �d ���e�vise t�e co�nrn�n��at�ons �ent�r�nd i�� p�r��r�n�I, �ar� Lui� ��i��� �i�� �� r������i�l� f�r ����rv�si��, �i�rin�, trair�ir�g, a.�n� ����x�l�n�r�� �a�r��r�r���. �r� a��i�i�r�, ��n Lt�i� ��i��� �v�ll rn�i�t�ir� �e����r��� f�l�� and ot�e�r r�.at�ers �r�����ng to �1�� p�r�forrn�ce of servi�es ar�� co�tro� o�p�rsor�nel. � Agenda Item 11.a. Page 7 A rn�r��rn�� o�' on� dispat��er ����� be on d��y at a�l tirne� assigr�ed to la� enf�rc�rn�nt c�is�a�tchi�g �o�r Ar�roya �r~ar�d� ar�d �ro�rer �eac� ��r� �d�iti�r� �o di��atc� � persanr��� ass�gr�ed ta �a� Lu�is ��is�� ca��s�. A rr���irnur� o�o�� �i���tcher s�all b� o� d�t�at�ll t��es assi�ned t� �i�~� d�sp�t�hir��f�r th� Fir� A�t�ar�t� ar�d �ar� ��xi� �b�s�o �'ir� ����rtrr��r��. T�� ��sig��d c�i���t���r� wx1� ��� ��I�I� �����rrr� ���i�s ��c�Iu��v� �� Ar��}�� ��aur�c��, �r����r ����� ar�� �xr� 1�u���r��� �v���� ��-����. �41� ���pa���er� ir� t�e ��r� I�uis ���s�o co�nrnur�i�atiar�s c�n#�� �il� h��� c�llateral dt�t�es a.�c� be ���il��l� �� a�si�� �t��r� c�i�������r� v�1��r� ����ss�ry �� a��c�r�ss ��� r��rrr��1 �������� �pi�C�� ��r at��as��gr��� �r��. '�'ee�r��l�gy �n� �c���p��r��: Arro�ro C�rar�d�, �ro�er �each ar�d Fire A�th�r���, at �ts sole�os�, s��l� �rovid� or �rr��g� f�r ir��t��1��i�r�, �r��l�rr��r�t��i��, rr��ir���r��r��e li���srr��, �r�� �u���rt�� al� ac�di�io�al �ir��s, �c�uiprn�r��, h�rdv�rare a�d �oftv�r�r� r��ce�sary f�r�a� L�is��i�po to perforrn contr��t d�s�atc� s��v�c�s. �� �gr��� ���r� ir� ac��ar���� �a►r� I��i� ��i��� �ri�l a��j���� r�l�����, �� ��r��a��, as n�����a�� ��� ra�i� �r��ra�tr����r� ���i�rr���t �� ����� r�����sar� t� ���f��� ��� co��ract d��pa�ch. Ar��r �����ment or �r�frastructure �aic� fo�r or rei�nbc�rsed by Arro�ro �rar���, �r����r ����� a��c� F`i�� ���1��ri�� s���1 �� ar�c� r�rr�air� ��� pr�p�rt}� ��A�r��� C'rr�nd�, �rover �e�c� ar�d Fire A�thority, �r���ss�t�e�wise agr��d to �y both �art�es i� . . wr��rr�g. ��n ���� �b���� v��ll as��s� Arr��� ��a�c��, �����r ��a�� a�ci �`ir� A����ri�� �i�� ir���r�`��ir�� wi�h ��� �u�rY-�r�t �ar� �r�is ������f� c�i�������r�g ��r���nn, A�� ���� �� �r�t��f���r�� ��all �� ���-n� �� Arr�}�� �ra�c��, ��r��r�r ��a�� ar�ci �'ir� ��t�i�r�t�, �Ll�il� ����� ��i�1I�Il�111������1 ��11��� ���lil�: A�1 ��rv���� �ill �� �r�v�c��� f��rr� ��� ��t� �f �ar� I��i� ������ J�hr� �V. ��I�a.�a� � ����r��1 ��►�1i� �af��� ��rr�r��r�i�a���r� ��r���r. �rr��� �r���, �r�v�r �e��� ar�� �h� ��r� Auth�rity v�il� b� ass�s�c� a �ortran �f th� �osts to ��rate a�d rna�r�tain t�� �e�ter �c� � ��rtt�r� ��t�� ���i�i����d r��1���rx��r������� �f�h� �c�ui�rr��r�� �r� �� r�l���l �� �1�� ��r���r. T`h� �perat��r� �f��� �����r ���11 r���ir� u�r���r tl�e ax�t��rity �f��� ��t� ���a� I��i��b�s�o. �tt��hec�: �stirx�a�t� o�'�osts 2 Agenda Item 11.a. . 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Page 10 o� pRROYpc � INCORPORATE Z u m # �uw �o. ,e�� * cqc�FOae►�P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER �� SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 8.J — SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2011 Please find attached the Attachments 1 and 2 for Agenda Item 8.J., which are the proposed lease and reimbursement agreements with Manuel Estrella for the outdoor dining area for Gina's Restaurant. attachment Attachment i OUTDOOR SEATING LF.�1SE AGREEMENT THIS OUTDOOR SEATING LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is made and entered into this day of 2oii, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, California, by and between the CITY OF AItROYO GRANDE ("City"), a municipal corporanon duly organized and existing pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Califorma, and Manuel Estrella, an individual ("Tenant") with reference to the following facts and intentions: RECITAIS WHEREt1S, City owns, operates and maintains the rights of way located at Short Street, between Olohan Alley and East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California and described and depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Pedestrian Property"); and WiiEREAS, the City, upon termination of certain construction on certain real estate located adjacent to the Rights-of-Way, anticipates constructing an outdoor patio dining area on the Pedestrian Property(hereinafter"Patio Improvements"); and WHEREAS, Tenant leases property appurtenant to the Pedestrian Property under a lease dated January 6, 2oio with a commencement date of March i, 2oio (the "Gina's Lease"); and WHERF.AS, Tenant, in conjunction with the Gina's Lease, wishes to use the portion of the Pedestrian Property depicted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and in- corporated herein (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") for outdoor restaurant seating, upon completion of the Patio Improvements; and WI�iEREA.S, City is willing to lease the Property to Tenant, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. AGREEMENT: NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, City and Tenant hereby agree as follows: Section i. Lease of Property. City hereby leases, transfers and demises to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases and takes from City, the Property for the term and upon the agreements, covenants and conditions set forth in this Lease. Page 1 of 10 � Section 2. Term. (a) Exce�t as otherwise provided for herein, the term of this Lease shall be four (4) years (the 'Term") commencing on March i, 2oii (the "Commencement Date"), and, unless sooner terminated or extended as herein provided, shall terminate on February 28, 2oi5. (b) Option to Extend