R 4566 RESOLUTION NO. 4566
WHEREAS, the purpose of the D-2.11 Design Overlay District is to encourage the use
of design that will not detract from the neighboring Village districts and enhance the
character and appearance of this southern commercial gateway to Arroyo Grande; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it will further the economic well being of the
community to modify the preferred use for properties at the southeastern corner of the
intersection at E. Cherry Avenue and Traffic Way to auto mobile services and related
uses with the D-2.11 Design Overlay District; and
WHEREAS, Section 16.08.010 of the Municipal Code specifies documents that are
incorporated by reference into Title 16 of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered and recommended approval of Staff
Project 13-007 at a duly noticed regular meeting on January 7, 2014 in accordance with
the Municipal Code, at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to
be heard; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study and deliberation that the proposed
amendment to the Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District (D-
2.11)— Traffic Way and Station Way is in the economic best interests of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that that the proposed amendment to the Design
Guidelines and Standards will both logically and appropriately extend the already
defined character of auto sales and related uses further down Traffic Way; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendment to the Design
Guidelines and Standards is consistent with the purpose and intent of the overlay,
which is to encourage the use of design that will not detract from the neighboring
Village districts and to enhance the character and appearance of the Southern
commercial gateway to the City from Highway 101.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo
Grande hereby amends the Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District
(D-2.11) — Traffic Way and Station Way as shown in Exhibit 'A', attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference.
On a motion by Council Member Costello, seconded by Council Member Brown, and by
the following roll call vote to wit:
AYES: Council Members Costello, Brown, Bameich, Guthrie, and Mayor Ferrara
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of January 2014.
Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay
District (D-2.11) - Traffic Way and Station Way
Amended by City Council
Resolution No. 4480
Resolution No.
Purpose of this Design Overlay
The primary purposes and goals of this
district are to encourage the use of
design that will not detract from the
neighboring Village districts and to
enhance the character and appearance
of this southern commercial gateway to
Arroyo Grande from Freeway 101. Much
of the existing development in the area nint
is modern, there are many buildings and -�? _ '= >�� .I!' . - •
sites reflecting the former highway route, " --r a
prior to Freeway 101, from the 1920's
through 1950's. The intent of these
guidelines and standards is to protect
the best examples of these existing Guidelines and Standards
historic period buildings, and to enhance
the character of this major entrance to Special Considerations
the Village. There is no one proper A Concept Enhancement Plan is
architectural style, but the design included in Attachment "A" to facilitate
element and "automobile age" character the goals for the district. The Plan
of this era and the use of elements or shows areas planned for auto retail
scale found in adjacent buildings is uses, visitor serving uses and shared
encouraged. Examples include historic parking.
"Route 66" style building elements and
architectural styles such as "Streamline 1. Along a portion of the east side of
Moderne" and "Art Deco". Examples of Station Way, both sides of Traffic Way,
such elements are shown in and along the south side of Fair Oaks
photographs at the end of this section. Avenue between Freeway 101 and
Traffic Way. and on the southeast of the
intersection of E. Cherry Avenue and
Traffic Way (APN's 007-483-009, 010,
011, 033, 039, and 040; 007-542-007,
015, 021, and 023; 007-594-017, 018,
Page 1
027, and 029; 007-621-076, 077, and storage shall be designed as part of the
078), permitted use shall be limited to overall project or building.
automobile and light truck sales and
services, or related automotive parts 4. Landscaping should retain existing
stores, repair shops, and similar vehicle trees and add feature areas or strips of
sales, services and accessory uses. planting to achieve screening or
softening of building and outdoor display
All other Permitted uses and Minor Use areas visible from public streets. Street
Permitted uses shall be considered trees shall be incorporated where
subject to Conditional Use Permit, functional circulation will not be
including a finding that vehicle sales and obstructed. Street trees and sidewalk
services and /or the similar related uses planters within the public right of way
prescribed are not feasible due to site should be supplemented with private
specific building and/or property street yard planting, landscape strips or
configuration and conditions. feature areas to enhance appearance
and encourage outdoor uses.
5. Streetscape improvements shall
• • ' e e _ e e . • : es e _ , conform to the established sidewalk
pemlitted-use-shall-be4imited-te-visitof paving, lighting and street furniture,
fixture and feature designs approved by
the City.
