R 2987 RE3OLUrION ID. ~li.\!.Z~ A RESOI11l'ION OF THE CITY <XXJN:IL OF THE CITY OF AI9JY0 GRAIDE ~TIOO AUl'IDUZATION 'ID crmE VARI<XE STREE:l'S FOR THE ARroYO VALLEY ctI3'1m CAR SIm WHEREAS , organizers of the 1993 Arroyo Valley CUstan Car Show have requested closure of portions of Mason, Bridge, Nelson, and Short Streets and the Olohan Alley/City Hall Parking Lot for the annual custan autanobile exhibition on Saturday, July 31, 1993, and WHEREAS, menbers of the Arroyo Valley Car Club will be responsible for - traffic control and cleanup at the show. H:M, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUOCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF ARROYO GRAIDE HERE23Y RESOLVES AS F'OI.UH3: 1. That Mason Street, from Branch Street to Nelson Street, shall be closed from 6:30 to lO:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 31, 1993, for the purposes of registration of car show participants; 2. That Bridge Street, from Branch Street to Traffic waYI Nelson Street to Mason Street, with the intersection at Short Street remaining clear and open; Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan AlleYI and the Old1an Alley/City Hall Parking Lot, shall be closed from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on July 3l, 1993, for the purposes of displaying the custan cars; 3. That the Arroyo Valley Car Club will present a wr itten plan for approval to the Police Department regarding traffic control by Friday, July 23, 1993. The plan rust specify traffic control Jreasures, use of barricades, designated signing, and detour routes to be utilized between 6:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on the day of the car show; 4. That the Arroyo Valley Car Club will amere to certain requireJrents and conditions as set forth by the Fire Department regarding food booths and outdoor events; and 5. That Jrenbers of the Arroyo Valley Car Club will be responsible for the proper amount of restroom facilities and cleanup of affected areas after the show. On motion of Council Menber ..aUl:Ke... ... ... , seconded by Courx:il Menber ..~Qu<la .. ... .. .. ... , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Burke, Souza, Brandy, Moots and Mayor Gallagher I IDES: None I I ABSENl': None I the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of May, 1993. / - ( /' ~( I j;t;;, MA'rl'Im'l Pm'ER 7' ATl'ES'I': 't~ a.. ~'~A) NAOCY DAVIS, CI'l'Y CLERK I _n_,J~cm~ I - I, NAOCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San IA.1is Cbispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. ~2UZ~ is a true, full, and correct copy of said I Resolution passed and adopted this 25th day of May, 1993. I WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this 27thday of May, 1993. , ~~~q.:~~ I NAOCY A. ~, CI'l'Y CLERK I _...M_.~.______._..~.____ -------------- --- I