R 4577 RESOLUTION NO. 4577
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande desires to initiate proceeding
pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000,
commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code, for Annexation of
territory to the City of Arroyo Grande;
WHEREAS, this resolution is submitted to comply with Government Code Section
WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to adopt this Resolution of Application has been given
according to Government Code Section 56654(b); and
WHEREAS, the nature of this proposal is to annex the property into the City of Arroyo
WHEREAS, the territory is uninhabited. A map and description of the boundaries of
the territory are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, and are incorporated herein by this
reference; and
WHEREAS, the principal reasons for the proposed annexation are as follows: 1)
annexation of the property will provide the City with property tax revenue and impact
fees, and 2) enables more orderly planning for development of the property pursuant to
City policy and consistent with the Plan for Services attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and
incorporated by this reference; and
WHEREAS, the following agency or agencies would be affected by the proposed
jurisdictional changes: Agency: City of Arroyo Grande; and
WHEREAS, the proposed annexation is subject to the following terms and conditions:
Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act
WHEREAS, the proposal requires that the adopted Sphere of Influence for the agency
be amended to include this property; and
WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved said Sphere
of Influence amendment on November 21, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the City has assumed Lead Agency status, responsible for compliance with
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
WHEREAS, the City adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration on March 25, 2014 for
General Plan Amendment No. 14-001 and Development Code Amendment No. 14-003
to change the land use designation from County Residential Suburban to City Low
Density residential and to prezone the property to Residential Hillside.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo
Grande does hereby adopt and approve this Resolution of Application and Plan for
Services, and hereby requests that LAFCO proceed with the processing of the
annexation of territory, as authorized and in the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox-
Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000.
This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption.
On motion of Council Member Brown, seconded by Council Member Costello, and by
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Brown, Costello, Barneich, Guthrie, and Mayor Ferrara
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of April 2014.
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Real property in the unincorporated area of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of
California, described as follows:
Remainder Parcel of Tract No. 2207, in the unincorporated area of Arroyo Grande,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to map recorded July 17,
2000 in Book 19, Page 26 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County
and by Certificate of Correction recorded November 8, 2000 as Instrument No. 2000-
66285 of Official Records.
APN: 075-021-026 and 075-021-042
PaRoYO GRAN,„, Heights at Vista Del Mar (HVDM) Annexation
gas- Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) 3048
IFORNI Plan for Services — April 2014
1. Introduction & Background
2. Water Supply and Distribution
3. Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment
4. Storm Drainage
5. Fire Protection Services (including paramedic and ambulance)
6. Police Services (including law enforcement)
7. Parks and Recreation Facilities
8. Community Development Services (Planning, Building and Engineering)
9. Public Works Maintenance Services
10.General Municipal Administration (management, personnel, finance and records)
12.Public Transit
13.Solid Waste and Recycling
14.Affordable Housing
15.Hospital/Health Care
17.Summary of Conclusions
1. Introduction & Background
The project site is located at the current terminus of Castillo Del Mar, immediately
southwest of U.S. Highway 101, southwest of the City limits. Surrounding land uses
include low density residential development and open space to the north within the City,
low density residential development to the east within the unincorporated County, and
high density mobile homes to the west within the City. The project site is currently vacant
with an unpaved emergency access road traversing from Castillo Del Mar to Falcon
Ridge Estates located in the County. Topography of the site is gently to steeply sloping.
An oak woodland exists on the steeper slopes, which is protected by an open space
easement. Below is a property location map.
HVDM Annexation - Plan for Services
Page 2
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Annexation of the subject property into the City limits was initiated by the applicant for
the primary purpose of water service. The County of San Luis Obispo (the "County")
considered several development proposals for this property over the past twenty-four
years. The City has been an active participant in the public review process.
