PC Minutes 2011-05-03 . . _ . __ __ _ _ _ -- MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY MAY 3, 2011 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Ruth presiding; also present were Commissioners Barneich, Keen, Martin and Sperow. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director Teresa McClish and Associate !'lanner Kelly Heffernon. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chair Ruth announced that there was a date error on the City Council Agenda for the meeting of Saturday, April 30, 2011. The correct date was Saturday, April 30, 2011 not Tuesday, April 30, 2011 for Consideration of Acceptance of Centennial Park Improvement project. AGENDA REVIEW: There were no changes to the order of the Agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Gommissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Barneich, and unanimously carried, the April 19, 2011 minutes were approved as presented. 1. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AFTER AGENDA PREPARATION: The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. A draft revised ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande amending portions of Sections 16.60.050 and 16.60.060 of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding Temporary Banners and Signs II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 11-001 AND CONIJfTiC)��l� L�S� ���MIT 11-001; NKT COMMERCIAL; 303 EAST BRANCH STREET (CONTINUED FRC7►i11i 4/'99/2011) Community Development Director McClish reported the applicant has requested an additional continuance of this item. It will be re-noticed accordingly. On motion by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Sperow Tentative Tract Map 11-001 and Conditional Use Permit 11-001 was continued to a date uncertain. The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYESa Comr,iissioners Keen, Sperow, �arnEich, and Ruth NOES: Nane ABSENT: Ncne ABSTAIN: Coarmissioner Martin B. DEVELAPMEPVT CODE AM�NDMEIVT CASE NO. 11-003; APPLICANT — C'TY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION — CITYWIDE Community Development Director Teresa McClish presented the staff report for consideration of an ordinance to amend Chapter 16.60 to modify regulations for t�mporary banners �nd signs. Ms. McClish briefed the Corr�mission �n Temporary Banners; Flag Pennants, Eialloons and , Sail or Wing Signs; Sandwich Board Signs; Human Signs and Public Education and Enforcement. Ms. McClish addressed questions regarding signs from the Commissioners. . . .. . .. _._ PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES MAY 3, 2011 The meeting was opened to the public and hearing no public comment the public hearing was � closed. � Commissioner Keen provided the following comments: Architectural Review Committee opposed temporary sandwich board signs; suggested exempting the Village with sandwich board signs; concern with placing sandwich board signs in public right of way and should be placed up against the building; human signs (signs supported by a person) are not allowed and need to be enforced; concerned about garage sale signs as they divert the attention of drivers; nonprofit groups should be exempt. Community Development Director indicated the City Attorney will be contacted on nonprofit groups being exempt. Commissioner Barneich provided the following comments: support registering banners online and limit to 120 days not 240 days; opposed wing signs with a Temporary Use Permit; wing signs are a safety issue; 120 days for pennants/balloons are too long, suggest less than 30 days; support prohibiting human signs; sandwich board signs should not be placed in public right of way; suggest using a chalkboard in or outside window; and suggested placing garage/yard sale signs in the yard. Commissioner Martin clarified that 30 daysiquarter for banners is what is proposed; there is a need for special event banners; support registering signs online; support two — three days for balloons not 30 days and if balloons are up longer than three — four days, enforce to be taken down; do not allow sandwich board signs to be placed in the path of travel; and opposed wing signs. Commissioner Sperow concern with businesses struggling, especially in the Village; support registering signs on line with no fee; support sandwich board signs if placed in a safe manner; 30 days is too long of a period for pennant/balloons; clarified SECTION: 3. O and agree with conditions; and does not see the need to ban human signs. Commissioner Ruth provided the following comments: referred to ARC recommendations, A.3. of draft ordinance do the flags conflict with hot air balloons; referred to SECTION: 3. O questioned if wing signs should be allowed; ARC did not mention mylar balloons and if not allowed should be added under prohibited signs; supports ARC recommendation on sandwich board signs; under prohibited signs do we want to allow SECTION 3. O. Ms. McClish clarified in existing SECTION: A. 2; includes the original language that is existing for search lights. Commissioner Barneich made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen to approve Development Code Amendment 11-003 with the applicant being the City of Arroyo Grande to concur with Architectural Review Committee recommendations in place and make the fol;owing modifications: • Balloon and pennant signs may be installed for three days, once a month/12 times a year � Prohibit wing signs, sail signs and Mylar balloons � Strike "unless approved through temporary use permit process" o Delete item D under the fourth WHEREAS on page 1 of the proposed ordinance