Minutes 1989-10-10 \ , ----, ,---~' 14f MINUTES MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1989 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The city Council met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION I Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the I Rev. Dale Burke of Grace Bible Churoh delivered the invooation. ~()~~ ~~T.T. Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A.K. "Pete" i Douqall, Gene Moots, Doris Olsen and B'Ann Smith. , , 4. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUES OF APPRECIATION Plaques were presented to former planning Commissioner William "Bill" Gerrish and Senior Advisory Commissioner Bernard Burke. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Bill Walther of Branch Mill Rd. read a letter addressed to the Council. In it he expressed concern that there is no access for the handicapped at City Hall and that his telephone calls and personal visits regarding this matter have been ignored. Mort Baldwin also spoke on the subject and indicated that he had made recommendations 20 years ago. Nothing has been done to provide equal access. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda i Items 6.A. through 6.F. and 6.H. through 6.J. I , , 6.A. September 26, 1989 city Council Minutes. Approved. 6.B. October 4, 1989, Senior Advisory Commission Minutes. Information. 6.C. Youth in Government Day January 16, 1990. Approved. 6.D. Third Quarter, 1989, Departmental Report. Information. 6.E. Third Quarter, 1989, Sales Tax Revenue Report. Information. , , , 6.F. september, 1989, Investment Report. Information. 1 Council'Member Olsen questioned security in the employment of convict work crews to clean creeks. Public Works Director Paul i Karp stated that in the past the crews have been supervised by the people from California Mens Colony. It was moved, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Item 6.G.. 6.H. Purchase of Arrow Board: Public Works Department, Budgeted Item. Approved. 6 I. Approval of TOW Service Bid. 6.J. Request by Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory , Board - Proposed parking Lot Behind Council Chambers. Approved. , 7. REGISTER OF WARRANTS It was moved by smith/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve the Cash Disbursements, as contained in the October 5,. 1989 Staff Report of David Bacon, Finance Director. 8.A UPDATE ON BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE AT ARROYO GRANDE CREEK Public Works Director Paul Karp referred to his memo of 1 .,--.'.- . --...... 148. - CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 10, 1989 October 6,1989 and summarized the report. He said that there is a mailing list of about 70 names and addresses of the public that will be receiving the reports as they become available. He stated that he has outlined three possible permanent repairs for the structure itself. Those go from trussing up the structure with supporting members through replacement with a full width bridge. Each alternative has different conditions which may affect the pedestrian access. Permanent bridge repair which is supported by the state and Federal Government is the most expensive and would take 2 1/2 to 3 years to complete. The second structure would be about the width of the present green bridge and would allow only for driving traffic , two vehicles in opposite directions, and sidewalks. The cost would be about $500,000 and would take a year to a year and a half. The third alternative is to construct supports under the existing bridge. This could be completed in four to six months with a categorical exemption adopted by the Council for environmental review. The cost would J be approximately $175,000. Mr. Karp also discussed possible solutions to the pedestrian crossing problem, which is considered an emergency because of the businesses on Bridge street. Mary simmons of 911 Dodson Way asked if the rehabilitation of the bridge would alter the creek bed in any way. Mr. Karp sketched the bridge with the 30 inch pylons in place. Ms. simmons also asked about an EIR. Mr. Karp responded that there would only be an engineering study if the city Council finds the project exempt from Environmental Review. Debbie wright of Santa Maria said that she became involved in this bridge project through the Merchants Association. She said that she has worked extensively with the Construction Battalion Seabees. One of their training exercises is building bridges. They have to do that and they like to do civilian community projects. All the Seabees ask for is the material cost. They will bring the men and the equipment. She will be in touch with Paul. Ralph and Jean Bush who are property owners on Bridge Street reported that they have a big problem. Mr. Bush said that at one time he was a restoration and preservation contractor and has contacted a number of people who might help with the bridge project. He distributed lists of the names, addresses and telephone numbers to the Council. All agree that speed is of the essence as businesses are drying up. After discussion by the Council it was moved by Dougall/Olsen, i and the motion passed to rehabilitate the old bridge and direct Staff to proceed with the project on a "Fast Track" basis. 8.B MOBILEHOME RENTAL ACCORD LETTER City Manager Chris Christiansen referred to a letter from the , I Sunrise Terrace Mobilehome Park manager notifying 38 of the residents of a rental adjustment. He said that the third paragraph , J of the letter, which refers to the city's Ordinance regulating rents, is in error. He said that he telephoned the owners of sunrise Terrace a~d spoke to Mr. Richard Hall. Subsequently, a letter came in apologizing for the mistake. Bernie Burke of 1227 priscilla Lane, Doris Troll of 804 covington Drive and Ted Davis of 331 Sunrise Drive spoke about the letter. All of the speakers said that the rent increase is unreasonable, that leases were not being offered to everyone, and appealed to the Council for help. Mr. Gene Ley presented a petition containing 255 signatures urging Council support. It was moved by DougalljMoots and the motion passed to adjourn 2 . ___... _ .. ._ u._ ~..,. __.....'.0.__.___ .."'__".'_'0 .._a__.. ,. ,.