In 1990, the City appealed a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a 16 lot residential
subdivision (VTTM 1789 — Busick Tract) located at the southeast terminus of Castillo
Del Mar. The primary issue of concern was traffic. The City withdrew the appeal in
1991 as a result of efforts made by the County Board of Supervisors to address the
City's concerns. In 1993, the County Planning Commission re-considered and
approved VTTM 1789. This decision was appealed by the Falcon Ridge Estates
Homeowners Association to the Board of Supervisors. During this appeal period, the
City expressed concerns regarding a potential access road extending from the project
site to Orchard Avenue. In 1994, the County Board of Supervisors considered the
appeal and required the applicant to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
After many revisions to the project to address significant environmental effects, the
County adopted the EIR and approved VTTM 1789 in June 2008. This project includes
primary access via Castillo Del Mar through the City's Vista Del Mar (VTTM 2207)
residential development.
In May 2006, the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the
Lucia Mar Unified School District (the "District"), J.H. Land Partnership (the applicant for
VTTM 1789) and John Taylor (agricultural land owner) to enable the City to accomplish
an extension of Castillo Del Mar to Valley Road. The MOU was amended in January
2007, April 2007, April 2008, December 2010 and August 2013. The primary objective
of the City has been to provide an additional access route behind the high school to
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relieve existing traffic congestion on Orchard Street caused by the high school and to
provide safe, alternative access routes for students and the general public.
Due to the economic downturn at the time of VTTM 1789 approval, development of the
project was not pursued. To improve the economic viability of the project, the developer
revised the project and submitted an application to the County for six (6) additional units
for a total of twenty-two units (VTTM 3048, the Heights at Vista Del Mar). The following
actions have been made towards project entitlement and annexation:
• The City adopted Resolution No. 4543 on August 27, 2013 approving initiation of
proceedings for the amendment of the SOI.
• LAFCO approved an amendment to the City's SOI to include the subject property
within the City limits on November 21, 2013.
• The County approved VTTM 3048 on December 12, 2013.
2. Water Supply and Distribution
Project Water Supply Offset from Conservation Proiects:
The originally entitled sixteen (16) unit project was to be served water from Rural Water
Company. The increase of six (6) units for a total of twenty-two (22) units required that
additional water be identified. It was determined that the City could provide a more
appropriate source of water supply than groundwater provided by a private water
purveyor since it can be better managed to avoid negatively impacting projected
groundwater supply. Approximately 5.54 acre-feet of water was anticipated for the
sixteen (16) unit development. An additional 2.07 acre-feet is necessary to serve the
approved twenty-two (22) lot project.
According to the developer, 7.61 acre-feet-year (AFY) will be required to meet the
subdivision's water demand and would include water conservation mitigation measures
limiting the quantity of turf and type of landscape. The City contracted with Water
Systems Consulting (WSC) to provide a third party analysis to determine if three (3)
identified water conservation irrigation retrofit projects would reliably offset the
development's water demands at a ratio of 2:1 (with a minimum developer estimated
goal of 15 AFY total offset). The irrigation retrofits are proposed to occur at the Arroyo
Grande Cemetery, Ocean View Elementary School, and Paulding Middle School.
The City's irrigation consultant, Sprinkler King Inc., completed reports on estimated
water savings calculations for the proposed irrigation retrofit projects. A similar project
has been accomplished at Strother Park with successful monitored savings, so accurate
data has been collected that verifies the methodology and results. Five years of
consumption data, including wet and dry months, was evaluated for the three sites
proposed for retrofits and compared to Strother Park. The analysis also includes a
comparison of developer projected demand and the City's demand based on land use.