Lease. Subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth, City hereby grants to Tenant two (2) consecutive options to extend the Term of this Lease on the same terms, conditions and provisions as contained in this Lease, except as otherwise �rovided herein, for two successive periods of five (5) years each. The first option period shall commence on the fifth (5�h) anniversary of the Commencement Date (herein called the "First Option Period Commencement Date") and end on the day prior to the fifth (5tn) anniversary of the First Option Period Commencement Date. The second option period shall commence on the fifth (5cn) anniversary of the First Option Period Commencement Date (herein called the "Second Option Period Commencement Date") and end on the day pcior to the fifth (5en) anniversary of the Second Option Period Commencement Date. Each of the First O�tion Period Commencement Date and the Second Option Period Commencement Date is hereinafter called an "Option Period Commencement Date." i. Each option to extend shall be exercisable by written notice from Tenant to City of Tenant's intent to exercise its elecrion for said option given not later than six (6) months prior to the pertinent Option Period Commencement Date. If Tenant fails to timely give written notice of its intent to exercise the applicable option, all options hereunder shall expire. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this Lease shall automatically terminate upon the expiration or earl�er termination of the Gina's Lease. Section g. Rent. (a) Except as otherwise provided for herein, Tenant shall pay to City as rent for the use of the Pro�erty ninety-five dollars ($95.00) on the first of every month throughout the Term of this Lease and any option period exercised by Tenant pursuant to Sechon 2 above. (b) City hereby waives Tenant's obligation to pay the above rental amount for the first twelve(i2) months of the Term of this Lease. (c) Should construction of the Patio Improvements result in a delay in Tenant's use of the Property, City shall not begin collecting rent until twelve (i2) months after the Property is ready for Tenant's spec�fied use as described in Secrion 4. 2 � Page Section 4. Use. Tenant shall have the exclusive right to use the Property as outdoor seating for his restaurant's customers,and for no other purpose. Secdon 5. Repairs, Governmental Regulations and Waste. ' (a) Tenant shall, during the Term, at its own cost and expense and without any cost or expense to City: i. Keep and maintain the Property in safe, good and neat order and repair and shall allow no nu�sances to exist or be maintained therein. Tenant shall likewise keep and maintain the grounds, sidewalks, roads and parking and landscaped areas in good and neat order and repair. City shall not be obligated to make any repairs, replacements or renewals of any kind, nature or description whatsoever to the Property or any buildings or improvements now or hereafter located thereon, and Tenant hereby expressly waives all right to make repairs at City's expense under sections i94i and i942 of the California Civil Code,or any amendments thereof; and ii. Comply with and abide by all federal, state, county, municipal and other governmental statutes, ordinances, laws and regulations affecting the Property. Section 6. Damage or Destruction. (a) No loss or damage by fire or other cause required to be insured against hereunder resulting in either parhal or total destrucrion of any building, structure, or other improvement on the Property, shall operate to terminate this Lease, or to relieve or discharge Tenant from the payment of rents or amounts payable as rent as they become due and payable, or from the �erformance and observance of any of the agreements, covenants and conditions herein contained on the part of Tenant to be performed and observed. Tenant hereby waives the provisions of subsection 2 of sechon i932 and subsection 4 of section i933 of the California Civil Code, as amended from time to time. Section�. Assignment and Subletting. Tenant shall not assign or sublet any portion of the Property without the prior written consent of the City. Page 3 of 10 Section 8. Liability Insurance Tenant agrees to add City as an additional Insured on its current General Liability insurance policy and any Umbrella Liability insurance policy. Tenant hereby represents that in the aggregate, its insurance policies provides per occurrence coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, and that such coverage is provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Section 9. Indemnity. Tenant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, the City, the City Council and each member thereof, and every o�cer, commissioner, agent and employee of the City, grantees and assigns from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses and judgments, including attorneys' fees, which relate to, arise from, or are in any way connected with Tenant's use or occupancy of the Property, or any portion thereof, on account of any injury to persons or damage to property, excluding therefrom such injury or damage caused by the proven sole negligent acts of the City. This provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Section 10. Tenant's Defaults and City's Remedies. It shall be an event of default hereunder (each an "Event of Default") if (i) default shall be made by Tenant in the punctual payment of any rent or other moneys due hereunder and shall continue for a period of ten (io) days after written notice thereof to Tenant; (ii) default shall be made by Tenant in the performance or