and replace with "CEQA exemption" � • Prohibit human signs on both public and private property j I _. - _ �LANNfNG COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES MAY 3, 2011 ' • Sandwich board signs are allowed through a sign permit as approved by ' Architecture Review Committee • Add "Flags" in SECTION 2: A. 3. in the body of the proposed ordinance • Prohibit inflatable signs • Remove strike out in number "2. Searchlights (single light not moving rapidly)." in SECTION 2: and renumber to 1. • Add "signs" after the word temporary in A. of the fourth WHEREAS on page 1 of the proposed ordinance � RESOLUTION NO. 11-2131 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PORTIONS (�F SECTIONS 16.60.050 AND 16.60.060 OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING TEMPORARY BANNERS AND SIGNS; APPLIED FOR BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Barneich, Keen, Martin, Ruth and Sperow NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of May 2011. The Commission took a break at 8:00 pm and reconvened at 8:15 pm. C. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO. 11-002; APPLICANT — CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION - CITYWIDE Associate Planner Kelly Heffernon presented the staff report for consideration of an ordinance to amend portions of Title 13 and Title 16 and would create a new chapter of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to the establishment of Water Efficient Landscape Requirements. Ms. Heffernon reported this is State mandated. Ms. Heffernon addressed the Commission concerns and questions related to the proposed ordinance. The meeting was opened to the public and hearing no public comment the public hearing was closed. 1°he Commission and staff discussion ensued regarding phased developments and requiring �II landscaping to be installed in the first phase; that other jurisdictions require landscape plans; all new landscaping must comply with the new City ordinance; builders will have to be informed of landscape ordinance; supports the draft ordinance pr�pared by staff; staff has come up with good requirements to save water; and agreed that turF is a major contributor of water consumption in the City. .. _ . _ . .. . . . , PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES MAY 3, 2011 Commissioner Ruth made a motion, seconded my Commissioner Sperow to approve a resolution recommending the City Council adopt an ordinance to amend portions of Title 13 and Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to the establishment of water efficient landscape requirements with the following modifications: • In Exhibit A, Page 10, D. of proposed Ordinance change wording to "For all projects the landscape and irrigation should be installed............... • In Exhibit A, Page 10, D. remove the words `greater than one (1) acre' • Add the following sentence to Exhibit A, Page 10, D. "In phased projects, landscaping shall be installed during the first phase of the project" • On page 2 of the proposed Ordinance, SECTION 4: remove "Specific Plan Adoption and Amendments" in the title and include the language "in phased projects, the landscape and irrigation shall be installed prior to certificate of occupancy." RESOLUTION NO. 11-2132 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND PORTIONS OF TITLE 13 AND TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS; APPLIED FOR BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Sperow, Barneich, Martin, and Ruth NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 3rd day of May 2011. III. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None IV. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION/NOTICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE APRIL 19 2011: �ase No. A Address Descri tion Ac#ion Planner PPR 11-002 John Nassett 1402 E.Grand Establishment of a retail store for used clothing, Approved Matthew Ave.Suite B furniture,and household goods. Downing MEX 11-001 Donald&Barbara 281 Chelsea Construction of an eight-foot Allan Block Approved Matthew Fullerton Court wall/privacy fence combination. Downing V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None ; i I .. _ . . PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES MAY 3, 2011 � VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: Commissioner Keen reported on the following projects presented to ARC on May 2, 2011: an Amended Conditional Use Permit for Chase for a ATM drive-through, which will come before Planning Commission and comments for the Cherry Creek project included the color palette for adjacent homes should be different; houses not side by side; same plan elevations should not be repeated on adjacent lots; each house will go back to ARC for approval; and most of the lots will be purchased and built by owner. Commissioner Barneich stated the VCA and Petco look bigger than what was approved on the plans and suggested having plans of elevations of adjacent buildings or sections. Community Development Director McClish stated the developer is required to show structure of adjacent property on the site plan but not on elevations. Commissioner Martin suggested showing the cross sections. VI1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: None VII1. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Sperow and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. ATTEST: r � '� � � ���--`=s �'`�'���� (�:c,.°, �".� DEBBIE WEICHINGER EL`� I��ETH RUTH, CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: � �-��.._ � � �� TERESA�'McCLIS C UNITY DEVEL pMENT DIRECTOR (Approved at the meeting)