It is important to note that the City's land-use based demands do not account for
irrigation-related water conservation measures. The analysis confirms that the
developer's demand projections are reasonable using restricted landscape
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requirements. Additionally, the project would connect with the City's water system and
would be served by the Vista Del Mar Booster Station, which would be upgraded by the
The results of the study indicated that the proposed retrofits (14.03 AFY) would fall 1.2
acre feet short of reliably offsetting the project's water demand (7.61AFY) by the 2:1
ratio. In order to meet or exceed the desired 2:1 threshold, Rancho Grande Park has
been identified as a fourth project, with calculated savings of 4 AFY of savings, so that
the overall impact will exceed a 2:1 savings (i.e. 15.2 AFY needed, approximately 18
AFY gained through retrofits). Included as Attachment A is a Technical Memorandum
prepared by WSC dated December 6, 2013 which reviews the project's water supply
offset from conservation projects. The irrigation retrofit has been completed for the
Arroyo Grande Cemetery, and irrigation retrofits have begun for the Lucia Mar Unified
School District (Paulding and Ocean View schools). Irrigation Improvements to Rancho
Grande Park are expected to commence by June 2014.
City's Water Supply and Distribution:
The City of Arroyo Grande currently incorporates 5.45 square miles of land with
primarily residential and agricultural land uses. The population of the City is 17,252
according to the 2010 U.S. Census. However, the City currently serves water to a
population of approximately 16,900. The City's water service area population includes
residents of nine (9) water service connections outside of City limits and excludes
residents of 138 connections served by the Oceano Community Service District in an
area located in the southwest portion of the City limits. All connections to the City's
water system are metered, and there are no agricultural or industrial connections.
The City has a variety of water sources including groundwater, local surface water, and
ponded stormwater used for groundwater recharge, irrigation and construction water.
The City has completed multiple studies of potential supplemental water supply sources
including an extension of the Nacimiento Pipeline, desalination, recycled water, and
State Water Project water from the County. The following tables outline the City's
current and planned water supplies for the next 16 years.
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Table 1. Historical Water Supply-AFY
Water Supply Sources 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Groundwater-Santa 1,202 1,202 1,202 1,202 1,202 1,202
Maria Groundwater Basin
Groundwater-Pismo 0 0 0 80 80 80
County of San Luis Obispo 2,290 2,290 2,290 2,290 2,290 2,290
Lopez Reservoir Project
Surplus Lopez Project 600 700 910 500 0
Oceano Community 100
Services District
TOTAL 3,490 4,090 4,192 4,472 4,062 3,758
Table 2. Current and Projected Water Supply-AFY
Water Supply Sources 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Groundwater- Santa 1,323 1,323 1,323 1,323 1,323
Maria Groundwater Basin
Groundwater- Pismo 80 200 200 200 200
County of San Luis Obispo 2,290 2,290 2,290 2,290 2,290
Lopez Reservoir Project
Oceano Community 100 100
Services District2
TOTAL 3,793 3,913 3,813 3,813 3,813
' Assumes 80 AFY of groundwater from Well No. 9, 80 AFY from Well No. 10, and 40 AFY from Well No.
11 will be available as a reliable source of supply from 2015 through 2030.
Assumes that the remaining three years of the five year contract of 100 AFY with OCSD will be utilized in
2014, 2015, and 2016.
The City is committed to reducing the necessity to import water and maximize the
available local resources. A big part of maximizing available resources is developing an
effective water conservation program. The City has maintained a non-revenue water
average of 4.9% of gross water use. Residents can participate in water efficiency
programs, like the plumbing retrofit program, the Smart Irrigation Controller program,
and the Cash for Grass program. In the plumbing retrofit program, residents can request
high efficiency toilets, showerheads, faucet aerators, and pressure regulators funded by
the City. Smart-irrigation controllers are also available to residents, which decrease the
water use needed to irrigate the property. The City residents can also receive a rebate
by upgrading their current washing machine to a high-efficiency washing machine.
Finally, the City currently offers 50 cents per square foot to replace lawn with native
vegetation or artificial turf.
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Along with water efficiency programs, the City has been operating a successful
stormwater recycling program at the Arroyo Grande Sports Complex. The City has
reduced their water demand by about 100 AFY irrigating 45 acres of grass and field.