observance of any of the other agreements, covenants or condirions of this Lease on the part of Tenant to be performed and observed and such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice thereof to Tenant, or, in the case of a default which cannot be cured by the payment of money and cannot be cured within thi (30) days, shall continue for an unreasonable period after such written notice; (iii Tenant shall abandon the Property; (iv) Tenant shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, file a petition in bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation under any law or statute of the federal government or any state government or any subdivision of either now or hereafter in effect, make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, consent to, or acquiesce in the ap ointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the Property; �v) a court of competent jurisdiction shall enter an order,judgment or decree appo�nhng a receiver of Tenant or of the whole or any substantial part of the Property, and such order, 'udgment or decree shall not be vacated, set aside or stayed within sixty (60) days from �e date of entry of such order,�udgment or decree, or a stay thereof be thereafter set aside; (vi) a court of competent �urisdiction shall enter an order, judgment or decree approving a petition filed against Tenant under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorgamzation, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law or statute of the Federal 4 � Page government or any state government or any subdivision of either now or hereafter in effect, and such order judgment or decree shall not be vacated, set aside or stayed within sixty (60) days from the date of ent of such order, judgment or decree, or a stay thereof be thereafter set aside; or (vii� under the prov►sions of any other law for the relief or aid of debtors, a court of competent]'urisdiction shall assume custody or control of Tenant or of the whole or any substantial art of the Property, and such custody or control shall not be terminated within sixty �60) days from the date of assumption of such custody or control. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default by Tenant hereunder, City shall have the following rights and remedies, in addition to all other rights and remedies of City provided hereunder or by law: (a) The right to terminate this Lease, in which event Tenant shall immediately surrender possession of the Property, and pay to City all rent and all other amounts payable by Tenant hereunder to the date of such termination; (b) The remedies described in California Civil Code Section i95i.2, including, without limitation, the right to recover the worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the Term after the time of award exceeds the amount of such rental loss for the same period that Tenant �roves could be reasonably avoided, as computed pursuant to subdivision (b) of section i95i.2 of the California Civil Code; (c) The remedies described in California Civil Code section i95i.4, including, without limitation, the right to collect, by suit or otherwise, each installment of rent or other sums that become due hereunder, or to enforce, by suit or otherwise, performance or observance of any agreement, covenant or condition hereof on the part of Tenant to be performed or observed; or Section ii. Nonwaiver. If any action or proceeding is instituted or if any other steps are taken by City or Tenant, and a compromise part paym ent or settlement thereof shall be made, erther before or after judgment, the same shall not constitute or operate as a waiver by City or Tenant of any agreement, covenant or condition of this Lease or of any subsequent breach thereof. No waiver of any default under this Lease shall constitute or operate as a waiver of any subsequent default hereunder, and no delay, failure or omission in exercising or enforcing any right, �rivilege, or option under this Lease shall constitute a waiver, abandonment or relinqu�shment thereof or prohibit or prevent any election under or enforcement or exercise of any right, privilege, or option hereunder. No waiver of any provision hereof by City or Tenant shall be deemed to have been made unless and until such waiver shall have been reduced to writing and signed by City or Tenant, as the case may be. The receipt by City of rent with knowledge of any default under this Lease shall not constitute or operate as a waiver of such default. Payment by Tenant or receipt by City of a lesser amount than the stipulated rent or other sums due City shall operate only as a paym ent on account of such rent or other sums. No endorsement or statement on any check or other remittance or in any communication accompanying or relating to such payment shall operate as a comprom�se or accord and satisfaction unless the same is approved in writing by City, and City may accept such check, remittance or payment Page 5 of 10 without prejudice to its right to recover the balance of any rent or other sums due by Tenant and pursue any remedy provided under this Lease or by law. Section i2. No Paz-triership. It is expressly understood and agreed that City does not, in any way or for an� purpose by execuring this Lease, become a partner of Tenant in the conduct of Tenant s business, or otherwise, or a joint venturer or a member of a joint enterprise with Tenant. Section 13. Covenants Run With Land. (a) The agreements, covenants and conditions in this Lease contained are and shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and the reversion