All other Permitted , ° and Minor Use 6. The desired configurations and
Permitted shall be considered locations for off-street parking lots, in
order of preference, are:
a. Double loaded aisle to side or rear
of building on-site.
b. Shared double loaded aisle to side
conditions, or rear of building partially on-site
and part off-site on neighboring
Site Design parcel.
1. All new projects or renovations shall c. Shared off-site or public parking lot
adhere to site development standards of within 200 feet.
the Development Code. d. Single or double loaded aisle in
front of building(s).
2. Buildings and sales uses shall be
oriented to the public street while Building Design
service, storage and accessory uses 1. Buildings shall be one to three
shall be oriented away from the street to stories, small to moderate scale, have
interior areas of the site. horizontal massing and include both
pedestrian and vehicle-oriented features
3. All accessory structures or functions, evident from public streets, particularly
including off-street parking, service Traffic Way.
buildings and enclosures for service
areas, trash containers or outdoor
Page 2
2. Along both sides of Traffic Way and process. The use of limited florescent,
the south side of Fair Oaks Avenue, "neon" or "day-glo" colors on building
building material textures and colors facades may be allowed if used to
shall be consistent with the character of depict the "automobile age" era.
the best examples of"automobile age"
(1920's through 1950's) buildings in the 8. Color palettes should be compatible
area. On side streets east of Traffic Way with those of adjoining buildings.
adjoining Village Mixed Use District (D-
2.4) the building materials, textures and
colors, as well as architectural character Signs
should transition to Historic district Signs shall be architecturally integrated,
design guidelines and standards, meet all requirements of the
including elements of both eras. Development Code and the provision of
these guidelines and standards. If a
3. The height, lot coverage and floor to conflict exists, the most restrictive
area ratio of new buildings shall not requirements shall apply.
exceed the development standards
allowed in Title 16 of the Municipal Code However, because of the unique nature,
for the TMU district, unless the project multiple functions and special
adjoins the VMU district in which case characteristics of the combination of
those standards may be allowed. new and used car, truck and/or other
vehicle and related retail and accessory
4. To the extent feasible, original uses, the approval of Minor Use Permits
structures and materials, and or Conditional Use Permits may include
architectural details should be integrated design exceptions including height, size
into project design and retained, and total area of signage allowed.
renovated, or replaced with materials
and features that match or reflect the 1. Color and materials samples shall be
original design. submitted as part of the permitting
process. The use of limited florescent,
5. Construction materials should be "neon" or"day-glo" colors on building
compatible with those used on adjacent facades may be allowed if used to
developments. New buildings should depict the "automobile age" era.
incorporate traditional materials, but
should not attempt, or pretend to be 2. Signs should be located
historic. Victorian period details should symmetrically in relation to facade bays
not be used when not in context with the and should not obstruct architectural
building. features of the building.
6. The number of colors used on a 3. Wall signs should be located above
building or project should be kept to a the entry to the building to better relate
minimum, to include a base color, trim to pedestrian traffic.
color and accent colors.
4. Window and door signs should be
7. Color and materials samples shall be applied where they will not obstruct
submitted as part of the permitting visibility.
Page 3
5. Signs on awnings or canopies should F..,.
be placed where they may be seen by , _%
pedestrians as well as by passing traffic. '" "� - ,. _: - 4`i
6. Temporary banners to meet franchise ,. -_I` �,
agreement requirements for large scale , ' -'0 IJ_ ��%
automobile retail uses provided that: =- 1 n��I l i L I l I l
1. Only two (2) banners are displayed ' 1 -
at any given time; Example of art deco inspired architecture:
2. The banners are no larger than Former Volkswagen Showroom Building(circa
forty-eight (48) square feet each; 1937),
and Maple and Olympic Boulevard, South Beverly
3. The banners are displayed no Hills
more than thirty (30) days every
two (2) months.
I f iq - s - - - ' '' . �
Examples of Architectural Elements ' . . 'k _ _ .