Additionally, the City has conducted a study to utilize recycled wastewater. The City
uses no recycled wastewater; however the study outlined potential recycled water
usage that would reduce potable water needs by 201 AFY. The same study also
outlined a stormwater reclamation program that would reduce water needs by an
additional 43 AFY.
3. Sanitary Sewer Collection and Treatment
The City has an existing eight inch (8") sewer main in the Castillo Del Mar right of way,
which has adequate collection capacity to service the twenty-two (22) lot residential
development. The subdivision developer would be required to extend the eight inch (8")
sewer main to serve the project. The developer would also pay standard connection
and sewer impact fees to both the City and South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation
District (SSLOCSD) for offsite collection and transmission systems and treatment plant
improvements required to serve the new homes once constructed. The SSLOCSD
treatment plant has approximately 40% of design capacity available for planned
developments within Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Oceano. Annexation to
SSLOCSD as well as to the City of Arroyo Grande is requested as part of this
4. Storm Drainage
As part of VTTM 3048 environmental review, which includes a previously certified Final
Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for Tract 1789 (the originally approved 16-lot
subdivision) and Addendum for VTTM 3048, it was determined that the proposed
drainage facilities would be adequate. The storm drain system includes a network of
curb inlets and piping, and an outfall to a detention basin. An existing 36-inch culvert
will convey flow from the basin, similar to existing drainage patterns. A metering device
will be installed to control and limit peak flow rates.
5. Fire Protection (Including Paramedic and Ambulance)
The City of Arroyo Grande cooperates with the City of Grover Beach and the Oceano
Community Services District to provide emergency and non-emergency fire protection
services within their jurisdictions pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement signed in 2010,
which established the "Five Cities Fire Authority". The City of Arroyo Grande operates
from its headquarters fire station located at the corner of Station Way and Traffic Way
(addressed 140 Traffic Way) near Freeway 101 and Branch Street in the Village, less
than a mile north of the proposed annexation. Estimated emergency response time to
Castillo Del Mar at the southeast City limit is three (3) to five (5) minutes, depending on
traffic conditions. The Five City Fire Authority also provides mutual aid emergency
responses outside City limits to incorporated Arroyo Grande fringe areas that would
otherwise have more than ten to fifteen (10-15 minutes) response time from the nearest
County Fire Department (CDF) stations located at the San Luis Obispo Airport on
Highway 227 or the Nipomo CSD Fire Station.
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The Five Cities Fire Authority currently has twenty-one (21) paid employees, one (1)
division chief, one (1) full-time administrator, one (1) part time administrative assistant,
two (2) chaplains, and twenty (20) reserve volunteers. The City's fire fleet includes the
3 —Type I Fire Engines
1 — Reserve Type I Fire Engine
1 — 100'Aerial Platform (Truck)
1 —Type III Brush Engine
1 —Type IV Patrol (Dunes Response)
1 —Type II Urban Search & Rescue/Breathing Support Unit
1 — Cal OES Fire Engine
1 — Squad (Medical)
2 —Command Vehicles
The level of fire protection service provided to the annexed territory will be the same as
provided to the rest of the City.
6. Police Services (Including Law Enforcement)
The Arroyo Grande Police Department provides a variety of law enforcement and
community services. Police services are based at 200 North Halcyon Road. The
Arroyo Grande Police Department has thirty-five (35) dedicated full-time employees with
a budget in fiscal year 2013 of approximately $5,889,173. In addition, the Department
has five (5) part-time employees, two (2) Neighborhood Services Technicians, one (1)
Fleet and Equipment Technician, one (1) Training Manager and fifty-two (52)
community volunteers who assist the organization by participating in several programs
such as Citizens Assisting Police, the South County Police Volunteers, Police Chaplain,
Citizen Academy, Explorer Post and the Community Advisory Council.