and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of City and Tenant and their respective successors and assigns. (b) All references in this Lease to "Tenant" or "City" shall be deemed to refer to and include successors and assigns of Tenant or City, respectively, without specific mention of such successors or assigns. � Section i4. Notices. Notices. To be effective, all notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or permitted under this Lease shall be in writing and sliall be delivered either in person or by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notice is deemed effecrive on delivery if served personally on the party to whom notice is to be given and delivery is confirmed by a receipt. Notice is deemed effective on the second day after mailing if mailed to the party to whom nodce is to be given, by first class mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and properly ad- dressed as set forth below. Any correctly addressed notice that is refused, unclaimed, or undeliverable because of an act or omission of the party to be notified shall be deemed effective as of the first date that said notice was refused, unclaimed, or deemed undeli- verable by the postal authorities. The addresses for purposes of giving notice are as set forth below but each party may change its address by written notice in accordance with this paragraph. If to: TENANT: Arroyo Grande, CA 93421-o633 6 � Page CIT'Y: City of Arroyo Grande Attn: City Manager 2i4 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Section i5. Holding Over. This Lease shall terminate without further notice upon the expirarion of the Term, and any holding over by Tenant after the expiration of the Term shall not constitute a renewal hereof or give Tenant any rights hereunder or in or to the Property, except as otherwise herein provided, it being understood and agreed that this Lease cannot be renewed, extended or in any manner modified except in writing signed by City and Tenant. Section i6. Late Charge. Tenant acknowledges that Tenant's failure to pay any installment of Rent, or any other amounts due under this Lease as and when due may cause City to incur costs not contemplated by City when entering into this Lease, the exact nature and amount of which would be extremely difficult and impracticable to ascertain. Accordingly, if any Rent, or any other amount due under the Lease is not received by City as and when due, then, without any notice to Tenant, Tenant shall pay to City an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the past due amount, which the parties ag�ree rep resents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs incurred by City as a result of the late payment by Tenant. Section i�. Default Interest. In the event that Tenant shall fail to �ay any amount of Rent, or any other monetary obligations owed to City hereunder within io days of the date that such amounts are due and payable, Tenant shall pa� to City, in addition to such amounts, interest thereon at 2% above the "prime rate" of interest announced to the public from time to time by Wall Street Journal or the maximum interest rate permitted bY law, whichever is less, from the first day of the month in which such monetary obligation was payable to the date of actual payment thereof by Tenant to City. Page 7 of 10 Section i8. Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Lease shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Lease, but this Lease shall be construed as if such invalid, �llegal, or unenforceable provisions had not been contained herein. Section i9. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence of each and all of the agreements, covenants, and conditions of this Lease. Section 20. Consents. Whenever in this Lease the consent or approval of either City or Tenant is required or permitted, the party rec�uested to give such consent or approval will act prompdy and will not unreasonab7y withhold its consent or approval. Section 2i. . Attorney Fees. In the event of any action or proceeding at law or in equity between City and Tenant to enforce any provision of this Lease or to protect or establish any right or remedy of either �arty hereunder, the unsuccessful party to such litigation shall pay to the prevailing party all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred therein by such prevailing �arty, and if such prevailing party shall recover jud�ment in any such action or proceedmg, such costs, expenses and attorney fees shall be �ncluded in and as a part of such judgment. Section 22. Integration. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between City and Tenant with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior offers and negotiations, oral or written. This Lease may not be amended or modified in any respect whatsoever except by an instrument in wriring signed by City, Tenant and, if required by any Lender, by Lender. 