___. ... .. __.n.. _...__ -- ...- - ~_.----_.__.- . -----,---- -------- - 149 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER ~O, ~989 to executive session at 8:40 P.M. The Council returned at 9:~0 P.M. and City Attorney Judy Skousen read her report. In the report she stated that Ordinance 345 C.S. does not prohibit rent increases upon a change in occupancy. She said that the City will vigorously enforce the ordinance, going to' court if necessary. It was moved by Olsen/Smith and the motion passed to accept the interpretation of the ordinance as presented by the City Attorney. S.C. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO No report 8.D. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS A~ WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUE/TRAFFIC WAY AND WESLEY STREET No report - B..~. POLICE FACILITY EXPANSION Mr. Christiansen said that the portables have been moved in and set up and the contractor has done some minor work that relates to the electrical utilities. 8.F. REPORT F~9M SENIOR ADVISORY CO~ISSION REGARDING ~ SENIOR CITIZEN TAXI CAB SUBSIDY Robert Gruber, a member of the Senior Advisory Commission, referred to the proposed program which had been distributed to Council Members and offered to answer questions. Mr. Christiansen said that the Senior Commission has recommended a four month trial period, the program not to exceed $850.00 per month. He suggested that the dollar amount be lowered and the program to begin December 1. After Council discussion it was moved by Smith/Olsen and the motion passed to begin the program December 1, 1989 for a four month period at $700.00 per month. Travel will be limited to the City Limits of the City of Arroyo Grande or for medical services in Grover city or pismo Beach. B.G.. STATUS OF THE FIVE-ACRE PARCEL FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Because of possible conflict of interest Mr. Christiansen, Council Member Moots, Council Member Dougall and Mayor Millis left the room.* City Attorney Judy Skousen said she has attempted to get in touch with Steve Cool to set up a meeting with Don MCHaney. She said she has been in contact with County Counsel trying to get them to work with her. Ruth Brackett of 2251 Gasoline Alley said she came to the meeting because she would like to support the Council in its effort to get the County and the developer to agree to the proposal. She said that she felt the City is on the right track and is in complete agreement with anything the City can dO to insure that the swap is complete. She suggested that the City try to have the time limit removed from the agreement. Mr. Christiansen and Council Members Moots and Dougall , returned at 9:55 P.M., and Mayor Millis remained out of the room ~ because of a possible conflict of interest on the next Agenda Item 9.A.* *Sentences were revised 10/24/89 to add the name of Council Member Dougall to those leaving the room and returning because of possible conflict of interest on Agenda Item 8.G. 9.A. METROMEDIA REOUEST FOR PERMIS~ION TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL PAGING TRANSMITTERS AT RESERVOIR NO. 2. (CONTINUED FROM COUNCIL MEETINGS OF AUGUST 22. SEPTEMBER 12. AND SEPTEMBER 26. 1989\ Mr. Christiansen reported that he haa been contactea by Metromedia who requested the matter be continued to the next meeting. After Council discussion this item was removed from the 3 ---.- - _.- ---_._-.-~-~-_.._---~-----_._-------_..---_.- .-- -- . . - 150 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 10, 1989 agenda. Mayor Millis returned. 9.B. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5. CHAPTER 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. PROHIBITING CARD ROOMS WITHIN THE CITY Mr. Christiansen read the title of the ordinance. It was moved by Moots/Olsen and the motion passed to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. It was moved by Moots/Olsen (5-0-0, Moots, Olsen, Smi th, Dougall and Millis voting aye) to adopt Ordinance No. 415 C.S. Amending Title 5, Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code, Prohibiting Card Rooms Within the city. 9.C: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO AMEND SECTION 9- 4.2613. ESTABLISHING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING STANDARDS: AND TO ADD SECTION 9-4.2616. ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR DESIGN OF PARKING STRUCTURES. Mr. Christiansen read the title of the ordinance. It was moved by Smith/Dougall and the motion carried to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. Mayor Millis announced that this constitutes the first reading. 10.A. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REVISION OF THE AGREEMENT CREATING. ~E CENTRAL COAST CITIES SELF-INSURANCE FUND AND THE CREATION OF BYLAWS Mr. christiansen read the title of the resolution. It was moved by smith/Dougall to dispense with further reading of the resolution. It was moved by Smi th/Moots (5-0-0, Smith, Moots, Dougall, Olsen and Millis voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 2347 Approving the Revision of the Agreement creating the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund and the Creation of Bylaws. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Christiansen referred to a letter of resignation from Jean M. Buckner, Senior Advisory Commissioner. He recommended that the counci 1 accept her resignation. with regrets. It was moved by smith/Dougall and the motion passed to accept the resignation. Council Member smith suggested a plaque for her. Mayor Millis said that an appropriate plaque will be given to her. 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Paul Haddock of 587 Valley Road asked when West Branch Street will be finished and who is going to pay for it. Mr. Karp responded that it will be developed by Rancho Grande and assured Mr. Haddock that the city is not liable for it. Mr. Haddock asked if it will ever be four lanes and Mr. Karp told him it probably would. Mayor Millis announced his intention to nominate Sharon Fischer to the Planning commission and Sadie Krovious to the senior Advisory commission. 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. ... Ji;Y'J. 4fk. II' . MA 0 ATTEST: 71 a.~ ~CLERK 4