..„,.7_,,,_ F _1 sinair_LA
m Typical art deco inspired architecture:
= I : I Wood) and Depot in Ohio(courtesy Andrew
--II — m.,, _ Wood
L p0liOR nmVCOFD 0000 EEOWI RIM tlG11
Example of a facade that incorporates
Streamline-Modem style architecture
Page 4
Station Way subject to Conditional Use Permit,
including a finding that visitor services is
Purpose of this Design Overlay not feasible due to site specific building
District and/or property configuration and
The primary purposes of this district are
to encourage the use of design that will 2. A shared parking facility should be
complement the neighboring Village considered at the interior portion of
districts and provide a transition the parcels located at 208, 210 and
between these districts and the Traffic 216 Traffic Way (APNs 007-483-41,
Way corridor. The predominant design 42 and 7).
for the Station Way area are wood-sided
or smooth plaster single and two-story Site Design
structures with green ribbed metal roofs 1. All new projects or renovations shall
as depicted by the Village Promenade. adhere to site development standards of
the Development Code.
2. Buildings and sales uses shall be
- -=y , oriented to the public street while
storage, parking and accessory uses
shall be oriented away from the street to
interior areas of the site
• L _—_J - 3. All accessory structures including off-
_ ' - -- _ street parking, service buildings and
enclosures for service areas, trash
containers or outdoor storage shall be
designed as part of the overall project or
Special Considerations
A Concept Enhancement Plan is 4. Landscaping should retain existing
included in Attachment "A° to facilitate trees and add feature areas or strips of
the goals for the district. The Plan planting to achieve screening and
shows areas planned for visitor serving softening of structures and parking and
uses and shared parking. highlight pedestrian walkways and
public areas. Street trees shall be
1. Southeast of the intersection of E. incorporated where functional circulation
Grand Avenue and Freeway 101, will not be obstructed.
on the parcel behind the Chevron
Station (APN 007,481,006) 5. Streetscape improvements shall
permitted use shall be limited to conform to the established sidewalk
visitor serving uses, and related paving, lighting and street furniture,
accessory uses. fixture and feature designs approved by
the City.
All other Permitted uses and Minor Use
Permitted uses shall be considered
Page 5
6. The desired configurations and developments. New buildings should
locations for off-street parking lots, in incorporate traditional materials and
order of preference, are: reflect agrarian features.
a. Shared double loaded aisle to side 5. The number of colors used on a
or rear of building partially on-site building or project should be three or
and partially off-site on neighboring fewer, to include a base color, trim color
parcels. and single accent color.
b. Single or double loaded aisle in
front of building(s) with substantial 6. Color and materials samples shall be
landscaping. submitted as part of the ARC process.
c. Shared off-site or public parking lot The use of florescent, "neon" or "day-
within 200 feet. glo" colors is not appropriate.
Building Design 7. Color palettes should be compatible
with those of adjoining buildings.
Materials and Colors
1. Buildings shall be one or two story, Signs shall meet all requirements of the
horizontally massed, and small to Development Code and the provision of
moderate scale structures, with these guidelines and standards. If a
pedestrian features evident from public conflict exists, the most restrictive
streets, particularly Station Way. requirements shall apply unless
otherwise approved by ARC.
On the east side of Station Way the
established materials, textures and 1. Color and materials samples shall be
colors of the existing buildings shall be submitted as part of the ARC process.
utilized or reflected in the building, The use of florescent, "neon" or "day-
landscape and signage designs. glo" colors is not appropriate.
2. The height, lot coverage and floor to 2. Signs should not obstruct
area ratio of new buildings shall not architectural features of the building.
exceed the development standards
allowed in Title 16 of the Municipal Code 3. Wall signs should be located above
for the VMU district. the entry to the building to better relate
to pedestrian traffic.
3. To the extent feasible, original
structures and materials, and 4. Window and door signs should be
architectural details should be integrated applied where they will not obstruct
into project design and retained, visibility.
renovated, or replaced with materials
and features that match or reflect the 5. Signs on awnings or canopies should
original design. be placed where they may be seen by
pedestrians as well as by passing traffic.
4. Construction materials should be
compatible with those used on adjacent
Page 6
6. Temporary banners to meet franchise
agreement requirements for large scale
automobile retail uses provided that:
1. Only two (2) banners are displayed
at any given time;
2. The banners are no larger than
forty-eight (48) square feet each;
3. The banners are displayed no
more than thirty (30) days every
two (2) months.
Page 7
I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached
Resolution No. 4566 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and
adopted at a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the
28th day of January, 2014.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of
January 2014.