8 � Page Section 2g. Amendments. This Lease may be modified only in writing and only if signed by the parties at the time of the modification. Section 24. Governing Law. This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. IN 4VITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BY: Tony Ferrara, Mayor Date: Attest: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk Date: As Approved to form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Date: TENANT . Manuel Estrella , Date: Page 9 of 10 Attachment 2 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement for Reimbursement ("Agreement) is entered into on this day of 2oii by and between the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of California (the "City"), and Manuel Estrella an individual ("Tenant"). The City and Tenant are referred to individually throughout this agreement as "Patty" and collectively as "Parties." � RECITALS WHEREAS, City owns, operates and maintains the rights of way located at Short Street, between Olohan Alley and East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California and described and depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Pedestrian Property"); and WHEREAS, the City, upon termination of certain construction on certain real estate located adjacent to the Rights-of-Way, anticipates constructing an outdoor dining patio on the Pedestrian Property(hereinafter "Patio Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the City and Tenant entered into a lease dated 2oii for outdoor seating on the Patio Improvements; and WHEREA.S, as part of the Patio Improvements, City agrees to construct those improvements itemized in Section i below(the "Tenant Improvements"); and WHEREAS, Tenant agrees to reimburse City for all costs associated with the Tenant Improvements; AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, City and Tenant hereby agree as follows: i. Tenant Improvements. In conjunction with the City's completion of the Patio Improvements, the City hereby agrees• to construct Tenant Improvements as further described on the attached Exhibit B. 2. Term of Reimbursement Obligation. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the Tenant Improvements, Tenant shall reimburse the City for the actual cost of the improvements the City incurred constructing Tenant Improvements. 1 3. Indemnification. (a) Tenant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, the City, the City Council and each member thereof, and every officer, commissioner, agent and employee of the City, grantees and assigns from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses and judgments, including attorney's fees, which relate to, arise from, or are in way connected with Tenant's obligations under this Agreement, on account of any injury to persons or damage to property, excluding therefrom such injury or damage caused by the proven sole negligent acts of City. This provision shall survive the e�cpiration or termination of this Agreement. (b) City agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tenant, his successors and assigns from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses and judgments, including attorney's fees, which relate to, arise from, or are in any way connected with City's obligations under this Agreement, on account of any injury to persons or damage to property, excluding therefrom such injury or damage caused by the proven sole negligent acts of Tenant. This provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 4. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall, at all times, be binding upon the City and Tenant and their agents, successors and assigns. 5. Governin� Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California. The Parties hereto agree that all actions or proceedings in connection with this Agreement shall be tried and litigated in the Superior Court located in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. 6. Attornevs' Fees. In the event of legal action to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorney fees and costs. �. Amendments. Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be made only with the mutual prior written approval of the parties to this Agreement. 8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties hereto and contains all representations between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Each Party has had the opportunity to consult independent counsel of its own choosing. No Party in executing this Agreement has relied upon any inducements, promises or representations made by any other Party or any representative of any other Party except as set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement can only be modified by a writing signed by all Parties to this Agreement. 2 9. Severabilitv. If any term or provision of this Agreement is determined to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid in whole or in part for any reason, such illegal, unenforceable, or invalid provision or part thereof shall be stricken from this Agreement, and such provision shall not affect the legality, enforceability, or validity of the remainder of the Agreement. If any provision or part thereof of this Agreement is stricken in accordance with the provisions of this section, then such stricken provision shall be replaced, to the extent possible, with a legal, enforceable, and valid provision that is as similar in tenor to the stricken provision as is legally possible. io. � Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall constitute one and the same agreement. ii. Waiver. No waiver by a Party of any provision of this Agreement shall be considered a waiver of any other provision or any subsequent breach of the same of any other provision. IN Wl'INFSS WHF.REOF,the unde�signed have caused this Elgreement to be executed on the day and year first written above: CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE TENANT STEVEN ADAMS, City Manager ��L FS.I.RELL.A ATTEST: ' KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, City Attorney 3 .._ _ ' .. "�=�,�=�;: ' :- ;� .::�.: :�.;;� :�� :.:; :.; �_;.:�;,•, ' ,-. _ ' ' EX{f1-t�1-7 /'t . ;,�, • - ' ,�•� ` ' ` r= � - ' , � . . . � I :.i'- � .:.j� u i, . . 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