PC Minutes 2011-06-07 MINUTES I PL.ANNING COMMISSION �i TUESDAY JUNE 7, 2011 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Vice Chair Barneich presiding; also present were Commissioners Keen and Martin. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Associate Planner Ryan Foster and Assistant City Engineer Mike Linn. Chair Ruth and Commissioner Sperow were absent. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None AGENDA REVIEW: There were no changes to the order of the Agenda. APP�OVA� OF IVIINUTES: On a motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Barneich and unanimously carried, the May 3, 2011 minutes were approved with the following modifications: • PA�E 5, second paragraph of VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: should read "Commissioner Barneich stated the VCA and Petco look bigger than what was approved on the plans and suggested having plans of elevations of adjacent buildings or sections. Community Development Director McClish stated the developer is required to show structure of adjacent property on the site plan but not on elevations." • PAGE 2, third paragraph, should read Commissioner Barneich provided the following comments: "support registering banners online and limit to 120 days not 240 days;" I. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AFTER AGENDA PREPARATION: None II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11-001; L�CATION; 900 RANCHO PARKWAY; APPLICANT CHASE BANK Associate Planner Ryan Foster presented the staff report for the Planning Commission to consider an application to construct a remote drive-through automated teller machine (ATM) in the parking lot located at 90U Rancho Parkway (Five Cities Center). The Commission provided the foiiowing comments: do not see the need for "Do Not Block" configuration; concerned with the ATM drive-thru vision triangle; and questioned the need for the "Right Only" with the future pad in place and questioned what the traffic concern was. Mr. Foster replied that there would not be enough room for cars to safely make a left turn. The meeting was opened to the public: , Austin Hahn, Civil Engineer, representative of Chase Bank, Chicago, IL, presented the history of the project; stated staff instructed him to revise the plan to accommodate for vehicle stacking; the project is a two phased development; the project was designed to use _ _. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES JUNE 7, 2011 a minimal number of parking spaces (3) for the ATM; and answered questions from the f Commission. Arin D. Resnicke, Architect AIA for Chase Bank, stated it is in the best interest to have an ATM facility; ATM's are used for safety purposes so the client can stay in their vehicle during early mornings or late nights to conduct business; addressed the vehicles idling at the ATM; and answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Barneich asked why the drive-through for the ATM was not included in the original application and stated there is a walk up ATM. Commissioner Keen stated he would have appreciated the drive-through was applied for in the original application and stated his concern about other potential ATM's being proposed in the future. In answer to Commissioner Keen's question on limiting approval to one drive-through ATM, Mr. Foster stated that other drive through projects would be required to go through the same process as Chase Bank and other projects may not have the space or design area. Community Development Director McClish indicated projects would come before the Commission on a case by case basis and the findings would need to be met or there would need to be a Code Amendment if the Commission did not want to allow future drive-through ATM services. Commissioners additional comments included the following: drive-through should be located with the business; suggested to look at definition for drive-throughs; does not want to see other drive-throughs; likes the design of the entrance but does not like traffic kicked back into the parking lot; does not feel the drive-through is imperative to Chase's business; do not like to design everything around the vehicle; would have to look at projects with a drive-through case by case; does not want to set a precedent for drive-throughs; and does not see a problem with parking for the businesses. Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martin to approve Amended Conditional Use Permit 11-001; located at 900 Rancho Parkway; applied for by Chase Bank. RESOLUTION NO. 11-2133 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 11-001; LOCATED AT 900 RANCHO PARKWAY; APPLIED FOR BY CHASE BANK The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen and Martin NOES: Commissioner Barneich ABSENT: Commissioners Sperow and Ruth the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7t" day of June 2011. ; i PLANNING COMMI�SION PAGE 3 MINUTES JUNE 7, 2011 j III. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: ! A. PROPOSED 2011/12 THROUGH FY 2015/16 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Community Development Director McClish presented the staff report for the Planning Commission to review and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed Capital Improvement Program presented by the Community Development Department to determine consistency with the 2001 General Plan. The Commissioners expressed their appreciation to review the Capital Improvement Program. Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Barneich and unanimously carried to find the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Budget consistent with the General Plan. IV. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION/NOTICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE MAY 17 2011: Case No. A Address Descri tion Action Planner TUP 11-008 Lori S. Nunes; E.Grand& Establishment of a mobile food truck on a 90 day Approved Matthew KunFusion Halcyon,AG trial period at the locations listed. Additional Downing Hospital, Bank of locations to be allowed on an individual basis by America, the Director of Community Development. Mullahey Ford, McLintock's The Commissioners expressed concern with the TUP and would like to get other businesses and Chamber of Commerce input. Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martin, and unanimously carried that TUP 11-008 be brought back to the Commission for consideration at the next regular meeting. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: In answer to Commissioner Barneich, Community Development Director McClish stated the awnings at Shops for Short Street was approved by the Planning Commission. Staff will review the awnings with the developer and report back to the Commission at the next regular meeting. VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: Community Development Director McClish reported that there was a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting/study session regarding Courtland/East Grand Avenue project and stated that the temporary signage ordinance was continued to the City Council meeting on June 14`n for further modifications. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissi9ner Martin and �� animously carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. / � � A ES ,,� � �,��";� ��;� �_ � � � �� ' ' � � . � , . , � . � w , L`._ . ., ��_��.,��.. DEBBIE WEICHINGER K ISTEN BARNEI ' , 'I -�`CHAIR ' SECi2ETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO ONTENT: t,.d-~ c TERES McCLIS C MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (Approved at the October 18, 2011 meeting)