The organizational structure consists of two (2) major divisions; Patrol Services and
Support Services, each led by a Commander. The remainder of the full-time team
includes five (5) Sergeants, sixteen (16) Police Officers, one (1) Executive Secretary,
one (1) Support Services Supervisor and six (6) Support Services Technicians.
Resources are allocated to the Police Department through the City's 2-year budget and
financial plan process. Requests for additional resources are weighed against other
potential uses of the City's General Fund. The City expects that service demands and
revenues both will increase slightly upon annexation.
Police Department personnel, support services, technical equipment and vehicle fleet
enables an average response time of less than four (4) minutes for most of the City,
including the proposed annexation area. Police patrols would add the extension of
Castillo Del Mar and two Cul-de-sacs to their coverage and provide an emergency
response time of less than four (4) minutes to calls from the proposed annexation area
when developed.
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The level of police service provided to the annexed territory will be the same as
provided to the rest of the City.
7. Parks and Recreation Facilities
The Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan establishes a standard of four
(4) acres of parkland per 1,000 City residents. To accomplish this, development
proposals are required either to dedicate land and/or pay in-lieu fees. Although there is
not an active park facility approved for the project, it does contain a 14.87-acre parcel
for perpetual open space and oak woodland preservation that could be used for passive
recreation purposes. Currently there are no formal plans to establish a trail system
within the open space easement. However, this can be accomplished at a later date if
the City and/or project residents determine it desirable and feasible.
There are several community parks and recreation facilities and programs located within
the City, including Rancho Grande Park, Elm Street Park and the Soto Sports Complex.
These facilities are available to South County residents regardless of whether they live
within the City limits. The City utilizes the Quimby Act for new residential developments,
which requires the developer to pay park, recreation and community facilities in-lieu and
impact fees for the twenty-two (22) lots. Some recreation programs also require user
fees which cover a portion of the actual costs, and allow City residents a reduced rate
compared to non-City residents.
8. Community Development Services
The Community Development Department of the City of Arroyo Grande provides
planning, building and engineering services, including environmental impact, design and
development review for public and private projects within the City's jurisdiction. VTTM
3048 was processed through the County and approved by the County Planning
Commission. The conditions of approval were generated with the City's input. There
are ninety-nine (99) City conditions that apply should the project be annexed within the
City. Once annexed, the City would review the improvement plans and other
documents per the conditions of approval. A special condition was added that requires
the applicant to submit design guidelines for review and approval by the Architectural
Review Committee, allowing for the City to have general design control over the
9. Public Works Maintenance Services
As noted above, the annexation area would be developed pursuant to VTTM 3048 with
new public works constructed by the private developer subject to subsequent conditions
of approval and subdivision agreement. Required water distribution, sewer collection,
curbs, gutters, sidewalk and street improvements will be inspected during construction
and accepted by the City for future public works maintenance.
10. General Municipal Administration
The City of Arroyo Grande will provide for municipal services within the annexed
territory such as elections, public notices, development review, building permits and
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inspections, subdivision review, permitting and inspecting public improvements, and
code enforcement. Arroyo Grande City government will provide for development review
of the project in accordance with the conditions of approval. Code enforcement
activities in the annexed territory will be provided by two (2) part-time staff members in
the Police Department, in coordination with the Community Development Department
and the City Attorney's Office.
The proposed annexation and development of twenty-two (22) new Residential Hillside
homesites does not significantly alter the City of Arroyo Grande's general municipal
administrative service needs. No new personnel will be required to provide municipal
services to the future new Residential Hillside development due to its relatively limited
size, location adjoining existing Residential Hillside (City) and Residential Suburban
(County) subdivisions, and proposed efficient extension of public infrastructure.
