R 2951 ! i RESOLUTION NO. 2951 A RESOLUTION OF 1HE CITY COUNCIL OF 1HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING 1HE COUNTY TO NEGOTIATE A NEW AMBULANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN 1HE CmES AND THE COUNTY AND DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGERS/FIRE CHIEFS COMMI'ITEE ON AMBULANCE AS 1HE BARGAINING GROUP FOR THE CITIES. WHEREAS, the cities and the county entered into a contract for the regulation of ambulance services countywide in 1976; and WHEREAS, the cities in February, 1989, expressed a strong interest to the county in seeing those contract: modified to provide for local input, improved levels of service and performance standards; and .- WHEREAS, the cities and county staff entered into discussion.~ on this issue with no resolution to the identified problems; and WHEREAS, the seven cities have all voided the 1976 ambulance services contract between the cities and the county; and WHEREAS, the cities desire a system-wide approach to providing emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, numerous problems have been identified by the cities, grand jury and professional con.~ultants paid for by the county and ambulance providers; and WHEREAS, the Health and Safety Code Section 1797.204 defines an emergency medical system as an organized pattern of readiness of response services based on public and private agreements; and WHEREAS, the Health and Safety Code Section 1797.252 states, 'The local EMS Agency (County) shall, con.~istent with such plan, coordinate and facilitate arran~ements neces.~ary to develop the Emergency Medical Service system." WHEREAS, the cities desire to see a Joint Powers Agency, or some other appropriate mechanisn established to involve cities in oversight, direction and modification of ambulance services countywide; am -.- WHEREAS, the cities desire to participate in the decision-making proces.~, as it pertain.~ to the providing of pre-h(tSpital medical care, to their resident.~. NOW, 'IHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Arroyo Grande request.~ the County Board of Supervisprs to assign and direct County staff to negotiate in good faith with the cities in an attempt to resolve tIiIe long-standing problems which exist with the delivery. of pre-hospital mediC'.u care countywide. BE IT F~1HER RESOLVED that the City of Arroyo Grande is committed through the joint efforts of the City ~anagers/Fire Chiefs committee on ambulance services, to resolve problem~ as.~ociated with the provisiOl,t Df ambulance services within the cities and county. On mot~ of Council Member Douqall . seconded by Council Member ~s and on ~ following roll call vote to wit: AYES: <tIuncil MaOOers Dougall, M:Jots, Gallagher, SIni th and Mayor Millis NOES: liIone ABSENT: None th, '''''go''' =lution "'" P'-"" "'" ""-' tm.. 2~~"",, - KM. W, AYOR ATIEST: ~a. ~ NANCY A. DA VI , CITY CLERK -- ,- A'ITORNEY -~.- ----- ----.---" RESOWl'ION ro. 2951 I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2951 is a true, full and correct copy of said Hesolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 22nd day of September, 1992. .-- WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 25th day of September, 1992. . CLERK ---,~.._. ---.--- ---, .....-.- - ---- -,----._...-