Minutes 2014-11-19 SP ACTION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2014 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Council Members Tim Brown, Kristen Barneich, Joe Costello, and Mayor Pro Tern Jim Guthrie were present. Mayor Tony Ferrara was absent. Staff present were City Attorney Tim Carmel and City Clerk Kelly Wetmore. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie led the Flag Salute. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie invited public comment on any item on the Agenda. Speaking from the public were: Patty Welsh, commented on the investigation; Otis Page, thanked Council Member Joe Costello for his service to the City; Jim Hill, thanked Council Member Joe Costello for his many years of service on the Council; Alegi Davar, commented on the investigation report; Colleen Martin, commented on the investigation, the need for the Council to take immediate action to remove City Manager Adams from his position, and that it was time to apologize to the community, employees, and AGPOA; Michael Andrews, commented on the Mayor's recent statements provided to the Santa Maria Times, commented on the July 3rd incident, and spoke in support of the Police Department; Glen Martin, commented on the July 3`d incident and lack of action taken by the Council, and expressed concerns about Brown Act violations regarding previous closed session meetings; Vanessa Andrews, commented that the original police reports and a follow up investigation by a third party with no conflict of interest would have been sufficient, expressed concerns about the investigation process, and stated that Mr. Adams should be terminated tonight; Jim Hill, referred to the closed session item, asked the Council to accept Mr. Adams' resignation effective immediately with no further action such as termination for cause or special compensatory action, requested appointment of a Director as Acting City Manager until an Interim Manager can be appointed by the incoming Council, and requested that no action be taken to engage any employee search organization until the incoming Council is seated, and thanked Mr. Adams for his good service to the City; April McLaughlin, expressed concern about closed session meetings; Will Power, congratulated the newly elected Council members and expressed concerns about how the attitudes of some people have impacted the residents of Arroyo Grande; Beatrice Spencer, commented on the public investigation report and stated that the report did not reveal anything they did not already know, and expressed concern about the City's legal exposure had the Council received better legal counsel; and LeAnn Akins, commented on statements made in the investigation report. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: 5.a. Correction to September 9, 2014 City Council Action Minutes. Recommended Action: Approve an amendment to Page 7, Item 17 of the September 9, 2014 City Council Meeting Action Minutes, as follows: Minutes of City Council Special Meeting November 19, 2014 Page 2 City Attorney Carmel reported that there was no formal reportable action taken under the Brown Act; however, the City Council asked him to announce that they would not be moving forward with an outside investigation of the July 3rd incident. Action: Council Member Costello moved to approve an amendment to Page 7, Item 17 of the September 9, 2014 City Council Meeting Action Minutes. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Brown, Barneich, Guthrie, NOES: None ABSENT: Ferrara 6. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: At 6:35 p.m., Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie adjourned the meeting to closed session to consider the following item: Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager 7. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie reconvened the meeting to open session and announced that the City Council decided to accept Steve Adams' resignation and immediately place him on paid administrative leave until an Interim Manager is hired. He stated the motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie, seconded by Council Member Barneich, and the vote was unanimous. 8. NEW BUSINESS: 8.a. Presentation By Sintra Group Regarding Investigation of July 3, 2014 Incident at City Hall Chuck Hookstra and Peter Ruggiero, Sintra Group, provided a summary of the investigation report. Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie invited public comment. Speaking from the public regarding the investigation report were Vanessa Andrews, Colleen Martin, Alegi Davar, Julie Tacker, and Carole Henson. Chuck Hookstra responded to questions from the Council and public. Council comments ensued regarding the investigation report and its conclusions, and the need for the City to move forward with City business. No formal action was taken on this item. 5. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 p.m. Minutes of City Council Special Meeting November 19,2014 Page 3 Ji Hill, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly W tm•/e, City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg /-13-09-015 )