11. Circulation
The primary objective of the City has been to provide an additional access route behind
the high school to relieve existing traffic congestion on Orchard Street caused by the
high school and to provide safe, alternative access routes for students and the general
public. The intent of the MOU was to allow vehicle access from the project site through
the City in exchange for significantly improved circulation provided by the extension of
Castillo Del Mar. Additionally, in exchange for rezoning of Lucia Mar Unified School
District (the "District") land, the City received from the District an irrevocable offer of
dedication of the roadway behind the high school. Funding from the developer to widen
and realign the roadway and extend it to Valley Road was necessary to complete the
road project. The City subsequently approved the General Plan amendment and
rezoning for the 10 acres owned by the District; the District has transferred the road
easement to the City; and the City has constructed a portion of the bike lane
improvements associated with the roadway extension.
12. Public Transit
Although low density Residential Hillside development is not conducive to public
transportation services, the proximity of this annexation and subdivision is convenient to
the existing South County bus route and stop at the high school on Fair Oaks Avenue
Transit services are provided by The Regional Transit Authority (RTA) of San Luis
Obispo Council of Governments, SLOCOG.
13. Solid Waste and Recycling
Garbage, greenwaste and recycling services are provided to both City of Arroyo Grande
and unincorporated area residential customers by the South County Sanitary Service.
Integrated Waste Management and municipal franchise agreements monitor and
regulate service requirements and rates. The potential impacts of twenty-two (22)
Residential Hillside homes are less than significant to Cold Canyon landfill disposal and
recycling capacities.
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14. Affordable Housing
The City's General Plan Housing Element provides for affordable housing
developments, including inclusionary housing policies for new residential subdivisions
within the City. VTTM 3048 will contribute in-lieu fees for off-site development of very
low and low income rental housing on an appropriate Multi Family or Mixed Use zoned
infill property within the City to be determined after annexation and subdivision
15. Hospital/Health Care Dignity Health owns and operates the Arroyo Grande
Community Hospital located at Halcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue in the City. Other
private health care services are also available regardless of City or unincorporated
County residence. The City Fire Department emergency response includes paramedic
services and private ambulance company services are also available. The impacts of
twenty-two (22) Residential Hillside homesites is less than significant whether within the
City or unincorporated Arroyo Grande fringe area of the County.
16. Schools
Lucia Mar Unified School District and Cuesta Community College District provide public
education facilities and services to the South San Luis Obispo County area regardless
of City or County residence. The nearest elementary school is Harloe School, which is
located about a half mile away from the project site on the southwest corner of Fair
Oaks Avenue and Halcyon Road. Paulding Middle School is located on Crown Hill less
than a mile away, and Arroyo Grande High School is located close to the project site on
Fair Oaks Avenue and Valley Road. Cuesta College currently provides evening classes
and other student services from Arroyo Grande High School as well as the San Luis
Obispo main campus. The impacts of twenty-two (22) proposed Residential Hillside
homesites within the annexation are less than significant with standard mitigation of
development impact fees associated with new subdivisions in both City and County
17. Summary of Conclusions
The proposed annexation and future development of VTTM 3048 are feasible with
implementation of the conditions and mitigation measures considered as part of VTTM
3048 approval. City water distribution and sanitary sewer collection mains would be
extended to serve the twenty-two (22) Residential Hillside homesites and the drainage
improvements would provide for adequate storage and conveyance of 100-year storm
events. City fire and police services, parks and recreation facilities and services are
also adequate to serve the proposed annexation and subdivision. Community
Development, Public Works Maintenance and General Municipal Administration are
also capable of serving the proposed annexation with less than significant impact to
existing personnel and facilities. In summary, the proposed annexation will provide for
more appropriate development than the County Residential Suburban alternative.
Providing water supply to the project by means of water retrofit offsets at a 2:1 ratio is a
more appropriate source of water supply than groundwater from a private water
HVDM Annexation - Plan for Services
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purveyor under the County's jurisdiction. The water can be better managed and would
avoid negatively impacting projected groundwater supply.
End Plan for Services
I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached
Resolution No. 4577 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and
adopted at a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 8th
day of April, 2014.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 10th day of
April, 2014.