Minutes 2014-10-8 SP ACTION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tony Ferrara called the special meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council Member Tim Brown, Council Member Kristen Barneich, Mayor Pro Tern Jim Guthrie, Mayor Ferrara, City Attorney Timothy Carmel, and City Clerk Kelly Wetmore were present. Council Member Joe Costello was absent. Mayor Ferrara led the Flag Salute. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Ferrara invited public comment on any item on the Agenda. Speaking from the public were: Patty Welsh, Arroyo Grande, commented that the meeting should have been held in the evening when people could attend and stating concerns that should be addressed in the investigation; LeAnn Akins, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns regarding the early meeting time and the current leadership of the City; Otis Page, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns regarding the process for selection by the Council of an independent investigator and requested the Council ask the office of the District Attorney to select the investigator; Beatrice Spencer, Arroyo Grande, expressed concern about the results of the initial investigation and that the focus and scope of a second investigation needs to address the actions of the Council; Chuck Fellows, Arroyo Grande, commented that the Police Officers Association (POA) declined to be included in the selection of the investigator; Vanessa Andrews, Arroyo Grande, supported the second investigation, commented that the POA has a conflict of interest in choosing an investigator, expressed concerns about what connections the investigator might have to the City, and stated the City Manager should be put on leave; Aleji Davar, referred to public comments and wondered if it was representative of the City's population, and urged the Council to be objective and not be intimidated by special interests; Doug Perrin, San Luis Obispo, thanked Council for its dedication to the City, acknowledged that Council decisions are made in the best interest of the City, and spoke in support of City staff; Shirley Gibson; Halcyon, " commented that she has disagreed with Council decisions on projects in the past, however, she attends meetings to shape policy and wondered where the public is when policy decisions are being made, and spoke in support of the Council and staff, John Mack, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns about the early meeting time, that it should be continued to the evening in order to allow people to attend, and requested the Council include the people in the decision making process; April McLaughlin, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns about the early meeting time; and Colleen Martin, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns about Brown Act violations, meeting times, lack of transparency, hiding items under personnel matters in closed session, meeting minutes that don't make sense, personnel regulations that pertain to few, unprofessional actions, the public process and scope of the investigation, impacts to the City and staff, and a request to put the City Manager on leave pending the results of the investigation. Minutes of City Council Special Meeting October 8, 2014 Page 2 " 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH SINTRA GROUP INVESTIGATIONS (GUTHRIE/BROWN) Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie provided an overview and timeline of how the Council Subcommittee reviewed and selected Chuck Hookstra; from Sintra Group Investigations, as the investigator; • explained why the meeting was scheduled this morning so that the contract could be executed and the investigation-could begin as soon as possible; and reviewed the scope of work. He • stated that there would be a public report and that there would be a public meeting for the review of the report. Council Member Brown commented on the selection of Sintra Group and noted that they have no prior connection to the City. He asked the public to let the investigation take place and that there would be an opportunity to review and comment on the report at a public meeting. Mayor Ferrara called for a recess at 9:45 a.m. The Council reconvened at 9:48 a.m. Council questions and comments ensued regarding selection of the investigator, the length and cost of the investigation, thanking the Sheriffs Department for their role in the process; conduct of public meetings as it relates to public comment; clarification that the District Attorney does not get involved in these matters unless it is criminal in nature; and that the process would be as transparent as possible to the extent allowed by law. Action: Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie moved to approve the Contract for Services with Sintra Group Investigations. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll- f call vote: AYES: Guthrie, Brown, Barneich, Ferrara NOES: None . ABSENT: Costello 5. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 10:00 a.m. JTTEST: 1 -5i Hill, Mayor or / / / US2646(ea._ Kelly -tmor/., City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg lalagiob(41 ) •