Minutes 1989-10-24 - -"-, ,-', MINUTES MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1989 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark'M. Millis presiding. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and Council Member B'Ann Smith delivered the invocation. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, Gene Moots, Doris Olsen and Smith. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Items S.C. through 5.J., with the recommended courses of action. S.C. October 10, 1989, City Council Minutes. Approved with Corrections. S.D. September 8, 1989, Parking and Traffic commission Minutes. Information. 5.E. Purchase of Computer, Recreation Department; Budgeted Item. Awarded to Low Bidder. 5.F. Purchase of Floor Jack, Automotive Shop; BUdgeted Item. Awarded to Low Bidder. 5.G. Progress Payment for Construction of Cornwall Avenue Easement and Rena Street Water and Sewer Lines; Project No. 60-70-89-3. Approved. 5.H. Progress Payment for Construction of Water and Sewer Main Improvements in Allen Street; Project No. 60-70-89-1. Approved. 5.1. Landscape Easement - Tract 555, Unit V, Phase 2 (293 and 288 La Cresta Drive; Oakcrest Estates). Authorized. 5.J. Contract for EIR on the Vista Del Mar Project. Mayor Authorized to sign contract. Consent Agenda Item 5.A. was a Proclamation, "Red Ribbon Week," October 22 - 29, 1989. Accepting the proclamation from Mayor Millis was Amy Adams, president of Arroyo Grande High School Students Against Drunk Drivers. Consent Agenda Item 5.B. was a Proclamation, "Gem and Mineral and Earth Science Week," october 30 - November 5, 1989. Accepting the proclamation from Mayor Millis was Wes Lingerfelt, president of the Orcutt Mineral Society. Hr. Lingerfelt invited the Council and public to a Gem and Mineral Show on November 4, 1989. Consent Agenda Item 5.K. was a Transmittal of Draft Environmental Document for Extension of James Way Between Tally Ho Road and Highway 227. Mayor Millis said this was an informational item. Public Works Director and Acting City Manager Paul Karp referred to the October 24, 1989, memo of Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, which outlines the focuS of the environmental report. He also referred to an october 24, 1989, letter from Michael C. Bonde110, 207 McKinley, protesting the possible 1 . . - - CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 24, 1989 ruination of the oak woodlands in the area. Mr. Karp said the Public Works staff will probably recommend against the extension based on traffic findings and potential for environmental damage. He said the expenditure is not justified. There were Council comments and questions of Staff. Mr. Karp said his Staff is studying a Highway 227 Bypass through the Council of Governments and the County, and this may solve more traffic problems than the extension of James Way. . STANLEY BELL of 121 Floran, Pismo Beach, owner of property in the area, requested that the City short-circuit the Environmental Impact Report process so he can subdivide his land. Mayor Millis said it is premature to make any decisions now. He said the Council and public have not discussed the matter. Mr. Karp said the issue will be going before the Planning Commission in December. It was moved by Dougall/Moots, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.A., 5.B. and 5.K., with the recommended courses of action. 6. REGISTER OF WARRANTS It was moved by Olsen/Smith, and the motion passed, to approve the Cash Disbursements, as contained. in the October 18,1989, Staff Report of David Bacon, Finance Director. 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF VARIANCE CASE NO. 89-136. PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 89-447: VARIANCE FROM REOUIRED LOT WIDTH/DIVIDE ONE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS. 852 WILLOW LANE (BRUCE AND DIANE CASTON). Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall left the room because of possible conflict of interest and did not tue part in this Agenda item. Current Planner Scott Spierling referred to the October 24, 1989, staff Report of Ms. Liberto-Blanck. He said the item comes to the city Council from the Planning Commission without recommendation. He said if the Council wishes to approve this project, it should adopt resolutions which would: 1. Approve Variance Case No. 89-1:36, and adopt a Negative Declaration, 2. Approve Parcel Map Case No. 89-477, and adopt a Negative Declaration: and 3. Instruct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Pro Tem Smith declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. MARK VASQUEZ, representing the applicants: BRUCE CASTON, applicant: DON REED of 851 Willow Lane, and Gary Borda of 858 Willow Lane spoke in favor of the lot split. There being no further pUblic discussion on the matter, Mayor Pro Tem Smith closed the hearing to the floor. Council Members Moots and Smith said they had no objections to the lot split. Council Member Olsen objected on the basis of the substandard lots, which would be created. It was moved by Moots/Smith (2-1-2, Moots and Smith voting aye, Olsen voting no, and Dougall and Millis absent) to approve Resolution No. 2348 Granting a Variance, Case No. 89-136, Applied for by Bruce and Diane caston, Located at 852 Willow Lane, for a Substandard Lot Width and Adopting a Negative Declaration. 2 - -- .- CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 24, 1989 It was moved by Moots/Smith (2-1-2, Moots and smith voting aye, Olsen voting no, and Dougall and Millis absent) to approve Resolution No. 2349 Approving Parcel Map Case No. 89-477, 852 Willow Lane, Applied for by Bruce and Diane Caston, and Adoption of a Negative Declaration. The City Clerk was instructed to file a Notice of Determination. COUNCIL MEMBER DOUGALL AND MAYOR MILLIS RETURNED TO THE DAIS 8.A. UPDATE ON BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE AT ARROYO GRANDE CREEK Mr. Karp referred to his Staff Report of October 19, 1989, and recommended (1) that the City Council review the proposed contract with Fred Schott & Associates to provide design and construction engineering as outlined in his letter dated October'16, 1989; (2) conceptually approve the project as described therein, and authorize the City Staff to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City with Fred Schott & Associates; (3) consider the resolution conceptually approving rehabilitation project for Bridge Street Bridge and adopting the categorical exemption from environmental review for the project, and (4) authorize appropriate budget modifications to allow for completion of the project with the initial sum of $175,000 allocated to rehabilitation and restoration of Bridge Street Bridge. There were Council questions of Staff. Mr. Karp said if his recommendations are approved at this meeting, it will require approximately six months to repair the bridge. Council Member Dougall reported that Debbie Wright of Santa Maria, who became involved with the bridge through the Merchants Association, is still hopeful that the Construction Battalion Seabees will be able to work on the project, even though they are currently in San Francisco during the Earthquake emergency. It was moved by Smith/Dougall (5-0-0, Smith, Dougall, Moots, Olsen and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2350 Declaring an Emergency on Bridge Street Bridge at Arroyo Grande Creek; Approving a Rehabilitation Project; and Authorizing the Filing of a Categorical Exemption from California Environmental Quality Act Provisions. It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed, to adopt the remainder of Mr. Karp's recommendations, proceed with the hiring of the consultant and approve the budgeting. 8.B. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO Mr. Karp reported that the City Council requested widening for a temporary right turn lane of Oak Park Boulevard at El Camino Real would get underway wi thin two or three weeks. He said he is negotiating with a property owner on the matter of sidewalks to be constructed with the new interchange. 8.C. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUE/ TRAFFIC WAY AND WESLEY STREET Mr. Karp reported that the project is moving ahead, and the City is anticipating the engineer's storm drain design, but State Fish and Game restrictions will preclude construction until after the rainy season. 8.D. POLICE FACILITY EXPANSION Mr. Karp reported that Police Chief TerBroch said that the project is on schedule. 3 ~. "- CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 24, 1989 9.A. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO AMEND SECTION 9- 4.2613. ESTABLISHING RECREATION~ VEHICLE PARKING STANDARDS: AND TO ADD SECTION 9-4.2616. ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR DESIGN OF CITY PARKING STRUCTURES It was moved by Smith/Dougall (5-0-0, Smith, Dougall, Olsen, Moots and Millis voting aye) to adopt Ordinance No. 416 C.S. Adopting a Negative Declaration and Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code to Amend Section 9-4.2613, Establishing Recreational Vehicle Parking Standards; and to Add Section 9-4.2616, Establishing Standards for Design of Parking Structures. 10.A. APPOINTMENT OF SHARON FISCHER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION: TERM EXPIRES JUNE 30. 1992 Council Members unanimously approved the appointment of Mrs. Fischer to the Planning Commission. 10.B. LETTER OF REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT A RETAINING WALL TAT.T.ER THAT THE 30-INCH STANDARDS OF ROYAL OAKS. LOT 188. 445 MERCEDES LANE (MR. AND MRS. S. MITCH GILLILAND) It was moved by smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to continue this Agenda Item to November 14, 1989. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EOUIPMENT (MILLER WAY TEMPORARY RESERVOIR) It was moved by Smith/Dougall (5-0-0, Smith, Dougall, Olsen, Moots and Millis voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2351 Declaring Item to be Placed on a Surplus Property List for Sale or Auction, if the surplus tank cannot be otherwise utilized by the City Water Department. EXECUTION OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND THE CITIES OF PISMO BEA~H. ARROYO GRANDE AND GROVER CITY FOR REVISION OF THE OAK PARK INTERCHANGE Mr. Karp said this is a cooperative committment by all of the communities. He said there are some minor language problems with regard to maintenance of a traffic signal in Arroyo Grande with Grover city. He recommended that the agreement be signed at this time, and a secondary agreement signed later. It was moved by Moots/Olsen (5-0-0, Moots, Olsen, Smith, Dougall and Millis voting aye) to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the cooperative agreement on behalf of the city. 10.E. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A "NO STOPPING OR PARKING DURING SCHOOL HOURS" ZONE ON A PORTION OF FARROLL AVENUE (1220 FARROLL AVENUE) (PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8. 1989) Council Member Dougall said he had a possible conflict of interest and left the room. It was moved by Smith/Olsen (4-0-1, Smith, Olsen, Moots and Millis voting aye, Dougall absent) to approve Resolution No. 2352 Establishing a "No stopping or Parking During School Hours" Zone on a Portion of Farroll Avenue (1220 Farro11 Avenue) (Municipal Code Sec. 2-7.04). COUNCIL MEMBER DOUGALL RETURNED TO THE DAIS 10.F. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO ESTABLISH A CITY WATER POLICY Mr. Karp read a letter dated October 19, 1989, from Robert Carr, chairman of the Planning Commission, requesting that the Council establish a City Water Policy. Mr. Carr appeared before the Council and said that it is the intent of the Planning Commission that the City adopt a policy that would result in the reduction of the use of water from the existing homes and businesses, and an allocation plan for the additional 4 - Ibb CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 24, 1989 use of water. Mayor Millis said the City does have enough water now, but the qu~stion ar~ses what to do about requests for major annexations, maJor rezon~nqs, and even lot splits. He said if the City plans wisely, it can continue to grow without water rationing. city Attorney Judy Skousen said developing a City Water Policy i is not going to be quick and easy to do. She said it will take reflection, study and good in-depth reports, which are absolutely necessary for making a wise policy with sufficient findings. She ! suggested that Council direct Staff to begin work on in-depth reports on which to base the city Water policy. council members made suggestions for the Water Policy including water conservation; retrofitting homes with water-saving devices: landscaping designs which save water: not adding new lots to the City: finding out what the City is already obligated to serve (vacant lots within the City): coordinating the Water Policy with the General Plan Update; completing the policy before the 1990 election vote on State water, and finding ways to reclaim water. Mayor Millis requested that Staff write a one-page policy within the next two weeks. Mr. Karp said there is an acute shortage of engineering staff. at this time, but that the City I Manager is working on resolving the problem soon. Mr. Karp said , i he could not give the City Council a realistic date for completion of the report at this time. Mrs. Skousen said backing up the concise policy should be an accurate, good, lengthy, detailed report. CLARK MOORE, a member of the Planning Commission, commended the Council for deciding to develop a Water Policy. After further discussion, Mayor Millis said that it is the Council consensus that it does want a City Water Policy, which ! stresses conservation and which hopefully includes as an additional source the new well yielding 100 acre feet of water. He said the goal of the City will be to be able to build out the City under its current zoning and not have to run out of water, not have water rationing and not depend on State water. 10.G. CURBSIDE RECYCLING Council Member Dougall referred to his memorandum of October 12, 1989, and said the South County Sanitary Service has made a proposal to the cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach, which would include a total of 9,022 residences. He said the proposal includes supplying residents with a divided container, one side of which would be for aluminum, the other for glass. He said newspapers would be placed either beside or under the container, and on a regular trash pickup day, the residents would put out their usual container of trash, along with the recycled material in its container. He said a collection truck would pick up the regular trash, and an especially-adapted truck would follow and pick up and sort the recyclable material. TOM MARTIN of the Sanitary Service answered Council questions , about future rate increases, and whether or not plastics could be ! recycled. 1 Mayor Millis said issues involved here are the rate increases, public input into the matter, and whether or not the recycling should be mandatory. There was further Council discussion. Mayor Millis and Council Members Olsen and Moots said they would not be in favor of mandatory recycling. Council Members Smith and Dougall said they 5 ..-.- ... 9" .... 0.. ...._ ._~..._.. .'.~.'._.._"'_"_..._.'.'_."_9'.'___~__ .__._...__._.. /- .-- - -~ 156 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 24, 1989 thought the City should be involved in a recycling program. 11. ~ITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ORAL COMMUNICAIIO~S There were Council concerns about City building codes with regard to earthquakes; citizens preparedness, and evacuation plans. Mr. Karp said the City has adopted the state Unifon Building Codes, and earthquake restrictions are built in. He said there is a requirement that the City have an earthquake safe buildinq inventory ready for 1990, and that it was his understanding from Fire Chief Douq Hamp that most of the background for this project - had already been completed. 13. C~OSED SESS}~ The Council adjourned at 9:10 P.K. to a Closed session on Personnel. 14. ADJOURNMEN:~ The Council reconvened at 9:40 P.K. and immediately adjourned. ~,~ ATTEST: t1~(). Q....H~) CITY ERK